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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "jit/shared/IonAssemblerBufferWithConstantPools.h"
#include "jsapi-tests/tests.h"
// Tests for classes in:
// jit/shared/IonAssemblerBuffer.h
// jit/shared/IonAssemblerBufferWithConstantPools.h
// Classes in js::jit tested:
// BufferOffset
// BufferSlice (implicitly)
// AssemblerBuffer
// BranchDeadlineSet
// Pool (implicitly)
// AssemblerBufferWithConstantPools
BEGIN_TEST(testAssemblerBuffer_BufferOffset) {
using js::jit::BufferOffset;
BufferOffset off1;
BufferOffset off2(10);
CHECK_EQUAL(off2.getOffset(), 10);
off1 = off2;
CHECK_EQUAL(off1.getOffset(), 10);
return true;
BEGIN_TEST(testAssemblerBuffer_AssemblerBuffer) {
using js::jit::BufferOffset;
using AsmBuf = js::jit::AssemblerBuffer<5 * sizeof(uint32_t), uint32_t>;
AsmBuf ab;
CHECK_EQUAL(ab.size(), 0u);
CHECK_EQUAL(ab.nextOffset().getOffset(), 0);
BufferOffset off1 = ab.putInt(1000017);
CHECK_EQUAL(off1.getOffset(), 0);
CHECK_EQUAL(ab.size(), 4u);
CHECK_EQUAL(ab.nextOffset().getOffset(), 4);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(off1), 1000017u);
BufferOffset off2 = ab.putInt(1000018);
CHECK_EQUAL(off2.getOffset(), 4);
BufferOffset off3 = ab.putInt(1000019);
CHECK_EQUAL(off3.getOffset(), 8);
BufferOffset off4 = ab.putInt(1000020);
CHECK_EQUAL(off4.getOffset(), 12);
CHECK_EQUAL(ab.size(), 16u);
CHECK_EQUAL(ab.nextOffset().getOffset(), 16);
// Last one in the slice.
BufferOffset off5 = ab.putInt(1000021);
CHECK_EQUAL(off5.getOffset(), 16);
CHECK_EQUAL(ab.size(), 20u);
CHECK_EQUAL(ab.nextOffset().getOffset(), 20);
BufferOffset off6 = ab.putInt(1000022);
CHECK_EQUAL(off6.getOffset(), 20);
CHECK_EQUAL(ab.size(), 24u);
CHECK_EQUAL(ab.nextOffset().getOffset(), 24);
// Reference previous slice. Excercise the finger.
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(off1), 1000017u);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(off6), 1000022u);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(off1), 1000017u);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(off5), 1000021u);
// Too much data for one slice.
const uint32_t fixdata[] = {2000036, 2000037, 2000038,
2000039, 2000040, 2000041};
// Split payload across multiple slices.
CHECK_EQUAL(ab.nextOffset().getOffset(), 24);
BufferOffset good1 = ab.putBytesLarge(sizeof(fixdata), fixdata);
CHECK_EQUAL(good1.getOffset(), 24);
CHECK_EQUAL(ab.nextOffset().getOffset(), 48);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(good1), 2000036u);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(32)), 2000038u);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(36)), 2000039u);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(40)), 2000040u);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(44)), 2000041u);
return true;
BEGIN_TEST(testAssemblerBuffer_BranchDeadlineSet) {
using DLSet = js::jit::BranchDeadlineSet<3>;
using js::jit::BufferOffset;
js::LifoAlloc alloc(1024, js::MallocArena);
DLSet dls(alloc);
CHECK(alloc.isEmpty()); // Constructor must be infallible.
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.size(), 0u);
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.maxRangeSize(), 0u);
// Removing non-existant deadline is OK.
dls.removeDeadline(1, BufferOffset(7));
// Add deadlines in increasing order as intended. This is optimal.
dls.addDeadline(1, BufferOffset(10));
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.size(), 1u);
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.maxRangeSize(), 1u);
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.earliestDeadline().getOffset(), 10);
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.earliestDeadlineRange(), 1u);
// Removing non-existant deadline is OK.
dls.removeDeadline(1, BufferOffset(7));
dls.removeDeadline(1, BufferOffset(17));
dls.removeDeadline(0, BufferOffset(10));
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.size(), 1u);
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.maxRangeSize(), 1u);
// Two identical deadlines for different ranges.
