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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/ScopeExit.h"
#include "builtin/ModuleObject.h"
#include "debugger/DebugAPI.h"
#include "gc/GC.h"
#include "jit/Bailouts.h"
#include "jit/BaselineFrame.h"
#include "jit/BaselineIC.h"
#include "jit/BaselineJIT.h"
#include "jit/CalleeToken.h"
#include "jit/Invalidation.h"
#include "jit/Ion.h"
#include "jit/IonScript.h"
#include "jit/JitFrames.h"
#include "jit/JitRuntime.h"
#include "jit/JitSpewer.h"
#include "jit/JitZone.h"
#include "jit/RematerializedFrame.h"
#include "jit/SharedICRegisters.h"
#include "jit/Simulator.h"
#include "js/friend/StackLimits.h" // js::AutoCheckRecursionLimit, js::ReportOverRecursed
#include "js/Utility.h"
#include "proxy/ScriptedProxyHandler.h"
#include "util/Memory.h"
#include "vm/ArgumentsObject.h"
#include "vm/BytecodeUtil.h"
#include "vm/JitActivation.h"
#include "jit/JitFrames-inl.h"
#include "vm/JSAtomUtils-inl.h"
#include "vm/JSContext-inl.h"
#include "vm/JSScript-inl.h"
using namespace js;
using namespace js::jit;
using mozilla::DebugOnly;
using mozilla::Maybe;
// BaselineStackBuilder may reallocate its buffer if the current one is too
// small. To avoid dangling pointers, BufferPointer represents a pointer into
// this buffer as a pointer to the header and a fixed offset.
template <typename T>
class BufferPointer {
const UniquePtr<BaselineBailoutInfo>& header_;
size_t offset_;
bool heap_;
BufferPointer(const UniquePtr<BaselineBailoutInfo>& header, size_t offset,
bool heap)
: header_(header), offset_(offset), heap_(heap) {}
T* get() const {
BaselineBailoutInfo* header = header_.get();
if (!heap_) {
return (T*)(header->incomingStack + offset_);
uint8_t* p = header->copyStackTop - offset_;
MOZ_ASSERT(p >= header->copyStackBottom && p < header->copyStackTop);
return (T*)p;
void set(const T& value) { *get() = value; }
// Note: we return a copy instead of a reference, to avoid potential memory
// safety hazards when the underlying buffer gets resized.
const T operator*() const { return *get(); }
T* operator->() const { return get(); }
* BaselineStackBuilder helps abstract the process of rebuilding the C stack on
* the heap. It takes a bailout iterator and keeps track of the point on the C
* stack from which the reconstructed frames will be written.
* It exposes methods to write data into the heap memory storing the
* reconstructed stack. It also exposes method to easily calculate addresses.
* This includes both the virtual address that a particular value will be at
* when it's eventually copied onto the stack, as well as the current actual
* address of that value (whether on the heap allocated portion being
* constructed or the existing stack).
* The abstraction handles transparent re-allocation of the heap memory when it
* needs to be enlarged to accommodate new data. Similarly to the C stack, the
* data that's written to the reconstructed stack grows from high to low in
* memory.
* The lowest region of the allocated memory contains a BaselineBailoutInfo
* structure that points to the start and end of the written data.
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS BaselineStackBuilder {
JSContext* cx_;
JitFrameLayout* frame_ = nullptr;
SnapshotIterator& iter_;
RootedValueVector outermostFrameFormals_;
size_t bufferTotal_ = 1024;
size_t bufferAvail_ = 0;
size_t bufferUsed_ = 0;
size_t framePushed_ = 0;
UniquePtr<BaselineBailoutInfo> header_;
JSScript* script_;
JSFunction* fun_;
const ExceptionBailoutInfo* excInfo_;
ICScript* icScript_;
jsbytecode* pc_ = nullptr;
JSOp op_ = JSOp::Nop;
mozilla::Maybe<ResumeMode> resumeMode_;
uint32_t exprStackSlots_ = 0;
void* prevFramePtr_ = nullptr;
Maybe<BufferPointer<BaselineFrame>> blFrame_;
size_t frameNo_ = 0;
JSFunction* nextCallee_ = nullptr;
BailoutKind bailoutKind_;
bool canUseTrialInlinedICScripts_ = true;
// The baseline frames we will reconstruct on the heap are not
// rooted, so GC must be suppressed.
gc::AutoSuppressGC suppress_;
BaselineStackBuilder(JSContext* cx, const JSJitFrameIter& frameIter,
SnapshotIterator& iter,
const ExceptionBailoutInfo* excInfo,
BailoutReason reason);
[[nodiscard]] bool init() {
MOZ_ASSERT(bufferUsed_ == 0);
uint8_t* bufferRaw = cx_->pod_calloc<uint8_t>(bufferTotal_);
if (!bufferRaw) {
return false;
bufferAvail_ = bufferTotal_ - sizeof(BaselineBailoutInfo);
header_.reset(new (bufferRaw) BaselineBailoutInfo());
header_->incomingStack = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(frame_);
header_->copyStackTop = bufferRaw + bufferTotal_;
header_->copyStackBottom = header_->copyStackTop;
return true;
[[nodiscard]] bool buildOneFrame();
bool done();
void nextFrame();
JSScript* script() const { return script_; }
size_t frameNo() const { return frameNo_; }
bool isOutermostFrame() const { return frameNo_ == 0; }
MutableHandleValueVector outermostFrameFormals() {
return &outermostFrameFormals_;
BailoutKind bailoutKind() const { return bailoutKind_; }
inline JitFrameLayout* startFrame() { return frame_; }
BaselineBailoutInfo* info() {
return header_.get();
BaselineBailoutInfo* takeBuffer() {
return header_.release();
[[nodiscard]] bool initFrame();
[[nodiscard]] bool buildBaselineFrame();
[[nodiscard]] bool buildArguments();
[[nodiscard]] bool buildFixedSlots();
[[nodiscard]] bool fixUpCallerArgs(MutableHandleValueVector savedCallerArgs,
bool* fixedUp);
[[nodiscard]] bool buildFinallyException();
[[nodiscard]] bool buildExpressionStack();
[[nodiscard]] bool finishLastFrame();
[[nodiscard]] bool prepareForNextFrame(HandleValueVector savedCallerArgs);
[[nodiscard]] bool finishOuterFrame();
[[nodiscard]] bool buildStubFrame(uint32_t frameSize,
HandleValueVector savedCallerArgs);
[[nodiscard]] bool buildRectifierFrame(uint32_t actualArgc,
size_t endOfBaselineStubArgs);
#ifdef DEBUG
[[nodiscard]] bool validateFrame();
#ifdef DEBUG
bool envChainSlotCanBeOptimized();
bool isPrologueBailout();
jsbytecode* getResumePC();
void* getStubReturnAddress();
uint32_t exprStackSlots() const { return exprStackSlots_; }
// Returns true if we're bailing out to a catch or finally block in this frame
bool catchingException() const {
return excInfo_ && excInfo_->catchingException() &&
excInfo_->frameNo() == frameNo_;
// Returns true if we're bailing out to a finally block in this frame.
bool resumingInFinallyBlock() const {
return catchingException() && excInfo_->isFinally();
bool forcedReturn() const { return excInfo_ && excInfo_->forcedReturn(); }
// Returns true if we're bailing out in place for debug mode
bool propagatingIonExceptionForDebugMode() const {
return excInfo_ && excInfo_->propagatingIonExceptionForDebugMode();
void* prevFramePtr() const {
return prevFramePtr_;
BufferPointer<BaselineFrame>& blFrame() { return blFrame_.ref(); }
void setNextCallee(JSFunction* nextCallee,
TrialInliningState trialInliningState);
JSFunction* nextCallee() const { return nextCallee_; }
jsbytecode* pc() const { return pc_; }
bool resumeAfter() const {
return !catchingException() && iter_.resumeAfter();
ResumeMode resumeMode() const { return *resumeMode_; }
bool needToSaveCallerArgs() const {
return resumeMode() == ResumeMode::InlinedAccessor;
[[nodiscard]] bool enlarge() {
MOZ_ASSERT(header_ != nullptr);
if (bufferTotal_ & mozilla::tl::MulOverflowMask<2>::value) {
return false;
size_t newSize = bufferTotal_ * 2;
uint8_t* newBufferRaw = cx_->pod_calloc<uint8_t>(newSize);
if (!newBufferRaw) {
return false;
// Initialize the new buffer.
