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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "builtin/temporal/TemporalParser.h"
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/Range.h"
#include "mozilla/Result.h"
#include "mozilla/Span.h"
#include "mozilla/TextUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/Try.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "jsnum.h"
#include "NamespaceImports.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/Duration.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/PlainDate.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/PlainTime.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/TemporalTypes.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/TemporalUnit.h"
#include "gc/Barrier.h"
#include "gc/Tracer.h"
#include "js/ErrorReport.h"
#include "js/friend/ErrorMessages.h"
#include "js/GCAPI.h"
#include "js/RootingAPI.h"
#include "js/TypeDecls.h"
#include "util/Text.h"
#include "vm/JSAtomState.h"
#include "vm/JSContext.h"
#include "vm/StringType.h"
using namespace js;
using namespace js::temporal;
// TODO: Better error message for empty strings?
// TODO: Add string input to error message?
// TODO: Better error messages, for example display current character?
struct StringName final {
// Start position and length of this name.
size_t start = 0;
size_t length = 0;
bool present() const { return length > 0; }
static JSLinearString* ToString(JSContext* cx, JSString* string,
const StringName& name) {
return NewDependentString(cx, string, name.start, name.length);
template <typename CharT>
bool EqualCharIgnoreCaseAscii(CharT c1, char c2) {
if constexpr (sizeof(CharT) > sizeof(char)) {
if (!mozilla::IsAscii(c1)) {
return false;
static constexpr auto toLower = 0x20;
static_assert('a' - 'A' == toLower);
// Convert both characters to lower case before the comparison.
char c = c1;
if (mozilla::IsAsciiUppercaseAlpha(c1)) {
c = char(c + toLower);
char d = c2;
if (mozilla::IsAsciiUppercaseAlpha(c2)) {
d = char(d + toLower);
return c == d;
using CalendarName = StringName;
using AnnotationKey = StringName;
using AnnotationValue = StringName;
using TimeZoneName = StringName;
struct Annotation final {
AnnotationKey key;
AnnotationValue value;
bool critical = false;
struct TimeSpec final {
Time time;
struct TimeZoneUTCOffset final {
// ±1 for time zones with an offset, otherwise 0.
int32_t sign = 0;
// An integer in the range [0, 23].
int32_t hour = 0;
// An integer in the range [0, 59].
int32_t minute = 0;
struct DateTimeUTCOffset final {
// ±1 for time zones with an offset, otherwise 0.
int32_t sign = 0;
// An integer in the range [0, 23].
int32_t hour = 0;
// An integer in the range [0, 59].
int32_t minute = 0;
// An integer in the range [0, 59].
int32_t second = 0;
// An integer in the range [0, 999'999].
int32_t fractionalPart = 0;
// Time zone with sub-minute precision.
bool subMinutePrecision = false;
// Convert to a TimeZoneUTCOffset.
TimeZoneUTCOffset toTimeZoneUTCOffset() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(!subMinutePrecision, "unexpected sub-minute precision");
return {sign, hour, minute};
* ParseDateTimeUTCOffset ( offsetString )
static int64_t ParseDateTimeUTCOffset(const DateTimeUTCOffset& offset) {
constexpr int64_t nanoPerSec = 1'000'000'000;
MOZ_ASSERT(offset.sign == -1 || offset.sign == +1);
MOZ_ASSERT(0 <= offset.hour && offset.hour < 24);
MOZ_ASSERT(0 <= offset.minute && offset.minute < 60);
MOZ_ASSERT(0 <= offset.second && offset.second < 60);
MOZ_ASSERT(0 <= offset.fractionalPart && offset.fractionalPart < nanoPerSec);
// sign × (((hours × 60 + minutes) × 60 + seconds) × 10^9 + nanoseconds).
int64_t seconds = (offset.hour * 60 + offset.minute) * 60 + offset.second;
int64_t nanos = (seconds * nanoPerSec) + offset.fractionalPart;
int64_t result = offset.sign * nanos;
MOZ_ASSERT(std::abs(result) < ToNanoseconds(TemporalUnit::Day),
"time zone offset is less than 24:00 hours");
return result;
static int32_t ParseTimeZoneOffset(const TimeZoneUTCOffset& offset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(offset.sign == -1 || offset.sign == +1);
MOZ_ASSERT(0 <= offset.hour && offset.hour < 24);
MOZ_ASSERT(0 <= offset.minute && offset.minute < 60);
// sign × (hour × 60 + minute).
int32_t result = offset.sign * (offset.hour * 60 + offset.minute);
MOZ_ASSERT(std::abs(result) < UnitsPerDay(TemporalUnit::Minute),
"time zone offset is less than 24:00 hours");
return result;
* Struct to hold time zone annotations.
struct TimeZoneAnnotation final {
// Time zone offset.
TimeZoneUTCOffset offset;
// Time zone name.
TimeZoneName name;
* Returns true iff the time zone has an offset part, e.g. "+01:00".
bool hasOffset() const { return offset.sign != 0; }
* Returns true iff the time zone has an IANA name, e.g. "Asia/Tokyo".
bool hasName() const { return name.present(); }
* Struct to hold any time zone parts of a parsed string.
struct TimeZoneString final {
// Date-time UTC offset.
DateTimeUTCOffset offset;
// Time zone annotation;
TimeZoneAnnotation annotation;
// UTC time zone.
bool utc = false;
static auto from(DateTimeUTCOffset offset) {
TimeZoneString timeZone{};
timeZone.offset = offset;
return timeZone;
static auto from(TimeZoneUTCOffset offset) {
TimeZoneString timeZone{};
timeZone.annotation.offset = offset;
return timeZone;
static auto from(TimeZoneName name) {
TimeZoneString timeZone{}; = name;
return timeZone;
static auto UTC() {
TimeZoneString timeZone{};
timeZone.utc = true;
return timeZone;
* Returns true iff the time zone has an offset part, e.g. "+01:00".
bool hasOffset() const { return offset.sign != 0; }
* Returns true iff the time zone has an annotation.
bool hasAnnotation() const {
return annotation.hasName() || annotation.hasOffset();
* Returns true iff the time zone uses the "Z" abbrevation to denote UTC time.
bool isUTC() const { return utc; }
* Struct to hold the parsed date, time, time zone, and calendar components.
struct ZonedDateTimeString final {
ISODate date;
Time time;
TimeZoneString timeZone;
CalendarName calendar;
bool startOfDay;
template <typename CharT>
static bool IsISO8601Calendar(mozilla::Span<const CharT> calendar) {
static constexpr std::string_view iso8601 = "iso8601";
if (calendar.size() != iso8601.length()) {
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < iso8601.length(); i++) {
if (!EqualCharIgnoreCaseAscii(calendar[i], iso8601[i])) {
return false;
return true;
static constexpr int32_t AbsentYear = INT32_MAX;
* ParseISODateTime ( isoString )
static bool ParseISODateTime(JSContext* cx, const ZonedDateTimeString& parsed,
ISODateTime* result) {
// Steps 1-7, 9, 11-16 (Not applicable here).
ISODateTime dateTime = {, parsed.time};
// NOTE: ToIntegerOrInfinity("") is 0.
if ( == AbsentYear) { = 0;
// Step 8.
if ( == 0) { = 1;
// Step 10.
if ( == 0) { = 1;
// Step 17.b.
if (dateTime.time.second == 60) {
dateTime.time.second = 59;
// ParseISODateTime, steps 18-19 (Not applicable in our implementation).
// Perform early error checks now that absent |day| and |month| values were
// handled:
// `IsValidDate(DateSpec)` and `IsValidMonthDay(DateSpecMonthDay)` validate
// that |day| doesn't exceed the number of days in |month|. This check can be
// implemented by calling `ThrowIfInvalidISODate`.
// All other values are already in-bounds.
MOZ_ASSERT(std::abs( <= 999'999);
MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= && <= 12);
MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= && <= 31);
if (!ThrowIfInvalidISODate(cx, {
return false;
// Step 20.
// Step 21.
// Steps 22-28. (Handled in caller.)
