Name Description Size
bad-range.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Test range checking of Atomics.notify on arrays that allow atomic operations info: | Atomics.notify( typedArray, index, count ) 1. Let buffer be ? ValidateSharedIntegerTypedArray(typedArray, true). .. includes: [testAtomics.js] features: [ArrayBuffer, Atomics, DataView, SharedArrayBuffer, Symbol, TypedArray] --- 1057
browser.js 0
count-boundary-cases.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Allowed boundary cases for 'count' argument to Atomics.notify info: | Atomics.notify( typedArray, index, count ) ... 3. If count is undefined, let c be +∞. 4. Else, a. Let intCount be ? ToInteger(count). ... ToInteger ( argument ) 1. Let number be ? ToNumber(argument). 2. If number is NaN, return +0. 3. If number is +0, -0, +∞, or -∞, return number. 4. Return the number value that is the same sign as number and whose magnitude is floor(abs(number)). features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1809
count-defaults-to-infinity-missing.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Default to +Infinity when missing 'count' argument to Atomics.notify info: | Atomics.notify( typedArray, index, count ) ... 3. If count is undefined, let c be +∞. ... includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 2446
count-defaults-to-infinity-undefined.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Undefined count arg should result in an infinite count info: | Atomics.notify( typedArray, index, count ) 3.If count is undefined, let c be +∞. includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 2399
count-from-nans.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > NaNs are converted to 0 for 'count' argument to Atomics.notify info: | Atomics.notify( typedArray, index, count ) ... 3. If count is undefined, let c be +∞. 4. Else, a. Let intCount be ? ToInteger(count). ... ToInteger ( argument ) ... 2. If number is NaN, return +0. ... includes: [nans.js] features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1077
count-symbol-throws.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Return abrupt when symbol passed for 'count' argument to Atomics.notify info: | Atomics.notify( typedArray, index, count ) ... 3. If count is undefined, let c be +∞. 4. Else, a. Let intCount be ? ToInteger(count). ... features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 951
count-tointeger-throws-then-wake-throws.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Return abrupt when ToInteger throws an exception on 'count' argument to Atomics.notify info: | Atomics.notify( typedArray, index, count ) ... 3. If count is undefined, let c be +∞. 4. Else, a. Let intCount be ? ToInteger(count). ... features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1081
descriptor.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: Testing descriptor property of Atomics.notify includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [Atomics] --- 498
length.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Atomics.notify.length is 3. info: | Atomics.notify ( ia, index, count ) 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects: Every built-in Function object, including constructors, has a length property whose value is an integer. Unless otherwise specified, this value is equal to the largest number of named arguments shown in the subclause headings for the function description, including optional parameters. However, rest parameters shown using the form “” are not included in the default argument count. Unless otherwise specified, the length property of a built-in Function object has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }. includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [Atomics] --- 1258
name.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > is "notify". includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [Atomics] --- 577
negative-count.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Test that Atomics.notify notifies zero waiters if the count is negative includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1434
negative-index-throws.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Throws a RangeError is index < 0 info: | Atomics.notify( typedArray, index, count ) 2.Let i be ? ValidateAtomicAccess(typedArray, index). ... 2.Let accessIndex be ? ToIndex(requestIndex). ... 2.b If integerIndex < 0, throw a RangeError exception features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1361
non-int32-typedarray-throws.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Throws a TypeError if typedArray arg is not an Int32Array info: | Atomics.notify( typedArray, index, count ) 1.Let buffer be ? ValidateSharedIntegerTypedArray(typedArray, true). ... 5.If onlyInt32 is true, then If typeName is not "Int32Array", throw a TypeError exception. features: [Atomics, Float32Array, Float64Array, Int8Array, TypedArray, Uint16Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray] --- 2558
