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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "builtin/temporal/Calendar.h"
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/EnumSet.h"
#include "mozilla/FloatingPoint.h"
#include "mozilla/intl/ICU4XGeckoDataProvider.h"
#include "mozilla/intl/Locale.h"
#include "mozilla/Likely.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/Range.h"
#include "mozilla/Result.h"
#include "mozilla/ResultVariant.h"
#include "mozilla/Span.h"
#include "mozilla/TextUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <iterator>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <utility>
#include "diplomat_runtime.h"
#include "ICU4XAnyCalendarKind.h"
#include "ICU4XCalendar.h"
#include "ICU4XDate.h"
#include "ICU4XIsoDate.h"
#include "ICU4XIsoWeekday.h"
#include "ICU4XWeekCalculator.h"
#include "ICU4XWeekOf.h"
#include "ICU4XWeekRelativeUnit.h"
#include "jsfriendapi.h"
#include "jsnum.h"
#include "jspubtd.h"
#include "jstypes.h"
#include "NamespaceImports.h"
#include "builtin/Array.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/CalendarFields.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/Crash.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/Duration.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/Era.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/MonthCode.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/PlainDate.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/PlainDateTime.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/PlainMonthDay.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/PlainTime.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/PlainYearMonth.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/Temporal.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/TemporalParser.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/TemporalTypes.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/TemporalUnit.h"
#include "builtin/temporal/ZonedDateTime.h"
#include "gc/AllocKind.h"
#include "gc/Barrier.h"
#include "gc/GCEnum.h"
#include "gc/Tracer.h"
#include "js/AllocPolicy.h"
#include "js/CallArgs.h"
#include "js/CallNonGenericMethod.h"
#include "js/Class.h"
#include "js/Conversions.h"
#include "js/ErrorReport.h"
#include "js/ForOfIterator.h"
#include "js/friend/ErrorMessages.h"
#include "js/GCAPI.h"
#include "js/GCHashTable.h"
#include "js/GCVector.h"
#include "js/Id.h"
#include "js/Printer.h"
#include "js/PropertyDescriptor.h"
#include "js/PropertySpec.h"
#include "js/RootingAPI.h"
#include "js/TracingAPI.h"
#include "js/Value.h"
#include "util/Text.h"
#include "vm/ArrayObject.h"
#include "vm/BytecodeUtil.h"
#include "vm/Compartment.h"
#include "vm/GlobalObject.h"
#include "vm/Interpreter.h"
#include "vm/JSAtomState.h"
#include "vm/JSContext.h"
#include "vm/JSObject.h"
#include "vm/PropertyInfo.h"
#include "vm/PropertyKey.h"
#include "vm/Realm.h"
#include "vm/Shape.h"
#include "vm/Stack.h"
#include "vm/StringType.h"
#include "vm/Compartment-inl.h"
#include "vm/JSAtomUtils-inl.h"
#include "vm/JSObject-inl.h"
#include "vm/NativeObject-inl.h"
#include "vm/ObjectOperations-inl.h"
using namespace js;
using namespace js::temporal;
void js::temporal::CalendarValue::trace(JSTracer* trc) {
TraceRoot(trc, &value_, "CalendarValue::value");
bool js::temporal::WrapCalendarValue(JSContext* cx,
MutableHandle<JS::Value> calendar) {
return cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, calendar);
* IsISOLeapYear ( year )
static constexpr bool IsISOLeapYear(int32_t year) {
// Steps 1-5.
return (year % 4 == 0) && ((year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0));
* ISODaysInYear ( year )
static int32_t ISODaysInYear(int32_t year) {
// Steps 1-3.
return IsISOLeapYear(year) ? 366 : 365;
* ISODaysInMonth ( year, month )
static constexpr int32_t ISODaysInMonth(int32_t year, int32_t month) {
MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= month && month <= 12);
constexpr uint8_t daysInMonth[2][13] = {
{0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31},
{0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}};
// Steps 1-4.
return daysInMonth[IsISOLeapYear(year)][month];
* ISODaysInMonth ( year, month )
int32_t js::temporal::ISODaysInMonth(int32_t year, int32_t month) {
return ::ISODaysInMonth(year, month);
* Week Day
* Compute the week day from |day| without first expanding |day| into a full
* date through |MakeDate(day, 0)|:
* WeekDay(MakeDate(day, 0))
* = WeekDay(day × msPerDay + 0)
* = WeekDay(day × msPerDay)
* = 𝔽(ℝ(Day(day × msPerDay) + 4𝔽) modulo 7)
* = 𝔽(ℝ(𝔽(floor(ℝ((day × msPerDay) / msPerDay))) + 4𝔽) modulo 7)
* = 𝔽(ℝ(𝔽(floor(ℝ(day))) + 4𝔽) modulo 7)
* = 𝔽(ℝ(𝔽(day) + 4𝔽) modulo 7)
static int32_t WeekDay(int32_t day) {
int32_t result = (day + 4) % 7;
if (result < 0) {
result += 7;
return result;
* ToISODayOfWeek ( year, month, day )
static int32_t ToISODayOfWeek(const ISODate& date) {
// Steps 1-3. (Not applicable in our implementation.)
// TODO: Check if ES MakeDate + WeekDay is efficient enough.
// Step 4.
int32_t day = MakeDay(date);
// Step 5.
int32_t weekday = WeekDay(day);
return weekday != 0 ? weekday : 7;
static constexpr auto FirstDayOfMonth(int32_t year) {
// The following array contains the day of year for the first day of each
// month, where index 0 is January, and day 0 is January 1.
std::array<int32_t, 13> days = {};
for (int32_t month = 1; month <= 12; ++month) {
days[month] = days[month - 1] + ::ISODaysInMonth(year, month);
return days;
* ToISODayOfYear ( year, month, day )
static int32_t ToISODayOfYear(int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day) {
MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= month && month <= 12);
// First day of month arrays for non-leap and leap years.
constexpr decltype(FirstDayOfMonth(0)) firstDayOfMonth[2] = {
FirstDayOfMonth(1), FirstDayOfMonth(0)};
// Steps 1-3. (Not applicable in our implementation.)
// Steps 4-5.
// Instead of first computing the date and then using DayWithinYear to map the
// date to the day within the year, directly lookup the first day of the month
// and then add the additional days.
return firstDayOfMonth[IsISOLeapYear(year)][month - 1] + day;
* ToISODayOfYear ( year, month, day )
static int32_t ToISODayOfYear(const ISODate& date) {
// Steps 1-5.
const auto& [year, month, day] = date;
return ::ToISODayOfYear(year, month, day);
static int32_t FloorDiv(int32_t dividend, int32_t divisor) {
MOZ_ASSERT(divisor > 0);
int32_t quotient = dividend / divisor;
int32_t remainder = dividend % divisor;
if (remainder < 0) {
quotient -= 1;
return quotient;
* Year Number, DayFromYear
static int32_t DayFromYear(int32_t year) {
return 365 * (year - 1970) + FloorDiv(year - 1969, 4) -
FloorDiv(year - 1901, 100) + FloorDiv(year - 1601, 400);
* MakeTime ( hour, min, sec, ms )
static int64_t MakeTime(const Time& time) {
// Step 1 (Not applicable).
// Step 2.
int64_t h = time.hour;
// Step 3.
int64_t m = time.minute;
// Step 4.
int64_t s = time.second;
// Step 5.
int64_t milli = time.millisecond;
// Steps 6-7.
return h * ToMilliseconds(TemporalUnit::Hour) +
m * ToMilliseconds(TemporalUnit::Minute) +
s * ToMilliseconds(TemporalUnit::Second) + milli;
* MakeDay ( year, month, date )
int32_t js::temporal::MakeDay(const ISODate& date) {
return DayFromYear(date.year) + ToISODayOfYear(date) - 1;
* MakeDate ( day, time )
int64_t js::temporal::MakeDate(const ISODateTime& dateTime) {
// Step 1 (Not applicable).
// Steps 2-3.
int64_t tv = MakeDay( * ToMilliseconds(TemporalUnit::Day) +
// Step 4.
return tv;
struct YearWeek final {
int32_t year = 0;
int32_t week = 0;
* ToISOWeekOfYear ( year, month, day )
static YearWeek ToISOWeekOfYear(const ISODate& date) {
const auto& [year, month, day] = date;
// Steps 1-3. (Not applicable in our implementation.)
// Steps 4-5.
int32_t doy = ToISODayOfYear(date);
int32_t dow = ToISODayOfWeek(date);
int32_t woy = (10 + doy - dow) / 7;
MOZ_ASSERT(0 <= woy && woy <= 53);
// An ISO year has 53 weeks if the year starts on a Thursday or if it's a
// leap year which starts on a Wednesday.
auto isLongYear = [](int32_t year) {
int32_t startOfYear = ToISODayOfWeek({year, 1, 1});
return startOfYear == 4 || (startOfYear == 3 && IsISOLeapYear(year));
// Part of last year's last week, which is either week 52 or week 53.
if (woy == 0) {
return {year - 1, 52 + int32_t(isLongYear(year - 1))};
// Part of next year's first week if the current year isn't a long year.
if (woy == 53 && !isLongYear(year)) {
return {year + 1, 1};
return {year, woy};
* Return the BCP-47 string for the given calendar id.
static std::string_view CalendarIdToBcp47(CalendarId id) {
switch (id) {
case CalendarId::ISO8601:
return "iso8601";
case CalendarId::Buddhist:
return "buddhist";
case CalendarId::Chinese:
return "chinese";
case CalendarId::Coptic:
return "coptic";
case CalendarId::Dangi:
return "dangi";
case CalendarId::Ethiopian:
return "ethiopic";
case CalendarId::EthiopianAmeteAlem:
return "ethioaa";
case CalendarId::Gregorian:
return "gregory";
case CalendarId::Hebrew:
return "hebrew";
case CalendarId::Indian:
return "indian";
case CalendarId::Islamic:
return "islamic";
case CalendarId::IslamicCivil:
return "islamic-civil";
case CalendarId::IslamicRGSA:
return "islamic-rgsa";
case CalendarId::IslamicTabular:
return "islamic-tbla";
case CalendarId::IslamicUmmAlQura:
return "islamic-umalqura";
case CalendarId::Japanese:
return "japanese";
case CalendarId::Persian:
return "persian";
case CalendarId::ROC:
return "roc";
MOZ_CRASH("invalid calendar id");
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS AsciiLowerCaseChars final {
static constexpr size_t InlineCapacity = 24;
Vector<char, InlineCapacity> chars_;
explicit AsciiLowerCaseChars(JSContext* cx) : chars_(cx) {}
operator mozilla::Span<const char>() const {
return mozilla::Span<const char>{chars_};
[[nodiscard]] bool init(JSLinearString* str) {
if (!chars_.resize(str->length())) {
return false;
CopyChars(reinterpret_cast<JS::Latin1Char*>(chars_.begin()), *str);
mozilla::intl::AsciiToLowerCase(chars_.begin(), chars_.length(),
return true;
* CanonicalizeCalendar ( id )
bool js::temporal::CanonicalizeCalendar(JSContext* cx, Handle<JSString*> id,
MutableHandle<CalendarValue> result) {
Rooted<JSLinearString*> linear(cx, id->ensureLinear(cx));
if (!linear) {
return false;
// Steps 1-3.
do {
if (!StringIsAscii(linear) || linear->empty()) {
AsciiLowerCaseChars lowerCaseChars(cx);
if (!lowerCaseChars.init(linear)) {
return false;
mozilla::Span<const char> id = lowerCaseChars;
// Reject invalid types before trying to resolve aliases.
if (mozilla::intl::LocaleParser::CanParseUnicodeExtensionType(id).isErr()) {
// Resolve calendar aliases.
static constexpr auto key = mozilla::MakeStringSpan("ca");
if (const char* replacement =
mozilla::intl::Locale::ReplaceUnicodeExtensionType(key, id)) {
id = mozilla::MakeStringSpan(replacement);
// Step 1.
static constexpr auto& calendars = AvailableCalendars();
// Steps 2-3.
for (auto identifier : calendars) {
if (id == mozilla::Span{CalendarIdToBcp47(identifier)}) {
return true;
} while (false);
if (auto chars = QuoteString(cx, linear)) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
static bool ToTemporalCalendar(JSContext* cx, Handle<JSObject*> object,
MutableHandle<CalendarValue> result) {
if (auto* unwrapped = object->maybeUnwrapIf<T>()) {
return result.wrap(cx);
if constexpr (sizeof...(Ts) > 0) {
return ToTemporalCalendar<Ts...>(cx, object, result);
return true;
* ToTemporalCalendarSlotValue ( temporalCalendarLike )
bool js::temporal::ToTemporalCalendar(JSContext* cx,
Handle<Value> temporalCalendarLike,
MutableHandle<CalendarValue> result) {
// Step 1.
if (temporalCalendarLike.isObject()) {
Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx, &temporalCalendarLike.toObject());
// Step 1.a.
Rooted<CalendarValue> calendar(cx);
if (!::ToTemporalCalendar<PlainDateObject, PlainDateTimeObject,
PlainMonthDayObject, PlainYearMonthObject,
ZonedDateTimeObject>(cx, obj, &calendar)) {
return false;
if (calendar) {
return true;
// Step 2.
if (!temporalCalendarLike.isString()) {
temporalCalendarLike, nullptr, "not a string");
return false;
Rooted<JSString*> str(cx, temporalCalendarLike.toString());
// Step 3.
Rooted<JSLinearString*> id(cx, ParseTemporalCalendarString(cx, str));
if (!id) {
return false;
// Step 4.
return CanonicalizeCalendar(cx, id, result);
* GetTemporalCalendarSlotValueWithISODefault ( item )
bool js::temporal::GetTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(
JSContext* cx, Handle<JSObject*> item,
MutableHandle<CalendarValue> result) {
// Step 1.
Rooted<CalendarValue> calendar(cx);
if (!::ToTemporalCalendar<PlainDateObject, PlainDateTimeObject,
PlainMonthDayObject, PlainYearMonthObject,
ZonedDateTimeObject>(cx, item, &calendar)) {
return false;
if (calendar) {
return true;
// Step 2.