dls.addDeadline(2, BufferOffset(10));
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.size(), 2u);
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.maxRangeSize(), 1u);
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.earliestDeadline().getOffset(), 10);
// It doesn't matter which range earliestDeadlineRange() reports first,
// but it must report both.
if (dls.earliestDeadlineRange() == 1) {
dls.removeDeadline(1, BufferOffset(10));
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.earliestDeadline().getOffset(), 10);
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.earliestDeadlineRange(), 2u);
} else {
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.earliestDeadlineRange(), 2u);
dls.removeDeadline(2, BufferOffset(10));
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.earliestDeadline().getOffset(), 10);
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.earliestDeadlineRange(), 1u);
// Add deadline which is the front of range 0, but not the global earliest.
dls.addDeadline(0, BufferOffset(20));
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.earliestDeadline().getOffset(), 10);
CHECK(dls.earliestDeadlineRange() > 0);
// Non-optimal add to front of single-entry range 0.
dls.addDeadline(0, BufferOffset(15));
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.earliestDeadline().getOffset(), 10);
CHECK(dls.earliestDeadlineRange() > 0);
// Append to 2-entry range 0.
dls.addDeadline(0, BufferOffset(30));
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.earliestDeadline().getOffset(), 10);
CHECK(dls.earliestDeadlineRange() > 0);
// Add penultimate entry.
dls.addDeadline(0, BufferOffset(25));
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.earliestDeadline().getOffset(), 10);
CHECK(dls.earliestDeadlineRange() > 0);
// Prepend, stealing earliest from other range.
dls.addDeadline(0, BufferOffset(5));
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.earliestDeadline().getOffset(), 5);
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.earliestDeadlineRange(), 0u);
// Remove central element.
dls.removeDeadline(0, BufferOffset(20));
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.earliestDeadline().getOffset(), 5);
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.earliestDeadlineRange(), 0u);
// Remove front, giving back the lead.
dls.removeDeadline(0, BufferOffset(5));
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.earliestDeadline().getOffset(), 10);
CHECK(dls.earliestDeadlineRange() > 0);
// Remove front, giving back earliest to range 0.
dls.removeDeadline(dls.earliestDeadlineRange(), BufferOffset(10));
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.earliestDeadline().getOffset(), 15);
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.earliestDeadlineRange(), 0u);
// Remove tail.
dls.removeDeadline(0, BufferOffset(30));
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.earliestDeadline().getOffset(), 15);
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.earliestDeadlineRange(), 0u);
// Now range 0 = [15, 25].
CHECK_EQUAL(dls.size(), 2u);
dls.removeDeadline(0, BufferOffset(25));
dls.removeDeadline(0, BufferOffset(15));
return true;
// Mock Assembler class for testing the AssemblerBufferWithConstantPools
// callbacks.
namespace {
struct TestAssembler;
using AsmBufWithPool = js::jit::AssemblerBufferWithConstantPools<
/* SliceSize */ 5 * sizeof(uint32_t),
/* InstSize */ 4,
/* Inst */ uint32_t,
/* Asm */ TestAssembler,
/* NumShortBranchRanges */ 3>;
struct TestAssembler {
// Mock instruction set:
// 0x1111xxxx - align filler instructions.
// 0x2222xxxx - manually inserted 'arith' instructions.
// 0xaaaaxxxx - noop filler instruction.
// 0xb0bbxxxx - branch xxxx bytes forward. (Pool guard).
// 0xb1bbxxxx - branch xxxx bytes forward. (Short-range branch).
// 0xb2bbxxxx - branch xxxx bytes forward. (Veneer branch).
// 0xb3bbxxxx - branch xxxx bytes forward. (Patched short-range branch).
// 0xc0ccxxxx - constant pool load (uninitialized).
// 0xc1ccxxxx - constant pool load to index xxxx.
// 0xc2ccxxxx - constant pool load xxxx bytes ahead.
