browser.js |
0 |
from |
invoked.js |
esid: sec-%typedarray%
description: Throw a TypeError exception if directly invoked.
info: | %TypedArray% ( )
1. Throw a TypeError Exception
Note: ES2016 replaces all the references for the %TypedArray% constructor to a
single chapter covering all arguments cases.
includes: [testTypedArray.js]
features: [TypedArray]
--- |
1408 |
length.js |
esid: sec-%typedarray%
description: >
TypedArray has a "length" property whose value is 0.
info: |
%TypedArray% ( )
The length property of the %TypedArray% constructor function is 0.
17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects
Unless otherwise specified, the length property of a built-in function
object has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false,
[[Configurable]]: true }.
includes: [propertyHelper.js, testTypedArray.js]
features: [TypedArray]
--- |
827 |
name.js |
esid: sec-%typedarray%
description: >
TypedArray has a 'name' property whose value is "TypedArray".
info: |
22.2.2 Properties of the %TypedArray% Intrinsic Object
Besides a length property whose value is 3 and a name property whose value is
"TypedArray", %TypedArray% has the following properties:
ES6 section 17: Unless otherwise specified, the name property of a built-in
Function object, if it exists, has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false,
[[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
includes: [propertyHelper.js, testTypedArray.js]
features: [TypedArray]
--- |
937 |
of |
out-of-bounds-behaves-like-detached.js |
esid: sec-isvalidintegerindex
description: >
TypedArrays backed by resizable buffers that are out-of-bounds behave
as if they were detached
includes: [resizableArrayBufferUtils.js]
features: [resizable-arraybuffer]
--- |
843 |
out-of-bounds-get-and-set.js |
esid: sec-isvalidintegerindex
description: >
Getting and setting in-bounds and out-of-bounds indices on TypedArrays backed
by resizable buffers.
includes: [resizableArrayBufferUtils.js]
features: [resizable-arraybuffer]
--- |
2006 |
out-of-bounds-has.js |
esid: sec-isvalidintegerindex
description: >
In-bound indices are testable with `in` on TypedArrays backed by resizable buffers.
info: |
IsValidIntegerIndex ( O, index )
6. Let length be IntegerIndexedObjectLength(O, getBufferByteLength).
7. If length is out-of-bounds or ℝ(index) < 0 or ℝ(index) ≥ length, return false.
includes: [resizableArrayBufferUtils.js]
features: [resizable-arraybuffer]
--- |
1520 |
prototype |
prototype.js |
esid: sec-%typedarray%
description: >
"prototype" property of TypedArray
info: | %TypedArray%.prototype
This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]:
false, [[Configurable]]: false }.
includes: [propertyHelper.js, testTypedArray.js]
features: [TypedArray]
--- |
660 |
resizable-buffer-length-tracking-1.js |
esid: sec-arraybuffer-length
description: >
Basic functionality of length-tracking TypedArrays backed by resizable
includes: [resizableArrayBufferUtils.js]
features: [resizable-arraybuffer]
--- |
1861 |
resizable-buffer-length-tracking-2.js |
esid: sec-arraybuffer-length
description: >
Length-tracking TypedArrays backed by resizable buffers with offsets
behave correctly
includes: [resizableArrayBufferUtils.js]
features: [resizable-arraybuffer]
--- |
2687 |
shell.js |
description: |
Provide a list for original and expected values for different byte
This helper is mostly used on tests for TypedArray and DataView, and each
array from the expected values must match the original values array on every
index containing its original value.
defines: [byteConversionValues]
--- |
30649 |
Symbol.species |