// Before:
// [ Header | .. | Payload ]
// After:
// [ Header | ............... | Payload ]
// Size of Payload is |bufferUsed_|.
// We need to copy from the old buffer and header to the new buffer before
// we set header_ (this deletes the old buffer).
// We also need to update |copyStackBottom| and |copyStackTop| because these
// fields point to the Payload's start and end, respectively.
using BailoutInfoPtr = UniquePtr<BaselineBailoutInfo>;
BailoutInfoPtr newHeader(new (newBufferRaw) BaselineBailoutInfo(*header_));
newHeader->copyStackTop = newBufferRaw + newSize;
newHeader->copyStackBottom = newHeader->copyStackTop - bufferUsed_;
memcpy(newHeader->copyStackBottom, header_->copyStackBottom, bufferUsed_);
bufferTotal_ = newSize;
bufferAvail_ = newSize - (sizeof(BaselineBailoutInfo) + bufferUsed_);
header_ = std::move(newHeader);
return true;
void resetFramePushed() { framePushed_ = 0; }
size_t framePushed() const { return framePushed_; }
[[nodiscard]] bool subtract(size_t size, const char* info = nullptr) {
// enlarge the buffer if need be.
while (size > bufferAvail_) {
if (!enlarge()) {
return false;
// write out element.
header_->copyStackBottom -= size;
bufferAvail_ -= size;
bufferUsed_ += size;
framePushed_ += size;
if (info) {
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " SUB_%03d %p/%p %-15s",
(int)size, header_->copyStackBottom,
virtualPointerAtStackOffset(0), info);
return true;
template <typename T>
[[nodiscard]] bool write(const T& t) {
MOZ_ASSERT(!(uintptr_t(&t) >= uintptr_t(header_->copyStackBottom) &&
uintptr_t(&t) < uintptr_t(header_->copyStackTop)),
"Should not reference memory that can be freed");
if (!subtract(sizeof(T))) {
return false;
memcpy(header_->copyStackBottom, &t, sizeof(T));
return true;
template <typename T>
[[nodiscard]] bool writePtr(T* t, const char* info) {
if (!write<T*>(t)) {
return false;
if (info) {
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " WRITE_PTR %p/%p %-15s %p",
header_->copyStackBottom, virtualPointerAtStackOffset(0), info,
return true;
[[nodiscard]] bool writeWord(size_t w, const char* info) {
if (!write<size_t>(w)) {
return false;
if (info) {
if (sizeof(size_t) == 4) {
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " WRITE_WRD %p/%p %-15s %08zx",
header_->copyStackBottom, virtualPointerAtStackOffset(0), info,
} else {
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " WRITE_WRD %p/%p %-15s %016zx",
header_->copyStackBottom, virtualPointerAtStackOffset(0), info,
return true;
[[nodiscard]] bool writeValue(const Value& val, const char* info) {
if (!write<Value>(val)) {
return false;
if (info) {
" WRITE_VAL %p/%p %-15s %016" PRIx64,
header_->copyStackBottom, virtualPointerAtStackOffset(0), info,
return true;
[[nodiscard]] bool peekLastValue(Value* result) {
if (bufferUsed_ < sizeof(Value)) {
return false;
memcpy(result, header_->copyStackBottom, sizeof(Value));
return true;
[[nodiscard]] bool maybeWritePadding(size_t alignment, size_t after,
const char* info) {
MOZ_ASSERT(framePushed_ % sizeof(Value) == 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(after % sizeof(Value) == 0);
size_t offset = ComputeByteAlignment(after, alignment);
while (framePushed_ % alignment != offset) {
if (!writeValue(MagicValue(JS_ARG_POISON), info)) {
return false;
return true;
void setResumeFramePtr(void* resumeFramePtr) {
header_->resumeFramePtr = resumeFramePtr;
void setResumeAddr(void* resumeAddr) { header_->resumeAddr = resumeAddr; }
template <typename T>
BufferPointer<T> pointerAtStackOffset(size_t offset) {
if (offset < bufferUsed_) {
// Calculate offset from copyStackTop.
offset = header_->copyStackTop - (header_->copyStackBottom + offset);
return BufferPointer<T>(header_, offset, /* heap = */ true);
return BufferPointer<T>(header_, offset - bufferUsed_, /* heap = */ false);
BufferPointer<Value> valuePointerAtStackOffset(size_t offset) {
return pointerAtStackOffset<Value>(offset);
inline uint8_t* virtualPointerAtStackOffset(size_t offset) {
if (offset < bufferUsed_) {
return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(frame_) - (bufferUsed_ - offset);
return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(frame_) + (offset - bufferUsed_);
void BaselineBailoutInfo::trace(JSTracer* trc) {
TraceRoot(trc, &tempId, "BaselineBailoutInfo::tempId");
BaselineStackBuilder::BaselineStackBuilder(JSContext* cx,
const JSJitFrameIter& frameIter,
SnapshotIterator& iter,
const ExceptionBailoutInfo* excInfo,
BailoutReason reason)
: cx_(cx),
suppress_(cx) {
MOZ_ASSERT(bufferTotal_ >= sizeof(BaselineBailoutInfo));
if (reason == BailoutReason::Invalidate) {
bailoutKind_ = BailoutKind::OnStackInvalidation;
bool BaselineStackBuilder::initFrame() {
// Get the pc and ResumeMode. If we are handling an exception, resume at the
// pc of the catch or finally block.
if (catchingException()) {
pc_ = excInfo_->resumePC();
resumeMode_ = mozilla::Some(ResumeMode::ResumeAt);
} else {
pc_ = script_->offsetToPC(iter_.pcOffset());
resumeMode_ = mozilla::Some(iter_.resumeMode());
op_ = JSOp(*pc_);
// If we are catching an exception, we are bailing out to a catch or
// finally block and this is the frame where we will resume. Usually the
// expression stack should be empty in this case but there can be
// iterators on the stack.
if (catchingException()) {
exprStackSlots_ = excInfo_->numExprSlots();
} else {
uint32_t totalFrameSlots = iter_.numAllocations();
uint32_t fixedSlots = script_->nfixed();
uint32_t argSlots = CountArgSlots(script_, fun_);
uint32_t intermediates = NumIntermediateValues(resumeMode());
exprStackSlots_ = totalFrameSlots - fixedSlots - argSlots - intermediates;
// Verify that there was no underflow.
MOZ_ASSERT(exprStackSlots_ <= totalFrameSlots);
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " Unpacking %s:%u:%u",
script_->filename(), script_->lineno(),
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " [BASELINE-JS FRAME]");
// Write the previous frame pointer value. For the outermost frame we reuse
// the value in the JitFrameLayout already on the stack. Record the virtual
// stack offset at this location. Later on, if we end up writing out a
// BaselineStub frame for the next callee, we'll need to save the address.
if (!isOutermostFrame()) {
if (!writePtr(prevFramePtr(), "PrevFramePtr")) {
return false;
prevFramePtr_ = virtualPointerAtStackOffset(0);
return true;
void BaselineStackBuilder::setNextCallee(
JSFunction* nextCallee, TrialInliningState trialInliningState) {
nextCallee_ = nextCallee;
if (trialInliningState == TrialInliningState::Inlined &&
!iter_.ionScript()->purgedICScripts() && canUseTrialInlinedICScripts_) {
// Update icScript_ to point to the icScript of nextCallee
const uint32_t pcOff = script_->pcToOffset(pc_);
icScript_ = icScript_->findInlinedChild(pcOff);
} else {
// If we don't know for certain that it's TrialInliningState::Inlined,
// just use the callee's own ICScript. We could still have the trial
// inlined ICScript available, but we also could not if we transitioned
// to TrialInliningState::Failure after being monomorphic inlined.
// Also use the callee's own ICScript if we purged callee ICScripts.
icScript_ = nextCallee->nonLazyScript()->jitScript()->icScript();
if (trialInliningState != TrialInliningState::MonomorphicInlined) {
// Don't use specialized ICScripts for any of the callees if we had an
// inlining failure. We're now using the generic ICScript but compilation
// might have used the trial-inlined ICScript and these can have very
// different inlining graphs.
canUseTrialInlinedICScripts_ = false;
// Assert the ICScript matches nextCallee.