*result = dateTime;
return true;
static bool ParseTimeZoneAnnotation(JSContext* cx,
const TimeZoneAnnotation& annotation,
JSLinearString* linear,
MutableHandle<ParsedTimeZone> result) {
MOZ_ASSERT(annotation.hasOffset() || annotation.hasName());
if (annotation.hasOffset()) {
int32_t offset = ParseTimeZoneOffset(annotation.offset);
return true;
auto* str = ToString(cx, linear,;
if (!str) {
return false;
return true;
* Struct for the parsed duration components.
struct TemporalDurationString final {
// A non-negative integer or +Infinity.
double years = 0;
// A non-negative integer or +Infinity.
double months = 0;
// A non-negative integer or +Infinity.
double weeks = 0;
// A non-negative integer or +Infinity.
double days = 0;
// A non-negative integer or +Infinity.
double hours = 0;
// A non-negative integer or +Infinity.
double minutes = 0;
// A non-negative integer or +Infinity.
double seconds = 0;
// An integer in the range [0, 999'999].
int32_t hoursFraction = 0;
// An integer in the range [0, 999'999].
int32_t minutesFraction = 0;
// An integer in the range [0, 999'999].
int32_t secondsFraction = 0;
// ±1 when an offset is present, otherwise 0.
int32_t sign = 0;
class ParserError final {
constexpr MOZ_IMPLICIT ParserError(JSErrNum error) : error_(error) {}
constexpr JSErrNum error() const { return error_; }
constexpr operator JSErrNum() const { return error(); }
namespace mozilla::detail {
// Zero is used for tagging, so it mustn't be an error.
static_assert(static_cast<JSErrNum>(0) == JSMSG_NOT_AN_ERROR);
// Ensure efficient packing of the error type.
template <>
struct UnusedZero<::ParserError> {
using Error = ::ParserError;
using ErrorKind = JSErrNum;
using StorageType = std::underlying_type_t<ErrorKind>;
static constexpr bool value = true;
static constexpr StorageType nullValue = 0;
static constexpr Error Inspect(const StorageType& aValue) {
return Error(static_cast<ErrorKind>(aValue));
static constexpr Error Unwrap(StorageType aValue) {
return Error(static_cast<ErrorKind>(aValue));
static constexpr StorageType Store(Error aValue) {
return static_cast<StorageType>(aValue.error());
} // namespace mozilla::detail
static_assert(mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>::Strategy !=
template <typename CharT>
class StringReader final {
mozilla::Span<const CharT> string_;
// Current position in the string.
size_t index_ = 0;
explicit StringReader(mozilla::Span<const CharT> string) : string_(string) {}
* Returns the input string.
mozilla::Span<const CharT> string() const { return string_; }
* Returns a substring of the input string.
mozilla::Span<const CharT> substring(const StringName& name) const {
return string_.Subspan(name.start, name.length);
* Returns the current parse position.
size_t index() const { return index_; }
* Returns the length of the input string-
size_t length() const { return string_.size(); }
* Returns true iff the whole string has been parsed.
bool atEnd() const { return index() == length(); }
* Reset the parser to a previous parse position.
void reset(size_t index = 0) {
MOZ_ASSERT(index <= length());
index_ = index;
* Returns true if at least `amount` characters can be read from the current
* parse position.
bool hasMore(size_t amount) const { return index() + amount <= length(); }
* Advances the parse position by `amount` characters.
void advance(size_t amount) {
index_ += amount;
* Returns the character at the current parse position.
CharT current() const { return string()[index()]; }
* Returns the character at the next parse position.
CharT next() const { return string()[index() + 1]; }
* Returns the character at position `index`.
CharT at(size_t index) const { return string()[index]; }
template <typename CharT>
class TemporalParser final {
StringReader<CharT> reader_;
* Read an unlimited amount of decimal digits, returning `Nothing` if no
* digits were read.
mozilla::Maybe<double> digits(JSContext* cx);
* Read exactly `length` digits, returning `Nothing` on failure.
mozilla::Maybe<int32_t> digits(size_t length) {
MOZ_ASSERT(length > 0, "can't read zero digits");
MOZ_ASSERT(length <= std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::digits10,
"can't read more than digits10 digits without overflow");
if (!reader_.hasMore(length)) {
return mozilla::Nothing();
int32_t num = 0;
size_t index = reader_.index();
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
auto ch = + i);
if (!mozilla::IsAsciiDigit(ch)) {
return mozilla::Nothing();
num = num * 10 + AsciiDigitToNumber(ch);
return mozilla::Some(num);
// TemporalDecimalFraction :::
// TemporalDecimalSeparator DecimalDigit{1,9}
mozilla::Maybe<int32_t> fraction() {
if (!reader_.hasMore(2)) {
return mozilla::Nothing();
if (!hasDecimalSeparator() || !mozilla::IsAsciiDigit( {
return mozilla::Nothing();
// Consume the decimal separator.
// Maximal nine fractional digits are supported.
constexpr size_t maxFractions = 9;
// Read up to |maxFractions| digits.
int32_t num = 0;
size_t index = reader_.index();
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < std::min(reader_.length() - index, maxFractions); i++) {
CharT ch = + i);
if (!mozilla::IsAsciiDigit(ch)) {
num = num * 10 + AsciiDigitToNumber(ch);
// Skip past the read digits.
// Normalize the fraction to |maxFractions| digits.
for (; i < maxFractions; i++) {
num *= 10;
return mozilla::Some(num);
* Returns true iff the current character is `ch`.
bool hasCharacter(CharT ch) const {
return reader_.hasMore(1) && reader_.current() == ch;
* Consumes the current character if it's equal to `ch` and then returns
* `true`. Otherwise returns `false`.
bool character(CharT ch) {
if (!hasCharacter(ch)) {
return false;
return true;
* Consumes the next characters if they're equal to `str` and then returns
* `true`. Otherwise returns `false`.
template <size_t N>
bool string(const char (&str)[N]) {
static_assert(N > 2, "use character() for one element strings");
if (!reader_.hasMore(N - 1)) {
return false;
size_t index = reader_.index();
for (size_t i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) {
if ( + i) != str[i]) {
return false;
reader_.advance(N - 1);
return true;
* Returns true if the next two characters are ASCII alphabetic characters.
bool hasTwoAsciiAlpha() {
if (!reader_.hasMore(2)) {
return false;
size_t index = reader_.index();
return mozilla::IsAsciiAlpha( &&
mozilla::IsAsciiAlpha( + 1));
* Returns true iff the current character is one of `chars`.
bool hasOneOf(std::initializer_list<char16_t> chars) const {
if (!reader_.hasMore(1)) {
return false;
auto ch = reader_.current();
return std::find(chars.begin(), chars.end(), ch) != chars.end();
* Consumes the current character if it's in `chars` and then returns `true`.
* Otherwise returns `false`.
bool oneOf(std::initializer_list<char16_t> chars) {
if (!hasOneOf(chars)) {
return false;
return true;
* Consumes the current character if it matches the predicate and then returns
* `true`. Otherwise returns `false`.
template <typename Predicate>
bool matches(Predicate&& predicate) {
if (!reader_.hasMore(1)) {
return false;
CharT ch = reader_.current();
if (!predicate(ch)) {
return false;
return true;
// ASCIISign ::: one of
// + -
bool hasSign() const { return hasOneOf({'+', '-'}); }
* Consumes the current character, which must be a sign character, and returns
* its numeric value.
int32_t sign() {
int32_t plus = hasCharacter('+');
return plus ? 1 : -1;
// DateSeparator[Extended] :::
// [+Extended] -
// [~Extended] [empty]
bool dateSeparator() { return character('-'); }
// TimeSeparator[Extended] :::
// [+Extended] :
// [~Extended] [empty]
bool hasTimeSeparator() const { return hasCharacter(':'); }
bool timeSeparator() { return character(':'); }
// TemporalDecimalSeparator ::: one of
// . ,
bool hasDecimalSeparator() const { return hasOneOf({'.', ','}); }
bool decimalSeparator() { return oneOf({'.', ','}); }
// DaysDesignator ::: one of
// D d
bool daysDesignator() { return oneOf({'D', 'd'}); }
// HoursDesignator ::: one of
// H h
bool hoursDesignator() { return oneOf({'H', 'h'}); }
// MinutesDesignator ::: one of
// M m
bool minutesDesignator() { return oneOf({'M', 'm'}); }
// MonthsDesignator ::: one of
// M m
bool monthsDesignator() { return oneOf({'M', 'm'}); }
// DurationDesignator ::: one of
// P p
bool durationDesignator() { return oneOf({'P', 'p'}); }
// SecondsDesignator ::: one of
// S s
bool secondsDesignator() { return oneOf({'S', 's'}); }
// DateTimeSeparator :::
// <SP>
// T
// t
bool dateTimeSeparator() { return oneOf({' ', 'T', 't'}); }
// TimeDesignator ::: one of
// T t
bool hasTimeDesignator() const { return hasOneOf({'T', 't'}); }
bool timeDesignator() { return oneOf({'T', 't'}); }
// WeeksDesignator ::: one of
// W w
bool weeksDesignator() { return oneOf({'W', 'w'}); }
// YearsDesignator ::: one of
// Y y
bool yearsDesignator() { return oneOf({'Y', 'y'}); }
// UTCDesignator ::: one of
// Z z
bool utcDesignator() { return oneOf({'Z', 'z'}); }
// TZLeadingChar :::
// Alpha
// .
// _
bool tzLeadingChar() {
return matches([](auto ch) {
return mozilla::IsAsciiAlpha(ch) || ch == '.' || ch == '_';
// TZChar :::
// TZLeadingChar
// DecimalDigit
// -
// +
bool tzChar() {
return matches([](auto ch) {
return mozilla::IsAsciiAlphanumeric(ch) || ch == '.' || ch == '_' ||
ch == '-' || ch == '+';
// AnnotationCriticalFlag :::
// !
bool annotationCriticalFlag() { return character('!'); }
// AKeyLeadingChar :::
// LowercaseAlpha
// _
bool aKeyLeadingChar() {
return matches([](auto ch) {
return mozilla::IsAsciiLowercaseAlpha(ch) || ch == '_';
// AKeyChar :::
// AKeyLeadingChar
// DecimalDigit
// -
bool aKeyChar() {
return matches([](auto ch) {
return mozilla::IsAsciiLowercaseAlpha(ch) || mozilla::IsAsciiDigit(ch) ||
ch == '-' || ch == '_';
// AnnotationValueComponent :::
// Alpha AnnotationValueComponent?
