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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef builtin_OrderedHashTableObject_h
#define builtin_OrderedHashTableObject_h
* This file defines js::OrderedHashMapObject (a base class of js::MapObject)
* and js::OrderedHashSetObject (a base class of js::SetObject).
* It also defines two templates, js::OrderedHashMapImpl and
* js::OrderedHashSetImpl, that operate on these objects and implement the
* ordered hash table algorithm. These templates are defined separately from
* the JS object types because it lets us switch between different template
* instantiations to enable or disable GC barriers.
* The implemented hash table algorithm is also different from HashMap and
* HashSet:
* - Iterating over an Ordered hash table visits the entries in the order in
* which they were inserted. This means that unlike a HashMap, the behavior
* of an OrderedHashMapImpl is deterministic (as long as the HashPolicy
* methods are effect-free and consistent); the hashing is a pure
* performance optimization.
* - Iterator objects remain valid even when entries are added or removed or
* the table is resized.
* Hash policies
* See the comment about "Hash policy" in HashTable.h for general features that
* hash policy classes must provide. Hash policies for OrderedHashMapImpl and
* Sets differ in that the hash() method takes an extra argument:
* static js::HashNumber hash(Lookup, const HashCodeScrambler&);
* They must additionally provide a distinguished "empty" key value and the
* following static member functions:
* bool isEmpty(const Key&);
* void makeEmpty(Key*);
#include "mozilla/CheckedInt.h"
#include "mozilla/HashFunctions.h"
#include "mozilla/Likely.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h"
#include "mozilla/TemplateLib.h"
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include "builtin/SelfHostingDefines.h"
#include "gc/Barrier.h"
#include "gc/Zone.h"
#include "js/GCPolicyAPI.h"
#include "js/HashTable.h"
#include "vm/JSContext.h"
#include "vm/Realm.h"
class JSTracer;
namespace js {
class MapIteratorObject;
class SetIteratorObject;
namespace detail {
template <class T, class Ops>
class OrderedHashTableImpl;
// Base class for OrderedHashMapObject and OrderedHashSetObject.
class OrderedHashTableObject : public NativeObject {
// Use a friend class to avoid exposing these slot definitions directly to
// MapObject and SetObject.
template <class T, class Ops>
friend class OrderedHashTableImpl;
enum Slots {
inline void* allocateCellBuffer(JSContext* cx, size_t numBytes);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfDataLength() {
return getFixedSlotOffset(DataLengthSlot);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfData() {
return getFixedSlotOffset(DataSlot);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfHashTable() {
return getFixedSlotOffset(HashTableSlot);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfHashShift() {
return getFixedSlotOffset(HashShiftSlot);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfLiveCount() {
return getFixedSlotOffset(LiveCountSlot);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfHashCodeScrambler() {
return getFixedSlotOffset(HashCodeScramblerSlot);
} // namespace detail
// Base class for MapIteratorObject and SetIteratorObject.
// Iterators remain valid for the lifetime of the OrderedHashTableObject, even
// if entries are added or removed or if the table is resized. Hash table
// objects have a doubly linked list of all active iterator objects and this
// lets us update the iterators when needed.
// An "active" iterator object has a target object and must be part of its
// linked list of iterators. When the iterator is finished, the target slot is
// cleared and the iterator is removed from the linked list.
// Note: the iterator list stores pointers to iterators as PrivateValue instead
// of ObjectValue because we want these links to be weak pointers: an iterator
// must not keep all other iterators alive.
class TableIteratorObject : public NativeObject {
template <class T, class Ops>
friend class detail::OrderedHashTableImpl;
enum Slots {
enum class Kind { Keys, Values, Entries };
// Slot numbers and Kind values must match constants used in self-hosted code.
static_assert(TargetSlot == ITERATOR_SLOT_TARGET);
static_assert(KindSlot == MAP_SET_ITERATOR_SLOT_ITEM_KIND);
static_assert(int32_t(Kind::Keys) == ITEM_KIND_KEY);
static_assert(int32_t(Kind::Values) == ITEM_KIND_VALUE);
static_assert(int32_t(Kind::Entries) == ITEM_KIND_KEY_AND_VALUE);
// The index of the current entry within the table's data array.
uint32_t getIndex() const {
return getReservedSlot(IndexSlot).toPrivateUint32();
void setIndex(uint32_t i) {
setReservedSlotPrivateUint32Unbarriered(IndexSlot, i);
// The number of nonempty entries in the data array to the left of |index|.
// This is used when the table is resized or compacted.
uint32_t getCount() const {
return getReservedSlot(CountSlot).toPrivateUint32();
void setCount(uint32_t i) {
setReservedSlotPrivateUint32Unbarriered(CountSlot, i);
// Links in the doubly-linked list of active iterator objects on the
// OrderedHashTableObject.
// The PrevPtr slot points to either the previous iterator's NextSlot or to
// the table's TenuredIteratorsSlot or NurseryIteratorsSlot if this is the
// first iterator in the list.
// The Next slot points to the next iterator object, or is nullptr if this is
// the last iterator in the list.
// Invariant: *getPrevPtr() == this.