non-shared-bufferdata-count-evaluation-throws.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Evaluates count before returning 0, when TA.buffer is not a SharedArrayBuffer info: | Atomics.notify( typedArray, index, count ) Let buffer be ? ValidateIntegerTypedArray(typedArray, true). ... Else, Let intCount be ? ToInteger(count). Let c be max(intCount, 0). ... If IsSharedArrayBuffer(buffer) is false, return 0. features: [ArrayBuffer, Atomics, TypedArray] --- 927
non-shared-bufferdata-index-evaluation-throws.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Evaluates index before returning 0, when TA.buffer is not a SharedArrayBuffer info: | Atomics.notify( typedArray, index, count ) Let buffer be ? ValidateIntegerTypedArray(typedArray, true). Let i be ? ValidateAtomicAccess(typedArray, index). ... If IsSharedArrayBuffer(buffer) is false, return 0. features: [ArrayBuffer, Atomics, TypedArray] --- 895
non-shared-bufferdata-non-shared-int-views-throws.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Atomics.notify throws on non-shared integer TypedArrays features: [ArrayBuffer, Atomics, TypedArray] --- 1227
non-shared-bufferdata-returns-0.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Returns 0, when TA.buffer is not a SharedArrayBuffer info: | Atomics.notify( typedArray, index, count ) Let buffer be ? ValidateIntegerTypedArray(typedArray, true). ... If IsSharedArrayBuffer(buffer) is false, return 0. features: [ArrayBuffer, Atomics, TypedArray] --- 840
non-shared-int-views.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Test Atomics.notify on non-shared integer TypedArrays features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1408
non-views.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Test Atomics.notify on view values other than TypedArrays includes: [testAtomics.js] features: [ArrayBuffer, Atomics, DataView, SharedArrayBuffer, Symbol, TypedArray] --- 826
not-a-constructor.js --- esid: sec-ecmascript-standard-built-in-objects description: > Atomics.notify does not implement [[Construct]], is not new-able info: | ECMAScript Function Objects Built-in function objects that are not identified as constructors do not implement the [[Construct]] internal method unless otherwise specified in the description of a particular function. sec-evaluatenew ... 7. If IsConstructor(constructor) is false, throw a TypeError exception. ... includes: [isConstructor.js] features: [Reflect.construct, Atomics, arrow-function, TypedArray, SharedArrayBuffer] --- 1272
not-a-typedarray-throws.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Throws a TypeError if the typedArray arg is not a TypedArray object info: | Atomics.notify( typedArray, index, count ) 1.Let buffer be ? ValidateSharedIntegerTypedArray(typedArray, true). ... 3.If typedArray does not have a [[TypedArrayName]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception. features: [Atomics] --- 901
not-an-object-throws.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Throws a TypeError if typedArray arg is not an Object info: | Atomics.notify( typedArray, index, count ) 1.Let buffer be ? ValidateSharedIntegerTypedArray(typedArray, true). ... 2. if Type(typedArray) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception features: [Atomics, Symbol] --- 1360
notify-all-on-loc.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Test that Atomics.notify notifies all waiters on a location, but does not notify waiters on other locations. includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 3325
notify-all.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Test that Atomics.notify notifies all waiters if that's what the count is. includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1877
notify-in-order-one-time.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Test that Atomics.notify notifies agents in the order they are waiting. includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 2446
notify-in-order.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Test that Atomics.notify notifies agents in the order they are waiting. includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 2446
notify-nan.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Test that Atomics.nofity nofities zero waiters if the count is NaN includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1498
notify-one.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Test that Atomics.notify notifies one waiter if that's what the count is. includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 2351
notify-renotify-noop.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Test that Atomics.notify on awoken waiter is a noop. includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1498