// DecimalDigit AnnotationValueComponent?
bool annotationValueComponent() {
size_t index = reader_.index();
size_t i = 0;
for (; index + i < reader_.length(); i++) {
auto ch = + i);
if (!mozilla::IsAsciiAlphanumeric(ch)) {
if (i == 0) {
return false;
return true;
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool inBounds(const T& x, const T& min, const T& max) {
return min <= x && x <= max;
static auto err(JSErrNum error) {
// Explicitly create |ParserError| when JSErrNum is auto-convertible to the
// success type.
return mozilla::Err(ParserError{error});
mozilla::Result<int32_t, ParserError> dateYear();
mozilla::Result<int32_t, ParserError> dateMonth();
mozilla::Result<int32_t, ParserError> dateDay();
mozilla::Result<int32_t, ParserError> hour();
mozilla::Result<mozilla::Maybe<int32_t>, ParserError> minute(bool required);
mozilla::Result<mozilla::Maybe<int32_t>, ParserError> second(bool required);
mozilla::Result<mozilla::Maybe<int32_t>, ParserError> timeSecond(
bool required);
mozilla::Result<ISODate, ParserError> date();
mozilla::Result<Time, ParserError> time();
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError> dateTime(bool allowZ);
mozilla::Result<ISODate, ParserError> dateSpecYearMonth();
mozilla::Result<ISODate, ParserError> dateSpecMonthDay();
// Return true when |Annotation| can start at the current position.
bool hasAnnotationStart() const { return hasCharacter('['); }
// Return true when |TimeZoneAnnotation| can start at the current position.
bool hasTimeZoneAnnotationStart() const {
if (!hasCharacter('[')) {
return false;
// Ensure no '=' is found before the closing ']', otherwise the opening '['
// may actually start an |Annotation| instead of a |TimeZoneAnnotation|.
for (size_t i = reader_.index() + 1; i < reader_.length(); i++) {
CharT ch =;
if (ch == '=') {
return false;
if (ch == ']') {
return true;
// Return true when |DateTimeUTCOffset| can start at the current position.
bool hasDateTimeUTCOffsetStart() { return hasOneOf({'Z', 'z', '+', '-'}); }
mozilla::Result<TimeZoneString, ParserError> dateTimeUTCOffset(bool allowZ);
mozilla::Result<DateTimeUTCOffset, ParserError> utcOffsetSubMinutePrecision();
mozilla::Result<TimeZoneUTCOffset, ParserError> timeZoneUTCOffsetName();
mozilla::Result<TimeZoneAnnotation, ParserError> timeZoneIdentifier();
mozilla::Result<TimeZoneAnnotation, ParserError> timeZoneAnnotation();
mozilla::Result<TimeZoneName, ParserError> timeZoneIANAName();
mozilla::Result<AnnotationKey, ParserError> annotationKey();
mozilla::Result<AnnotationValue, ParserError> annotationValue();
mozilla::Result<Annotation, ParserError> annotation();
mozilla::Result<CalendarName, ParserError> annotations();
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError> annotatedTime();
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError> annotatedDateTime();
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError> annotatedYearMonth();
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError> annotatedMonthDay();
mozilla::Result<double, ParserError> durationDigits(JSContext* cx);
template <typename T>
mozilla::Result<T, ParserError> parse(
mozilla::Result<T, ParserError>&& result) const;
template <typename T>
mozilla::Result<T, ParserError> complete(const T& value) const;
explicit TemporalParser(mozilla::Span<const CharT> str) : reader_(str) {}
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
mozilla::Result<TimeZoneAnnotation, ParserError> parseTimeZoneIdentifier();
mozilla::Result<DateTimeUTCOffset, ParserError> parseDateTimeUTCOffset();
mozilla::Result<TemporalDurationString, ParserError>
parseTemporalDurationString(JSContext* cx);
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError> parseTemporalTimeString();
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
template <typename CharT>
template <typename T>
mozilla::Result<T, ParserError> TemporalParser<CharT>::parse(
mozilla::Result<T, ParserError>&& result) const {
if (result.isOk() && !reader_.atEnd()) {
return std::move(result);
template <typename CharT>
template <typename T>
mozilla::Result<T, ParserError> TemporalParser<CharT>::complete(
const T& result) const {
if (!reader_.atEnd()) {
return result;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<int32_t, ParserError> TemporalParser<CharT>::dateYear() {
// DateYear :::
// DecimalDigit{4}
// ASCIISign DecimalDigit{6}
if (auto year = digits(4)) {
return year.value();
if (hasSign()) {
int32_t yearSign = sign();
if (auto year = digits(6)) {
int32_t result = yearSign * year.value();
if (yearSign < 0 && result == 0) {
return result;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<int32_t, ParserError> TemporalParser<CharT>::dateMonth() {
// DateMonth :::
// 0 NonzeroDigit
// 10
// 11
// 12
if (auto month = digits(2)) {
int32_t result = month.value();
if (!inBounds(result, 1, 12)) {
return result;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<int32_t, ParserError> TemporalParser<CharT>::dateDay() {
// DateDay :::
// 0 NonzeroDigit
// 1 DecimalDigit
// 2 DecimalDigit
// 30
// 31
if (auto day = digits(2)) {
int32_t result = day.value();
if (!inBounds(result, 1, 31)) {
return result;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<int32_t, ParserError> TemporalParser<CharT>::hour() {
// Hour :::
// 0 DecimalDigit
// 1 DecimalDigit
// 20
// 21
// 22
// 23
if (auto hour = digits(2)) {
int32_t result = hour.value();
if (!inBounds(result, 0, 23)) {
return result;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<mozilla::Maybe<int32_t>, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::minute(bool required) {
// MinuteSecond :::
// 0 DecimalDigit
// 1 DecimalDigit
// 2 DecimalDigit
// 3 DecimalDigit
// 4 DecimalDigit
// 5 DecimalDigit
if (auto minute = digits(2)) {
if (!inBounds(minute.value(), 0, 59)) {
return minute;
if (!required) {
return mozilla::Maybe<int32_t>{mozilla::Nothing{}};
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<mozilla::Maybe<int32_t>, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::second(bool required) {
// MinuteSecond :::
// 0 DecimalDigit
// 1 DecimalDigit
// 2 DecimalDigit
// 3 DecimalDigit
// 4 DecimalDigit
// 5 DecimalDigit
if (auto minute = digits(2)) {
if (!inBounds(minute.value(), 0, 59)) {
return minute;
if (!required) {
return mozilla::Maybe<int32_t>{mozilla::Nothing{}};
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<mozilla::Maybe<int32_t>, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::timeSecond(bool required) {
// TimeSecond :::
// MinuteSecond
// 60
// MinuteSecond :::
// 0 DecimalDigit
// 1 DecimalDigit
// 2 DecimalDigit
// 3 DecimalDigit
// 4 DecimalDigit
// 5 DecimalDigit
if (auto minute = digits(2)) {
if (!inBounds(minute.value(), 0, 60)) {
return minute;
if (!required) {
return mozilla::Maybe<int32_t>{mozilla::Nothing{}};
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<ISODate, ParserError> TemporalParser<CharT>::date() {
// clang-format off
// Date :::
// DateSpec[+Extended]
// DateSpec[~Extended]
// DateSpec[Extended] :::
// DateYear DateSeparator[?Extended] DateMonth DateSeparator[?Extended] DateDay
// clang-format on
ISODate result{};
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.year, dateYear());
// Optional |DateSeparator|.
bool hasMonthSeparator = dateSeparator();
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.month, dateMonth());
// Optional |DateSeparator|.
bool hasDaySeparator = dateSeparator();
// Date separators must be consistent.
if (hasMonthSeparator != hasDaySeparator) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(, dateDay());
return result;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<Time, ParserError> TemporalParser<CharT>::time() {
// clang-format off
// Time :::
// TimeSpec[+Extended]
// TimeSpec[~Extended]
// TimeSpec[Extended] :::
// Hour
// Hour TimeSeparator[?Extended] MinuteSecond
// Hour TimeSeparator[?Extended] MinuteSecond TimeSeparator[?Extended] TimeSecond TemporalDecimalFraction?
// clang-format on
Time result{};
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.hour, hour());
// Optional |TimeSeparator|.
bool hasMinuteSeparator = timeSeparator();
mozilla::Maybe<int32_t> minutes;
MOZ_TRY_VAR(minutes, minute(hasMinuteSeparator));
if (minutes) {
result.minute = minutes.value();
// Optional |TimeSeparator|.
bool hasSecondSeparator = timeSeparator();
mozilla::Maybe<int32_t> seconds;
MOZ_TRY_VAR(seconds, timeSecond(hasSecondSeparator));
if (seconds) {
result.second = seconds.value();
// Time separators must be consistent.
if (hasMinuteSeparator != hasSecondSeparator) {
// TemporalDecimalFraction :::
// TemporalDecimalSeparator DecimalDigit{1,9}
if (auto f = fraction()) {
int32_t fractionalPart = f.value();
result.millisecond = fractionalPart / 1'000'000;
result.microsecond = (fractionalPart % 1'000'000) / 1'000;
result.nanosecond = fractionalPart % 1'000;
return result;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::dateTime(bool allowZ) {
// DateTime[Z, TimeRequired] :::
// [~TimeRequired] Date
// Date DateTimeSeparator Time DateTimeUTCOffset[?Z]?
// When called as `DateTime[?Z, ~TimeRequired]`.
