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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
/* Intl.DateTimeFormat implementation. */
#include "builtin/intl/DateTimeFormat.h"
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/intl/Calendar.h"
#include "mozilla/intl/DateIntervalFormat.h"
#include "mozilla/intl/DateTimeFormat.h"
#include "mozilla/intl/DateTimePart.h"
#include "mozilla/intl/Locale.h"
#include "mozilla/intl/TimeZone.h"
#include "mozilla/Range.h"
#include "mozilla/Span.h"
#include "builtin/Array.h"
#include "builtin/intl/CommonFunctions.h"
#include "builtin/intl/FormatBuffer.h"
#include "builtin/intl/LanguageTag.h"
#include "builtin/intl/SharedIntlData.h"
#include "gc/GCContext.h"
#include "js/Date.h"
#include "js/experimental/Intl.h" // JS::AddMozDateTimeFormatConstructor
#include "js/friend/ErrorMessages.h" // js::GetErrorMessage, JSMSG_*
#include "js/GCAPI.h"
#include "js/PropertyAndElement.h" // JS_DefineFunctions, JS_DefineProperties
#include "js/PropertySpec.h"
#include "js/StableStringChars.h"
#include "vm/DateTime.h"
#include "vm/GlobalObject.h"
#include "vm/JSContext.h"
#include "vm/PlainObject.h" // js::PlainObject
#include "vm/Runtime.h"
#include "vm/GeckoProfiler-inl.h"
#include "vm/JSObject-inl.h"
#include "vm/NativeObject-inl.h"
using namespace js;
using JS::AutoStableStringChars;
using JS::ClippedTime;
using JS::TimeClip;
using js::intl::DateTimeFormatOptions;
using js::intl::FormatBuffer;
using js::intl::SharedIntlData;
const JSClassOps DateTimeFormatObject::classOps_ = {
nullptr, // addProperty
nullptr, // delProperty
nullptr, // enumerate
nullptr, // newEnumerate
nullptr, // resolve
nullptr, // mayResolve
DateTimeFormatObject::finalize, // finalize
nullptr, // call
nullptr, // construct
nullptr, // trace
const JSClass DateTimeFormatObject::class_ = {
const JSClass& DateTimeFormatObject::protoClass_ = PlainObject::class_;
static bool dateTimeFormat_toSource(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
return true;
static const JSFunctionSpec dateTimeFormat_static_methods[] = {
"Intl_DateTimeFormat_supportedLocalesOf", 1, 0),
static const JSFunctionSpec dateTimeFormat_methods[] = {
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("resolvedOptions", "Intl_DateTimeFormat_resolvedOptions",
0, 0),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("formatToParts", "Intl_DateTimeFormat_formatToParts", 1,
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("formatRange", "Intl_DateTimeFormat_formatRange", 2, 0),
"Intl_DateTimeFormat_formatRangeToParts", 2, 0),
JS_FN("toSource", dateTimeFormat_toSource, 0, 0),
static const JSPropertySpec dateTimeFormat_properties[] = {
JS_SELF_HOSTED_GET("format", "$Intl_DateTimeFormat_format_get", 0),
JS_STRING_SYM_PS(toStringTag, "Intl.DateTimeFormat", JSPROP_READONLY),
static bool DateTimeFormat(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
const ClassSpec DateTimeFormatObject::classSpec_ = {
GenericCreateConstructor<DateTimeFormat, 0, gc::AllocKind::FUNCTION>,
* 12.2.1 Intl.DateTimeFormat([ locales [, options]])
* ES2017 Intl draft rev 94045d234762ad107a3d09bb6f7381a65f1a2f9b
static bool DateTimeFormat(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args, bool construct,
HandleString required, HandleString defaults,
DateTimeFormatOptions dtfOptions) {
AutoJSConstructorProfilerEntry pseudoFrame(cx, "Intl.DateTimeFormat");
// Step 1 (Handled by OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor fallback code).
// Step 2 (Inlined 9.1.14, OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor).
JSProtoKey protoKey = dtfOptions == DateTimeFormatOptions::Standard
? JSProto_DateTimeFormat
: JSProto_Null;
RootedObject proto(cx);
if (!GetPrototypeFromBuiltinConstructor(cx, args, protoKey, &proto)) {
return false;
Rooted<DateTimeFormatObject*> dateTimeFormat(cx);
dateTimeFormat = NewObjectWithClassProto<DateTimeFormatObject>(cx, proto);
if (!dateTimeFormat) {
return false;
RootedValue thisValue(
cx, construct ? ObjectValue(*dateTimeFormat) : args.thisv());
HandleValue locales = args.get(0);
HandleValue options = args.get(1);
// Step 3.
return intl::InitializeDateTimeFormatObject(
cx, dateTimeFormat, thisValue, locales, options, required, defaults,
dtfOptions, args.rval());
static bool DateTimeFormat(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
Handle<PropertyName*> required = cx->names().any;
Handle<PropertyName*> defaults = cx->names().date;
return DateTimeFormat(cx, args, args.isConstructing(), required, defaults,
static bool MozDateTimeFormat(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
// Don't allow to call mozIntl.DateTimeFormat as a function. That way we
// don't need to worry how to handle the legacy initialization semantics
// when applied on mozIntl.DateTimeFormat.
if (!ThrowIfNotConstructing(cx, args, "mozIntl.DateTimeFormat")) {
return false;
Handle<PropertyName*> required = cx->names().any;
Handle<PropertyName*> defaults = cx->names().date;
return DateTimeFormat(cx, args, true, required, defaults,
bool js::intl_CreateDateTimeFormat(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
MOZ_ASSERT(args.length() == 4);
RootedString required(cx, args[2].toString());
RootedString defaults(cx, args[3].toString());
// intl_CreateDateTimeFormat is an intrinsic for self-hosted JavaScript, so it
// cannot be used with "new", but it still has to be treated as a constructor.
