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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/pickle.h"
#include "mojo/core/ports/user_message.h"
#include "mojo/core/ports/port_ref.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtrExtensions.h"
#include "mozilla/ipc/ScopedPort.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
namespace mozilla {
namespace fuzzing {
class IPCFuzzController;
namespace ipc {
class MiniTransceiver;
} // namespace mozilla
namespace IPC {
// Generated by IPDL compiler
bool IPCMessageTypeIsSync(uint32_t aMessageType);
const char* StringFromIPCMessageType(uint32_t aMessageType);
class Channel;
class Message;
class MessageReader;
class MessageWriter;
struct LogData;
class Message : public mojo::core::ports::UserMessage, public Pickle {
static const TypeInfo kUserMessageTypeInfo;
typedef uint32_t msgid_t;
enum NestedLevel {
enum PriorityValue {
enum MessageCompression {
enum Sync {
SYNC = 0,
ASYNC = 1,
enum Constructor {
enum Reply {
REPLY = 1,
enum LazySend {
// The hard limit of handles or file descriptors allowed in a single message.
static constexpr size_t MAX_DESCRIPTORS_PER_MESSAGE = 32767;
class HeaderFlags {
friend class Message;
// IPCFuzzController calls various private API functions on the header.
friend class mozilla::fuzzing::IPCFuzzController;
enum {
NESTED_MASK = 0x0003,
PRIO_MASK = 0x001C,
SYNC_BIT = 0x0020,
REPLY_BIT = 0x0040,
LAZY_SEND_BIT = 0x0100,
COMPRESS_BIT = 0x0200,
RELAY_BIT = 0x1000,
constexpr HeaderFlags() : mFlags(NOT_NESTED) {}
explicit constexpr HeaderFlags(NestedLevel level) : mFlags(level) {}
constexpr HeaderFlags(NestedLevel level, PriorityValue priority,
MessageCompression compression, LazySend lazy_send,
Constructor constructor, Sync sync, Reply reply)
: mFlags(level | (priority << 2) |
: 0) |
(lazy_send == LAZY_SEND ? LAZY_SEND_BIT : 0) |
(constructor == CONSTRUCTOR ? CONSTRUCTOR_BIT : 0) |
(sync == SYNC ? SYNC_BIT : 0) |
(reply == REPLY ? REPLY_BIT : 0)) {}
NestedLevel Level() const {
return static_cast<NestedLevel>(mFlags & NESTED_MASK);
PriorityValue Priority() const {
return static_cast<PriorityValue>((mFlags & PRIO_MASK) >> 2);
MessageCompression Compression() const {
bool IsLazySend() const { return (mFlags & LAZY_SEND_BIT) != 0; }
bool IsConstructor() const { return (mFlags & CONSTRUCTOR_BIT) != 0; }
bool IsSync() const { return (mFlags & SYNC_BIT) != 0; }
bool IsReply() const { return (mFlags & REPLY_BIT) != 0; }
bool IsReplyError() const { return (mFlags & REPLY_ERROR_BIT) != 0; }
bool IsRelay() const { return (mFlags & RELAY_BIT) != 0; }
void SetConstructor() { mFlags |= CONSTRUCTOR_BIT; }
void SetSync() { mFlags |= SYNC_BIT; }
void SetReply() { mFlags |= REPLY_BIT; }
void SetReplyError() { mFlags |= REPLY_ERROR_BIT; }
void SetRelay(bool relay) {
if (relay) {
mFlags |= RELAY_BIT;
} else {
mFlags &= ~RELAY_BIT;
uint32_t mFlags;
virtual ~Message();
// Initialize a message with a user-defined type, priority value, and
// destination WebView ID.
Message(int32_t routing_id, msgid_t type,
uint32_t segmentCapacity = 0, // 0 for the default capacity.