ZonedDateTimeString result{};
MOZ_TRY_VAR(, date());
if (dateTimeSeparator()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.time, time());
if (hasDateTimeUTCOffsetStart()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.timeZone, dateTimeUTCOffset(allowZ));
} else {
result.startOfDay = true;
return result;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<TimeZoneString, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::dateTimeUTCOffset(bool allowZ) {
// DateTimeUTCOffset[Z] :::
// [+Z] UTCDesignator
// UTCOffset[+SubMinutePrecision]
if (utcDesignator()) {
if (!allowZ) {
return TimeZoneString::UTC();
if (hasSign()) {
DateTimeUTCOffset offset;
MOZ_TRY_VAR(offset, utcOffsetSubMinutePrecision());
return TimeZoneString::from(offset);
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<TimeZoneUTCOffset, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::timeZoneUTCOffsetName() {
// clang-format off
// UTCOffset[SubMinutePrecision] :::
// ASCIISign Hour
// ASCIISign Hour TimeSeparator[+Extended] MinuteSecond
// ASCIISign Hour TimeSeparator[~Extended] MinuteSecond
// [+SubMinutePrecision] ASCIISign Hour TimeSeparator[+Extended] MinuteSecond TimeSeparator[+Extended] MinuteSecond TemporalDecimalFraction?
// [+SubMinutePrecision] ASCIISign Hour TimeSeparator[~Extended] MinuteSecond TimeSeparator[~Extended] MinuteSecond TemporalDecimalFraction?
// When called as `UTCOffset[~SubMinutePrecision]`.
// clang-format on
TimeZoneUTCOffset result{};
if (!hasSign()) {
result.sign = sign();
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.hour, hour());
// Optional |TimeSeparator|.
bool hasMinuteSeparator = timeSeparator();
mozilla::Maybe<int32_t> minutes;
MOZ_TRY_VAR(minutes, minute(hasMinuteSeparator));
if (minutes) {
result.minute = minutes.value();
if (hasTimeSeparator()) {
return result;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<DateTimeUTCOffset, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::utcOffsetSubMinutePrecision() {
// clang-format off
// UTCOffset[SubMinutePrecision] :::
// ASCIISign Hour
// ASCIISign Hour TimeSeparator[+Extended] MinuteSecond
// ASCIISign Hour TimeSeparator[~Extended] MinuteSecond
// [+SubMinutePrecision] ASCIISign Hour TimeSeparator[+Extended] MinuteSecond TimeSeparator[+Extended] MinuteSecond TemporalDecimalFraction?
// [+SubMinutePrecision] ASCIISign Hour TimeSeparator[~Extended] MinuteSecond TimeSeparator[~Extended] MinuteSecond TemporalDecimalFraction?
// When called as `UTCOffset[+SubMinutePrecision]`.
// clang-format on
DateTimeUTCOffset result{};
if (!hasSign()) {
result.sign = sign();
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.hour, hour());
// Optional |TimeSeparator|.
bool hasMinuteSeparator = timeSeparator();
mozilla::Maybe<int32_t> minutes;
MOZ_TRY_VAR(minutes, minute(hasMinuteSeparator));
if (minutes) {
result.minute = minutes.value();
// Optional |TimeSeparator|.
bool hasSecondSeparator = timeSeparator();
mozilla::Maybe<int32_t> seconds;
MOZ_TRY_VAR(seconds, second(hasSecondSeparator));
if (seconds) {
result.second = seconds.value();
// Time separators must be consistent.
if (hasMinuteSeparator != hasSecondSeparator) {
if (auto fractionalPart = fraction()) {
result.fractionalPart = fractionalPart.value();
result.subMinutePrecision = true;
return result;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<TimeZoneAnnotation, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::timeZoneIdentifier() {
// TimeZoneIdentifier :::
// UTCOffset[~SubMinutePrecision]
// TimeZoneIANAName
TimeZoneAnnotation result{};
if (hasSign()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.offset, timeZoneUTCOffsetName());
} else {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(, timeZoneIANAName());
return result;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<TimeZoneAnnotation, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::timeZoneAnnotation() {
// TimeZoneAnnotation :::
// [ AnnotationCriticalFlag? TimeZoneIdentifier ]
if (!character('[')) {
// Skip over the optional critical flag.
auto result = timeZoneIdentifier();
if (result.isErr()) {
return result.propagateErr();
if (!character(']')) {
return result;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<TimeZoneName, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::timeZoneIANAName() {
// TimeZoneIANAName :::
// TimeZoneIANANameComponent
// TimeZoneIANAName / TimeZoneIANANameComponent
// TimeZoneIANANameComponent :::
// TZLeadingChar
// TimeZoneIANANameComponent TZChar
size_t start = reader_.index();
do {
if (!tzLeadingChar()) {
// Optionally followed by a sequence of |TZChar|.
while (tzChar()) {
} while (character('/'));
return TimeZoneName{start, reader_.index() - start};
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Maybe<double> TemporalParser<CharT>::digits(JSContext* cx) {
auto span = reader_.string().Subspan(reader_.index());
// GetPrefixInteger can't fail when integer separator handling is disabled.
const CharT* endp = nullptr;
double num;
MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(GetPrefixInteger(, + span.size(), 10,
IntegerSeparatorHandling::None, &endp,
size_t len = endp -;
if (len == 0) {
return mozilla::Nothing();
return mozilla::Some(num);
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::parseTemporalInstantString() {
// Initialize all fields to zero.
ZonedDateTimeString result{};
// clang-format off
// TemporalInstantString :::
// Date DateTimeSeparator Time DateTimeUTCOffset[+Z] TimeZoneAnnotation? Annotations?
// clang-format on
MOZ_TRY_VAR(, date());
if (!dateTimeSeparator()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.time, time());
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.timeZone, dateTimeUTCOffset(/* allowZ = */ true));
if (hasTimeZoneAnnotationStart()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.timeZone.annotation, timeZoneAnnotation());
if (hasAnnotationStart()) {
return complete(result);
* ParseTemporalInstantString ( isoString )
template <typename CharT>
static auto ParseTemporalInstantString(mozilla::Span<const CharT> str) {
TemporalParser<CharT> parser(str);
return parser.parseTemporalInstantString();
* ParseTemporalInstantString ( isoString )
static auto ParseTemporalInstantString(Handle<JSLinearString*> str) {
JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
if (str->hasLatin1Chars()) {
return ParseTemporalInstantString<Latin1Char>(str->latin1Range(nogc));
return ParseTemporalInstantString<char16_t>(str->twoByteRange(nogc));
* ParseTemporalInstantString ( isoString )
bool js::temporal::ParseTemporalInstantString(JSContext* cx,
Handle<JSString*> str,
ISODateTime* result,
int64_t* offset) {
Rooted<JSLinearString*> linear(cx, str->ensureLinear(cx));
if (!linear) {
return false;
// Step 1.
auto parseResult = ::ParseTemporalInstantString(linear);
if (parseResult.isErr()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
ZonedDateTimeString parsed = parseResult.unwrap();
// Step 2.
if (!ParseISODateTime(cx, parsed, result)) {
return false;
// Steps 3-4.
if (parsed.timeZone.hasOffset()) {
*offset = ParseDateTimeUTCOffset(parsed.timeZone.offset);
} else {
*offset = 0;
return true;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::parseTemporalTimeZoneString() {
// Handle the common case of a standalone time zone identifier first.
if (auto tz = parse(timeZoneIdentifier()); tz.isOk()) {
auto timeZone = tz.unwrap();
ZonedDateTimeString result{};
if (timeZone.hasOffset()) {
result.timeZone = TimeZoneString::from(timeZone.offset);
} else {
result.timeZone = TimeZoneString::from(;
return result;
// Try all five parse goals from ParseISODateTime in order.
// TemporalDateTimeString
// TemporalInstantString
// TemporalTimeString
// TemporalMonthDayString
// TemporalYearMonthString
// Restart parsing from the start of the string.
if (auto dt = parseTemporalDateTimeString(); dt.isOk()) {
return dt.unwrap();
// Restart parsing from the start of the string.
if (auto dt = parseTemporalInstantString(); dt.isOk()) {
return dt.unwrap();
// Restart parsing from the start of the string.
if (auto dt = parseTemporalTimeString(); dt.isOk()) {
return dt.unwrap();
// Restart parsing from the start of the string.
if (auto dt = parseTemporalMonthDayString(); dt.isOk()) {
return dt.unwrap();
// Restart parsing from the start of the string.
if (auto dt = parseTemporalYearMonthString(); dt.isOk()) {
return dt.unwrap();
} else {
return dt.propagateErr();
* ParseTemporalTimeZoneString ( timeZoneString )
template <typename CharT>
static auto ParseTemporalTimeZoneString(mozilla::Span<const CharT> str) {
TemporalParser<CharT> parser(str);
return parser.parseTemporalTimeZoneString();
* ParseTemporalTimeZoneString ( timeZoneString )
static auto ParseTemporalTimeZoneString(Handle<JSLinearString*> str) {
JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
if (str->hasLatin1Chars()) {
return ParseTemporalTimeZoneString<Latin1Char>(str->latin1Range(nogc));
return ParseTemporalTimeZoneString<char16_t>(str->twoByteRange(nogc));
* ParseTemporalTimeZoneString ( timeZoneString )
bool js::temporal::ParseTemporalTimeZoneString(
JSContext* cx, Handle<JSString*> str,
MutableHandle<ParsedTimeZone> result) {
Rooted<JSLinearString*> linear(cx, str->ensureLinear(cx));
if (!linear) {
return false;
// Steps 1-4.
auto parseResult = ::ParseTemporalTimeZoneString(linear);
if (parseResult.isErr()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
ZonedDateTimeString parsed = parseResult.unwrap();
const auto& timeZone = parsed.timeZone;
// Step 3.
