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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import os
import posixpath
import sys
import tempfile
from datetime import timedelta
from mozdevice import ADBDevice, ADBError, ADBProcessError, ADBTimeoutError
from .adaptor import xdr_annotate
from .remote import init_device
from .results import TestOutput, escape_cmdline
TESTS_LIB_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
JS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(TESTS_LIB_DIR))
JS_TESTS_DIR = posixpath.join(JS_DIR, "tests")
TEST_DIR = os.path.join(JS_DIR, "jit-test", "tests")
def aggregate_script_stdout(stdout_lines, prefix, tempdir, uniq_tag, tests, options):
test = None
tStart = None
cmd = ""
stdout = ""
# Use to debug this script in case of assertion failure.
meta_history = []
last_line = ""
# Assert that the streamed content is not interrupted.
ended = False
# Check if the tag is present, if so, this is controlled output
# produced by the test runner, otherwise this is stdout content.
for line in stdout_lines:
last_line = line
if line.startswith(uniq_tag):
meta = line[len(uniq_tag) :].strip()
if meta.startswith("START="):
assert test is None
params = meta[len("START=") :].split(",")
test_idx = int(params[0])
test = tests[test_idx]
tStart = timedelta(seconds=float(params[1]))
cmd = test.command(
posixpath.join(options.remote_test_root, "lib/"),
posixpath.join(options.remote_test_root, "modules/"),
posixpath.join(options.remote_test_root, "tests"),
stdout = ""
if options.show_cmd:
elif meta.startswith("STOP="):
assert test is not None
params = meta[len("STOP=") :].split(",")
exitcode = int(params[0])
dt = timedelta(seconds=float(params[1])) - tStart
yield TestOutput(
# NOTE: mozdevice fuse stdout and stderr. Thus, we are
# using stdout for both stdout and stderr. So far,
# doing so did not cause any issues.
dt > timedelta(seconds=int(options.timeout)),
stdout = ""
cmd = ""
test = None
elif meta.startswith("RETRY="):
# On timeout, we discard the first timeout to avoid a
# random hang on pthread_join.
assert test is not None
stdout = ""
cmd = ""
test = None
assert meta.startswith("THE_END")
ended = True
assert uniq_tag not in line
stdout += line
# This assertion fails if the streamed content is interrupted, either
# by unplugging the phone or some adb failures.
assert ended
except AssertionError as e:
sys.stderr.write("Metadata history:\n{}\n".format("\n".join(meta_history)))
sys.stderr.write("Last line: {}\n".format(last_line))
raise e
def setup_device(prefix, options):
device = init_device(options)
def replace_lib_file(path, name):
localfile = os.path.join(JS_TESTS_DIR, *path)
remotefile = posixpath.join(options.remote_test_root, "lib", name)
device.push(localfile, remotefile, timeout=10)
prefix[0] = posixpath.join(options.remote_test_root, "bin", "js")
tempdir = posixpath.join(options.remote_test_root, "tmp")
print(" : Transfering test files")
# Push tests & lib directories.
device.push(os.path.dirname(TEST_DIR), options.remote_test_root, timeout=600)
# Substitute lib files which are aliasing non262 files.
replace_lib_file(["non262", "shell.js"], "non262.js")
replace_lib_file(["non262", "reflect-parse", "Match.js"], "match.js")
replace_lib_file(["non262", "Math", "shell.js"], "math.js")
device.chmod(options.remote_test_root, recursive=True)
print(" : Device initialization completed")
return device, tempdir
except (ADBError, ADBTimeoutError):
+ "Device initialization failed"
def script_preamble(tag, prefix, options):
timeout = int(options.timeout)
retry = int(options.timeout_retry)
lib_path = os.path.dirname(prefix[0])
return """
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH={lib_path}
local idx=$1; shift;
local attempt=$1; shift;
# Read 10ms timestamp in seconds using shell builtins and /proc/uptime.
local time;
local unused;
# When printing the tag, we prefix by a new line, in case the
# previous command output did not contain any new line.
read time unused < /proc/uptime
echo '\\n{tag}START='$idx,$time
timeout {timeout}s "$@"
local rc=$?
read time unused < /proc/uptime
# Retry on timeout, to mute unlikely pthread_join hang issue.
# The timeout command send a SIGTERM signal, which should return 143
# (=128+15). However, due to a bug in tinybox, it returns 142.
if test \\( $rc -eq 143 -o $rc -eq 142 \\) -a $attempt -lt {retry}; then
echo '\\n{tag}RETRY='$rc,$time
attempt=$((attempt + 1))
do_test $idx $attempt "$@"
echo '\\n{tag}STOP='$rc,$time
echo '\\n{tag}THE_END'
tag=tag, lib_path=lib_path, timeout=timeout, retry=retry
def setup_script(device, prefix, tempdir, options, uniq_tag, tests):
timeout = int(options.timeout)
script_timeout = 0
tmpf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False)
tmpf.write(script_preamble(uniq_tag, prefix, options))
for i, test in enumerate(tests):
# This test is common to all tasks_*.py files, however, jit-test do
# not provide the `run_skipped` option, and all tests are always
# enabled.
assert test.enable # and not options.run_skipped
if options.test_reflect_stringify:
raise ValueError("can't run Reflect.stringify tests remotely")
cmd = test.command(
posixpath.join(options.remote_test_root, "lib/"),
posixpath.join(options.remote_test_root, "modules/"),
posixpath.join(options.remote_test_root, "tests"),
# replace with shlex.join when move to Python 3.8+
cmd = ADBDevice._escape_command_line(cmd)
env = {}
if test.tz_pacific:
env["TZ"] = "PST8PDT"
envStr = "".join(key + "='" + val + "' " for key, val in env.items())
tmpf.write("{}do_test {} 0 {};\n".format(envStr, i, cmd))
script_timeout += timeout
script = posixpath.join(options.remote_test_root, "")
device.push(, script)
print(" : Batch script created")
except Exception as e:
print(" : Batch script failed")
raise e
if tmpf:
return script, script_timeout
def start_script(
device, prefix, tempdir, script, uniq_tag, script_timeout, tests, options
env = {}
# Allow ADBError or ADBTimeoutError to terminate the test run, but handle
# ADBProcessError in order to support the use of non-zero exit codes in the
# JavaScript shell tests.
# The stdout_callback will aggregate each output line, and reconstruct the
# output produced by each test, and queue TestOutput in the qResult queue.
adb_process =
"sh {}".format(script),
for test_output in aggregate_script_stdout(
adb_process, prefix, tempdir, uniq_tag, tests, options
yield test_output
except ADBProcessError as e:
# After a device error, the device is typically in a
# state where all further tests will fail so there is no point in
# continuing here.
sys.stderr.write("Error running remote tests: {}".format(repr(e)))
def get_remote_results(tests, prefix, pb, options):
"""Create a script which batches the run of all tests, and spawn a thread to
reconstruct the TestOutput for each test. This is made to avoid multiple
`` commands which has a high latency.
device, tempdir = setup_device(prefix, options)
# Tests are sequentially executed in a batch. The first test executed is in
# charge of creating the xdr file for the self-hosted code.
if options.use_xdr:
tests = xdr_annotate(tests, options)
# We need tests to be subscriptable to find the test structure matching the
# index within the generated script.
tests = list(tests)
# Create a script which spawn each test one after the other, and upload the
# script
uniq_tag = "@@@TASKS_ADB_REMOTE@@@"
script, script_timeout = setup_script(
device, prefix, tempdir, options, uniq_tag, tests
for test_output in start_script(
device, prefix, tempdir, script, uniq_tag, script_timeout, tests, options
yield test_output