return DateTimeFormat(cx, args, true, required, defaults,
void js::DateTimeFormatObject::finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSObject* obj) {
auto* dateTimeFormat = &obj->as<DateTimeFormatObject>();
mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat* df = dateTimeFormat->getDateFormat();
mozilla::intl::DateIntervalFormat* dif =
if (df) {
gcx, obj, DateTimeFormatObject::UDateFormatEstimatedMemoryUse);
delete df;
if (dif) {
gcx, obj, DateTimeFormatObject::UDateIntervalFormatEstimatedMemoryUse);
delete dif;
bool JS::AddMozDateTimeFormatConstructor(JSContext* cx,
JS::Handle<JSObject*> intl) {
RootedObject ctor(
cx, GlobalObject::createConstructor(cx, MozDateTimeFormat,
cx->names().DateTimeFormat, 0));
if (!ctor) {
return false;
RootedObject proto(
cx, GlobalObject::createBlankPrototype<PlainObject>(cx, cx->global()));
if (!proto) {
return false;
if (!LinkConstructorAndPrototype(cx, ctor, proto)) {
return false;
// 12.3.2
if (!JS_DefineFunctions(cx, ctor, dateTimeFormat_static_methods)) {
return false;
// 12.4.4 and 12.4.5
if (!JS_DefineFunctions(cx, proto, dateTimeFormat_methods)) {
return false;
// 12.4.2 and 12.4.3
if (!JS_DefineProperties(cx, proto, dateTimeFormat_properties)) {
return false;
RootedValue ctorValue(cx, ObjectValue(*ctor));
return DefineDataProperty(cx, intl, cx->names().DateTimeFormat, ctorValue, 0);
static bool DefaultCalendar(JSContext* cx, const UniqueChars& locale,
MutableHandleValue rval) {
auto calendar = mozilla::intl::Calendar::TryCreate(locale.get());
if (calendar.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, calendar.unwrapErr());
return false;
auto type = calendar.unwrap()->GetBcp47Type();
if (type.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, type.unwrapErr());
return false;
JSString* str = NewStringCopy<CanGC>(cx, type.unwrap());
if (!str) {
return false;
return true;
bool js::intl_availableCalendars(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
MOZ_ASSERT(args.length() == 1);
UniqueChars locale = intl::EncodeLocale(cx, args[0].toString());
if (!locale) {
return false;
RootedObject calendars(cx, NewDenseEmptyArray(cx));
if (!calendars) {
return false;
// We need the default calendar for the locale as the first result.
RootedValue defaultCalendar(cx);
if (!DefaultCalendar(cx, locale, &defaultCalendar)) {
return false;
if (!NewbornArrayPush(cx, calendars, defaultCalendar)) {
return false;
// Now get the calendars that "would make a difference", i.e., not the
// default.
auto keywords =
if (keywords.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, keywords.unwrapErr());
return false;
for (auto keyword : keywords.unwrap()) {
if (keyword.isErr()) {
return false;
JSString* jscalendar = NewStringCopy<CanGC>(cx, keyword.unwrap());
if (!jscalendar) {
return false;
if (!NewbornArrayPush(cx, calendars, StringValue(jscalendar))) {
return false;
return true;
bool js::intl_defaultCalendar(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
MOZ_ASSERT(args.length() == 1);
UniqueChars locale = intl::EncodeLocale(cx, args[0].toString());
if (!locale) {
return false;
return DefaultCalendar(cx, locale, args.rval());
bool js::intl_IsValidTimeZoneName(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
MOZ_ASSERT(args.length() == 1);
SharedIntlData& sharedIntlData = cx->runtime()->sharedIntlData.ref();
RootedString timeZone(cx, args[0].toString());
Rooted<JSAtom*> validatedTimeZone(cx);
if (!sharedIntlData.validateTimeZoneName(cx, timeZone, &validatedTimeZone)) {
return false;
if (validatedTimeZone) {
} else {
return true;
JSLinearString* js::intl::CanonicalizeTimeZone(JSContext* cx,
Handle<JSString*> timeZone) {
SharedIntlData& sharedIntlData = cx->runtime()->sharedIntlData.ref();
// Some time zone names are canonicalized differently by ICU -- handle those
// first.
Rooted<JSAtom*> ianaTimeZone(cx);
if (!sharedIntlData.tryCanonicalizeTimeZoneConsistentWithIANA(
cx, timeZone, &ianaTimeZone)) {
return nullptr;
JSLinearString* resultTimeZone;
if (ianaTimeZone) {
resultTimeZone = ianaTimeZone;
} else {
AutoStableStringChars stableChars(cx);
if (!stableChars.initTwoByte(cx, timeZone)) {
return nullptr;
// Call into ICU to canonicalize the time zone.
FormatBuffer<char16_t, INITIAL_CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE> canonicalTimeZone(cx);
auto result = mozilla::intl::TimeZone::GetCanonicalTimeZoneID(
stableChars.twoByteRange(), canonicalTimeZone);
if (result.isErr()) {
ReportInternalError(cx, result.unwrapErr());
return nullptr;
resultTimeZone = canonicalTimeZone.toString(cx);
if (!resultTimeZone) {
return nullptr;
MOZ_ASSERT(!StringEqualsLiteral(resultTimeZone, "Etc/Unknown"),
"Invalid canonical time zone");
// Links to UTC are handled by SharedIntlData.
