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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#include "jit/JitOptions.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <type_traits>
#include "vm/JSScript.h"
using namespace js;
using namespace js::jit;
using mozilla::Maybe;
namespace js {
namespace jit {
MOZ_RUNINIT DefaultJitOptions JitOptions;
static void Warn(const char* env, const char* value) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: I didn't understand %s=\"%s\"\n", env, value);
static Maybe<int> ParseInt(const char* str) {
char* endp;
int retval = strtol(str, &endp, 0);
if (*endp == '\0') {
return mozilla::Some(retval);
return mozilla::Nothing();
template <typename T>
T overrideDefault(const char* param, T dflt) {
char* str = getenv(param);
if (!str) {
return dflt;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, bool>) {
if (strcmp(str, "true") == 0 || strcmp(str, "yes") == 0) {
return true;
if (strcmp(str, "false") == 0 || strcmp(str, "no") == 0) {
return false;
Warn(param, str);
} else {
Maybe<int> value = ParseInt(str);
if (value.isSome()) {
return value.ref();
Warn(param, str);
return dflt;
#define SET_DEFAULT(var, dflt) var = overrideDefault("JIT_OPTION_" #var, dflt)
DefaultJitOptions::DefaultJitOptions() {
// Whether to perform expensive graph-consistency DEBUG-only assertions.
// It can be useful to disable this to reduce DEBUG-compile time of large
// wasm programs.
SET_DEFAULT(checkGraphConsistency, true);
// Emit extra code to verify live regs at the start of a VM call
// are not modified before its OsiPoint.
SET_DEFAULT(checkOsiPointRegisters, false);
// Whether to enable extra code to perform dynamic validation of
// RangeAnalysis results.
SET_DEFAULT(checkRangeAnalysis, false);
// Toggles whether Alignment Mask Analysis is globally disabled.
SET_DEFAULT(disableAma, false);
// Toggles whether Effective Address Analysis is globally disabled.
SET_DEFAULT(disableEaa, false);
// Toggles whether Edge Case Analysis is gobally disabled.
SET_DEFAULT(disableEdgeCaseAnalysis, false);
// Toggle whether global value numbering is globally disabled.
SET_DEFAULT(disableGvn, false);
// Toggles whether inlining is globally disabled.
SET_DEFAULT(disableInlining, false);
// Toggles whether loop invariant code motion is globally disabled.
SET_DEFAULT(disableLicm, false);
// Toggle whether branch pruning is globally disabled.
SET_DEFAULT(disablePruning, false);
// Toggles whether the iterator indices optimization is globally disabled.
SET_DEFAULT(disableIteratorIndices, false);
// Toggles whether instruction reordering is globally disabled.
SET_DEFAULT(disableInstructionReordering, false);
// Toggles whether atomizing loads used as property keys is globally disabled.
SET_DEFAULT(disableMarkLoadsUsedAsPropertyKeys, false);
// Toggles whether Range Analysis is globally disabled.
SET_DEFAULT(disableRangeAnalysis, false);
// Toggles wheter Recover instructions is globally disabled.
SET_DEFAULT(disableRecoverIns, false);
// Toggle whether eager scalar replacement is globally disabled.
SET_DEFAULT(disableScalarReplacement, false);
// Toggles whether CacheIR stubs are used.
SET_DEFAULT(disableCacheIR, false);
// Toggles whether sink code motion is globally disabled.
SET_DEFAULT(disableSink, true);
// Toggles whether redundant shape guard elimination is globally disabled.
SET_DEFAULT(disableRedundantShapeGuards, false);
// Toggles whether redundant GC barrier elimination is globally disabled.
SET_DEFAULT(disableRedundantGCBarriers, false);
// Toggles whether we verify that we don't recompile with the same CacheIR.
SET_DEFAULT(disableBailoutLoopCheck, false);
// Whether the Baseline Interpreter is enabled.
SET_DEFAULT(baselineInterpreter, true);
// Whether the Portable Baseline Interpreter is enabled.