// 0xffffxxxx - pool header with xxxx bytes.
static const unsigned BranchRange = 36;
static void InsertIndexIntoTag(uint8_t* load_, uint32_t index) {
uint32_t* load = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(load_);
MOZ_ASSERT(*load == 0xc0cc0000,
"Expected uninitialized constant pool load");
MOZ_ASSERT(index < 0x10000);
*load = 0xc1cc0000 + index;
static void PatchConstantPoolLoad(void* loadAddr, void* constPoolAddr) {
uint32_t* load = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(loadAddr);
uint32_t index = *load & 0xffff;
MOZ_ASSERT(*load == (0xc1cc0000 | index),
"Expected constant pool load(index)");
ptrdiff_t offset = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(constPoolAddr) -
offset += index * 4;
MOZ_ASSERT(offset % 4 == 0, "Unaligned constant pool");
MOZ_ASSERT(offset > 0 && offset < 0x10000, "Pool out of range");
*load = 0xc2cc0000 + offset;
static void WritePoolGuard(js::jit::BufferOffset branch, uint32_t* dest,
js::jit::BufferOffset afterPool) {
size_t branchOff = branch.getOffset();
size_t afterPoolOff = afterPool.getOffset();
MOZ_ASSERT(afterPoolOff > branchOff);
uint32_t delta = afterPoolOff - branchOff;
*dest = 0xb0bb0000 + delta;
static void WritePoolHeader(void* start, js::jit::Pool* p, bool isNatural) {
MOZ_ASSERT(!isNatural, "Natural pool guards not implemented.");
uint32_t* hdr = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(start);
*hdr = 0xffff0000 + p->getPoolSize();
static void PatchShortRangeBranchToVeneer(AsmBufWithPool* buffer,
unsigned rangeIdx,
js::jit::BufferOffset deadline,
js::jit::BufferOffset veneer) {
size_t branchOff = deadline.getOffset() - BranchRange;
size_t veneerOff = veneer.getOffset();
uint32_t* branch = buffer->getInst(js::jit::BufferOffset(branchOff));
MOZ_ASSERT((*branch & 0xffff0000) == 0xb1bb0000,
"Expected short-range branch instruction");
// Copy branch offset to veneer. A real instruction set would require
// some adjustment of the label linked-list.
*buffer->getInst(veneer) = 0xb2bb0000 | (*branch & 0xffff);
MOZ_ASSERT(veneerOff > branchOff, "Veneer should follow branch");
*branch = 0xb3bb0000 + (veneerOff - branchOff);
} // namespace
BEGIN_TEST(testAssemblerBuffer_AssemblerBufferWithConstantPools) {
using js::jit::BufferOffset;
AsmBufWithPool ab(/* guardSize= */ 1,
/* headerSize= */ 1,
/* instBufferAlign(unused)= */ 0,
/* poolMaxOffset= */ 17,
/* pcBias= */ 0,
/* alignFillInst= */ 0x11110000,
/* nopFillInst= */ 0xaaaa0000,
/* nopFill= */ 0);
CHECK_EQUAL(ab.size(), 0u);
CHECK_EQUAL(ab.nextOffset().getOffset(), 0);
// Each slice holds 5 instructions. Trigger a constant pool inside the slice.
uint32_t poolLoad[] = {0xc0cc0000};
uint32_t poolData[] = {0xdddd0000, 0xdddd0001, 0xdddd0002, 0xdddd0003};
AsmBufWithPool::PoolEntry pe;
BufferOffset load =
ab.allocEntry(1, 1, (uint8_t*)poolLoad, (uint8_t*)poolData, &pe);
CHECK_EQUAL(pe.index(), 0u);
CHECK_EQUAL(load.getOffset(), 0);
// Pool hasn't been emitted yet. Load has been patched by
// InsertIndexIntoTag.
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(load), 0xc1cc0000);
// Expected layout:
// 0: load [pc+16]
// 4: 0x22220001
// 8: guard branch pc+12
// 12: pool header
// 16: poolData
// 20: 0x22220002
// One could argue that the pool should be flushed here since there is no
// more room. However, the current implementation doesn't dump pool until
// asked to add data:
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(0)), 0xc2cc0010u);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(4)), 0x22220001u);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(8)), 0xb0bb000cu);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(12)), 0xffff0004u);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(16)), 0xdddd0000u);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(20)), 0x22220002u);
// allocEntry() overwrites the load instruction! Restore the original.
poolLoad[0] = 0xc0cc0000;
// Now try with load and pool data on separate slices.
load = ab.allocEntry(1, 1, (uint8_t*)poolLoad, (uint8_t*)poolData, &pe);
CHECK_EQUAL(pe.index(), 1u); // Global pool entry index.