notify-two.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Test that Atomics.notify notifies two waiters if that's what the count is. includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 2351
notify-with-no-agents-waiting.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Test that Atomics.notify notifies zero waiters if there are no agents waiting. includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1179
notify-with-no-matching-agents-waiting.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Test that Atomics.notify notifies zero waiters if there are no waiters at the index specified. includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1175
notify-zero.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Test that Atomics.notify notifies zero waiters if that's what the count is. includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1946
null-bufferdata-throws.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > A null value for bufferData (detached) throws a TypeError info: | Atomics.notify( typedArray, index, count ) Let buffer be ? ValidateIntegerTypedArray(typedArray, true). ... Let buffer be ? ValidateTypedArray(typedArray). ... If IsDetachedBuffer(buffer) is true, throw a TypeError exception. ... If arrayBuffer.[[ArrayBufferData]] is null, return true. includes: [detachArrayBuffer.js] features: [ArrayBuffer, Atomics, TypedArray] --- 1295
out-of-range-index-throws.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Throws a RangeError if value of index arg is out of range info: | Atomics.notify( typedArray, index, count ) 2.Let i be ? ValidateAtomicAccess(typedArray, index). ... 2.Let accessIndex be ? ToIndex(requestIndex). ... 5. If accessIndex ≥ length, throw a RangeError exception. features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1294
shell.js --- description: > Collection of functions used to interact with Atomics.* operations across agent boundaries. defines: - $262.agent.getReportAsync - $262.agent.getReport - $262.agent.safeBroadcastAsync - $262.agent.safeBroadcast - $262.agent.setTimeout - $262.agent.tryYield - $262.agent.trySleep --- 13120
symbol-for-index-throws.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > Return abrupt when ToInteger throws for 'index' argument to Atomics.notify info: | Atomics.notify( typedArray, index, value, timeout ) 2. Let i be ? ValidateAtomicAccess(typedArray, index). ValidateAtomicAccess( typedArray, requestIndex ) 2. Let accessIndex be ? ToIndex(requestIndex). ToIndex ( value ) 2. Else, a. Let integerIndex be ? ToInteger(value). ToInteger(value) 1. Let number be ? ToNumber(argument). Symbol --> Throw a TypeError exception. features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, Symbol, Symbol.toPrimitive, TypedArray] --- 1836
undefined-index-defaults-to-zero.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > An undefined index arg should translate to 0 info: | Atomics.notify( typedArray, index, count ) 2.Let i be ? ValidateAtomicAccess(typedArray, index). ... 2.Let accessIndex be ? ToIndex(requestIndex). 9.If IsSharedArrayBuffer(buffer) is false, throw a TypeError exception. ... 3.If bufferData is a Data Block, return false If value is undefined, then Let index be 0. includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 2402
validate-arraytype-before-count-coercion.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > TypedArray type is validated before `count` argument is coerced. info: | 24.4.12 Atomics.notify ( typedArray, index, count ) 1. Let buffer be ? ValidateSharedIntegerTypedArray(typedArray, true). ... ValidateSharedIntegerTypedArray ( typedArray [ , onlyInt32 ] ) ... 4. Let typeName be typedArray.[[TypedArrayName]]. 5. If onlyInt32 is true, then a. If typeName is not "Int32Array", throw a TypeError exception. 6. Else, a. If typeName is not "Int8Array", "Uint8Array", "Int16Array", "Uint16Array", "Int32Array", or "Uint32Array", throw a TypeError exception. ... includes: [testTypedArray.js] features: [Atomics, TypedArray] --- 1400
validate-arraytype-before-index-coercion.js --- esid: sec-atomics.notify description: > TypedArray type is validated before `index` argument is coerced. info: | 24.4.12 Atomics.notify ( typedArray, index, count ) 1. Let buffer be ? ValidateSharedIntegerTypedArray(typedArray, true). ... ValidateSharedIntegerTypedArray ( typedArray [ , onlyInt32 ] ) ... 4. Let typeName be typedArray.[[TypedArrayName]]. 5. If onlyInt32 is true, then a. If typeName is not "Int32Array", throw a TypeError exception. 6. Else, a. If typeName is not "Int8Array", "Uint8Array", "Int16Array", "Uint16Array", "Int32Array", or "Uint32Array", throw a TypeError exception. ... includes: [testTypedArray.js] features: [Atomics, TypedArray] --- 1400