SET_DEFAULT(portableBaselineInterpreter, false);
SET_DEFAULT(portableBaselineInterpreter, true);
SET_DEFAULT(portableBaselineInterpreterWarmUpThreshold, 0);
// emitInterpreterEntryTrampoline and enableICFramePointers are used in
// combination with perf jitdump profiling. The first will enable
// trampolines for interpreter and baseline interpreter frames to
// identify which function is being executed, and the latter enables
// frame pointers for IC stubs. They are both enabled by default
// when the |IONPERF| environment variable is set.
bool perfEnabled = !!getenv("IONPERF");
SET_DEFAULT(emitInterpreterEntryTrampoline, perfEnabled);
SET_DEFAULT(enableICFramePointers, perfEnabled);
// Whether the Baseline JIT is enabled.
SET_DEFAULT(baselineJit, true);
// Whether the IonMonkey JIT is enabled.
SET_DEFAULT(ion, true);
// Whether the IonMonkey and Baseline JITs are enabled for Trusted Principals.
// (Ignored if ion or baselineJit is set to true.)
SET_DEFAULT(jitForTrustedPrincipals, false);
// Whether the RegExp JIT is enabled.
SET_DEFAULT(nativeRegExp, true);
// Whether Warp should use ICs instead of transpiling Baseline CacheIR.
SET_DEFAULT(forceInlineCaches, false);
// Whether all ICs should be initialized as megamorphic ICs.
SET_DEFAULT(forceMegamorphicICs, false);
// Toggles whether large scripts are rejected.
SET_DEFAULT(limitScriptSize, true);
// Toggles whether functions may be entered at loop headers.
SET_DEFAULT(osr, true);
// Whether the JIT backend (used by JITs, Wasm, Baseline Interpreter) has been
// disabled for this process. See JS::DisableJitBackend.
SET_DEFAULT(disableJitBackend, false);
// Whether to enable extra code to perform dynamic validations.
SET_DEFAULT(runExtraChecks, false);
// How many invocations or loop iterations are needed before functions
// enter the Baseline Interpreter.
SET_DEFAULT(baselineInterpreterWarmUpThreshold, 10);
// How many invocations are needed before functions enter the
// Portable Baseline Interpreter.
SET_DEFAULT(portableBaselineInterpreterWarmUpThreshold, 10);
// How many invocations or loop iterations are needed before functions
// are compiled with the baseline compiler.
// Duplicated in all.js - ensure both match.
SET_DEFAULT(baselineJitWarmUpThreshold, 100);
// Disable eager baseline jit hints
SET_DEFAULT(disableJitHints, false);
// How many invocations or loop iterations are needed before functions
// are considered for trial inlining.
SET_DEFAULT(trialInliningWarmUpThreshold, 500);
// The initial warm-up count for ICScripts created by trial inlining.
// Note: the difference between trialInliningInitialWarmUpCount and
// trialInliningWarmUpThreshold must be:
// * Small enough to allow inlining multiple levels deep before the outer
// script reaches its normalIonWarmUpThreshold.
// * Greater than inliningEntryThreshold or no scripts can be inlined.
SET_DEFAULT(trialInliningInitialWarmUpCount, 250);
// How many invocations or loop iterations are needed before functions
// are compiled with the Ion compiler at OptimizationLevel::Normal.
// Duplicated in all.js - ensure both match.
SET_DEFAULT(normalIonWarmUpThreshold, 1500);
// How many invocations are needed before regexps are compiled to
// native code.
SET_DEFAULT(regexpWarmUpThreshold, 10);
// Number of exception bailouts (resuming into catch/finally block) before
// we invalidate and forbid Ion compilation.
SET_DEFAULT(exceptionBailoutThreshold, 10);
// Number of bailouts without invalidation before we set
// JSScript::hadFrequentBailouts and invalidate.
// Duplicated in all.js - ensure both match.
SET_DEFAULT(frequentBailoutThreshold, 10);
// Whether to run all debug checks in debug builds.
// Disabling might make it more enjoyable to run JS in debug builds.
SET_DEFAULT(fullDebugChecks, true);
// How many actual arguments are accepted on the C stack.
SET_DEFAULT(maxStackArgs, 20'000);
// How many times we will try to enter a script via OSR before
// invalidating the script.
SET_DEFAULT(osrPcMismatchesBeforeRecompile, 6000);
// The bytecode length limit for small function.
SET_DEFAULT(smallFunctionMaxBytecodeLength, 130);
// The minimum entry count for an IC stub before it can be trial-inlined.