ISODateTime unused;
if (!ParseISODateTime(cx, parsed, &unused)) {
return false;
if (timeZone.hasAnnotation()) {
// Case 1: 19700101T00:00Z[+02:00]
// Case 2: 19700101T00:00+00:00[+02:00]
// Case 3: 19700101T00:00[+02:00]
// Case 4: 19700101T00:00Z[Europe/Berlin]
// Case 5: 19700101T00:00+00:00[Europe/Berlin]
// Case 6: 19700101T00:00[Europe/Berlin]
if (!ParseTimeZoneAnnotation(cx, timeZone.annotation, linear, result)) {
return false;
} else if (timeZone.isUTC()) {
} else if (timeZone.hasOffset()) {
// ToTemporalTimeZoneSlotValue, step 7.
// Error reporting for sub-minute precision moved here.
if (timeZone.offset.subMinutePrecision) {
cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
int32_t offset = ParseTimeZoneOffset(timeZone.offset.toTimeZoneUTCOffset());
} else {
// Step 5.
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
// Step 6.
return true;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<TimeZoneAnnotation, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::parseTimeZoneIdentifier() {
return parse(timeZoneIdentifier());
* ParseTimeZoneIdentifier ( identifier )
template <typename CharT>
static auto ParseTimeZoneIdentifier(mozilla::Span<const CharT> str) {
TemporalParser<CharT> parser(str);
return parser.parseTimeZoneIdentifier();
* ParseTimeZoneIdentifier ( identifier )
static auto ParseTimeZoneIdentifier(Handle<JSLinearString*> str) {
JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
if (str->hasLatin1Chars()) {
return ParseTimeZoneIdentifier<Latin1Char>(str->latin1Range(nogc));
return ParseTimeZoneIdentifier<char16_t>(str->twoByteRange(nogc));
* ParseTimeZoneIdentifier ( identifier )
bool js::temporal::ParseTimeZoneIdentifier(
JSContext* cx, Handle<JSString*> str,
MutableHandle<ParsedTimeZone> result) {
Rooted<JSLinearString*> linear(cx, str->ensureLinear(cx));
if (!linear) {
return false;
// Steps 1-2.
auto parseResult = ::ParseTimeZoneIdentifier(linear);
if (parseResult.isErr()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
auto timeZone = parseResult.unwrap();
// Steps 3-4.
return ParseTimeZoneAnnotation(cx, timeZone, linear, result);
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<DateTimeUTCOffset, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::parseDateTimeUTCOffset() {
return parse(utcOffsetSubMinutePrecision());
* ParseDateTimeUTCOffset ( offsetString )
template <typename CharT>
static auto ParseDateTimeUTCOffset(mozilla::Span<const CharT> str) {
TemporalParser<CharT> parser(str);
return parser.parseDateTimeUTCOffset();
* ParseDateTimeUTCOffset ( offsetString )
static auto ParseDateTimeUTCOffset(Handle<JSLinearString*> str) {
JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
if (str->hasLatin1Chars()) {
return ParseDateTimeUTCOffset<Latin1Char>(str->latin1Range(nogc));
return ParseDateTimeUTCOffset<char16_t>(str->twoByteRange(nogc));
* ParseDateTimeUTCOffset ( offsetString )
bool js::temporal::ParseDateTimeUTCOffset(JSContext* cx, Handle<JSString*> str,
int64_t* result) {
Rooted<JSLinearString*> linear(cx, str->ensureLinear(cx));
if (!linear) {
return false;
// Steps 1-2.
auto parseResult = ::ParseDateTimeUTCOffset(linear);
if (parseResult.isErr()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
// Steps 3-21.
*result = ParseDateTimeUTCOffset(parseResult.unwrap());
return true;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<double, ParserError> TemporalParser<CharT>::durationDigits(
JSContext* cx) {
auto d = digits(cx);
if (!d) {
return *d;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<TemporalDurationString, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::parseTemporalDurationString(JSContext* cx) {
// Initialize all fields to zero.
TemporalDurationString result{};
// TemporalDurationString :::
// Duration
// Duration :::
// ASCIISign? DurationDesignator DurationDate
// ASCIISign? DurationDesignator DurationTime
if (hasSign()) {
result.sign = sign();
if (!durationDesignator()) {
// DurationDate :::
// DurationYearsPart DurationTime?
// DurationMonthsPart DurationTime?
// DurationWeeksPart DurationTime?
// DurationDaysPart DurationTime?
do {
if (hasTimeDesignator()) {
double num;
MOZ_TRY_VAR(num, durationDigits(cx));
// DurationYearsPart :::
// DecimalDigits[~Sep] YearsDesignator DurationMonthsPart
// DecimalDigits[~Sep] YearsDesignator DurationWeeksPart
// DecimalDigits[~Sep] YearsDesignator DurationDaysPart?
if (yearsDesignator()) {
result.years = num;
if (reader_.atEnd()) {
return result;
if (hasTimeDesignator()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(num, durationDigits(cx));
// DurationMonthsPart :::
// DecimalDigits[~Sep] MonthsDesignator DurationWeeksPart
// DecimalDigits[~Sep] MonthsDesignator DurationDaysPart?
if (monthsDesignator()) {
result.months = num;
if (reader_.atEnd()) {
return result;
if (hasTimeDesignator()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(num, durationDigits(cx));
// DurationWeeksPart :::
// DecimalDigits[~Sep] WeeksDesignator DurationDaysPart?
if (weeksDesignator()) {
result.weeks = num;
if (reader_.atEnd()) {
return result;
if (hasTimeDesignator()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(num, durationDigits(cx));
// DurationDaysPart :::
// DecimalDigits[~Sep] DaysDesignator
if (daysDesignator()) {
result.days = num;
if (reader_.atEnd()) {
return result;
if (hasTimeDesignator()) {
} while (false);
// DurationTime :::
// TimeDesignator DurationHoursPart
// TimeDesignator DurationMinutesPart
// TimeDesignator DurationSecondsPart
if (!timeDesignator()) {
double num;
MOZ_TRY_VAR(num, durationDigits(cx));
auto frac = fraction();
// DurationHoursPart :::
// DecimalDigits[~Sep] TemporalDecimalFraction HoursDesignator
// DecimalDigits[~Sep] HoursDesignator DurationMinutesPart
// DecimalDigits[~Sep] HoursDesignator DurationSecondsPart?
bool hasHoursFraction = false;
if (hoursDesignator()) {
hasHoursFraction = bool(frac);
result.hours = num;
result.hoursFraction = frac.valueOr(0);
if (reader_.atEnd()) {
return result;
MOZ_TRY_VAR(num, durationDigits(cx));
frac = fraction();
// DurationMinutesPart :::
// DecimalDigits[~Sep] TemporalDecimalFraction MinutesDesignator
// DecimalDigits[~Sep] MinutesDesignator DurationSecondsPart?
bool hasMinutesFraction = false;
if (minutesDesignator()) {
if (hasHoursFraction) {
hasMinutesFraction = bool(frac);
result.minutes = num;
result.minutesFraction = frac.valueOr(0);
if (reader_.atEnd()) {
return result;
MOZ_TRY_VAR(num, durationDigits(cx));
frac = fraction();
// DurationSecondsPart :::
// DecimalDigits[~Sep] TemporalDecimalFraction? SecondsDesignator
if (secondsDesignator()) {
if (hasHoursFraction || hasMinutesFraction) {
result.seconds = num;
result.secondsFraction = frac.valueOr(0);
if (reader_.atEnd()) {
return result;
* ParseTemporalDurationString ( isoString )
template <typename CharT>
static auto ParseTemporalDurationString(JSContext* cx,
mozilla::Span<const CharT> str) {
TemporalParser<CharT> parser(str);
return parser.parseTemporalDurationString(cx);
* ParseTemporalDurationString ( isoString )
static auto ParseTemporalDurationString(JSContext* cx,
Handle<JSLinearString*> str) {
JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
if (str->hasLatin1Chars()) {
return ParseTemporalDurationString<Latin1Char>(cx, str->latin1Range(nogc));
return ParseTemporalDurationString<char16_t>(cx, str->twoByteRange(nogc));
* ParseTemporalDurationString ( isoString )
bool js::temporal::ParseTemporalDurationString(JSContext* cx,
Handle<JSString*> str,
Duration* result) {
Rooted<JSLinearString*> linear(cx, str->ensureLinear(cx));
if (!linear) {
return false;
// Steps 1-3.
auto parseResult = ::ParseTemporalDurationString(cx, linear);
if (parseResult.isErr()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
TemporalDurationString parsed = parseResult.unwrap();
// Steps 4-8.
double years = parsed.years;
double months = parsed.months;
double weeks = parsed.weeks;
double days = parsed.days;
double hours = parsed.hours;
// Steps 9-17.
double minutes, seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds;
if (parsed.hoursFraction) {
MOZ_ASSERT(parsed.hoursFraction > 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(parsed.hoursFraction < 1'000'000'000);
// Step 9.a.
