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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#ifndef jit_CacheIRReader_h
#define jit_CacheIRReader_h
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include "NamespaceImports.h"
#include "jit/CacheIR.h"
#include "jit/CacheIRWriter.h"
#include "jit/CompactBuffer.h"
#include "js/ScalarType.h"
#include "js/Value.h"
#include "vm/TypeofEqOperand.h" // TypeofEqOperand
#include "wasm/WasmValType.h"
enum class JSOp : uint8_t;
namespace js {
enum class UnaryMathFunction : uint8_t;
namespace gc {
enum class AllocKind : uint8_t;
namespace jit {
class CacheIRStubInfo;
// Helper class for reading CacheIR bytecode.
class MOZ_RAII CacheIRReader {
CompactBufferReader buffer_;
CacheIRReader(const CacheIRReader&) = delete;
CacheIRReader& operator=(const CacheIRReader&) = delete;
CacheIRReader(const uint8_t* start, const uint8_t* end)
: buffer_(start, end) {}
explicit CacheIRReader(const CacheIRWriter& writer)
: CacheIRReader(writer.codeStart(), writer.codeEnd()) {}
explicit CacheIRReader(const CacheIRStubInfo* stubInfo);
bool more() const { return buffer_.more(); }
CacheOp readOp() { return CacheOp(buffer_.readFixedUint16_t()); }
CacheOp peekOp() { return CacheOp(buffer_.peekFixedUint16_t()); }
// Skip data not currently used.
void skip() { buffer_.readByte(); }
void skip(uint32_t skipLength) {
if (skipLength > 0) {, skipLength);
ValOperandId valOperandId() { return ValOperandId(buffer_.readByte()); }
ValueTagOperandId valueTagOperandId() {
return ValueTagOperandId(buffer_.readByte());
IntPtrOperandId intPtrOperandId() {
return IntPtrOperandId(buffer_.readByte());
ObjOperandId objOperandId() { return ObjOperandId(buffer_.readByte()); }
NumberOperandId numberOperandId() {
return NumberOperandId(buffer_.readByte());
StringOperandId stringOperandId() {
return StringOperandId(buffer_.readByte());
SymbolOperandId symbolOperandId() {
return SymbolOperandId(buffer_.readByte());
BigIntOperandId bigIntOperandId() {
return BigIntOperandId(buffer_.readByte());
BooleanOperandId booleanOperandId() {
return BooleanOperandId(buffer_.readByte());
Int32OperandId int32OperandId() { return Int32OperandId(buffer_.readByte()); }
uint32_t rawOperandId() { return buffer_.readByte(); }
uint32_t stubOffset() { return buffer_.readByte() * sizeof(uintptr_t); }
GuardClassKind guardClassKind() { return GuardClassKind(buffer_.readByte()); }
ArrayBufferViewKind arrayBufferViewKind() {
return ArrayBufferViewKind(buffer_.readByte());
ValueType valueType() { return ValueType(buffer_.readByte()); }
wasm::ValType::Kind wasmValType() {
return wasm::ValType::Kind(buffer_.readByte());
gc::AllocKind allocKind() { return gc::AllocKind(buffer_.readByte()); }
CompletionKind completionKind() { return CompletionKind(buffer_.readByte()); }
RealmFuses::FuseIndex realmFuseIndex() {
return RealmFuses::FuseIndex(buffer_.readByte());
Scalar::Type scalarType() { return Scalar::Type(buffer_.readByte()); }
JSWhyMagic whyMagic() { return JSWhyMagic(buffer_.readByte()); }
JSOp jsop() { return JSOp(buffer_.readByte()); }
TypeofEqOperand typeofEqOperand() {
return TypeofEqOperand::fromRawValue(buffer_.readByte());
int32_t int32Immediate() { return int32_t(buffer_.readFixedUint32_t()); }
uint32_t uint32Immediate() { return buffer_.readFixedUint32_t(); }
void* pointer() { return buffer_.readRawPointer(); }
UnaryMathFunction unaryMathFunction() {
return UnaryMathFunction(buffer_.readByte());
CallFlags callFlags() {
// See CacheIRWriter::writeCallFlagsImm()
uint8_t encoded = buffer_.readByte();
CallFlags::ArgFormat format =
CallFlags::ArgFormat(encoded & CallFlags::ArgFormatMask);
bool isConstructing = encoded & CallFlags::IsConstructing;
bool isSameRealm = encoded & CallFlags::IsSameRealm;
bool needsUninitializedThis = encoded & CallFlags::NeedsUninitializedThis;
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(needsUninitializedThis, isConstructing);
// FunCall and FunApply can't be constructors.
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(format == CallFlags::FunCall, !isConstructing);
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(format == CallFlags::FunApplyArgsObj, !isConstructing);
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(format == CallFlags::FunApplyArray, !isConstructing);
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(format == CallFlags::FunApplyNullUndefined, !isConstructing);
return CallFlags(format, isConstructing, isSameRealm,
uint8_t readByte() { return buffer_.readByte(); }
bool readBool() {
uint8_t b = buffer_.readByte();
MOZ_ASSERT(b <= 1);
return bool(b);
const uint8_t* currentPosition() const { return buffer_.currentPosition(); }
} // namespace jit
} // namespace js
#endif /* jit_CacheIRReader_h */