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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef jit_BaselineCodeGen_h
#define jit_BaselineCodeGen_h
#include "jit/BaselineFrameInfo.h"
#include "jit/BytecodeAnalysis.h"
#include "jit/CompileWrappers.h"
#include "jit/FixedList.h"
#include "jit/MacroAssembler.h"
#include "jit/PerfSpewer.h"
namespace js {
namespace jit {
enum class ScriptGCThingType {
// Base class for BaselineCompiler and BaselineInterpreterGenerator. The Handler
// template is a class storing fields/methods that are interpreter or compiler
// specific. This can be combined with template specialization of methods in
// this class to specialize behavior.
template <typename Handler>
class BaselineCodeGen {
Handler handler;
CompileRuntime* runtime;
MacroAssembler& masm;
typename Handler::FrameInfoT& frame;
// Shared epilogue code to return to the caller.
NonAssertingLabel return_;
NonAssertingLabel postBarrierSlot_;
// Prologue code where we resume for Ion prologue bailouts.
NonAssertingLabel bailoutPrologue_;
CodeOffset profilerEnterFrameToggleOffset_;
CodeOffset profilerExitFrameToggleOffset_;
// Early Ion bailouts will enter at this address. This is after frame
// construction and before environment chain is initialized.
CodeOffset bailoutPrologueOffset_;
// Baseline Interpreter can enter Baseline Compiler code at this address. This
// is right after the warm-up counter check in the prologue.
CodeOffset warmUpCheckPrologueOffset_;
uint32_t pushedBeforeCall_ = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
bool inCall_ = false;
template <typename... HandlerArgs>
explicit BaselineCodeGen(TempAllocator& alloc, MacroAssembler& masmArg,
CompileRuntime* runtimeArg, HandlerArgs&&... args);
template <typename T>
void pushArg(const T& t) {
// Pushes the current script as argument for a VM function.
void pushScriptArg();
// Pushes the bytecode pc as argument for a VM function.
void pushBytecodePCArg();
// Pushes a name/object/scope associated with the current bytecode op (and
// stored in the script) as argument for a VM function.
void loadScriptGCThing(ScriptGCThingType type, Register dest,
Register scratch);
void pushScriptGCThingArg(ScriptGCThingType type, Register scratch1,
Register scratch2);
void pushScriptNameArg(Register scratch1, Register scratch2);
// Pushes a bytecode operand as argument for a VM function.
void pushUint8BytecodeOperandArg(Register scratch);
void pushUint16BytecodeOperandArg(Register scratch);
void loadInt32LengthBytecodeOperand(Register dest);
void loadNumFormalArguments(Register dest);
// Loads the current JSScript* in dest.
void loadScript(Register dest);
void saveInterpreterPCReg();
void restoreInterpreterPCReg();
// Subtracts |script->nslots() * sizeof(Value)| from reg.
void subtractScriptSlotsSize(Register reg, Register scratch);
// Jump to the script's resume entry indicated by resumeIndex.
void jumpToResumeEntry(Register resumeIndex, Register scratch1,
Register scratch2);
// Load the global's lexical environment.
void loadGlobalLexicalEnvironment(Register dest);
void pushGlobalLexicalEnvironmentValue(ValueOperand scratch);
// Load the |this|-value from the global's lexical environment.
void loadGlobalThisValue(ValueOperand dest);
// Computes the frame size. See BaselineFrame::debugFrameSize_.
void computeFrameSize(Register dest);
void prepareVMCall();
void storeFrameSizeAndPushDescriptor(uint32_t argSize, Register scratch);
enum class CallVMPhase { BeforePushingLocals, AfterPushingLocals };
bool callVMInternal(VMFunctionId id, RetAddrEntry::Kind kind,
CallVMPhase phase);
template <typename Fn, Fn fn>
bool callVM(RetAddrEntry::Kind kind = RetAddrEntry::Kind::CallVM,
CallVMPhase phase = CallVMPhase::AfterPushingLocals);
template <typename Fn, Fn fn>
bool callVMNonOp(CallVMPhase phase = CallVMPhase::AfterPushingLocals) {
return callVM<Fn, fn>(RetAddrEntry::Kind::NonOpCallVM, phase);
// ifDebuggee should be a function emitting code for when the script is a
// debuggee script. ifNotDebuggee (if present) is called to emit code for
// non-debuggee scripts.
template <typename F1, typename F2>
[[nodiscard]] bool emitDebugInstrumentation(
const F1& ifDebuggee, const mozilla::Maybe<F2>& ifNotDebuggee);
template <typename F>
[[nodiscard]] bool emitDebugInstrumentation(const F& ifDebuggee) {
return emitDebugInstrumentation(ifDebuggee, mozilla::Maybe<F>());
bool emitSuspend(JSOp op);
template <typename F>
[[nodiscard]] bool emitAfterYieldDebugInstrumentation(const F& ifDebuggee,
Register scratch);
// ifSet should be a function emitting code for when the script has |flag|
// set. ifNotSet emits code for when the flag isn't set.