JSScript* calleeScript = nextCallee->nonLazyScript();
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(icScript_->numICEntries() == calleeScript->numICEntries());
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(icScript_->bytecodeSize() == calleeScript->length());
bool BaselineStackBuilder::done() {
if (!iter_.moreFrames()) {
return true;
return catchingException();
void BaselineStackBuilder::nextFrame() {
fun_ = nextCallee_;
script_ = fun_->nonLazyScript();
nextCallee_ = nullptr;
// Scripts with an IonScript must also have a BaselineScript.
// Build the BaselineFrame struct
bool BaselineStackBuilder::buildBaselineFrame() {
if (!subtract(BaselineFrame::Size(), "BaselineFrame")) {
return false;
uint32_t flags = BaselineFrame::RUNNING_IN_INTERPRETER;
// If we are bailing to a script whose execution is observed, mark the
// baseline frame as a debuggee frame. This is to cover the case where we
// don't rematerialize the Ion frame via the Debugger.
if (script_->isDebuggee()) {
flags |= BaselineFrame::DEBUGGEE;
// Get |envChain|.
JSObject* envChain = nullptr;
Value envChainSlot =;
if (envChainSlot.isObject()) {
// The env slot has been updated from UndefinedValue. It must be the
// complete initial environment.
envChain = &envChainSlot.toObject();
// Set the HAS_INITIAL_ENV flag if needed. See IsFrameInitialEnvironment.
if (fun_ && fun_->needsFunctionEnvironmentObjects()) {
flags |= BaselineFrame::HAS_INITIAL_ENV;
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(envChainSlot.isUndefined() ||
// The env slot has been optimized out.
// Get it from the function or script.
if (fun_) {
envChain = fun_->environment();
} else if (script_->isModule()) {
envChain = script_->module()->environment();
} else {
// For global scripts without a non-syntactic env the env
// chain is the script's global lexical environment. (We do
// not compile scripts with a non-syntactic global scope).
// Also note that it's invalid to resume into the prologue in
// this case because the prologue expects the env chain in R1
// for eval and global scripts.
envChain = &(script_->global().lexicalEnvironment());
// Write |envChain|.
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " EnvChain=%p", envChain);
// Get |returnValue| if present.
Value returnValue = UndefinedValue();
if (script_->noScriptRval()) {
// Don't use the return value (likely a JS_OPTIMIZED_OUT MagicValue) to
// not confuse Baseline.
} else {
returnValue =;
flags |= BaselineFrame::HAS_RVAL;
// Write |returnValue|.
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " ReturnValue=%016" PRIx64,
// Get |argsObj| if present.
ArgumentsObject* argsObj = nullptr;
if (script_->needsArgsObj()) {
Value maybeArgsObj =;
MOZ_ASSERT(maybeArgsObj.isObject() || maybeArgsObj.isUndefined() ||
if (maybeArgsObj.isObject()) {
argsObj = &maybeArgsObj.toObject().as<ArgumentsObject>();
// Note: we do not need to initialize the scratchValue field in BaselineFrame.
// Write |flags|.
// Write |icScript|.
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " ICScript=%p", icScript_);
// initArgsObjUnchecked modifies the frame's flags, so call it after setFlags.
if (argsObj) {
return true;
// Overwrite the pushed args present in the calling frame with
// the unpacked |thisv| and argument values.
bool BaselineStackBuilder::buildArguments() {
Value thisv =;
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " Is function!");
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " thisv=%016" PRIx64,
size_t thisvOffset = framePushed() + JitFrameLayout::offsetOfThis();
MOZ_ASSERT(iter_.numAllocations() >= CountArgSlots(script_, fun_));
" frame slots %u, nargs %zu, nfixed %zu", iter_.numAllocations(),
fun_->nargs(), script_->nfixed());
bool shouldStoreOutermostFormals =
isOutermostFrame() && !script_->argsObjAliasesFormals();
if (shouldStoreOutermostFormals) {
// This is the first (outermost) frame and we don't have an
// arguments object aliasing the formals. Due to UCE and phi
// elimination, we could store an UndefinedValue() here for
// formals we think are unused, but locals may still reference the
// original argument slot (MParameter/LArgument) and expect the
// original Value. To avoid this problem, store the formals in a
// Vector until we are done.
if (!outermostFrameFormals().resize(fun_->nargs())) {
return false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < fun_->nargs(); i++) {
Value arg =;
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " arg %d = %016" PRIx64, (int)i,
if (!isOutermostFrame()) {
size_t argOffset = framePushed() + JitFrameLayout::offsetOfActualArg(i);
} else if (shouldStoreOutermostFormals) {
} else {
// When the arguments object aliases the formal arguments, then
// JSOp::SetArg mutates the argument object. In such cases, the
// list of arguments reported by the snapshot are only aliases
// of argument object slots which are optimized to only store
// differences compared to arguments which are on the stack.
return true;
bool BaselineStackBuilder::buildFixedSlots() {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < script_->nfixed(); i++) {
Value slot =;
if (!writeValue(slot, "FixedValue")) {
return false;
return true;
// The caller side of inlined js::fun_call and accessors must look
// like the function wasn't inlined.
bool BaselineStackBuilder::fixUpCallerArgs(
MutableHandleValueVector savedCallerArgs, bool* fixedUp) {
// Inlining of SpreadCall-like frames not currently supported.
if (resumeMode() != ResumeMode::InlinedFunCall && !needToSaveCallerArgs()) {
return true;
// Calculate how many arguments are consumed by the inlined call.
// All calls pass |callee| and |this|.
uint32_t inlinedArgs = 2;
if (resumeMode() == ResumeMode::InlinedFunCall) {
// The first argument to an inlined FunCall becomes |this|,
// if it exists. The rest are passed normally.
inlinedArgs += GET_ARGC(pc_) > 0 ? GET_ARGC(pc_) - 1 : 0;
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(resumeMode() == ResumeMode::InlinedAccessor);
// Setters are passed one argument. Getters are passed none.
if (IsSetPropOp(op_)) {
// Calculate how many values are live on the stack across the call,
// and push them.
MOZ_ASSERT(inlinedArgs <= exprStackSlots());
uint32_t liveStackSlots = exprStackSlots() - inlinedArgs;
" pushing %u expression stack slots before fixup",
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < liveStackSlots; i++) {
Value v =;
if (!writeValue(v, "StackValue")) {
return false;
// When we inline js::fun_call, we bypass the native and inline the
// target directly. When rebuilding the stack, we need to fill in
// the right number of slots to make it look like the js_native was
// actually called.
if (resumeMode() == ResumeMode::InlinedFunCall) {
// We must transform the stack from |target, this, args| to
// |js_fun_call, target, this, args|. The value of |js_fun_call|
// will never be observed, so we push |undefined| for it, followed
// by the remaining arguments.
" pushing undefined to fixup funcall");
if (!writeValue(UndefinedValue(), "StackValue")) {
return false;
if (GET_ARGC(pc_) > 0) {
" pushing %u expression stack slots", inlinedArgs);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < inlinedArgs; i++) {
Value arg =;
if (!writeValue(arg, "StackValue")) {
return false;
} else {
// When we inline FunCall with no arguments, we push an extra
// |undefined| value for |this|. That value should not appear
// in the rebuilt baseline frame.
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " pushing target of funcall");
Value target =;
if (!writeValue(target, "StackValue")) {
return false;
// Skip |this|.
if (needToSaveCallerArgs()) {
// Save the actual arguments. They are needed to rebuild the callee frame.
if (!savedCallerArgs.resize(inlinedArgs)) {
return false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < inlinedArgs; i++) {
if (IsSetPropOp(op_)) {
// The RHS argument to SetProp remains on the stack after the
// operation and is observable, so we have to fill it in.
Value initialArg = savedCallerArgs[inlinedArgs - 1];
" pushing setter's initial argument");
if (!writeValue(initialArg, "StackValue")) {
return false;
*fixedUp = true;
return true;
bool BaselineStackBuilder::buildExpressionStack() {
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " pushing %u expression stack slots",
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < exprStackSlots(); i++) {
Value v;
// If we are in the middle of propagating an exception from Ion by
// bailing to baseline due to debug mode, we might not have all
// the stack if we are at the newest frame.
