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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#ifndef builtin_temporal_CalendarFields_h
#define builtin_temporal_CalendarFields_h
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/EnumSet.h"
#include "mozilla/EnumTypeTraits.h"
#include "mozilla/FloatingPoint.h"
#include <cmath>
#include "jstypes.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/Calendar.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/MonthCode.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/TemporalUnit.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/TimeZone.h"
#include "js/RootingAPI.h"
#include "js/TypeDecls.h"
#include "js/Value.h"
class JS_PUBLIC_API JSTracer;
namespace js::temporal {
// NB: The fields must be sorted alphabetically!
enum class CalendarField {
class MonthCodeField final {
// Packed representation for ordinal month (31 bits) and leap month (1 bit).
uint32_t code_ = 0;
MonthCodeField() = default;
MonthCodeField(int32_t ordinal, bool isLeapMonth)
: code_((ordinal << 1) | isLeapMonth) {
MOZ_ASSERT(ordinal >= 0);
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(ordinal == 0, isLeapMonth);
MOZ_IMPLICIT MonthCodeField(MonthCode monthCode)
: MonthCodeField(monthCode.ordinal(), monthCode.isLeapMonth()) {}
int32_t ordinal() const { return (code_ >> 1); }
bool isLeapMonth() const { return bool(code_ & 1); }
class OffsetField final {
int64_t offset_ = INT64_MIN;
OffsetField() = default;
explicit OffsetField(int64_t offset) : offset_(offset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(std::abs(offset) < ToNanoseconds(TemporalUnit::Day));
explicit operator int64_t() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(offset_ != INT64_MIN);
return offset_;
// Default values are specified in [1]. `UNSET` is replaced with an appropriate
// value based on the type, for example `double` fields use NaN whereas pointer
// fields use nullptr.
// [1]
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS CalendarFields final {
mozilla::EnumSet<CalendarField> fields_ = {};
JSString* era_ = nullptr;
double eraYear_ = mozilla::UnspecifiedNaN<double>();
double year_ = mozilla::UnspecifiedNaN<double>();
double month_ = mozilla::UnspecifiedNaN<double>();
MonthCodeField monthCode_ = {};
double day_ = mozilla::UnspecifiedNaN<double>();
double hour_ = 0;
double minute_ = 0;
double second_ = 0;
double millisecond_ = 0;
double microsecond_ = 0;
double nanosecond_ = 0;
OffsetField offset_ = {};
TimeZoneValue timeZone_ = {};
CalendarFields() = default;
CalendarFields(const CalendarFields&) = default;
auto* era() const { return era_; }
auto eraYear() const { return eraYear_; }
auto year() const { return year_; }
auto month() const { return month_; }
auto monthCode() const { return monthCode_; }
auto day() const { return day_; }
auto hour() const { return hour_; }
auto minute() const { return minute_; }
auto second() const { return second_; }
auto millisecond() const { return millisecond_; }
auto microsecond() const { return microsecond_; }
auto nanosecond() const { return nanosecond_; }
auto offset() const { return offset_; }
auto& timeZone() const { return timeZone_; }
void setEra(JSString* era) {
fields_ += CalendarField::Era;
era_ = era;
void setEraYear(double eraYear) {
fields_ += CalendarField::EraYear;
eraYear_ = eraYear;
void setYear(double year) {
fields_ += CalendarField::Year;
year_ = year;
void setMonth(double month) {
fields_ += CalendarField::Month;
month_ = month;
void setMonthCode(MonthCodeField monthCode) {
fields_ += CalendarField::MonthCode;
monthCode_ = monthCode;
void setDay(double day) {
fields_ += CalendarField::Day;
day_ = day;
void setHour(double hour) {
fields_ += CalendarField::Hour;
hour_ = hour;
void setMinute(double minute) {
fields_ += CalendarField::Minute;
minute_ = minute;
void setSecond(double second) {
fields_ += CalendarField::Second;
second_ = second;
void setMillisecond(double millisecond) {
fields_ += CalendarField::Millisecond;
millisecond_ = millisecond;
void setMicrosecond(double microsecond) {
fields_ += CalendarField::Microsecond;
microsecond_ = microsecond;
void setNanosecond(double nanosecond) {
fields_ += CalendarField::Nanosecond;
nanosecond_ = nanosecond;
void setOffset(OffsetField offset) {
fields_ += CalendarField::Offset;
offset_ = offset;
void setTimeZone(const TimeZoneValue& timeZone) {
fields_ += CalendarField::TimeZone;
timeZone_ = timeZone;
* Return `true` if the field is present.
bool has(CalendarField field) const { return fields_.contains(field); }
* Return the set of all present fields.
mozilla::EnumSet<CalendarField> keys() const { return fields_; }
* Mark that `field` is present, but uses its default value. The field must
* not already be present in `this`.
void setDefault(CalendarField field) {
// Field whose default value is not UNSET.
static constexpr mozilla::EnumSet<CalendarField> notUnsetDefault = {
CalendarField::Hour, CalendarField::Minute,
CalendarField::Second, CalendarField::Millisecond,
CalendarField::Microsecond, CalendarField::Nanosecond,
// Fields whose default value is UNSET are ignored.