template <typename F1, typename F2>
[[nodiscard]] bool emitTestScriptFlag(JSScript::ImmutableFlags flag,
const F1& ifSet, const F2& ifNotSet,
Register scratch);
// If |script->hasFlag(flag) == value|, execute the code emitted by |emit|.
template <typename F>
[[nodiscard]] bool emitTestScriptFlag(JSScript::ImmutableFlags flag,
bool value, const F& emit,
Register scratch);
template <typename F>
[[nodiscard]] bool emitTestScriptFlag(JSScript::MutableFlags flag, bool value,
const F& emit, Register scratch);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitEnterGeneratorCode(Register script,
Register resumeIndex,
Register scratch);
void emitInterpJumpToResumeEntry(Register script, Register resumeIndex,
Register scratch);
void emitJumpToInterpretOpLabel();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitCheckThis(ValueOperand val, bool reinit = false);
void emitLoadReturnValue(ValueOperand val);
void emitGetAliasedVar(ValueOperand dest);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitGetAliasedDebugVar(ValueOperand dest);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitNextIC();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitInterruptCheck();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitWarmUpCounterIncrement();
#define EMIT_OP(op, ...) bool emit_##op();
#undef EMIT_OP
// JSOp::Pos, JSOp::Neg, JSOp::BitNot, JSOp::Inc, JSOp::Dec, JSOp::ToNumeric.
[[nodiscard]] bool emitUnaryArith();
// JSOp::BitXor, JSOp::Lsh, JSOp::Add etc.
[[nodiscard]] bool emitBinaryArith();
// Handles JSOp::Lt, JSOp::Gt, and friends
[[nodiscard]] bool emitCompare();
// Handles JSOp::NewObject and JSOp::NewInit.
[[nodiscard]] bool emitNewObject();
// For a JOF_JUMP op, jumps to the op's jump target.
void emitJump();
// For a JOF_JUMP op, jumps to the op's jump target depending on the Value
// in |val|.
void emitTestBooleanTruthy(bool branchIfTrue, ValueOperand val);
// Converts |val| to an index in the jump table and stores this in |dest|
// or branches to the default pc if not int32 or out-of-range.
void emitGetTableSwitchIndex(ValueOperand val, Register dest,
Register scratch1, Register scratch2);
// Jumps to the target of a table switch based on |key| and the
// firstResumeIndex stored in JSOp::TableSwitch.
void emitTableSwitchJump(Register key, Register scratch1, Register scratch2);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitReturn();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitTest(bool branchIfTrue);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitAndOr(bool branchIfTrue);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitCoalesce();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitCall(JSOp op);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitSpreadCall(JSOp op);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitDelElem(bool strict);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitDelProp(bool strict);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitSetElemSuper(bool strict);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitSetPropSuper(bool strict);
// Try to bake in the result of BindUnqualifiedGName instead of using an IC.
// Return true if we managed to optimize the op.
bool tryOptimizeBindUnqualifiedGlobalName();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitInitPropGetterSetter();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitInitElemGetterSetter();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitFormalArgAccess(JSOp op);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitUninitializedLexicalCheck(const ValueOperand& val);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitIsMagicValue();
void getEnvironmentCoordinateObject(Register reg);
Address getEnvironmentCoordinateAddressFromObject(Register objReg,
Register reg);
Address getEnvironmentCoordinateAddress(Register reg);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitPrologue();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitEpilogue();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitStackCheck();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitDebugPrologue();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitDebugEpilogue();
[[nodiscard]] bool initEnvironmentChain();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitHandleCodeCoverageAtPrologue();
void emitInitFrameFields(Register nonFunctionEnv);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitIsDebuggeeCheck();
void emitInitializeLocals();
void emitProfilerEnterFrame();
void emitProfilerExitFrame();
void emitOutOfLinePostBarrierSlot();
using RetAddrEntryVector = js::Vector<RetAddrEntry, 16, SystemAllocPolicy>;
using AllocSiteIndexVector = js::Vector<uint32_t, 16, SystemAllocPolicy>;
// Interface used by BaselineCodeGen for BaselineCompiler.
class BaselineCompilerHandler {
CompilerFrameInfo frame_;
TempAllocator& alloc_;
BytecodeAnalysis analysis_;
#ifdef DEBUG
const MacroAssembler& masm_;
FixedList<Label> labels_;
RetAddrEntryVector retAddrEntries_;
AllocSiteIndexVector allocSiteIndices_;
// Native code offsets for OSR at JSOp::LoopHead ops.
