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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#ifndef jit_BaselineJIT_h
#define jit_BaselineJIT_h
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/Likely.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h"
#include "mozilla/Span.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "jsfriendapi.h"
#include "jit/IonTypes.h"
#include "jit/JitCode.h"
#include "jit/JitContext.h"
#include "jit/JitOptions.h"
#include "jit/shared/Assembler-shared.h"
#include "js/Principals.h"
#include "js/TypeDecls.h"
#include "js/Vector.h"
#include "threading/ProtectedData.h"
#include "util/TrailingArray.h"
#include "vm/JSScript.h"
namespace js {
class InterpreterFrame;
class RunState;
namespace jit {
class BaselineFrame;
class ExceptionBailoutInfo;
class IonCompileTask;
class JitActivation;
class JSJitFrameIter;
// Base class for entries mapping a pc offset to a native code offset.
class BasePCToNativeEntry {
uint32_t pcOffset_;
uint32_t nativeOffset_;
BasePCToNativeEntry(uint32_t pcOffset, uint32_t nativeOffset)
: pcOffset_(pcOffset), nativeOffset_(nativeOffset) {}
uint32_t pcOffset() const { return pcOffset_; }
uint32_t nativeOffset() const { return nativeOffset_; }
// Class used during Baseline compilation to store the native code offset for
// resume offset ops.
class ResumeOffsetEntry : public BasePCToNativeEntry {
using BasePCToNativeEntry::BasePCToNativeEntry;
using ResumeOffsetEntryVector =
Vector<ResumeOffsetEntry, 16, SystemAllocPolicy>;
// Largest script that the baseline compiler will attempt to compile.
#if defined(JS_CODEGEN_ARM)
// ARM branches can only reach 32MB, and the macroassembler doesn't mitigate
// that limitation. Use a stricter limit on the acceptable script size to
// avoid crashing when branches go out of range.
static constexpr uint32_t BaselineMaxScriptLength = 1000000u;
static constexpr uint32_t BaselineMaxScriptLength = 0x0fffffffu;
// Limit the locals on a given script so that stack check on baseline frames
// doesn't overflow a uint32_t value.
// (BaselineMaxScriptSlots * sizeof(Value)) must fit within a uint32_t.
// This also applies to the Baseline Interpreter: it ensures we don't run out
// of stack space (and throw over-recursion exceptions) for scripts with a huge
// number of locals. The C++ interpreter avoids this by having heap-allocated
// stack frames.
static constexpr uint32_t BaselineMaxScriptSlots = 0xffffu;
// An entry in the BaselineScript return address table. These entries are used
// to determine the bytecode pc for a return address into Baseline code.
// There must be an entry for each location where we can end up calling into
// C++ (directly or via script/trampolines) and C++ can request the current
// bytecode pc (this includes anything that may throw an exception, GC, or walk
// the stack). We currently add entries for each:
// * callVM
// * IC
// * DebugTrap (trampoline call)
// * JSOp::Resume (because this is like a scripted call)
// Note: see also BaselineFrame::HAS_OVERRIDE_PC.
class RetAddrEntry {
// Offset from the start of the JIT code where call instruction is.
uint32_t returnOffset_;
// The offset of this bytecode op within the JSScript.
uint32_t pcOffset_ : 28;
enum class Kind : uint32_t {
// An IC for a JOF_IC op.
// A callVM for an op.
// A callVM not for an op (e.g., in the prologue) that can't
// trigger debug mode.
// A callVM for the over-recursion check on function entry.
// A callVM for an interrupt check.
// DebugTrapHandler (for debugger breakpoints/stepping).
// A callVM for Debug{Prologue,AfterYield,Epilogue}.
// What this entry is for.
uint32_t kind_ : 4;
RetAddrEntry(uint32_t pcOffset, Kind kind, CodeOffset retOffset)
: returnOffset_(uint32_t(retOffset.offset())),
kind_(uint32_t(kind)) {
MOZ_ASSERT(returnOffset_ == retOffset.offset(),
"retOffset must fit in returnOffset_");
// The pc offset must fit in at least 28 bits, since we shave off 4 for
// the Kind enum.
