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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef jsapi_tests_tests_h
#define jsapi_tests_tests_h
#include "mozilla/Sprintf.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <type_traits>
#include "jsapi.h"
#include "gc/GC.h"
#include "js/AllocPolicy.h"
#include "js/ArrayBuffer.h"
#include "js/CharacterEncoding.h"
#include "js/Conversions.h"
#include "js/Equality.h" // JS::SameValue
#include "js/GlobalObject.h" // JS::DefaultGlobalClassOps
#include "js/RegExpFlags.h" // JS::RegExpFlags
#include "js/Vector.h"
#include "js/Warnings.h" // JS::SetWarningReporter
#include "vm/JSContext.h"
/* Note: Aborts on OOM. */
class JSAPITestString {
js::Vector<char, 0, js::SystemAllocPolicy> chars;
JSAPITestString() {}
explicit JSAPITestString(const char* s) { *this += s; }
JSAPITestString(const JSAPITestString& s) { *this += s; }
const char* begin() const { return chars.begin(); }
const char* end() const { return chars.end(); }
size_t length() const { return chars.length(); }
void clear() { chars.clearAndFree(); }
JSAPITestString& operator+=(const char* s) {
if (!chars.append(s, strlen(s))) {
return *this;
JSAPITestString& operator+=(const JSAPITestString& s) {
if (!chars.append(s.begin(), s.length())) {
return *this;
inline JSAPITestString operator+(const JSAPITestString& a, const char* b) {
JSAPITestString result = a;
result += b;
return result;
inline JSAPITestString operator+(const JSAPITestString& a,
const JSAPITestString& b) {
JSAPITestString result = a;
result += b;
return result;
class JSAPIRuntimeTest;
class JSAPITest {
bool knownFail;
JSAPITestString msgs;
JSAPITest() : knownFail(false) {}
virtual ~JSAPITest() {}
virtual const char* name() = 0;
virtual void maybeAppendException(JSAPITestString& message) {}
bool fail(const JSAPITestString& msg = JSAPITestString(),
const char* filename = "-", int lineno = 0) {
char location[256];
SprintfLiteral(location, "%s:%d:", filename, lineno);
JSAPITestString message(location);
message += msg;
fprintf(stderr, "%.*s\n", int(message.length()), message.begin());
if (msgs.length() != 0) {
msgs += " | ";
msgs += message;
return false;
JSAPITestString messages() const { return msgs; }
class JSAPIRuntimeTest : public JSAPITest {
static JSAPIRuntimeTest* list;
JSAPIRuntimeTest* next;
JSContext* cx;
JS::PersistentRootedObject global;
// Whether this test is willing to skip its init() and reuse a global (and
// JSContext etc.) from a previous test that also has reuseGlobal=true. It
// also means this test is willing to skip its uninit() if it is followed by
// another reuseGlobal test.
bool reuseGlobal;
JSAPIRuntimeTest() : JSAPITest(), cx(nullptr), reuseGlobal(false) {
next = list;
list = this;
virtual ~JSAPIRuntimeTest() {
// Initialize this test, possibly with the cx from a previously run test.
bool init(JSContext* maybeReusedContext);
// If this test is ok with its cx and global being reused, release this
// test's cx to be reused by another test.
JSContext* maybeForgetContext();
static void MaybeFreeContext(JSContext* maybeCx);
// The real initialization happens in init(JSContext*), above, but this
// method may be overridden to perform additional initialization after the
// JSContext and global have been created.
virtual bool init() { return true; }
virtual void uninit();
virtual bool run(JS::HandleObject global) = 0;
#define EXEC(s) \
do { \
if (!exec(s, __FILE__, __LINE__)) return false; \
} while (false)
bool exec(const char* utf8, const char* filename, int lineno);
// Like exec(), but doesn't call fail() if JS::Evaluate returns false.
