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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file implements the NativeRegExpMacroAssembler interface for
// SpiderMonkey. It provides the same interface as each of V8's
// architecture-specific implementations.
#ifndef RegexpMacroAssemblerArch_h
#define RegexpMacroAssemblerArch_h
#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler.h"
#include "jit/MacroAssembler.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
struct FrameData {
// Character position at the start of the input, stored as a
// negative offset from the end of the string (input_end_pointer_).
size_t inputStart;
// The backtrack_stack_pointer_ register points to the top of the stack.
// This points to the bottom of the backtrack stack.
void* backtrackStackBase;
// Copy of the input MatchPairs.
int32_t* matches; // pointer to capture array
int32_t numMatches; // size of capture array
class SMRegExpMacroAssembler final : public NativeRegExpMacroAssembler {
SMRegExpMacroAssembler(JSContext* cx, js::jit::StackMacroAssembler& masm,
Zone* zone, Mode mode, uint32_t num_capture_registers);
virtual ~SMRegExpMacroAssembler() = default;
virtual int stack_limit_slack_slot_count();
virtual IrregexpImplementation Implementation();
virtual bool Succeed();
virtual void Fail();
virtual void AdvanceCurrentPosition(int by);
virtual void PopCurrentPosition();
virtual void PushCurrentPosition();
virtual void SetCurrentPositionFromEnd(int by);
virtual void Backtrack();
virtual void Bind(Label* label);
virtual void GoTo(Label* label);
virtual void PushBacktrack(Label* label);
virtual void CheckCharacter(uint32_t c, Label* on_equal);
virtual void CheckNotCharacter(uint32_t c, Label* on_not_equal);
virtual void CheckCharacterGT(base::uc16 limit, Label* on_greater);
virtual void CheckCharacterLT(base::uc16 limit, Label* on_less);
virtual void CheckCharacterAfterAnd(uint32_t c, uint32_t mask,
Label* on_equal);
virtual void CheckNotCharacterAfterAnd(uint32_t c, uint32_t mask,
Label* on_not_equal);
virtual void CheckNotCharacterAfterMinusAnd(base::uc16 c, base::uc16 minus,
base::uc16 mask,
Label* on_not_equal);
virtual void CheckGreedyLoop(Label* on_tos_equals_current_position);
virtual void CheckCharacterInRange(base::uc16 from, base::uc16 to,
Label* on_in_range);
virtual void CheckCharacterNotInRange(base::uc16 from, base::uc16 to,
Label* on_not_in_range);
virtual bool CheckCharacterInRangeArray(
const ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges, Label* on_in_range);
virtual bool CheckCharacterNotInRangeArray(
const ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges, Label* on_not_in_range);
virtual void CheckAtStart(int cp_offset, Label* on_at_start);
virtual void CheckNotAtStart(int cp_offset, Label* on_not_at_start);
virtual void CheckPosition(int cp_offset, Label* on_outside_input);
virtual void CheckBitInTable(Handle<ByteArray> table, Label* on_bit_set);
virtual void SkipUntilBitInTable(int cp_offset, Handle<ByteArray> table,
Handle<ByteArray> nibble_table,
int advance_by);
virtual bool SkipUntilBitInTableUseSimd(int advance_by);
virtual bool CheckSpecialCharacterClass(StandardCharacterSet type,
Label* on_no_match);
virtual void CheckNotBackReference(int start_reg, bool read_backward,
Label* on_no_match);
virtual void CheckNotBackReferenceIgnoreCase(int start_reg,
bool read_backward, bool unicode,
Label* on_no_match);
virtual void LoadCurrentCharacterImpl(int cp_offset, Label* on_end_of_input,
bool check_bounds, int characters,
int eats_at_least);
virtual void AdvanceRegister(int reg, int by);
virtual void IfRegisterGE(int reg, int comparand, Label* if_ge);
virtual void IfRegisterLT(int reg, int comparand, Label* if_lt);
virtual void IfRegisterEqPos(int reg, Label* if_eq);
virtual void PopRegister(int register_index);
virtual void PushRegister(int register_index,
StackCheckFlag check_stack_limit);
virtual void ReadCurrentPositionFromRegister(int reg);
virtual void WriteCurrentPositionToRegister(int reg, int cp_offset);
virtual void ReadStackPointerFromRegister(int reg);
virtual void WriteStackPointerToRegister(int reg);
virtual void SetRegister(int register_index, int to);
virtual void ClearRegisters(int reg_from, int reg_to);
virtual Handle<HeapObject> GetCode(Handle<String> source, RegExpFlags flags);
virtual bool CanReadUnaligned() const;
size_t frameSize_ = 0;
void createStackFrame();
void initFrameAndRegs();
void successHandler();
void exitHandler();
void backtrackHandler();
void stackOverflowHandler();
// Push a register on the backtrack stack.
void Push(js::jit::Register value);
// Pop a value from the backtrack stack.
void Pop(js::jit::Register target);
void CheckAtStartImpl(int cp_offset, Label* on_cond,
js::jit::Assembler::Condition cond);
void CheckCharacterImpl(js::jit::Imm32 c, Label* on_cond,
js::jit::Assembler::Condition cond);
void CheckCharacterAfterAndImpl(uint32_t c, uint32_t and_with, Label* on_cond,
bool negate);
void CheckCharacterInRangeImpl(base::uc16 from, base::uc16 to, Label* on_cond,
js::jit::Assembler::Condition cond);
void CheckNotBackReferenceImpl(int start_reg, bool read_backward,
bool unicode, Label* on_no_match,
bool ignore_case);
void CallIsCharacterInRangeArray(const ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges);
void LoadCurrentCharacterUnchecked(int cp_offset, int characters);
void JumpOrBacktrack(Label* to);
// MacroAssembler methods that take a Label can be called with a
// null label, which means that we should backtrack if we would jump
// to that label. This is a helper to avoid writing out the same
// logic a dozen times.