MOZ_ASSERT(!StringEqualsLiteral(resultTimeZone, "GMT"));
MOZ_ASSERT(!StringEqualsLiteral(resultTimeZone, "Etc/UTC"));
MOZ_ASSERT(!StringEqualsLiteral(resultTimeZone, "Etc/GMT"));
return resultTimeZone;
bool js::intl_canonicalizeTimeZone(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
MOZ_ASSERT(args.length() == 1);
RootedString timeZone(cx, args[0].toString());
auto* result = intl::CanonicalizeTimeZone(cx, timeZone);
if (!result) {
return false;
return true;
bool js::intl_defaultTimeZone(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
MOZ_ASSERT(args.length() == 0);
FormatBuffer<char16_t, intl::INITIAL_CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE> timeZone(cx);
auto result =
DateTimeInfo::timeZoneId(DateTimeInfo::forceUTC(cx->realm()), timeZone);
if (result.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, result.unwrapErr());
return false;
JSString* str = timeZone.toString(cx);
if (!str) {
return false;
return true;
bool js::intl_defaultTimeZoneOffset(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
MOZ_ASSERT(args.length() == 0);
auto offset =
if (offset.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, offset.unwrapErr());
return false;
return true;
bool js::intl_isDefaultTimeZone(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
MOZ_ASSERT(args.length() == 1);
MOZ_ASSERT(args[0].isString() || args[0].isUndefined());
// |undefined| is the default value when the Intl runtime caches haven't
// yet been initialized. Handle it the same way as a cache miss.
if (args[0].isUndefined()) {
return true;
FormatBuffer<char16_t, intl::INITIAL_CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE> chars(cx);
auto result =
DateTimeInfo::timeZoneId(DateTimeInfo::forceUTC(cx->realm()), chars);
if (result.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, result.unwrapErr());
return false;
JSLinearString* str = args[0].toString()->ensureLinear(cx);
if (!str) {
return false;
bool equals;
if (str->length() == chars.length()) {
JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
equals =
? EqualChars(str->latin1Chars(nogc),, str->length())
: EqualChars(str->twoByteChars(nogc),, str->length());
} else {
equals = false;
return true;
enum class HourCycle {
// 12 hour cycle, from 0 to 11.
// 12 hour cycle, from 1 to 12.
// 24 hour cycle, from 0 to 23.
// 24 hour cycle, from 1 to 24.
static UniqueChars DateTimeFormatLocale(
JSContext* cx, HandleObject internals,
mozilla::Maybe<mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::HourCycle> hourCycle =
mozilla::Nothing()) {
RootedValue value(cx);
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, cx->names().locale, &value)) {
return nullptr;
// ICU expects calendar, numberingSystem, and hourCycle as Unicode locale
// extensions on locale.
mozilla::intl::Locale tag;
Rooted<JSLinearString*> locale(cx, value.toString()->ensureLinear(cx));
if (!locale) {
return nullptr;
if (!intl::ParseLocale(cx, locale, tag)) {
return nullptr;
JS::RootedVector<intl::UnicodeExtensionKeyword> keywords(cx);
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, cx->names().calendar, &value)) {
return nullptr;
JSLinearString* calendar = value.toString()->ensureLinear(cx);
if (!calendar) {
return nullptr;
if (!keywords.emplaceBack("ca", calendar)) {
return nullptr;
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, cx->names().numberingSystem,
&value)) {
return nullptr;
JSLinearString* numberingSystem = value.toString()->ensureLinear(cx);
if (!numberingSystem) {
return nullptr;
if (!keywords.emplaceBack("nu", numberingSystem)) {
return nullptr;
if (hourCycle) {
JSAtom* hourCycleStr;
switch (*hourCycle) {
case mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::HourCycle::H11:
hourCycleStr = cx->names().h11;
case mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::HourCycle::H12:
hourCycleStr = cx->names().h12;
case mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::HourCycle::H23:
hourCycleStr = cx->names().h23;
case mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::HourCycle::H24:
hourCycleStr = cx->names().h24;
if (!keywords.emplaceBack("hc", hourCycleStr)) {
return nullptr;
// |ApplyUnicodeExtensionToTag| applies the new keywords to the front of
// the Unicode extension subtag. We're then relying on ICU to follow RFC
// 6067, which states that any trailing keywords using the same key
// should be ignored.