using OSREntryVector =
Vector<BaselineScript::OSREntry, 16, SystemAllocPolicy>;
OSREntryVector osrEntries_;
JSScript* script_;
jsbytecode* pc_;
JSObject* globalLexicalEnvironment_;
JSObject* globalThis_;
// Index of the current ICEntry in the script's JitScript.
uint32_t icEntryIndex_;
uint32_t baseWarmUpThreshold_;
bool compileDebugInstrumentation_;
bool ionCompileable_;
using FrameInfoT = CompilerFrameInfo;
BaselineCompilerHandler(MacroAssembler& masm, TempAllocator& alloc,
JSScript* script, JSObject* globalLexical,
JSObject* globalThis, uint32_t baseWarmUpThreshold);
[[nodiscard]] bool init();
CompilerFrameInfo& frame() { return frame_; }
jsbytecode* pc() const { return pc_; }
jsbytecode* maybePC() const { return pc_; }
void moveToNextPC() { pc_ += GetBytecodeLength(pc_); }
Label* labelOf(jsbytecode* pc) { return &labels_[script_->pcToOffset(pc)]; }
bool isDefinitelyLastOp() const { return pc_ == script_->lastPC(); }
bool shouldEmitDebugEpilogueAtReturnOp() const {
// The JIT uses the return address -> pc mapping and bakes in the pc
// argument so the DebugEpilogue call needs to be part of the returning
// bytecode op for this to work.
return true;
JSScript* script() const { return script_; }
JSScript* maybeScript() const { return script_; }
JSFunction* function() const { return script_->function(); }
JSFunction* maybeFunction() const { return function(); }
ModuleObject* module() const { return script_->module(); }
void setCompileDebugInstrumentation() { compileDebugInstrumentation_ = true; }
bool compileDebugInstrumentation() const {
return compileDebugInstrumentation_;
bool maybeIonCompileable() const { return ionCompileable_; }
void setIonCompileable(bool value) { ionCompileable_ = value; }
uint32_t icEntryIndex() const { return icEntryIndex_; }
void moveToNextICEntry() { icEntryIndex_++; }
BytecodeAnalysis& analysis() { return analysis_; }
RetAddrEntryVector& retAddrEntries() { return retAddrEntries_; }
OSREntryVector& osrEntries() { return osrEntries_; }
[[nodiscard]] bool recordCallRetAddr(RetAddrEntry::Kind kind,
uint32_t retOffset);
// If a script has more |nslots| than this the stack check must account
// for these slots explicitly.
bool mustIncludeSlotsInStackCheck() const {
static constexpr size_t NumSlotsLimit = 128;
return script()->nslots() > NumSlotsLimit;
bool canHaveFixedSlots() const { return script()->nfixed() != 0; }
JSObject* globalLexicalEnvironment() const {
return globalLexicalEnvironment_;
JSObject* globalThis() const { return globalThis_; }
uint32_t baseWarmUpThreshold() const { return baseWarmUpThreshold_; }
void maybeDisableIon();
[[nodiscard]] bool addAllocSiteIndex(uint32_t entryIndex) {
return allocSiteIndices_.append(entryIndex);
void createAllocSites();
using BaselineCompilerCodeGen = BaselineCodeGen<BaselineCompilerHandler>;
class BaselineCompiler final : private BaselineCompilerCodeGen {
// Native code offsets for bytecode ops in the script's resume offsets list.
ResumeOffsetEntryVector resumeOffsetEntries_;
// Native code offsets for debug traps if the script is compiled with debug
// instrumentation.
using DebugTrapEntryVector =
Vector<BaselineScript::DebugTrapEntry, 0, SystemAllocPolicy>;
DebugTrapEntryVector debugTrapEntries_;
CodeOffset profilerPushToggleOffset_;
BaselinePerfSpewer perfSpewer_;
BaselineCompiler(JSContext* cx, TempAllocator& alloc, MacroAssembler& masm,
JSScript* script, JSObject* globalLexical,
JSObject* globalThis, uint32_t baseWarmUpThreshold);
[[nodiscard]] bool init();
static bool prepareToCompile(JSContext* cx, Handle<JSScript*> script,
bool compileDebugInstrumentation);
MethodStatus compile(JSContext* cx);
bool finishCompile(JSContext* cx);
bool compileDebugInstrumentation() const {
return handler.compileDebugInstrumentation();
void setCompileDebugInstrumentation() {
void setIonCompileable(bool value) { handler.setIonCompileable(value); }
bool compileImpl();
bool emitBody();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitDebugTrap();
// Interface used by BaselineCodeGen for BaselineInterpreterGenerator.
class BaselineInterpreterHandler {
InterpreterFrameInfo frame_;
// Entry point to start interpreting a bytecode op. No registers are live. PC
// is loaded from the frame.
