Name Description Size
browser.js 0
cross-realm.js --- esid: sec-regexp.escape description: escape called with a RegExp object from another realm features: [RegExp.escape, cross-realm] --- 748
escaped-control-characters.js --- esid: sec-encodeforregexescape description: Encodes control characters with their ControlEscape sequences info: | EncodeForRegExpEscape ( c ) 2. If c is the code point listed in some cell of the “Code Point” column of Table 64, then a. Return the string-concatenation of 0x005C (REVERSE SOLIDUS) and the string in the “ControlEscape” column of the row whose “Code Point” column contains c. ControlEscape, Numeric Value, Code Point, Unicode Name, Symbol t 9 U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION <HT> n 10 U+000A LINE FEED (LF) <LF> v 11 U+000B LINE TABULATION <VT> f 12 U+000C FORM FEED (FF) <FF> r 13 U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) <CR> features: [RegExp.escape] --- 1229
escaped-lineterminator.js --- esid: sec-regexp.escape description: Escaped lineterminator characters (simple assertions) info: | EncodeForRegExpEscape ( c ) ... 3. Let otherPunctuators be the string-concatenation of ",-=<>#&!%:;@~'`" and the code unit 0x0022 (QUOTATION MARK). 4. Let toEscape be StringToCodePoints(otherPunctuators). 5. If toEscape ..., c is matched by WhiteSpace or LineTerminator, ..., then a. If c ≤ 0xFF, then i. Let hex be Number::toString(𝔽(c), 16). ii. Return the string-concatenation of the code unit 0x005C (REVERSE SOLIDUS), "x", and StringPad(hex, 2, "0", START). b. Let escaped be the empty String. c. Let codeUnits be UTF16EncodeCodePoint(c). d. For each code unit cu of codeUnits, do i. Set escaped to the string-concatenation of escaped and UnicodeEscape(cu). e. Return escaped. 6. Return UTF16EncodeCodePoint(c). LineTerminator :: <LF> <CR> <LS> <PS> Exceptions: 2. If c is the code point listed in some cell of the “Code Point” column of Table 64, then a. Return the string-concatenation of 0x005C (REVERSE SOLIDUS) and the string in the “ControlEscape” column of the row whose “Code Point” column contains c. ControlEscape, Numeric Value, Code Point, Unicode Name, Symbol t 9 U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION <HT> n 10 U+000A LINE FEED (LF) <LF> v 11 U+000B LINE TABULATION <VT> f 12 U+000C FORM FEED (FF) <FF> r 13 U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) <CR> features: [RegExp.escape] --- 2270
escaped-otherpunctuators.js --- esid: sec-regexp.escape description: Escaped other punctuators characters info: | EncodeForRegExpEscape ( c ) ... 3. Let otherPunctuators be the string-concatenation of ",-=<>#&!%:;@~'`" and the code unit 0x0022 (QUOTATION MARK). 4. Let toEscape be StringToCodePoints(otherPunctuators). 5. If toEscape contains c, (...), then a. If c ≤ 0xFF, then i. Let hex be Number::toString(𝔽(c), 16). ii. Return the string-concatenation of the code unit 0x005C (REVERSE SOLIDUS), "x", and StringPad(hex, 2, "0", START). b. Let escaped be the empty String. c. Let codeUnits be UTF16EncodeCodePoint(c). d. For each code unit cu of codeUnits, do i. Set escaped to the string-concatenation of escaped and UnicodeEscape(cu). e. Return escaped. 6. Return UTF16EncodeCodePoint(c). codePoints 0x002c , 0x002d - 0x003d = 0x003c < 0x003e > 0x0023 # 0x0026 & 0x0021 ! 0x0025 % 0x003a : 0x003b ; 0x0040 @ 0x007e ~ 0x0027 ' 0x0060 ` 0x0022 " features: [RegExp.escape] --- 1950
escaped-solidus-character-mixed.js --- esid: sec-regexp.escape description: Escaped U+002F (SOLIDUS) characters (mixed assertions) info: | EncodeForRegExpEscape ( c ) 1. If c is matched by SyntaxCharacter or c is U+002F (SOLIDUS), then a. Return the string-concatenation of 0x005C (REVERSE SOLIDUS) and UTF16EncodeCodePoint(c). features: [RegExp.escape] --- 1077
