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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "debugger/Object-inl.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h" // for Maybe, Nothing, Some
#include "mozilla/Range.h" // for Range
#include "mozilla/Result.h" // for Result
#include "mozilla/Vector.h" // for Vector
#include <algorithm>
#include <string.h> // for size_t, strlen
#include <type_traits> // for remove_reference<>::type
#include <utility> // for move
#include "jsapi.h" // for CallArgs, RootedObject, Rooted
#include "builtin/Array.h" // for NewDenseCopiedArray
#include "builtin/Promise.h" // for PromiseReactionRecordBuilder
#include "debugger/Debugger.h" // for Completion, Debugger
#include "debugger/Frame.h" // for DebuggerFrame
#include "debugger/NoExecute.h" // for LeaveDebuggeeNoExecute
#include "debugger/Script.h" // for DebuggerScript
#include "debugger/Source.h" // for DebuggerSource
#include "gc/Tracer.h" // for TraceManuallyBarrieredCrossCompartmentEdge
#include "js/ColumnNumber.h" // JS::ColumnNumberOneOrigin
#include "js/CompilationAndEvaluation.h" // for Compile
#include "js/Conversions.h" // for ToObject
#include "js/experimental/JitInfo.h" // for JSJitInfo
#include "js/friend/ErrorMessages.h" // for GetErrorMessage, JSMSG_*
#include "js/friend/WindowProxy.h" // for IsWindow, IsWindowProxy, ToWindowIfWindowProxy
#include "js/HeapAPI.h" // for IsInsideNursery
#include "js/Promise.h" // for PromiseState
#include "js/PropertyAndElement.h" // for JS_GetProperty
#include "js/Proxy.h" // for PropertyDescriptor
#include "js/SourceText.h" // for SourceText
#include "js/StableStringChars.h" // for AutoStableStringChars
#include "js/String.h" // for JS::StringHasLatin1Chars
#include "proxy/ScriptedProxyHandler.h" // for ScriptedProxyHandler
#include "vm/ArgumentsObject.h" // for ARGS_LENGTH_MAX
#include "vm/ArrayObject.h" // for ArrayObject
#include "vm/AsyncFunction.h" // for AsyncGeneratorObject
#include "vm/AsyncIteration.h" // for AsyncFunctionGeneratorObject
#include "vm/BoundFunctionObject.h" // for BoundFunctionObject
#include "vm/BytecodeUtil.h" // for JSDVG_SEARCH_STACK
#include "vm/Compartment.h" // for Compartment
#include "vm/EnvironmentObject.h" // for GetDebugEnvironmentForFunction
#include "vm/ErrorObject.h" // for JSObject::is, ErrorObject
#include "vm/GeneratorObject.h" // for AbstractGeneratorObject
#include "vm/GlobalObject.h" // for JSObject::is, GlobalObject
#include "vm/Interpreter.h" // for Call
#include "vm/JSAtomUtils.h" // for Atomize, AtomizeString
#include "vm/JSContext.h" // for JSContext, ReportValueError
#include "vm/JSFunction.h" // for JSFunction
#include "vm/JSObject.h" // for GenericObject, NewObjectKind
#include "vm/JSScript.h" // for JSScript
#include "vm/NativeObject.h" // for NativeObject, JSObject::is
#include "vm/ObjectOperations.h" // for DefineProperty
#include "vm/PlainObject.h" // for js::PlainObject
#include "vm/PromiseObject.h" // for js::PromiseObject
#include "vm/Realm.h" // for AutoRealm, ErrorCopier, Realm
#include "vm/Runtime.h" // for JSAtomState
#include "vm/SavedFrame.h" // for SavedFrame
#include "vm/Scope.h" // for PositionalFormalParameterIter
#include "vm/SelfHosting.h" // for GetClonedSelfHostedFunctionName
#include "vm/Shape.h" // for Shape
#include "vm/Stack.h" // for InvokeArgs
#include "vm/StringType.h" // for JSAtom, PropertyName
#include "vm/WrapperObject.h" // for JSObject::is, WrapperObject
#include "gc/StableCellHasher-inl.h"
#include "vm/Compartment-inl.h" // for Compartment::wrap
#include "vm/JSObject-inl.h" // for GetObjectClassName, InitClass, NewObjectWithGivenProtoAndKind, ToPropertyKey
#include "vm/NativeObject-inl.h" // for NativeObject::global
#include "vm/ObjectOperations-inl.h" // for DeleteProperty, GetProperty
#include "vm/Realm-inl.h" // for AutoRealm::AutoRealm
using namespace js;
using JS::AutoStableStringChars;
using mozilla::Maybe;
using mozilla::Nothing;
using mozilla::Some;
const JSClassOps DebuggerObject::classOps_ = {
nullptr, // addProperty
nullptr, // delProperty
nullptr, // enumerate
nullptr, // newEnumerate
nullptr, // resolve
nullptr, // mayResolve
nullptr, // finalize
nullptr, // call
nullptr, // construct
CallTraceMethod<DebuggerObject>, // trace
const JSClass DebuggerObject::class_ = {
void DebuggerObject::trace(JSTracer* trc) {
// There is a barrier on private pointers, so the Unbarriered marking
// is okay.
if (JSObject* referent = maybeReferent()) {
TraceManuallyBarrieredCrossCompartmentEdge(trc, this, &referent,
"Debugger.Object referent");
if (referent != maybeReferent()) {
setReservedSlotGCThingAsPrivateUnbarriered(OBJECT_SLOT, referent);
static DebuggerObject* DebuggerObject_checkThis(JSContext* cx,
const CallArgs& args) {
JSObject* thisobj = RequireObject(cx, args.thisv());
if (!thisobj) {
return nullptr;
if (!thisobj->is<DebuggerObject>()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
"method", thisobj->getClass()->name);
return nullptr;
return &thisobj->as<DebuggerObject>();
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::construct(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_NO_CONSTRUCTOR,
return false;
struct MOZ_STACK_CLASS DebuggerObject::CallData {
JSContext* cx;
const CallArgs& args;
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object;
RootedObject referent;
CallData(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args, Handle<DebuggerObject*> obj)
: cx(cx), args(args), object(obj), referent(cx, obj->referent()) {}
// JSNative properties
bool callableGetter();
bool isBoundFunctionGetter();
bool isArrowFunctionGetter();
bool isAsyncFunctionGetter();
bool isClassConstructorGetter();
bool isGeneratorFunctionGetter();
bool protoGetter();
bool classGetter();
bool nameGetter();
bool displayNameGetter();
bool parameterNamesGetter();
bool scriptGetter();
bool environmentGetter();
bool boundTargetFunctionGetter();
bool boundThisGetter();
bool boundArgumentsGetter();
bool allocationSiteGetter();
bool isErrorGetter();
bool errorMessageNameGetter();
bool errorNotesGetter();
bool errorLineNumberGetter();
bool errorColumnNumberGetter();
bool isProxyGetter();
bool proxyTargetGetter();
bool proxyHandlerGetter();
bool isPromiseGetter();
bool promiseStateGetter();
bool promiseValueGetter();
bool promiseReasonGetter();
bool promiseLifetimeGetter();
bool promiseTimeToResolutionGetter();
bool promiseAllocationSiteGetter();
bool promiseResolutionSiteGetter();
bool promiseIDGetter();
bool promiseDependentPromisesGetter();
// JSNative methods
bool isExtensibleMethod();
bool isSealedMethod();
bool isFrozenMethod();
bool getPropertyMethod();
bool setPropertyMethod();
bool getOwnPropertyNamesMethod();
bool getOwnPropertyNamesLengthMethod();
bool getOwnPropertySymbolsMethod();
bool getOwnPrivatePropertiesMethod();
bool getOwnPropertyDescriptorMethod();
bool preventExtensionsMethod();
bool sealMethod();
bool freezeMethod();
bool definePropertyMethod();
bool definePropertiesMethod();
bool deletePropertyMethod();
bool callMethod();
bool applyMethod();
bool asEnvironmentMethod();
bool forceLexicalInitializationByNameMethod();
bool executeInGlobalMethod();
bool executeInGlobalWithBindingsMethod();
bool createSource();
bool makeDebuggeeValueMethod();
bool isSameNativeMethod();
bool isSameNativeWithJitInfoMethod();
bool isNativeGetterWithJitInfo();
bool unsafeDereferenceMethod();
bool unwrapMethod();
bool getPromiseReactionsMethod();
using Method = bool (CallData::*)();