Rooted<Value> calendarValue(cx);
if (!GetProperty(cx, item, item, cx->names().calendar, &calendarValue)) {
return false;
// Step 3.
if (calendarValue.isUndefined()) {
return true;
// Step 4.
return ToTemporalCalendar(cx, calendarValue, result);
* ToTemporalCalendarIdentifier ( calendarSlotValue )
std::string_view js::temporal::CalendarIdentifier(
const CalendarValue& calendar) {
return CalendarIdToBcp47(calendar.identifier());
static auto ToAnyCalendarKind(CalendarId id) {
switch (id) {
case CalendarId::ISO8601:
return capi::ICU4XAnyCalendarKind_Iso;
case CalendarId::Buddhist:
return capi::ICU4XAnyCalendarKind_Buddhist;
case CalendarId::Chinese:
return capi::ICU4XAnyCalendarKind_Chinese;
case CalendarId::Coptic:
return capi::ICU4XAnyCalendarKind_Coptic;
case CalendarId::Dangi:
return capi::ICU4XAnyCalendarKind_Dangi;
case CalendarId::Ethiopian:
return capi::ICU4XAnyCalendarKind_Ethiopian;
case CalendarId::EthiopianAmeteAlem:
return capi::ICU4XAnyCalendarKind_EthiopianAmeteAlem;
case CalendarId::Gregorian:
return capi::ICU4XAnyCalendarKind_Gregorian;
case CalendarId::Hebrew:
return capi::ICU4XAnyCalendarKind_Hebrew;
case CalendarId::Indian:
return capi::ICU4XAnyCalendarKind_Indian;
case CalendarId::IslamicCivil:
return capi::ICU4XAnyCalendarKind_IslamicCivil;
case CalendarId::Islamic:
return capi::ICU4XAnyCalendarKind_IslamicObservational;
case CalendarId::IslamicRGSA:
// ICU4X doesn't support a separate islamic-rgsa calendar, so we use the
// observational calendar instead. This also matches ICU4C.
return capi::ICU4XAnyCalendarKind_IslamicObservational;
case CalendarId::IslamicTabular:
return capi::ICU4XAnyCalendarKind_IslamicTabular;
case CalendarId::IslamicUmmAlQura:
return capi::ICU4XAnyCalendarKind_IslamicUmmAlQura;
case CalendarId::Japanese:
return capi::ICU4XAnyCalendarKind_Japanese;
case CalendarId::Persian:
return capi::ICU4XAnyCalendarKind_Persian;
case CalendarId::ROC:
return capi::ICU4XAnyCalendarKind_Roc;
MOZ_CRASH("invalid calendar id");
class ICU4XCalendarDeleter {
void operator()(capi::ICU4XCalendar* ptr) {
using UniqueICU4XCalendar =
mozilla::UniquePtr<capi::ICU4XCalendar, ICU4XCalendarDeleter>;
static UniqueICU4XCalendar CreateICU4XCalendar(JSContext* cx, CalendarId id) {
auto result = capi::ICU4XCalendar_create_for_kind(
mozilla::intl::GetDataProvider(), ToAnyCalendarKind(id));
if (!result.is_ok) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return nullptr;
return UniqueICU4XCalendar{result.ok};
static uint32_t MaximumISOYear(CalendarId calendarId) {
switch (calendarId) {
case CalendarId::ISO8601:
case CalendarId::Buddhist:
case CalendarId::Coptic:
case CalendarId::Ethiopian:
case CalendarId::EthiopianAmeteAlem:
case CalendarId::Gregorian:
case CalendarId::Hebrew:
case CalendarId::Indian:
case CalendarId::IslamicCivil:
case CalendarId::IslamicTabular:
case CalendarId::Japanese:
case CalendarId::Persian:
case CalendarId::ROC: {
// Passing values near INT32_{MIN,MAX} triggers ICU4X assertions, so we
// have to handle large input years early.
return 300'000;
case CalendarId::Chinese:
case CalendarId::Dangi: {
// Lower limit for these calendars to avoid running into ICU4x assertions.
return 10'000;
case CalendarId::Islamic:
case CalendarId::IslamicRGSA:
case CalendarId::IslamicUmmAlQura: {
// Lower limit for these calendars to avoid running into ICU4x assertions.
return 5'000;
MOZ_CRASH("invalid calendar");
static uint32_t MaximumCalendarYear(CalendarId calendarId) {
switch (calendarId) {
case CalendarId::ISO8601:
case CalendarId::Buddhist:
case CalendarId::Coptic:
case CalendarId::Ethiopian:
case CalendarId::EthiopianAmeteAlem:
case CalendarId::Gregorian:
case CalendarId::Hebrew:
case CalendarId::Indian:
case CalendarId::IslamicCivil:
case CalendarId::IslamicTabular:
case CalendarId::Japanese:
case CalendarId::Persian:
case CalendarId::ROC: {
// Passing values near INT32_{MIN,MAX} triggers ICU4X assertions, so we
// have to handle large input years early.
return 300'000;
case CalendarId::Chinese:
case CalendarId::Dangi: {
// Lower limit for these calendars to avoid running into ICU4x assertions.
return 10'000;
case CalendarId::Islamic:
case CalendarId::IslamicRGSA:
case CalendarId::IslamicUmmAlQura: {
// Lower limit for these calendars to avoid running into ICU4x assertions.
return 5'000;
MOZ_CRASH("invalid calendar");
static void ReportCalendarFieldOverflow(JSContext* cx, const char* name,
double num) {
ToCStringBuf numCbuf;
const char* numStr = NumberToCString(&numCbuf, num);
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
class ICU4XDateDeleter {
void operator()(capi::ICU4XDate* ptr) { capi::ICU4XDate_destroy(ptr); }
using UniqueICU4XDate = mozilla::UniquePtr<capi::ICU4XDate, ICU4XDateDeleter>;
static UniqueICU4XDate CreateICU4XDate(JSContext* cx, const ISODate& date,
CalendarId calendarId,
const capi::ICU4XCalendar* calendar) {
if (mozilla::Abs(date.year) > MaximumISOYear(calendarId)) {
ReportCalendarFieldOverflow(cx, "year", date.year);
return nullptr;
auto result = capi::ICU4XDate_create_from_iso_in_calendar(
date.year, date.month,, calendar);
if (!result.is_ok) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return nullptr;
return UniqueICU4XDate{result.ok};
class ICU4XIsoDateDeleter {
void operator()(capi::ICU4XIsoDate* ptr) { capi::ICU4XIsoDate_destroy(ptr); }
using UniqueICU4XIsoDate =
mozilla::UniquePtr<capi::ICU4XIsoDate, ICU4XIsoDateDeleter>;
class ICU4XWeekCalculatorDeleter {
void operator()(capi::ICU4XWeekCalculator* ptr) {
using UniqueICU4XWeekCalculator =
mozilla::UniquePtr<capi::ICU4XWeekCalculator, ICU4XWeekCalculatorDeleter>;
static UniqueICU4XWeekCalculator CreateICU4WeekCalculator(JSContext* cx,
CalendarId calendar) {
MOZ_ASSERT(calendar == CalendarId::Gregorian);
auto firstWeekday = capi::ICU4XIsoWeekday_Monday;
uint8_t minWeekDays = 1;
auto* result =
firstWeekday, minWeekDays);
return UniqueICU4XWeekCalculator{result};
static constexpr size_t EraNameMaxLength() {
size_t length = 0;
for (auto calendar : AvailableCalendars()) {
for (auto era : CalendarEras(calendar)) {
for (auto name : CalendarEraNames(calendar, era)) {
length = std::max(length, name.length());
return length;
static mozilla::Maybe<EraCode> EraForString(CalendarId calendar,
JSLinearString* string) {
// Note: Assigning MaxLength to EraNameMaxLength() breaks the CDT indexer.
constexpr size_t MaxLength = 24;
static_assert(MaxLength >= EraNameMaxLength(),
"Storage size is at least as large as the largest known era");
if (string->length() > MaxLength || !StringIsAscii(string)) {
return mozilla::Nothing();
char chars[MaxLength] = {};
CopyChars(reinterpret_cast<JS::Latin1Char*>(chars), *string);
auto stringView = std::string_view{chars, string->length()};
for (auto era : CalendarEras(calendar)) {
for (auto name : CalendarEraNames(calendar, era)) {
if (name == stringView) {
return mozilla::Some(era);
return mozilla::Nothing();
static constexpr std::string_view IcuEraName(CalendarId calendar, EraCode era) {
switch (calendar) {
case CalendarId::ISO8601: {
MOZ_ASSERT(era == EraCode::Standard);
return "default";
case CalendarId::Buddhist: {
MOZ_ASSERT(era == EraCode::Standard);
return "be";
case CalendarId::Chinese: {
MOZ_ASSERT(era == EraCode::Standard);
return "chinese";
case CalendarId::Coptic: {
MOZ_ASSERT(era == EraCode::Standard || era == EraCode::Inverse);
return era == EraCode::Standard ? "ad" : "bd";
case CalendarId::Dangi: {
MOZ_ASSERT(era == EraCode::Standard);
return "dangi";
case CalendarId::Ethiopian: {
MOZ_ASSERT(era == EraCode::Standard || era == EraCode::Inverse);
return era == EraCode::Standard ? "incar" : "pre-incar";
case CalendarId::EthiopianAmeteAlem: {
MOZ_ASSERT(era == EraCode::Standard);
return "mundi";
case CalendarId::Gregorian: {
MOZ_ASSERT(era == EraCode::Standard || era == EraCode::Inverse);
return era == EraCode::Standard ? "ce" : "bce";
case CalendarId::Hebrew: {
MOZ_ASSERT(era == EraCode::Standard);
return "am";
case CalendarId::Indian: {
MOZ_ASSERT(era == EraCode::Standard);
return "saka";
case CalendarId::Islamic:
case CalendarId::IslamicCivil:
case CalendarId::IslamicRGSA:
case CalendarId::IslamicTabular:
case CalendarId::IslamicUmmAlQura:
case CalendarId::Persian: {
MOZ_ASSERT(era == EraCode::Standard);
return "ah";
case CalendarId::Japanese: {
switch (era) {
case EraCode::Standard:
return "ce";
case EraCode::Inverse:
return "bce";
case EraCode::Meiji:
return "meiji";
case EraCode::Taisho:
return "taisho";
case EraCode::Showa:
return "showa";
case EraCode::Heisei:
return "heisei";
case EraCode::Reiwa:
return "reiwa";
case CalendarId::ROC: {
MOZ_ASSERT(era == EraCode::Standard || era == EraCode::Inverse);
return era == EraCode::Standard ? "roc" : "roc-inverse";
JS_CONSTEXPR_CRASH("invalid era");
enum class CalendarError {
// Catch-all kind for all other error types.
static mozilla::Result<UniqueICU4XDate, CalendarError> CreateDateFromCodes(
CalendarId calendarId, const capi::ICU4XCalendar* calendar, EraYear eraYear,
MonthCode monthCode, int32_t day) {
MOZ_ASSERT(calendarId != CalendarId::ISO8601);
MOZ_ASSERT(capi::ICU4XCalendar_kind(calendar) ==
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(CalendarEraRelevant(calendarId), eraYear.year > 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(mozilla::Abs(eraYear.year) <= MaximumCalendarYear(calendarId));
MOZ_ASSERT(day > 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(day <= CalendarDaysInMonth(calendarId).second);
auto era = IcuEraName(calendarId, eraYear.era);
auto monthCodeView = std::string_view{monthCode};
auto date = capi::ICU4XDate_create_from_codes_in_calendar(, era.length(), eraYear.year,,
monthCodeView.length(), day, calendar);
if (date.is_ok) {
return UniqueICU4XDate{date.ok};
// Map possible calendar errors.
// Calendar error codes which can't happen for `create_from_codes_in_calendar`
// are mapped to `CalendarError::Generic`.
switch (date.err) {
case capi::ICU4XError_CalendarOverflowError:
return mozilla::Err(CalendarError::Overflow);
case capi::ICU4XError_CalendarUnderflowError:
return mozilla::Err(CalendarError::Underflow);
case capi::ICU4XError_CalendarOutOfRangeError:
return mozilla::Err(CalendarError::OutOfRange);
case capi::ICU4XError_CalendarUnknownEraError:
return mozilla::Err(CalendarError::UnknownEra);
case capi::ICU4XError_CalendarUnknownMonthCodeError:
return mozilla::Err(CalendarError::UnknownMonthCode);
return mozilla::Err(CalendarError::Generic);
* The date `eraYear-monthCode-day` doesn't exist in `era`. Map it to the
* closest valid date in `era`.
* For example:
* Reiwa 1, April 30 doesn't exist, because the Reiwa era started on May 1 2019,
* the input is constrained to the first valid date in the Reiwa era, i.e.
* Reiwa 1, May 1.
* Similarly, Heisei 31, May 1 doesn't exist, because on May 1 2019 the Reiwa
* era started. The input is therefore constrained to Heisei 31, April 30.
static mozilla::Result<UniqueICU4XDate, CalendarError>
CreateDateFromCodesConstrainToJapaneseEra(JSContext* cx, CalendarId calendarId,
const capi::ICU4XCalendar* calendar,
EraYear eraYear, MonthCode monthCode,
int32_t day) {
MOZ_ASSERT(calendarId == CalendarId::Japanese);
MOZ_ASSERT(capi::ICU4XCalendar_kind(calendar) ==
MOZ_ASSERT(!CalendarEraStartsAtYearBoundary(calendarId, eraYear.era));
MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= monthCode.ordinal() && monthCode.ordinal() <= 12);
MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= day && day <= 31);
const auto& [era, year] = eraYear;
int32_t month = monthCode.ordinal();
const int32_t startMonth = month;
// Case 1: The requested date is before the start of the era.
if (year == 1) {
// The first year of modern eras is guaranteed to end on December 31, so
// we don't have to worry about the first era ending mid-year. If we ever
// add support for JapaneseExtended, we have to update this code to handle
// that case.