// For instance, if calling |f()| pushed an Ion frame which threw,
// the snapshot expects the return value to be pushed, but it's
// possible nothing was pushed before we threw.
// We therefore use a fallible read here.
if (!iter_.tryRead(&v)) {
MOZ_ASSERT(propagatingIonExceptionForDebugMode() && !iter_.moreFrames());
v = MagicValue(JS_OPTIMIZED_OUT);
if (!writeValue(v, "StackValue")) {
return false;
if (resumeMode() == ResumeMode::ResumeAfterCheckProxyGetResult) {
" Checking that the proxy's get trap result matches "
Value returnVal;
if (peekLastValue(&returnVal) && !returnVal.isMagic(JS_OPTIMIZED_OUT)) {
Value idVal =;
Value targetVal =;
RootedObject target(cx_, &targetVal.toObject());
RootedValue rootedIdVal(cx_, idVal);
RootedId id(cx_);
if (!PrimitiveValueToId<CanGC>(cx_, rootedIdVal, &id)) {
return false;
RootedValue value(cx_, returnVal);
auto validation =
ScriptedProxyHandler::checkGetTrapResult(cx_, target, id, value);
if (validation != ScriptedProxyHandler::GetTrapValidationResult::OK) {
header_->tempId = id.get();
" Proxy get trap result mismatch! Overwriting bailout kind");
if (validation == ScriptedProxyHandler::GetTrapValidationResult::
MustReportSameValue) {
bailoutKind_ = BailoutKind::ThrowProxyTrapMustReportSameValue;
} else if (validation == ScriptedProxyHandler::GetTrapValidationResult::
MustReportUndefined) {
bailoutKind_ = BailoutKind::ThrowProxyTrapMustReportUndefined;
} else {
return false;
return true;
if (resumeMode() == ResumeMode::ResumeAfterCheckIsObject) {
" Checking that intermediate value is an object");
Value returnVal;
if (iter_.tryRead(&returnVal) && !returnVal.isObject()) {
" Not an object! Overwriting bailout kind");
bailoutKind_ = BailoutKind::ThrowCheckIsObject;
return true;
bool BaselineStackBuilder::buildFinallyException() {
if (!writeValue(excInfo_->finallyException(), "Exception")) {
return false;
if (!writeValue(excInfo_->finallyExceptionStack(), "ExceptionStack")) {
return false;
if (!writeValue(BooleanValue(true), "throwing")) {
return false;
return true;
bool BaselineStackBuilder::prepareForNextFrame(
HandleValueVector savedCallerArgs) {
const uint32_t frameSize = framePushed();
// Write out descriptor and return address for the baseline frame.
// The icEntry in question MUST have an inlinable fallback stub.
if (!finishOuterFrame()) {
return false;
return buildStubFrame(frameSize, savedCallerArgs);
bool BaselineStackBuilder::finishOuterFrame() {
// . .
// | Descr(BLJS) |
// +---------------+
// | ReturnAddr |
// +===============+
const BaselineInterpreter& baselineInterp =
blFrame()->setInterpreterFields(script_, pc_);
// Write out descriptor of BaselineJS frame.
size_t baselineFrameDescr = MakeFrameDescriptor(FrameType::BaselineJS);
if (!writeWord(baselineFrameDescr, "Descriptor")) {
return false;
uint8_t* retAddr = baselineInterp.retAddrForIC(op_);
return writePtr(retAddr, "ReturnAddr");
bool BaselineStackBuilder::buildStubFrame(uint32_t frameSize,
HandleValueVector savedCallerArgs) {
// Build baseline stub frame:
// +===============+
// | FramePtr |
// +---------------+
// | StubPtr |
// +---------------+
// | Padding? |
// +---------------+
// | ArgA |
// +---------------+
// | ... |
// +---------------+
// | Arg0 |
// +---------------+
// | ThisV |
// +---------------+
// | CalleeToken |
// +---------------+
// | Descr(BLStub) |
// +---------------+
// | ReturnAddr |
// +===============+
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " [BASELINE-STUB FRAME]");
// Write previous frame pointer (saved earlier).
if (!writePtr(prevFramePtr(), "PrevFramePtr")) {
return false;
prevFramePtr_ = virtualPointerAtStackOffset(0);
// Write stub pointer.
uint32_t pcOff = script_->pcToOffset(pc_);
JitScript* jitScript = script_->jitScript();
const ICEntry& icEntry = jitScript->icEntryFromPCOffset(pcOff);
ICFallbackStub* fallback = jitScript->fallbackStubForICEntry(&icEntry);
if (!writePtr(fallback, "StubPtr")) {
return false;
// Write out the arguments, copied from the baseline frame. The order
// of the arguments is reversed relative to the baseline frame's stack
// values.
bool pushedNewTarget = IsConstructPC(pc_);
unsigned actualArgc;
Value callee;
if (needToSaveCallerArgs()) {
// For accessors, the arguments are not on the stack anymore,
// but they are copied in a vector and are written here.
callee = savedCallerArgs[0];
actualArgc = IsSetPropOp(op_) ? 1 : 0;
// Align the stack based on the number of arguments.
size_t afterFrameSize =
(actualArgc + 1) * sizeof(Value) + JitFrameLayout::Size();
if (!maybeWritePadding(JitStackAlignment, afterFrameSize, "Padding")) {
return false;
// Push arguments.
MOZ_ASSERT(actualArgc + 2 <= exprStackSlots());
MOZ_ASSERT(savedCallerArgs.length() == actualArgc + 2);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < actualArgc + 1; i++) {
size_t arg = savedCallerArgs.length() - (i + 1);
if (!writeValue(savedCallerArgs[arg], "ArgVal")) {
return false;
} else if (resumeMode() == ResumeMode::InlinedFunCall && GET_ARGC(pc_) == 0) {
// When calling FunCall with 0 arguments, we push |undefined|
// for this. See BaselineCacheIRCompiler::pushFunCallArguments.
actualArgc = 0;
// Align the stack based on pushing |this| and 0 arguments.
size_t afterFrameSize = sizeof(Value) + JitFrameLayout::Size();
if (!maybeWritePadding(JitStackAlignment, afterFrameSize, "Padding")) {
return false;
// Push an undefined value for |this|.
if (!writeValue(UndefinedValue(), "ThisValue")) {
return false;
size_t calleeSlot = blFrame()->numValueSlots(frameSize) - 1;
callee = *blFrame()->valueSlot(calleeSlot);
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(resumeMode() == ResumeMode::InlinedStandardCall ||
resumeMode() == ResumeMode::InlinedFunCall);
actualArgc = GET_ARGC(pc_);
if (resumeMode() == ResumeMode::InlinedFunCall) {
// See BaselineCacheIRCompiler::pushFunCallArguments.
MOZ_ASSERT(actualArgc > 0);
// In addition to the formal arguments, we must also push |this|.
// When calling a constructor, we must also push |newTarget|.
uint32_t numArguments = actualArgc + 1 + pushedNewTarget;
// Align the stack based on the number of arguments.
size_t afterFrameSize =
numArguments * sizeof(Value) + JitFrameLayout::Size();
if (!maybeWritePadding(JitStackAlignment, afterFrameSize, "Padding")) {
return false;
// Copy the arguments and |this| from the BaselineFrame, in reverse order.
size_t valueSlot = blFrame()->numValueSlots(frameSize) - 1;
size_t calleeSlot = valueSlot - numArguments;
for (size_t i = valueSlot; i > calleeSlot; i--) {
Value v = *blFrame()->valueSlot(i);
if (!writeValue(v, "ArgVal")) {
return false;
callee = *blFrame()->valueSlot(calleeSlot);
// In case these arguments need to be copied on the stack again for a
// rectifier frame, save the framePushed values here for later use.
size_t endOfBaselineStubArgs = framePushed();
// Push callee token (must be a JS Function)
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " Callee = %016" PRIx64,
JSFunction* calleeFun = &callee.toObject().as<JSFunction>();
if (!writePtr(CalleeToToken(calleeFun, pushedNewTarget), "CalleeToken")) {
return false;
const ICEntry& icScriptEntry = icScript_->icEntryFromPCOffset(pcOff);
ICFallbackStub* icScriptFallback =
setNextCallee(calleeFun, icScriptFallback->trialInliningState());
// Push BaselineStub frame descriptor
size_t baselineStubFrameDescr =
MakeFrameDescriptorForJitCall(FrameType::BaselineStub, actualArgc);
if (!writeWord(baselineStubFrameDescr, "Descriptor")) {
return false;
// Push return address into ICCall_Scripted stub, immediately after the call.
void* baselineCallReturnAddr = getStubReturnAddress();
if (!writePtr(baselineCallReturnAddr, "ReturnAddr")) {
return false;
// The stack must be aligned after the callee pushes the frame pointer.