template <Method MyMethod>
static bool ToNative(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
template <DebuggerObject::CallData::Method MyMethod>
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::ToNative(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc,
Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
Rooted<DebuggerObject*> obj(cx, DebuggerObject_checkThis(cx, args));
if (!obj) {
return false;
CallData data(cx, args, obj);
return (data.*MyMethod)();
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::callableGetter() {
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::isBoundFunctionGetter() {
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::isArrowFunctionGetter() {
if (!object->isDebuggeeFunction()) {
return true;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::isAsyncFunctionGetter() {
if (!object->isDebuggeeFunction()) {
return true;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::isGeneratorFunctionGetter() {
if (!object->isDebuggeeFunction()) {
return true;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::isClassConstructorGetter() {
if (!object->isDebuggeeFunction()) {
return true;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::protoGetter() {
Rooted<DebuggerObject*> result(cx);
if (!DebuggerObject::getPrototypeOf(cx, object, &result)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::classGetter() {
RootedString result(cx);
if (!DebuggerObject::getClassName(cx, object, &result)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::nameGetter() {
if (!object->isFunction() && !object->isBoundFunction()) {
return true;
JS::Rooted<JSAtom*> result(cx);
if (!object->name(cx, &result)) {
return false;
if (result) {
} else {
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::displayNameGetter() {
if (!object->isFunction() && !object->isBoundFunction()) {
return true;
JS::Rooted<JSAtom*> result(cx);
if (!object->displayName(cx, &result)) {
return false;
if (result) {
} else {
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::parameterNamesGetter() {
if (!object->isDebuggeeFunction()) {
return true;
RootedFunction referent(cx, &object->referent()->as<JSFunction>());
ArrayObject* arr = GetFunctionParameterNamesArray(cx, referent);
if (!arr) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::scriptGetter() {
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
if (!referent->is<JSFunction>()) {
return true;
RootedFunction fun(cx, &referent->as<JSFunction>());
if (!IsInterpretedNonSelfHostedFunction(fun)) {
return true;
RootedScript script(cx, GetOrCreateFunctionScript(cx, fun));
if (!script) {
return false;
// Only hand out debuggee scripts.
if (!dbg->observesScript(script)) {
return true;
Rooted<DebuggerScript*> scriptObject(cx, dbg->wrapScript(cx, script));
if (!scriptObject) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::environmentGetter() {
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
// Don't bother switching compartments just to check obj's type and get its
// env.
if (!referent->is<JSFunction>()) {
return true;
RootedFunction fun(cx, &referent->as<JSFunction>());
if (!IsInterpretedNonSelfHostedFunction(fun)) {
return true;
// Only hand out environments of debuggee functions.
if (!dbg->observesGlobal(&fun->global())) {
return true;
Rooted<Env*> env(cx);
AutoRealm ar(cx, fun);
env = GetDebugEnvironmentForFunction(cx, fun);
if (!env) {
return false;
return dbg->wrapEnvironment(cx, env, args.rval());
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::boundTargetFunctionGetter() {
if (!object->isDebuggeeBoundFunction()) {
return true;
Rooted<DebuggerObject*> result(cx);
if (!DebuggerObject::getBoundTargetFunction(cx, object, &result)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::boundThisGetter() {
if (!object->isDebuggeeBoundFunction()) {
return true;
return DebuggerObject::getBoundThis(cx, object, args.rval());
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::boundArgumentsGetter() {
if (!object->isDebuggeeBoundFunction()) {
return true;
Rooted<ValueVector> result(cx, ValueVector(cx));
if (!DebuggerObject::getBoundArguments(cx, object, &result)) {
return false;
RootedObject obj(cx,
NewDenseCopiedArray(cx, result.length(), result.begin()));
if (!obj) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::allocationSiteGetter() {
RootedObject result(cx);
if (!DebuggerObject::getAllocationSite(cx, object, &result)) {
return false;
return true;
// Returns the "name" field (see js/public/friend/ErrorNumbers.msg), which may
// be used as a unique identifier, for any error object with a JSErrorReport or
// undefined if the object has no JSErrorReport.
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::errorMessageNameGetter() {
RootedString result(cx);
if (!DebuggerObject::getErrorMessageName(cx, object, &result)) {
return false;
if (result) {
} else {
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::isErrorGetter() {
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::errorNotesGetter() {
return DebuggerObject::getErrorNotes(cx, object, args.rval());
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::errorLineNumberGetter() {
return DebuggerObject::getErrorLineNumber(cx, object, args.rval());
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::errorColumnNumberGetter() {
return DebuggerObject::getErrorColumnNumber(cx, object, args.rval());
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::isProxyGetter() {
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::proxyTargetGetter() {
if (!object->isScriptedProxy()) {
return true;
Rooted<DebuggerObject*> result(cx);
if (!DebuggerObject::getScriptedProxyTarget(cx, object, &result)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::proxyHandlerGetter() {
if (!object->isScriptedProxy()) {
return true;
Rooted<DebuggerObject*> result(cx);
if (!DebuggerObject::getScriptedProxyHandler(cx, object, &result)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::isPromiseGetter() {
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::promiseStateGetter() {
if (!DebuggerObject::requirePromise(cx, object)) {
return false;
RootedValue result(cx);
switch (object->promiseState()) {
case JS::PromiseState::Pending:
case JS::PromiseState::Fulfilled:
case JS::PromiseState::Rejected:
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::promiseValueGetter() {
if (!DebuggerObject::requirePromise(cx, object)) {
return false;
if (object->promiseState() != JS::PromiseState::Fulfilled) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
return DebuggerObject::getPromiseValue(cx, object, args.rval());
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::promiseReasonGetter() {
if (!DebuggerObject::requirePromise(cx, object)) {
return false;
if (object->promiseState() != JS::PromiseState::Rejected) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
return DebuggerObject::getPromiseReason(cx, object, args.rval());
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::promiseLifetimeGetter() {
if (!DebuggerObject::requirePromise(cx, object)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::promiseTimeToResolutionGetter() {
if (!DebuggerObject::requirePromise(cx, object)) {
return false;
if (object->promiseState() == JS::PromiseState::Pending) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
return true;
static PromiseObject* EnsurePromise(JSContext* cx, HandleObject referent) {
// We only care about promises, so CheckedUnwrapStatic is OK.
