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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#ifndef jit_shared_Assembler_shared_h
#define jit_shared_Assembler_shared_h
#include "mozilla/CheckedInt.h"
#include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <utility> // std::pair
#include "gc/Barrier.h"
#include "jit/AtomicOp.h"
#include "jit/JitAllocPolicy.h"
#include "jit/JitCode.h"
#include "jit/JitContext.h"
#include "jit/Label.h"
#include "jit/Registers.h"
#include "jit/RegisterSets.h"
#include "js/ScalarType.h" // js::Scalar::Type
#include "vm/HelperThreads.h"
#include "wasm/WasmCodegenTypes.h"
#include "wasm/WasmConstants.h"
#if defined(JS_CODEGEN_ARM) || defined(JS_CODEGEN_ARM64) || \
defined(JS_CODEGEN_MIPS32) || defined(JS_CODEGEN_MIPS64) || \
defined(JS_CODEGEN_LOONG64) || defined(JS_CODEGEN_WASM32) || \
// Push return addresses callee-side.
#if defined(JS_CODEGEN_MIPS32) || defined(JS_CODEGEN_MIPS64) || \
defined(JS_CODEGEN_ARM64) || defined(JS_CODEGEN_LOONG64) || \
defined(JS_CODEGEN_RISCV64) || defined(JS_CODEGEN_ARM)
// JS_CODELABEL_LINKMODE gives labels additional metadata
// describing how Bind() should patch them.
using js::wasm::FaultingCodeOffset;
namespace js {
namespace jit {
enum class FrameType;
enum class ExceptionResumeKind : int32_t;
namespace Disassembler {
class HeapAccess;
} // namespace Disassembler
static constexpr uint32_t Simd128DataSize = 4 * sizeof(int32_t);
static_assert(Simd128DataSize == 4 * sizeof(int32_t),
"SIMD data should be able to contain int32x4");
static_assert(Simd128DataSize == 4 * sizeof(float),
"SIMD data should be able to contain float32x4");
static_assert(Simd128DataSize == 2 * sizeof(double),
"SIMD data should be able to contain float64x2");
enum Scale {
TimesOne = 0,
TimesTwo = 1,
TimesFour = 2,
TimesEight = 3,
Invalid = -1
static_assert(sizeof(JS::Value) == 8,
"required for TimesEight and 3 below to be correct");
static const Scale ValueScale = TimesEight;
static const size_t ValueShift = 3;
static inline unsigned ScaleToShift(Scale scale) { return unsigned(scale); }
static inline bool IsShiftInScaleRange(int i) {
return i >= TimesOne && i <= TimesEight;
static inline Scale ShiftToScale(int i) {
return Scale(i);
static inline Scale ScaleFromElemWidth(int shift) {
switch (shift) {
case 1:
return TimesOne;
case 2:
return TimesTwo;
case 4:
return TimesFour;
case 8:
return TimesEight;
MOZ_CRASH("Invalid scale");
static inline Scale ScaleFromScalarType(Scalar::Type type) {
return ScaleFromElemWidth(Scalar::byteSize(type));
static inline const char* StringFromScale(Scale scale) {
switch (scale) {
case TimesOne:
return "TimesOne";
case TimesTwo:
return "TimesTwo";
case TimesFour:
return "TimesFour";
case TimesEight:
return "TimesEight";
MOZ_CRASH("Unknown Scale");
// Used for 32-bit immediates which do not require relocation.
struct Imm32 {
int32_t value;
explicit Imm32(int32_t value) : value(value) {}
explicit Imm32(FrameType type) : Imm32(int32_t(type)) {}
explicit Imm32(ExceptionResumeKind kind) : Imm32(int32_t(kind)) {}
static inline Imm32 ShiftOf(enum Scale s) {
switch (s) {
case TimesOne:
return Imm32(0);
case TimesTwo:
return Imm32(1);
case TimesFour:
return Imm32(2);
case TimesEight:
return Imm32(3);
MOZ_CRASH("Invalid scale");
static inline Imm32 FactorOf(enum Scale s) {
return Imm32(1 << ShiftOf(s).value);
// Pointer-sized integer to be embedded as an immediate in an instruction.