bool execDontReport(const char* utf8, const char* filename, int lineno);
#define EVAL(s, vp) \
do { \
if (!evaluate(s, __FILE__, __LINE__, vp)) return false; \
} while (false)
bool evaluate(const char* utf8, const char* filename, int lineno,
JS::MutableHandleValue vp);
JSAPITestString jsvalToSource(JS::HandleValue v) {
JS::Rooted<JSString*> str(cx, JS_ValueToSource(cx, v));
if (str) {
if (JS::UniqueChars bytes = JS_EncodeStringToUTF8(cx, str)) {
return JSAPITestString(bytes.get());
return JSAPITestString("<<error converting value to string>>");
JSAPITestString toSource(char c) {
char buf[2] = {c, '\0'};
return JSAPITestString(buf);
JSAPITestString toSource(long v) {
char buf[40];
SprintfLiteral(buf, "%ld", v);
return JSAPITestString(buf);
JSAPITestString toSource(unsigned long v) {
char buf[40];
SprintfLiteral(buf, "%lu", v);
return JSAPITestString(buf);
JSAPITestString toSource(long long v) {
char buf[40];
SprintfLiteral(buf, "%lld", v);
return JSAPITestString(buf);
JSAPITestString toSource(unsigned long long v) {
char buf[40];
SprintfLiteral(buf, "%llu", v);
return JSAPITestString(buf);
JSAPITestString toSource(double d) {
char buf[40];
SprintfLiteral(buf, "%17lg", d);
return JSAPITestString(buf);
JSAPITestString toSource(unsigned int v) {
return toSource((unsigned long)v);
JSAPITestString toSource(int v) { return toSource((long)v); }
JSAPITestString toSource(bool v) {
return JSAPITestString(v ? "true" : "false");
JSAPITestString toSource(JS::RegExpFlags flags) {
JSAPITestString str;
if (flags.hasIndices()) {
str += "d";
if ( {
str += "g";
if (flags.ignoreCase()) {
str += "i";
if (flags.multiline()) {
str += "m";
if (flags.dotAll()) {
str += "s";
if (flags.unicode()) {
str += "u";
if (flags.unicodeSets()) {
str += "v";
if (flags.sticky()) {
str += "y";
return str;
JSAPITestString toSource(JSAtom* v) {
JS::RootedValue val(cx, JS::StringValue((JSString*)v));
return jsvalToSource(val);
// Note that in some still-supported GCC versions (we think anything before
// GCC 4.6), this template does not work when the second argument is
// nullptr. It infers type U = long int. Use CHECK_NULL instead.
template <typename T, typename U>
bool checkEqual(const T& actual, const U& expected, const char* actualExpr,
const char* expectedExpr, const char* filename, int lineno) {
static_assert(std::is_signed_v<T> == std::is_signed_v<U>,
"using CHECK_EQUAL with different-signed inputs triggers "
"compiler warnings");
std::is_unsigned_v<T> == std::is_unsigned_v<U>,
"using CHECK_EQUAL with different-signed inputs triggers compiler "
return (actual == expected) ||
fail(JSAPITestString("CHECK_EQUAL failed: expected (") +
expectedExpr + ") = " + toSource(expected) + ", got (" +
actualExpr + ") = " + toSource(actual),
filename, lineno);
#define CHECK_EQUAL(actual, expected) \
do { \
if (!checkEqual(actual, expected, #actual, #expected, __FILE__, __LINE__)) \
return false; \
} while (false)
template <typename T>
bool checkNull(const T* actual, const char* actualExpr, const char* filename,
int lineno) {
return (actual == nullptr) ||
fail(JSAPITestString("CHECK_NULL failed: expected nullptr, got (") +
actualExpr + ") = " + toSource(actual),
filename, lineno);
#define CHECK_NULL(actual) \
do { \
if (!checkNull(actual, #actual, __FILE__, __LINE__)) return false; \
} while (false)
bool checkSame(const JS::Value& actualArg, const JS::Value& expectedArg,
const char* actualExpr, const char* expectedExpr,
const char* filename, int lineno) {
bool same;
JS::RootedValue actual(cx, actualArg), expected(cx, expectedArg);
return (JS::SameValue(cx, actual, expected, &same) && same) ||
"CHECK_SAME failed: expected JS::SameValue(cx, ") +
actualExpr + ", " + expectedExpr +
"), got !JS::SameValue(cx, " + jsvalToSource(actual) +