if (!intl::ApplyUnicodeExtensionToTag(cx, tag, keywords)) {
return nullptr;
FormatBuffer<char> buffer(cx);
if (auto result = tag.ToString(buffer); result.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, result.unwrapErr());
return nullptr;
return buffer.extractStringZ();
static bool AssignTextComponent(
JSContext* cx, HandleObject internals, Handle<PropertyName*> property,
mozilla::Maybe<mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::Text>* text) {
RootedValue value(cx);
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, property, &value)) {
return false;
if (value.isString()) {
JSLinearString* string = value.toString()->ensureLinear(cx);
if (!string) {
return false;
if (StringEqualsLiteral(string, "narrow")) {
*text = mozilla::Some(mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::Text::Narrow);
} else if (StringEqualsLiteral(string, "short")) {
*text = mozilla::Some(mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::Text::Short);
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(StringEqualsLiteral(string, "long"));
*text = mozilla::Some(mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::Text::Long);
} else {
return true;
static bool AssignNumericComponent(
JSContext* cx, HandleObject internals, Handle<PropertyName*> property,
mozilla::Maybe<mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::Numeric>* numeric) {
RootedValue value(cx);
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, property, &value)) {
return false;
if (value.isString()) {
JSLinearString* string = value.toString()->ensureLinear(cx);
if (!string) {
return false;
if (StringEqualsLiteral(string, "numeric")) {
*numeric = mozilla::Some(mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::Numeric::Numeric);
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(StringEqualsLiteral(string, "2-digit"));
*numeric =
} else {
return true;
static bool AssignMonthComponent(
JSContext* cx, HandleObject internals, Handle<PropertyName*> property,
mozilla::Maybe<mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::Month>* month) {
RootedValue value(cx);
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, property, &value)) {
return false;
if (value.isString()) {
JSLinearString* string = value.toString()->ensureLinear(cx);
if (!string) {
return false;
if (StringEqualsLiteral(string, "numeric")) {
*month = mozilla::Some(mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::Month::Numeric);
} else if (StringEqualsLiteral(string, "2-digit")) {
*month = mozilla::Some(mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::Month::TwoDigit);
} else if (StringEqualsLiteral(string, "long")) {
*month = mozilla::Some(mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::Month::Long);
} else if (StringEqualsLiteral(string, "short")) {
*month = mozilla::Some(mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::Month::Short);
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(StringEqualsLiteral(string, "narrow"));
*month = mozilla::Some(mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::Month::Narrow);
} else {
return true;
static bool AssignTimeZoneNameComponent(
JSContext* cx, HandleObject internals, Handle<PropertyName*> property,
mozilla::Maybe<mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::TimeZoneName>* tzName) {
RootedValue value(cx);
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, property, &value)) {
return false;
if (value.isString()) {
JSLinearString* string = value.toString()->ensureLinear(cx);
if (!string) {
return false;
if (StringEqualsLiteral(string, "long")) {
*tzName =
} else if (StringEqualsLiteral(string, "short")) {
*tzName =
} else if (StringEqualsLiteral(string, "shortOffset")) {
*tzName = mozilla::Some(
} else if (StringEqualsLiteral(string, "longOffset")) {
*tzName = mozilla::Some(
} else if (StringEqualsLiteral(string, "shortGeneric")) {
*tzName = mozilla::Some(
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(StringEqualsLiteral(string, "longGeneric"));
*tzName = mozilla::Some(
} else {
return true;
static bool AssignHourCycleComponent(
JSContext* cx, HandleObject internals, Handle<PropertyName*> property,
mozilla::Maybe<mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::HourCycle>* hourCycle) {
RootedValue value(cx);
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, property, &value)) {
return false;
if (value.isString()) {
JSLinearString* string = value.toString()->ensureLinear(cx);
if (!string) {
return false;
if (StringEqualsLiteral(string, "h11")) {
*hourCycle = mozilla::Some(mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::HourCycle::H11);
} else if (StringEqualsLiteral(string, "h12")) {
*hourCycle = mozilla::Some(mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::HourCycle::H12);
} else if (StringEqualsLiteral(string, "h23")) {
*hourCycle = mozilla::Some(mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::HourCycle::H23);
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(StringEqualsLiteral(string, "h24"));
*hourCycle = mozilla::Some(mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::HourCycle::H24);
} else {
return true;
static bool AssignHour12Component(JSContext* cx, HandleObject internals,
mozilla::Maybe<bool>* hour12) {
RootedValue value(cx);
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, cx->names().hour12, &value)) {
return false;
if (value.isBoolean()) {
*hour12 = mozilla::Some(value.toBoolean());
} else {
return true;
static bool AssignDateTimeLength(
JSContext* cx, HandleObject internals, Handle<PropertyName*> property,
mozilla::Maybe<mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::Style>* style) {
RootedValue value(cx);
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, property, &value)) {
return false;
if (value.isString()) {
JSLinearString* string = value.toString()->ensureLinear(cx);
if (!string) {
return false;
if (StringEqualsLiteral(string, "full")) {
*style = mozilla::Some(mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::Style::Full);
} else if (StringEqualsLiteral(string, "long")) {
*style = mozilla::Some(mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::Style::Long);
} else if (StringEqualsLiteral(string, "medium")) {
*style = mozilla::Some(mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::Style::Medium);
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(StringEqualsLiteral(string, "short"));
*style = mozilla::Some(mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::Style::Short);
} else {
return true;
class TimeZoneOffsetString {
static constexpr std::u16string_view GMT = u"GMT";
// Time zone offset string format is "±hh:mm".
static constexpr size_t offsetLength = 6;
// ICU custom time zones are in the format "GMT±hh:mm".
char16_t timeZone_[GMT.size() + offsetLength] = {};
TimeZoneOffsetString() = default;
TimeZoneOffsetString(const TimeZoneOffsetString& other) { *this = other; }
TimeZoneOffsetString& operator=(const TimeZoneOffsetString& other) {
std::copy_n(other.timeZone_, std::size(timeZone_), timeZone_);
return *this;
operator mozilla::Span<const char16_t>() const {
return mozilla::Span(timeZone_);
* |timeZone| is either a canonical IANA time zone identifier or a normalized
* time zone offset string.
static mozilla::Maybe<TimeZoneOffsetString> from(
const JSLinearString* timeZone) {
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!timeZone->empty(), "time zone is a non-empty string");
// If the time zone string starts with either "+" or "-", it is a normalized
// time zone offset string, because (canonical) IANA time zone identifiers
// can't start with "+" or "-".
char16_t timeZoneSign = timeZone->latin1OrTwoByteChar(0);
MOZ_ASSERT(timeZoneSign != 0x2212,
"Minus sign is normalized to Ascii minus");
if (timeZoneSign != '+' && timeZoneSign != '-') {
return mozilla::Nothing();
// Release assert because we don't want CopyChars to write out-of-bounds.
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(timeZone->length() == offsetLength);
// Self-hosted code has normalized offset strings to the format "±hh:mm".
MOZ_ASSERT(timeZone->latin1OrTwoByteChar(3) == ':');
// Self-hosted code has verified the offset is at most ±23:59.