inline js::jit::Label* LabelOrBacktrack(Label* to) {
return to ? to->inner() : &backtrack_label_;
void CheckBacktrackStackLimit();
static bool GrowBacktrackStack(RegExpStack* regexp_stack);
static uint32_t CaseInsensitiveCompareNonUnicode(const char16_t* substring1,
const char16_t* substring2,
size_t byteLength);
static uint32_t CaseInsensitiveCompareUnicode(const char16_t* substring1,
const char16_t* substring2,
size_t byteLength);
static bool IsCharacterInRangeArray(uint32_t c, ByteArrayData* ranges);
inline int char_size() { return static_cast<int>(mode_); }
inline js::jit::Scale factor() {
return mode_ == UC16 ? js::jit::TimesTwo : js::jit::TimesOne;
js::jit::Address inputStart() {
return js::jit::Address(masm_.getStackPointer(),
offsetof(FrameData, inputStart));
js::jit::Address backtrackStackBase() {
return js::jit::Address(masm_.getStackPointer(),
offsetof(FrameData, backtrackStackBase));
js::jit::Address matches() {
return js::jit::Address(masm_.getStackPointer(),
offsetof(FrameData, matches));
js::jit::Address numMatches() {
return js::jit::Address(masm_.getStackPointer(),
offsetof(FrameData, numMatches));
// The stack-pointer-relative location of a regexp register.
js::jit::Address register_location(int register_index) {
return js::jit::Address(masm_.getStackPointer(),
int32_t register_offset(int register_index) {
MOZ_ASSERT(register_index >= 0 && register_index <= kMaxRegister);
if (num_registers_ <= register_index) {
num_registers_ = register_index + 1;
static_assert(alignof(uintptr_t) <= alignof(FrameData));
return sizeof(FrameData) + register_index * sizeof(uintptr_t*);
JSContext* cx_;
js::jit::StackMacroAssembler& masm_;
* This assembler uses the following registers:
* - current_character_:
* Contains the character (or characters) currently being examined.
* Must be loaded using LoadCurrentCharacter before using any of the
* dispatch methods. After a matching pass for a global regexp,
* temporarily stores the index of capture start.
* - current_position_:
* Current position in input *as negative byte offset from end of string*.
* - input_end_pointer_:
* Points to byte after last character in the input. current_position_ is
* relative to this.
* - backtrack_stack_pointer_:
* Points to tip of the (heap-allocated) backtrack stack. The stack grows
* downward (like the native stack).
* - temp0_, temp1_, temp2_:
* Scratch registers.
* The native stack pointer is used to access arguments (InputOutputData),
* local variables (FrameData), and irregexp's internal virtual registers
* (see register_location).
js::jit::Register current_character_;
js::jit::Register current_position_;
js::jit::Register input_end_pointer_;
js::jit::Register backtrack_stack_pointer_;
js::jit::Register temp0_, temp1_, temp2_;
// These labels are used in various API calls and bound (if used) in
// GetCode. If we abort in the middle of a compilation, as may
// happen if a regexp is too big, they may be used but not
// bound.
js::jit::NonAssertingLabel entry_label_;
js::jit::NonAssertingLabel start_label_;
js::jit::NonAssertingLabel backtrack_label_;
js::jit::NonAssertingLabel success_label_;
js::jit::NonAssertingLabel exit_label_;
js::jit::NonAssertingLabel stack_overflow_label_;
js::jit::NonAssertingLabel exit_with_exception_label_;
// When we generate the code to push a backtrack label's address
// onto the backtrack stack, we don't know its final address. We
// have to patch it after linking. This is slightly delicate, as the
// Label itself (which is allocated on the stack) may not exist by
// the time we link. The approach is as follows:
// 1. When we push a label on the backtrack stack (PushBacktrack),
// we bind the label's patchOffset_ field to the offset within
// the code that should be overwritten. This works because each
// label is only pushed by a single instruction.
// 2. When we bind a label (Bind), we check to see if it has a
// bound patchOffset_. If it does, we create a LabelPatch mapping
// its patch offset to the offset of the label itself.
// 3. While linking the code, we walk the list of label patches
// and patch the code accordingly.
class LabelPatch {
LabelPatch(js::jit::CodeOffset patchOffset, size_t labelOffset)
: patchOffset_(patchOffset), labelOffset_(labelOffset) {}
js::jit::CodeOffset patchOffset_;
size_t labelOffset_ = 0;
js::Vector<LabelPatch, 4, js::SystemAllocPolicy> labelPatches_;
void AddLabelPatch(js::jit::CodeOffset patchOffset, size_t labelOffset) {
js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe;
if (!labelPatches_.emplaceBack(patchOffset, labelOffset)) {
oomUnsafe.crash("Irregexp label patch");
Mode mode_;
int num_registers_;
int num_capture_registers_;
js::jit::LiveGeneralRegisterSet savedRegisters_;
using TableVector =
js::Vector<PseudoHandle<ByteArrayData>, 4, js::SystemAllocPolicy>;
TableVector& tables() { return tables_; }
TableVector tables_;
void AddTable(PseudoHandle<ByteArrayData> table) {
js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe;
if (!tables_.append(std::move(table))) {
oomUnsafe.crash("Irregexp table append");
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#endif // RegexpMacroAssemblerArch_h