", " + jsvalToSource(expected) + ")",
filename, lineno);
#define CHECK_SAME(actual, expected) \
do { \
if (!checkSame(actual, expected, #actual, #expected, __FILE__, __LINE__)) \
return false; \
} while (false)
#define CHECK(expr) \
do { \
if (!(expr)) \
return fail(JSAPITestString("CHECK failed: " #expr), __FILE__, \
__LINE__); \
} while (false)
void maybeAppendException(JSAPITestString& message) override {
if (JS_IsExceptionPending(cx)) {
message += " -- ";
js::gc::AutoSuppressGC gcoff(cx);
JS::RootedValue v(cx);
JS_GetPendingException(cx, &v);
JS::Rooted<JSString*> s(cx, JS::ToString(cx, v));
if (s) {
if (JS::UniqueChars bytes = JS_EncodeStringToLatin1(cx, s)) {
message += bytes.get();
static const JSClass* basicGlobalClass() {
static const JSClass c = {
return &c;
static bool print(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, JS::Value* vp) {
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
JS::Rooted<JSString*> str(cx);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < args.length(); i++) {
str = JS::ToString(cx, args[i]);
if (!str) {
return false;
JS::UniqueChars bytes = JS_EncodeStringToUTF8(cx, str);
if (!bytes) {
return false;
printf("%s%s", i ? " " : "", bytes.get());
return true;
bool definePrint();
virtual JSContext* createContext() {
JSContext* cx = JS_NewContext(8L * 1024 * 1024);
if (!cx) {
return nullptr;
JS::SetWarningReporter(cx, &reportWarning);
return cx;
static void reportWarning(JSContext* cx, JSErrorReport* report) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s:%u:%s\n",
report->filename ? report->filename.c_str() : "<no filename>",
(unsigned int)report->lineno, report->message().c_str());
virtual const JSClass* getGlobalClass() { return basicGlobalClass(); }
virtual JSObject* createGlobal(JSPrincipals* principals = nullptr);
class JSAPIFrontendTest : public JSAPITest {
static JSAPIFrontendTest* list;
JSAPIFrontendTest* next;
JSAPIFrontendTest() : JSAPITest() {
next = list;
list = this;
virtual ~JSAPIFrontendTest() {}
virtual bool init() { return true; }
virtual void uninit() {}
virtual bool run() = 0;
#define BEGIN_TEST_WITH_ATTRIBUTES_AND_EXTRA(testname, attrs, extra) \
class cls_##testname : public JSAPIRuntimeTest { \
public: \
virtual const char* name() override { return #testname; } \
extra virtual bool run(JS::HandleObject global) override attrs
#define BEGIN_TEST_WITH_ATTRIBUTES(testname, attrs) \
#define BEGIN_TEST(testname) BEGIN_TEST_WITH_ATTRIBUTES(testname, )
#define BEGIN_FRONTEND_TEST_WITH_ATTRIBUTES_AND_EXTRA(testname, attrs, extra) \
class cls_##testname : public JSAPIFrontendTest { \
public: \
virtual const char* name() override { return #testname; } \
extra virtual bool run() override attrs
#define BEGIN_FRONTEND_TEST_WITH_ATTRIBUTES(testname, attrs) \
#define BEGIN_FRONTEND_TEST(testname) \
#define BEGIN_REUSABLE_TEST(testname) \
testname, , cls_##testname() \
: JSAPIRuntimeTest() { reuseGlobal = true; })
#define END_TEST(testname) \
} \
; \
MOZ_RUNINIT static cls_##testname cls_##testname##_instance;
* A "fixture" is a subclass of JSAPIRuntimeTest that holds common definitions
* for a set of tests. Each test that wants to use the fixture should use
* BEGIN_FIXTURE_TEST and END_FIXTURE_TEST, just as one would use BEGIN_TEST and
* END_TEST, but include the fixture class as the first argument. The fixture
* class's declarations are then in scope for the test bodies.
#define BEGIN_FIXTURE_TEST(fixture, testname) \
class cls_##testname : public fixture { \
public: \
virtual const char* name() override { return #testname; } \
virtual bool run(JS::HandleObject global) override
#define END_FIXTURE_TEST(fixture, testname) \
} \
; \
MOZ_RUNINIT static cls_##testname cls_##testname##_instance;
* A class for creating and managing one temporary file.