MOZ_ASSERT(pcOffset_ == pcOffset);
static_assert(BaselineMaxScriptLength <= (1u << 28) - 1);
MOZ_ASSERT(pcOffset <= BaselineMaxScriptLength);
MOZ_ASSERT(kind < Kind::Invalid);
MOZ_ASSERT(this->kind() == kind, "kind must fit in kind_ bit field");
CodeOffset returnOffset() const { return CodeOffset(returnOffset_); }
uint32_t pcOffset() const { return pcOffset_; }
jsbytecode* pc(JSScript* script) const {
return script->offsetToPC(pcOffset_);
Kind kind() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ < uint32_t(Kind::Invalid));
return Kind(kind_);
// [SMDOC] BaselineScript
// This holds the metadata generated by the BaselineCompiler. The machine code
// associated with this is owned by a JitCode instance. This class instance is
// followed by several arrays:
// <BaselineScript itself>
// --
// uint8_t*[] resumeEntryList()
// RetAddrEntry[] retAddrEntries()
// OSREntry[] osrEntries()
// DebugTrapEntry[] debugTrapEntries()
// Note: The arrays are arranged in order of descending alignment requires so
// that padding is not required.
class alignas(uintptr_t) BaselineScript final
: public TrailingArray<BaselineScript> {
// Code pointer containing the actual method.
HeapPtr<JitCode*> method_ = nullptr;
// An ion compilation that is ready, but isn't linked yet.
MainThreadData<IonCompileTask*> pendingIonCompileTask_{nullptr};
// Baseline Interpreter can enter Baseline Compiler code at this address. This
// is right after the warm-up counter check in the prologue.
uint32_t warmUpCheckPrologueOffset_ = 0;
// The offsets for the toggledJump instructions for profiler instrumentation.
uint32_t profilerEnterToggleOffset_ = 0;
uint32_t profilerExitToggleOffset_ = 0;
// Offset (in bytes) from `this` to the start of each trailing array. Each
// array ends where following one begins. There is no implicit padding (except
// possible at very end).
Offset resumeEntriesOffset_ = 0;
Offset retAddrEntriesOffset_ = 0;
Offset osrEntriesOffset_ = 0;
Offset debugTrapEntriesOffset_ = 0;
Offset allocBytes_ = 0;
// See `Flag` type below.
uint8_t flags_ = 0;
// End of fields.
enum Flag {
// Flag set when compiled for use with Debugger. Handles various
// Debugger hooks and compiles toggled calls for traps.
// Flag is set if this script has profiling instrumentation turned on.
// Native code offset for OSR from Baseline Interpreter into Baseline JIT at
// JSOp::LoopHead ops.
class OSREntry : public BasePCToNativeEntry {
using BasePCToNativeEntry::BasePCToNativeEntry;
// Native code offset for a debug trap when the script is compiled with debug
// instrumentation.
class DebugTrapEntry : public BasePCToNativeEntry {
using BasePCToNativeEntry::BasePCToNativeEntry;
// Layout helpers
Offset resumeEntriesOffset() const { return resumeEntriesOffset_; }
Offset retAddrEntriesOffset() const { return retAddrEntriesOffset_; }
Offset osrEntriesOffset() const { return osrEntriesOffset_; }
Offset debugTrapEntriesOffset() const { return debugTrapEntriesOffset_; }
Offset endOffset() const { return allocBytes_; }
// Use BaselineScript::New to create new instances. It will properly
// allocate trailing objects.
