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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef builtin_intl_Segmenter_h
#define builtin_intl_Segmenter_h
#include <stdint.h>
#include <type_traits>
#include "builtin/SelfHostingDefines.h"
#include "js/Class.h"
#include "js/Value.h"
#include "vm/NativeObject.h"
struct JS_PUBLIC_API JSContext;
class JSString;
namespace JS {
class GCContext;
namespace js {
enum class SegmenterGranularity : int8_t { Grapheme, Word, Sentence };
class SegmenterObject : public NativeObject {
static const JSClass class_;
static const JSClass& protoClass_;
static constexpr uint32_t INTERNALS_SLOT = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t LOCALE_SLOT = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t GRANULARITY_SLOT = 2;
static constexpr uint32_t SEGMENTER_SLOT = 3;
static constexpr uint32_t SLOT_COUNT = 4;
"INTERNALS_SLOT must match self-hosting define for internals "
"object slot");
JSString* getLocale() const {
const auto& slot = getFixedSlot(LOCALE_SLOT);
if (slot.isUndefined()) {
return nullptr;
return slot.toString();
void setLocale(JSString* locale) {
setFixedSlot(LOCALE_SLOT, StringValue(locale));
SegmenterGranularity getGranularity() const {
const auto& slot = getFixedSlot(GRANULARITY_SLOT);
if (slot.isUndefined()) {
return SegmenterGranularity::Grapheme;
return static_cast<SegmenterGranularity>(slot.toInt32());
void setGranularity(SegmenterGranularity granularity) {
void* getSegmenter() const {
const auto& slot = getFixedSlot(SEGMENTER_SLOT);
if (slot.isUndefined()) {
return nullptr;
return slot.toPrivate();
void setSegmenter(void* brk) {
setFixedSlot(SEGMENTER_SLOT, PrivateValue(brk));
static const ClassSpec classSpec_;
static const JSClassOps classOps_;
static void finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSObject* obj);
class SegmentsStringChars final {
uintptr_t tagged_ = 0;
enum Tag {
Latin1 = 0,
TwoByte = 1,
TagMask = TwoByte,
static uintptr_t toTagged(const void* chars, Tag tag) {
MOZ_ASSERT(chars != nullptr, "can't tag nullptr");
auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(chars);
MOZ_ASSERT((ptr & TagMask) == 0, "pointer already tagged");
return ptr | tag;
Tag tag() const { return static_cast<Tag>(tagged_ & TagMask); }
uintptr_t untagged() const { return tagged_ & ~TagMask; }
explicit SegmentsStringChars(const void* taggedChars)
: tagged_(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(taggedChars)) {}
SegmentsStringChars() = default;
explicit SegmentsStringChars(const JS::Latin1Char* chars)
: tagged_(toTagged(chars, Latin1)) {}
explicit SegmentsStringChars(const char16_t* chars)
: tagged_(toTagged(chars, TwoByte)) {}
static auto fromTagged(const void* taggedChars) {
return SegmentsStringChars{taggedChars};
explicit operator bool() const { return tagged_ != 0; }
template <typename CharT>
bool has() const {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<CharT, JS::Latin1Char>) {
return tag() == Latin1;
} else {
static_assert(std::is_same_v<CharT, char16_t>);
return tag() == TwoByte;
template <typename CharT>
CharT* data() const {
return reinterpret_cast<CharT*>(untagged());
uintptr_t tagged() const { return tagged_; }
class SegmentsObject : public NativeObject {
static const JSClass class_;
static constexpr uint32_t SEGMENTER_SLOT = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t STRING_SLOT = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t STRING_CHARS_SLOT = 2;
static constexpr uint32_t INDEX_SLOT = 3;
static constexpr uint32_t GRANULARITY_SLOT = 4;
static constexpr uint32_t BREAK_ITERATOR_SLOT = 5;
static constexpr uint32_t SLOT_COUNT = 6;
"STRING_SLOT must match self-hosting define for string slot");
SegmenterObject* getSegmenter() const {
const auto& slot = getFixedSlot(SEGMENTER_SLOT);
if (slot.isUndefined()) {
return nullptr;
return &slot.toObject().as<SegmenterObject>();
void setSegmenter(SegmenterObject* segmenter) {
setFixedSlot(SEGMENTER_SLOT, ObjectValue(*segmenter));
JSString* getString() const {
const auto& slot = getFixedSlot(STRING_SLOT);
if (slot.isUndefined()) {
return nullptr;
return slot.toString();
void setString(JSString* str) { setFixedSlot(STRING_SLOT, StringValue(str)); }
bool hasStringChars() const {
return !getFixedSlot(STRING_CHARS_SLOT).isUndefined();
SegmentsStringChars getStringChars() const {
const auto& slot = getFixedSlot(STRING_CHARS_SLOT);
if (slot.isUndefined()) {
return SegmentsStringChars{};
return SegmentsStringChars::fromTagged(slot.toPrivate());
void setStringChars(SegmentsStringChars chars) {
setFixedSlot(STRING_CHARS_SLOT, PrivateValue(chars.tagged()));
bool hasLatin1StringChars() const {
