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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef jit_PerfSpewer_h
#define jit_PerfSpewer_h
#ifdef JS_ION_PERF
# include <stdio.h>
#include "jit/BaselineFrameInfo.h"
#include "jit/CacheIR.h"
#include "jit/JitCode.h"
#include "jit/LIR.h"
#include "js/AllocPolicy.h"
#include "js/Vector.h"
#include "vm/JSScript.h"
namespace js::jit {
struct AutoLockPerfSpewer {
class MBasicBlock;
class MacroAssembler;
bool PerfEnabled();
class PerfSpewer {
struct OpcodeEntry {
uint32_t offset = 0;
unsigned opcode = 0;
jsbytecode* bytecodepc = nullptr;
// This string is used to replace the opcode, to define things like
// Prologue/Epilogue, or to add operand info.
UniqueChars str;
explicit OpcodeEntry(uint32_t offset_, unsigned opcode_, UniqueChars& str_,
jsbytecode* pc)
: offset(offset_), opcode(opcode_), bytecodepc(pc) {
str = std::move(str_);
explicit OpcodeEntry(uint32_t offset_, unsigned opcode_, UniqueChars& str_)
: offset(offset_), opcode(opcode_) {
str = std::move(str_);
explicit OpcodeEntry(uint32_t offset_, UniqueChars& str_)
: offset(offset_) {
str = std::move(str_);
explicit OpcodeEntry(uint32_t offset_, unsigned opcode_)
: offset(offset_), opcode(opcode_) {}
explicit OpcodeEntry(jsbytecode* pc) : bytecodepc(pc) {}
OpcodeEntry(OpcodeEntry&& copy) {
offset = copy.offset;
opcode = copy.opcode;
bytecodepc = copy.bytecodepc;
str = std::move(copy.str);
// Do not copy the UniqueChars member.
OpcodeEntry(OpcodeEntry& copy) = delete;
Vector<OpcodeEntry, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> opcodes_;
uint32_t lir_opcode_length = 0;
uint32_t js_opcode_length = 0;
virtual const char* CodeName(unsigned op) = 0;
virtual void saveJitCodeSourceInfo(JSScript* script, JitCode* code,
AutoLockPerfSpewer& lock);
void saveDebugInfo(JSScript* script, JitCode* code, AutoLockPerfSpewer& lock);
void saveProfile(JitCode* code, UniqueChars& desc, JSScript* script);
void saveJitCodeIRInfo(JitCode* code, AutoLockPerfSpewer& lock);
PerfSpewer() = default;
void recordOffset(MacroAssembler& masm, const char*);
static void Init();
static void CollectJitCodeInfo(UniqueChars& function_name, JitCode* code,
AutoLockPerfSpewer& lock);
static void CollectJitCodeInfo(UniqueChars& function_name, void* code_addr,
uint64_t code_size, AutoLockPerfSpewer& lock);
void CollectPerfSpewerJitCodeProfile(JitCode* code, const char* msg);
void CollectPerfSpewerJitCodeProfile(uintptr_t base, uint64_t size,
const char* msg);
void CollectPerfSpewerWasmMap(uintptr_t base, uintptr_t size,
const char* filename, const char* annotation);
void CollectPerfSpewerWasmFunctionMap(uintptr_t base, uintptr_t size,
const char* filename, unsigned lineno,
const char* funcName);
class IonPerfSpewer : public PerfSpewer {
const char* CodeName(unsigned op) override;
void recordInstruction(MacroAssembler& masm, LInstruction* ins);
void saveProfile(JSContext* cx, JSScript* script, JitCode* code);
class BaselineInterpreterPerfSpewer : public PerfSpewer {
const char* CodeName(unsigned op) override;
// Do nothing, BaselineInterpreter has no source to reference.
void saveJitCodeSourceInfo(JSScript* script, JitCode* code,
AutoLockPerfSpewer& lock) override {}
void recordOffset(MacroAssembler& masm, JSOp op);
void recordOffset(MacroAssembler& masm, const char* name);
void saveProfile(JitCode* code);
class BaselinePerfSpewer : public PerfSpewer {
const char* CodeName(unsigned op) override;
void recordInstruction(MacroAssembler& masm, jsbytecode* pc,
CompilerFrameInfo& frame);
void saveProfile(JSContext* cx, JSScript* script, JitCode* code);
class InlineCachePerfSpewer : public PerfSpewer {
const char* CodeName(unsigned op) override;
void recordInstruction(MacroAssembler& masm, CacheOp op);
class BaselineICPerfSpewer : public InlineCachePerfSpewer {
void saveJitCodeSourceInfo(JSScript* script, JitCode* code,
AutoLockPerfSpewer& lock) override {
// Baseline IC stubs are shared and have no source code to reference.
void saveProfile(JitCode* code, const char* stubName);
class IonICPerfSpewer : public InlineCachePerfSpewer {
explicit IonICPerfSpewer(jsbytecode* pc);
void saveJitCodeSourceInfo(JSScript* script, JitCode* code,
AutoLockPerfSpewer& lock) override;
void saveProfile(JSContext* cx, JSScript* script, JitCode* code,
const char* stubName);
class PerfSpewerRangeRecorder {
using OffsetPair = std::tuple<uint32_t, UniqueChars>;
Vector<OffsetPair, 0, js::SystemAllocPolicy> ranges;
MacroAssembler& masm;
void appendEntry(UniqueChars& desc);
explicit PerfSpewerRangeRecorder(MacroAssembler& masm_) : masm(masm_) {};
void recordOffset(const char* name);
void recordOffset(const char* name, JSContext* cx, JSScript* script);
void recordVMWrapperOffset(const char* name);
void collectRangesForJitCode(JitCode* code);
} // namespace js::jit
#endif /* jit_PerfSpewer_h */