HeaderFlags flags = HeaderFlags());
Message(const char* data, int data_len);
Message(const Message&) = delete;
Message(Message&&) = delete;
Message& operator=(const Message&) = delete;
Message& operator=(Message&&) = delete;
// Helper method for the common case (default segmentCapacity, recording
// the write latency of messages) of IPDL message creation. This helps
// move the malloc and some of the parameter setting out of autogenerated
// code.
static mozilla::UniquePtr<Message> IPDLMessage(int32_t routing_id,
msgid_t type,
uint32_t segmentCapacity,
HeaderFlags flags);
// One-off constructors for special error-handling messages.
static mozilla::UniquePtr<Message> ForSyncDispatchError(NestedLevel level);
NestedLevel nested_level() const { return header()->flags.Level(); }
PriorityValue priority() const { return header()->flags.Priority(); }
bool is_constructor() const { return header()->flags.IsConstructor(); }
// True if this is a synchronous message.
bool is_sync() const { return header()->flags.IsSync(); }
MessageCompression compress_type() const {
return header()->flags.Compression();
bool is_lazy_send() const { return header()->flags.IsLazySend(); }
bool is_reply() const { return header()->flags.IsReply(); }
bool is_reply_error() const { return header()->flags.IsReplyError(); }
msgid_t type() const { return header()->type; }
int32_t routing_id() const { return header()->routing; }
void set_routing_id(int32_t new_id) { header()->routing = new_id; }
int32_t transaction_id() const { return header()->txid; }
void set_transaction_id(int32_t txid) { header()->txid = txid; }
int32_t seqno() const { return header()->seqno; }
void set_seqno(int32_t aSeqno) { header()->seqno = aSeqno; }
const char* name() const { return StringFromIPCMessageType(type()); }
uint32_t num_handles() const;
bool is_relay() const { return header()->flags.IsRelay(); }
void set_relay(bool new_relay) { header()->flags.SetRelay(new_relay); }
template <class T>
static bool Dispatch(const Message* msg, T* obj, void (T::*func)()) {
return true;
template <class T>
static bool Dispatch(const Message* msg, T* obj, void (T::*func)() const) {
return true;
template <class T>
static bool Dispatch(const Message* msg, T* obj,
void (T::*func)(const Message&)) {
return true;
template <class T>
static bool Dispatch(const Message* msg, T* obj,
void (T::*func)(const Message&) const) {
return true;
// We should not be sending messages that are smaller than our header size.
void AssertAsLargeAsHeader() const;
// UserMessage implementation
size_t GetSizeIfSerialized() const override { return size(); }
bool WillBeRoutedExternally(mojo::core::ports::UserMessageEvent&) override;
// Write the given footer bytes to the end of the current message. The
// footer's `data_len` will be padded to a multiple of 4 bytes.
void WriteFooter(const void* data, uint32_t data_len);
// Read a footer written with `WriteFooter` from the end of the message, given
// a buffer and the length of the footer. If `truncate` is true, the message
// will be truncated, removing the footer.
[[nodiscard]] bool ReadFooter(void* buffer, uint32_t buffer_len,
bool truncate);
uint32_t event_footer_size() const { return header()->event_footer_size; }
void set_event_footer_size(uint32_t size) {
header()->event_footer_size = size;
static int HeaderSize() { return sizeof(Header); }
// Figure out how big the message starting at range_start is. Returns 0 if
// there's no enough data to determine (i.e., if [range_start, range_end) does
// not contain enough of the message header to know the size).
static uint32_t MessageSize(const char* range_start, const char* range_end) {
return Pickle::MessageSize(HeaderSize(), range_start, range_end);
bool WriteFileHandle(mozilla::UniqueFileHandle handle);
// WARNING: This method is marked as `const` so it can be called when
// deserializing the message, but will mutate it, consuming the handle.
bool ConsumeFileHandle(PickleIterator* iter,
mozilla::UniqueFileHandle* handle) const;
// Called when receiving an IPC message to attach file handles which were
// received from IPC. Must only be called when there are no handles on this
// IPC::Message.
void SetAttachedFileHandles(nsTArray<mozilla::UniqueFileHandle> handles);
#if defined(XP_DARWIN)
void set_fd_cookie(uint32_t cookie) { header()->cookie = cookie; }
uint32_t fd_cookie() const { return header()->cookie; }
void WritePort(mozilla::ipc::ScopedPort port);
// This method consumes the port from the message, preventing the message's
// destructor from destroying the port and meaning that future attempts to
// read this port will instead produce an invalid port.