TableIteratorObject** getPrevPtr() const {
Value v = getReservedSlot(PrevPtrSlot);
return static_cast<TableIteratorObject**>(v.toPrivate());
void setPrevPtr(TableIteratorObject** p) {
setReservedSlotPrivateUnbarriered(PrevPtrSlot, p);
TableIteratorObject* getNext() const {
Value v = getReservedSlot(NextSlot);
return static_cast<TableIteratorObject*>(v.toPrivate());
TableIteratorObject** addressOfNext() {
return addressOfFixedSlotPrivatePtr<TableIteratorObject>(NextSlot);
void setNext(TableIteratorObject* p) {
setReservedSlotPrivateUnbarriered(NextSlot, p);
void link(TableIteratorObject** listp) {
TableIteratorObject* next = *listp;
*listp = this;
if (next) {
void init(detail::OrderedHashTableObject* target, Kind kind,
TableIteratorObject** listp) {
initReservedSlot(TargetSlot, ObjectValue(*target));
setReservedSlotPrivateUint32Unbarriered(KindSlot, uint32_t(kind));
setReservedSlotPrivateUint32Unbarriered(IndexSlot, 0);
setReservedSlotPrivateUint32Unbarriered(CountSlot, 0);
void assertActiveIteratorFor(JSObject* target) {
MOZ_ASSERT(&getReservedSlot(TargetSlot).toObject() == target);
MOZ_ASSERT(*getPrevPtr() == this);
MOZ_ASSERT(getNext() != this);
bool isActive() const { return getReservedSlot(TargetSlot).isObject(); }
void finish() {
// Mark iterator inactive.
setReservedSlot(TargetSlot, UndefinedValue());
void unlink() {
TableIteratorObject** prevp = getPrevPtr();
TableIteratorObject* next = getNext();
*prevp = next;
if (next) {
// Update list pointers after a compacting GC moved this iterator in memory.
// Note: this isn't used for nursery iterators because in that case we have to
// rebuild the list with clearNurseryIterators and relinkNurseryIterator.
void updateListAfterMove(TableIteratorObject* old) {
MOZ_ASSERT(old != this);
TableIteratorObject** prevp = getPrevPtr();
MOZ_ASSERT(*prevp == old);
*prevp = this;
if (TableIteratorObject* next = getNext()) {
MOZ_ASSERT(next->getPrevPtr() == old->addressOfNext());
Kind kind() const {
uint32_t i = getReservedSlot(KindSlot).toPrivateUint32();
MOZ_ASSERT(i == uint32_t(Kind::Keys) || i == uint32_t(Kind::Values) ||
i == uint32_t(Kind::Entries));
return Kind(i);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfTarget() {
return getFixedSlotOffset(TargetSlot);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfIndex() {
return getFixedSlotOffset(IndexSlot);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfCount() {
return getFixedSlotOffset(CountSlot);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfPrevPtr() {
return getFixedSlotOffset(PrevPtrSlot);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfNext() {
return getFixedSlotOffset(NextSlot);
namespace detail {
* detail::OrderedHashTableImpl is the underlying code used to implement both
* OrderedHashMapImpl and OrderedHashSetImpl. Programs should use one of those
* two templates rather than OrderedHashTableImpl.
template <class T, class Ops>
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS OrderedHashTableImpl {
using Key = typename Ops::KeyType;
using MutableKey = std::remove_const_t<Key>;
using UnbarrieredKey = typename RemoveBarrier<MutableKey>::Type;
using Lookup = typename Ops::Lookup;
using HashCodeScrambler = mozilla::HashCodeScrambler;
static constexpr size_t SlotCount = OrderedHashTableObject::SlotCount;
struct Data {
T element;
Data* chain;
Data(const T& e, Data* c) : element(e), chain(c) {}
Data(T&& e, Data* c) : element(std::move(e)), chain(c) {}
using Slots = OrderedHashTableObject::Slots;
OrderedHashTableObject* const obj;
// Whether we have allocated a buffer for this object. This buffer is
// allocated when adding the first entry and it contains the data array, the
// hash table buckets and the hash code scrambler.
bool hasAllocatedBuffer() const {
return obj->getReservedSlot(Slots::DataSlot).toPrivate() != nullptr;
// Hash table. Has hashBuckets() elements.
// Note: a single malloc buffer is used for the data and hashTable arrays and
// the HashCodeScrambler. The pointer in DataSlot points to the start of this
// buffer.
Data** getHashTable() const {
Value v = obj->getReservedSlot(Slots::HashTableSlot);
return static_cast<Data**>(v.toPrivate());
void setHashTable(Data** table) {
obj->setReservedSlotPrivateUnbarriered(Slots::HashTableSlot, table);
// Array of Data objects. Elements data[0:dataLength] are constructed and the
// total capacity is dataCapacity.
// maybeData returns nullptr if this object doesn't have a buffer yet.
// getData asserts the object has a buffer.
Data* maybeData() const {
Value v = obj->getReservedSlot(Slots::DataSlot);
return static_cast<Data*>(v.toPrivate());
Data* getData() const {
return maybeData();
void setData(Data* data) {
obj->setReservedSlotPrivateUnbarriered(Slots::DataSlot, data);
// Number of constructed elements in the data array.
uint32_t getDataLength() const {
return obj->getReservedSlot(Slots::DataLengthSlot).toPrivateUint32();
void setDataLength(uint32_t length) {
obj->setReservedSlotPrivateUint32Unbarriered(Slots::DataLengthSlot, length);
// Size of data array, in elements.
uint32_t getDataCapacity() const {
return obj->getReservedSlot(Slots::DataCapacitySlot).toPrivateUint32();
void setDataCapacity(uint32_t capacity) {
// The number of elements in this table. This is different from dataLength
// because the data array can contain empty/removed elements.
uint32_t getLiveCount() const {
return obj->getReservedSlot(Slots::LiveCountSlot).toPrivateUint32();
void setLiveCount(uint32_t liveCount) {
// Multiplicative hash shift.
uint32_t getHashShift() const {
"hash shift is meaningless if there's no hash table");
return obj->getReservedSlot(Slots::HashShiftSlot).toPrivateUint32();
void setHashShift(uint32_t hashShift) {
// List of all active iterators on this table in the tenured heap. Populated
// when iterators are created.