MOZ_ASSERT(capi::ICU4XCalendar_kind(calendar) !=
auto firstEraYear = EraYear{era, 1};
// Find the first month which is completely within the era.
for (; month <= 12; month++) {
auto firstDayOfMonth = CreateDateFromCodes(
calendarId, calendar, firstEraYear, MonthCode{month}, 1);
if (firstDayOfMonth.isOk()) {
// If the month matches the start month, we only need to constrain day.
if (month == startMonth) {
int32_t lastDayOfMonth =
return CreateDateFromCodes(calendarId, calendar, firstEraYear,
std::min(day, lastDayOfMonth));
// Out-of-range error indicates the requested date isn't within the era,
// so we have to keep looking. Any other error is reported back to the
// caller.
if (firstDayOfMonth.inspectErr() != CalendarError::OutOfRange) {
return firstDayOfMonth.propagateErr();
MOZ_ASSERT(startMonth < month);
// When we've reached this point, we know that the era either starts in
// |month - 1| or at the first day of |month|.
auto monthCode = MonthCode{month - 1};
// The requested month is before the era's first month. Return the start of
// the era.
if (startMonth < month - 1) {
// The first day of |month| is within the era, but the first day of
// |month - 1| isn't within the era. Maybe there's a day after the first
// day of |month - 1| which is part of the era.
for (int32_t firstDayOfEra = 2; firstDayOfEra <= 31; firstDayOfEra++) {
auto date = CreateDateFromCodes(calendarId, calendar, firstEraYear,
monthCode, firstDayOfEra);
if (date.isOk()) {
return date.unwrap();
// Out-of-range error indicates the requested date isn't within the era,
// so we have to keep looking.
if (date.inspectErr() == CalendarError::OutOfRange) {
// Overflow error is reported when the date is past the last day of the
// month.
if (date.inspectErr() == CalendarError::Overflow) {
// Any other error is reported back to the caller.
return date.propagateErr();
// No valid day was found in the last month, so the start of the era must
// be the first day of |month|.
return CreateDateFromCodes(calendarId, calendar, firstEraYear,
MonthCode{month}, 1);
// We're done if |date| is now valid.
auto date =
CreateDateFromCodes(calendarId, calendar, firstEraYear, monthCode, day);
if (date.isOk()) {
return date.unwrap();
// Otherwise check in which direction we need to adjust |day|.
auto errorCode = date.inspectErr();
int32_t direction;
if (errorCode == CalendarError::Overflow) {
direction = -1;
} else if (errorCode == CalendarError::OutOfRange) {
direction = 1;
} else {
return date.propagateErr();
// Every Gregorian month has at least 28 days and no more than 31 days, so
// we can stop when day is less-or-equal 28 resp. greater-or-equal to 31.
while ((direction < 0 && day > 28) || (direction > 0 && day < 31)) {
day += direction;
auto date = CreateDateFromCodes(calendarId, calendar, firstEraYear,
monthCode, day);
if (date.isOk()) {
return date.unwrap();
if (date.inspectErr() == errorCode) {
return date.propagateErr();
// If we didn't find a valid date in the last month, the start of the era
// must be the first day of |month|.
return CreateDateFromCodes(calendarId, calendar, firstEraYear,
MonthCode{month}, 1);
// Case 2: The requested date is after the end of the era.
// Check if the first day of the year is within the era.
auto firstDayOfYear = CreateDateFromCodes(
calendarId, calendar, EraYear{era, year}, MonthCode{1}, 1);
int32_t lastYearInEra;
if (firstDayOfYear.isOk()) {
// Case 2.a: The era ends in the requested year.
lastYearInEra = year;
} else if (firstDayOfYear.inspectErr() == CalendarError::OutOfRange) {
// Case 2.b: The era ends in a previous year.
// Start with constraining the era year (using binary search).
int32_t minYear = 1;
int32_t maxYear = year;
while (minYear != maxYear) {
int32_t candidateYear = minYear + (maxYear - minYear) / 2;
auto firstDayOfYear = CreateDateFromCodes(
calendarId, calendar, EraYear{era, candidateYear}, MonthCode{1}, 1);
if (firstDayOfYear.isOk()) {
// The year is still too large, increase the lower bound.
minYear = candidateYear + 1;
} else if (firstDayOfYear.inspectErr() == CalendarError::OutOfRange) {
// The year is still too large, reduce the upper bound.
maxYear = candidateYear;
} else {
return firstDayOfYear.propagateErr();
// Post-condition: |minYear| is the first invalid year.
MOZ_ASSERT(1 < minYear && minYear <= year);
// Start looking for the last valid date in the era iterating backwards from
// December 31.
lastYearInEra = minYear - 1;
month = 12;
day = 31;
} else {
return firstDayOfYear.propagateErr();
auto lastEraYear = EraYear{era, lastYearInEra};
for (; month > 0; month--) {
// Find the last month which is still within the era.
auto monthCode = MonthCode{month};
auto firstDayOfMonth =
CreateDateFromCodes(calendarId, calendar, lastEraYear, monthCode, 1);
if (firstDayOfMonth.isErr()) {
// Out-of-range indicates we're still past the end of the era.
if (firstDayOfMonth.inspectErr() == CalendarError::OutOfRange) {
// Propagate any other error to the caller.
return firstDayOfMonth.propagateErr();
auto intermediateDate = firstDayOfMonth.unwrap();
int32_t lastDayOfMonth =
if (lastYearInEra == year && month == startMonth) {
// Constrain |day| to the maximum day of month.
day = std::min(day, lastDayOfMonth);
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(lastYearInEra == year, month < startMonth);
day = lastDayOfMonth;
// Iterate forward until we find the first invalid date.
for (int32_t nextDay = 2; nextDay <= day; nextDay++) {
auto nextDayOfMonth = CreateDateFromCodes(
calendarId, calendar, lastEraYear, monthCode, nextDay);
if (nextDayOfMonth.isErr()) {
if (nextDayOfMonth.inspectErr() == CalendarError::OutOfRange) {
return nextDayOfMonth.propagateErr();
intermediateDate = nextDayOfMonth.unwrap();
return intermediateDate;
MOZ_CRASH("error constraining to end of era");
static UniqueICU4XDate CreateDateFromCodes(JSContext* cx, CalendarId calendarId,
const capi::ICU4XCalendar* calendar,
EraYear eraYear, MonthCode monthCode,
int32_t day,
TemporalOverflow overflow) {
MOZ_ASSERT(day > 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(day <= CalendarDaysInMonth(calendarId).second);
// Constrain day to the maximum possible day for the input month.
// Special cases like February 29 in leap years of the Gregorian calendar are
// handled below.
int32_t daysInMonth = CalendarDaysInMonth(calendarId, monthCode).second;
if (overflow == TemporalOverflow::Constrain) {
day = std::min(day, daysInMonth);
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(overflow == TemporalOverflow::Reject);
if (day > daysInMonth) {
ReportCalendarFieldOverflow(cx, "day", day);
return nullptr;
// ICU4X doesn't support large dates, so we have to handle this case early.
if (mozilla::Abs(eraYear.year) > MaximumCalendarYear(calendarId)) {
ReportCalendarFieldOverflow(cx, "year", eraYear.year);
return nullptr;
auto result =
CreateDateFromCodes(calendarId, calendar, eraYear, monthCode, day);
if (result.isOk()) {
return result.unwrap();
switch (result.inspectErr()) {
case CalendarError::UnknownMonthCode: {
// We've asserted above that |monthCode| is valid for this calendar, so
// any unknown month code must be for a leap month which doesn't happen in
// the current year.
if (overflow == TemporalOverflow::Reject) {
// Ensure the month code is null-terminated.
char code[5] = {};
auto monthCodeView = std::string_view{monthCode};
monthCodeView.copy(code, monthCodeView.length());
JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return nullptr;
// Retry as non-leap month when we're allowed to constrain.
// CalendarDateToISO ( calendar, fields, overflow )
// If the month is a leap month that doesn't exist in the year, pick
// another date according to the cultural conventions of that calendar's
// users. Usually this will result in the same day in the month before or
// after where that month would normally fall in a leap year.
// Hebrew calendar:
// Replace Adar I (M05L) with Adar (M06).
// Chinese/Dangi calendar:
// Pick the next month, for example M03L -> M04, except for M12L, because
// we don't to switch over to the next year.
int32_t nonLeapMonth = std::min(monthCode.ordinal() + 1, 12);
auto nonLeapMonthCode = MonthCode{nonLeapMonth};
return CreateDateFromCodes(cx, calendarId, calendar, eraYear,
nonLeapMonthCode, day, overflow);
case CalendarError::Overflow: {
// ICU4X throws an overflow error when:
// 1. month > monthsInYear(year), or
// 2. days > daysInMonthOf(year, month).
// Case 1 can't happen for month-codes, so it doesn't apply here.
// Case 2 can only happen when |day| is larger than the minimum number
// of days in the month.
MOZ_ASSERT(day > CalendarDaysInMonth(calendarId, monthCode).first);
if (overflow == TemporalOverflow::Reject) {
ReportCalendarFieldOverflow(cx, "day", day);
return nullptr;
auto firstDayOfMonth = CreateDateFromCodes(
cx, calendarId, calendar, eraYear, monthCode, 1, overflow);
if (!firstDayOfMonth) {
return nullptr;
int32_t daysInMonth =
MOZ_ASSERT(day > daysInMonth);
return CreateDateFromCodes(cx, calendarId, calendar, eraYear, monthCode,
daysInMonth, overflow);
case CalendarError::OutOfRange: {
// ICU4X throws an out-of-range error if:
// 1. Non-positive era years are given.
// 2. Dates are before/after the requested named Japanese era.
// Case 1 doesn't happen for us, because we always pass strictly positive
// era years, so this error must be for case 2.
MOZ_ASSERT(calendarId == CalendarId::Japanese);
MOZ_ASSERT(!CalendarEraStartsAtYearBoundary(calendarId, eraYear.era));
if (overflow == TemporalOverflow::Reject) {
ReportCalendarFieldOverflow(cx, "eraYear", eraYear.year);
return nullptr;
auto result = CreateDateFromCodesConstrainToJapaneseEra(
cx, calendarId, calendar, eraYear, monthCode, day);
if (result.isOk()) {
return result.unwrap();
case CalendarError::Underflow:
case CalendarError::UnknownEra:
MOZ_ASSERT(false, "unexpected calendar error");
case CalendarError::Generic:
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return nullptr;
static UniqueICU4XDate CreateDateFrom(JSContext* cx, CalendarId calendarId,
const capi::ICU4XCalendar* calendar,
EraYear eraYear, int32_t month,
int32_t day, TemporalOverflow overflow) {
MOZ_ASSERT(calendarId != CalendarId::ISO8601);
MOZ_ASSERT(month > 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(day > 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(month <= CalendarMonthsPerYear(calendarId));
MOZ_ASSERT(day <= CalendarDaysInMonth(calendarId).second);
switch (calendarId) {
case CalendarId::ISO8601:
case CalendarId::Buddhist:
case CalendarId::Coptic:
case CalendarId::Ethiopian:
case CalendarId::EthiopianAmeteAlem:
case CalendarId::Gregorian:
case CalendarId::Indian:
case CalendarId::Islamic:
case CalendarId::IslamicCivil:
case CalendarId::IslamicRGSA:
case CalendarId::IslamicTabular:
case CalendarId::IslamicUmmAlQura:
case CalendarId::Japanese:
case CalendarId::Persian:
case CalendarId::ROC: {
// Use the month-code corresponding to the ordinal month number for
// calendar systems without leap months.
auto date = CreateDateFromCodes(cx, calendarId, calendar, eraYear,
MonthCode{month}, day, overflow);
if (!date) {
return nullptr;
capi::ICU4XDate_ordinal_month(date.get()) == uint32_t(month));
return date;
case CalendarId::Dangi:
case CalendarId::Chinese: {
static_assert(CalendarMonthsPerYear(CalendarId::Chinese) == 13);
static_assert(CalendarMonthsPerYear(CalendarId::Dangi) == 13);
MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= month && month <= 13);
// Create date with month number replaced by month-code.
auto monthCode = MonthCode{std::min(month, 12)};
auto date = CreateDateFromCodes(cx, calendarId, calendar, eraYear,
monthCode, day, overflow);
if (!date) {
return nullptr;
// If the ordinal month of |date| matches the input month, no additional
// changes are necessary and we can directly return |date|.
int32_t ordinal = capi::ICU4XDate_ordinal_month(date.get());
if (ordinal == month) {
return date;
// Otherwise we need to handle three cases:
// 1. The input year contains a leap month and we need to adjust the
// month-code.
// 2. The thirteenth month of a year without leap months was requested.
// 3. The thirteenth month of a year with leap months was requested.
if (ordinal > month) {
MOZ_ASSERT(1 < month && month <= 12);
// This case can only happen in leap years.
MOZ_ASSERT(capi::ICU4XDate_months_in_year(date.get()) == 13);
// Leap months can occur after any month in the Chinese calendar.
// Example when the fourth month is a leap month between M03 and M04.
// Month code: M01 M02 M03 M03L M04 M05 M06 ...
// Ordinal month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// The month can be off by exactly one.
MOZ_ASSERT((ordinal - month) == 1);
// First try the case when the previous month isn't a leap month. This
// case can only occur when |month > 2|, because otherwise we know that
// "M01L" is the correct answer.
if (month > 2) {
auto previousMonthCode = MonthCode{month - 1};
date = CreateDateFromCodes(cx, calendarId, calendar, eraYear,
previousMonthCode, day, overflow);
if (!date) {
return nullptr;
int32_t ordinal = capi::ICU4XDate_ordinal_month(date.get());
if (ordinal == month) {
return date;
// Fall-through when the previous month is a leap month.
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(month == 13);
MOZ_ASSERT(ordinal == 12);
// Years with leap months contain thirteen months.
if (capi::ICU4XDate_months_in_year(date.get()) != 13) {
if (overflow == TemporalOverflow::Reject) {
ReportCalendarFieldOverflow(cx, "month", month);
return nullptr;
return date;
// Fall-through to return leap month "M12L" at the end of the year.