CHECK_EQUAL(load.getOffset(), 24);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(load), 0xc1cc0000); // Index into current pool.
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(24)), 0xc2cc0010u);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(28)), 0x22220001u);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(32)), 0xb0bb000cu);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(36)), 0xffff0004u);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(40)), 0xdddd0000u);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(44)), 0x22220002u);
// Two adjacent loads to the same pool.
poolLoad[0] = 0xc0cc0000;
load = ab.allocEntry(1, 1, (uint8_t*)poolLoad, (uint8_t*)poolData, &pe);
CHECK_EQUAL(pe.index(), 2u); // Global pool entry index.
CHECK_EQUAL(load.getOffset(), 48);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(load), 0xc1cc0000); // Index into current pool.
poolLoad[0] = 0xc0cc0000;
load = ab.allocEntry(1, 1, (uint8_t*)poolLoad, (uint8_t*)(poolData + 1), &pe);
CHECK_EQUAL(pe.index(), 3u); // Global pool entry index.
CHECK_EQUAL(load.getOffset(), 52);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(load), 0xc1cc0001); // Index into current pool.
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(48)), 0xc2cc0010u); // load pc+16.
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(52)), 0xc2cc0010u); // load pc+16.
0xb0bb0010u); // guard branch pc+16.
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(60)), 0xffff0008u); // header 8 bytes.
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(64)), 0xdddd0000u); // datum 1.
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(68)), 0xdddd0001u); // datum 2.
0x22220005u); // putInt(0x22220005)
// Two loads as above, but the first load has an 8-byte pool entry, and the
// second load wouldn't be able to reach its data. This must produce two
// pools.
poolLoad[0] = 0xc0cc0000;
load = ab.allocEntry(1, 2, (uint8_t*)poolLoad, (uint8_t*)(poolData + 2), &pe);
CHECK_EQUAL(pe.index(), 4u); // Global pool entry index.
CHECK_EQUAL(load.getOffset(), 76);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(load), 0xc1cc0000); // Index into current pool.
poolLoad[0] = 0xc0cc0000;
load = ab.allocEntry(1, 1, (uint8_t*)poolLoad, (uint8_t*)poolData, &pe);
6u); // Global pool entry index. (Prev one is two indexes).
CHECK_EQUAL(load.getOffset(), 96);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(load), 0xc1cc0000); // Index into current pool.
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(76)), 0xc2cc000cu); // load pc+12.
0xb0bb0010u); // guard branch pc+16.
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(84)), 0xffff0008u); // header 8 bytes.
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(88)), 0xdddd0002u); // datum 1.
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(92)), 0xdddd0003u); // datum 2.
// Second pool is not flushed yet, and there is room for one instruction
// after the load. Test the keep-together feature.
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(96)), 0xc2cc000cu); // load pc+16.
0xb0bb000cu); // guard branch pc+12.
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(104)), 0xffff0004u); // header 4 bytes.
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(108)), 0xdddd0000u); // datum 1.
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(112)), 0x22220006u);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(116)), 0x22220007u);
return true;
BEGIN_TEST(testAssemblerBuffer_AssemblerBufferWithConstantPools_ShortBranch) {
using js::jit::BufferOffset;
AsmBufWithPool ab(/* guardSize= */ 1,
/* headerSize= */ 1,
/* instBufferAlign(unused)= */ 0,
/* poolMaxOffset= */ 17,
/* pcBias= */ 0,
/* alignFillInst= */ 0x11110000,
/* nopFillInst= */ 0xaaaa0000,
/* nopFill= */ 0);
// Insert short-range branch.
BufferOffset br1 = ab.putInt(0xb1bb00cc);
1, BufferOffset(br1.getOffset() + TestAssembler::BranchRange));
BufferOffset off = ab.putInt(0x22220002);
1, BufferOffset(off.getOffset() + TestAssembler::BranchRange));
// Second short-range branch that will be swiped up by hysteresis.
BufferOffset br2 = ab.putInt(0xb1bb0d2d);
1, BufferOffset(br2.getOffset() + TestAssembler::BranchRange));
// Branch should not have been patched yet here.