// WARNING: This method is marked as `const` so it can be called when
// deserializing the message, but will mutate the message.
bool ConsumePort(PickleIterator* iter, mozilla::ipc::ScopedPort* port) const;
// Called when loading an IPC message to attach ports which were recieved form
// IPC. Must only be called when there are no ports on this IPC::Message.
void SetAttachedPorts(nsTArray<mozilla::ipc::ScopedPort> ports);
#if defined(XP_DARWIN)
bool WriteMachSendRight(mozilla::UniqueMachSendRight port);
// WARNING: This method is marked as `const` so it can be called when
// deserializing the message, but will mutate it, consuming the send rights.
bool ConsumeMachSendRight(PickleIterator* iter,
mozilla::UniqueMachSendRight* port) const;
uint32_t num_send_rights() const;
uint32_t num_relayed_attachments() const {
#if defined(XP_WIN)
return num_handles();
#elif defined(XP_DARWIN)
return num_send_rights();
return 0;
bool IsFuzzMsg() const { return isFuzzMsg; }
void SetFuzzMsg() { isFuzzMsg = true; }
void NoteLargeBufferShmemFailure(uint32_t size) {
large_buffer_shmem_failure_size_ += size;
size_t LargeBufferShmemFailureSize() const {
return large_buffer_shmem_failure_size_;
friend class Channel;
friend class MessageReplyDeserializer;
friend class SyncMessage;
friend class mozilla::ipc::MiniTransceiver;
#if !defined(XP_DARWIN) && !defined(FUZZING_SNAPSHOT)
struct Header : Pickle::Header {
int32_t routing; // ID of the view that this message is destined for
msgid_t type; // specifies the user-defined message type
HeaderFlags flags; // specifies control flags for the message
uint32_t num_handles; // the number of handles included with this message
#if defined(XP_DARWIN)
uint32_t cookie; // cookie to ACK that the descriptors have been read.
uint32_t num_send_rights; // the number of mach send rights included with
// this message
// For sync messages, a transaction ID for message ordering.
int32_t txid;
// Sequence number
int32_t seqno;
// Size of the message's event footer
uint32_t event_footer_size;
Header* header() { return headerT<Header>(); }
const Header* header() const { return headerT<Header>(); }
// The set of file handles which are attached to this message.
// Mutable, as this array can be mutated during `ReadHandle` when
// deserializing a message.
mutable nsTArray<mozilla::UniqueFileHandle> attached_handles_;
// The set of mojo ports which are attached to this message.
// Mutable, as this array can be mutated during `ConsumePort` when
// deserializing a message.
mutable nsTArray<mozilla::ipc::ScopedPort> attached_ports_;
#if defined(XP_DARWIN)
// The set of mach send rights which are attached to this message.
// Mutable, as this array can be mutated during `ConsumeMachSendRight` when
// deserializing a message.
mutable nsTArray<mozilla::UniqueMachSendRight> attached_send_rights_;
// Total size of buffers which should have been sent in shared memory, but had
// to fall back to being sent inline due to shmem allocation or mapping
// failures.
uint32_t large_buffer_shmem_failure_size_ = 0;
bool isFuzzMsg = false;
} // namespace IPC
enum SpecialRoutingIDs {
// indicates that we don't have a routing ID yet.
MSG_ROUTING_NONE = kint32min,
// indicates a general message not sent to a particular tab.
#define IPC_REPLY_ID 0xFFF0 // Special message id for replies
#define IPC_LOGGING_ID 0xFFF1 // Special message id for logging