MOZ_ASSERT((framePushed() + sizeof(void*)) % JitStackAlignment == 0);
// Build a rectifier frame if necessary
if (actualArgc < calleeFun->nargs() &&
!buildRectifierFrame(actualArgc, endOfBaselineStubArgs)) {
return false;
return true;
bool BaselineStackBuilder::buildRectifierFrame(uint32_t actualArgc,
size_t endOfBaselineStubArgs) {
// Push a reconstructed rectifier frame.
// +===============+
// | Padding? |
// +---------------+
// | UndefinedU |
// +---------------+
// | ... |
// +---------------+
// | Undefined0 |
// +---------------+
// | ArgA |
// +---------------+
// | ... |
// +---------------+
// | Arg0 |
// +---------------+
// | ThisV |
// +---------------+
// | CalleeToken |
// +---------------+
// | Descr(Rect) |
// +---------------+
// | ReturnAddr |
// +===============+
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " [RECTIFIER FRAME]");
bool pushedNewTarget = IsConstructPC(pc_);
if (!writePtr(prevFramePtr(), "PrevFramePtr")) {
return false;
prevFramePtr_ = virtualPointerAtStackOffset(0);
// Align the stack based on the number of arguments.
size_t afterFrameSize =
(nextCallee()->nargs() + 1 + pushedNewTarget) * sizeof(Value) +
if (!maybeWritePadding(JitStackAlignment, afterFrameSize, "Padding")) {
return false;
// Copy, if necessary.
if (pushedNewTarget) {
size_t newTargetOffset = (framePushed() - endOfBaselineStubArgs) +
(actualArgc + 1) * sizeof(Value);
Value newTargetValue = *valuePointerAtStackOffset(newTargetOffset);
if (!writeValue(newTargetValue, "CopiedNewTarget")) {
return false;
// Push undefined for missing arguments.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < (nextCallee()->nargs() - actualArgc); i++) {
if (!writeValue(UndefinedValue(), "FillerVal")) {
return false;
// Copy arguments + thisv from BaselineStub frame.
if (!subtract((actualArgc + 1) * sizeof(Value), "CopiedArgs")) {
return false;
BufferPointer<uint8_t> stubArgsEnd =
pointerAtStackOffset<uint8_t>(framePushed() - endOfBaselineStubArgs);
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " MemCpy from %p", stubArgsEnd.get());
memcpy(pointerAtStackOffset<uint8_t>(0).get(), stubArgsEnd.get(),
(actualArgc + 1) * sizeof(Value));
// Push calleeToken again.
if (!writePtr(CalleeToToken(nextCallee(), pushedNewTarget), "CalleeToken")) {
return false;
// Push rectifier frame descriptor
size_t rectifierFrameDescr =
MakeFrameDescriptorForJitCall(FrameType::Rectifier, actualArgc);
if (!writeWord(rectifierFrameDescr, "Descriptor")) {
return false;
// Push return address into the ArgumentsRectifier code, immediately after the
// ioncode call.
void* rectReturnAddr =
if (!writePtr(rectReturnAddr, "ReturnAddr")) {
return false;
// The stack must be aligned after the callee pushes the frame pointer.
MOZ_ASSERT((framePushed() + sizeof(void*)) % JitStackAlignment == 0);
return true;
bool BaselineStackBuilder::finishLastFrame() {
const BaselineInterpreter& baselineInterp =
// Compute the native address (within the Baseline Interpreter) that we will
// resume at and initialize the frame's interpreter fields.
uint8_t* resumeAddr;
if (isPrologueBailout()) {
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " Resuming into prologue.");
MOZ_ASSERT(pc_ == script_->code());
resumeAddr = baselineInterp.bailoutPrologueEntryAddr();
} else if (propagatingIonExceptionForDebugMode()) {
// When propagating an exception for debug mode, set the
// resume pc to the throwing pc, so that Debugger hooks report
// the correct pc offset of the throwing op instead of its
// successor.
jsbytecode* throwPC = script_->offsetToPC(iter_.pcOffset());
blFrame()->setInterpreterFields(script_, throwPC);
resumeAddr = baselineInterp.interpretOpAddr().value;
} else {
jsbytecode* resumePC = getResumePC();
blFrame()->setInterpreterFields(script_, resumePC);
resumeAddr = baselineInterp.interpretOpAddr().value;
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " Set resumeAddr=%p", resumeAddr);
if (cx_->runtime()->geckoProfiler().enabled()) {
// Register bailout with profiler.
const char* filename = script_->filename();
if (filename == nullptr) {
filename = "<unknown>";
unsigned len = strlen(filename) + 200;
UniqueChars buf(js_pod_malloc<char>(len));
if (buf == nullptr) {
return false;
snprintf(buf.get(), len, "%s %s %s on line %u of %s:%u",
BailoutKindString(bailoutKind()), resumeAfter() ? "after" : "at",
CodeName(op_), PCToLineNumber(script_, pc_), filename,
cx_->runtime()->geckoProfiler().markEvent("Bailout", buf.get());
return true;
#ifdef DEBUG
// The |envChain| slot must not be optimized out if the currently
// active scope requires any EnvironmentObjects beyond what is
// available at body scope. This checks that scope chain does not
// require any such EnvironmentObjects.
// See also: |CompileInfo::isObservableFrameSlot|
bool BaselineStackBuilder::envChainSlotCanBeOptimized() {
jsbytecode* pc = script_->offsetToPC(iter_.pcOffset());
Scope* scopeIter = script_->innermostScope(pc);
while (scopeIter != script_->bodyScope()) {
if (!scopeIter || scopeIter->hasEnvironment()) {
return false;
scopeIter = scopeIter->enclosing();
return true;
bool jit::AssertBailoutStackDepth(JSContext* cx, JSScript* script,
jsbytecode* pc, ResumeMode mode,
uint32_t exprStackSlots) {
if (IsResumeAfter(mode)) {
pc = GetNextPc(pc);
uint32_t expectedDepth;
bool reachablePC;
if (!ReconstructStackDepth(cx, script, pc, &expectedDepth, &reachablePC)) {
return false;
if (!reachablePC) {
return true;
JSOp op = JSOp(*pc);
if (mode == ResumeMode::InlinedFunCall) {
// For inlined, ...); the reconstructed stack depth will
// include the |this|, but the exprStackSlots won't.
// Exception: if there are no arguments, the depths do match.
if (GET_ARGC(pc) > 0) {
MOZ_ASSERT(expectedDepth == exprStackSlots + 1);
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(expectedDepth == exprStackSlots);
return true;
if (mode == ResumeMode::InlinedAccessor) {
// Accessors coming out of ion are inlined via a complete lie perpetrated by
// the compiler internally. Ion just rearranges the stack, and pretends that
// it looked like a call all along.
// This means that the depth is actually one *more* than expected by the
// interpreter, as there is now a JSFunction, |this| and [arg], rather than
// the expected |this| and [arg].
// If the inlined accessor is a GetElem operation, the numbers do match, but
// that's just because GetElem expects one more item on the stack. Note that
// none of that was pushed, but it's still reflected in exprStackSlots.
if (IsGetElemOp(op)) {
MOZ_ASSERT(exprStackSlots == expectedDepth);
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(exprStackSlots == expectedDepth + 1);
return true;
// In all other cases, the depth must match.
MOZ_ASSERT(exprStackSlots == expectedDepth);
return true;
bool BaselineStackBuilder::validateFrame() {
const uint32_t frameSize = framePushed();
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " FrameSize=%u", frameSize);
// debugNumValueSlots() is based on the frame size, do some sanity checks.