RootedObject obj(cx, CheckedUnwrapStatic(referent));
if (!obj) {
return nullptr;
if (!obj->is<PromiseObject>()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
JSMSG_NOT_EXPECTED_TYPE, "Debugger", "Promise",
return nullptr;
return &obj->as<PromiseObject>();
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::promiseAllocationSiteGetter() {
Rooted<PromiseObject*> promise(cx, EnsurePromise(cx, referent));
if (!promise) {
return false;
RootedObject allocSite(cx, promise->allocationSite());
if (!allocSite) {
return true;
if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &allocSite)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::promiseResolutionSiteGetter() {
Rooted<PromiseObject*> promise(cx, EnsurePromise(cx, referent));
if (!promise) {
return false;
if (promise->state() == JS::PromiseState::Pending) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
RootedObject resolutionSite(cx, promise->resolutionSite());
if (!resolutionSite) {
return true;
if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &resolutionSite)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::promiseIDGetter() {
Rooted<PromiseObject*> promise(cx, EnsurePromise(cx, referent));
if (!promise) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::promiseDependentPromisesGetter() {
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
Rooted<PromiseObject*> promise(cx, EnsurePromise(cx, referent));
if (!promise) {
return false;
Rooted<GCVector<Value>> values(cx, GCVector<Value>(cx));
JSAutoRealm ar(cx, promise);
if (!promise->dependentPromises(cx, &values)) {
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < values.length(); i++) {
if (!dbg->wrapDebuggeeValue(cx, values[i])) {
return false;
Rooted<ArrayObject*> promises(cx);
if (values.length() == 0) {
promises = NewDenseEmptyArray(cx);
} else {
promises = NewDenseCopiedArray(cx, values.length(), values[0].address());
if (!promises) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::isExtensibleMethod() {
bool result;
if (!DebuggerObject::isExtensible(cx, object, result)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::isSealedMethod() {
bool result;
if (!DebuggerObject::isSealed(cx, object, result)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::isFrozenMethod() {
bool result;
if (!DebuggerObject::isFrozen(cx, object, result)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::getOwnPropertyNamesMethod() {
RootedIdVector ids(cx);
if (!DebuggerObject::getOwnPropertyNames(cx, object, &ids)) {
return false;
JSObject* obj = IdVectorToArray(cx, ids);
if (!obj) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::getOwnPropertyNamesLengthMethod() {
size_t ownPropertiesLength;
if (!DebuggerObject::getOwnPropertyNamesLength(cx, object,
&ownPropertiesLength)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::getOwnPropertySymbolsMethod() {
RootedIdVector ids(cx);
if (!DebuggerObject::getOwnPropertySymbols(cx, object, &ids)) {
return false;
JSObject* obj = IdVectorToArray(cx, ids);
if (!obj) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::getOwnPrivatePropertiesMethod() {
RootedIdVector ids(cx);
if (!DebuggerObject::getOwnPrivateProperties(cx, object, &ids)) {
return false;
JSObject* obj = IdVectorToArray(cx, ids);
if (!obj) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::getOwnPropertyDescriptorMethod() {
RootedId id(cx);
if (!ToPropertyKey(cx, args.get(0), &id)) {
return false;
Rooted<Maybe<PropertyDescriptor>> desc(cx);
if (!DebuggerObject::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(cx, object, id, &desc)) {
return false;
return JS::FromPropertyDescriptor(cx, desc, args.rval());
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::preventExtensionsMethod() {
if (!DebuggerObject::preventExtensions(cx, object)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::sealMethod() {
if (!DebuggerObject::seal(cx, object)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::freezeMethod() {
if (!DebuggerObject::freeze(cx, object)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::definePropertyMethod() {
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "Debugger.Object.defineProperty", 2)) {
return false;
RootedId id(cx);
if (!ToPropertyKey(cx, args[0], &id)) {
return false;
Rooted<PropertyDescriptor> desc(cx);
if (!ToPropertyDescriptor(cx, args[1], false, &desc)) {
return false;
if (!DebuggerObject::defineProperty(cx, object, id, desc)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::definePropertiesMethod() {
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "Debugger.Object.defineProperties", 1)) {
return false;
RootedValue arg(cx, args[0]);
RootedObject props(cx, ToObject(cx, arg));
if (!props) {
return false;
RootedIdVector ids(cx);
Rooted<PropertyDescriptorVector> descs(cx, PropertyDescriptorVector(cx));
if (!ReadPropertyDescriptors(cx, props, false, &ids, &descs)) {
return false;
Rooted<IdVector> ids2(cx, IdVector(cx));
if (!ids2.append(ids.begin(), ids.end())) {
return false;
if (!DebuggerObject::defineProperties(cx, object, ids2, descs)) {
return false;
return true;
* This does a non-strict delete, as a matter of API design. The case where the
* property is non-configurable isn't necessarily exceptional here.
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::deletePropertyMethod() {
RootedId id(cx);
if (!ToPropertyKey(cx, args.get(0), &id)) {
return false;
ObjectOpResult result;
if (!DebuggerObject::deleteProperty(cx, object, id, result)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::callMethod() {
RootedValue thisv(cx, args.get(0));
Rooted<ValueVector> nargs(cx, ValueVector(cx));
if (args.length() >= 2) {
if (!nargs.growBy(args.length() - 1)) {
return false;
for (size_t i = 1; i < args.length(); ++i) {
nargs[i - 1].set(args[i]);
Rooted<Maybe<Completion>> completion(
cx, DebuggerObject::call(cx, object, thisv, nargs));
if (!completion.get()) {
return false;
return completion->buildCompletionValue(cx, object->owner(), args.rval());
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::getPropertyMethod() {
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
RootedId id(cx);
if (!ToPropertyKey(cx, args.get(0), &id)) {
return false;
RootedValue receiver(cx,
args.length() < 2 ? ObjectValue(*object) : args.get(1));
Rooted<Completion> comp(cx);
JS_TRY_VAR_OR_RETURN_FALSE(cx, comp, getProperty(cx, object, id, receiver));
return comp.get().buildCompletionValue(cx, dbg, args.rval());
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::setPropertyMethod() {
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
RootedId id(cx);
if (!ToPropertyKey(cx, args.get(0), &id)) {
return false;
RootedValue value(cx, args.get(1));
RootedValue receiver(cx,
args.length() < 3 ? ObjectValue(*object) : args.get(2));
Rooted<Completion> comp(cx);
setProperty(cx, object, id, value, receiver));
return comp.get().buildCompletionValue(cx, dbg, args.rval());
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::applyMethod() {
RootedValue thisv(cx, args.get(0));
Rooted<ValueVector> nargs(cx, ValueVector(cx));
if (args.length() >= 2 && !args[1].isNullOrUndefined()) {
if (!args[1].isObject()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
RootedObject argsobj(cx, &args[1].toObject());
uint64_t argc = 0;
if (!GetLengthProperty(cx, argsobj, &argc)) {
return false;
argc = std::min(argc, uint64_t(ARGS_LENGTH_MAX));
if (!nargs.growBy(argc) || !GetElements(cx, argsobj, argc, nargs.begin())) {
return false;
Rooted<Maybe<Completion>> completion(
cx, DebuggerObject::call(cx, object, thisv, nargs));
if (!completion.get()) {
return false;
return completion->buildCompletionValue(cx, object->owner(), args.rval());
static void EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(JSContext* cx, Maybe<AutoRealm>& ar,
JSObject* referent) {
// |referent| may be a cross-compartment wrapper and CCWs normally
// shouldn't be used with AutoRealm, but here we use an arbitrary realm for
// now because we don't really have another option.
ar.emplace(cx, referent->maybeCCWRealm()->maybeGlobal());
static bool RequireGlobalObject(JSContext* cx, HandleValue dbgobj,
HandleObject referent) {
RootedObject obj(cx, referent);
if (!obj->is<GlobalObject>()) {
const char* isWrapper = "";
const char* isWindowProxy = "";
// Help the poor programmer by pointing out wrappers around globals...
if (obj->is<WrapperObject>()) {
obj = js::UncheckedUnwrap(obj);
isWrapper = "a wrapper around ";
// ... and WindowProxies around Windows.
if (IsWindowProxy(obj)) {
obj = ToWindowIfWindowProxy(obj);
isWindowProxy = "a WindowProxy referring to ";
if (obj->is<GlobalObject>()) {
dbgobj, nullptr, isWrapper, isWindowProxy);
} else {
nullptr, "a global object");
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::asEnvironmentMethod() {
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
if (!RequireGlobalObject(cx, args.thisv(), referent)) {
return false;
Rooted<Env*> env(cx);
AutoRealm ar(cx, referent);
env = GetDebugEnvironmentForGlobalLexicalEnvironment(cx);
if (!env) {
return false;
return dbg->wrapEnvironment(cx, env, args.rval());
// Lookup a binding on the referent's global scope and change it to undefined
// if it is an uninitialized lexical, otherwise do nothing. The method's
// JavaScript return value is true _only_ when an uninitialized lexical has been
// altered, otherwise it is false.