struct ImmWord {
uintptr_t value;
explicit ImmWord(uintptr_t value) : value(value) {}
// Used for 64-bit immediates which do not require relocation.
struct Imm64 {
uint64_t value;
explicit Imm64(int64_t value) : value(value) {}
Imm32 low() const { return Imm32(int32_t(value)); }
Imm32 hi() const { return Imm32(int32_t(value >> 32)); }
#ifdef DEBUG
static inline bool IsCompilingWasm() {
return GetJitContext()->isCompilingWasm();
// Pointer to be embedded as an immediate in an instruction.
struct ImmPtr {
void* value;
struct NoCheckToken {};
explicit constexpr ImmPtr(std::nullptr_t) : value(nullptr) {
// Explicit constructor for nullptr. This ensures ImmPtr(0) can't be called.
// Either use ImmPtr(nullptr) or ImmWord(0).
explicit ImmPtr(void* value, NoCheckToken) : value(value) {
// A special unchecked variant for contexts where we know it is safe to
// use an immptr. This is assuming the caller knows what they're doing.
explicit ImmPtr(const void* value) : value(const_cast<void*>(value)) {
// To make code serialization-safe, wasm compilation should only
// compile pointer immediates using a SymbolicAddress.
template <class R>
explicit ImmPtr(R (*pf)()) : value(JS_FUNC_TO_DATA_PTR(void*, pf)) {
template <class R, class A1>
explicit ImmPtr(R (*pf)(A1)) : value(JS_FUNC_TO_DATA_PTR(void*, pf)) {
template <class R, class A1, class A2>
explicit ImmPtr(R (*pf)(A1, A2)) : value(JS_FUNC_TO_DATA_PTR(void*, pf)) {
template <class R, class A1, class A2, class A3>
explicit ImmPtr(R (*pf)(A1, A2, A3)) : value(JS_FUNC_TO_DATA_PTR(void*, pf)) {
template <class R, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4>
explicit ImmPtr(R (*pf)(A1, A2, A3, A4))
: value(JS_FUNC_TO_DATA_PTR(void*, pf)) {
// The same as ImmPtr except that the intention is to patch this
// instruction. The initial value of the immediate is 'addr' and this value is
// either clobbered or used in the patching process.
struct PatchedImmPtr {
void* value;
explicit PatchedImmPtr() : value(nullptr) {}
explicit PatchedImmPtr(const void* value) : value(const_cast<void*>(value)) {}
class AssemblerShared;
class ImmGCPtr;
// Used for immediates which require relocation.
class ImmGCPtr {
const gc::Cell* value;
explicit ImmGCPtr(const gc::Cell* ptr) : value(ptr) {
// Nursery pointers can't be used if the main thread might be currently
// performing a minor GC.
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(ptr && !ptr->isTenured(), !CurrentThreadIsIonCompiling());
// wasm shouldn't be creating GC things
ImmGCPtr() : value(0) {}
// Pointer to trampoline code. Trampoline code is kept alive until the runtime
// is destroyed, so does not need to be traced.
struct TrampolinePtr {
uint8_t* value;
TrampolinePtr() : value(nullptr) {}
explicit TrampolinePtr(uint8_t* value) : value(value) { MOZ_ASSERT(value); }
// Pointer to be embedded as an immediate that is loaded/stored from by an
// instruction.
struct AbsoluteAddress {
void* addr;
explicit AbsoluteAddress(const void* addr) : addr(const_cast<void*>(addr)) {
AbsoluteAddress offset(ptrdiff_t delta) {
return AbsoluteAddress(((uint8_t*)addr) + delta);
// The same as AbsoluteAddress except that the intention is to patch this
// instruction. The initial value of the immediate is 'addr' and this value is
// either clobbered or used in the patching process.