// Finally handle the case when the previous month is a leap month.
auto leapMonthCode = MonthCode{month - 1, /* isLeapMonth= */ true};
date = CreateDateFromCodes(cx, calendarId, calendar, eraYear,
leapMonthCode, day, overflow);
if (!date) {
return nullptr;
MOZ_ASSERT(capi::ICU4XDate_ordinal_month(date.get()) == uint32_t(month),
"unexpected ordinal month");
return date;
case CalendarId::Hebrew: {
static_assert(CalendarMonthsPerYear(CalendarId::Hebrew) == 13);
MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= month && month <= 13);
// Create date with month number replaced by month-code.
auto monthCode = MonthCode{std::min(month, 12)};
auto date = CreateDateFromCodes(cx, calendarId, calendar, eraYear,
monthCode, day, overflow);
if (!date) {
return nullptr;
// If the ordinal month of |date| matches the input month, no additional
// changes are necessary and we can directly return |date|.
int32_t ordinal = capi::ICU4XDate_ordinal_month(date.get());
if (ordinal == month) {
return date;
// Otherwise we need to handle two cases:
// 1. The input year contains a leap month and we need to adjust the
// month-code.
// 2. The thirteenth month of a year without leap months was requested.
if (ordinal > month) {
MOZ_ASSERT(1 < month && month <= 12);
// This case can only happen in leap years.
MOZ_ASSERT(capi::ICU4XDate_months_in_year(date.get()) == 13);
// Leap months can occur between M05 and M06 in the Hebrew calendar.
// Month code: M01 M02 M03 M04 M05 M05L M06 ...
// Ordinal month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// The month can be off by exactly one.
MOZ_ASSERT((ordinal - month) == 1);
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(month == 13);
MOZ_ASSERT(ordinal == 12);
if (overflow == TemporalOverflow::Reject) {
ReportCalendarFieldOverflow(cx, "month", month);
return nullptr;
return date;
// The previous month is the leap month Adar I iff |month| is six.
bool isLeapMonth = month == 6;
auto previousMonthCode = MonthCode{month - 1, isLeapMonth};
date = CreateDateFromCodes(cx, calendarId, calendar, eraYear,
previousMonthCode, day, overflow);
if (!date) {
return nullptr;
MOZ_ASSERT(capi::ICU4XDate_ordinal_month(date.get()) == uint32_t(month),
"unexpected ordinal month");
return date;
MOZ_CRASH("invalid calendar id");
static constexpr size_t ICUEraNameMaxLength() {
size_t length = 0;
for (auto calendar : AvailableCalendars()) {
for (auto era : CalendarEras(calendar)) {
auto name = IcuEraName(calendar, era);
length = std::max(length, name.length());
return length;
* Retrieve the era code from |date| and then map the returned ICU4X era code to
* the corresponding |EraCode| member.
static bool CalendarDateEra(JSContext* cx, CalendarId calendar,
const capi::ICU4XDate* date, EraCode* result) {
MOZ_ASSERT(calendar != CalendarId::ISO8601);
// Note: Assigning MaxLength to ICUEraNameMaxLength() breaks the CDT indexer.
constexpr size_t MaxLength = 15;
static_assert(MaxLength >= ICUEraNameMaxLength(),
"Storage size is at least as large as the largest known era");
// Storage for the largest known era string and the terminating NUL-character.
char buf[MaxLength + 1] = {};
auto writable = capi::diplomat_simple_writeable(buf, std::size(buf));
if (!capi::ICU4XDate_era(date, &writable).is_ok) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
MOZ_ASSERT(writable.buf == buf, "unexpected buffer relocation");
auto dateEra = std::string_view{writable.buf, writable.len};
// Map to era name to era code.
for (auto era : CalendarEras(calendar)) {
if (IcuEraName(calendar, era) == dateEra) {
*result = era;
return true;
// Invalid/Unknown era name.
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
* Return the extended (non-era) year from |date|.
static bool CalendarDateYear(JSContext* cx, CalendarId calendar,
const capi::ICU4XDate* date, int32_t* result) {
MOZ_ASSERT(calendar != CalendarId::ISO8601);
// FIXME: ICU4X doesn't yet support CalendarDateYear, so we need to manually
// adjust the era year to determine the non-era year.
if (!CalendarEraRelevant(calendar)) {
int32_t year = capi::ICU4XDate_year_in_era(date);
*result = year;
return true;
if (calendar != CalendarId::Japanese) {
MOZ_ASSERT(CalendarEras(calendar).size() == 2);
int32_t year = capi::ICU4XDate_year_in_era(date);
MOZ_ASSERT(year > 0, "era years are strictly positive in ICU4X");
EraCode era;
if (!CalendarDateEra(cx, calendar, date, &era)) {
return false;
// Map from era year to extended year.
// For example in the Gregorian calendar:
// ----------------------------
// | Era Year | Extended Year |
// | 2 CE | 2 |
// | 1 CE | 1 |
// | 1 BCE | 0 |
// | 2 BCE | -1 |
// ----------------------------
if (era == EraCode::Inverse) {
year = -(year - 1);
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(era == EraCode::Standard);
*result = year;
return true;
// Japanese uses a proleptic Gregorian calendar, so we can use the ISO year.
UniqueICU4XIsoDate isoDate{capi::ICU4XDate_to_iso(date)};
int32_t isoYear = capi::ICU4XIsoDate_year(isoDate.get());
*result = isoYear;
return true;
* Retrieve the month code from |date| and then map the returned ICU4X month
* code to the corresponding |MonthCode| member.
static bool CalendarDateMonthCode(JSContext* cx, CalendarId calendar,
const capi::ICU4XDate* date,
MonthCode* result) {
MOZ_ASSERT(calendar != CalendarId::ISO8601);
// Valid month codes are "M01".."M13" and "M01L".."M12L".
constexpr size_t MaxLength =
MaxLength > std::string_view{MonthCode::maxNonLeapMonth()}.length(),
"string representation of max-leap month is larger");
// Storage for the largest valid month code and the terminating NUL-character.
char buf[MaxLength + 1] = {};
auto writable = capi::diplomat_simple_writeable(buf, std::size(buf));
if (!capi::ICU4XDate_month_code(date, &writable).is_ok) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
MOZ_ASSERT(writable.buf == buf, "unexpected buffer relocation");
auto view = std::string_view{writable.buf, writable.len};
MOZ_ASSERT(view.length() >= 3);
MOZ_ASSERT(view[0] == 'M');
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(view.length() > 3, view[3] == 'L');
int32_t ordinal =
AsciiDigitToNumber(view[1]) * 10 + AsciiDigitToNumber(view[2]);
bool isLeapMonth = view.length() > 3;
auto monthCode = MonthCode{ordinal, isLeapMonth};
static constexpr auto IrregularAdarII =
MonthCode{6, /* isLeapMonth = */ true};
static constexpr auto RegularAdarII = MonthCode{6};
// Handle the irregular month code "M06L" for Adar II in leap years.
if (calendar == CalendarId::Hebrew && monthCode == IrregularAdarII) {
monthCode = RegularAdarII;
// The month code must be valid for this calendar.
*result = monthCode;
return true;
class MonthCodeString {
// Zero-terminated month code string.
char str_[4 + 1];
explicit MonthCodeString(MonthCodeField field) {
str_[0] = 'M';
str_[1] = char('0' + (field.ordinal() / 10));
str_[2] = char('0' + (field.ordinal() % 10));
str_[3] = field.isLeapMonth() ? 'L' : '\0';
str_[4] = '\0';
const char* toCString() const { return str_; }
* CalendarResolveFields ( calendar, fields, type )
static bool ISOCalendarResolveMonth(JSContext* cx,
Handle<CalendarFields> fields,
double* result) {
double month = fields.month();
IsInteger(month) && month > 0);
// CalendarResolveFields, steps 1.e.
if (!fields.has(CalendarField::MonthCode)) {
*result = month;
return true;
auto monthCode = fields.monthCode();
// CalendarResolveFields, steps 1.f-k.
int32_t ordinal = monthCode.ordinal();
if (ordinal < 1 || ordinal > 12 || monthCode.isLeapMonth()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
// CalendarResolveFields, steps 1.l-m.
if (fields.has(CalendarField::Month) && month != ordinal) {
ToCStringBuf cbuf;
const char* monthStr = NumberToCString(&cbuf, month);
JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
MonthCodeString{monthCode}.toCString(), monthStr);
return false;
// CalendarResolveFields, steps 1.n.
*result = ordinal;
return true;
struct EraYears {
// Year starting from the calendar epoch.
mozilla::Maybe<EraYear> fromEpoch;
// Year starting from a specific calendar era.
mozilla::Maybe<EraYear> fromEra;
* CalendarResolveFields ( calendar, fields, type )
* CalendarDateToISO ( calendar, fields, overflow )
* CalendarMonthDayToISOReferenceDate ( calendar, fields, overflow )
* Extract `year` and `eraYear` from |fields| and perform some initial
* validation to ensure the values are valid for the requested calendar.
static bool CalendarFieldYear(JSContext* cx, CalendarId calendar,
Handle<CalendarFields> fields, EraYears* result) {
MOZ_ASSERT(fields.has(CalendarField::Year) ||
// |eraYear| is to be ignored when not relevant for |calendar| per
// CalendarResolveFields.
bool hasRelevantEra =
fields.has(CalendarField::Era) && CalendarEraRelevant(calendar);
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(fields.has(CalendarField::Era), CalendarEraRelevant(calendar));
// Case 1: |year| field is present.
mozilla::Maybe<EraYear> fromEpoch;
if (fields.has(CalendarField::Year)) {
double year = fields.year();
int32_t intYear;
if (!mozilla::NumberEqualsInt32(year, &intYear)) {
ReportCalendarFieldOverflow(cx, "year", year);
return false;
fromEpoch = mozilla::Some(CalendarEraYear(calendar, intYear));
} else {
// Case 2: |era| and |eraYear| fields are present and relevant for |calendar|.
mozilla::Maybe<EraYear> fromEra;
if (hasRelevantEra) {
auto era = fields.era();
double eraYear = fields.eraYear();
auto* linearEra = era->ensureLinear(cx);
if (!linearEra) {
return false;
// Ensure the requested era is valid for |calendar|.
auto eraCode = EraForString(calendar, linearEra);
if (!eraCode) {
if (auto code = QuoteString(cx, era)) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
int32_t intEraYear;
if (!mozilla::NumberEqualsInt32(eraYear, &intEraYear)) {
ReportCalendarFieldOverflow(cx, "eraYear", eraYear);
return false;
fromEra = mozilla::Some(EraYear{*eraCode, intEraYear});
*result = {fromEpoch, fromEra};
return true;
struct Month {
// Month code.
MonthCode code;
// Ordinal month number.
int32_t ordinal = 0;
* CalendarResolveFields ( calendar, fields, type )
* CalendarDateToISO ( calendar, fields, overflow )
* CalendarMonthDayToISOReferenceDate ( calendar, fields, overflow )
* Extract `month` and `monthCode` from |fields| and perform some initial
* validation to ensure the values are valid for the requested calendar.
static bool CalendarFieldMonth(JSContext* cx, CalendarId calendar,
Handle<CalendarFields> fields,
TemporalOverflow overflow, Month* result) {
MOZ_ASSERT(fields.has(CalendarField::Month) ||
// Case 1: |month| field is present.
int32_t intMonth = 0;
if (fields.has(CalendarField::Month)) {
double month = fields.month();
MOZ_ASSERT(IsInteger(month) && month > 0);
if (!mozilla::NumberEqualsInt32(month, &intMonth)) {
intMonth = 0;
const int32_t monthsPerYear = CalendarMonthsPerYear(calendar);
if (intMonth < 1 || intMonth > monthsPerYear) {
if (overflow == TemporalOverflow::Reject) {
ReportCalendarFieldOverflow(cx, "month", month);
return false;
MOZ_ASSERT(overflow == TemporalOverflow::Constrain);
intMonth = monthsPerYear;
MOZ_ASSERT(intMonth > 0);
// Case 2: |monthCode| field is present.
