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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#ifndef jit_CacheIRHealth_h
#define jit_CacheIRHealth_h
# include "mozilla/Sprintf.h"
# include "NamespaceImports.h"
# include "jit/CacheIR.h"
# include "js/TypeDecls.h"
enum class JSOp : uint8_t;
namespace js {
class AutoStructuredSpewer;
namespace jit {
class ICEntry;
class ICStub;
class ICCacheIRStub;
class ICFallbackStub;
// [SMDOC] CacheIR Health Report
// The goal of CacheIR health report is to make the costlier
// CacheIR stubs more apparent and easier to diagnose.
// This is done by using the scores assigned to different CacheIROps in
// CacheIROps.yaml (see the description of cost_estimate in the
// aforementioned file for how these scores are determined), summing
// the score of each op generated for a particular stub together, and displaying
// this score for each stub in an inline cache. The higher the total stub score,
// the more expensive the stub is.
// There are a few ways to generate a health report for a script:
// 1. Simply running a JS program with the evironment variable
// SPEW=CacheIRHealthReport. We generate a health report for a script
// whenever we reach the trial inlining threshold.
// ex) SPEW=CacheIRHealthReport dist/bin/js jsprogram.js
// 2. In the shell you can call cacheIRHealthReport() with no arguments and a
// report
// will be generated for all scripts in the current zone.
// ex) cacheIRHealthReport()
// 3. You may also call cacheIRHealthReport() on a particular function to see
// the
// health report associated with that function's script.
// ex) cacheIRHealthReport(foo)
// Once you have generated a health report, you may go to
// data and aid in understanding what may be going wrong with the CacheIR for a
// particular stub. For more information about the tool and why a particular
// script, inline cache entry, or stub is unhappy go to:
enum SpewContext : uint8_t { Shell, Transition, TrialInlining };
class CacheIRHealth {
enum Happiness : uint8_t { Sad, MediumSad, MediumHappy, Happy };
// Get happiness from health score.
Happiness determineStubHappiness(uint32_t stubHealthScore);
// Health of an individual stub.
Happiness spewStubHealth(AutoStructuredSpewer& spew, ICCacheIRStub* stub);
// If there is more than just a fallback stub in an IC Entry, then additional
// information about the IC entry.
bool spewNonFallbackICInformation(AutoStructuredSpewer& spew, JSContext* cx,
ICStub* firstStub,
Happiness* entryHappiness);
// Health of all the stubs in an individual CacheIR Entry.
bool spewICEntryHealth(AutoStructuredSpewer& spew, JSContext* cx,
HandleScript script, ICEntry* entry,
ICFallbackStub* fallback, jsbytecode* pc, JSOp op,
Happiness* entryHappiness);
// Spews first and last property name for each shape checked by
// GuardShape in the stub.
void spewShapeInformation(AutoStructuredSpewer& spew, JSContext* cx,
ICStub* stub);
// Returns the BaseScript of a Shape if available.
BaseScript* maybeExtractBaseScript(JSContext* cx, Shape* shape);
// Spews the final hit count for scripts where we care about its final hit
// count.
void spewScriptFinalWarmUpCount(JSContext* cx, const char* filename,
JSScript* script, uint32_t warmUpCount);
// Spew the health of a particular ICEntry only.
void healthReportForIC(JSContext* cx, ICEntry* entry,
ICFallbackStub* fallback, HandleScript script,
SpewContext context);
// If a JitScript exists, spew the health of all ICEntries that exist
// for the specified script.
void healthReportForScript(JSContext* cx, HandleScript script,
SpewContext context);
} // namespace jit
} // namespace js
#endif /* JS_CACHEIR_SPEW */
#endif /* jit_CacheIRHealth_h */