struct PatchedAbsoluteAddress {
void* addr;
explicit PatchedAbsoluteAddress() : addr(nullptr) {}
explicit PatchedAbsoluteAddress(const void* addr)
: addr(const_cast<void*>(addr)) {}
explicit PatchedAbsoluteAddress(uintptr_t addr)
: addr(reinterpret_cast<void*>(addr)) {}
// Specifies an address computed in the form of a register base and a constant,
// 32-bit offset.
struct Address {
RegisterOrSP base;
int32_t offset;
Address(Register base, int32_t offset)
: base(RegisterOrSP(base)), offset(offset) {}
Address(RegisterOrSP base, int32_t offset) : base(base), offset(offset) {}
Address() = delete;
bool operator==(const Address& other) const {
return base == other.base && offset == other.offset;
bool operator!=(const Address& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
#if JS_BITS_PER_WORD == 32
static inline Address LowWord(const Address& address) {
using mozilla::CheckedInt;
CheckedInt<int32_t> offset =
CheckedInt<int32_t>(address.offset) + INT64LOW_OFFSET;
return Address(address.base, offset.value());
static inline Address HighWord(const Address& address) {
using mozilla::CheckedInt;
CheckedInt<int32_t> offset =
CheckedInt<int32_t>(address.offset) + INT64HIGH_OFFSET;
return Address(address.base, offset.value());
// Specifies an address computed in the form of a register base, a register
// index with a scale, and a constant, 32-bit offset.
struct BaseIndex {
RegisterOrSP base;
Register index;
Scale scale;
int32_t offset;
BaseIndex(Register base, Register index, Scale scale, int32_t offset = 0)
: base(RegisterOrSP(base)), index(index), scale(scale), offset(offset) {}
BaseIndex(RegisterOrSP base, Register index, Scale scale, int32_t offset = 0)
: base(base), index(index), scale(scale), offset(offset) {}
BaseIndex() = delete;
#if JS_BITS_PER_WORD == 32
static inline BaseIndex LowWord(const BaseIndex& address) {
using mozilla::CheckedInt;
CheckedInt<int32_t> offset =
CheckedInt<int32_t>(address.offset) + INT64LOW_OFFSET;
return BaseIndex(address.base, address.index, address.scale, offset.value());
static inline BaseIndex HighWord(const BaseIndex& address) {
using mozilla::CheckedInt;
CheckedInt<int32_t> offset =
CheckedInt<int32_t>(address.offset) + INT64HIGH_OFFSET;
return BaseIndex(address.base, address.index, address.scale, offset.value());
// A BaseIndex used to access Values. Note that |offset| is *not* scaled by
// sizeof(Value). Use this *only* if you're indexing into a series of Values
// that aren't object elements or object slots (for example, values on the
// stack, values in an arguments object, &c.). If you're indexing into an
// object's elements or slots, don't use this directly! Use
// BaseObject{Element,Slot}Index instead.
struct BaseValueIndex : BaseIndex {
BaseValueIndex(Register base, Register index, int32_t offset = 0)
: BaseIndex(RegisterOrSP(base), index, ValueScale, offset) {}
BaseValueIndex(RegisterOrSP base, Register index, int32_t offset = 0)
: BaseIndex(base, index, ValueScale, offset) {}
// Specifies the address of an indexed Value within object elements from a
// base. The index must not already be scaled by sizeof(Value)!
struct BaseObjectElementIndex : BaseValueIndex {
BaseObjectElementIndex(Register base, Register index, int32_t offset = 0)
: BaseValueIndex(base, index, offset) {}
BaseObjectElementIndex(RegisterOrSP base, Register index, int32_t offset = 0)
: BaseValueIndex(base, index, offset) {}
static void staticAssertions();
// Like BaseObjectElementIndex, except for object slots.
struct BaseObjectSlotIndex : BaseValueIndex {
BaseObjectSlotIndex(Register base, Register index)
: BaseValueIndex(base, index) {}
BaseObjectSlotIndex(RegisterOrSP base, Register index)
: BaseValueIndex(base, index) {}
static void staticAssertions();
enum class RelocationKind {
// The target is immovable, so patching is only needed if the source
// buffer is relocated and the reference is relative.