MonthCode fromMonthCode;
if (fields.has(CalendarField::MonthCode)) {
auto monthCode = fields.monthCode();
int32_t ordinal = monthCode.ordinal();
bool isLeapMonth = monthCode.isLeapMonth();
constexpr int32_t minMonth = MonthCode{1}.ordinal();
constexpr int32_t maxNonLeapMonth = MonthCode::maxNonLeapMonth().ordinal();
constexpr int32_t maxLeapMonth = MonthCode::maxLeapMonth().ordinal();
// Minimum month number is 1. Maximum month is 12 (or 13 when the calendar
// uses epagomenal months).
const int32_t maxMonth = isLeapMonth ? maxLeapMonth : maxNonLeapMonth;
if (minMonth <= ordinal && ordinal <= maxMonth) {
fromMonthCode = MonthCode{ordinal, isLeapMonth};
// Ensure the month code is valid for this calendar.
const auto& monthCodes = CalendarMonthCodes(calendar);
if (!monthCodes.contains(fromMonthCode)) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
*result = {fromMonthCode, intMonth};
return true;
* CalendarResolveFields ( calendar, fields, type )
* CalendarDateToISO ( calendar, fields, overflow )
* CalendarMonthDayToISOReferenceDate ( calendar, fields, overflow )
* Extract `day` from |fields| and perform some initial validation to ensure the
* value is valid for the requested calendar.
static bool CalendarFieldDay(JSContext* cx, CalendarId calendar,
Handle<CalendarFields> fields,
TemporalOverflow overflow, int32_t* result) {
double day =;
MOZ_ASSERT(IsInteger(day) && day > 0);
int32_t intDay;
if (!mozilla::NumberEqualsInt32(day, &intDay)) {
intDay = 0;
// Constrain to a valid day value in this calendar.
int32_t daysPerMonth = CalendarDaysInMonth(calendar).second;
if (intDay < 1 || intDay > daysPerMonth) {
if (overflow == TemporalOverflow::Reject) {
ReportCalendarFieldOverflow(cx, "day", day);
return false;
MOZ_ASSERT(overflow == TemporalOverflow::Constrain);
intDay = daysPerMonth;
*result = intDay;
return true;
* CalendarResolveFields ( calendar, fields, type )
* > The operation throws a TypeError exception if the properties of fields are
* > internally inconsistent within the calendar [...]. For example:
* >
* > [...] The values for "era" and "eraYear" do not together identify the same
* > year as the value for "year".
static bool CalendarFieldEraYearMatchesYear(JSContext* cx, CalendarId calendar,
Handle<CalendarFields> fields,
const capi::ICU4XDate* date) {
double year = fields.year();
int32_t intYear;
MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(mozilla::NumberEqualsInt32(year, &intYear));
int32_t yearFromEraYear;
if (!CalendarDateYear(cx, calendar, date, &yearFromEraYear)) {
return false;
// The user requested year must match the actual (extended/epoch) year.
if (intYear != yearFromEraYear) {
ToCStringBuf yearCbuf;
const char* yearStr = NumberToCString(&yearCbuf, intYear);
ToCStringBuf fromEraCbuf;
const char* fromEraStr = NumberToCString(&fromEraCbuf, yearFromEraYear);
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
yearStr, fromEraStr);
return false;
return true;
* CalendarResolveFields ( calendar, fields, type )
* > The operation throws a TypeError exception if the properties of fields are
* > internally inconsistent within the calendar [...]. For example:
* >
* > If "month" and "monthCode" in the calendar [...] do not identify the same
* > month.
static bool CalendarFieldMonthCodeMatchesMonth(JSContext* cx,
Handle<CalendarFields> fields,
const capi::ICU4XDate* date,
int32_t month) {
int32_t ordinal = capi::ICU4XDate_ordinal_month(date);
// The user requested month must match the actual ordinal month.
if (month != ordinal) {
ToCStringBuf cbuf;
const char* monthStr = NumberToCString(&cbuf, fields.month());
JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
return true;
static ISODate ToISODate(const capi::ICU4XDate* date) {
UniqueICU4XIsoDate isoDate{capi::ICU4XDate_to_iso(date)};
int32_t isoYear = capi::ICU4XIsoDate_year(isoDate.get());
int32_t isoMonth = capi::ICU4XIsoDate_month(isoDate.get());
MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= isoMonth && isoMonth <= 12);
int32_t isoDay = capi::ICU4XIsoDate_day_of_month(isoDate.get());
if (isoDay == 0) {
MOZ_ASSERT(capi::ICU4XCalendar_kind(capi::ICU4XDate_calendar(date)) ==
isoDay = 31;
isoMonth = 12;
isoYear -= 1;
MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= isoDay && isoDay <= ::ISODaysInMonth(isoYear, isoMonth));
return {isoYear, isoMonth, isoDay};
static UniqueICU4XDate CreateDateFrom(JSContext* cx, CalendarId calendar,
const capi::ICU4XCalendar* cal,
const EraYears& eraYears,
const Month& month, int32_t day,
Handle<CalendarFields> fields,
TemporalOverflow overflow) {
// Use |eraYear| if present, so we can more easily check for consistent
// |year| and |eraYear| fields.
auto eraYear = eraYears.fromEra ? *eraYears.fromEra : *eraYears.fromEpoch;
UniqueICU4XDate date;
if (month.code != MonthCode{}) {
date = CreateDateFromCodes(cx, calendar, cal, eraYear, month.code, day,
} else {
date = CreateDateFrom(cx, calendar, cal, eraYear, month.ordinal, day,
if (!date) {
return nullptr;
// |year| and |eraYear| must be consistent.
if (eraYears.fromEpoch && eraYears.fromEra) {
if (!CalendarFieldEraYearMatchesYear(cx, calendar, fields, date.get())) {
return nullptr;
// |month| and |monthCode| must be consistent.
if (month.code != MonthCode{} && month.ordinal > 0) {
if (!CalendarFieldMonthCodeMatchesMonth(cx, fields, date.get(),
month.ordinal)) {
return nullptr;
return date;
* RegulateISODate ( year, month, day, overflow )
static bool RegulateISODate(JSContext* cx, int32_t year, double month,
double day, TemporalOverflow overflow,
ISODate* result) {
// Step 1.
if (overflow == TemporalOverflow::Constrain) {
// Step 1.a.
int32_t m = int32_t(std::clamp(month, 1.0, 12.0));
// Step 1.b.
double daysInMonth = double(::ISODaysInMonth(year, m));
// Step 1.c.
int32_t d = int32_t(std::clamp(day, 1.0, daysInMonth));
// Step 3. (Inlined call to CreateISODateRecord.)
*result = {year, m, d};
return true;
// Step 2.a.
MOZ_ASSERT(overflow == TemporalOverflow::Reject);
// Step 2.b.
if (!ThrowIfInvalidISODate(cx, year, month, day)) {
return false;
// Step 3. (Inlined call to CreateISODateRecord.)
*result = {year, int32_t(month), int32_t(day)};
return true;
* CalendarDateToISO ( calendar, fields, overflow )
static bool CalendarDateToISO(JSContext* cx, CalendarId calendar,
Handle<CalendarFields> fields,
TemporalOverflow overflow, ISODate* result) {
// Step 1.
if (calendar == CalendarId::ISO8601) {
// Step 1.a.
MOZ_ASSERT(fields.has(CalendarField::Month) ||
// Remaining steps from CalendarResolveFields to resolve the month.
double month;
if (!ISOCalendarResolveMonth(cx, fields, &month)) {
return false;
int32_t intYear;
if (!mozilla::NumberEqualsInt32(fields.year(), &intYear)) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
// Step 1.b.
return RegulateISODate(cx, intYear, month,, overflow, result);
// Step 2.
EraYears eraYears;
if (!CalendarFieldYear(cx, calendar, fields, &eraYears)) {
return false;
Month month;
if (!CalendarFieldMonth(cx, calendar, fields, overflow, &month)) {
return false;
int32_t day;
if (!CalendarFieldDay(cx, calendar, fields, overflow, &day)) {
return false;
auto cal = CreateICU4XCalendar(cx, calendar);
if (!cal) {
return false;
auto date = CreateDateFrom(cx, calendar, cal.get(), eraYears, month, day,
fields, overflow);
if (!date) {
return false;
*result = ToISODate(date.get());
return true;
* CalendarMonthDayToISOReferenceDate ( calendar, fields, overflow )
static bool CalendarMonthDayToISOReferenceDate(JSContext* cx,
CalendarId calendar,
Handle<CalendarFields> fields,
TemporalOverflow overflow,
ISODate* result) {
// Step 1.
if (calendar == CalendarId::ISO8601) {
// Step 1.a.
MOZ_ASSERT(fields.has(CalendarField::Month) ||
// Remaining steps from CalendarResolveFields to resolve the month.
double month;
if (!ISOCalendarResolveMonth(cx, fields, &month)) {
return false;
// Step 1.b.
int32_t referenceISOYear = 1972;
// Step 1.c.
double year =
!fields.has(CalendarField::Year) ? referenceISOYear : fields.year();
int32_t intYear;
if (!mozilla::NumberEqualsInt32(year, &intYear)) {
// Calendar cycles repeat every 400 years in the Gregorian calendar.
intYear = int32_t(std::fmod(year, 400));
// Step 1.d.
ISODate regulated;
if (!RegulateISODate(cx, intYear, month,, overflow,
&regulated)) {
return false;
// Step 1.e.
*result = {referenceISOYear, regulated.month,};
return true;
// Step 2.
EraYears eraYears;
if (fields.has(CalendarField::Year) || fields.has(CalendarField::EraYear)) {
if (!CalendarFieldYear(cx, calendar, fields, &eraYears)) {
return false;
} else {
Month month;
if (!CalendarFieldMonth(cx, calendar, fields, overflow, &month)) {
return false;
int32_t day;
if (!CalendarFieldDay(cx, calendar, fields, overflow, &day)) {
return false;
auto cal = CreateICU4XCalendar(cx, calendar);
if (!cal) {
return false;
// We first have to compute the month-code if it wasn't provided to us.
auto monthCode = month.code;
if (fields.has(CalendarField::Year) || fields.has(CalendarField::EraYear)) {
auto date = CreateDateFrom(cx, calendar, cal.get(), eraYears, month, day,
fields, overflow);
if (!date) {
return false;
if (!fields.has(CalendarField::MonthCode)) {
if (!CalendarDateMonthCode(cx, calendar, date.get(), &monthCode)) {
return false;
MOZ_ASSERT(monthCode != MonthCode{});
if (overflow == TemporalOverflow::Constrain) {
// Call into ICU4X if `day` exceeds the minimum number of days.
int32_t minDaysInMonth = CalendarDaysInMonth(calendar, monthCode).first;
if (day > minDaysInMonth) {
day = capi::ICU4XDate_day_of_month(date.get());
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(overflow == TemporalOverflow::Reject);
MOZ_ASSERT(day == int32_t(capi::ICU4XDate_day_of_month(date.get())));
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(monthCode != MonthCode{});
// Constrain `day` to maximum possible day of the input month.
int32_t maxDaysInMonth = CalendarDaysInMonth(calendar, monthCode).second;
if (overflow == TemporalOverflow::Constrain) {
day = std::min(day, maxDaysInMonth);
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(overflow == TemporalOverflow::Reject);
if (day > maxDaysInMonth) {
ReportCalendarFieldOverflow(cx, "day", day);
return false;
// Try years starting from 31 December, 1972.
constexpr auto isoReferenceDate = ISODate{1972, 12, 31};
auto fromIsoDate = CreateICU4XDate(cx, isoReferenceDate, calendar, cal.get());
if (!fromIsoDate) {
return false;
// Find the calendar year for the ISO reference date.
int32_t calendarYear;
if (!CalendarDateYear(cx, calendar, fromIsoDate.get(), &calendarYear)) {
return false;
// 10'000 is sufficient to find all possible month-days, even for rare cases
// like `{calendar: "chinese", monthCode: "M09L", day: 30}`.
constexpr size_t maxIterations = 10'000;
UniqueICU4XDate date;
for (size_t i = 0; i < maxIterations; i++) {
// This loop can run for a long time.
if (!CheckForInterrupt(cx)) {
return false;
auto candidateYear = CalendarEraYear(calendar, calendarYear);
auto result =
CreateDateFromCodes(calendar, cal.get(), candidateYear, monthCode, day);
if (result.isOk()) {
// Make sure the resolved date is before December 31, 1972.
auto isoDate = ToISODate(result.inspect().get());
if (isoDate.year > isoReferenceDate.year) {
calendarYear -= 1;
date = result.unwrap();
switch (result.inspectErr()) {
case CalendarError::UnknownMonthCode: {
// Try the next candidate year if the requested leap month doesn't
// occur in the current year.
calendarYear -= 1;
case CalendarError::Overflow: {
// ICU4X throws an overflow error when:
// 1. month > monthsInYear(year), or
// 2. days > daysInMonthOf(year, month).
// Case 1 can't happen for month-codes, so it doesn't apply here.
// Case 2 can only happen when |day| is larger than the minimum number
// of days in the month.
MOZ_ASSERT(day > CalendarDaysInMonth(calendar, monthCode).first);
// Try next candidate year to find an earlier year which can fulfill
// the input request.
calendarYear -= 1;
case CalendarError::OutOfRange:
case CalendarError::Underflow:
case CalendarError::UnknownEra:
MOZ_ASSERT(false, "unexpected calendar error");
case CalendarError::Generic:
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
// We shouldn't end up here with |maxIterations == 10'000|, but just in case
// still handle this case and report an error.
if (!date) {
ReportCalendarFieldOverflow(cx, "day", day);
return false;
// |month| and |monthCode| must be consistent.
if (month.code != MonthCode{} && month.ordinal > 0) {
if (!CalendarFieldMonthCodeMatchesMonth(cx, fields, date.get(),
month.ordinal)) {
return false;
*result = ToISODate(date.get());
return true;
enum class FieldType { Date, YearMonth, MonthDay };
* CalendarResolveFields ( calendar, fields, type )
static bool CalendarResolveFields(JSContext* cx, CalendarId calendar,
Handle<CalendarFields> fields,
FieldType type) {
// Step 1.
if (calendar == CalendarId::ISO8601) {
// Steps 1.a-e.
const char* missingField = nullptr;
if ((type == FieldType::Date || type == FieldType::YearMonth) &&
!fields.has(CalendarField::Year)) {
missingField = "year";
} else if ((type == FieldType::Date || type == FieldType::MonthDay) &&
!fields.has(CalendarField::Day)) {
missingField = "day";
} else if (!fields.has(CalendarField::MonthCode) &&
!fields.has(CalendarField::Month)) {
missingField = "month";
if (missingField) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
// Steps 1.f-n. (Handled in ISOCalendarResolveMonth.)
return true;
// Step 2.
// Date and Month-Day require |day| to be present.
bool requireDay = type == FieldType::Date || type == FieldType::MonthDay;
// Date and Year-Month require |year| (or |eraYear|) to be present.
