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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* Implementation of the Intl.PluralRules proposal. */
#include "builtin/intl/PluralRules.h"
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/Casting.h"
#include "mozilla/intl/PluralRules.h"
#include "builtin/Array.h"
#include "builtin/intl/CommonFunctions.h"
#include "gc/GCContext.h"
#include "js/PropertySpec.h"
#include "vm/GlobalObject.h"
#include "vm/JSContext.h"
#include "vm/PlainObject.h" // js::PlainObject
#include "vm/StringType.h"
#include "vm/JSObject-inl.h"
#include "vm/NativeObject-inl.h"
using namespace js;
using mozilla::AssertedCast;
const JSClassOps PluralRulesObject::classOps_ = {
nullptr, // addProperty
nullptr, // delProperty
nullptr, // enumerate
nullptr, // newEnumerate
nullptr, // resolve
nullptr, // mayResolve
PluralRulesObject::finalize, // finalize
nullptr, // call
nullptr, // construct
nullptr, // trace
const JSClass PluralRulesObject::class_ = {
const JSClass& PluralRulesObject::protoClass_ = PlainObject::class_;
static bool pluralRules_toSource(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
return true;
static const JSFunctionSpec pluralRules_static_methods[] = {
"Intl_PluralRules_supportedLocalesOf", 1, 0),
static const JSFunctionSpec pluralRules_methods[] = {
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("resolvedOptions", "Intl_PluralRules_resolvedOptions", 0,
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("select", "Intl_PluralRules_select", 1, 0),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("selectRange", "Intl_PluralRules_selectRange", 2, 0),
JS_FN("toSource", pluralRules_toSource, 0, 0),
static const JSPropertySpec pluralRules_properties[] = {
JS_STRING_SYM_PS(toStringTag, "Intl.PluralRules", JSPROP_READONLY),
static bool PluralRules(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
const ClassSpec PluralRulesObject::classSpec_ = {
GenericCreateConstructor<PluralRules, 0, gc::AllocKind::FUNCTION>,
* 16.1.1 Intl.PluralRules ( [ locales [ , options ] ] )
* ES2024 Intl draft rev 74ca7099f103d143431b2ea422ae640c6f43e3e6
static bool PluralRules(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
// Step 1.
if (!ThrowIfNotConstructing(cx, args, "Intl.PluralRules")) {
return false;
// Step 2 (Inlined 9.1.14, OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor).
RootedObject proto(cx);
if (!GetPrototypeFromBuiltinConstructor(cx, args, JSProto_PluralRules,
&proto)) {
return false;
Rooted<PluralRulesObject*> pluralRules(cx);
pluralRules = NewObjectWithClassProto<PluralRulesObject>(cx, proto);
if (!pluralRules) {
return false;
HandleValue locales = args.get(0);
HandleValue options = args.get(1);
// Step 3.
if (!intl::InitializeObject(cx, pluralRules,
cx->names().InitializePluralRules, locales,
options)) {
return false;
return true;
void js::PluralRulesObject::finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSObject* obj) {
auto* pluralRules = &obj->as<PluralRulesObject>();
if (mozilla::intl::PluralRules* pr = pluralRules->getPluralRules()) {
gcx, obj, PluralRulesObject::UPluralRulesEstimatedMemoryUse);
delete pr;
static JSString* KeywordToString(mozilla::intl::PluralRules::Keyword keyword,
JSContext* cx) {
using Keyword = mozilla::intl::PluralRules::Keyword;
switch (keyword) {
case Keyword::Zero: {
return cx->names().zero;
case Keyword::One: {
return cx->names().one;
case Keyword::Two: {
return cx->names().two;
case Keyword::Few: {
return cx->names().few;
case Keyword::Many: {
return cx->names().many;
case Keyword::Other: {
return cx->names().other;
MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected PluralRules keyword");
* Returns a new intl::PluralRules with the locale and type options of the given
* PluralRules.