BaselineScript(uint32_t warmUpCheckPrologueOffset,
uint32_t profilerEnterToggleOffset,
uint32_t profilerExitToggleOffset)
: warmUpCheckPrologueOffset_(warmUpCheckPrologueOffset),
profilerExitToggleOffset_(profilerExitToggleOffset) {}
template <typename T>
mozilla::Span<T> makeSpan(Offset start, Offset end) {
return mozilla::Span{offsetToPointer<T>(start), numElements<T>(start, end)};
// We store the native code address corresponding to each bytecode offset in
// the script's resumeOffsets list.
mozilla::Span<uint8_t*> resumeEntryList() {
return makeSpan<uint8_t*>(resumeEntriesOffset(), retAddrEntriesOffset());
// See each type for documentation of these arrays.
mozilla::Span<RetAddrEntry> retAddrEntries() {
return makeSpan<RetAddrEntry>(retAddrEntriesOffset(), osrEntriesOffset());
mozilla::Span<OSREntry> osrEntries() {
return makeSpan<OSREntry>(osrEntriesOffset(), debugTrapEntriesOffset());
mozilla::Span<DebugTrapEntry> debugTrapEntries() {
return makeSpan<DebugTrapEntry>(debugTrapEntriesOffset(), endOffset());
static BaselineScript* New(JSContext* cx, uint32_t warmUpCheckPrologueOffset,
uint32_t profilerEnterToggleOffset,
uint32_t profilerExitToggleOffset,
size_t retAddrEntries, size_t osrEntries,
size_t debugTrapEntries, size_t resumeEntries);
static void Destroy(JS::GCContext* gcx, BaselineScript* script);
void trace(JSTracer* trc);
static inline size_t offsetOfMethod() {
return offsetof(BaselineScript, method_);
void addSizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf,
size_t* data) const {
*data += mallocSizeOf(this);
void setHasDebugInstrumentation() { flags_ |= HAS_DEBUG_INSTRUMENTATION; }
bool hasDebugInstrumentation() const {
uint8_t* warmUpCheckPrologueAddr() const {
return method_->raw() + warmUpCheckPrologueOffset_;
JitCode* method() const { return method_; }
void setMethod(JitCode* code) {
method_ = code;
bool containsCodeAddress(uint8_t* addr) const {
return method()->raw() <= addr &&
addr <= method()->raw() + method()->instructionsSize();
uint8_t* returnAddressForEntry(const RetAddrEntry& ent);
const RetAddrEntry& retAddrEntryFromPCOffset(uint32_t pcOffset,
RetAddrEntry::Kind kind);
const RetAddrEntry& prologueRetAddrEntry(RetAddrEntry::Kind kind);
const RetAddrEntry& retAddrEntryFromReturnOffset(CodeOffset returnOffset);
const RetAddrEntry& retAddrEntryFromReturnAddress(const uint8_t* returnAddr);
uint8_t* nativeCodeForOSREntry(uint32_t pcOffset);
void copyRetAddrEntries(const RetAddrEntry* entries);
void copyOSREntries(const OSREntry* entries);
void copyDebugTrapEntries(const DebugTrapEntry* entries);
// Copy resumeOffsets list from |script| and convert the pcOffsets
// to native addresses in the Baseline code based on |entries|.
void computeResumeNativeOffsets(JSScript* script,
const ResumeOffsetEntryVector& entries);
// Return the bytecode offset for a given native code address. Be careful
// when using this method: it's an approximation and not guaranteed to be the
// correct pc.
jsbytecode* approximatePcForNativeAddress(JSScript* script,
uint8_t* nativeAddress);
// Toggle debug traps (used for breakpoints and step mode) in the script.
// If |pc| is nullptr, toggle traps for all ops in the script. Else, only
// toggle traps at |pc|.