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::forceLexicalInitializationByNameMethod() {
if (!args.requireAtLeast(
cx, "Debugger.Object.prototype.forceLexicalInitializationByName",
1)) {
return false;
if (!DebuggerObject::requireGlobal(cx, object)) {
return false;
RootedId id(cx);
if (!ValueToIdentifier(cx, args[0], &id)) {
return false;
bool result;
if (!DebuggerObject::forceLexicalInitializationByName(cx, object, id,
result)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::executeInGlobalMethod() {
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "Debugger.Object.prototype.executeInGlobal",
1)) {
return false;
if (!DebuggerObject::requireGlobal(cx, object)) {
return false;
AutoStableStringChars stableChars(cx);
if (!ValueToStableChars(cx, "Debugger.Object.prototype.executeInGlobal",
args[0], stableChars)) {
return false;
mozilla::Range<const char16_t> chars = stableChars.twoByteRange();
EvalOptions options(EvalOptions::EnvKind::Global);
if (!ParseEvalOptions(cx, args.get(1), options)) {
return false;
Rooted<Completion> comp(cx);
cx, comp,
DebuggerObject::executeInGlobal(cx, object, chars, nullptr, options));
return comp.get().buildCompletionValue(cx, object->owner(), args.rval());
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::executeInGlobalWithBindingsMethod() {
if (!args.requireAtLeast(
cx, "Debugger.Object.prototype.executeInGlobalWithBindings", 2)) {
return false;
if (!DebuggerObject::requireGlobal(cx, object)) {
return false;
AutoStableStringChars stableChars(cx);
if (!ValueToStableChars(
cx, "Debugger.Object.prototype.executeInGlobalWithBindings", args[0],
stableChars)) {
return false;
mozilla::Range<const char16_t> chars = stableChars.twoByteRange();
RootedObject bindings(cx, RequireObject(cx, args[1]));
if (!bindings) {
return false;
EvalOptions options(EvalOptions::EnvKind::GlobalWithExtraOuterBindings);
if (!ParseEvalOptions(cx, args.get(2), options)) {
return false;
Rooted<Completion> comp(cx);
cx, comp,
DebuggerObject::executeInGlobal(cx, object, chars, bindings, options));
return comp.get().buildCompletionValue(cx, object->owner(), args.rval());
// Copy a narrow or wide string to a vector, appending a null terminator.
template <typename T>
static bool CopyStringToVector(JSContext* cx, JSString* str, Vector<T>& chars) {
JSLinearString* linear = str->ensureLinear(cx);
if (!linear) {
return false;
if (!chars.appendN(0, linear->length() + 1)) {
return false;
CopyChars(chars.begin(), *linear);
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::createSource() {
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "Debugger.Object.prototype.createSource", 1)) {
return false;
if (!DebuggerObject::requireGlobal(cx, object)) {
return false;
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
if (!dbg->isDebuggeeUnbarriered(referent->as<GlobalObject>().realm())) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
RootedObject options(cx, ToObject(cx, args[0]));
if (!options) {
return false;
RootedValue v(cx);
if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, options, "text", &v)) {
return false;
RootedString text(cx, ToString<CanGC>(cx, v));
if (!text) {
return false;
if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, options, "url", &v)) {
return false;
RootedString url(cx, ToString<CanGC>(cx, v));
if (!url) {
return false;
if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, options, "startLine", &v)) {
return false;
uint32_t startLine;
if (!ToUint32(cx, v, &startLine)) {
return false;
if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, options, "startColumn", &v)) {
return false;
uint32_t startColumn;
if (!ToUint32(cx, v, &startColumn)) {
return false;
if (startColumn == 0) {
startColumn = 1;
if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, options, "sourceMapURL", &v)) {
return false;
RootedString sourceMapURL(cx);
if (!v.isUndefined()) {
sourceMapURL = ToString<CanGC>(cx, v);
if (!sourceMapURL) {
return false;
if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, options, "isScriptElement", &v)) {
return false;
bool isScriptElement = ToBoolean(v);
JS::CompileOptions compileOptions(cx);
compileOptions.lineno = startLine;
compileOptions.column = JS::ColumnNumberOneOrigin(startColumn);
if (!JS::StringHasLatin1Chars(url)) {
JS_ReportErrorASCII(cx, "URL must be a narrow string");
return false;
UniqueChars urlChars = JS_EncodeStringToUTF8(cx, url);
if (!urlChars) {
return false;
Vector<char16_t> sourceMapURLChars(cx);
if (sourceMapURL) {
if (!CopyStringToVector(cx, sourceMapURL, sourceMapURLChars)) {
return false;
if (isScriptElement) {
// The introduction type must be a statically allocated string.
AutoStableStringChars linearChars(cx);
if (!linearChars.initTwoByte(cx, text)) {
return false;
JS::SourceText<char16_t> srcBuf;
if (!srcBuf.initMaybeBorrowed(cx, linearChars)) {
return false;
RootedScript script(cx);
AutoRealm ar(cx, referent);
script = JS::Compile(cx, compileOptions, srcBuf);
if (!script) {
return false;
Rooted<ScriptSourceObject*> sso(cx, script->sourceObject());
RootedObject wrapped(cx, dbg->wrapSource(cx, sso));
if (!wrapped) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::makeDebuggeeValueMethod() {
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "Debugger.Object.prototype.makeDebuggeeValue",
1)) {
return false;
return DebuggerObject::makeDebuggeeValue(cx, object, args[0], args.rval());
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::isSameNativeMethod() {
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "Debugger.Object.prototype.isSameNative", 1)) {
return false;
return DebuggerObject::isSameNative(cx, object, args[0], CheckJitInfo::No,
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::isSameNativeWithJitInfoMethod() {
if (!args.requireAtLeast(
cx, "Debugger.Object.prototype.isSameNativeWithJitInfo", 1)) {
return false;
return DebuggerObject::isSameNative(cx, object, args[0], CheckJitInfo::Yes,
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::isNativeGetterWithJitInfo() {
return DebuggerObject::isNativeGetterWithJitInfo(cx, object, args.rval());
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::unsafeDereferenceMethod() {
RootedObject result(cx);
if (!DebuggerObject::unsafeDereference(cx, object, &result)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::unwrapMethod() {
Rooted<DebuggerObject*> result(cx);
if (!DebuggerObject::unwrap(cx, object, &result)) {
return false;
return true;
struct DebuggerObject::PromiseReactionRecordBuilder
: js::PromiseReactionRecordBuilder {
Debugger* dbg;
Handle<ArrayObject*> records;
PromiseReactionRecordBuilder(Debugger* dbg, Handle<ArrayObject*> records)
: dbg(dbg), records(records) {}
bool then(JSContext* cx, HandleObject resolve, HandleObject reject,
HandleObject result) override {
Rooted<PlainObject*> record(cx, NewPlainObject(cx));
if (!record) {
return false;
if (!setIfNotNull(cx, record, cx->names().resolve, resolve) ||
!setIfNotNull(cx, record, cx->names().reject, reject) ||
!setIfNotNull(cx, record, cx->names().result, result)) {
return false;
return push(cx, record);
bool direct(JSContext* cx, Handle<PromiseObject*> unwrappedPromise) override {
RootedValue v(cx, ObjectValue(*unwrappedPromise));
return dbg->wrapDebuggeeValue(cx, &v) && push(cx, v);
bool asyncFunction(
JSContext* cx,
Handle<AsyncFunctionGeneratorObject*> unwrappedGenerator) override {
return maybePushGenerator(cx, unwrappedGenerator);
bool asyncGenerator(
JSContext* cx,
Handle<AsyncGeneratorObject*> unwrappedGenerator) override {
return maybePushGenerator(cx, unwrappedGenerator);
bool push(JSContext* cx, HandleObject record) {
RootedValue recordVal(cx, ObjectValue(*record));
return push(cx, recordVal);
bool push(JSContext* cx, HandleValue recordVal) {
return NewbornArrayPush(cx, records, recordVal);
bool maybePushGenerator(JSContext* cx,
Handle<AbstractGeneratorObject*> unwrappedGenerator) {
Rooted<DebuggerFrame*> frame(cx);
if (unwrappedGenerator->isClosed()) {
// If the generator is closed, we can't generate a DebuggerFrame for it,
// so we ignore it.