static mozilla::intl::PluralRules* NewPluralRules(
JSContext* cx, Handle<PluralRulesObject*> pluralRules) {
RootedObject internals(cx, intl::GetInternalsObject(cx, pluralRules));
if (!internals) {
return nullptr;
RootedValue value(cx);
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, cx->names().locale, &value)) {
return nullptr;
UniqueChars locale = intl::EncodeLocale(cx, value.toString());
if (!locale) {
return nullptr;
using PluralRules = mozilla::intl::PluralRules;
mozilla::intl::PluralRulesOptions options;
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, cx->names().type, &value)) {
return nullptr;
JSLinearString* type = value.toString()->ensureLinear(cx);
if (!type) {
return nullptr;
if (StringEqualsLiteral(type, "ordinal")) {
options.mPluralType = PluralRules::Type::Ordinal;
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(StringEqualsLiteral(type, "cardinal"));
options.mPluralType = PluralRules::Type::Cardinal;
bool hasMinimumSignificantDigits;
if (!HasProperty(cx, internals, cx->names().minimumSignificantDigits,
&hasMinimumSignificantDigits)) {
return nullptr;
if (hasMinimumSignificantDigits) {
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals,
cx->names().minimumSignificantDigits, &value)) {
return nullptr;
uint32_t minimumSignificantDigits = AssertedCast<uint32_t>(value.toInt32());
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals,
cx->names().maximumSignificantDigits, &value)) {
return nullptr;
uint32_t maximumSignificantDigits = AssertedCast<uint32_t>(value.toInt32());
options.mSignificantDigits = mozilla::Some(
std::make_pair(minimumSignificantDigits, maximumSignificantDigits));
bool hasMinimumFractionDigits;
if (!HasProperty(cx, internals, cx->names().minimumFractionDigits,
&hasMinimumFractionDigits)) {
return nullptr;
if (hasMinimumFractionDigits) {
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals,
cx->names().minimumFractionDigits, &value)) {
return nullptr;
uint32_t minimumFractionDigits = AssertedCast<uint32_t>(value.toInt32());
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals,
cx->names().maximumFractionDigits, &value)) {
return nullptr;
uint32_t maximumFractionDigits = AssertedCast<uint32_t>(value.toInt32());
options.mFractionDigits = mozilla::Some(
std::make_pair(minimumFractionDigits, maximumFractionDigits));
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, cx->names().roundingPriority,
&value)) {
return nullptr;
JSLinearString* roundingPriority = value.toString()->ensureLinear(cx);
if (!roundingPriority) {
return nullptr;
using RoundingPriority =
RoundingPriority priority;
if (StringEqualsLiteral(roundingPriority, "auto")) {
priority = RoundingPriority::Auto;
} else if (StringEqualsLiteral(roundingPriority, "morePrecision")) {
priority = RoundingPriority::MorePrecision;
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(StringEqualsLiteral(roundingPriority, "lessPrecision"));
priority = RoundingPriority::LessPrecision;
options.mRoundingPriority = priority;
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, cx->names().minimumIntegerDigits,
&value)) {
return nullptr;
options.mMinIntegerDigits =
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, cx->names().roundingIncrement,
&value)) {
return nullptr;
options.mRoundingIncrement = AssertedCast<uint32_t>(value.toInt32());
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, cx->names().roundingMode,
&value)) {
return nullptr;
JSLinearString* roundingMode = value.toString()->ensureLinear(cx);
if (!roundingMode) {
return nullptr;
using RoundingMode = mozilla::intl::PluralRulesOptions::RoundingMode;
RoundingMode rounding;
if (StringEqualsLiteral(roundingMode, "halfExpand")) {
// "halfExpand" is the default mode, so we handle it first.