SET_DEFAULT(inliningEntryThreshold, 100);
// An artificial testing limit for the maximum supported offset of
// pc-relative jump and call instructions.
SET_DEFAULT(jumpThreshold, UINT32_MAX);
// Branch pruning heuristic is based on a scoring system, which is look at
// different metrics and provide a score. The score is computed as a
// projection where each factor defines the weight of each metric. Then this
// score is compared against a threshold to prevent a branch from being
// removed.
SET_DEFAULT(branchPruningHitCountFactor, 1);
SET_DEFAULT(branchPruningInstFactor, 10);
SET_DEFAULT(branchPruningBlockSpanFactor, 100);
SET_DEFAULT(branchPruningEffectfulInstFactor, 3500);
SET_DEFAULT(branchPruningThreshold, 4000);
// Limits on bytecode length and number of locals/arguments for Ion
// compilation. There are different (lower) limits for when off-thread Ion
// compilation isn't available.
SET_DEFAULT(ionMaxScriptSize, 100 * 1000);
SET_DEFAULT(ionMaxScriptSizeMainThread, 2 * 1000);
SET_DEFAULT(ionMaxLocalsAndArgs, 10 * 1000);
SET_DEFAULT(ionMaxLocalsAndArgsMainThread, 256);
// Force the used register allocator instead of letting the optimization
// pass decide.
const char* forcedRegisterAllocatorEnv = "JIT_OPTION_forcedRegisterAllocator";
if (const char* env = getenv(forcedRegisterAllocatorEnv)) {
forcedRegisterAllocator = LookupRegisterAllocator(env);
if (!forcedRegisterAllocator.isSome()) {
Warn(forcedRegisterAllocatorEnv, env);
#if defined(JS_CODEGEN_MIPS32) || defined(JS_CODEGEN_MIPS64) || \
defined(JS_CODEGEN_LOONG64) || defined(JS_CODEGEN_RISCV64)
SET_DEFAULT(spectreIndexMasking, false);
SET_DEFAULT(spectreObjectMitigations, false);
SET_DEFAULT(spectreStringMitigations, false);
SET_DEFAULT(spectreValueMasking, false);
SET_DEFAULT(spectreJitToCxxCalls, false);
SET_DEFAULT(spectreIndexMasking, true);
SET_DEFAULT(spectreObjectMitigations, true);
SET_DEFAULT(spectreStringMitigations, true);
SET_DEFAULT(spectreValueMasking, true);
SET_DEFAULT(spectreJitToCxxCalls, false);
// Whether the W^X policy is enforced to mark JIT code pages as either
// writable or executable but never both at the same time. On Apple Silicon
// this must always be false because we use pthread_jit_write_protect_np.
SET_DEFAULT(writeProtectCode, false);
SET_DEFAULT(writeProtectCode, true);
// This is set to its actual value in InitializeJit.
SET_DEFAULT(supportsUnalignedAccesses, false);
// To access local (non-argument) slots, it's more efficient to use the frame
// pointer (FP) instead of the stack pointer (SP) as base register on x86 and
// x64 (because instructions are one byte shorter, for example).
// However, because this requires a negative offset from FP, on ARM64 it can
// be more efficient to use SP-relative addresses for larger stack frames
// because the range for load/store immediate offsets is [-256, 4095] and
// offsets outside this range will require an extra instruction.
// We default to FP-relative addresses on x86/x64 and SP-relative on other
// platforms, but to improve fuzzing we allow changing this in the shell:
// setJitCompilerOption("base-reg-for-locals", N); // 0 for SP, 1 for FP
#if defined(JS_CODEGEN_X86) || defined(JS_CODEGEN_X64)
baseRegForLocals = BaseRegForAddress::FP;
baseRegForLocals = BaseRegForAddress::SP;
// Toggles the optimization whereby offsets are folded into loads and not
// included in the bounds check.
SET_DEFAULT(wasmFoldOffsets, true);
// Controls whether two-tiered compilation should be requested when
// compiling a new wasm module, independently of other heuristics, and
// should be delayed to test both baseline and ion paths in compiled code,
// as well as the transition from one tier to the other.
SET_DEFAULT(wasmDelayTier2, false);
// Until which wasm bytecode size should we accumulate functions, in order
// to compile efficiently on helper threads. Baseline code compiles much
// low threshold here (1100) helps avoid OOMs in the per-task pool allocators.