// Month-Day requires |year| (or |eraYear|) if |monthCode| is absent.
bool requireYear = type == FieldType::Date || type == FieldType::YearMonth ||
// Determine if any calendar fields are missing.
const char* missingField = nullptr;
if (!fields.has(CalendarField::MonthCode) &&
!fields.has(CalendarField::Month)) {
// |monthCode| or |month| must be present.
missingField = "monthCode";
} else if (requireDay && !fields.has(CalendarField::Day)) {
missingField = "day";
} else if (!CalendarEraRelevant(calendar)) {
if (requireYear && !fields.has(CalendarField::Year)) {
missingField = "year";
} else {
if (fields.has(CalendarField::Era) != fields.has(CalendarField::EraYear)) {
// |era| and |eraYear| must either both be present or both absent.
missingField = fields.has(CalendarField::Era) ? "eraYear" : "era";
} else if (requireYear && !fields.has(CalendarField::EraYear) &&
!fields.has(CalendarField::Year)) {
missingField = "eraYear";
if (missingField) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
return true;
* CalendarISOToDate ( calendar, isoDate )
* Return the Calendar Date Record's [[Era]] field.
bool js::temporal::CalendarEra(JSContext* cx, Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
const ISODate& date,
MutableHandle<Value> result) {
auto calendarId = calendar.identifier();
// Step 1.
if (calendarId == CalendarId::ISO8601) {
return true;
// Step 2.
if (!CalendarEraRelevant(calendarId)) {
return true;
auto cal = CreateICU4XCalendar(cx, calendarId);
if (!cal) {
return false;
auto dt = CreateICU4XDate(cx, date, calendarId, cal.get());
if (!dt) {
return false;
EraCode era;
if (!CalendarDateEra(cx, calendarId, dt.get(), &era)) {
return false;
auto* str = NewStringCopy<CanGC>(cx, CalendarEraName(calendarId, era));
if (!str) {
return false;
return true;
* CalendarISOToDate ( calendar, isoDate )
* Return the Calendar Date Record's [[EraYear]] field.
bool js::temporal::CalendarEraYear(JSContext* cx,
Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
const ISODate& date,
MutableHandle<Value> result) {
auto calendarId = calendar.identifier();
// Step 1.
if (calendarId == CalendarId::ISO8601) {
return true;
// Step 2.
if (!CalendarEraRelevant(calendarId)) {
return true;
auto cal = CreateICU4XCalendar(cx, calendarId);
if (!cal) {
return false;
auto dt = CreateICU4XDate(cx, date, calendarId, cal.get());
if (!dt) {
return false;
int32_t year = capi::ICU4XDate_year_in_era(dt.get());
return true;
* CalendarISOToDate ( calendar, isoDate )
* Return the Calendar Date Record's [[Year]] field.
bool js::temporal::CalendarYear(JSContext* cx, Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
const ISODate& date,
MutableHandle<Value> result) {
auto calendarId = calendar.identifier();
// Step 1.
if (calendarId == CalendarId::ISO8601) {
return true;
// Step 2.
auto cal = CreateICU4XCalendar(cx, calendarId);
if (!cal) {
return false;
auto dt = CreateICU4XDate(cx, date, calendarId, cal.get());
if (!dt) {
return false;
int32_t year;
if (!CalendarDateYear(cx, calendarId, dt.get(), &year)) {
return false;
return true;
* CalendarISOToDate ( calendar, isoDate )
* Return the Calendar Date Record's [[Month]] field.
bool js::temporal::CalendarMonth(JSContext* cx, Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
const ISODate& date,
MutableHandle<Value> result) {
auto calendarId = calendar.identifier();
// Step 1.
if (calendarId == CalendarId::ISO8601) {
return true;
// Step 2.
auto cal = CreateICU4XCalendar(cx, calendarId);
if (!cal) {
return false;
auto dt = CreateICU4XDate(cx, date, calendarId, cal.get());
if (!dt) {
return false;
int32_t month = capi::ICU4XDate_ordinal_month(dt.get());
return true;
* CalendarISOToDate ( calendar, isoDate )
* Return the Calendar Date Record's [[MonthCode]] field.
bool js::temporal::CalendarMonthCode(JSContext* cx,
Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
const ISODate& date,
MutableHandle<Value> result) {
auto calendarId = calendar.identifier();
// Step 1.
if (calendarId == CalendarId::ISO8601) {
// Steps 1.a-b.
auto monthCode = MonthCode{date.month};
JSString* str = NewStringCopy<CanGC>(cx, std::string_view{monthCode});
if (!str) {
return false;
return true;
// Step 2.
auto cal = CreateICU4XCalendar(cx, calendarId);
if (!cal) {
return false;
auto dt = CreateICU4XDate(cx, date, calendarId, cal.get());
if (!dt) {
return false;
MonthCode monthCode;
if (!CalendarDateMonthCode(cx, calendarId, dt.get(), &monthCode)) {
return false;
auto* str = NewStringCopy<CanGC>(cx, std::string_view{monthCode});
if (!str) {
return false;
return true;
* CalendarISOToDate ( calendar, isoDate )
* Return the Calendar Date Record's [[Day]] field.
bool js::temporal::CalendarDay(JSContext* cx, Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
const ISODate& date,
MutableHandle<Value> result) {
auto calendarId = calendar.identifier();
// Step 1.
if (calendarId == CalendarId::ISO8601) {
return true;
// Step 2.
auto cal = CreateICU4XCalendar(cx, calendarId);
if (!cal) {
return false;
auto dt = CreateICU4XDate(cx, date, calendarId, cal.get());
if (!dt) {
return false;
int32_t day = capi::ICU4XDate_day_of_month(dt.get());
return true;
* CalendarISOToDate ( calendar, isoDate )
* Return the Calendar Date Record's [[DayOfWeek]] field.
bool js::temporal::CalendarDayOfWeek(JSContext* cx,
Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
const ISODate& date,
MutableHandle<Value> result) {
auto calendarId = calendar.identifier();
// Step 1.
if (calendarId == CalendarId::ISO8601) {
return true;
// Step 2.
auto cal = CreateICU4XCalendar(cx, calendarId);
if (!cal) {
return false;
auto dt = CreateICU4XDate(cx, date, calendarId, cal.get());
if (!dt) {
return false;
// Week day codes are correctly ordered.
static_assert(capi::ICU4XIsoWeekday_Monday == 1);
static_assert(capi::ICU4XIsoWeekday_Tuesday == 2);
static_assert(capi::ICU4XIsoWeekday_Wednesday == 3);
static_assert(capi::ICU4XIsoWeekday_Thursday == 4);
static_assert(capi::ICU4XIsoWeekday_Friday == 5);
static_assert(capi::ICU4XIsoWeekday_Saturday == 6);
static_assert(capi::ICU4XIsoWeekday_Sunday == 7);
capi::ICU4XIsoWeekday day = capi::ICU4XDate_day_of_week(dt.get());
return true;
* CalendarISOToDate ( calendar, isoDate )
* Return the Calendar Date Record's [[DayOfYear]] field.
bool js::temporal::CalendarDayOfYear(JSContext* cx,
Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
const ISODate& date,
MutableHandle<Value> result) {
auto calendarId = calendar.identifier();
// Step 1.
if (calendarId == CalendarId::ISO8601) {
return true;
// Step 2.
auto cal = CreateICU4XCalendar(cx, calendarId);
if (!cal) {
return false;
auto dt = CreateICU4XDate(cx, date, calendarId, cal.get());
if (!dt) {
return false;
if (calendarId == CalendarId::Japanese) {
// Use the extended year instead of the era year to correctly handle the
// case when the era changes in the current year. This can happen in the
// Japanese calendar.
int32_t year;
if (!CalendarDateYear(cx, calendarId, dt.get(), &year)) {
return false;
auto eraYear = CalendarEraYear(calendarId, year);
int32_t dayOfYear = capi::ICU4XDate_day_of_month(dt.get());
int32_t month = capi::ICU4XDate_ordinal_month(dt.get());
// Add the number of days of all preceding months to compute the overall day
// of the year.
while (month > 1) {
auto previousMonth = CreateDateFrom(cx, calendarId, cal.get(), eraYear,
--month, 1, TemporalOverflow::Reject);
if (!previousMonth) {
return false;
dayOfYear += capi::ICU4XDate_days_in_month(previousMonth.get());
MOZ_ASSERT(dayOfYear <= capi::ICU4XDate_days_in_year(dt.get()));
return true;
int32_t day = capi::ICU4XDate_day_of_year(dt.get());
return true;
* CalendarISOToDate ( calendar, isoDate )
* Return the Calendar Date Record's [[WeekOfYear]].[[Week]] field.
bool js::temporal::CalendarWeekOfYear(JSContext* cx,
Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
const ISODate& date,
MutableHandle<Value> result) {
auto calendarId = calendar.identifier();
// Step 1.
if (calendarId == CalendarId::ISO8601) {
return true;
// Step 2.
// Non-Gregorian calendars don't get week-of-year support for now.
if (calendarId != CalendarId::Gregorian) {
return true;
auto cal = CreateICU4XCalendar(cx, calendarId);
if (!cal) {
return false;
auto dt = CreateICU4XDate(cx, date, calendarId, cal.get());
if (!dt) {
return false;
auto weekCal = CreateICU4WeekCalculator(cx, calendarId);
if (!weekCal) {
return false;
auto week = capi::ICU4XDate_week_of_year(dt.get(), weekCal.get());
if (!week.is_ok) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
return true;
* CalendarISOToDate ( calendar, isoDate )
* Return the Calendar Date Record's [[WeekOfYear]].[[Year]] field.
bool js::temporal::CalendarYearOfWeek(JSContext* cx,
Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
const ISODate& date,
MutableHandle<Value> result) {
auto calendarId = calendar.identifier();
// Step 1.
if (calendarId == CalendarId::ISO8601) {
return true;
// Step 2.
// Non-Gregorian calendars don't get week-of-year support for now.
if (calendarId != CalendarId::Gregorian) {
return true;
auto cal = CreateICU4XCalendar(cx, calendarId);
if (!cal) {
return false;
auto dt = CreateICU4XDate(cx, date, calendarId, cal.get());
if (!dt) {
return false;
auto weekCal = CreateICU4WeekCalculator(cx, calendarId);
if (!weekCal) {
return false;
auto week = capi::ICU4XDate_week_of_year(dt.get(), weekCal.get());
if (!week.is_ok) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
int32_t relative = 0;
switch (week.ok.unit) {
case capi::ICU4XWeekRelativeUnit_Previous:
relative = -1;
case capi::ICU4XWeekRelativeUnit_Current:
relative = 0;
case capi::ICU4XWeekRelativeUnit_Next:
relative = 1;
int32_t calendarYear;
if (!CalendarDateYear(cx, calendarId, dt.get(), &calendarYear)) {
return false;
result.setInt32(calendarYear + relative);
return true;
* CalendarISOToDate ( calendar, isoDate )
* Return the Calendar Date Record's [[DaysInWeek]] field.
bool js::temporal::CalendarDaysInWeek(JSContext* cx,
Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
const ISODate& date,
MutableHandle<Value> result) {
// All supported ICU4X calendars use a 7-day week and so does the ISO 8601
// calendar.
// This function isn't supported through the ICU4X FFI, so we have to
// hardcode the result.
// Step 1-2.
return true;
* CalendarISOToDate ( calendar, isoDate )
* Return the Calendar Date Record's [[DaysInMonth]] field.
bool js::temporal::CalendarDaysInMonth(JSContext* cx,
Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
const ISODate& date,
MutableHandle<Value> result) {
auto calendarId = calendar.identifier();
// Step 1.
if (calendarId == CalendarId::ISO8601) {
result.setInt32(::ISODaysInMonth(date.year, date.month));
return true;
// Step 2.
auto cal = CreateICU4XCalendar(cx, calendarId);
if (!cal) {
return false;
auto dt = CreateICU4XDate(cx, date, calendarId, cal.get());
if (!dt) {
return false;
int32_t days = capi::ICU4XDate_days_in_month(dt.get());
return true;
* CalendarISOToDate ( calendar, isoDate )
* Return the Calendar Date Record's [[DaysInYear]] field.
bool js::temporal::CalendarDaysInYear(JSContext* cx,
Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
const ISODate& date,
MutableHandle<Value> result) {
auto calendarId = calendar.identifier();
// Step 1.
if (calendarId == CalendarId::ISO8601) {
return true;
// Step 2.
auto cal = CreateICU4XCalendar(cx, calendarId);
if (!cal) {
return false;
auto dt = CreateICU4XDate(cx, date, calendarId, cal.get());
if (!dt) {
return false;
int32_t days = capi::ICU4XDate_days_in_year(dt.get());
return true;
* CalendarISOToDate ( calendar, isoDate )
* Return the Calendar Date Record's [[MonthsInYear]] field.
bool js::temporal::CalendarMonthsInYear(JSContext* cx,
Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
const ISODate& date,
MutableHandle<Value> result) {
auto calendarId = calendar.identifier();
// Step 1.
if (calendarId == CalendarId::ISO8601) {
return true;
// Step 2
auto cal = CreateICU4XCalendar(cx, calendarId);
if (!cal) {
return false;
auto dt = CreateICU4XDate(cx, date, calendarId, cal.get());
if (!dt) {
return false;
int32_t months = capi::ICU4XDate_months_in_year(dt.get());
return true;
* CalendarISOToDate ( calendar, isoDate )
* Return the Calendar Date Record's [[InLeapYear]] field.
bool js::temporal::CalendarInLeapYear(JSContext* cx,
Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
const ISODate& date,
MutableHandle<Value> result) {
auto calendarId = calendar.identifier();
// Step 1.
if (calendarId == CalendarId::ISO8601) {
return true;
// Step 2.
// FIXME: Not supported in ICU4X.
auto cal = CreateICU4XCalendar(cx, calendarId);
if (!cal) {
return false;
auto dt = CreateICU4XDate(cx, date, calendarId, cal.get());
if (!dt) {
return false;
bool inLeapYear = false;
switch (calendarId) {
case CalendarId::ISO8601:
case CalendarId::Buddhist:
case CalendarId::Gregorian:
case CalendarId::Japanese:
case CalendarId::Coptic:
case CalendarId::Ethiopian:
case CalendarId::EthiopianAmeteAlem:
case CalendarId::Indian:
case CalendarId::Persian:
case CalendarId::ROC: {
// Solar calendars have either 365 or 366 days per year.
int32_t days = capi::ICU4XDate_days_in_year(dt.get());
MOZ_ASSERT(days == 365 || days == 366);
// Leap years have 366 days.
inLeapYear = days == 366;
case CalendarId::Islamic:
case CalendarId::IslamicCivil:
case CalendarId::IslamicRGSA:
case CalendarId::IslamicTabular:
case CalendarId::IslamicUmmAlQura: {
// Lunar Islamic calendars have either 354 or 355 days per year.