// The target is the start of a JitCode buffer, which must be traced
// during garbage collection. Relocations and patching may be needed.
class CodeOffset {
size_t offset_;
static const size_t NOT_BOUND = size_t(-1);
explicit CodeOffset(size_t offset) : offset_(offset) {}
CodeOffset() : offset_(NOT_BOUND) {}
size_t offset() const {
return offset_;
void bind(size_t offset) {
offset_ = offset;
bool bound() const { return offset_ != NOT_BOUND; }
void offsetBy(size_t delta) {
MOZ_ASSERT(offset_ + delta >= offset_, "no overflow");
offset_ += delta;
// A code label contains an absolute reference to a point in the code. Thus, it
// cannot be patched until after linking.
// When the source label is resolved into a memory address, this address is
// patched into the destination address.
// Some need to distinguish between multiple ways of patching that address.
class CodeLabel {
// The destination position, where the absolute reference should get
// patched into.
CodeOffset patchAt_;
// The source label (relative) in the code to where the destination should
// get patched to.
CodeOffset target_;
enum LinkMode { Uninitialized = 0, RawPointer, MoveImmediate, JumpImmediate };
LinkMode linkMode_ = Uninitialized;
CodeLabel() = default;
explicit CodeLabel(const CodeOffset& patchAt) : patchAt_(patchAt) {}
CodeLabel(const CodeOffset& patchAt, const CodeOffset& target)
: patchAt_(patchAt), target_(target) {}
CodeOffset* patchAt() { return &patchAt_; }
CodeOffset* target() { return &target_; }
CodeOffset patchAt() const { return patchAt_; }
CodeOffset target() const { return target_; }
LinkMode linkMode() const { return linkMode_; }
void setLinkMode(LinkMode value) { linkMode_ = value; }
using CodeLabelVector = Vector<CodeLabel, 0, SystemAllocPolicy>;
class CodeLocationLabel {
uint8_t* raw_ = nullptr;
CodeLocationLabel(JitCode* code, CodeOffset base) {
MOZ_ASSERT(base.offset() < code->instructionsSize());
raw_ = code->raw() + base.offset();
explicit CodeLocationLabel(JitCode* code) { raw_ = code->raw(); }
explicit CodeLocationLabel(uint8_t* raw) {
raw_ = raw;
ptrdiff_t operator-(const CodeLocationLabel& other) const {
return raw_ - other.raw_;
uint8_t* raw() const { return raw_; }
} // namespace jit
namespace wasm {
// Represents an instruction to be patched and the intended pointee. These
// links are accumulated in the MacroAssembler, but patching is done outside
// the MacroAssembler (in Module::staticallyLink).
struct SymbolicAccess {
SymbolicAccess(jit::CodeOffset patchAt, SymbolicAddress target)
: patchAt(patchAt), target(target) {}
jit::CodeOffset patchAt;
SymbolicAddress target;
using SymbolicAccessVector = Vector<SymbolicAccess, 0, SystemAllocPolicy>;
// Describes a single wasm or asm.js memory access for the purpose of generating
// code and metadata.