MOZ_ASSERT(blFrame()->debugNumValueSlots() >= script_->nfixed());
MOZ_ASSERT(blFrame()->debugNumValueSlots() <= script_->nslots());
uint32_t expectedSlots = exprStackSlots();
if (resumingInFinallyBlock()) {
// If we are resuming in a finally block, we push three extra values on the
// stack (the exception, the exception stack, and |throwing|), so the depth
// at the resume PC should be the depth at the fault PC plus three.
expectedSlots += 3;
return AssertBailoutStackDepth(cx_, script_, pc_, resumeMode(),
void* BaselineStackBuilder::getStubReturnAddress() {
const BaselineICFallbackCode& code =
if (IsGetPropOp(op_)) {
return code.bailoutReturnAddr(BailoutReturnKind::GetProp);
if (IsSetPropOp(op_)) {
return code.bailoutReturnAddr(BailoutReturnKind::SetProp);
if (IsGetElemOp(op_)) {
return code.bailoutReturnAddr(BailoutReturnKind::GetElem);
// This should be a call op of some kind, now.
MOZ_ASSERT(IsInvokeOp(op_) && !IsSpreadOp(op_));
if (IsConstructOp(op_)) {
return code.bailoutReturnAddr(BailoutReturnKind::New);
return code.bailoutReturnAddr(BailoutReturnKind::Call);
static inline jsbytecode* GetNextNonLoopHeadPc(jsbytecode* pc) {
JSOp op = JSOp(*pc);
switch (op) {
case JSOp::Goto:
return pc + GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc);
case JSOp::LoopHead:
case JSOp::Nop:
return GetNextPc(pc);
return pc;
// Returns the pc to resume execution at in Baseline after a bailout.
jsbytecode* BaselineStackBuilder::getResumePC() {
if (resumeAfter()) {
return GetNextPc(pc_);
// If we are resuming at a LoopHead op, resume at the next op to avoid
// a bailout -> enter Ion -> bailout loop with --ion-eager.
// Cycles can cause the loop below to not terminate. Empty loops are one
// such example:
// L: loophead
// goto L
// We do cycle detection below with the "tortoise and the hare" algorithm.
jsbytecode* slowerPc = pc_;
jsbytecode* fasterPc = pc_;
while (true) {
// Advance fasterPc twice as fast as slowerPc.
slowerPc = GetNextNonLoopHeadPc(slowerPc);
fasterPc = GetNextNonLoopHeadPc(fasterPc);
fasterPc = GetNextNonLoopHeadPc(fasterPc);
// Break on cycles or at the end of goto sequences.
if (fasterPc == slowerPc) {
return slowerPc;
bool BaselineStackBuilder::isPrologueBailout() {
// If we are propagating an exception for debug mode, we will not resume
// into baseline code, but instead into HandleExceptionBaseline (i.e.,
// never before the prologue).
return iter_.pcOffset() == 0 && !iter_.resumeAfter() &&
// Build a baseline stack frame.
bool BaselineStackBuilder::buildOneFrame() {
// Build a baseline frame:
// +===============+
// | PrevFramePtr | <-- initFrame()
// +---------------+
// | Baseline | <-- buildBaselineFrame()
// | Frame |
// +---------------+
// | Fixed0 | <-- buildFixedSlots()
// +---------------+
// | ... |
// +---------------+
// | FixedF |
// +---------------+
// | Stack0 | <-- buildExpressionStack() -or- fixupCallerArgs()
// +---------------+
// | ... |
// +---------------+ If we are building the frame in which we will
// | StackS | <-- resume, we stop here.
// +---------------+ finishLastFrame() sets up the interpreter fields.
// . .
// . .
// . . <-- If there are additional frames inlined into this
// | Descr(BLJS) | one, we finish this frame. We generate a stub
// +---------------+ frame (and maybe also a rectifier frame) between
// | ReturnAddr | this frame and the inlined frame.
// +===============+ See: prepareForNextFrame()
if (!initFrame()) {
return false;
if (!buildBaselineFrame()) {
return false;
if (fun_ && !buildArguments()) {
return false;
if (!buildFixedSlots()) {
return false;
bool fixedUp = false;
RootedValueVector savedCallerArgs(cx_);
if (iter_.moreFrames() && !fixUpCallerArgs(&savedCallerArgs, &fixedUp)) {
return false;
if (!fixedUp) {
if (!buildExpressionStack()) {
return false;
if (resumingInFinallyBlock() && !buildFinallyException()) {
return false;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (!validateFrame()) {
return false;
const uint32_t pcOff = script_->pcToOffset(pc());
" Resuming %s pc offset %d (op %s) (line %u) of %s:%u:%u",
resumeAfter() ? "after" : "at", (int)pcOff, CodeName(op_),
PCToLineNumber(script_, pc()), script_->filename(), script_->lineno(),
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " Bailout kind: %s",
// If this was the last inline frame, or we are bailing out to a catch or
// finally block in this frame, then unpacking is almost done.
if (done()) {
return finishLastFrame();
// Otherwise, this is an outer frame for an inlined call or
// accessor. We will be building an inner frame. Before that,
// we must create a stub frame, and potentially a rectifier frame.
return prepareForNextFrame(savedCallerArgs);
bool jit::BailoutIonToBaseline(JSContext* cx, JitActivation* activation,
const JSJitFrameIter& iter,
BaselineBailoutInfo** bailoutInfo,
const ExceptionBailoutInfo* excInfo,
BailoutReason reason) {
MOZ_ASSERT(bailoutInfo != nullptr);
MOZ_ASSERT(*bailoutInfo == nullptr);
// Caller should have saved the exception while we perform the bailout.
// Ion bailout can fail due to overrecursion and OOM. In such cases we
// cannot honor any further Debugger hooks on the frame, and need to
// ensure that its Debugger.Frame entry is cleaned up.
auto guardRemoveRematerializedFramesFromDebugger =
mozilla::MakeScopeExit([&] {
activation->removeRematerializedFramesFromDebugger(cx, iter.fp());
// Always remove the RInstructionResults from the JitActivation, even in
// case of failures as the stack frame is going away after the bailout.
auto removeIonFrameRecovery = mozilla::MakeScopeExit(
[&] { activation->removeIonFrameRecovery(iter.jsFrame()); });
// The caller of the top frame must be one of the following:
// IonJS - Ion calling into Ion.
// BaselineStub - Baseline calling into Ion.
// Entry / WasmToJSJit - Interpreter or other (wasm) calling into Ion.
// Rectifier - Arguments rectifier calling into Ion.
// BaselineJS - Resume'd Baseline, then likely OSR'd into Ion.
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(JS_JITSPEW)
FrameType prevFrameType = iter.prevType();
MOZ_ASSERT(JSJitFrameIter::isEntry(prevFrameType) ||
prevFrameType == FrameType::IonJS ||
prevFrameType == FrameType::BaselineStub ||
prevFrameType == FrameType::Rectifier ||
prevFrameType == FrameType::TrampolineNative ||
prevFrameType == FrameType::IonICCall ||
prevFrameType == FrameType::BaselineJS ||
prevFrameType == FrameType::BaselineInterpreterEntry);
// All incoming frames are going to look like this:
// +---------------+
// | ... |
// +---------------+
// | Args |
// | ... |
// +---------------+
// | ThisV |
// +---------------+
// | ActualArgC |
// +---------------+
// | CalleeToken |
// +---------------+
// | Descriptor |
// +---------------+
// | ReturnAddr |
// +---------------+
// | ||||| | <---- Overwrite starting here.
// | ||||| |
// | ||||| |
// +---------------+
"Bailing to baseline %s:%u:%u (IonScript=%p) (FrameType=%d)",
iter.script()->filename(), iter.script()->lineno(),
iter.script()->column().oneOriginValue(), (void*)iter.ionScript(),
if (excInfo) {
if (excInfo->catchingException()) {
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, "Resuming in catch or finally block");
if (excInfo->propagatingIonExceptionForDebugMode()) {
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, "Resuming in-place for debug mode");
" Reading from snapshot offset %u size %zu", iter.snapshotOffset(),
// Under a bailout, there is no need to invalidate the frame after
// evaluating the recover instruction, as the invalidation is only needed in
// cases where the frame is introspected ahead of the bailout.