escaped-solidus-character-simple.js --- esid: sec-regexp.escape description: Escaped U+002F (SOLIDUS) character (simple assertions) info: | EncodeForRegExpEscape ( c ) 1. If c is matched by SyntaxCharacter or c is U+002F (SOLIDUS), then a. Return the string-concatenation of 0x005C (REVERSE SOLIDUS) and UTF16EncodeCodePoint(c). features: [RegExp.escape] --- 1098
escaped-surrogates.js --- esid: sec-encodeforregexescape description: Encodes surrogates correctly info: | EncodeForRegExpEscape ( c ) 4. Let toEscape be StringToCodePoints(otherPunctuators). 5. If toEscape contains c, c is matched by WhiteSpace or LineTerminator, or c has the same numeric value as a leading surrogate or trailing surrogate, then a. If c ≤ 0xFF, then ... b. Let escaped be the empty String. c. Let codeUnits be UTF16EncodeCodePoint(c). d. For each code unit cu of codeUnits, do i. Set escaped to the string-concatenation of escaped and UnicodeEscape(cu). e. Return escaped. 6. Return UTF16EncodeCodePoint(c). features: [RegExp.escape] --- 12657
escaped-syntax-characters-mixed.js --- esid: sec-regexp.escape description: Escaped characters (mixed assertions) info: | RegExp.escape ( string ) This method produces a new string in which certain characters have been escaped. These characters are: . * + ? ^ $ | ( ) [ ] { } \ features: [RegExp.escape] --- 2436
escaped-syntax-characters-simple.js --- esid: sec-regexp.escape description: Escaped characters (simple assertions) info: | RegExp.escape ( string ) This method produces a new string in which certain characters have been escaped. These characters are: . * + ? ^ $ | ( ) [ ] { } \ features: [RegExp.escape] --- 1854
escaped-utf16encodecodepoint.js --- esid: sec-encodeforregexescape description: UTF16EncodeCodePoint is called for remaining codepoints info: | EncodeForRegExpEscape ( c ) 3. Let otherPunctuators be the string-concatenation of ",-=<>#&!%:;@~'`" and the code unit 0x0022 (QUOTATION MARK). 4. Let toEscape be StringToCodePoints(otherPunctuators). 5. If toEscape contains c, c is matched by WhiteSpace or LineTerminator, or c has the same numeric value as a leading surrogate or trailing surrogate, then ... 6. Return UTF16EncodeCodePoint(c). features: [RegExp.escape] --- 2689
escaped-whitespace.js --- esid: sec-regexp.escape description: Escaped WhiteSpace characters (simple assertions) info: | EncodeForRegExpEscape ( c ) ... 3. Let otherPunctuators be the string-concatenation of ",-=<>#&!%:;@~'`" and the code unit 0x0022 (QUOTATION MARK). 4. Let toEscape be StringToCodePoints(otherPunctuators). 5. If toEscape ..., c is matched by WhiteSpace or LineTerminator, ..., then a. If c ≤ 0xFF, then i. Let hex be Number::toString(𝔽(c), 16). ii. Return the string-concatenation of the code unit 0x005C (REVERSE SOLIDUS), "x", and StringPad(hex, 2, "0", START). b. Let escaped be the empty String. c. Let codeUnits be UTF16EncodeCodePoint(c). d. For each code unit cu of codeUnits, do i. Set escaped to the string-concatenation of escaped and UnicodeEscape(cu). e. Return escaped. 6. Return UTF16EncodeCodePoint(c). WhiteSpace :: <TAB> U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION <VT> U+000B LINE TABULATION <FF> U+000C FORM FEED (FF) <ZWNBSP> U+FEFF ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE <USP> U+0020 (SPACE) and U+00A0 (NO-BREAK SPACE) code points are part of <USP> Other USP U+202F NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE Exceptions: 2. If c is the code point listed in some cell of the “Code Point” column of Table 64, then a. Return the string-concatenation of 0x005C (REVERSE SOLIDUS) and the string in the “ControlEscape” column of the row whose “Code Point” column contains c. ControlEscape, Numeric Value, Code Point, Unicode Name, Symbol t 9 U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION <HT> n 10 U+000A LINE FEED (LF) <LF> v 11 U+000B LINE TABULATION <VT> f 12 U+000C FORM FEED (FF) <FF> r 13 U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) <CR> features: [RegExp.escape] --- 2647