class MemoryAccessDesc {
uint32_t memoryIndex_;
uint64_t offset_;
uint32_t align_;
Scalar::Type type_;
jit::Synchronization sync_;
wasm::BytecodeOffset trapOffset_;
wasm::SimdOp widenOp_;
enum { Plain, ZeroExtend, Splat, Widen } loadOp_;
// Used for an assertion in MacroAssembler about offset length
mozilla::DebugOnly<bool> hugeMemory_;
explicit MemoryAccessDesc(
uint32_t memoryIndex, Scalar::Type type, uint32_t align, uint64_t offset,
BytecodeOffset trapOffset, mozilla::DebugOnly<bool> hugeMemory,
jit::Synchronization sync = jit::Synchronization::None())
: memoryIndex_(memoryIndex),
hugeMemory_(hugeMemory) {
uint32_t memoryIndex() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(memoryIndex_ != UINT32_MAX);
return memoryIndex_;
// The offset is a 64-bit value because of memory64. Almost always, it will
// fit in 32 bits, and therefore offset32() is used almost everywhere in the
// engine. The compiler front-ends must use offset64() to bypass the check
// performed by offset32(), and must resolve offsets that don't fit in 32 bits
// early in the compilation pipeline so that no large offsets are observed
// later.
uint32_t offset32() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(offset_ <= UINT32_MAX);
return uint32_t(offset_);
uint64_t offset64() const { return offset_; }
// The offset can be cleared without worrying about its magnitude.
void clearOffset() { offset_ = 0; }
// The offset can be set (after compile-time evaluation) but only to values
// that fit in 32 bits.
void setOffset32(uint32_t offset) { offset_ = offset; }
uint32_t align() const { return align_; }
Scalar::Type type() const { return type_; }
unsigned byteSize() const { return Scalar::byteSize(type()); }
jit::Synchronization sync() const { return sync_; }
BytecodeOffset trapOffset() const { return trapOffset_; }
wasm::SimdOp widenSimdOp() const {
return widenOp_;
bool isAtomic() const { return !sync_.isNone(); }
bool isZeroExtendSimd128Load() const { return loadOp_ == ZeroExtend; }
bool isSplatSimd128Load() const { return loadOp_ == Splat; }
bool isWidenSimd128Load() const { return loadOp_ == Widen; }
mozilla::DebugOnly<bool> isHugeMemory() const { return hugeMemory_; }
#ifdef DEBUG
void assertOffsetInGuardPages() const;
void assertOffsetInGuardPages() const {}
void setZeroExtendSimd128Load() {
MOZ_ASSERT(type() == Scalar::Float32 || type() == Scalar::Float64);
MOZ_ASSERT(loadOp_ == Plain);
loadOp_ = ZeroExtend;
void setSplatSimd128Load() {
MOZ_ASSERT(type() == Scalar::Uint8 || type() == Scalar::Uint16 ||
type() == Scalar::Float32 || type() == Scalar::Float64);
MOZ_ASSERT(loadOp_ == Plain);
loadOp_ = Splat;
void setWidenSimd128Load(wasm::SimdOp op) {
MOZ_ASSERT(type() == Scalar::Float64);
MOZ_ASSERT(loadOp_ == Plain);
widenOp_ = op;
loadOp_ = Widen;
} // namespace wasm
namespace jit {
// The base class of all Assemblers for all archs.
class AssemblerShared {
wasm::CallSiteVector callSites_;
wasm::CallSiteTargetVector callSiteTargets_;
wasm::TrapSiteVectorArray trapSites_;
wasm::SymbolicAccessVector symbolicAccesses_;
wasm::TryNoteVector tryNotes_;
wasm::CodeRangeUnwindInfoVector codeRangesUnwind_;
wasm::CallRefMetricsPatchVector callRefMetricsPatches_;
#ifdef DEBUG
// To facilitate figuring out which part of SM created each instruction as
// shown by IONFLAGS=codegen, this maintains a stack of (notionally)
// code-creating routines, which is printed in the log output every time an
// entry is pushed or popped. Do not push/pop entries directly; instead use
// `class AutoCreatedBy`.
mozilla::Vector<const char*> creators_;
CodeLabelVector codeLabels_;
bool enoughMemory_;
bool embedsNurseryPointers_;
AssemblerShared() : enoughMemory_(true), embedsNurseryPointers_(false) {}
#ifdef DEBUG
// Do not use these directly; instead use `class AutoCreatedBy`.