// Allow 353 days to workaround
int32_t days = capi::ICU4XDate_days_in_year(dt.get());
MOZ_ASSERT(days == 353 || days == 354 || days == 355);
// Leap years have 355 days.
inLeapYear = days == 355;
case CalendarId::Chinese:
case CalendarId::Dangi:
case CalendarId::Hebrew: {
// Calendars with separate leap months have either 12 or 13 months per
// year.
int32_t months = capi::ICU4XDate_months_in_year(dt.get());
MOZ_ASSERT(months == 12 || months == 13);
// Leap years have 13 months.
inLeapYear = months == 13;
return true;
enum class DateFieldType { Date, YearMonth, MonthDay };
* ISODateToFields ( calendar, isoDate, type )
static bool ISODateToFields(JSContext* cx, Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
const ISODate& date, DateFieldType type,
MutableHandle<CalendarFields> result) {
auto calendarId = calendar.identifier();
// Step 1.
// Steps 2-6. (Optimization for the ISO 8601 calendar.)
if (calendarId == CalendarId::ISO8601) {
// Step 2. (Not applicable in our implementation.)
// Step 3.
// Step 4.
if (type == DateFieldType::MonthDay || type == DateFieldType::Date) {
// Step 5.
if (type == DateFieldType::YearMonth || type == DateFieldType::Date) {
// Step 6.
return true;
// Step 2.
auto cal = CreateICU4XCalendar(cx, calendarId);
if (!cal) {
return false;
auto dt = CreateICU4XDate(cx, date, calendarId, cal.get());
if (!dt) {
return false;
// Step 3.
MonthCode monthCode;
if (!CalendarDateMonthCode(cx, calendarId, dt.get(), &monthCode)) {
return false;
// Step 4.
if (type == DateFieldType::MonthDay || type == DateFieldType::Date) {
int32_t day = capi::ICU4XDate_day_of_month(dt.get());
// Step 5.
if (type == DateFieldType::YearMonth || type == DateFieldType::Date) {
int32_t year;
if (!CalendarDateYear(cx, calendarId, dt.get(), &year)) {
return false;
// Step 6.
return true;
* ISODateToFields ( calendar, isoDate, type )
bool js::temporal::ISODateToFields(JSContext* cx, Handle<PlainDate> date,
MutableHandle<CalendarFields> result) {
return ISODateToFields(cx, date.calendar(), date, DateFieldType::Date,
* ISODateToFields ( calendar, isoDate, type )
bool js::temporal::ISODateToFields(JSContext* cx,
Handle<PlainDateTime> dateTime,
MutableHandle<CalendarFields> result) {
return ISODateToFields(cx, dateTime.calendar(),,
DateFieldType::Date, result);
* ISODateToFields ( calendar, isoDate, type )
bool js::temporal::ISODateToFields(JSContext* cx,
Handle<PlainMonthDay> monthDay,
MutableHandle<CalendarFields> result) {
return ISODateToFields(cx, monthDay.calendar(),,
DateFieldType::MonthDay, result);
* ISODateToFields ( calendar, isoDate, type )
bool js::temporal::ISODateToFields(JSContext* cx,
Handle<PlainYearMonth> yearMonth,
MutableHandle<CalendarFields> result) {
return ISODateToFields(cx, yearMonth.calendar(),,
DateFieldType::YearMonth, result);
* CalendarDateFromFields ( calendar, fields, overflow )
bool js::temporal::CalendarDateFromFields(JSContext* cx,
Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
Handle<CalendarFields> fields,
TemporalOverflow overflow,
MutableHandle<PlainDate> result) {
auto calendarId = calendar.identifier();
// Step 1.
if (!CalendarResolveFields(cx, calendarId, fields, FieldType::Date)) {
return false;
// Step 2.
ISODate date;
if (!CalendarDateToISO(cx, calendarId, fields, overflow, &date)) {
return false;
// Steps 3-4.
return CreateTemporalDate(cx, date, calendar, result);
* CalendarYearMonthFromFields ( calendar, fields, overflow )
bool js::temporal::CalendarYearMonthFromFields(
JSContext* cx, Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
Handle<CalendarFields> fields, TemporalOverflow overflow,
MutableHandle<PlainYearMonth> result) {
auto calendarId = calendar.identifier();
// Step 1.
if (!CalendarResolveFields(cx, calendarId, fields, FieldType::YearMonth)) {
return false;
// Step 2.
int32_t firstDayIndex = 1;
// Step 3.
Rooted<CalendarFields> resolvedFields(cx, CalendarFields{fields});
// Step 4.
ISODate date;
if (!CalendarDateToISO(cx, calendarId, resolvedFields, overflow, &date)) {
return false;
// Steps 5-6.
return CreateTemporalYearMonth(cx, date, calendar, result);
* CalendarMonthDayFromFields ( calendar, fields, overflow )
bool js::temporal::CalendarMonthDayFromFields(
JSContext* cx, Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
Handle<CalendarFields> fields, TemporalOverflow overflow,
MutableHandle<PlainMonthDay> result) {
auto calendarId = calendar.identifier();
// Step 1.
if (!CalendarResolveFields(cx, calendarId, fields, FieldType::MonthDay)) {
return false;
// Step 2.
ISODate date;
if (!CalendarMonthDayToISOReferenceDate(cx, calendarId, fields, overflow,
&date)) {
return false;
// Step 3-4.
return CreateTemporalMonthDay(cx, date, calendar, result);
* Mathematical Operations, "modulo" notation.
static int32_t NonNegativeModulo(int64_t x, int32_t y) {
MOZ_ASSERT(y > 0);
int32_t result = mozilla::AssertedCast<int32_t>(x % y);
return (result < 0) ? (result + y) : result;
* RegulateISODate ( year, month, day, overflow )
* With |overflow = "constrain"|.
static ISODate ConstrainISODate(const ISODate& date) {
const auto& [year, month, day] = date;
// Step 1.a.
int32_t m = std::clamp(month, 1, 12);
// Step 1.b.
int32_t daysInMonth = ::ISODaysInMonth(year, m);
// Step 1.c.
int32_t d = std::clamp(day, 1, daysInMonth);
// Step 3.
return {year, m, d};
* RegulateISODate ( year, month, day, overflow )
static bool RegulateISODate(JSContext* cx, const ISODate& date,
TemporalOverflow overflow, ISODate* result) {
// Step 1.
if (overflow == TemporalOverflow::Constrain) {
// Steps 1.a-c and 3.
*result = ConstrainISODate(date);
return true;
// Step 2.a.
MOZ_ASSERT(overflow == TemporalOverflow::Reject);
// Step 2.b.
if (!ThrowIfInvalidISODate(cx, date)) {
return false;
// Step 3. (Inlined call to CreateISODateRecord.)
*result = date;
return true;
struct BalancedYearMonth final {
int64_t year = 0;
int32_t month = 0;
* BalanceISOYearMonth ( year, month )
static BalancedYearMonth BalanceISOYearMonth(int64_t year, int64_t month) {
MOZ_ASSERT(std::abs(year) < (int64_t(1) << 33),
"year is the addition of plain-date year with duration years");
MOZ_ASSERT(std::abs(month) < (int64_t(1) << 33),
"month is the addition of plain-date month with duration months");
// Step 1. (Not applicable in our implementation.)
// Step 2.
int64_t balancedYear = year + temporal::FloorDiv(month - 1, 12);
// Step 3.
int32_t balancedMonth = NonNegativeModulo(month - 1, 12) + 1;
MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= balancedMonth && balancedMonth <= 12);
// Step 4.
return {balancedYear, balancedMonth};
static BalancedYearMonth BalanceYearMonth(int64_t year, int64_t month,
int32_t monthsPerYear) {
MOZ_ASSERT(std::abs(year) < (int64_t(1) << 33),
"year is the addition of plain-date year with duration years");
MOZ_ASSERT(std::abs(month) < (int64_t(1) << 33),
"month is the addition of plain-date month with duration months");
int64_t balancedYear = year + temporal::FloorDiv(month - 1, monthsPerYear);
int32_t balancedMonth = NonNegativeModulo(month - 1, monthsPerYear) + 1;
MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= balancedMonth && balancedMonth <= monthsPerYear);
return {balancedYear, balancedMonth};
* CalendarDateAdd ( calendar, isoDate, duration, overflow )
static bool AddISODate(JSContext* cx, const ISODate& isoDate,
const DateDuration& duration, TemporalOverflow overflow,
ISODate* result) {
// Step 1.a.
auto yearMonth = BalanceISOYearMonth(isoDate.year + duration.years,
isoDate.month + duration.months);
MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= yearMonth.month && yearMonth.month <= 12);
auto balancedYear = mozilla::CheckedInt<int32_t>(yearMonth.year);
if (!balancedYear.isValid()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
// Step 1.b.
ISODate regulated;
if (!RegulateISODate(cx, {balancedYear.value(), yearMonth.month,},
overflow, &regulated)) {
return false;
if (!ISODateWithinLimits(regulated)) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
// Step 1.c.
int64_t days = duration.days + duration.weeks * 7;
// Step 1.d.
ISODate balanced;
if (!BalanceISODate(cx, regulated, days, &balanced)) {
return false;
*result = balanced;
return true;
struct CalendarDate {
int32_t year = 0;
MonthCode monthCode = {};
int32_t day = 0;
* CompareISODate adjusted for calendar dates.
static int32_t CompareCalendarDate(const CalendarDate& one,
const CalendarDate& two) {
if (one.year != two.year) {
return one.year < two.year ? -1 : 1;
if (one.monthCode != two.monthCode) {
return one.monthCode < two.monthCode ? -1 : 1;
if ( != {
return < ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
static bool ToCalendarDate(JSContext* cx, CalendarId calendarId,
const capi::ICU4XDate* dt, CalendarDate* result) {
int32_t year;
if (!CalendarDateYear(cx, calendarId, dt, &year)) {
return false;
MonthCode monthCode;
if (!CalendarDateMonthCode(cx, calendarId, dt, &monthCode)) {
return false;
int32_t day = capi::ICU4XDate_day_of_month(dt);
*result = {year, monthCode, day};
return true;
* Store a calendar date in a |ISODate| struct when leap months don't matter.
static bool ToCalendarDate(JSContext* cx, CalendarId calendarId,
const capi::ICU4XDate* dt, ISODate* result) {
int32_t year;
if (!CalendarDateYear(cx, calendarId, dt, &year)) {
return false;
int32_t month = capi::ICU4XDate_ordinal_month(dt);
int32_t day = capi::ICU4XDate_day_of_month(dt);
*result = {year, month, day};
return true;
static bool AddYearMonthDuration(JSContext* cx, CalendarId calendarId,
const ISODate& calendarDate,
const DateDuration& duration,
CalendarDate* result) {
auto [year, month, day] = calendarDate;
// Months per year are fixed, so we can directly compute the final number of
// years.
auto yearMonth =
BalanceYearMonth(year + duration.years, month + duration.months,
auto balancedYear = mozilla::CheckedInt<int32_t>(yearMonth.year);
if (!balancedYear.isValid()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
*result = {balancedYear.value(), MonthCode{yearMonth.month}, day};
return true;
static bool AddYearMonthDuration(JSContext* cx, CalendarId calendarId,
const capi::ICU4XCalendar* calendar,
const CalendarDate& calendarDate,
const DateDuration& duration,
CalendarDate* result) {
auto [year, monthCode, day] = calendarDate;
// Add all duration years.
auto durationYear = mozilla::CheckedInt<int32_t>(year) + duration.years;
if (!durationYear.isValid()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
year = durationYear.value();
// Months per year are variable, so we have construct a new date for each
// year to balance the years and months.
int64_t months = duration.months;
if (months != 0) {
auto eraYear = CalendarEraYear(calendarId, year);
auto firstDayOfMonth =
CreateDateFromCodes(cx, calendarId, calendar, eraYear, monthCode, 1,
if (!firstDayOfMonth) {
return false;
if (months > 0) {
while (true) {
// Check if adding |months| is still in the current year.
int32_t month = capi::ICU4XDate_ordinal_month(firstDayOfMonth.get());
int32_t monthsInYear =
if (month + months <= monthsInYear) {
// We've crossed a year boundary. Increase |year| and adjust |months|.
year += 1;
months -= (monthsInYear - month + 1);
// Restart the loop with the first month of the next year.
eraYear = CalendarEraYear(calendarId, year);
firstDayOfMonth = CreateDateFrom(cx, calendarId, calendar, eraYear, 1,
1, TemporalOverflow::Constrain);
if (!firstDayOfMonth) {
return false;
} else {
int32_t monthsPerYear = CalendarMonthsPerYear(calendarId);
while (true) {
// Check if subtracting |months| is still in the current year.
int32_t month = capi::ICU4XDate_ordinal_month(firstDayOfMonth.get());
if (month + months >= 1) {
// We've crossed a year boundary. Decrease |year| and adjust |months|.
year -= 1;
months += month;
// Restart the loop with the last month of the previous year.
eraYear = CalendarEraYear(calendarId, year);
firstDayOfMonth =
CreateDateFrom(cx, calendarId, calendar, eraYear, monthsPerYear, 1,
if (!firstDayOfMonth) {
return false;
// Compute the actual month to find the correct month code.
int32_t month =
capi::ICU4XDate_ordinal_month(firstDayOfMonth.get()) + months;
firstDayOfMonth = CreateDateFrom(cx, calendarId, calendar, eraYear, month,
1, TemporalOverflow::Constrain);
if (!firstDayOfMonth) {
return false;
if (!CalendarDateMonthCode(cx, calendarId, firstDayOfMonth.get(),
&monthCode)) {
return false;
*result = {year, monthCode, day};
return true;
static bool AddNonISODate(JSContext* cx, CalendarId calendarId,
const ISODate& isoDate, const DateDuration& duration,
TemporalOverflow overflow, ISODate* result) {
auto cal = CreateICU4XCalendar(cx, calendarId);
if (!cal) {
return false;
auto dt = CreateICU4XDate(cx, isoDate, calendarId, cal.get());
if (!dt) {
return false;
CalendarDate calendarDate;
if (!CalendarHasLeapMonths(calendarId)) {
ISODate date;
if (!ToCalendarDate(cx, calendarId, dt.get(), &date)) {
return false;
if (!AddYearMonthDuration(cx, calendarId, date, duration, &calendarDate)) {
return false;
} else {
CalendarDate date;
if (!ToCalendarDate(cx, calendarId, dt.get(), &date)) {
return false;
if (!AddYearMonthDuration(cx, calendarId, cal.get(), date, duration,
&calendarDate)) {
return false;
// Regulate according to |overflow|.
auto eraYear = CalendarEraYear(calendarId, calendarDate.year);
auto regulated =
CreateDateFromCodes(cx, calendarId, cal.get(), eraYear,
calendarDate.monthCode,, overflow);
if (!regulated) {
return false;
// Compute the corresponding ISO date.
auto regulatedIso = ToISODate(regulated.get());
if (!ISODateWithinLimits(regulatedIso)) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
// Add duration days and weeks.
int64_t days = duration.days + duration.weeks * 7;
// Adding days isn't calendar-specific, so we can use BalanceISODate.