TableIteratorObject* getTenuredIterators() const {
Value v = obj->getReservedSlot(Slots::TenuredIteratorsSlot);
return static_cast<TableIteratorObject*>(v.toPrivate());
void setTenuredIterators(TableIteratorObject* iter) {
obj->setReservedSlotPrivateUnbarriered(Slots::TenuredIteratorsSlot, iter);
TableIteratorObject** addressOfTenuredIterators() const {
static constexpr size_t slot = Slots::TenuredIteratorsSlot;
return obj->addressOfFixedSlotPrivatePtr<TableIteratorObject>(slot);
// List of all active iterators on this table in the GC nursery.
// Populated when iterators are created. This is cleared at the start
// of minor GC and rebuilt when iterators are moved.
TableIteratorObject* getNurseryIterators() const {
Value v = obj->getReservedSlot(Slots::NurseryIteratorsSlot);
return static_cast<TableIteratorObject*>(v.toPrivate());
void setNurseryIterators(TableIteratorObject* iter) {
obj->setReservedSlotPrivateUnbarriered(Slots::NurseryIteratorsSlot, iter);
TableIteratorObject** addressOfNurseryIterators() const {
static constexpr size_t slot = Slots::NurseryIteratorsSlot;
return obj->addressOfFixedSlotPrivatePtr<TableIteratorObject>(slot);
// Returns a pointer to the list of tenured or nursery iterators depending on
// where |iter| is allocated.
TableIteratorObject** addressOfIterators(TableIteratorObject* iter) {
return IsInsideNursery(iter) ? addressOfNurseryIterators()
: addressOfTenuredIterators();
// Scrambler to not reveal pointer hash codes.
const HashCodeScrambler* getHashCodeScrambler() const {
Value v = obj->getReservedSlot(Slots::HashCodeScramblerSlot);
return static_cast<const HashCodeScrambler*>(v.toPrivate());
void setHashCodeScrambler(HashCodeScrambler* hcs) {
obj->setReservedSlotPrivateUnbarriered(Slots::HashCodeScramblerSlot, hcs);
// Logarithm base 2 of the number of buckets in the hash table initially.
static constexpr uint32_t InitialBucketsLog2 = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t InitialBuckets = 1 << InitialBucketsLog2;
static constexpr uint32_t InitialHashShift =
js::kHashNumberBits - InitialBucketsLog2;
// The maximum load factor (mean number of entries per bucket).
// It is an invariant that
// dataCapacity == floor(hashBuckets * FillFactor).
// The fill factor should be between 2 and 4, and it should be chosen so that
// the fill factor times sizeof(Data) is close to but <= a power of 2.
// This fixed fill factor was chosen to make the size of the data
// array, in bytes, close to a power of two when sizeof(T) is 16.
static constexpr double FillFactor = 8.0 / 3.0;
// The minimum permitted value of (liveCount / dataLength).
// If that ratio drops below this value, we shrink the table.
static constexpr double MinDataFill = 0.25;
template <typename F>
void forEachIterator(F&& f) {
TableIteratorObject* next;
for (TableIteratorObject* iter = getTenuredIterators(); iter; iter = next) {
next = iter->getNext();
for (TableIteratorObject* iter = getNurseryIterators(); iter; iter = next) {
next = iter->getNext();
bool hasInitializedSlots() const {
return !obj->getReservedSlot(Slots::DataSlot).isUndefined();
static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool calcAllocSize(uint32_t dataCapacity,
uint32_t buckets,
size_t* numBytes) {
using CheckedSize = mozilla::CheckedInt<size_t>;
auto res = CheckedSize(dataCapacity) * sizeof(Data) +
CheckedSize(sizeof(HashCodeScrambler)) +
CheckedSize(buckets) * sizeof(Data*);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!res.isValid())) {
return false;
*numBytes = res.value();
return true;
// Allocate a single buffer that stores the data array followed by the hash
// code scrambler and the hash table entries.