void pushCreator(const char*);
void popCreator();
// See comment on the implementation of `hasCreator` for guidance on what to
// do if you get failures of the assertion `MOZ_ASSERT(hasCreator())`,
bool hasCreator() const;
void propagateOOM(bool success) { enoughMemory_ &= success; }
void setOOM() { enoughMemory_ = false; }
bool oom() const { return !enoughMemory_; }
bool embedsNurseryPointers() const { return embedsNurseryPointers_; }
void addCodeLabel(CodeLabel label) {
size_t numCodeLabels() const { return codeLabels_.length(); }
CodeLabel codeLabel(size_t i) { return codeLabels_[i]; }
CodeLabelVector& codeLabels() { return codeLabels_; }
// WebAssembly metadata emitted by masm operations accumulated on the
// MacroAssembler, and swapped into a wasm::CompiledCode after finish().
template <typename... Args>
void append(const wasm::CallSiteDesc& desc, CodeOffset retAddr,
Args&&... args) {
enoughMemory_ &= callSites_.emplaceBack(desc, retAddr.offset());
enoughMemory_ &= callSiteTargets_.emplaceBack(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
void append(wasm::Trap trap, wasm::TrapSite site) {
enoughMemory_ &= trapSites_[trap].append(site);
void append(const wasm::MemoryAccessDesc& access, wasm::TrapMachineInsn insn,
FaultingCodeOffset assemblerOffsetOfFaultingMachineInsn) {
wasm::TrapSite(insn, assemblerOffsetOfFaultingMachineInsn,
void append(wasm::SymbolicAccess access) {
enoughMemory_ &= symbolicAccesses_.append(access);
// This one returns an index as the try note so that it can be looked up
// later to add the end point and stack position of the try block.
[[nodiscard]] bool append(wasm::TryNote tryNote, size_t* tryNoteIndex) {
if (!tryNotes_.append(tryNote)) {
enoughMemory_ = false;
return false;
*tryNoteIndex = tryNotes_.length() - 1;
return true;
void append(wasm::CodeRangeUnwindInfo::UnwindHow unwindHow,
uint32_t pcOffset) {
enoughMemory_ &= codeRangesUnwind_.emplaceBack(pcOffset, unwindHow);
void append(wasm::CallRefMetricsPatch patch) {
enoughMemory_ &= callRefMetricsPatches_.append(patch);
wasm::CallSiteVector& callSites() { return callSites_; }
wasm::CallSiteTargetVector& callSiteTargets() { return callSiteTargets_; }
wasm::TrapSiteVectorArray& trapSites() { return trapSites_; }
wasm::SymbolicAccessVector& symbolicAccesses() { return symbolicAccesses_; }
wasm::TryNoteVector& tryNotes() { return tryNotes_; }
wasm::CodeRangeUnwindInfoVector& codeRangeUnwindInfos() {
return codeRangesUnwind_;
wasm::CallRefMetricsPatchVector& callRefMetricsPatches() {
return callRefMetricsPatches_;
// AutoCreatedBy pushes and later pops a who-created-these-insns? tag into the
// JitSpew_Codegen output. These could be created fairly frequently, so a
// dummy inlineable-out version is provided for non-debug builds. The tag
// text can be completely arbitrary -- it serves only to help readers of the
// output text to relate instructions back to the part(s) of SM that created
// them.
#ifdef DEBUG
class MOZ_RAII AutoCreatedBy {
AssemblerShared& ash_;
AutoCreatedBy(AssemblerShared& ash, const char* who) : ash_(ash) {
~AutoCreatedBy() { ash_.popCreator(); }
class MOZ_RAII AutoCreatedBy {
inline AutoCreatedBy(AssemblerShared& ash, const char* who) {}
// A user-defined constructor is necessary to stop some compilers from
// complaining about unused variables.
inline ~AutoCreatedBy() {}
} // namespace jit
} // namespace js
#endif /* jit_shared_Assembler_shared_h */