rounding = RoundingMode::HalfExpand;
} else if (StringEqualsLiteral(roundingMode, "ceil")) {
rounding = RoundingMode::Ceil;
} else if (StringEqualsLiteral(roundingMode, "floor")) {
rounding = RoundingMode::Floor;
} else if (StringEqualsLiteral(roundingMode, "expand")) {
rounding = RoundingMode::Expand;
} else if (StringEqualsLiteral(roundingMode, "trunc")) {
rounding = RoundingMode::Trunc;
} else if (StringEqualsLiteral(roundingMode, "halfCeil")) {
rounding = RoundingMode::HalfCeil;
} else if (StringEqualsLiteral(roundingMode, "halfFloor")) {
rounding = RoundingMode::HalfFloor;
} else if (StringEqualsLiteral(roundingMode, "halfTrunc")) {
rounding = RoundingMode::HalfTrunc;
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(StringEqualsLiteral(roundingMode, "halfEven"));
rounding = RoundingMode::HalfEven;
options.mRoundingMode = rounding;
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, cx->names().trailingZeroDisplay,
&value)) {
return nullptr;
JSLinearString* trailingZeroDisplay = value.toString()->ensureLinear(cx);
if (!trailingZeroDisplay) {
return nullptr;
if (StringEqualsLiteral(trailingZeroDisplay, "auto")) {
options.mStripTrailingZero = false;
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(StringEqualsLiteral(trailingZeroDisplay, "stripIfInteger"));
options.mStripTrailingZero = true;
auto result = PluralRules::TryCreate(locale.get(), options);
if (result.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, result.unwrapErr());
return nullptr;
return result.unwrap().release();
static mozilla::intl::PluralRules* GetOrCreatePluralRules(
JSContext* cx, Handle<PluralRulesObject*> pluralRules) {
// Obtain a cached PluralRules object.
mozilla::intl::PluralRules* pr = pluralRules->getPluralRules();
if (pr) {
return pr;
pr = NewPluralRules(cx, pluralRules);
if (!pr) {
return nullptr;
return pr;
* 16.5.3 ResolvePlural ( pluralRules, n )
* 16.5.2 PluralRuleSelect ( locale, type, n, operands )
* ES2024 Intl draft rev 74ca7099f103d143431b2ea422ae640c6f43e3e6
bool js::intl_SelectPluralRule(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
MOZ_ASSERT(args.length() == 2);
// Steps 1-2.
Rooted<PluralRulesObject*> pluralRules(
cx, &args[0].toObject().as<PluralRulesObject>());
// Step 3.
double x = args[1].toNumber();
// Steps 4-11.
using PluralRules = mozilla::intl::PluralRules;
PluralRules* pr = GetOrCreatePluralRules(cx, pluralRules);
if (!pr) {
return false;
auto keywordResult = pr->Select(x);
if (keywordResult.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, keywordResult.unwrapErr());
return false;
JSString* str = KeywordToString(keywordResult.unwrap(), cx);
return true;
* 16.5.5 ResolvePluralRange ( pluralRules, x, y )
* 16.5.4 PluralRuleSelectRange ( locale, type, xp, yp )
* ES2024 Intl draft rev 74ca7099f103d143431b2ea422ae640c6f43e3e6
bool js::intl_SelectPluralRuleRange(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
MOZ_ASSERT(args.length() == 3);
// Steps 1-2.
Rooted<PluralRulesObject*> pluralRules(
cx, &args[0].toObject().as<PluralRulesObject>());
// Steps 3-4.
double x = args[1].toNumber();
double y = args[2].toNumber();
// Step 5.
if (std::isnan(x)) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
JSMSG_NAN_NUMBER_RANGE, "start", "PluralRules",
return false;
if (std::isnan(y)) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
JSMSG_NAN_NUMBER_RANGE, "end", "PluralRules",
return false;
using PluralRules = mozilla::intl::PluralRules;
PluralRules* pr = GetOrCreatePluralRules(cx, pluralRules);
if (!pr) {
return false;
// Steps 6-11.
auto keywordResult = pr->SelectRange(x, y);
if (keywordResult.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, keywordResult.unwrapErr());
return false;
JSString* str = KeywordToString(keywordResult.unwrap(), cx);
return true;
bool js::intl_GetPluralCategories(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
MOZ_ASSERT(args.length() == 1);
Rooted<PluralRulesObject*> pluralRules(
cx, &args[0].toObject().as<PluralRulesObject>());
using PluralRules = mozilla::intl::PluralRules;
PluralRules* pr = GetOrCreatePluralRules(cx, pluralRules);
if (!pr) {
return false;
auto categoriesResult = pr->Categories();
if (categoriesResult.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, categoriesResult.unwrapErr());
return false;
auto categories = categoriesResult.unwrap();
ArrayObject* res = NewDenseFullyAllocatedArray(cx, categories.size());
if (!res) {
return false;
size_t index = 0;
for (auto keyword : {
}) {
if (categories.contains(keyword)) {
JSString* str = KeywordToString(keyword, cx);
res->initDenseElement(index++, StringValue(str));
MOZ_ASSERT(index == categories.size());
return true;