MOZ_ASSERT(parsed.minutes == 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(parsed.minutesFraction == 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(parsed.seconds == 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(parsed.secondsFraction == 0);
// Steps 9.b-d.
int64_t h = int64_t(parsed.hoursFraction) * 60;
minutes = double(h / 1'000'000'000);
// Steps 13 and 15-17.
int64_t min = (h % 1'000'000'000) * 60;
seconds = double(min / 1'000'000'000);
milliseconds = double((min % 1'000'000'000) / 1'000'000);
microseconds = double((min % 1'000'000) / 1'000);
nanoseconds = double(min % 1'000);
// Step 11.
else if (parsed.minutesFraction) {
MOZ_ASSERT(parsed.minutesFraction > 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(parsed.minutesFraction < 1'000'000'000);
// Step 11.a.
MOZ_ASSERT(parsed.seconds == 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(parsed.secondsFraction == 0);
// Step 10.
minutes = parsed.minutes;
// Steps 11.b-d and 15-17.
int64_t min = int64_t(parsed.minutesFraction) * 60;
seconds = double(min / 1'000'000'000);
milliseconds = double((min % 1'000'000'000) / 1'000'000);
microseconds = double((min % 1'000'000) / 1'000);
nanoseconds = double(min % 1'000);
// Step 14.
else if (parsed.secondsFraction) {
MOZ_ASSERT(parsed.secondsFraction > 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(parsed.secondsFraction < 1'000'000'000);
// Step 10.
minutes = parsed.minutes;
// Step 12.
seconds = parsed.seconds;
// Steps 14, 16-17
milliseconds = double(parsed.secondsFraction / 1'000'000);
microseconds = double((parsed.secondsFraction % 1'000'000) / 1'000);
nanoseconds = double(parsed.secondsFraction % 1'000);
} else {
// Step 10.
minutes = parsed.minutes;
// Step 12.
seconds = parsed.seconds;
// Steps 15-17
milliseconds = 0;
microseconds = 0;
nanoseconds = 0;
// Steps 18-19.
int32_t factor = parsed.sign ? parsed.sign : 1;
MOZ_ASSERT(factor == -1 || factor == 1);
// Steps 20-29.
*result = {
(years * factor) + (+0.0), (months * factor) + (+0.0),
(weeks * factor) + (+0.0), (days * factor) + (+0.0),
(hours * factor) + (+0.0), (minutes * factor) + (+0.0),
(seconds * factor) + (+0.0), (milliseconds * factor) + (+0.0),
(microseconds * factor) + (+0.0), (nanoseconds * factor) + (+0.0),
// Steps 30-31.
return ThrowIfInvalidDuration(cx, *result);
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<AnnotationKey, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::annotationKey() {
// AnnotationKey :::
// AKeyLeadingChar
// AnnotationKey AKeyChar
size_t start = reader_.index();
if (!aKeyLeadingChar()) {
// Optionally followed by a sequence of |AKeyChar|.
while (aKeyChar()) {
return AnnotationKey{start, reader_.index() - start};
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<AnnotationValue, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::annotationValue() {
// AnnotationValue :::
// AnnotationValueComponent
// AnnotationValueComponent - AnnotationValue
size_t start = reader_.index();
do {
if (!annotationValueComponent()) {
} while (character('-'));
return AnnotationValue{start, reader_.index() - start};
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<Annotation, ParserError> TemporalParser<CharT>::annotation() {
// Annotation :::
// [ AnnotationCriticalFlag? AnnotationKey = AnnotationValue ]
if (!character('[')) {
Annotation result{};
result.critical = annotationCriticalFlag();
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.key, annotationKey());
if (!character('=')) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.value, annotationValue());
if (!character(']')) {
return result;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<CalendarName, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::annotations() {
// Annotations :::
// Annotation Annotations?
CalendarName calendar;
bool calendarWasCritical = false;
while (hasAnnotationStart()) {
Annotation anno;
MOZ_TRY_VAR(anno, annotation());
auto [key, value, critical] = anno;
static constexpr std::string_view ca = "u-ca";
auto keySpan = reader_.substring(key);
if (keySpan.size() == ca.length() &&
std::equal(ca.begin(), ca.end(), {
if (!calendar.present()) {
calendar = value;
calendarWasCritical = critical;
} else if (critical || calendarWasCritical) {
} else if (critical) {
return calendar;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::annotatedTime() {
// clang-format off
// AnnotatedTime :::
// TimeDesignator Time DateTimeUTCOffset[~Z]? TimeZoneAnnotation? Annotations?
// Time DateTimeUTCOffset[~Z]? TimeZoneAnnotation? Annotations?
// clang-format on
ZonedDateTimeString result{};
size_t start = reader_.index();
bool hasTimeDesignator = timeDesignator();
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.time, time());
if (hasDateTimeUTCOffsetStart()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.timeZone, dateTimeUTCOffset(/* allowZ = */ false));
// Early error if `Time DateTimeUTCOffset[~Z]` can be parsed as either
// `DateSpecMonthDay` or `DateSpecYearMonth`.
if (!hasTimeDesignator) {
size_t end = reader_.index();
auto isValidMonthDay = [](const ISODate& date) {
MOZ_ASSERT(date.year == AbsentYear);
MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= date.month && date.month <= 12);
MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= && <= 31);
constexpr int32_t leapYear = 0;
return <= ISODaysInMonth(leapYear, date.month);
// Reset and check if the input can also be parsed as DateSpecMonthDay.
if (auto monthDay = dateSpecMonthDay(); monthDay.isOk()) {
if (reader_.index() == end && isValidMonthDay(monthDay.unwrap())) {
// Reset and check if the input can also be parsed as DateSpecYearMonth.
if (dateSpecYearMonth().isOk()) {
if (reader_.index() == end) {
// Input can neither be parsed as DateSpecMonthDay nor DateSpecYearMonth.
if (hasTimeZoneAnnotationStart()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.timeZone.annotation, timeZoneAnnotation());
if (hasAnnotationStart()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.calendar, annotations());
return result;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::annotatedDateTime() {
// AnnotatedDateTime[Zoned, TimeRequired] :::
// [~Zoned] DateTime[~Z, ?TimeRequired] TimeZoneAnnotation? Annotations?
// [+Zoned] DateTime[+Z, ?TimeRequired] TimeZoneAnnotation Annotations?
// When called as `AnnotatedDateTime[~Zoned, ~TimeRequired]`.
ZonedDateTimeString result;
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result, dateTime(/* allowZ = */ false));
if (hasTimeZoneAnnotationStart()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.timeZone.annotation, timeZoneAnnotation());
if (hasAnnotationStart()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.calendar, annotations());
return result;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::annotatedDateTimeTimeRequired() {
// AnnotatedDateTime[Zoned, TimeRequired] :::
// [~Zoned] DateTime[~Z, ?TimeRequired] TimeZoneAnnotation? Annotations?
// [+Zoned] DateTime[+Z, ?TimeRequired] TimeZoneAnnotation Annotations?
// DateTime[Z, TimeRequired] :::
// [~TimeRequired] Date
// Date DateTimeSeparator Time DateTimeUTCOffset[?Z]?
// When called as `AnnotatedDateTime[~Zoned, +TimeRequired]`.
ZonedDateTimeString result{};
MOZ_TRY_VAR(, date());
if (!dateTimeSeparator()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.time, time());
if (hasDateTimeUTCOffsetStart()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.timeZone, dateTimeUTCOffset(/* allowZ = */ false));
if (hasTimeZoneAnnotationStart()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.timeZone.annotation, timeZoneAnnotation());
if (hasAnnotationStart()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.calendar, annotations());
return result;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::annotatedYearMonth() {
// AnnotatedYearMonth :::
// DateSpecYearMonth TimeZoneAnnotation? Annotations?
ZonedDateTimeString result{};
MOZ_TRY_VAR(, dateSpecYearMonth());
if (hasTimeZoneAnnotationStart()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.timeZone.annotation, timeZoneAnnotation());
if (hasAnnotationStart()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.calendar, annotations());
return result;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::annotatedMonthDay() {
// AnnotatedMonthDay :::
// DateSpecMonthDay TimeZoneAnnotation? Annotations?
ZonedDateTimeString result{};
MOZ_TRY_VAR(, dateSpecMonthDay());
if (hasTimeZoneAnnotationStart()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.timeZone.annotation, timeZoneAnnotation());
if (hasAnnotationStart()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.calendar, annotations());
return result;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<ISODate, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::dateSpecYearMonth() {
// DateSpecYearMonth :::
// DateYear DateSeparator[+Extended] DateMonth
// DateYear DateSeparator[~Extended] DateMonth
ISODate result{};
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.year, dateYear());
// Optional |DateSeparator|.
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.month, dateMonth());
return result;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<ISODate, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::dateSpecMonthDay() {
// DateSpecMonthDay :::
// --? DateMonth DateSeparator[+Extended] DateDay
// --? DateMonth DateSeparator[~Extended] DateDay
ISODate result{};
// Optional: --
result.year = AbsentYear;
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.month, dateMonth());
// Optional |DateSeparator|.
MOZ_TRY_VAR(, dateDay());
return result;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::parseTemporalCalendarString() {
// Handle the common case of a standalone calendar name first.
// All valid calendar names start with two alphabetic characters and none of
// the ParseISODateTime parse goals can start with two alphabetic characters.