* We could use the ISO C temporary file functions here, but those try to
* create files in the root directory on Windows, which fails for users
* without Administrator privileges.
class TempFile {
const char* name;
FILE* stream;
TempFile() : name(), stream() {}
~TempFile() {
if (stream) {
if (name) {
* Return a stream for a temporary file named |fileName|. Infallible.
* Use only once per TempFile instance. If the file is not explicitly
* closed and deleted via the member functions below, this object's
* destructor will clean them up.
FILE* open(const char* fileName) {
stream = fopen(fileName, "wb+");
if (!stream) {
fprintf(stderr, "error opening temporary file '%s': %s\n", fileName,
name = fileName;
return stream;
/* Close the temporary file's stream. */
void close() {
if (fclose(stream) == EOF) {
fprintf(stderr, "error closing temporary file '%s': %s\n", name,
stream = nullptr;
/* Delete the temporary file. */
void remove() {
if (::remove(name) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "error deleting temporary file '%s': %s\n", name,
name = nullptr;
// Just a wrapper around JSPrincipals that allows static construction.
class TestJSPrincipals : public JSPrincipals {
explicit TestJSPrincipals(int rc = 0) : JSPrincipals() { refcount = rc; }
bool write(JSContext* cx, JSStructuredCloneWriter* writer) override {
MOZ_ASSERT(false, "not implemented");
return false;
bool isSystemOrAddonPrincipal() override { return true; }
// A class that simulates externally memory-managed data, for testing with
// array buffers.
class ExternalData {
char* contents_;
size_t len_;
bool uniquePointerCreated_ = false;
explicit ExternalData(const char* str)
: contents_(strdup(str)), len_(strlen(str) + 1) {}
size_t len() const { return len_; }
void* contents() const { return contents_; }
char* asString() const { return contents_; }
bool wasFreed() const { return !contents_; }
void free() {
contents_ = nullptr;
mozilla::UniquePtr<void, JS::BufferContentsDeleter> pointer() {
"Not allowed to create multiple unique pointers to contents");
uniquePointerCreated_ = true;
return {contents_, {ExternalData::freeCallback, this}};
static void freeCallback(void* contents, void* userData) {
auto self = static_cast<ExternalData*>(userData);
MOZ_ASSERT(self->contents() == contents);
class AutoGCParameter {
JSContext* cx_;
JSGCParamKey key_;
uint32_t value_;
explicit AutoGCParameter(JSContext* cx, JSGCParamKey key, uint32_t value)
: cx_(cx), key_(key), value_() {
value_ = JS_GetGCParameter(cx, key);
JS_SetGCParameter(cx, key, value);
~AutoGCParameter() { JS_SetGCParameter(cx_, key_, value_); }
#ifdef JS_GC_ZEAL
* Temporarily disable the GC zeal setting. This is only useful in tests that
* need very explicit GC behavior and should not be used elsewhere.
class AutoLeaveZeal {
JSContext* cx_;
uint32_t zealBits_;
uint32_t frequency_;
explicit AutoLeaveZeal(JSContext* cx) : cx_(cx), zealBits_(0), frequency_(0) {
uint32_t dummy;
JS::GetGCZealBits(cx_, &zealBits_, &frequency_, &dummy);
JS::SetGCZeal(cx_, 0, 0);
JS::NonIncrementalGC(cx_, JS::GCOptions::Normal, JS::GCReason::DEBUG_GC);
~AutoLeaveZeal() {
JS::SetGCZeal(cx_, 0, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(zealBits_) * 8; i++) {
if (zealBits_ & (1 << i)) {
JS::SetGCZeal(cx_, i, frequency_);
# ifdef DEBUG
uint32_t zealBitsAfter, frequencyAfter, dummy;
JS::GetGCZealBits(cx_, &zealBitsAfter, &frequencyAfter, &dummy);
MOZ_ASSERT(zealBitsAfter == zealBits_);
MOZ_ASSERT(frequencyAfter == frequency_);
# endif
class AutoLeaveZeal {
explicit AutoLeaveZeal(JSContext* cx) {}
#endif /* jsapi_tests_tests_h */