return getStringChars().has<JS::Latin1Char>();
int32_t getIndex() const {
const auto& slot = getFixedSlot(INDEX_SLOT);
if (slot.isUndefined()) {
return 0;
return slot.toInt32();
void setIndex(int32_t index) { setFixedSlot(INDEX_SLOT, Int32Value(index)); }
SegmenterGranularity getGranularity() const {
const auto& slot = getFixedSlot(GRANULARITY_SLOT);
if (slot.isUndefined()) {
return SegmenterGranularity::Grapheme;
return static_cast<SegmenterGranularity>(slot.toInt32());
void setGranularity(SegmenterGranularity granularity) {
void* getBreakIterator() const {
const auto& slot = getFixedSlot(BREAK_ITERATOR_SLOT);
if (slot.isUndefined()) {
return nullptr;
return slot.toPrivate();
void setBreakIterator(void* brk) {
setFixedSlot(BREAK_ITERATOR_SLOT, PrivateValue(brk));
static const JSClassOps classOps_;
static void finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSObject* obj);
class SegmentIteratorObject : public NativeObject {
static const JSClass class_;
static constexpr uint32_t SEGMENTER_SLOT = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t STRING_SLOT = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t STRING_CHARS_SLOT = 2;
static constexpr uint32_t INDEX_SLOT = 3;
static constexpr uint32_t GRANULARITY_SLOT = 4;
static constexpr uint32_t BREAK_ITERATOR_SLOT = 5;
static constexpr uint32_t SLOT_COUNT = 6;
"STRING_SLOT must match self-hosting define for string slot");
"INDEX_SLOT must match self-hosting define for index slot");
SegmenterObject* getSegmenter() const {
const auto& slot = getFixedSlot(SEGMENTER_SLOT);
if (slot.isUndefined()) {
return nullptr;
return &slot.toObject().as<SegmenterObject>();
void setSegmenter(SegmenterObject* segmenter) {
setFixedSlot(SEGMENTER_SLOT, ObjectOrNullValue(segmenter));
JSString* getString() const {
const auto& slot = getFixedSlot(STRING_SLOT);
if (slot.isUndefined()) {
return nullptr;
return slot.toString();
void setString(JSString* str) { setFixedSlot(STRING_SLOT, StringValue(str)); }
bool hasStringChars() const {
return !getFixedSlot(STRING_CHARS_SLOT).isUndefined();
SegmentsStringChars getStringChars() const {
const auto& slot = getFixedSlot(STRING_CHARS_SLOT);
if (slot.isUndefined()) {
return SegmentsStringChars{};
return SegmentsStringChars::fromTagged(slot.toPrivate());
void setStringChars(SegmentsStringChars chars) {
setFixedSlot(STRING_CHARS_SLOT, PrivateValue(chars.tagged()));
bool hasLatin1StringChars() const {
return getStringChars().has<JS::Latin1Char>();
int32_t getIndex() const {
const auto& slot = getFixedSlot(INDEX_SLOT);
if (slot.isUndefined()) {
return 0;
return slot.toInt32();
void setIndex(int32_t index) { setFixedSlot(INDEX_SLOT, Int32Value(index)); }
SegmenterGranularity getGranularity() const {
const auto& slot = getFixedSlot(GRANULARITY_SLOT);
if (slot.isUndefined()) {
return SegmenterGranularity::Grapheme;
return static_cast<SegmenterGranularity>(slot.toInt32());
void setGranularity(SegmenterGranularity granularity) {
void* getBreakIterator() const {
const auto& slot = getFixedSlot(BREAK_ITERATOR_SLOT);
if (slot.isUndefined()) {
return nullptr;
return slot.toPrivate();
void setBreakIterator(void* brk) {
setFixedSlot(BREAK_ITERATOR_SLOT, PrivateValue(brk));
static const JSClassOps classOps_;
static void finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSObject* obj);
* Create a new Segments object.
* Usage: segment = intl_CreateSegmentsObject(segmenter, string)
[[nodiscard]] extern bool intl_CreateSegmentsObject(JSContext* cx,
unsigned argc, Value* vp);
* Create a new Segment Iterator object.
* Usage: iterator = intl_CreateSegmentIterator(segments)
[[nodiscard]] extern bool intl_CreateSegmentIterator(JSContext* cx,
unsigned argc, Value* vp);
* Find the next and the preceding segment boundaries for the given index. The
* index must be a valid string index within the segmenter string.
* Return a three-element array object `[startIndex, endIndex, wordLike]`, where
* `wordLike` is either a boolean or undefined for non-word segmenters.
* Usage: boundaries = intl_FindSegmentBoundaries(segments, index)
[[nodiscard]] extern bool intl_FindSegmentBoundaries(JSContext* cx,
unsigned argc, Value* vp);
* Find the next segment boundaries starting from the current iterator index.
* The iterator mustn't have been completed.
* Return a three-element array object `[startIndex, endIndex, wordLike]`, where
* `wordLike` is either a boolean or undefined for non-word segmenters.
* Usage: boundaries = intl_FindNextSegmentBoundaries(iterator)
[[nodiscard]] extern bool intl_FindNextSegmentBoundaries(JSContext* cx,
unsigned argc,
Value* vp);
} // namespace js
#endif /* builtin_intl_Segmenter_h */