NonAssertingLabel interpretOp_;
// Like interpretOp_ but at this point the PC is expected to be in
// InterpreterPCReg.
NonAssertingLabel interpretOpWithPCReg_;
// Offsets of toggled jumps for debugger instrumentation.
using CodeOffsetVector = Vector<uint32_t, 0, SystemAllocPolicy>;
CodeOffsetVector debugInstrumentationOffsets_;
// Offsets of toggled jumps for code coverage instrumentation.
CodeOffsetVector codeCoverageOffsets_;
NonAssertingLabel codeCoverageAtPrologueLabel_;
NonAssertingLabel codeCoverageAtPCLabel_;
// Offsets of IC calls for IsIonInlinableOp ops, for Ion bailouts.
BaselineInterpreter::ICReturnOffsetVector icReturnOffsets_;
// Offsets of some callVMs for BaselineDebugModeOSR.
BaselineInterpreter::CallVMOffsets callVMOffsets_;
// The current JSOp we are emitting interpreter code for.
mozilla::Maybe<JSOp> currentOp_;
using FrameInfoT = InterpreterFrameInfo;
explicit BaselineInterpreterHandler(MacroAssembler& masm);
InterpreterFrameInfo& frame() { return frame_; }
Label* interpretOpLabel() { return &interpretOp_; }
Label* interpretOpWithPCRegLabel() { return &interpretOpWithPCReg_; }
Label* codeCoverageAtPrologueLabel() { return &codeCoverageAtPrologueLabel_; }
Label* codeCoverageAtPCLabel() { return &codeCoverageAtPCLabel_; }
CodeOffsetVector& debugInstrumentationOffsets() {
return debugInstrumentationOffsets_;
CodeOffsetVector& codeCoverageOffsets() { return codeCoverageOffsets_; }
BaselineInterpreter::ICReturnOffsetVector& icReturnOffsets() {
return icReturnOffsets_;
void setCurrentOp(JSOp op) { currentOp_.emplace(op); }
void resetCurrentOp() { currentOp_.reset(); }
mozilla::Maybe<JSOp> currentOp() const { return currentOp_; }
// Interpreter doesn't know the script and pc statically.
jsbytecode* maybePC() const { return nullptr; }
bool isDefinitelyLastOp() const { return false; }
JSScript* maybeScript() const { return nullptr; }
JSFunction* maybeFunction() const { return nullptr; }
bool shouldEmitDebugEpilogueAtReturnOp() const {
// The interpreter doesn't use the return address -> pc mapping and doesn't
// bake in bytecode PCs so it can emit a shared DebugEpilogue call instead
// of duplicating it for every return op.
return false;
[[nodiscard]] bool addDebugInstrumentationOffset(CodeOffset offset);
const BaselineInterpreter::CallVMOffsets& callVMOffsets() const {
return callVMOffsets_;
[[nodiscard]] bool recordCallRetAddr(RetAddrEntry::Kind kind,
uint32_t retOffset);
bool maybeIonCompileable() const { return true; }
// The interpreter doesn't know the number of slots statically so we always
// include them.
bool mustIncludeSlotsInStackCheck() const { return true; }
bool canHaveFixedSlots() const { return true; }
using BaselineInterpreterCodeGen = BaselineCodeGen<BaselineInterpreterHandler>;
class BaselineInterpreterGenerator final : private BaselineInterpreterCodeGen {
// Offsets of patchable call instructions for debugger breakpoints/stepping.
Vector<uint32_t, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> debugTrapOffsets_;
// Offsets of move instructions for tableswitch base address.
Vector<CodeOffset, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> tableLabels_;
// Offset of the first tableswitch entry.
uint32_t tableOffset_ = 0;
// Offset of the code to start interpreting a bytecode op.
uint32_t interpretOpOffset_ = 0;
// Like interpretOpOffset_ but skips the debug trap for the current op.
uint32_t interpretOpNoDebugTrapOffset_ = 0;
// Offset of the jump (tail call) to the debug trap handler trampoline code.
// When the debugger is enabled, NOPs are patched to calls to this location.
uint32_t debugTrapHandlerOffset_ = 0;
BaselineInterpreterPerfSpewer perfSpewer_;
explicit BaselineInterpreterGenerator(JSContext* cx, TempAllocator& alloc,
MacroAssembler& masm);
[[nodiscard]] bool generate(JSContext* cx, BaselineInterpreter& interpreter);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitInterpreterLoop();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitDebugTrap();
void emitOutOfLineCodeCoverageInstrumentation();
} // namespace jit
} // namespace js
#endif /* jit_BaselineCodeGen_h */