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(br1), 0xb1bb00cc);
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(br2), 0xb1bb0d2d);
// Cancel one of the pending branches.
// This is what will happen to most branches as they are bound before
// expiring by Assembler::bind().
1, BufferOffset(off.getOffset() + TestAssembler::BranchRange));
off = ab.putInt(0x22220006);
// Here we may or may not have patched the branch yet, but it is inevitable
// now:
// 0: br1 pc+36
// 4: 0x22220001
// 8: 0x22220002 (unpatched)
// 12: 0x22220003
// 16: 0x22220004
// 20: br2 pc+20
// 24: 0x22220006
CHECK_EQUAL(off.getOffset(), 24);
// 28: guard branch pc+16
// 32: pool header
// 36: veneer1
// 40: veneer2
// 44: 0x22220007
off = ab.putInt(0x22220007);
CHECK_EQUAL(off.getOffset(), 44);
// Now the branch must have been patched.
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(br1), 0xb3bb0000 + 36); // br1 pc+36 (patched)
0x22220002u); // 0x22220002 (unpatched)
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(br2), 0xb3bb0000 + 20); // br2 pc+20 (patched)
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(28)), 0xb0bb0010u); // br pc+16 (guard)
0xffff0000u); // pool header 0 bytes.
0xb2bb00ccu); // veneer1 w/ original 'cc' offset.
0xb2bb0d2du); // veneer2 w/ original 'd2d' offset.
CHECK_EQUAL(*ab.getInst(BufferOffset(44)), 0x22220007u);
return true;
// Test that everything is put together correctly in the ARM64 assembler.
#if defined(JS_CODEGEN_ARM64)
# include "jit/MacroAssembler-inl.h"
BEGIN_TEST(testAssemblerBuffer_ARM64) {
using namespace js::jit;
js::LifoAlloc lifo(4096, js::MallocArena);
TempAllocator alloc(&lifo);
JitContext jc(cx);
StackMacroAssembler masm(cx, alloc);
AutoCreatedBy acb(masm, __func__);
// Branches to an unbound label.
Label lab1;
masm.branch(Assembler::Equal, &lab1);
masm.branch(Assembler::LessThan, &lab1);
masm.branch(Assembler::Equal, &lab1);
vixl::B_cond | vixl::Assembler::ImmCondBranch(2) | vixl::eq);
vixl::B_cond | vixl::Assembler::ImmCondBranch(1) | vixl::lt);
vixl::B_cond | vixl::Assembler::ImmCondBranch(0) | vixl::eq);
// Branches can reach the label, but the linked list of uses needs to be
// rearranged. The final conditional branch cannot reach the first branch.
Label lab2a;
Label lab2b;
// Generate 1,100,000 bytes of NOPs.
for (unsigned n = 0; n < 1100000; n += 4) {
masm.branch(Assembler::LessThan, &lab2b);
vixl::B | vixl::Assembler::ImmUncondBranch(1100000 / 4 + 2));
CHECK_EQUAL(masm.getInstructionAt(BufferOffset(lab2b.offset() - 4))
vixl::B_cond | vixl::Assembler::ImmCondBranch(1) | vixl::lt);
// Generate a conditional branch that can't reach its label.
Label lab3a;
Label lab3b;
masm.branch(Assembler::LessThan, &lab3b);
for (unsigned n = 0; n < 1100000; n += 4) {
Instruction* bcond3 = masm.getInstructionAt(BufferOffset(lab3a.offset()));
CHECK_EQUAL(bcond3->BranchType(), vixl::CondBranchType);
ptrdiff_t delta = bcond3->ImmPCRawOffset() * 4;
Instruction* veneer =
masm.getInstructionAt(BufferOffset(lab3a.offset() + delta));
CHECK_EQUAL(veneer->BranchType(), vixl::UncondBranchType);
delta += veneer->ImmPCRawOffset() * 4;
CHECK_EQUAL(delta, lab3b.offset() - lab3a.offset());
Instruction* b3 = masm.getInstructionAt(BufferOffset(lab3b.offset()));
CHECK_EQUAL(b3->BranchType(), vixl::UncondBranchType);
CHECK_EQUAL(4 * b3->ImmPCRawOffset(), -delta);
return true;
#endif /* JS_CODEGEN_ARM64 */