return true;
if (!unwrappedGenerator->realm()->isDebuggee()) {
// Caller can keep the reference to the debugger object even after
// removing the realm from debuggee. Do nothing for this case.
return true;
return dbg->getFrame(cx, unwrappedGenerator, &frame) && push(cx, frame);
bool setIfNotNull(JSContext* cx, Handle<PlainObject*> obj,
Handle<PropertyName*> name, HandleObject prop) {
if (!prop) {
return true;
RootedValue v(cx, ObjectValue(*prop));
if (!dbg->wrapDebuggeeValue(cx, &v) ||
!DefineDataProperty(cx, obj, name, v)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::CallData::getPromiseReactionsMethod() {
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
Rooted<PromiseObject*> unwrappedPromise(cx, EnsurePromise(cx, referent));
if (!unwrappedPromise) {
return false;
Rooted<ArrayObject*> holder(cx, NewDenseEmptyArray(cx));
if (!holder) {
return false;
PromiseReactionRecordBuilder builder(dbg, holder);
if (!unwrappedPromise->forEachReactionRecord(cx, builder)) {
return false;
return true;
const JSPropertySpec DebuggerObject::properties_[] = {
JS_DEBUG_PSG("callable", callableGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("isBoundFunction", isBoundFunctionGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("isArrowFunction", isArrowFunctionGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("isGeneratorFunction", isGeneratorFunctionGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("isAsyncFunction", isAsyncFunctionGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("isClassConstructor", isClassConstructorGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("proto", protoGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("class", classGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("name", nameGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("displayName", displayNameGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("parameterNames", parameterNamesGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("script", scriptGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("environment", environmentGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("boundTargetFunction", boundTargetFunctionGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("boundThis", boundThisGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("boundArguments", boundArgumentsGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("allocationSite", allocationSiteGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("isError", isErrorGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("errorMessageName", errorMessageNameGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("errorNotes", errorNotesGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("errorLineNumber", errorLineNumberGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("errorColumnNumber", errorColumnNumberGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("isProxy", isProxyGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("proxyTarget", proxyTargetGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("proxyHandler", proxyHandlerGetter),
const JSPropertySpec DebuggerObject::promiseProperties_[] = {
JS_DEBUG_PSG("isPromise", isPromiseGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("promiseState", promiseStateGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("promiseValue", promiseValueGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("promiseReason", promiseReasonGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("promiseLifetime", promiseLifetimeGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("promiseTimeToResolution", promiseTimeToResolutionGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("promiseAllocationSite", promiseAllocationSiteGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("promiseResolutionSite", promiseResolutionSiteGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("promiseID", promiseIDGetter),
JS_DEBUG_PSG("promiseDependentPromises", promiseDependentPromisesGetter),
const JSFunctionSpec DebuggerObject::methods_[] = {
JS_DEBUG_FN("isExtensible", isExtensibleMethod, 0),
JS_DEBUG_FN("isSealed", isSealedMethod, 0),
JS_DEBUG_FN("isFrozen", isFrozenMethod, 0),
JS_DEBUG_FN("getProperty", getPropertyMethod, 0),
JS_DEBUG_FN("setProperty", setPropertyMethod, 0),
JS_DEBUG_FN("getOwnPropertyNames", getOwnPropertyNamesMethod, 0),
JS_DEBUG_FN("getOwnPropertyNamesLength", getOwnPropertyNamesLengthMethod,
JS_DEBUG_FN("getOwnPropertySymbols", getOwnPropertySymbolsMethod, 0),
JS_DEBUG_FN("getOwnPrivateProperties", getOwnPrivatePropertiesMethod, 0),
JS_DEBUG_FN("getOwnPropertyDescriptor", getOwnPropertyDescriptorMethod, 1),
JS_DEBUG_FN("preventExtensions", preventExtensionsMethod, 0),
JS_DEBUG_FN("seal", sealMethod, 0),
JS_DEBUG_FN("freeze", freezeMethod, 0),
JS_DEBUG_FN("defineProperty", definePropertyMethod, 2),
JS_DEBUG_FN("defineProperties", definePropertiesMethod, 1),
JS_DEBUG_FN("deleteProperty", deletePropertyMethod, 1),
JS_DEBUG_FN("call", callMethod, 0),
JS_DEBUG_FN("apply", applyMethod, 0),
JS_DEBUG_FN("asEnvironment", asEnvironmentMethod, 0),
forceLexicalInitializationByNameMethod, 1),
JS_DEBUG_FN("executeInGlobal", executeInGlobalMethod, 1),
executeInGlobalWithBindingsMethod, 2),
JS_DEBUG_FN("createSource", createSource, 1),
JS_DEBUG_FN("makeDebuggeeValue", makeDebuggeeValueMethod, 1),
JS_DEBUG_FN("isSameNative", isSameNativeMethod, 1),
JS_DEBUG_FN("isSameNativeWithJitInfo", isSameNativeWithJitInfoMethod, 1),
JS_DEBUG_FN("isNativeGetterWithJitInfo", isNativeGetterWithJitInfo, 1),
JS_DEBUG_FN("unsafeDereference", unsafeDereferenceMethod, 0),
JS_DEBUG_FN("unwrap", unwrapMethod, 0),
JS_DEBUG_FN("getPromiseReactions", getPromiseReactionsMethod, 0),
/* static */
NativeObject* DebuggerObject::initClass(JSContext* cx,
Handle<GlobalObject*> global,
HandleObject debugCtor) {
Rooted<NativeObject*> objectProto(
cx, InitClass(cx, debugCtor, nullptr, nullptr, "Object", construct, 0,
properties_, methods_, nullptr, nullptr));
if (!objectProto) {
return nullptr;
if (!DefinePropertiesAndFunctions(cx, objectProto, promiseProperties_,
nullptr)) {
return nullptr;
return objectProto;
/* static */
DebuggerObject* DebuggerObject::create(JSContext* cx, HandleObject proto,
HandleObject referent,
Handle<NativeObject*> debugger) {
DebuggerObject* obj =
? NewObjectWithGivenProto<DebuggerObject>(cx, proto)
: NewTenuredObjectWithGivenProto<DebuggerObject>(cx, proto);
if (!obj) {
return nullptr;
obj->setReservedSlotGCThingAsPrivate(OBJECT_SLOT, referent);
obj->setReservedSlot(OWNER_SLOT, ObjectValue(*debugger));
return obj;
bool DebuggerObject::isCallable() const { return referent()->isCallable(); }
bool DebuggerObject::isFunction() const { return referent()->is<JSFunction>(); }
bool DebuggerObject::isDebuggeeFunction() const {
return referent()->is<JSFunction>() &&
bool DebuggerObject::isBoundFunction() const {
return referent()->is<BoundFunctionObject>();
bool DebuggerObject::isDebuggeeBoundFunction() const {
return referent()->is<BoundFunctionObject>() &&
bool DebuggerObject::isArrowFunction() const {
return referent()->as<JSFunction>().isArrow();
bool DebuggerObject::isAsyncFunction() const {
return referent()->as<JSFunction>().isAsync();
bool DebuggerObject::isGeneratorFunction() const {
return referent()->as<JSFunction>().isGenerator();
bool DebuggerObject::isClassConstructor() const {
return referent()->as<JSFunction>().isClassConstructor();
bool DebuggerObject::isGlobal() const { return referent()->is<GlobalObject>(); }
bool DebuggerObject::isScriptedProxy() const {
return js::IsScriptedProxy(referent());
bool DebuggerObject::isPromise() const {
JSObject* referent = this->referent();
if (IsCrossCompartmentWrapper(referent)) {
// We only care about promises, so CheckedUnwrapStatic is OK.