#ifdef DEBUG
auto twoDigit = [&](size_t offset) {
auto c1 = timeZone->latin1OrTwoByteChar(offset);
auto c2 = timeZone->latin1OrTwoByteChar(offset + 1);
return mozilla::AsciiAlphanumericToNumber(c1) * 10 +
int32_t hours = twoDigit(1);
MOZ_ASSERT(0 <= hours && hours <= 23);
int32_t minutes = twoDigit(4);
MOZ_ASSERT(0 <= minutes && minutes <= 59);
TimeZoneOffsetString result{};
// Copy the string "GMT" followed by the offset string.
size_t copied = GMT.copy(result.timeZone_, GMT.size());
CopyChars(result.timeZone_ + copied, *timeZone);
return mozilla::Some(result);
* Returns a new mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat with the locale and date-time
* formatting options of the given DateTimeFormat.
static mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat* NewDateTimeFormat(
JSContext* cx, Handle<DateTimeFormatObject*> dateTimeFormat) {
RootedValue value(cx);
RootedObject internals(cx, intl::GetInternalsObject(cx, dateTimeFormat));
if (!internals) {
return nullptr;
UniqueChars locale = DateTimeFormatLocale(cx, internals);
if (!locale) {
return nullptr;
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, cx->names().timeZone, &value)) {
return nullptr;
Rooted<JSLinearString*> timeZoneString(cx,
if (!timeZoneString) {
return nullptr;
AutoStableStringChars timeZone(cx);
mozilla::Span<const char16_t> timeZoneChars{};
auto timeZoneOffset = TimeZoneOffsetString::from(timeZoneString);
if (timeZoneOffset) {
timeZoneChars = *timeZoneOffset;
} else {
if (!timeZone.initTwoByte(cx, timeZoneString)) {
return nullptr;
timeZoneChars = timeZone.twoByteRange();
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, cx->names().pattern, &value)) {
return nullptr;
bool hasPattern = value.isString();
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, cx->names().timeStyle, &value)) {
return nullptr;
bool hasStyle = value.isString();
if (!hasStyle) {
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, cx->names().dateStyle, &value)) {
return nullptr;
hasStyle = value.isString();
mozilla::UniquePtr<mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat> df = nullptr;
if (hasPattern) {
// This is a DateTimeFormat defined by a pattern option. This is internal
// to Mozilla, and not part of the ECMA-402 API.
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, cx->names().pattern, &value)) {
return nullptr;
AutoStableStringChars pattern(cx);
if (!pattern.initTwoByte(cx, value.toString())) {
return nullptr;
auto dfResult = mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::TryCreateFromPattern(
mozilla::MakeStringSpan(locale.get()), pattern.twoByteRange(),
if (dfResult.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, dfResult.unwrapErr());
return nullptr;
df = dfResult.unwrap();
} else if (hasStyle) {
// This is a DateTimeFormat defined by a time style or date style.
mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::StyleBag style;
if (!AssignDateTimeLength(cx, internals, cx->names().timeStyle,
&style.time)) {
return nullptr;
if (!AssignDateTimeLength(cx, internals, cx->names().dateStyle,
& {
return nullptr;
if (!AssignHourCycleComponent(cx, internals, cx->names().hourCycle,
&style.hourCycle)) {
return nullptr;
if (!AssignHour12Component(cx, internals, &style.hour12)) {
return nullptr;
SharedIntlData& sharedIntlData = cx->runtime()->sharedIntlData.ref();
mozilla::intl::DateTimePatternGenerator* gen =
sharedIntlData.getDateTimePatternGenerator(cx, locale.get());
if (!gen) {
return nullptr;
auto dfResult = mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::TryCreateFromStyle(
mozilla::MakeStringSpan(locale.get()), style, gen,
if (dfResult.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, dfResult.unwrapErr());
return nullptr;
df = dfResult.unwrap();
} else {
// This is a DateTimeFormat defined by a components bag.
mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::ComponentsBag bag;
if (!AssignTextComponent(cx, internals, cx->names().era, &bag.era)) {
return nullptr;
if (!AssignNumericComponent(cx, internals, cx->names().year, &bag.year)) {
return nullptr;
if (!AssignMonthComponent(cx, internals, cx->names().month, &bag.month)) {
return nullptr;
if (!AssignNumericComponent(cx, internals, cx->names().day, & {
return nullptr;
if (!AssignTextComponent(cx, internals, cx->names().weekday,
&bag.weekday)) {
return nullptr;
if (!AssignNumericComponent(cx, internals, cx->names().hour, &bag.hour)) {
return nullptr;
if (!AssignNumericComponent(cx, internals, cx->names().minute,
&bag.minute)) {
return nullptr;
if (!AssignNumericComponent(cx, internals, cx->names().second,
&bag.second)) {
return nullptr;
if (!AssignTimeZoneNameComponent(cx, internals, cx->names().timeZoneName,
&bag.timeZoneName)) {
return nullptr;
if (!AssignHourCycleComponent(cx, internals, cx->names().hourCycle,
&bag.hourCycle)) {
return nullptr;
if (!AssignTextComponent(cx, internals, cx->names().dayPeriod,
&bag.dayPeriod)) {
return nullptr;
if (!AssignHour12Component(cx, internals, &bag.hour12)) {
return nullptr;
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals,
cx->names().fractionalSecondDigits, &value)) {
return nullptr;
if (value.isInt32()) {
bag.fractionalSecondDigits = mozilla::Some(value.toInt32());
} else {
SharedIntlData& sharedIntlData = cx->runtime()->sharedIntlData.ref();
auto* dtpg = sharedIntlData.getDateTimePatternGenerator(cx, locale.get());
if (!dtpg) {
return nullptr;
auto dfResult = mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::TryCreateFromComponents(
mozilla::MakeStringSpan(locale.get()), bag, dtpg,
if (dfResult.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, dfResult.unwrapErr());
return nullptr;
df = dfResult.unwrap();
// ECMAScript requires the Gregorian calendar to be used from the beginning
// of ECMAScript time.