initial-char-escape.js --- esid: sec-regexp.escape description: Escapes the initial character if it is a decimal digit or an ASCII letter info: | RegExp.escape ( string ) 1. If S is not a String, throw a TypeError exception. 2. Let escaped be the empty String. 3. Let cpList be StringToCodePoints(S). 4. For each code point c in cpList, do a. If escaped is the empty String, and c is matched by DecimalDigit or AsciiLetter, then i. NOTE: Escaping a leading digit ensures that output corresponds with pattern text which may be used after a \0 character escape or a DecimalEscape such as \1 and still match S rather than be interpreted as an extension of the preceding escape sequence. Escaping a leading ASCII letter does the same for the context after \c. ii. Let numericValue be the numeric value of c. iii. Let hex be Number::toString(𝔽(numericValue), 16). iv. Assert: The length of hex is 2. v. Set escaped to the string-concatenation of the code unit 0x005C (REVERSE SOLIDUS), "x", and hex. b. Else, i. Set escaped to the string-concatenation of escaped and EncodeForRegExpEscape(c). 5. Return escaped. features: [RegExp.escape] --- 14098
is-function.js --- esid: sec-regexp.escape description: RegExp.escape is a function info: | RegExp.escape is a built-in function of the RegExp object. features: [RegExp.escape] --- 570
length.js --- esid: sec-regexp.escape description: > RegExp.escape.length property descriptor info: | 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [RegExp.escape] --- 634
name.js --- esid: sec-regexp.escape description: > property descriptor info: | 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [RegExp.escape] --- 637
non-string-inputs.js --- esid: sec-regexp.escape description: Non-string inputs throw a TypeError info: | RegExp.escape ( string ) This method throws a TypeError if the input is not a string. features: [RegExp.escape] --- 1221
not-a-constructor.js --- esid: sec-regexp.escape description: > RegExp.escape does not implement [[Construct]], is not new-able info: | ECMAScript Function Objects Built-in function objects that are not identified as constructors do not implement the [[Construct]] internal method unless otherwise specified in the description of a particular function. sec-evaluatenew ... 7. If IsConstructor(constructor) is false, throw a TypeError exception. ... includes: [isConstructor.js] features: [RegExp.escape, Reflect.construct] --- 1018
not-escaped-underscore.js --- esid: sec-encodeforregexescape description: Ensures the underscore character is not escaped info: | RegExp.escape ( string ) This method produces a new string in which certain characters have been escaped. These characters are: . * + ? ^ $ | ( ) [ ] { } \ , - = < > # & ! % : ; @ ~ ' ` " and white space or line terminators. features: [RegExp.escape] --- 1824
not-escaped.js --- esid: sec-regexp.escape description: Numbers and alphabetic characters are not escaped info: | RegExp.escape ( string ) This method produces a new string in which certain characters have been escaped. These characters are: . * + ? ^ $ | ( ) [ ] { } \ features: [RegExp.escape] --- 1452
prop-desc.js --- description: The property descriptor RegExp.escape esid: sec-regexp.escape info: | 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects features: [RegExp.escape] includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 607
shell.js 0