MaybeReadFallback recoverBailout(cx, activation, &iter,
// Ensure that all value locations are readable from the SnapshotIterator.
// Get the RInstructionResults from the JitActivation if the frame got
// recovered ahead of the bailout.
SnapshotIterator snapIter(iter, activation->bailoutData()->machineState());
if (!snapIter.initInstructionResults(recoverBailout)) {
return false;
BaselineStackBuilder builder(cx, iter, snapIter, excInfo, reason);
if (!builder.init()) {
return false;
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " Incoming frame ptr = %p",
if (iter.maybeCallee()) {
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " Callee function (%s:%u:%u)",
iter.script()->filename(), iter.script()->lineno(),
} else {
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " No callee!");
if (iter.isConstructing()) {
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " Constructing!");
} else {
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " Not constructing!");
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " Restoring frames:");
while (true) {
// Skip recover instructions as they are already recovered by
// |initInstructionResults|.
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " FrameNo %zu", builder.frameNo());
if (!builder.buildOneFrame()) {
return false;
if (builder.done()) {
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " Done restoring frames");
BailoutKind bailoutKind = builder.bailoutKind();
if (!builder.outermostFrameFormals().empty()) {
// Set the first frame's formals, see the comment in InitFromBailout.
Value* argv = builder.startFrame()->actualArgs();
mozilla::PodCopy(argv, builder.outermostFrameFormals().begin(),
// Do stack check.
bool overRecursed = false;
BaselineBailoutInfo* info =;
size_t numBytesToPush = info->copyStackTop - info->copyStackBottom;
MOZ_ASSERT((numBytesToPush % sizeof(uintptr_t)) == 0);
uint8_t* newsp = info->incomingStack - numBytesToPush;
if (Simulator::Current()->overRecursed(uintptr_t(newsp))) {
overRecursed = true;
AutoCheckRecursionLimit recursion(cx);
if (!recursion.checkWithStackPointerDontReport(cx, newsp)) {
overRecursed = true;
if (overRecursed) {
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " Overrecursion check failed!");
return false;
// Take the reconstructed baseline stack so it doesn't get freed when builder
// destructs.
info = builder.takeBuffer();
info->numFrames = builder.frameNo() + 1;
*bailoutInfo = info;
return true;
static void InvalidateAfterBailout(JSContext* cx, HandleScript outerScript,
const char* reason) {
// In some cases, the computation of recover instruction can invalidate the
// Ion script before we reach the end of the bailout. Thus, if the outer
// script no longer have any Ion script attached, then we just skip the
// invalidation.
// For example, such case can happen if the template object for an unboxed
// objects no longer match the content of its properties (see Bug 1174547)
if (!outerScript->hasIonScript()) {
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, "Ion script is already invalidated");
// Record a invalidation for this script in the jit hints map
if (cx->runtime()->jitRuntime()->hasJitHintsMap()) {
JitHintsMap* jitHints = cx->runtime()->jitRuntime()->getJitHintsMap();
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, "Invalidating due to %s", reason);
Invalidate(cx, outerScript);
static void HandleLexicalCheckFailure(JSContext* cx, HandleScript outerScript,
HandleScript innerScript) {
"Lexical check failure %s:%u:%u, inlined into %s:%u:%u",
innerScript->filename(), innerScript->lineno(),
innerScript->column().oneOriginValue(), outerScript->filename(),
outerScript->lineno(), outerScript->column().oneOriginValue());
if (!innerScript->failedLexicalCheck()) {
InvalidateAfterBailout(cx, outerScript, "lexical check failure");
if (innerScript->hasIonScript()) {
Invalidate(cx, innerScript);
static bool CopyFromRematerializedFrame(JSContext* cx, JitActivation* act,
uint8_t* fp, size_t inlineDepth,
BaselineFrame* frame) {
RematerializedFrame* rematFrame =
act->lookupRematerializedFrame(fp, inlineDepth);
// We might not have rematerialized a frame if the user never requested a
// Debugger.Frame for it.
if (!rematFrame) {
return true;
MOZ_ASSERT(rematFrame->script() == frame->script());
MOZ_ASSERT(rematFrame->numActualArgs() == frame->numActualArgs());
if (frame->isFunctionFrame()) {
frame->thisArgument() = rematFrame->thisArgument();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < frame->numActualArgs(); i++) {
frame->argv()[i] = rematFrame->argv()[i];
for (size_t i = 0; i < frame->script()->nfixed(); i++) {
*frame->valueSlot(i) = rematFrame->locals()[i];
if (frame->script()->noScriptRval()) {
} else {
// Don't copy over the hasCachedSavedFrame bit. The new BaselineFrame we're
// building has a different AbstractFramePtr, so it won't be found in the
// LiveSavedFrameCache if we look there.
" Copied from rematerialized frame at (%p,%zu)", fp, inlineDepth);
// Propagate the debuggee frame flag. For the case where the Debugger did
// not rematerialize an Ion frame, the baseline frame has its debuggee
// flag set iff its script is considered a debuggee. See the debuggee case
// in InitFromBailout.
if (rematFrame->isDebuggee()) {
return DebugAPI::handleIonBailout(cx, rematFrame, frame);
return true;
enum class BailoutAction {
bool jit::FinishBailoutToBaseline(BaselineBailoutInfo* bailoutInfoArg) {
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineBailouts, " Done restoring frames");
JSContext* cx = TlsContext.get();
// Use UniquePtr to free the bailoutInfo before we return, and root it for
// the tempId field.
Rooted<UniquePtr<BaselineBailoutInfo>> bailoutInfo(cx, bailoutInfoArg);
bailoutInfoArg = nullptr;
MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(*bailoutInfo->bailoutKind != BailoutKind::Unreachable);
// jit::Bailout(), jit::InvalidationBailout(), and jit::HandleException()
// should have reset the counter to zero.
BaselineFrame* topFrame = GetTopBaselineFrame(cx);
// We have to get rid of the rematerialized frame, whether it is
// restored or unwound.
uint8_t* incomingStack = bailoutInfo->incomingStack;
auto guardRemoveRematerializedFramesFromDebugger =
mozilla::MakeScopeExit([&] {
JitActivation* act = cx->activation()->asJit();
act->removeRematerializedFramesFromDebugger(cx, incomingStack);
// Ensure the frame has a call object if it needs one.
if (!EnsureHasEnvironmentObjects(cx, topFrame)) {
return false;
// Create arguments objects for bailed out frames, to maintain the invariant
// that script->needsArgsObj() implies frame->hasArgsObj().
RootedScript innerScript(cx, nullptr);
RootedScript outerScript(cx, nullptr);
JSJitFrameIter iter(cx->activation()->asJit());
uint8_t* outerFp = nullptr;
// Iter currently points at the exit frame. Get the previous frame
// (which must be a baseline frame), and set it as the last profiling
// frame.
if (cx->runtime()->jitRuntime()->isProfilerInstrumentationEnabled(
cx->runtime())) {
MOZ_ASSERT(iter.prevType() == FrameType::BaselineJS);
JitFrameLayout* fp = reinterpret_cast<JitFrameLayout*>(iter.prevFp());
uint32_t numFrames = bailoutInfo->numFrames;
MOZ_ASSERT(numFrames > 0);
uint32_t frameno = 0;
while (frameno < numFrames) {
if (iter.isBaselineJS()) {
BaselineFrame* frame = iter.baselineFrame();
// If the frame doesn't even have a env chain set yet, then it's resuming
// into the the prologue before the env chain is initialized. Any
// necessary args object will also be initialized there.
if (frame->environmentChain() && frame->script()->needsArgsObj()) {
ArgumentsObject* argsObj;
if (frame->hasArgsObj()) {
argsObj = &frame->argsObj();
} else {
argsObj = ArgumentsObject::createExpected(cx, frame);
if (!argsObj) {
return false;
// The arguments is a local binding and needsArgsObj does not
// check if it is clobbered. Ensure that the local binding
// restored during bailout before storing the arguments object
// to the slot.