using AllocationResult =
std::tuple<Data*, Data**, HashCodeScrambler*, size_t>;
AllocationResult allocateBuffer(JSContext* cx, uint32_t dataCapacity,
uint32_t buckets) {
size_t numBytes = 0;
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!calcAllocSize(dataCapacity, buckets, &numBytes))) {
return {};
void* buf = obj->allocateCellBuffer(cx, numBytes);
if (!buf) {
return {};
return getBufferParts(buf, numBytes, dataCapacity, buckets);
static AllocationResult getBufferParts(void* buf, size_t numBytes,
uint32_t dataCapacity,
uint32_t buckets) {
static_assert(alignof(Data) % alignof(HashCodeScrambler) == 0,
"Hash code scrambler must be aligned properly");
static_assert(alignof(HashCodeScrambler) % alignof(Data*) == 0,
"Hash table entries must be aligned properly");
auto* data = static_cast<Data*>(buf);
auto* hcs = reinterpret_cast<HashCodeScrambler*>(data + dataCapacity);
auto** table = reinterpret_cast<Data**>(hcs + 1);
MOZ_ASSERT(uintptr_t(table + buckets) == uintptr_t(buf) + numBytes);
return {data, table, hcs, numBytes};
[[nodiscard]] bool initBuffer(JSContext* cx) {
MOZ_ASSERT(getDataLength() == 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(getLiveCount() == 0);
constexpr uint32_t buckets = InitialBuckets;
constexpr uint32_t capacity = uint32_t(buckets * FillFactor);
auto [dataAlloc, tableAlloc, hcsAlloc, numBytes] =
allocateBuffer(cx, capacity, buckets);
if (!dataAlloc) {
return false;
AddCellMemory(obj, numBytes, MemoryUse::MapObjectData);
*hcsAlloc = cx->realm()->randomHashCodeScrambler();
std::uninitialized_fill_n(tableAlloc, buckets, nullptr);
MOZ_ASSERT(hashBuckets() == buckets);
return true;
void updateHashTableForRekey(Data* entry, HashNumber oldHash,
HashNumber newHash) {
uint32_t hashShift = getHashShift();
oldHash >>= hashShift;
newHash >>= hashShift;
if (oldHash == newHash) {
// Remove this entry from its old hash chain. (If this crashes reading
// nullptr, it would mean we did not find this entry on the hash chain where
// we expected it. That probably means the key's hash code changed since it
// was inserted, breaking the hash code invariant.)
Data** hashTable = getHashTable();
Data** ep = &hashTable[oldHash];
while (*ep != entry) {
ep = &(*ep)->chain;
*ep = entry->chain;
// Add it to the new hash chain. We could just insert it at the beginning of
// the chain. Instead, we do a bit of work to preserve the invariant that
// hash chains always go in reverse insertion order (descending memory
// order). No code currently depends on this invariant, so it's fine to kill
// it if needed.
ep = &hashTable[newHash];
while (*ep && *ep > entry) {
ep = &(*ep)->chain;
entry->chain = *ep;
*ep = entry;
explicit OrderedHashTableImpl(OrderedHashTableObject* obj) : obj(obj) {}
void initSlots() {
MOZ_ASSERT(!hasInitializedSlots(), "init must be called at most once");
void destroy(JS::GCContext* gcx) {
if (!hasInitializedSlots()) {
if (Data* data = maybeData()) {
freeData(gcx, data, getDataLength(), getDataCapacity(), hashBuckets());
void maybeMoveBufferOnPromotion(Nursery& nursery) {
if (!hasAllocatedBuffer()) {
Data* oldData = getData();
uint32_t dataCapacity = getDataCapacity();
uint32_t buckets = hashBuckets();
size_t numBytes = 0;
MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(calcAllocSize(dataCapacity, buckets, &numBytes));
void* buf = oldData;
Nursery::WasBufferMoved result = nursery.maybeMoveBufferOnPromotion(
&buf, obj, numBytes, MemoryUse::MapObjectData);
if (result == Nursery::BufferNotMoved) {
// The buffer was moved in memory. Update reserved slots and fix up the
// |Data*| pointers for the hash table chains.
// TODO(bug 1931492): consider storing indices instead of pointers to
// simplify this.
auto [data, table, hcs, numBytesUnused] =
getBufferParts(buf, numBytes, dataCapacity, buckets);
auto entryIndex = [=](const Data* entry) {
MOZ_ASSERT(entry >= oldData);
MOZ_ASSERT(size_t(entry - oldData) < dataCapacity);
return entry - oldData;
for (uint32_t i = 0, len = getDataLength(); i < len; i++) {
if (const Data* chain = data[i].chain) {
data[i].chain = data + entryIndex(chain);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < buckets; i++) {
if (const Data* chain = table[i]) {
table[i] = data + entryIndex(chain);
size_t sizeOfExcludingObject(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const {
size_t size = 0;
if (hasInitializedSlots() && hasAllocatedBuffer()) {
// Note: this also includes the HashCodeScrambler and the hashTable array.
size += mallocSizeOf(getData());
return size;
/* Return the number of elements in the table. */
uint32_t count() const { return getLiveCount(); }
/* True if any element matches l. */
bool has(const Lookup& l) const { return lookup(l) != nullptr; }
/* Return a pointer to the element, if any, that matches l, or nullptr. */
T* get(const Lookup& l) {
Data* e = lookup(l);
return e ? &e->element : nullptr;
* If the table already contains an entry that matches |element|,
* replace that entry with |element|. Otherwise add a new entry.
* On success, return true, whether there was already a matching element or
* not. On allocation failure, return false. If this returns false, it
* means the element was not added to the table.
template <typename ElementInput>
[[nodiscard]] bool put(JSContext* cx, ElementInput&& element) {
HashNumber h;
if (hasAllocatedBuffer()) {
h = prepareHash(Ops::getKey(element));
if (Data* e = lookup(Ops::getKey(element), h)) {
e->element = std::forward<ElementInput>(element);
return true;
if (getDataLength() == getDataCapacity() && !rehashOnFull(cx)) {
return false;
} else {
if (!initBuffer(cx)) {
return false;
h = prepareHash(Ops::getKey(element));
auto [entry, chain] = addEntry(h);
new (entry) Data(std::forward<ElementInput>(element), chain);
return true;
* If the table contains an element matching l, remove it and return true.
* Otherwise return false.
bool remove(JSContext* cx, const Lookup& l) {
// Note: This could be optimized so that removing the last entry,
// data[dataLength - 1], decrements dataLength. LIFO use cases would
// benefit.