// TemporalTimeString can start with 'T', so we can't only check the first
// character.
if (hasTwoAsciiAlpha()) {
ZonedDateTimeString result{};
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.calendar, parse(annotationValue()));
return result;
// Try all five parse goals from ParseISODateTime in order.
// TemporalDateTimeString
// TemporalInstantString
// TemporalTimeString
// TemporalMonthDayString
// TemporalYearMonthString
if (auto dt = parseTemporalDateTimeString(); dt.isOk()) {
return dt.unwrap();
// Restart parsing from the start of the string.
if (auto dt = parseTemporalInstantString(); dt.isOk()) {
return dt.unwrap();
// Restart parsing from the start of the string.
if (auto dt = parseTemporalTimeString(); dt.isOk()) {
return dt.unwrap();
// Restart parsing from the start of the string.
if (auto dt = parseTemporalMonthDayString(); dt.isOk()) {
return dt.unwrap();
// Restart parsing from the start of the string.
if (auto dt = parseTemporalYearMonthString(); dt.isOk()) {
return dt.unwrap();
} else {
return dt.propagateErr();
* ParseTemporalCalendarString ( isoString )
template <typename CharT>
static auto ParseTemporalCalendarString(mozilla::Span<const CharT> str) {
TemporalParser<CharT> parser(str);
return parser.parseTemporalCalendarString();
* ParseTemporalCalendarString ( isoString )
static auto ParseTemporalCalendarString(Handle<JSLinearString*> str) {
JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
if (str->hasLatin1Chars()) {
return ParseTemporalCalendarString<Latin1Char>(str->latin1Range(nogc));
return ParseTemporalCalendarString<char16_t>(str->twoByteRange(nogc));
* ParseTemporalCalendarString ( isoString )
JSLinearString* js::temporal::ParseTemporalCalendarString(
JSContext* cx, Handle<JSString*> str) {
Rooted<JSLinearString*> linear(cx, str->ensureLinear(cx));
if (!linear) {
return nullptr;
// Steps 1 and 3.a.
auto parseResult = ::ParseTemporalCalendarString(linear);
if (parseResult.isErr()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return nullptr;
ZonedDateTimeString parsed = parseResult.unwrap();
ISODateTime unused;
if (!ParseISODateTime(cx, parsed, &unused)) {
return nullptr;
// Step 2.b.
if (!parsed.calendar.present()) {
return cx->names().iso8601;
// Steps 2.c and 3.c
return ToString(cx, linear, parsed.calendar);
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::parseTemporalTimeString() {
// TemporalTimeString :::
// AnnotatedTime
// AnnotatedDateTime[~Zoned, +TimeRequired]
if (auto time = parse(annotatedTime()); time.isOk()) {
return time;
// Reset and try the next option.
return parse(annotatedDateTimeTimeRequired());
* ParseTemporalTimeString ( isoString )
template <typename CharT>
static auto ParseTemporalTimeString(mozilla::Span<const CharT> str) {
TemporalParser<CharT> parser(str);
return parser.parseTemporalTimeString();
* ParseTemporalTimeString ( isoString )
static auto ParseTemporalTimeString(Handle<JSLinearString*> str) {
JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
if (str->hasLatin1Chars()) {
return ParseTemporalTimeString<Latin1Char>(str->latin1Range(nogc));
return ParseTemporalTimeString<char16_t>(str->twoByteRange(nogc));
* ParseTemporalTimeString ( isoString )
bool js::temporal::ParseTemporalTimeString(JSContext* cx, Handle<JSString*> str,
Time* result) {
Rooted<JSLinearString*> linear(cx, str->ensureLinear(cx));
if (!linear) {
return false;
// Steps 1-2.
auto parseResult = ::ParseTemporalTimeString(linear);
if (parseResult.isErr()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
ZonedDateTimeString parsed = parseResult.unwrap();
// Step 3.
ISODateTime dateTime;
if (!ParseISODateTime(cx, parsed, &dateTime)) {
return false;
*result = dateTime.time;
// Step 4.
// Step 5.
return true;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::parseTemporalMonthDayString() {
// TemporalMonthDayString :::
// AnnotatedMonthDay
// AnnotatedDateTime[~Zoned, ~TimeRequired]
if (auto monthDay = parse(annotatedMonthDay()); monthDay.isOk()) {
auto result = monthDay.unwrap();
// ParseISODateTime, step 3.
if (result.calendar.present() &&
!IsISO8601Calendar(reader_.substring(result.calendar))) {
return result;
// Reset and try the next option.
return parse(annotatedDateTime());
* ParseTemporalMonthDayString ( isoString )
template <typename CharT>
static auto ParseTemporalMonthDayString(mozilla::Span<const CharT> str) {
TemporalParser<CharT> parser(str);
return parser.parseTemporalMonthDayString();
* ParseTemporalMonthDayString ( isoString )
static auto ParseTemporalMonthDayString(Handle<JSLinearString*> str) {
JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
if (str->hasLatin1Chars()) {
return ParseTemporalMonthDayString<Latin1Char>(str->latin1Range(nogc));
return ParseTemporalMonthDayString<char16_t>(str->twoByteRange(nogc));
* ParseTemporalMonthDayString ( isoString )
bool js::temporal::ParseTemporalMonthDayString(
JSContext* cx, Handle<JSString*> str, ISODate* result, bool* hasYear,
MutableHandle<JSString*> calendar) {
Rooted<JSLinearString*> linear(cx, str->ensureLinear(cx));
if (!linear) {
return false;
// Steps 1-2 .
auto parseResult = ::ParseTemporalMonthDayString(linear);
if (parseResult.isErr()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
ZonedDateTimeString parsed = parseResult.unwrap();
// Step 3.
ISODateTime dateTime;
if (!ParseISODateTime(cx, parsed, &dateTime)) {
return false;
*result =;
// Steps 4-5.
*hasYear = != AbsentYear;
if (parsed.calendar.present()) {
calendar.set(ToString(cx, linear, parsed.calendar));
if (!calendar) {
return false;
// Step 6.
return true;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::parseTemporalYearMonthString() {
// TemporalYearMonthString :::
// AnnotatedYearMonth
// AnnotatedDateTime[~Zoned, ~TimeRequired]
if (auto yearMonth = parse(annotatedYearMonth()); yearMonth.isOk()) {
auto result = yearMonth.unwrap();
// ParseISODateTime, step 3.
if (result.calendar.present() &&
!IsISO8601Calendar(reader_.substring(result.calendar))) {
return mozilla::Err(
return result;
// Reset and try the next option.
return parse(annotatedDateTime());
* ParseTemporalYearMonthString ( isoString )
template <typename CharT>
static auto ParseTemporalYearMonthString(mozilla::Span<const CharT> str) {
TemporalParser<CharT> parser(str);
return parser.parseTemporalYearMonthString();
* ParseTemporalYearMonthString ( isoString )
static auto ParseTemporalYearMonthString(Handle<JSLinearString*> str) {
JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
if (str->hasLatin1Chars()) {
return ParseTemporalYearMonthString<Latin1Char>(str->latin1Range(nogc));
return ParseTemporalYearMonthString<char16_t>(str->twoByteRange(nogc));
* ParseTemporalYearMonthString ( isoString )
bool js::temporal::ParseTemporalYearMonthString(
JSContext* cx, Handle<JSString*> str, ISODate* result,
MutableHandle<JSString*> calendar) {
Rooted<JSLinearString*> linear(cx, str->ensureLinear(cx));
if (!linear) {
return false;
// Steps 1-2.
auto parseResult = ::ParseTemporalYearMonthString(linear);
if (parseResult.isErr()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
ZonedDateTimeString parsed = parseResult.unwrap();
// Step 3.
ISODateTime dateTime;
if (!ParseISODateTime(cx, parsed, &dateTime)) {
return false;
*result =;
if (parsed.calendar.present()) {
calendar.set(ToString(cx, linear, parsed.calendar));
if (!calendar) {
return false;
return true;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::parseTemporalDateTimeString() {
// TemporalDateTimeString[Zoned] :::
// AnnotatedDateTime[?Zoned, ~TimeRequired]
return parse(annotatedDateTime());
* ParseTemporalDateTimeString ( isoString )
template <typename CharT>
static auto ParseTemporalDateTimeString(mozilla::Span<const CharT> str) {
TemporalParser<CharT> parser(str);
return parser.parseTemporalDateTimeString();
* ParseTemporalDateTimeString ( isoString )
static auto ParseTemporalDateTimeString(Handle<JSLinearString*> str) {
JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
if (str->hasLatin1Chars()) {
return ParseTemporalDateTimeString<Latin1Char>(str->latin1Range(nogc));
return ParseTemporalDateTimeString<char16_t>(str->twoByteRange(nogc));
* ParseTemporalDateTimeString ( isoString )
bool js::temporal::ParseTemporalDateTimeString(
JSContext* cx, Handle<JSString*> str, ISODateTime* result,
MutableHandle<JSString*> calendar) {
Rooted<JSLinearString*> linear(cx, str->ensureLinear(cx));
if (!linear) {
return false;
// Steps 1-2.
auto parseResult = ::ParseTemporalDateTimeString(linear);
if (parseResult.isErr()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
ZonedDateTimeString parsed = parseResult.unwrap();
// Step 3.
if (!ParseISODateTime(cx, parsed, result)) {
return false;
if (parsed.calendar.present()) {
calendar.set(ToString(cx, linear, parsed.calendar));
if (!calendar) {
return false;
return true;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::parseTemporalZonedDateTimeString() {
// Parse goal: TemporalDateTimeString[+Zoned]
// TemporalDateTimeString[Zoned] :::
// AnnotatedDateTime[?Zoned, ~TimeRequired]
// AnnotatedDateTime[Zoned, TimeRequired] :::
// [~Zoned] DateTime[~Z, ?TimeRequired] TimeZoneAnnotation? Annotations?