void toggleDebugTraps(JSScript* script, jsbytecode* pc);
void toggleProfilerInstrumentation(bool enable);
bool isProfilerInstrumentationOn() const {
static size_t offsetOfResumeEntriesOffset() {
static_assert(sizeof(Offset) == sizeof(uint32_t),
"JIT expect Offset to be uint32_t");
return offsetof(BaselineScript, resumeEntriesOffset_);
bool hasPendingIonCompileTask() const { return !!pendingIonCompileTask_; }
js::jit::IonCompileTask* pendingIonCompileTask() {
return pendingIonCompileTask_;
void setPendingIonCompileTask(JSRuntime* rt, JSScript* script,
js::jit::IonCompileTask* task);
void removePendingIonCompileTask(JSRuntime* rt, JSScript* script);
size_t allocBytes() const { return allocBytes_; }
sizeof(BaselineScript) % sizeof(uintptr_t) == 0,
"The data attached to the script must be aligned for fast JIT access.");
enum class BaselineTier { Interpreter, Compiler };
template <BaselineTier Tier>
MethodStatus CanEnterBaselineMethod(JSContext* cx, RunState& state);
MethodStatus CanEnterBaselineInterpreterAtBranch(JSContext* cx,
InterpreterFrame* fp);
JitExecStatus EnterBaselineInterpreterAtBranch(JSContext* cx,
InterpreterFrame* fp,
jsbytecode* pc);
bool CanBaselineInterpretScript(JSScript* script);
// Called by the Baseline Interpreter to compile a script for the Baseline JIT.
// |res| is set to the native code address in the BaselineScript to jump to, or
// nullptr if we were unable to compile this script.
bool BaselineCompileFromBaselineInterpreter(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame,
uint8_t** res);
void FinishDiscardBaselineScript(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSScript* script);
void AddSizeOfBaselineData(JSScript* script, mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf,
size_t* data);
void ToggleBaselineProfiling(JSContext* cx, bool enable);
struct alignas(uintptr_t) BaselineBailoutInfo {
// Pointer into the current C stack, where overwriting will start.
uint8_t* incomingStack = nullptr;
// The top and bottom heapspace addresses of the reconstructed stack
// which will be copied to the bottom.
uint8_t* copyStackTop = nullptr;
uint8_t* copyStackBottom = nullptr;
// The value of the frame pointer register on resume.
void* resumeFramePtr = nullptr;
// The native code address to resume into.
void* resumeAddr = nullptr;
// The bytecode pc of try block and fault block.
jsbytecode* tryPC = nullptr;
jsbytecode* faultPC = nullptr;
// We use this to transfer exception information out from
// buildExpressionStack, since it would be too risky to throw from
// there.
jsid tempId = PropertyKey::Void();
// Number of baseline frames to push on the stack.
uint32_t numFrames = 0;
// The bailout kind.
mozilla::Maybe<BailoutKind> bailoutKind = {};
BaselineBailoutInfo() = default;
BaselineBailoutInfo(const BaselineBailoutInfo&) = default;
void operator=(const BaselineBailoutInfo&) = delete;
void trace(JSTracer* aTrc);
enum class BailoutReason {
[[nodiscard]] bool BailoutIonToBaseline(
JSContext* cx, JitActivation* activation, const JSJitFrameIter& iter,
BaselineBailoutInfo** bailoutInfo,
const ExceptionBailoutInfo* exceptionInfo, BailoutReason reason);
MethodStatus BaselineCompile(JSContext* cx, JSScript* script,
bool forceDebugInstrumentation = false);
// Class storing the generated Baseline Interpreter code for the runtime.
class BaselineInterpreter {
struct CallVMOffsets {
uint32_t debugPrologueOffset = 0;
uint32_t debugEpilogueOffset = 0;
uint32_t debugAfterYieldOffset = 0;
struct ICReturnOffset {
uint32_t offset;
JSOp op;
ICReturnOffset(uint32_t offset, JSOp op) : offset(offset), op(op) {}
using ICReturnOffsetVector = Vector<ICReturnOffset, 0, SystemAllocPolicy>;
// The interpreter code.
JitCode* code_ = nullptr;
// Offset of the code to start interpreting a bytecode op.
uint32_t interpretOpOffset_ = 0;
// Like interpretOpOffset_ but skips the debug trap for the current op.
uint32_t interpretOpNoDebugTrapOffset_ = 0;
// Early Ion bailouts will enter at this address. This is after frame
// construction and environment initialization.
uint32_t bailoutPrologueOffset_ = 0;
// The offsets for the toggledJump instructions for profiler instrumentation.
uint32_t profilerEnterToggleOffset_ = 0;
uint32_t profilerExitToggleOffset_ = 0;
// Offset of the jump (tail call) to the debug trap handler trampoline code.