return df.release();
static mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat* GetOrCreateDateTimeFormat(
JSContext* cx, Handle<DateTimeFormatObject*> dateTimeFormat) {
// Obtain a cached mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat object.
mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat* df = dateTimeFormat->getDateFormat();
if (df) {
return df;
df = NewDateTimeFormat(cx, dateTimeFormat);
if (!df) {
return nullptr;
return df;
template <typename T>
static bool SetResolvedProperty(JSContext* cx, HandleObject resolved,
Handle<PropertyName*> name,
mozilla::Maybe<T> intlProp) {
if (!intlProp) {
return true;
JSString* str = NewStringCopyZ<CanGC>(
cx, mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::ToString(*intlProp));
if (!str) {
return false;
RootedValue value(cx, StringValue(str));
return DefineDataProperty(cx, resolved, name, value);
bool js::intl_resolveDateTimeFormatComponents(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc,
Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
MOZ_ASSERT(args.length() == 3);
Rooted<DateTimeFormatObject*> dateTimeFormat(cx);
dateTimeFormat = &args[0].toObject().as<DateTimeFormatObject>();
RootedObject resolved(cx, &args[1].toObject());
bool includeDateTimeFields = args[2].toBoolean();
mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat* df =
GetOrCreateDateTimeFormat(cx, dateTimeFormat);
if (!df) {
return false;
auto result = df->ResolveComponents();
if (result.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, result.unwrapErr());
return false;
mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::ComponentsBag components = result.unwrap();
// Map the resolved mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::ComponentsBag to the
// options object as returned by DateTimeFormat.prototype.resolvedOptions.
// Resolved options must match the ordering as defined in:
if (!SetResolvedProperty(cx, resolved, cx->names().hourCycle,
components.hourCycle)) {
return false;
if (components.hour12) {
RootedValue value(cx, BooleanValue(*components.hour12));
if (!DefineDataProperty(cx, resolved, cx->names().hour12, value)) {
return false;
if (!includeDateTimeFields) {
// Do not include date time fields.
return true;
if (!SetResolvedProperty(cx, resolved, cx->names().weekday,
components.weekday)) {
return false;
if (!SetResolvedProperty(cx, resolved, cx->names().era, components.era)) {
return false;
if (!SetResolvedProperty(cx, resolved, cx->names().year, components.year)) {
return false;
if (!SetResolvedProperty(cx, resolved, cx->names().month, components.month)) {
return false;
if (!SetResolvedProperty(cx, resolved, cx->names().day, {
return false;
if (!SetResolvedProperty(cx, resolved, cx->names().dayPeriod,
components.dayPeriod)) {
return false;
if (!SetResolvedProperty(cx, resolved, cx->names().hour, components.hour)) {
return false;
if (!SetResolvedProperty(cx, resolved, cx->names().minute,
components.minute)) {
return false;
if (!SetResolvedProperty(cx, resolved, cx->names().second,
components.second)) {
return false;
if (!SetResolvedProperty(cx, resolved, cx->names().timeZoneName,
components.timeZoneName)) {
return false;
if (components.fractionalSecondDigits) {
RootedValue value(cx, Int32Value(*components.fractionalSecondDigits));
if (!DefineDataProperty(cx, resolved, cx->names().fractionalSecondDigits,
value)) {
return false;
return true;
static bool intl_FormatDateTime(JSContext* cx,
const mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat* df,
ClippedTime x, MutableHandleValue result) {
FormatBuffer<char16_t, INITIAL_CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE> buffer(cx);
auto dfResult = df->TryFormat(x.toDouble(), buffer);
if (dfResult.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, dfResult.unwrapErr());
return false;
JSString* str = buffer.toString(cx);
if (!str) {
return false;
return true;
using FieldType = js::ImmutableTenuredPtr<PropertyName*> JSAtomState::*;
static FieldType GetFieldTypeForPartType(mozilla::intl::DateTimePartType type) {
switch (type) {
case mozilla::intl::DateTimePartType::Literal:
return &JSAtomState::literal;
case mozilla::intl::DateTimePartType::Era:
return &JSAtomState::era;
case mozilla::intl::DateTimePartType::Year:
return &JSAtomState::year;
case mozilla::intl::DateTimePartType::YearName:
return &JSAtomState::yearName;
case mozilla::intl::DateTimePartType::RelatedYear:
return &JSAtomState::relatedYear;
case mozilla::intl::DateTimePartType::Month:
return &JSAtomState::month;
case mozilla::intl::DateTimePartType::Day:
return &JSAtomState::day;
case mozilla::intl::DateTimePartType::Hour:
return &JSAtomState::hour;
case mozilla::intl::DateTimePartType::Minute:
return &JSAtomState::minute;
case mozilla::intl::DateTimePartType::Second:
return &JSAtomState::second;
case mozilla::intl::DateTimePartType::Weekday:
return &JSAtomState::weekday;
case mozilla::intl::DateTimePartType::DayPeriod:
return &JSAtomState::dayPeriod;
case mozilla::intl::DateTimePartType::TimeZoneName:
return &JSAtomState::timeZoneName;
case mozilla::intl::DateTimePartType::FractionalSecondDigits:
return &JSAtomState::fractionalSecond;
case mozilla::intl::DateTimePartType::Unknown:
return &JSAtomState::unknown;
"unenumerated, undocumented format field returned "
"by iterator");
static FieldType GetFieldTypeForPartSource(
mozilla::intl::DateTimePartSource source) {
switch (source) {
case mozilla::intl::DateTimePartSource::Shared:
return &JSAtomState::shared;
case mozilla::intl::DateTimePartSource::StartRange:
return &JSAtomState::startRange;
case mozilla::intl::DateTimePartSource::EndRange:
return &JSAtomState::endRange;
"unenumerated, undocumented format field returned "
"by iterator");
// A helper function to create an ArrayObject from DateTimePart objects.