if (notUnsetDefault.contains(field)) {
fields_ += field;
* Set `field` from `source`. The field must be present in `source`.
void setFrom(CalendarField field, const CalendarFields& source);
// Helper methods for WrappedPtrOperations.
auto eraDoNotUse() const { return &era_; }
auto timeZoneDoNotUse() const { return &timeZone_; }
// Trace implementation.
void trace(JSTracer* trc);
} // namespace js::temporal
namespace js {
template <typename Wrapper>
class WrappedPtrOperations<temporal::CalendarFields, Wrapper> {
const temporal::CalendarFields& container() const {
return static_cast<const Wrapper*>(this)->get();
JS::Handle<JSString*> era() const {
return JS::Handle<JSString*>::fromMarkedLocation(container().eraDoNotUse());
double eraYear() const { return container().eraYear(); }
double year() const { return container().year(); }
double month() const { return container().month(); }
temporal::MonthCodeField monthCode() const { return container().monthCode(); }
double day() const { return container().day(); }
double hour() const { return container().hour(); }
double minute() const { return container().minute(); }
double second() const { return container().second(); }
double millisecond() const { return container().millisecond(); }
double microsecond() const { return container().microsecond(); }
double nanosecond() const { return container().nanosecond(); }
temporal::OffsetField offset() const { return container().offset(); }
JS::Handle<temporal::TimeZoneValue> timeZone() const {
return JS::Handle<temporal::TimeZoneValue>::fromMarkedLocation(
bool has(temporal::CalendarField field) const {
return container().has(field);
auto keys() const { return container().keys(); }
template <typename Wrapper>
class MutableWrappedPtrOperations<temporal::CalendarFields, Wrapper>
: public WrappedPtrOperations<temporal::CalendarFields, Wrapper> {
temporal::CalendarFields& container() {
return static_cast<Wrapper*>(this)->get();
void setEra(JSString* era) { container().setEra(era); }
void setEraYear(double eraYear) { container().setEraYear(eraYear); }
void setYear(double year) { container().setYear(year); }
void setMonth(double month) { container().setMonth(month); }
void setMonthCode(temporal::MonthCodeField monthCode) {
void setDay(double day) { container().setDay(day); }
void setHour(double hour) { container().setHour(hour); }
void setMinute(double minute) { container().setMinute(minute); }
void setSecond(double second) { container().setSecond(second); }
void setMillisecond(double millisecond) {
void setMicrosecond(double microsecond) {
void setNanosecond(double nanosecond) {
void setOffset(temporal::OffsetField offset) {
void setTimeZone(const temporal::TimeZoneValue& timeZone) {
void setDefault(temporal::CalendarField field) {
} // namespace js
namespace js::temporal {
class PlainDate;
class PlainDateTime;
class PlainMonthDay;
class PlainYearMonth;
* PrepareCalendarFields ( calendar, fields, calendarFieldNames,
* nonCalendarFieldNames, requiredFieldNames )
bool PrepareCalendarFields(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
JS::Handle<JSObject*> fields,
mozilla::EnumSet<CalendarField> fieldNames,
mozilla::EnumSet<CalendarField> requiredFields,
JS::MutableHandle<CalendarFields> result);
* PrepareCalendarFields ( calendar, fields, calendarFieldNames,
* nonCalendarFieldNames, requiredFieldNames )
inline bool PrepareCalendarFields(JSContext* cx,
JS::Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
JS::Handle<JSObject*> fields,
mozilla::EnumSet<CalendarField> fieldNames,
JS::MutableHandle<CalendarFields> result) {
return PrepareCalendarFields(cx, calendar, fields, fieldNames, {}, result);
* PrepareCalendarFields ( calendar, fields, calendarFieldNames,
* nonCalendarFieldNames, requiredFieldNames )
bool PreparePartialCalendarFields(JSContext* cx,
JS::Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
JS::Handle<JSObject*> fields,
mozilla::EnumSet<CalendarField> fieldNames,
JS::MutableHandle<CalendarFields> result);
* CalendarMergeFields ( calendar, fields, additionalFields )
CalendarFields CalendarMergeFields(const CalendarValue& calendar,
const CalendarFields& fields,
const CalendarFields& additionalFields);
* ISODateToFields ( calendar, isoDate, type )
bool ISODateToFields(JSContext* cx, Handle<PlainDate> date,
MutableHandle<CalendarFields> result);
* ISODateToFields ( calendar, isoDate, type )
bool ISODateToFields(JSContext* cx, Handle<PlainDateTime> dateTime,
MutableHandle<CalendarFields> result);
* ISODateToFields ( calendar, isoDate, type )
bool ISODateToFields(JSContext* cx, Handle<PlainMonthDay> monthDay,
MutableHandle<CalendarFields> result);
* ISODateToFields ( calendar, isoDate, type )
bool ISODateToFields(JSContext* cx, Handle<PlainYearMonth> yearMonth,
MutableHandle<CalendarFields> result);
} /* namespace js::temporal */
namespace mozilla {
template <>
struct MaxContiguousEnumValue<js::temporal::CalendarField> {
static constexpr auto value = js::temporal::CalendarField::Year;
} // namespace mozilla
#endif /* builtin_temporal_CalendarFields_h */