referent = CheckedUnwrapStatic(referent);
if (!referent) {
return false;
return referent->is<PromiseObject>();
bool DebuggerObject::isError() const {
JSObject* referent = this->referent();
if (IsCrossCompartmentWrapper(referent)) {
// We only check for error classes, so CheckedUnwrapStatic is OK.
referent = CheckedUnwrapStatic(referent);
if (!referent) {
return false;
return referent->is<ErrorObject>();
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::getClassName(JSContext* cx, Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
MutableHandleString result) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
const char* className;
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, referent);
className = GetObjectClassName(cx, referent);
JSAtom* str = Atomize(cx, className, strlen(className));
if (!str) {
return false;
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::name(JSContext* cx,
JS::MutableHandle<JSAtom*> result) const {
if (isFunction()) {
JSFunction* fun = &referent()->as<JSFunction>();
if (!fun->isAccessorWithLazyName()) {
if (result) {
return true;
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, fun);
if (!result) {
return false;
return true;
// Bound functions have a configurable `name` data property and currently
// don't store the original name. Try a pure lookup to get this name and if
// this fails use "bound".
Rooted<BoundFunctionObject*> bound(cx,
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, bound);
Value v;
bool found;
if (GetOwnPropertyPure(cx, bound, NameToId(cx->names().name), &v, &found) &&
found && v.isString()) {
result.set(AtomizeString(cx, v.toString()));
if (!result) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
bool DebuggerObject::displayName(JSContext* cx,
JS::MutableHandle<JSAtom*> result) const {
if (isFunction()) {
JS::Rooted<JSFunction*> fun(cx, &referent()->as<JSFunction>());
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, fun);
if (!fun->getDisplayAtom(cx, result)) {
return false;
if (result) {
return true;
return name(cx, result);
JS::PromiseState DebuggerObject::promiseState() const {
return promise()->state();
double DebuggerObject::promiseLifetime() const { return promise()->lifetime(); }
double DebuggerObject::promiseTimeToResolution() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(promiseState() != JS::PromiseState::Pending);
return promise()->timeToResolution();
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::getBoundTargetFunction(
JSContext* cx, Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
MutableHandle<DebuggerObject*> result) {
Rooted<BoundFunctionObject*> referent(
cx, &object->referent()->as<BoundFunctionObject>());
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
RootedObject target(cx, referent->getTarget());
return dbg->wrapDebuggeeObject(cx, target, result);
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::getBoundThis(JSContext* cx, Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
MutableHandleValue result) {
Rooted<BoundFunctionObject*> referent(
cx, &object->referent()->as<BoundFunctionObject>());
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
return dbg->wrapDebuggeeValue(cx, result);
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::getBoundArguments(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
MutableHandle<ValueVector> result) {
Rooted<BoundFunctionObject*> referent(
cx, &object->referent()->as<BoundFunctionObject>());
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
size_t length = referent->numBoundArgs();
if (!result.resize(length)) {
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (!dbg->wrapDebuggeeValue(cx, result[i])) {
return false;
return true;
/* static */
SavedFrame* Debugger::getObjectAllocationSite(JSObject& obj) {
JSObject* metadata = GetAllocationMetadata(&obj);
if (!metadata) {
return nullptr;
return metadata->is<SavedFrame>() ? &metadata->as<SavedFrame>() : nullptr;
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::getAllocationSite(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
MutableHandleObject result) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
RootedObject allocSite(cx, Debugger::getObjectAllocationSite(*referent));
if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &allocSite)) {
return false;
return true;
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::getErrorReport(JSContext* cx, HandleObject maybeError,
JSErrorReport*& report) {
JSObject* obj = maybeError;
if (IsCrossCompartmentWrapper(obj)) {
/* We only care about Error objects, so CheckedUnwrapStatic is OK. */
obj = CheckedUnwrapStatic(obj);
if (!obj) {
return false;
if (!obj->is<ErrorObject>()) {
report = nullptr;
return true;
report = obj->as<ErrorObject>().getErrorReport();
return true;
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::getErrorMessageName(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
MutableHandleString result) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
JSErrorReport* report;
if (!getErrorReport(cx, referent, report)) {
return false;
if (!report || !report->errorMessageName) {
return true;
RootedString str(cx, JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, report->errorMessageName));
if (!str) {
return false;
return true;
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::getErrorNotes(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
MutableHandleValue result) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
JSErrorReport* report;
if (!getErrorReport(cx, referent, report)) {
return false;
if (!report) {
return true;
RootedObject errorNotesArray(cx, CreateErrorNotesArray(cx, report));
if (!errorNotesArray) {
return false;
if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &errorNotesArray)) {
return false;
return true;
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::getErrorLineNumber(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
MutableHandleValue result) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
JSErrorReport* report;
if (!getErrorReport(cx, referent, report)) {
return false;
if (!report) {
return true;
return true;
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::getErrorColumnNumber(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
MutableHandleValue result) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
JSErrorReport* report;
if (!getErrorReport(cx, referent, report)) {
return false;
if (!report) {
return true;
return true;
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::getPromiseValue(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
MutableHandleValue result) {
MOZ_ASSERT(object->promiseState() == JS::PromiseState::Fulfilled);
return object->owner()->wrapDebuggeeValue(cx, result);
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::getPromiseReason(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
MutableHandleValue result) {
MOZ_ASSERT(object->promiseState() == JS::PromiseState::Rejected);
return object->owner()->wrapDebuggeeValue(cx, result);
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::isExtensible(JSContext* cx, Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
bool& result) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, referent);
ErrorCopier ec(ar);
return IsExtensible(cx, referent, &result);
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::isSealed(JSContext* cx, Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
bool& result) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, referent);
ErrorCopier ec(ar);
return TestIntegrityLevel(cx, referent, IntegrityLevel::Sealed, &result);
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::isFrozen(JSContext* cx, Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
bool& result) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, referent);
ErrorCopier ec(ar);
return TestIntegrityLevel(cx, referent, IntegrityLevel::Frozen, &result);
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::getPrototypeOf(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
MutableHandle<DebuggerObject*> result) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
RootedObject proto(cx);
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, referent);
if (!GetPrototype(cx, referent, &proto)) {
return false;
return dbg->wrapNullableDebuggeeObject(cx, proto, result);
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::getOwnPropertyNames(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
MutableHandleIdVector result) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, referent);
ErrorCopier ec(ar);
if (!GetPropertyKeys(cx, referent, JSITER_OWNONLY | JSITER_HIDDEN,
result)) {
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) {
return true;
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::getOwnPropertyNamesLength(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
size_t* result) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
RootedIdVector ids(cx);
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, referent);
ErrorCopier ec(ar);
if (!GetPropertyKeys(cx, referent, JSITER_OWNONLY | JSITER_HIDDEN, &ids)) {
return false;
*result = ids.length();
return true;
static bool GetSymbolPropertyKeys(JSContext* cx, Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
JS::MutableHandleIdVector props,
bool includePrivate) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, referent);
ErrorCopier ec(ar);
unsigned flags =
if (includePrivate) {
flags = flags | JSITER_PRIVATE;
if (!GetPropertyKeys(cx, referent, flags, props)) {
return false;
return true;
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::getOwnPropertySymbols(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
MutableHandleIdVector result) {
if (!GetSymbolPropertyKeys(cx, object, result, false)) {
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) {
return true;
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::getOwnPrivateProperties(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
MutableHandleIdVector result) {
if (!GetSymbolPropertyKeys(cx, object, result, true)) {
return false;
result.eraseIf([](PropertyKey key) {
if (!key.isPrivateName()) {
return true;
// Private *methods* create a Private Brand, a special private name
// stamped onto the symbol, to indicate it is possible to execute private
// methods from the class on this object. We don't want to return such
// items here, so we check if we're dealing with a private property, e.g.