// If a matching entry exists, empty it.
Data* e = lookup(l);
if (e == nullptr) {
return false;
MOZ_ASSERT(uint32_t(e - getData()) < getDataCapacity());
uint32_t liveCount = getLiveCount();
// Update active iterators.
uint32_t pos = e - getData();
[this, pos](auto* iter) { IterOps::onRemove(obj, iter, pos); });
// If many entries have been removed, try to shrink the table. Ignore OOM
// because shrinking the table is an optimization and it's okay for it to
// fail.
if (hashBuckets() > InitialBuckets &&
liveCount < getDataLength() * MinDataFill) {
if (!rehash(cx, getHashShift() + 1)) {
return true;
* Remove all entries.
* The effect on active iterators is the same as removing all entries; in
* particular, those iterators are still active and will see any entries
* added after a clear().
void clear(JSContext* cx) {
if (getDataLength() != 0) {
destroyData(getData(), getDataLength());
size_t buckets = hashBuckets();
std::fill_n(getHashTable(), buckets, nullptr);
forEachIterator([](auto* iter) { IterOps::onClear(iter); });
// Try to shrink the table. Ignore OOM because shrinking the table is an
// optimization and it's okay for it to fail.
if (buckets > InitialBuckets) {
if (!rehash(cx, InitialHashShift)) {
MOZ_ASSERT(getDataLength() == 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(getLiveCount() == 0);
class IterOps {
friend class OrderedHashTableImpl;
static void init(OrderedHashTableObject* table, TableIteratorObject* iter,
TableIteratorObject::Kind kind) {
auto** listp = OrderedHashTableImpl(table).addressOfIterators(iter);
iter->init(table, kind, listp);
seek(table, iter);
static void seek(OrderedHashTableObject* table, TableIteratorObject* iter) {
const Data* data = OrderedHashTableImpl(table).maybeData();
uint32_t dataLength = OrderedHashTableImpl(table).getDataLength();
uint32_t i = iter->getIndex();
while (i < dataLength && Ops::isEmpty(Ops::getKey(data[i].element))) {
// The hash table calls this when an entry is removed.
// j is the index of the removed entry.
static void onRemove(OrderedHashTableObject* table,
TableIteratorObject* iter, uint32_t j) {
uint32_t i = iter->getIndex();
if (j < i) {
iter->setCount(iter->getCount() - 1);
if (j == i) {
seek(table, iter);
// The hash table calls this when the table is resized or compacted.
// Since |count| is the number of nonempty entries to the left of |index|,
// discarding the empty entries will not affect |count|, and it will make
// |index| and |count| equal.
static void onCompact(TableIteratorObject* iter) {
// The hash table calls this when cleared.
static void onClear(TableIteratorObject* iter) {
// If the iterator reached the end of the data array, we're done: mark the
// iterator inactive, remove it from the linked list, and return |true|.
// Else, call |f| for the current entry, advance the iterator to the next
// entry, and return |false|.
template <typename F>
static bool next(OrderedHashTableObject* obj, TableIteratorObject* iter,
F&& f) {
OrderedHashTableImpl table(obj);
uint32_t index = iter->getIndex();
if (index >= table.getDataLength()) {
return true;
f(iter->kind(), table.getData()[index].element);
iter->setCount(iter->getCount() + 1);
iter->setIndex(index + 1);
seek(obj, iter);
return false;
// Calls |f| for each entry in the table. This function must not mutate the
// table.
template <typename F>
[[nodiscard]] bool forEachEntry(F&& f) const {
const Data* data = maybeData();
uint32_t dataLength = getDataLength();
#ifdef DEBUG
uint32_t liveCount = getLiveCount();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
if (!Ops::isEmpty(Ops::getKey(data[i].element))) {
if (!f(data[i].element)) {
return false;
MOZ_ASSERT(maybeData() == data);
MOZ_ASSERT(getDataLength() == dataLength);
MOZ_ASSERT(getLiveCount() == liveCount);
return true;
#ifdef DEBUG
// Like forEachEntry, but infallible and the function is called at most
// maxCount times. This is useful for debug assertions.
template <typename F>
void forEachEntryUpTo(size_t maxCount, F&& f) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(maxCount > 0);
const Data* data = maybeData();
uint32_t dataLength = getDataLength();
uint32_t liveCount = getLiveCount();
size_t count = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
if (!Ops::isEmpty(Ops::getKey(data[i].element))) {
if (count == maxCount) {
MOZ_ASSERT(maybeData() == data);
MOZ_ASSERT(getDataLength() == dataLength);
MOZ_ASSERT(getLiveCount() == liveCount);
void trace(JSTracer* trc) {
Data* data = maybeData();
uint32_t dataLength = getDataLength();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
if (!Ops::isEmpty(Ops::getKey(data[i].element))) {
Ops::trace(trc, this, i, data[i].element);
// For use by the implementation of Ops::trace.