SET_DEFAULT(wasmBatchBaselineThreshold, 25000);
SET_DEFAULT(wasmBatchIonThreshold, 1100);
// Controls how much assertion checking code is emitted
SET_DEFAULT(lessDebugCode, false);
SET_DEFAULT(onlyInlineSelfHosted, false);
SET_DEFAULT(enableWasmJitExit, true);
SET_DEFAULT(enableWasmJitEntry, true);
SET_DEFAULT(enableWasmIonFastCalls, true);
SET_DEFAULT(enableWasmImportCallSpew, false);
SET_DEFAULT(enableWasmFuncCallSpew, false);
// This is used to control whether regexps tier up from interpreted to
// compiled. We control this with --no-native-regexp and
// --regexp-warmup-threshold.
SET_DEFAULT(regexp_tier_up, true);
// Dumps a representation of parsed regexps to stderr
SET_DEFAULT(trace_regexp_parser, false);
// Dumps the calls made to the regexp assembler to stderr
SET_DEFAULT(trace_regexp_assembler, false);
// Dumps the bytecodes interpreted by the regexp engine to stderr
SET_DEFAULT(trace_regexp_bytecodes, false);
// Dumps the changes made by the regexp peephole optimizer to stderr
SET_DEFAULT(trace_regexp_peephole_optimization, false);
// ***** Irregexp shim flags *****
// Whether the stage 3 regexp modifiers proposal is enabled.
SET_DEFAULT(js_regexp_modifiers, true);
// Whether the stage 3 duplicate named capture groups proposal is enabled.
SET_DEFAULT(js_regexp_duplicate_named_groups, true);
// V8 uses this for differential fuzzing to handle stack overflows.
// We address the same problem in StackLimitCheck::HasOverflowed.
SET_DEFAULT(correctness_fuzzer_suppressions, false);
// Instead of using a flag for this, we provide an implementation of
// CanReadUnaligned in SMRegExpMacroAssembler.
SET_DEFAULT(enable_regexp_unaligned_accesses, false);
// This is used to guard an old prototype implementation of possessive
// quantifiers, which never got past the point of adding parser support.
SET_DEFAULT(regexp_possessive_quantifier, false);
// These affect the default level of optimization. We can still turn
// optimization off on a case-by-case basis in CompilePattern - for
// example, if a regexp is too long - so we might as well turn these
// flags on unconditionally.
SET_DEFAULT(regexp_optimization, true);
// peephole optimization not supported on big endian
SET_DEFAULT(regexp_peephole_optimization, false);
SET_DEFAULT(regexp_peephole_optimization, true);
bool DefaultJitOptions::isSmallFunction(JSScript* script) const {
return script->length() <= smallFunctionMaxBytecodeLength;
void DefaultJitOptions::enableGvn(bool enable) { disableGvn = !enable; }
void DefaultJitOptions::setEagerPortableBaselineInterpreter() {
portableBaselineInterpreterWarmUpThreshold = 0;
void DefaultJitOptions::setEagerBaselineCompilation() {
baselineInterpreterWarmUpThreshold = 0;
baselineJitWarmUpThreshold = 0;
regexpWarmUpThreshold = 0;
void DefaultJitOptions::setEagerIonCompilation() {
normalIonWarmUpThreshold = 0;
void DefaultJitOptions::setFastWarmUp() {
baselineInterpreterWarmUpThreshold = 4;
baselineJitWarmUpThreshold = 10;
trialInliningWarmUpThreshold = 14;
trialInliningInitialWarmUpCount = 12;
normalIonWarmUpThreshold = 30;
inliningEntryThreshold = 2;
smallFunctionMaxBytecodeLength = 2000;
void DefaultJitOptions::setNormalIonWarmUpThreshold(uint32_t warmUpThreshold) {
normalIonWarmUpThreshold = warmUpThreshold;
void DefaultJitOptions::resetNormalIonWarmUpThreshold() {
jit::DefaultJitOptions defaultValues;
void DefaultJitOptions::maybeSetWriteProtectCode(bool val) {
// On Apple Silicon we always use pthread_jit_write_protect_np, or
// be_memory_inline_jit_restrict_*.
writeProtectCode = val;
} // namespace jit
} // namespace js