// the Symbol description starts with a "#" character.
JSAtom* privateDescription = key.toSymbol()->description();
if (privateDescription->length() == 0) {
return true;
char16_t firstChar = privateDescription->latin1OrTwoByteChar(0);
return firstChar != '#';
for (size_t i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) {
return true;
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
JSContext* cx, Handle<DebuggerObject*> object, HandleId id,
MutableHandle<Maybe<PropertyDescriptor>> desc_) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
// Bug: This can cause the debuggee to run!
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, referent);
ErrorCopier ec(ar);
if (!GetOwnPropertyDescriptor(cx, referent, id, desc_)) {
return false;
if (desc_.isSome()) {
Rooted<PropertyDescriptor> desc(cx, *desc_);
if (desc.hasValue()) {
// Rewrap the debuggee values in desc for the debugger.
if (!dbg->wrapDebuggeeValue(cx, desc.value())) {
return false;
if (desc.hasGetter()) {
RootedValue get(cx, ObjectOrNullValue(desc.getter()));
if (!dbg->wrapDebuggeeValue(cx, &get)) {
return false;
if (desc.hasSetter()) {
RootedValue set(cx, ObjectOrNullValue(desc.setter()));
if (!dbg->wrapDebuggeeValue(cx, &set)) {
return false;
return true;
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::preventExtensions(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, referent);
ErrorCopier ec(ar);
return PreventExtensions(cx, referent);
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::seal(JSContext* cx, Handle<DebuggerObject*> object) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, referent);
ErrorCopier ec(ar);
return SetIntegrityLevel(cx, referent, IntegrityLevel::Sealed);
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::freeze(JSContext* cx, Handle<DebuggerObject*> object) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, referent);
ErrorCopier ec(ar);
return SetIntegrityLevel(cx, referent, IntegrityLevel::Frozen);
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::defineProperty(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object, HandleId id,
Handle<PropertyDescriptor> desc_) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
Rooted<PropertyDescriptor> desc(cx, desc_);
if (!dbg->unwrapPropertyDescriptor(cx, referent, &desc)) {
return false;
JS_TRY_OR_RETURN_FALSE(cx, CheckPropertyDescriptorAccessors(cx, desc));
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, referent);
if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &desc)) {
return false;
ErrorCopier ec(ar);
return DefineProperty(cx, referent, id, desc);
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::defineProperties(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
Handle<IdVector> ids,
Handle<PropertyDescriptorVector> descs_) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
Rooted<PropertyDescriptorVector> descs(cx, PropertyDescriptorVector(cx));
if (!descs.append(descs_.begin(), descs_.end())) {
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < descs.length(); i++) {
if (!dbg->unwrapPropertyDescriptor(cx, referent, descs[i])) {
return false;
JS_TRY_OR_RETURN_FALSE(cx, CheckPropertyDescriptorAccessors(cx, descs[i]));
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, referent);
for (size_t i = 0; i < descs.length(); i++) {
if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, descs[i])) {
return false;
ErrorCopier ec(ar);
for (size_t i = 0; i < descs.length(); i++) {
if (!DefineProperty(cx, referent, ids[i], descs[i])) {
return false;
return true;
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::deleteProperty(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object, HandleId id,
ObjectOpResult& result) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, referent);
ErrorCopier ec(ar);
return DeleteProperty(cx, referent, id, result);
/* static */
Result<Completion> DebuggerObject::getProperty(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
HandleId id,
HandleValue receiver_) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
// Unwrap Debugger.Objects. This happens in the debugger's compartment since
// that is where any exceptions must be reported.
RootedValue receiver(cx, receiver_);
if (!dbg->unwrapDebuggeeValue(cx, &receiver)) {
return cx->alreadyReportedError();
// Enter the debuggee compartment and rewrap all input value for that
// compartment. (Rewrapping always takes place in the destination
// compartment.)
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, referent);
if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &referent) ||
!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &receiver)) {
return cx->alreadyReportedError();
LeaveDebuggeeNoExecute nnx(cx);
RootedValue result(cx);
bool ok = GetProperty(cx, referent, receiver, id, &result);
return Completion::fromJSResult(cx, ok, result);
/* static */
Result<Completion> DebuggerObject::setProperty(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
HandleId id, HandleValue value_,
HandleValue receiver_) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
// Unwrap Debugger.Objects. This happens in the debugger's compartment since
// that is where any exceptions must be reported.
RootedValue value(cx, value_);
RootedValue receiver(cx, receiver_);
if (!dbg->unwrapDebuggeeValue(cx, &value) ||
!dbg->unwrapDebuggeeValue(cx, &receiver)) {
return cx->alreadyReportedError();
// Enter the debuggee compartment and rewrap all input value for that
// compartment. (Rewrapping always takes place in the destination
// compartment.)
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, referent);
if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &referent) ||
!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &value) ||
!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &receiver)) {
return cx->alreadyReportedError();
LeaveDebuggeeNoExecute nnx(cx);
ObjectOpResult opResult;
bool ok = SetProperty(cx, referent, id, value, receiver, opResult);
return Completion::fromJSResult(cx, ok, BooleanValue(ok && opResult.ok()));
/* static */
Maybe<Completion> DebuggerObject::call(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
HandleValue thisv_,
Handle<ValueVector> args) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
if (!referent->isCallable()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
"call", referent->getClass()->name);
return Nothing();
RootedValue calleev(cx, ObjectValue(*referent));
// Unwrap Debugger.Objects. This happens in the debugger's compartment since
// that is where any exceptions must be reported.
RootedValue thisv(cx, thisv_);
if (!dbg->unwrapDebuggeeValue(cx, &thisv)) {
return Nothing();
Rooted<ValueVector> args2(cx, ValueVector(cx));
if (!args2.append(args.begin(), args.end())) {
return Nothing();
for (size_t i = 0; i < args2.length(); ++i) {
if (!dbg->unwrapDebuggeeValue(cx, args2[i])) {
return Nothing();
// Enter the debuggee compartment and rewrap all input value for that
// compartment. (Rewrapping always takes place in the destination
// compartment.)
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, referent);
if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &calleev) ||
!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &thisv)) {
return Nothing();
for (size_t i = 0; i < args2.length(); ++i) {
if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, args2[i])) {
return Nothing();
// Note whether we are in an evaluation that might invoke the OnNativeCall
// hook, so that the JITs will be disabled.