void traceKey(JSTracer* trc, uint32_t index, const Key& key) {
MOZ_ASSERT(index < getDataLength());
UnbarrieredKey newKey = key;
JS::GCPolicy<UnbarrieredKey>::trace(trc, &newKey,
"OrderedHashTableObject key");
if (newKey != key) {
rekey(&getData()[index], newKey);
template <typename Value>
void traceValue(JSTracer* trc, Value& value) {
JS::GCPolicy<Value>::trace(trc, &value, "OrderedHashMapObject value");
void initIterator(TableIteratorObject* iter,
TableIteratorObject::Kind kind) const {
IterOps::init(obj, iter, kind);
template <typename F>
bool iteratorNext(TableIteratorObject* iter, F&& f) const {
return IterOps::next(obj, iter, f);
void clearNurseryIterators() {
if (TableIteratorObject* iter = getNurseryIterators()) {
void relinkNurseryIterator(TableIteratorObject* iter) {
auto** listp = addressOfIterators(iter);
void updateIteratorsAfterMove(OrderedHashTableObject* old) {
if (TableIteratorObject* iter = getTenuredIterators()) {
MOZ_ASSERT(iter->getPrevPtr() ==
if (TableIteratorObject* iter = getNurseryIterators()) {
MOZ_ASSERT(iter->getPrevPtr() ==
bool hasNurseryIterators() const { return getNurseryIterators(); }
* Change the value of the given key.
* This calls Ops::hash on both the current key and the new key.
* Ops::hash on the current key must return the same hash code as
* when the entry was added to the table.
void rekeyOneEntry(const Key& current, const Key& newKey, const T& element) {
if (current == newKey) {
HashNumber currentHash = prepareHash(current);
HashNumber newHash = prepareHash(newKey);
Data* entry = lookup(current, currentHash);
entry->element = element;
updateHashTableForRekey(entry, currentHash, newHash);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfDataElement() {
static_assert(offsetof(Data, element) == 0,
"TableIteratorLoadEntry and TableIteratorAdvance depend on "
"offsetof(Data, element) being 0");
return offsetof(Data, element);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfDataChain() { return offsetof(Data, chain); }
static constexpr size_t sizeofData() { return sizeof(Data); }
#ifdef DEBUG
mozilla::Maybe<HashNumber> hash(const Lookup& l) const {
// We can only compute the hash number if we have an allocated buffer
// because the buffer contains the hash code scrambler.
if (!hasAllocatedBuffer()) {
return {};
return mozilla::Some(prepareHash(l));
HashNumber prepareHash(const Lookup& l) const {
"the hash code scrambler is allocated in the buffer");
const HashCodeScrambler& hcs = *getHashCodeScrambler();
return mozilla::ScrambleHashCode(Ops::hash(l, hcs));
/* The size of the hash table, in elements. Always a power of two. */
uint32_t hashBuckets() const {
return 1 << (js::kHashNumberBits - getHashShift());
void destroyData(Data* data, uint32_t length) {
Data* end = data + length;
for (Data* p = data; p != end; p++) {
void freeData(JS::GCContext* gcx, Data* data, uint32_t length,
uint32_t capacity, uint32_t hashBuckets) {
MOZ_ASSERT(capacity > 0);
destroyData(data, length);
size_t numBytes;
MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(calcAllocSize(capacity, hashBuckets, &numBytes));
if (IsInsideNursery(obj)) {
if (gcx->runtime()->gc.nursery().isInside(data)) {
gcx->runtime()->gc.nursery().removeMallocedBuffer(data, numBytes);
gcx->free_(obj, data, numBytes, MemoryUse::MapObjectData);
Data* lookup(const Lookup& l, HashNumber h) const {
Data** hashTable = getHashTable();
uint32_t hashShift = getHashShift();
for (Data* e = hashTable[h >> hashShift]; e; e = e->chain) {
if (Ops::match(Ops::getKey(e->element), l)) {
return e;
return nullptr;
Data* lookup(const Lookup& l) const {
// Note: checking |getLiveCount() > 0| is a minor performance optimization
// but this check is also required for correctness because it implies
// |hasAllocatedBuffer()|.
if (getLiveCount() == 0) {
return nullptr;
return lookup(l, prepareHash(l));
std::tuple<Data*, Data*> addEntry(HashNumber hash) {
uint32_t dataLength = getDataLength();
MOZ_ASSERT(dataLength < getDataCapacity());
Data* entry = &getData()[dataLength];
setDataLength(dataLength + 1);
setLiveCount(getLiveCount() + 1);
Data** hashTable = getHashTable();
hash >>= getHashShift();
Data* chain = hashTable[hash];
hashTable[hash] = entry;
return std::make_tuple(entry, chain);
/* This is called after rehashing the table. */
void compacted() {
// If we had any empty entries, compacting may have moved live entries
// to the left within the data array. Notify all active iterators of
// the change.
forEachIterator([](auto* iter) { IterOps::onCompact(iter); });
/* Compact the entries in the data array and rehash them. */
void rehashInPlace() {
Data** hashTable = getHashTable();
std::fill_n(hashTable, hashBuckets(), nullptr);
Data* const data = getData();
uint32_t hashShift = getHashShift();
Data* wp = data;
Data* end = data + getDataLength();
for (Data* rp = data; rp != end; rp++) {
if (!Ops::isEmpty(Ops::getKey(rp->element))) {
HashNumber h = prepareHash(Ops::getKey(rp->element)) >> hashShift;
if (rp != wp) {
wp->element = std::move(rp->element);
wp->chain = hashTable[h];
hashTable[h] = wp;
MOZ_ASSERT(wp == data + getLiveCount());
while (wp != end) {
[[nodiscard]] bool rehashOnFull(JSContext* cx) {
MOZ_ASSERT(getDataLength() == getDataCapacity());
// If the hashTable is more than 1/4 deleted data, simply rehash in
// place to free up some space. Otherwise, grow the table.
uint32_t newHashShift = getLiveCount() >= getDataCapacity() * 0.75
? getHashShift() - 1
: getHashShift();
return rehash(cx, newHashShift);
* Grow, shrink, or compact both the hash table and data array.