// When hasNoSource is true, we don't need to create the ||Source|| property for
// the DateTimePart object.
static bool CreateDateTimePartArray(
JSContext* cx, mozilla::Span<const char16_t> formattedSpan,
bool hasNoSource, const mozilla::intl::DateTimePartVector& parts,
MutableHandleValue result) {
RootedString overallResult(cx, NewStringCopy<CanGC>(cx, formattedSpan));
if (!overallResult) {
return false;
Rooted<ArrayObject*> partsArray(
cx, NewDenseFullyAllocatedArray(cx, parts.length()));
if (!partsArray) {
return false;
partsArray->ensureDenseInitializedLength(0, parts.length());
if (overallResult->length() == 0) {
// An empty string contains no parts, so avoid extra work below.
return true;
RootedObject singlePart(cx);
RootedValue val(cx);
size_t index = 0;
size_t beginIndex = 0;
for (const mozilla::intl::DateTimePart& part : parts) {
singlePart = NewPlainObject(cx);
if (!singlePart) {
return false;
FieldType type = GetFieldTypeForPartType(part.mType);
val = StringValue(cx->names().*type);
if (!DefineDataProperty(cx, singlePart, cx->names().type, val)) {
return false;
MOZ_ASSERT(part.mEndIndex > beginIndex);
JSLinearString* partStr = NewDependentString(cx, overallResult, beginIndex,
part.mEndIndex - beginIndex);
if (!partStr) {
return false;
val = StringValue(partStr);
if (!DefineDataProperty(cx, singlePart, cx->names().value, val)) {
return false;
if (!hasNoSource) {
FieldType source = GetFieldTypeForPartSource(part.mSource);
val = StringValue(cx->names().*source);
if (!DefineDataProperty(cx, singlePart, cx->names().source, val)) {
return false;
beginIndex = part.mEndIndex;
partsArray->initDenseElement(index++, ObjectValue(*singlePart));
MOZ_ASSERT(index == parts.length());
MOZ_ASSERT(beginIndex == formattedSpan.size());
return true;
static bool intl_FormatToPartsDateTime(JSContext* cx,
const mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat* df,
ClippedTime x, bool hasNoSource,
MutableHandleValue result) {
FormatBuffer<char16_t, intl::INITIAL_CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE> buffer(cx);
mozilla::intl::DateTimePartVector parts;
auto r = df->TryFormatToParts(x.toDouble(), buffer, parts);
if (r.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, r.unwrapErr());
return false;
return CreateDateTimePartArray(cx, buffer, hasNoSource, parts, result);
bool js::intl_FormatDateTime(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
MOZ_ASSERT(args.length() == 3);
Rooted<DateTimeFormatObject*> dateTimeFormat(cx);
dateTimeFormat = &args[0].toObject().as<DateTimeFormatObject>();
bool formatToParts = args[2].toBoolean();
ClippedTime x = TimeClip(args[1].toNumber());
if (!x.isValid()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
formatToParts ? "formatToParts" : "format");
return false;
mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat* df =
GetOrCreateDateTimeFormat(cx, dateTimeFormat);
if (!df) {
return false;
// Use the DateTimeFormat to actually format the time stamp.
return formatToParts ? intl_FormatToPartsDateTime(
cx, df, x, /* hasNoSource */ true, args.rval())
: intl_FormatDateTime(cx, df, x, args.rval());
* Returns a new DateIntervalFormat with the locale and date-time formatting
* options of the given DateTimeFormat.
static mozilla::intl::DateIntervalFormat* NewDateIntervalFormat(
JSContext* cx, Handle<DateTimeFormatObject*> dateTimeFormat,
mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat& mozDtf) {
RootedValue value(cx);
RootedObject internals(cx, intl::GetInternalsObject(cx, dateTimeFormat));
if (!internals) {
return nullptr;
FormatBuffer<char16_t, intl::INITIAL_CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE> pattern(cx);
auto result = mozDtf.GetPattern(pattern);
if (result.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, result.unwrapErr());
return nullptr;
// Determine the hour cycle used in the resolved pattern.
mozilla::Maybe<mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::HourCycle> hcPattern =
UniqueChars locale = DateTimeFormatLocale(cx, internals, hcPattern);
if (!locale) {
return nullptr;
if (!GetProperty(cx, internals, internals, cx->names().timeZone, &value)) {
return nullptr;
Rooted<JSLinearString*> timeZoneString(cx,
if (!timeZoneString) {
return nullptr;
AutoStableStringChars timeZone(cx);
mozilla::Span<const char16_t> timeZoneChars{};
auto timeZoneOffset = TimeZoneOffsetString::from(timeZoneString);
if (timeZoneOffset) {
timeZoneChars = *timeZoneOffset;
} else {
if (!timeZone.initTwoByte(cx, timeZoneString)) {
return nullptr;
timeZoneChars = timeZone.twoByteRange();
FormatBuffer<char16_t, intl::INITIAL_CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE> skeleton(cx);
auto skelResult = mozDtf.GetOriginalSkeleton(skeleton);
if (skelResult.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, skelResult.unwrapErr());
return nullptr;
auto dif = mozilla::intl::DateIntervalFormat::TryCreate(
mozilla::MakeStringSpan(locale.get()), skeleton, timeZoneChars);
if (dif.isErr()) {
js::intl::ReportInternalError(cx, dif.unwrapErr());
return nullptr;
return dif.unwrap().release();
static mozilla::intl::DateIntervalFormat* GetOrCreateDateIntervalFormat(
JSContext* cx, Handle<DateTimeFormatObject*> dateTimeFormat,
mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat& mozDtf) {
// Obtain a cached DateIntervalFormat object.