Maybe<AutoNoteExclusiveDebuggerOnEval> noteEvaluation;
if (dbg->isExclusiveDebuggerOnEval()) {
noteEvaluation.emplace(cx, dbg);
// Call the function.
LeaveDebuggeeNoExecute nnx(cx);
RootedValue result(cx);
bool ok;
InvokeArgs invokeArgs(cx);
ok = invokeArgs.init(cx, args2.length());
if (ok) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < args2.length(); ++i) {
ok = js::Call(cx, calleev, thisv, invokeArgs, &result);
Rooted<Completion> completion(cx, Completion::fromJSResult(cx, ok, result));
return Some(std::move(completion.get()));
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::forceLexicalInitializationByName(
JSContext* cx, Handle<DebuggerObject*> object, HandleId id, bool& result) {
if (!id.isString()) {
cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_NOT_EXPECTED_TYPE,
"Debugger.Object.prototype.forceLexicalInitializationByName", "string",
return false;
Rooted<GlobalObject*> referent(cx, &object->referent()->as<GlobalObject>());
// Shape::search can end up allocating a new BaseShape in Shape::cachify so
// we need to be in the right compartment here.
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, referent);
RootedObject globalLexical(cx, &referent->lexicalEnvironment());
RootedObject pobj(cx);
PropertyResult prop;
if (!LookupProperty(cx, globalLexical, id, &pobj, &prop)) {
return false;
result = false;
if (prop.isFound()) {
PropertyInfo propInfo = prop.propertyInfo();
Value v = globalLexical->as<NativeObject>().getSlot(propInfo.slot());
if (propInfo.isDataProperty() && v.isMagic() &&
result = true;
return true;
/* static */
Result<Completion> DebuggerObject::executeInGlobal(
JSContext* cx, Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
mozilla::Range<const char16_t> chars, HandleObject bindings,
const EvalOptions& options) {
Rooted<GlobalObject*> referent(cx, &object->referent()->as<GlobalObject>());
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
RootedObject globalLexical(cx, &referent->lexicalEnvironment());
return DebuggerGenericEval(cx, chars, bindings, options, dbg, globalLexical,
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::makeDebuggeeValue(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
HandleValue value_,
MutableHandleValue result) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
RootedValue value(cx, value_);
// Non-objects are already debuggee values.
if (value.isObject()) {
// Enter this Debugger.Object's referent's compartment, and wrap the
// argument as appropriate for references from there.
Maybe<AutoRealm> ar;
EnterDebuggeeObjectRealm(cx, ar, referent);
if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &value)) {
return false;
// Back in the debugger's compartment, produce a new Debugger.Object
// instance referring to the wrapped argument.
if (!dbg->wrapDebuggeeValue(cx, &value)) {
return false;
return true;
static JSFunction* EnsureNativeFunction(const Value& value) {
if (!value.isObject() || !value.toObject().is<JSFunction>()) {
return nullptr;
JSFunction* fun = &value.toObject().as<JSFunction>();
if (!fun->isNativeFun()) {
return nullptr;
return fun;
static JSAtom* MaybeGetSelfHostedFunctionName(const Value& v) {
if (!v.isObject() || !v.toObject().is<JSFunction>()) {
return nullptr;
JSFunction* fun = &v.toObject().as<JSFunction>();
if (!fun->isSelfHostedBuiltin()) {
return nullptr;
return GetClonedSelfHostedFunctionName(fun);
static bool IsSameNative(JSFunction* a, JSFunction* b,
DebuggerObject::CheckJitInfo checkJitInfo) {
if (a->native() != b->native()) {
return false;
if (checkJitInfo == DebuggerObject::CheckJitInfo::No) {
return true;
// Both function should agree with the existence of JitInfo.
if (a->hasJitInfo() != b->hasJitInfo()) {
return false;
if (!a->hasJitInfo()) {
return true;
if (a->jitInfo() == b->jitInfo()) {
return true;
return false;
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::isSameNative(JSContext* cx, Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
HandleValue value, CheckJitInfo checkJitInfo,
MutableHandleValue result) {
RootedValue referentValue(cx, ObjectValue(*object->referent()));
RootedValue nonCCWValue(
cx, value.isObject() ? ObjectValue(*UncheckedUnwrap(&value.toObject()))
: value);
RootedFunction fun(cx, EnsureNativeFunction(nonCCWValue));
if (!fun) {
Rooted<JSAtom*> selfHostedName(cx,
if (!selfHostedName) {
JS_ReportErrorASCII(cx, "Need native function");
return false;
result.setBoolean(selfHostedName ==
return true;
RootedFunction referentFun(cx, EnsureNativeFunction(referentValue));
result.setBoolean(referentFun &&
IsSameNative(referentFun, fun, checkJitInfo));
return true;
static bool IsNativeGetterWithJitInfo(JSFunction* fun) {
return fun->isNativeFun() && fun->hasJitInfo() &&
fun->jitInfo()->type() == JSJitInfo::Getter;
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::isNativeGetterWithJitInfo(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
MutableHandleValue result) {
RootedValue referentValue(cx, ObjectValue(*object->referent()));
RootedFunction referentFun(cx, EnsureNativeFunction(referentValue));
result.setBoolean(referentFun && IsNativeGetterWithJitInfo(referentFun));
return true;
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::unsafeDereference(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
MutableHandleObject result) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &referent)) {
return false;
// Wrapping should return the WindowProxy.
return true;
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::unwrap(JSContext* cx, Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
MutableHandle<DebuggerObject*> result) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
RootedObject unwrapped(cx, UnwrapOneCheckedStatic(referent));
// Don't allow unwrapping to create a D.O whose referent is in an
// invisible-to-Debugger compartment. (If our referent is a *wrapper* to such,
// and the wrapper is in a visible compartment, that's fine.)
if (unwrapped && unwrapped->compartment()->invisibleToDebugger()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
return dbg->wrapNullableDebuggeeObject(cx, unwrapped, result);
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::requireGlobal(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object) {
if (!object->isGlobal()) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
const char* isWrapper = "";
const char* isWindowProxy = "";
// Help the poor programmer by pointing out wrappers around globals...
if (referent->is<WrapperObject>()) {
referent = js::UncheckedUnwrap(referent);
isWrapper = "a wrapper around ";
// ... and WindowProxies around Windows.
if (IsWindowProxy(referent)) {
referent = ToWindowIfWindowProxy(referent);
isWindowProxy = "a WindowProxy referring to ";
RootedValue dbgobj(cx, ObjectValue(*object));
if (referent->is<GlobalObject>()) {
dbgobj, nullptr, isWrapper, isWindowProxy);
} else {
nullptr, "a global object");
return false;
return true;
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::requirePromise(JSContext* cx,
Handle<DebuggerObject*> object) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
if (IsCrossCompartmentWrapper(referent)) {
/* We only care about promises, so CheckedUnwrapStatic is OK. */
referent = CheckedUnwrapStatic(referent);
if (!referent) {
return false;
if (!referent->is<PromiseObject>()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
JSMSG_NOT_EXPECTED_TYPE, "Debugger", "Promise",
return false;
return true;
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::getScriptedProxyTarget(
JSContext* cx, Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
MutableHandle<DebuggerObject*> result) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
RootedObject unwrapped(cx, js::GetProxyTargetObject(referent));
return dbg->wrapNullableDebuggeeObject(cx, unwrapped, result);
/* static */
bool DebuggerObject::getScriptedProxyHandler(
JSContext* cx, Handle<DebuggerObject*> object,
MutableHandle<DebuggerObject*> result) {
RootedObject referent(cx, object->referent());
Debugger* dbg = object->owner();
RootedObject unwrapped(cx, ScriptedProxyHandler::handlerObject(referent));
return dbg->wrapNullableDebuggeeObject(cx, unwrapped, result);