* On success, this returns true, dataLength == liveCount, and there are no
* empty elements in data[0:dataLength]. On allocation failure, this
* leaves everything as it was and returns false.
[[nodiscard]] bool rehash(JSContext* cx, uint32_t newHashShift) {
// If the size of the table is not changing, rehash in place to avoid
// allocating memory.
if (newHashShift == getHashShift()) {
return true;
// Ensure the new capacity fits into INT32_MAX.
constexpr size_t maxCapacityLog2 =
mozilla::tl::FloorLog2<size_t(INT32_MAX / FillFactor)>::value;
static_assert(maxCapacityLog2 < kHashNumberBits);
// Fail if |(js::kHashNumberBits - newHashShift) > maxCapacityLog2|.
// Reorder |kHashNumberBits| so both constants are on the right-hand side.
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(newHashShift < (js::kHashNumberBits - maxCapacityLog2))) {
return false;
uint32_t newHashBuckets = uint32_t(1)
<< (js::kHashNumberBits - newHashShift);
uint32_t newCapacity = uint32_t(newHashBuckets * FillFactor);
auto [newData, newHashTable, newHcs, numBytes] =
allocateBuffer(cx, newCapacity, newHashBuckets);
if (!newData) {
return false;
*newHcs = *getHashCodeScrambler();
std::uninitialized_fill_n(newHashTable, newHashBuckets, nullptr);
Data* const oldData = getData();
const uint32_t oldDataLength = getDataLength();
Data* wp = newData;
Data* end = oldData + oldDataLength;
for (Data* p = oldData; p != end; p++) {
if (!Ops::isEmpty(Ops::getKey(p->element))) {
HashNumber h = prepareHash(Ops::getKey(p->element)) >> newHashShift;
new (wp) Data(std::move(p->element), newHashTable[h]);
newHashTable[h] = wp;
MOZ_ASSERT(wp == newData + getLiveCount());
freeData(obj->runtimeFromMainThread()->gcContext(), oldData, oldDataLength,
getDataCapacity(), hashBuckets());
AddCellMemory(obj, numBytes, MemoryUse::MapObjectData);
MOZ_ASSERT(hashBuckets() == newHashBuckets);
return true;
// Change the key of the front entry.
// This calls Ops::hash on both the current key and the new key. Ops::hash on
// the current key must return the same hash code as when the entry was added
// to the table.
void rekey(Data* entry, const UnbarrieredKey& k) {
HashNumber oldHash = prepareHash(Ops::getKey(entry->element));
HashNumber newHash = prepareHash(k);
reinterpret_cast<UnbarrieredKey&>(Ops::getKeyRef(entry->element)) = k;
updateHashTableForRekey(entry, oldHash, newHash);
} // namespace detail
class OrderedHashMapObject : public detail::OrderedHashTableObject {};
template <class Key, class Value, class OrderedHashPolicy>
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS OrderedHashMapImpl {
class Entry {
template <class, class>
friend class detail::OrderedHashTableImpl;
void operator=(const Entry& rhs) {
const_cast<Key&>(key) = rhs.key;
value = rhs.value;
void operator=(Entry&& rhs) {
MOZ_ASSERT(this != &rhs, "self-move assignment is prohibited");
const_cast<Key&>(key) = std::move(rhs.key);
value = std::move(rhs.value);
Entry() = default;
explicit Entry(const Key& k) : key(k) {}
template <typename V>
Entry(const Key& k, V&& v) : key(k), value(std::forward<V>(v)) {}
Entry(Entry&& rhs) : key(std::move(rhs.key)), value(std::move(rhs.value)) {}
const Key key{};
Value value{};
static constexpr size_t offsetOfKey() { return offsetof(Entry, key); }
static constexpr size_t offsetOfValue() { return offsetof(Entry, value); }
struct MapOps;
using Impl = detail::OrderedHashTableImpl<Entry, MapOps>;
struct MapOps : OrderedHashPolicy {
using KeyType = Key;
static void makeEmpty(Entry* e) {
// Clear the value. Destroying it is another possibility, but that
// would complicate class Entry considerably.
e->value = Value();
static const Key& getKey(const Entry& e) { return e.key; }
static Key& getKeyRef(Entry& e) { return const_cast<Key&>(e.key); }
static void trace(JSTracer* trc, Impl* table, uint32_t index,
Entry& entry) {
table->traceKey(trc, index, entry.key);
table->traceValue(trc, entry.value);
Impl impl;
using Lookup = typename Impl::Lookup;
static constexpr size_t SlotCount = Impl::SlotCount;
explicit OrderedHashMapImpl(OrderedHashMapObject* obj) : impl(obj) {}
void initSlots() { impl.initSlots(); }
uint32_t count() const { return impl.count(); }
bool has(const Lookup& key) const { return impl.has(key); }
template <typename F>
[[nodiscard]] bool forEachEntry(F&& f) const {
return impl.forEachEntry(f);
#ifdef DEBUG
template <typename F>
void forEachEntryUpTo(size_t maxCount, F&& f) const {
impl.forEachEntryUpTo(maxCount, f);
Entry* get(const Lookup& key) { return impl.get(key); }
bool remove(JSContext* cx, const Lookup& key) { return impl.remove(cx, key); }
void clear(JSContext* cx) { impl.clear(cx); }
void destroy(JS::GCContext* gcx) { impl.destroy(gcx); }
template <typename K, typename V>
[[nodiscard]] bool put(JSContext* cx, K&& key, V&& value) {
return impl.put(cx, Entry(std::forward<K>(key), std::forward<V>(value)));
#ifdef DEBUG
mozilla::Maybe<HashNumber> hash(const Lookup& key) const {
return impl.hash(key);
template <typename GetNewKey>
mozilla::Maybe<Key> rekeyOneEntry(Lookup& current, GetNewKey&& getNewKey) {
// TODO: This is inefficient because we also look up the entry in
// impl.rekeyOneEntry below.