mozilla::intl::DateIntervalFormat* dif =
if (dif) {
return dif;
dif = NewDateIntervalFormat(cx, dateTimeFormat, mozDtf);
if (!dif) {
return nullptr;
return dif;
* PartitionDateTimeRangePattern ( dateTimeFormat, x, y )
static bool PartitionDateTimeRangePattern(
JSContext* cx, const mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat* df,
const mozilla::intl::DateIntervalFormat* dif,
mozilla::intl::AutoFormattedDateInterval& formatted, ClippedTime x,
ClippedTime y, bool* equal) {
// We can't access the calendar used by UDateIntervalFormat to change it to a
// proleptic Gregorian calendar. Instead we need to call a different formatter
// function which accepts UCalendar instead of UDate.
// But creating new UCalendar objects for each call is slow, so when we can
// ensure that the input dates are later than the Gregorian change date,
// directly call the formatter functions taking UDate.
// The Gregorian change date "1582-10-15T00:00:00.000Z".
constexpr double GregorianChangeDate = -12219292800000.0;
// Add a full day to account for time zone offsets.
constexpr double GregorianChangeDatePlusOneDay =
GregorianChangeDate + msPerDay;
mozilla::intl::ICUResult result = Ok();
if (x.toDouble() < GregorianChangeDatePlusOneDay ||
y.toDouble() < GregorianChangeDatePlusOneDay) {
// Create calendar objects for the start and end date by cloning the date
// formatter calendar. The date formatter calendar already has the correct
// time zone set and was changed to use a proleptic Gregorian calendar.
auto startCal = df->CloneCalendar(x.toDouble());
if (startCal.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, startCal.unwrapErr());
return false;
auto endCal = df->CloneCalendar(y.toDouble());
if (endCal.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, endCal.unwrapErr());
return false;
result = dif->TryFormatCalendar(*startCal.unwrap(), *endCal.unwrap(),
formatted, equal);
} else {
// The common fast path which doesn't require creating calendar objects.
result =
dif->TryFormatDateTime(x.toDouble(), y.toDouble(), formatted, equal);
if (result.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, result.unwrapErr());
return false;
return true;
* FormatDateTimeRange( dateTimeFormat, x, y )
static bool FormatDateTimeRange(JSContext* cx,
const mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat* df,
const mozilla::intl::DateIntervalFormat* dif,
ClippedTime x, ClippedTime y,
MutableHandleValue result) {
mozilla::intl::AutoFormattedDateInterval formatted;
if (!formatted.IsValid()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, formatted.GetError());
return false;
bool equal;
if (!PartitionDateTimeRangePattern(cx, df, dif, formatted, x, y, &equal)) {
return false;
// PartitionDateTimeRangePattern, step 12.
if (equal) {
return intl_FormatDateTime(cx, df, x, result);
auto spanResult = formatted.ToSpan();
if (spanResult.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, spanResult.unwrapErr());
return false;
JSString* resultStr = NewStringCopy<CanGC>(cx, spanResult.unwrap());
if (!resultStr) {
return false;
return true;
* FormatDateTimeRangeToParts ( dateTimeFormat, x, y )
static bool FormatDateTimeRangeToParts(
JSContext* cx, const mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat* df,
const mozilla::intl::DateIntervalFormat* dif, ClippedTime x, ClippedTime y,
MutableHandleValue result) {
mozilla::intl::AutoFormattedDateInterval formatted;
if (!formatted.IsValid()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, formatted.GetError());
return false;
bool equal;
if (!PartitionDateTimeRangePattern(cx, df, dif, formatted, x, y, &equal)) {
return false;
// PartitionDateTimeRangePattern, step 12.
if (equal) {
return intl_FormatToPartsDateTime(cx, df, x, /* hasNoSource */ false,
mozilla::intl::DateTimePartVector parts;
auto r = dif->TryFormattedToParts(formatted, parts);
if (r.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, r.unwrapErr());
return false;
auto spanResult = formatted.ToSpan();
if (spanResult.isErr()) {
intl::ReportInternalError(cx, spanResult.unwrapErr());
return false;
return CreateDateTimePartArray(cx, spanResult.unwrap(),
/* hasNoSource */ false, parts, result);
bool js::intl_FormatDateTimeRange(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
MOZ_ASSERT(args.length() == 4);
Rooted<DateTimeFormatObject*> dateTimeFormat(cx);
dateTimeFormat = &args[0].toObject().as<DateTimeFormatObject>();
bool formatToParts = args[3].toBoolean();
// PartitionDateTimeRangePattern, steps 1-2.
ClippedTime x = TimeClip(args[1].toNumber());
if (!x.isValid()) {
cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_DATE_NOT_FINITE, "DateTimeFormat",
formatToParts ? "formatRangeToParts" : "formatRange");
return false;
// PartitionDateTimeRangePattern, steps 3-4.
ClippedTime y = TimeClip(args[2].toNumber());
if (!y.isValid()) {
cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_DATE_NOT_FINITE, "DateTimeFormat",
formatToParts ? "formatRangeToParts" : "formatRange");
return false;
mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat* df =
GetOrCreateDateTimeFormat(cx, dateTimeFormat);
if (!df) {
return false;
mozilla::intl::DateIntervalFormat* dif =
GetOrCreateDateIntervalFormat(cx, dateTimeFormat, *df);
if (!dif) {
return false;
// Use the DateIntervalFormat to actually format the time range.
return formatToParts
? FormatDateTimeRangeToParts(cx, df, dif, x, y, args.rval())
: FormatDateTimeRange(cx, df, dif, x, y, args.rval());