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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef shell_ModuleLoader_h
#define shell_ModuleLoader_h
#include "builtin/ModuleObject.h"
#include "js/RootingAPI.h"
namespace js {
namespace shell {
class ModuleLoader {
bool init(JSContext* cx, HandleString loadPath);
bool loadRootModule(JSContext* cx, HandleString path);
// Testing hook to register a module that wasn't loaded by the module loader.
bool registerTestModule(JSContext* cx, HandleObject moduleRequest,
Handle<ModuleObject*> module);
// Testing hook to clear all loaded modules.
void clearModules(JSContext* cx);
static JSObject* ResolveImportedModule(JSContext* cx,
HandleValue referencingPrivate,
HandleObject moduleRequest);
static bool GetImportMetaProperties(JSContext* cx, HandleValue privateValue,
HandleObject metaObject);
static bool ImportMetaResolve(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
static bool ImportModuleDynamically(JSContext* cx,
HandleValue referencingPrivate,
HandleObject moduleRequest,
HandleObject promise);
static bool DynamicImportDelayFulfilled(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc,
Value* vp);
static bool DynamicImportDelayRejected(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc,
Value* vp);
bool loadAndExecute(JSContext* cx, HandleString path,
HandleObject moduleRequestArg, MutableHandleValue);
JSObject* resolveImportedModule(JSContext* cx, HandleValue referencingPrivate,
HandleObject moduleRequest);
bool populateImportMeta(JSContext* cx, HandleValue privateValue,
HandleObject metaObject);
bool importMetaResolve(JSContext* cx,
JS::Handle<JS::Value> referencingPrivate,
JS::Handle<JSString*> specifier,
JS::MutableHandle<JSString*> urlOut);
bool dynamicImport(JSContext* cx, HandleValue referencingPrivate,
HandleObject moduleRequest, HandleObject promise);
bool doDynamicImport(JSContext* cx, HandleValue referencingPrivate,
HandleObject moduleRequest, HandleObject promise);
bool tryDynamicImport(JSContext* cx, HandleValue referencingPrivate,
HandleObject moduleRequest, HandleObject promise,
MutableHandleValue rval);
JSObject* loadAndParse(JSContext* cx, HandleString path,
HandleObject moduleRequestArg);
bool lookupModuleInRegistry(JSContext* cx, JS::ModuleType moduleType,
HandleString path, MutableHandleObject moduleOut);
bool addModuleToRegistry(JSContext* cx, JS::ModuleType moduleType,
HandleString path, HandleObject module);
JSLinearString* resolve(JSContext* cx, HandleObject moduleRequestArg,
HandleValue referencingInfo);
JSLinearString* resolve(JSContext* cx, HandleString specifier,
HandleValue referencingInfo);
bool getScriptPath(JSContext* cx, HandleValue privateValue,
MutableHandle<JSLinearString*> pathOut);
JSLinearString* normalizePath(JSContext* cx, Handle<JSLinearString*> path);
JSObject* getOrCreateModuleRegistry(JSContext* cx, JS::ModuleType moduleType);
JSString* fetchSource(JSContext* cx, Handle<JSLinearString*> path);
// The following are used for pinned atoms which do not need rooting.
JSAtom* loadPathStr = nullptr;
JSAtom* pathSeparatorStr = nullptr;
// The slot stored in ImportMetaResolve function.
enum { ModulePrivateSlot = 0, SlotCount };
// The number of args in ImportMetaResolve.
static const uint32_t ImportMetaResolveNumArgs = 1;
// The index of the 'specifier' argument in ImportMetaResolve.
static const uint32_t ImportMetaResolveSpecifierArg = 0;
} // namespace shell
} // namespace js
#endif // shell_ModuleLoader_h