ISODate balancedIso;
if (!BalanceISODate(cx, regulatedIso, days, &balancedIso)) {
return false;
*result = balancedIso;
return true;
static bool AddCalendarDate(JSContext* cx, CalendarId calendarId,
const ISODate& isoDate,
const DateDuration& duration,
TemporalOverflow overflow, ISODate* result) {
// ICU4X doesn't yet provide a public API for CalendarDateAdd.
// If neither |years| nor |months| are present, just delegate to the ISO 8601
// calendar version. This works because all supported calendars use a 7-days
// week.
if (duration.years == 0 && duration.months == 0) {
return AddISODate(cx, isoDate, duration, overflow, result);
switch (calendarId) {
case CalendarId::ISO8601:
case CalendarId::Buddhist:
case CalendarId::Gregorian:
case CalendarId::Japanese:
case CalendarId::ROC:
// Use the ISO 8601 calendar if the calendar system starts its year at the
// same time as the ISO 8601 calendar and all months exactly match the
// ISO 8601 calendar months.
return AddISODate(cx, isoDate, duration, overflow, result);
case CalendarId::Chinese:
case CalendarId::Coptic:
case CalendarId::Dangi:
case CalendarId::Ethiopian:
case CalendarId::EthiopianAmeteAlem:
case CalendarId::Hebrew:
case CalendarId::Indian:
case CalendarId::Islamic:
case CalendarId::IslamicCivil:
case CalendarId::IslamicRGSA:
case CalendarId::IslamicTabular:
case CalendarId::IslamicUmmAlQura:
case CalendarId::Persian:
return AddNonISODate(cx, calendarId, isoDate, duration, overflow, result);
MOZ_CRASH("invalid calendar id");
* CalendarDateAdd ( calendar, isoDate, duration, overflow )
bool js::temporal::CalendarDateAdd(JSContext* cx,
Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
const ISODate& isoDate,
const DateDuration& duration,
TemporalOverflow overflow, ISODate* result) {
auto calendarId = calendar.identifier();
// Steps 1-2.
if (calendarId == CalendarId::ISO8601) {
if (!AddISODate(cx, isoDate, duration, overflow, result)) {
return false;
} else {
if (!AddCalendarDate(cx, calendarId, isoDate, duration, overflow, result)) {
return false;
// Step 3.
if (!ISODateWithinLimits(*result)) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
// Step 4.
return true;
* CalendarDateUntil ( calendar, one, two, largestUnit )
static DateDuration DifferenceISODate(const ISODate& one, const ISODate& two,
TemporalUnit largestUnit) {
// Both inputs are also within the date limits.
MOZ_ASSERT(TemporalUnit::Year <= largestUnit &&
largestUnit <= TemporalUnit::Day);
// Step 1.a.
int32_t sign = -CompareISODate(one, two);
// Step 1.b.
if (sign == 0) {
return {};
// Step 1.c.
int32_t years = 0;
// Step 1.e. (Reordered)
int32_t months = 0;
// Steps 1.d and 1.f.
if (largestUnit == TemporalUnit::Year || largestUnit == TemporalUnit::Month) {
years = two.year - one.year;
months = two.month - one.month;
auto intermediate = ISODate{one.year + years, one.month,};
if (CompareISODate(intermediate, two) * sign > 0) {
years -= sign;
months += 12 * sign;
intermediate = ISODate{one.year + years, one.month + months,};
if (intermediate.month > 12) {
intermediate.month -= 12;
intermediate.year += 1;
} else if (intermediate.month < 1) {
intermediate.month += 12;
intermediate.year -= 1;
if (CompareISODate(intermediate, two) * sign > 0) {
months -= sign;
if (largestUnit == TemporalUnit::Month) {
months += years * 12;
years = 0;
// Step 1.g.
auto intermediate = BalanceISOYearMonth(one.year + years, one.month + months);
// Step 1.h.
auto constrained = ConstrainISODate(
ISODate{int32_t(intermediate.year), intermediate.month,});
// Step 1.i.
int64_t weeks = 0;
// Steps 1.k-n.
int64_t days = MakeDay(two) - MakeDay(constrained);
// Step 1.j. (Reordered)
if (largestUnit == TemporalUnit::Week) {
weeks = days / 7;
days %= 7;
// Step 1.o.
auto result = DateDuration{
return result;
static bool DifferenceNonISODate(JSContext* cx, CalendarId calendarId,
const ISODate& one, const ISODate& two,
TemporalUnit largestUnit,
DateDuration* result) {
// Both inputs are also within the date limits.
MOZ_ASSERT(TemporalUnit::Year <= largestUnit &&
largestUnit <= TemporalUnit::Month);
if (one == two) {
*result = {};
return true;
auto cal = CreateICU4XCalendar(cx, calendarId);
if (!cal) {
return false;
auto dtOne = CreateICU4XDate(cx, one, calendarId, cal.get());
if (!dtOne) {
return false;
auto dtTwo = CreateICU4XDate(cx, two, calendarId, cal.get());
if (!dtTwo) {
return false;
int32_t years = 0;
int32_t months = 0;
ISODate constrainedIso;
if (!CalendarHasLeapMonths(calendarId)) {
// If the months per year are fixed, we can use a modified DifferenceISODate
// implementation to compute the date duration.
int32_t monthsPerYear = CalendarMonthsPerYear(calendarId);
ISODate oneDate;
if (!ToCalendarDate(cx, calendarId, dtOne.get(), &oneDate)) {
return false;
ISODate twoDate;
if (!ToCalendarDate(cx, calendarId, dtTwo.get(), &twoDate)) {
return false;
int32_t sign = -CompareISODate(oneDate, twoDate);
MOZ_ASSERT(sign != 0);
years = twoDate.year - oneDate.year;
months = twoDate.month - oneDate.month;
// If |oneDate + years| surpasses |twoDate|, reduce |years| by one and add
// |monthsPerYear| to |months|. The next step will balance the intermediate
// result.
auto intermediate =
ISODate{oneDate.year + years, oneDate.month,};
if (CompareISODate(intermediate, twoDate) * sign > 0) {
years -= sign;
months += monthsPerYear * sign;
// Add both |years| and |months| and then balance the intermediate result to
// ensure its month is within the valid bounds.
intermediate =
ISODate{oneDate.year + years, oneDate.month + months,};
if (intermediate.month > monthsPerYear) {
intermediate.month -= monthsPerYear;
intermediate.year += 1;
} else if (intermediate.month < 1) {
intermediate.month += monthsPerYear;
intermediate.year -= 1;
// If |intermediate| surpasses |twoDate|, reduce |month| by one.
if (CompareISODate(intermediate, twoDate) * sign > 0) {
months -= sign;
// Convert years to months if necessary.
if (largestUnit == TemporalUnit::Month) {
months += years * monthsPerYear;
years = 0;
// Constrain to a proper date.
auto balanced = BalanceYearMonth(oneDate.year + years,
oneDate.month + months, monthsPerYear);
auto eraYear = CalendarEraYear(calendarId, balanced.year);
auto constrained =
CreateDateFrom(cx, calendarId, cal.get(), eraYear, balanced.month,, TemporalOverflow::Constrain);
if (!constrained) {
return false;
constrainedIso = ToISODate(constrained.get());
MOZ_ASSERT(CompareISODate(constrainedIso, two) * sign <= 0,
"constrained doesn't surpass two");
} else {
CalendarDate oneDate;
if (!ToCalendarDate(cx, calendarId, dtOne.get(), &oneDate)) {
return false;
CalendarDate twoDate;
if (!ToCalendarDate(cx, calendarId, dtTwo.get(), &twoDate)) {
return false;
int32_t sign = -CompareCalendarDate(oneDate, twoDate);
MOZ_ASSERT(sign != 0);
years = twoDate.year - oneDate.year;
// If |oneDate + years| surpasses |twoDate|, reduce |years| by one and add
// |monthsPerYear| to |months|. The next step will balance the intermediate
// result.
auto eraYear = CalendarEraYear(calendarId, oneDate.year + years);
auto constrained = CreateDateFromCodes(cx, calendarId, cal.get(), eraYear,
if (!constrained) {
return false;
CalendarDate constrainedDate;
if (!ToCalendarDate(cx, calendarId, constrained.get(), &constrainedDate)) {
return false;
if (CompareCalendarDate(constrainedDate, twoDate) * sign > 0) {
years -= sign;
// Add as many months as possible without surpassing |twoDate|.
while (true) {
CalendarDate intermediateDate;
if (!AddYearMonthDuration(cx, calendarId, cal.get(), oneDate,
{years, months + sign}, &intermediateDate)) {
return false;
if (CompareCalendarDate(intermediateDate, twoDate) * sign > 0) {
months += sign;
constrainedDate = intermediateDate;
MOZ_ASSERT(std::abs(months) < CalendarMonthsPerYear(calendarId));
// Convert years to months if necessary.
if (largestUnit == TemporalUnit::Month && years != 0) {
auto monthsUntilEndOfYear = [](const capi::ICU4XDate* date) {
int32_t month = capi::ICU4XDate_ordinal_month(date);
int32_t monthsInYear = capi::ICU4XDate_months_in_year(date);
MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= month && month <= monthsInYear);
return monthsInYear - month + 1;
auto monthsSinceStartOfYear = [](const capi::ICU4XDate* date) {
return capi::ICU4XDate_ordinal_month(date) - 1;
// Add months until end of year resp. since start of year.
if (sign > 0) {
months += monthsUntilEndOfYear(dtOne.get());
} else {
months -= monthsSinceStartOfYear(dtOne.get());
// Months in full year.
for (int32_t y = sign; y != years; y += sign) {
auto eraYear = CalendarEraYear(calendarId, oneDate.year + y);
auto dt =
CreateDateFromCodes(cx, calendarId, cal.get(), eraYear,
MonthCode{1}, 1, TemporalOverflow::Constrain);
if (!dt) {
return false;
months += capi::ICU4XDate_months_in_year(dt.get()) * sign;
// Add months since start of year resp. until end of year.
auto eraYear = CalendarEraYear(calendarId, oneDate.year + years);
auto dt = CreateDateFromCodes(cx, calendarId, cal.get(), eraYear,
oneDate.monthCode, 1,
if (!dt) {
return false;
if (sign > 0) {
months += monthsSinceStartOfYear(dt.get());
} else {
months -= monthsUntilEndOfYear(dt.get());
years = 0;
eraYear = CalendarEraYear(calendarId, constrainedDate.year);
constrained = CreateDateFromCodes(
cx, calendarId, cal.get(), eraYear, constrainedDate.monthCode,, TemporalOverflow::Constrain);
if (!constrained) {
return false;
constrainedIso = ToISODate(constrained.get());
MOZ_ASSERT(CompareISODate(constrainedIso, two) * sign <= 0,
"constrained doesn't surpass two");
int64_t days = MakeDay(two) - MakeDay(constrainedIso);
*result = DateDuration{
return true;
static bool DifferenceCalendarDate(JSContext* cx, CalendarId calendarId,
const ISODate& one, const ISODate& two,
TemporalUnit largestUnit,
DateDuration* result) {
// ICU4X doesn't yet provide a public API for CalendarDateUntil.
// Delegate to the ISO 8601 calendar for "weeks" and "days". This works
// because all supported calendars use a 7-days week.
if (largestUnit >= TemporalUnit::Week) {
*result = DifferenceISODate(one, two, largestUnit);
return true;
switch (calendarId) {
case CalendarId::ISO8601:
case CalendarId::Buddhist:
case CalendarId::Gregorian:
case CalendarId::Japanese:
case CalendarId::ROC:
// Use the ISO 8601 calendar if the calendar system starts its year at the
// same time as the ISO 8601 calendar and all months exactly match the
// ISO 8601 calendar months.
*result = DifferenceISODate(one, two, largestUnit);
return true;
case CalendarId::Chinese:
case CalendarId::Coptic:
case CalendarId::Dangi:
case CalendarId::Ethiopian:
case CalendarId::EthiopianAmeteAlem:
case CalendarId::Hebrew:
case CalendarId::Indian:
case CalendarId::Islamic:
case CalendarId::IslamicCivil:
case CalendarId::IslamicRGSA:
case CalendarId::IslamicTabular:
case CalendarId::IslamicUmmAlQura:
case CalendarId::Persian:
return DifferenceNonISODate(cx, calendarId, one, two, largestUnit,
MOZ_CRASH("invalid calendar id");
* CalendarDateUntil ( calendar, one, two, largestUnit )
bool js::temporal::CalendarDateUntil(JSContext* cx,
Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
const ISODate& one, const ISODate& two,
TemporalUnit largestUnit,
DateDuration* result) {
MOZ_ASSERT(largestUnit <= TemporalUnit::Day);
auto calendarId = calendar.identifier();
// Step 1.
if (calendarId == CalendarId::ISO8601) {
*result = DifferenceISODate(one, two, largestUnit);
return true;
// Step 2.
return DifferenceCalendarDate(cx, calendarId, one, two, largestUnit, result);