// [+Zoned] DateTime[+Z, ?TimeRequired] TimeZoneAnnotation Annotations?
ZonedDateTimeString result{};
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result, dateTime(/* allowZ = */ true));
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.timeZone.annotation, timeZoneAnnotation());
if (hasAnnotationStart()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.calendar, annotations());
return complete(result);
* ParseTemporalZonedDateTimeString ( isoString )
template <typename CharT>
static auto ParseTemporalZonedDateTimeString(mozilla::Span<const CharT> str) {
TemporalParser<CharT> parser(str);
return parser.parseTemporalZonedDateTimeString();
* ParseTemporalZonedDateTimeString ( isoString )
static auto ParseTemporalZonedDateTimeString(Handle<JSLinearString*> str) {
JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
if (str->hasLatin1Chars()) {
return ParseTemporalZonedDateTimeString<Latin1Char>(str->latin1Range(nogc));
return ParseTemporalZonedDateTimeString<char16_t>(str->twoByteRange(nogc));
* ParseTemporalZonedDateTimeString ( isoString )
bool js::temporal::ParseTemporalZonedDateTimeString(
JSContext* cx, Handle<JSString*> str,
JS::MutableHandle<ParsedZonedDateTime> result) {
Rooted<JSLinearString*> linear(cx, str->ensureLinear(cx));
if (!linear) {
return false;
// Step 1.
auto parseResult = ::ParseTemporalZonedDateTimeString(linear);
if (parseResult.isErr()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
ZonedDateTimeString parsed = parseResult.unwrap();
// Step 2. (ParseISODateTime, steps 2-3.)
Rooted<JSLinearString*> calendar(cx);
if (parsed.calendar.present()) {
calendar = ToString(cx, linear, parsed.calendar);
if (!calendar) {
return false;
// Step 2. (ParseISODateTime, steps 4-21.)
ISODateTime dateTime;
if (!ParseISODateTime(cx, parsed, &dateTime)) {
return false;
// Step 2. (ParseISODateTime, steps 22-23.)
bool isStartOfDay = parsed.startOfDay;
// Step 2. (ParseISODateTime, steps 24-27.)
bool isUTC;
bool hasOffset;
int64_t timeZoneOffset;
Rooted<ParsedTimeZone> timeZoneAnnotation(cx);
// Case 1: 19700101T00:00Z[+02:00]
// { [[Z]]: true, [[OffsetString]]: undefined, [[Name]]: "+02:00" }
// Case 2: 19700101T00:00+02:00[+02:00]
// { [[Z]]: false, [[OffsetString]]: "+02:00", [[Name]]: "+02:00" }
// Case 3: 19700101[+02:00]
// { [[Z]]: false, [[OffsetString]]: undefined, [[Name]]: "+02:00" }
// Case 4: 19700101T00:00Z[Europe/Berlin]
// { [[Z]]: true, [[OffsetString]]: undefined, [[Name]]: "Europe/Berlin" }
// Case 5: 19700101T00:00+01:00[Europe/Berlin]
// { [[Z]]: false, [[OffsetString]]: "+01:00", [[Name]]: "Europe/Berlin" }
// Case 6: 19700101[Europe/Berlin]
// { [[Z]]: false, [[OffsetString]]: undefined, [[Name]]: "Europe/Berlin" }
const auto& annotation = parsed.timeZone.annotation;
if (!ParseTimeZoneAnnotation(cx, annotation, linear, &timeZoneAnnotation)) {
return false;
if (parsed.timeZone.isUTC()) {
isUTC = true;
hasOffset = false;
timeZoneOffset = 0;
} else if (parsed.timeZone.hasOffset()) {
isUTC = false;
hasOffset = true;
timeZoneOffset = ParseDateTimeUTCOffset(parsed.timeZone.offset);
} else {
isUTC = false;
hasOffset = false;
timeZoneOffset = 0;
// Step 2. (ParseISODateTime, step 28.)
return true;
template <typename CharT>
mozilla::Result<ZonedDateTimeString, ParserError>
TemporalParser<CharT>::parseTemporalRelativeToString() {
// Parse goals:
// TemporalDateTimeString[+Zoned] and TemporalDateTimeString[~Zoned]
// TemporalDateTimeString[Zoned] :::
// AnnotatedDateTime[?Zoned, ~TimeRequired]
// AnnotatedDateTime[Zoned, TimeRequired] :::
// [~Zoned] DateTime[~Z, ?TimeRequired] TimeZoneAnnotation? Annotations?
// [+Zoned] DateTime[+Z, ?TimeRequired] TimeZoneAnnotation Annotations?
ZonedDateTimeString result{};
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result, dateTime(/* allowZ = */ true));
if (hasTimeZoneAnnotationStart()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.timeZone.annotation, timeZoneAnnotation());
if (hasAnnotationStart()) {
MOZ_TRY_VAR(result.calendar, annotations());
return complete(result);
* ParseTemporalRelativeToString ( isoString )
template <typename CharT>
static auto ParseTemporalRelativeToString(mozilla::Span<const CharT> str) {
TemporalParser<CharT> parser(str);
return parser.parseTemporalRelativeToString();
* ParseTemporalRelativeToString ( isoString )
static auto ParseTemporalRelativeToString(Handle<JSLinearString*> str) {
JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
if (str->hasLatin1Chars()) {
return ParseTemporalRelativeToString<Latin1Char>(str->latin1Range(nogc));
return ParseTemporalRelativeToString<char16_t>(str->twoByteRange(nogc));
* ParseTemporalRelativeToString ( isoString )
bool js::temporal::ParseTemporalRelativeToString(
JSContext* cx, Handle<JSString*> str,
MutableHandle<ParsedZonedDateTime> result) {
Rooted<JSLinearString*> linear(cx, str->ensureLinear(cx));
if (!linear) {
return false;
// Steps 1-2.
auto parseResult = ::ParseTemporalRelativeToString(linear);
if (parseResult.isErr()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
ZonedDateTimeString parsed = parseResult.unwrap();
// Step 3.
if (parsed.timeZone.isUTC() && !parsed.timeZone.hasAnnotation()) {
cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
// Step 4. (ParseISODateTime, steps 1-18.)
ISODateTime dateTime;
if (!ParseISODateTime(cx, parsed, &dateTime)) {
return false;
bool isStartOfDay = parsed.startOfDay;
// Step 4. (ParseISODateTime, steps 19-22.)
bool isUTC;
bool hasOffset;
int64_t timeZoneOffset;
Rooted<ParsedTimeZone> timeZoneAnnotation(cx);
if (parsed.timeZone.hasAnnotation()) {
// Case 1: 19700101Z[+02:00]
// { [[Z]]: true, [[OffsetString]]: undefined, [[Name]]: "+02:00" }
// Case 2: 19700101+00:00[+02:00]
// { [[Z]]: false, [[OffsetString]]: "+00:00", [[Name]]: "+02:00" }
// Case 3: 19700101[+02:00]
// { [[Z]]: false, [[OffsetString]]: undefined, [[Name]]: "+02:00" }
// Case 4: 19700101Z[Europe/Berlin]
// { [[Z]]: true, [[OffsetString]]: undefined, [[Name]]: "Europe/Berlin" }
// Case 5: 19700101+00:00[Europe/Berlin]
// { [[Z]]: false, [[OffsetString]]: "+00:00", [[Name]]: "Europe/Berlin" }
// Case 6: 19700101[Europe/Berlin]
// { [[Z]]: false, [[OffsetString]]: undefined, [[Name]]: "Europe/Berlin" }
const auto& annotation = parsed.timeZone.annotation;
if (!ParseTimeZoneAnnotation(cx, annotation, linear, &timeZoneAnnotation)) {
return false;
if (parsed.timeZone.isUTC()) {
isUTC = true;
hasOffset = false;
timeZoneOffset = 0;
} else if (parsed.timeZone.hasOffset()) {
isUTC = false;
hasOffset = true;
timeZoneOffset = ParseDateTimeUTCOffset(parsed.timeZone.offset);
} else {
isUTC = false;
hasOffset = false;
timeZoneOffset = 0;
} else {
// GetTemporalRelativeToOption ignores any other time zone information when
// no bracketed time zone annotation is present.
isUTC = false;
hasOffset = false;
timeZoneOffset = 0;
// Step 4. (ParseISODateTime, steps 23-24.)
JSLinearString* calendar = nullptr;
if (parsed.calendar.present()) {
calendar = ToString(cx, linear, parsed.calendar);
if (!calendar) {
return false;
// Step 4. (Return)
return true;
void js::temporal::ParsedTimeZone::trace(JSTracer* trc) {
TraceNullableRoot(trc, &name, "ParsedTimeZone::name");
void js::temporal::ParsedZonedDateTime::trace(JSTracer* trc) {
TraceNullableRoot(trc, &calendar, "ParsedZonedDateTime::calendar");