const Entry* e = get(current);
if (!e) {
return mozilla::Nothing();
Key newKey = getNewKey(current);
impl.rekeyOneEntry(current, newKey, Entry(newKey, e->value));
return mozilla::Some(newKey);
void initIterator(MapIteratorObject* iter,
TableIteratorObject::Kind kind) const {
impl.initIterator(iter, kind);
template <typename F>
bool iteratorNext(MapIteratorObject* iter, F&& f) const {
return impl.iteratorNext(iter, f);
void clearNurseryIterators() { impl.clearNurseryIterators(); }
void relinkNurseryIterator(MapIteratorObject* iter) {
void updateIteratorsAfterMove(OrderedHashMapObject* old) {
bool hasNurseryIterators() const { return impl.hasNurseryIterators(); }
void maybeMoveBufferOnPromotion(Nursery& nursery) {
return impl.maybeMoveBufferOnPromotion(nursery);
void trace(JSTracer* trc) { impl.trace(trc); }
static constexpr size_t offsetOfEntryKey() { return Entry::offsetOfKey(); }
static constexpr size_t offsetOfImplDataElement() {
return Impl::offsetOfDataElement();
static constexpr size_t offsetOfImplDataChain() {
return Impl::offsetOfDataChain();
static constexpr size_t sizeofImplData() { return Impl::sizeofData(); }
size_t sizeOfExcludingObject(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const {
return impl.sizeOfExcludingObject(mallocSizeOf);
class OrderedHashSetObject : public detail::OrderedHashTableObject {};
template <class T, class OrderedHashPolicy>
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS OrderedHashSetImpl {
struct SetOps;
using Impl = detail::OrderedHashTableImpl<T, SetOps>;
struct SetOps : OrderedHashPolicy {
using KeyType = const T;
static const T& getKey(const T& v) { return v; }
static T& getKeyRef(T& e) { return e; }
static void trace(JSTracer* trc, Impl* table, uint32_t index, T& entry) {
table->traceKey(trc, index, entry);
Impl impl;
using Lookup = typename Impl::Lookup;
static constexpr size_t SlotCount = Impl::SlotCount;
explicit OrderedHashSetImpl(OrderedHashSetObject* obj) : impl(obj) {}
void initSlots() { impl.initSlots(); }
uint32_t count() const { return impl.count(); }
bool has(const Lookup& value) const { return impl.has(value); }
template <typename F>
[[nodiscard]] bool forEachEntry(F&& f) const {
return impl.forEachEntry(f);
#ifdef DEBUG
template <typename F>
void forEachEntryUpTo(size_t maxCount, F&& f) const {
impl.forEachEntryUpTo(maxCount, f);
template <typename Input>
[[nodiscard]] bool put(JSContext* cx, Input&& value) {
return impl.put(cx, std::forward<Input>(value));
bool remove(JSContext* cx, const Lookup& value) {
return impl.remove(cx, value);
void clear(JSContext* cx) { impl.clear(cx); }
void destroy(JS::GCContext* gcx) { impl.destroy(gcx); }
#ifdef DEBUG
mozilla::Maybe<HashNumber> hash(const Lookup& value) const {
return impl.hash(value);
template <typename GetNewKey>
mozilla::Maybe<T> rekeyOneEntry(Lookup& current, GetNewKey&& getNewKey) {
// TODO: This is inefficient because we also look up the entry in
// impl.rekeyOneEntry below.
if (!has(current)) {
return mozilla::Nothing();
T newKey = getNewKey(current);
impl.rekeyOneEntry(current, newKey, newKey);
return mozilla::Some(newKey);
void initIterator(SetIteratorObject* iter,
TableIteratorObject::Kind kind) const {
impl.initIterator(iter, kind);
template <typename F>
bool iteratorNext(SetIteratorObject* iter, F&& f) const {
return impl.iteratorNext(iter, f);
void clearNurseryIterators() { impl.clearNurseryIterators(); }
void relinkNurseryIterator(SetIteratorObject* iter) {
void updateIteratorsAfterMove(OrderedHashSetObject* old) {
bool hasNurseryIterators() const { return impl.hasNurseryIterators(); }
void maybeMoveBufferOnPromotion(Nursery& nursery) {
return impl.maybeMoveBufferOnPromotion(nursery);
void trace(JSTracer* trc) { impl.trace(trc); }
static constexpr size_t offsetOfEntryKey() { return 0; }
static constexpr size_t offsetOfImplDataElement() {
return Impl::offsetOfDataElement();
static constexpr size_t offsetOfImplDataChain() {
return Impl::offsetOfDataChain();
static constexpr size_t sizeofImplData() { return Impl::sizeofData(); }
size_t sizeOfExcludingObject(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const {
return impl.sizeOfExcludingObject(mallocSizeOf);
} // namespace js
#endif /* builtin_OrderedHashTableObject_h */