// When the debugger is enabled, NOPs are patched to calls to this location.
uint32_t debugTrapHandlerOffset_ = 0;
// The offsets of toggled jumps for debugger instrumentation.
using CodeOffsetVector = Vector<uint32_t, 0, SystemAllocPolicy>;
CodeOffsetVector debugInstrumentationOffsets_;
// Offsets of toggled calls to the DebugTrapHandler trampoline (for
// breakpoints and stepping).
CodeOffsetVector debugTrapOffsets_;
// Offsets of toggled jumps for code coverage.
CodeOffsetVector codeCoverageOffsets_;
// Offsets of IC calls for IsIonInlinableOp ops, for Ion bailouts.
ICReturnOffsetVector icReturnOffsets_;
// Offsets of some callVMs for BaselineDebugModeOSR.
CallVMOffsets callVMOffsets_;
uint8_t* codeAtOffset(uint32_t offset) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(offset > 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(offset < code_->instructionsSize());
return codeRaw() + offset;
BaselineInterpreter() = default;
BaselineInterpreter(const BaselineInterpreter&) = delete;
void operator=(const BaselineInterpreter&) = delete;
void init(JitCode* code, uint32_t interpretOpOffset,
uint32_t interpretOpNoDebugTrapOffset,
uint32_t bailoutPrologueOffset, uint32_t profilerEnterToggleOffset,
uint32_t profilerExitToggleOffset, uint32_t debugTrapHandlerOffset,
CodeOffsetVector&& debugInstrumentationOffsets,
CodeOffsetVector&& debugTrapOffsets,
CodeOffsetVector&& codeCoverageOffsets,
ICReturnOffsetVector&& icReturnOffsets,
const CallVMOffsets& callVMOffsets);
uint8_t* codeRaw() const { return code_->raw(); }
uint8_t* retAddrForDebugPrologueCallVM() const {
return codeAtOffset(callVMOffsets_.debugPrologueOffset);
uint8_t* retAddrForDebugEpilogueCallVM() const {
return codeAtOffset(callVMOffsets_.debugEpilogueOffset);
uint8_t* retAddrForDebugAfterYieldCallVM() const {
return codeAtOffset(callVMOffsets_.debugAfterYieldOffset);
uint8_t* bailoutPrologueEntryAddr() const {
return codeAtOffset(bailoutPrologueOffset_);
uint8_t* retAddrForIC(JSOp op) const;
TrampolinePtr interpretOpAddr() const {
return TrampolinePtr(codeAtOffset(interpretOpOffset_));
TrampolinePtr interpretOpNoDebugTrapAddr() const {
return TrampolinePtr(codeAtOffset(interpretOpNoDebugTrapOffset_));
void toggleProfilerInstrumentation(bool enable);
void toggleDebuggerInstrumentation(bool enable);
void toggleCodeCoverageInstrumentationUnchecked(bool enable);
void toggleCodeCoverageInstrumentation(bool enable);
[[nodiscard]] bool GenerateBaselineInterpreter(
JSContext* cx, BaselineInterpreter& interpreter);
inline bool IsBaselineJitEnabled(JSContext* cx) {
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!IsBaselineInterpreterEnabled())) {
return false;
if (MOZ_LIKELY(JitOptions.baselineJit)) {
return true;
if (JitOptions.jitForTrustedPrincipals) {
JS::Realm* realm = js::GetContextRealm(cx);
return realm && JS::GetRealmPrincipals(realm) &&
return false;
} // namespace jit
} // namespace js
namespace JS {
template <>
struct DeletePolicy<js::jit::BaselineScript> {
explicit DeletePolicy(JSRuntime* rt) : rt_(rt) {}
void operator()(const js::jit::BaselineScript* script);
JSRuntime* rt_;
} // namespace JS
#endif /* jit_BaselineJIT_h */