RootedScript script(cx, frame->script());
SetFrameArgumentsObject(cx, frame, script, argsObj);
if (frameno == 0) {
innerScript = frame->script();
if (frameno == numFrames - 1) {
outerScript = frame->script();
outerFp = iter.fp();
MOZ_ASSERT(outerFp == incomingStack);
// If we rematerialized Ion frames due to debug mode toggling, copy their
// values into the baseline frame. We need to do this even when debug mode
// is off, as we should respect the mutations made while debug mode was
// on.
JitActivation* act = cx->activation()->asJit();
if (act->hasRematerializedFrame(outerFp)) {
JSJitFrameIter iter(act);
size_t inlineDepth = numFrames;
bool ok = true;
while (inlineDepth > 0) {
if (iter.isBaselineJS()) {
// We must attempt to copy all rematerialized frames over,
// even if earlier ones failed, to invoke the proper frame
// cleanup in the Debugger.
if (!CopyFromRematerializedFrame(cx, act, outerFp, --inlineDepth,
iter.baselineFrame())) {
ok = false;
if (!ok) {
return false;
// After copying from all the rematerialized frames, remove them from
// the table to keep the table up to date.
// If we are unwinding for an exception, we need to unwind scopes.
// See |SettleOnTryNote|
if (bailoutInfo->faultPC) {
EnvironmentIter ei(cx, topFrame, bailoutInfo->faultPC);
UnwindEnvironment(cx, ei, bailoutInfo->tryPC);
BailoutKind bailoutKind = *bailoutInfo->bailoutKind;
" Restored outerScript=(%s:%u:%u,%u) innerScript=(%s:%u:%u,%u) "
outerScript->filename(), outerScript->lineno(),
outerScript->column().oneOriginValue(), outerScript->getWarmUpCount(),
innerScript->filename(), innerScript->lineno(),
innerScript->column().oneOriginValue(), innerScript->getWarmUpCount(),
BailoutAction action = BailoutAction::InvalidateImmediately;
DebugOnly<bool> saveFailedICHash = false;
switch (bailoutKind) {
case BailoutKind::TranspiledCacheIR:
// A transpiled guard failed. If this happens often enough, we will
// invalidate and recompile.
action = BailoutAction::InvalidateIfFrequent;
saveFailedICHash = true;
case BailoutKind::MonomorphicInlinedStubFolding:
action = BailoutAction::InvalidateIfFrequent;
saveFailedICHash = true;
if (innerScript != outerScript) {
// In the case where this instruction comes from a monomorphic-inlined
// ICScript, we need to ensure that we note the connection between the
// inner script and the outer script, so that we can properly track if
// we add a new case to the folded stub and avoid invalidating the
// outer script.
cx->zone()->jitZone()->noteStubFoldingBailout(innerScript, outerScript);
case BailoutKind::SpeculativePhi:
// A value of an unexpected type flowed into a phi.
if (!outerScript->hasIonScript() ||
outerScript->ionScript()->numFixableBailouts() == 0) {
InvalidateAfterBailout(cx, outerScript, "phi specialization failure");
case BailoutKind::TypePolicy:
// A conversion inserted by a type policy failed.
// We will invalidate and disable recompilation if this happens too often.
action = BailoutAction::DisableIfFrequent;
case BailoutKind::LICM:
// LICM may cause spurious bailouts by hoisting unreachable
// guards past branches. To prevent bailout loops, when an
// instruction hoisted by LICM bails out, we update the
// IonScript and resume in baseline. If the guard would have
// been executed anyway, then we will hit the baseline fallback,
// and call noteBaselineFallback. If that does not happen,
// then the next time we reach this point, we will disable LICM
// for this script.
if (outerScript->hasIonScript()) {
switch (outerScript->ionScript()->licmState()) {
case IonScript::LICMState::NeverBailed:
action = BailoutAction::NoAction;
case IonScript::LICMState::Bailed:
InvalidateAfterBailout(cx, outerScript, "LICM failure");
case IonScript::LICMState::BailedAndHitFallback:
// This bailout is not due to LICM. Treat it like a
// regular TranspiledCacheIR bailout.
action = BailoutAction::InvalidateIfFrequent;
case BailoutKind::InstructionReordering:
// An instruction moved up by instruction reordering bailed out.
action = BailoutAction::InvalidateIfFrequent;
case BailoutKind::HoistBoundsCheck:
// An instruction hoisted or generated by tryHoistBoundsCheck bailed out.
InvalidateAfterBailout(cx, outerScript, "bounds check failure");
case BailoutKind::EagerTruncation:
// An eager truncation generated by range analysis bailed out.
// To avoid bailout loops, we set a flag to avoid generating
// eager truncations next time we recompile.
InvalidateAfterBailout(cx, outerScript, "eager range analysis failure");
case BailoutKind::UnboxFolding:
// An unbox that was hoisted to fold with a load bailed out.
// To avoid bailout loops, we set a flag to avoid folding
// loads with unboxes next time we recompile.
InvalidateAfterBailout(cx, outerScript, "unbox folding failure");
case BailoutKind::TooManyArguments:
// A funapply or spread call had more than JIT_ARGS_LENGTH_MAX arguments.
// We will invalidate and disable recompilation if this happens too often.
action = BailoutAction::DisableIfFrequent;
case BailoutKind::DuringVMCall:
if (cx->isExceptionPending()) {
// We are bailing out to catch an exception. We will invalidate
// and disable recompilation if this happens too often.
action = BailoutAction::DisableIfFrequent;
case BailoutKind::Finally:
// We are bailing out for a finally block. We will invalidate
// and disable recompilation if this happens too often.
action = BailoutAction::DisableIfFrequent;
case BailoutKind::Inevitable:
case BailoutKind::Debugger:
// Do nothing.
action = BailoutAction::NoAction;
case BailoutKind::FirstExecution:
// We reached an instruction that had not been executed yet at
// the time we compiled. If this happens often enough, we will
// invalidate and recompile.
action = BailoutAction::InvalidateIfFrequent;
saveFailedICHash = true;
case BailoutKind::UninitializedLexical:
HandleLexicalCheckFailure(cx, outerScript, innerScript);
case BailoutKind::ThrowCheckIsObject:
return ThrowCheckIsObject(cx, CheckIsObjectKind::IteratorReturn);
case BailoutKind::ThrowProxyTrapMustReportSameValue:
case BailoutKind::ThrowProxyTrapMustReportUndefined: {
RootedId rootedId(cx, bailoutInfo->tempId);
cx, rootedId,
bailoutKind == BailoutKind::ThrowProxyTrapMustReportSameValue
? ScriptedProxyHandler::GetTrapValidationResult::
: ScriptedProxyHandler::GetTrapValidationResult::
return false;
case BailoutKind::IonExceptionDebugMode:
// Return false to resume in HandleException with reconstructed
// baseline frame.
return false;
case BailoutKind::OnStackInvalidation:
// The script has already been invalidated. There is nothing left to do.
action = BailoutAction::NoAction;
MOZ_CRASH("Unknown bailout kind!");
#ifdef DEBUG
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(cx->runtime()->jitRuntime()->ionBailAfterEnabled())) {
action = BailoutAction::NoAction;
if (outerScript->hasIonScript()) {
IonScript* ionScript = outerScript->ionScript();
switch (action) {
case BailoutAction::InvalidateImmediately:
// The IonScript should already have been invalidated.
case BailoutAction::InvalidateIfFrequent:
if (ionScript->shouldInvalidate()) {
#ifdef DEBUG
// To detect bailout loops, we save a hash of the CacheIR used to
// compile this script, and assert that we don't recompile with the
// exact same inputs. Some of our bailout detection strategies, like
// LICM and stub folding, rely on bailing out, updating some state
// when we hit the baseline fallback, and using that information when
// we invalidate. If the frequentBailoutThreshold is set too low, we
// will instead invalidate the first time we bail out, so we don't
// have the chance to make those decisions. That doesn't happen in
// regular code, so we just skip bailout loop detection in that case.
if (saveFailedICHash && !JitOptions.disableBailoutLoopCheck &&
JitOptions.frequentBailoutThreshold > 1) {
InvalidateAfterBailout(cx, outerScript, "fixable bailouts");
case BailoutAction::DisableIfFrequent:
if (ionScript->shouldInvalidateAndDisable()) {
InvalidateAfterBailout(cx, outerScript, "unfixable bailouts");
case BailoutAction::NoAction:
return true;