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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
use api::{ExternalScrollId, PipelineId, PropertyBinding, PropertyBindingId, ReferenceFrameKind};
use api::{APZScrollGeneration, HasScrollLinkedEffect, SampledScrollOffset};
use api::{TransformStyle, StickyOffsetBounds, SpatialTreeItemKey};
use api::units::*;
use crate::internal_types::PipelineInstanceId;
use crate::spatial_tree::{CoordinateSystem, SpatialNodeIndex, TransformUpdateState};
use crate::spatial_tree::CoordinateSystemId;
use euclid::{Vector2D, SideOffsets2D};
use crate::scene::SceneProperties;
use crate::util::{LayoutFastTransform, MatrixHelpers, ScaleOffset, TransformedRectKind, PointHelpers};
/// The kind of a spatial node uid. These are required because we currently create external
/// nodes during DL building, but the internal nodes aren't created until scene building.
/// TODO(gw): The internal scroll and reference frames are not used in any important way
// by Gecko - they were primarily useful for Servo. So we should plan to remove
// them completely.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub enum SpatialNodeUidKind {
/// The root node of the entire spatial tree
/// Internal scroll frame created during scene building for each iframe
/// Internal reference frame created during scene building for each iframe
/// A normal spatial node uid, defined by a caller provided unique key
External {
key: SpatialTreeItemKey,
/// A unique identifier for a spatial node, that is stable across display lists
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub struct SpatialNodeUid {
/// The unique key for a given pipeline for this uid
pub kind: SpatialNodeUidKind,
/// Pipeline id to namespace key kinds
pub pipeline_id: PipelineId,
/// Instance of this pipeline id
pub instance_id: PipelineInstanceId,
impl SpatialNodeUid {
pub fn root() -> Self {
SpatialNodeUid {
kind: SpatialNodeUidKind::Root,
pipeline_id: PipelineId::dummy(),
instance_id: PipelineInstanceId::new(0),
pub fn root_scroll_frame(
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
instance_id: PipelineInstanceId,
) -> Self {
SpatialNodeUid {
kind: SpatialNodeUidKind::InternalScrollFrame,
pub fn root_reference_frame(
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
instance_id: PipelineInstanceId,
) -> Self {
SpatialNodeUid {
kind: SpatialNodeUidKind::InternalReferenceFrame,
pub fn external(
key: SpatialTreeItemKey,
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
instance_id: PipelineInstanceId,
) -> Self {
SpatialNodeUid {
kind: SpatialNodeUidKind::External {
/// Defines the content of a spatial node. If the values in the descriptor don't
/// change, that means the rest of the fields in a spatial node will end up with
/// the same result
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub struct SpatialNodeDescriptor {
/// The type of this node and any data associated with that node type.
pub node_type: SpatialNodeType,
/// Pipeline that this layer belongs to
pub pipeline_id: PipelineId,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub enum SpatialNodeType {
/// A special kind of node that adjusts its position based on the position
/// of its parent node and a given set of sticky positioning offset bounds.
/// Sticky positioned is described in the CSS Positioned Layout Module Level 3 here:
/// Transforms it's content, but doesn't clip it. Can also be adjusted
/// by scroll events or setting scroll offsets.
/// A reference frame establishes a new coordinate space in the tree.
/// Information about a spatial node that can be queried during either scene of
/// frame building.
pub struct SpatialNodeInfo<'a> {
/// The type of this node and any data associated with that node type.
pub node_type: &'a SpatialNodeType,
/// Parent spatial node. If this is None, we are the root node.
pub parent: Option<SpatialNodeIndex>,
/// Snapping scale/offset relative to the coordinate system. If None, then
/// we should not snap entities bound to this spatial node.
pub snapping_transform: Option<ScaleOffset>,
/// Scene building specific representation of a spatial node, which is a much
/// lighter subset of a full spatial node constructed and used for frame building
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub struct SceneSpatialNode {
/// Snapping scale/offset relative to the coordinate system. If None, then
/// we should not snap entities bound to this spatial node.
pub snapping_transform: Option<ScaleOffset>,
/// Parent spatial node. If this is None, we are the root node.
pub parent: Option<SpatialNodeIndex>,
/// Descriptor describing how this spatial node behaves
pub descriptor: SpatialNodeDescriptor,
/// If true, this spatial node is known to exist in the root coordinate
/// system in all cases (it has no animated or complex transforms)
pub is_root_coord_system: bool,
impl SceneSpatialNode {
pub fn new_reference_frame(
parent_index: Option<SpatialNodeIndex>,
transform_style: TransformStyle,
source_transform: PropertyBinding<LayoutTransform>,
kind: ReferenceFrameKind,
origin_in_parent_reference_frame: LayoutVector2D,
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
is_root_coord_system: bool,
is_pipeline_root: bool,
) -> Self {
let info = ReferenceFrameInfo {
pub fn new_scroll_frame(
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
parent_index: SpatialNodeIndex,
external_id: ExternalScrollId,
frame_rect: &LayoutRect,
content_size: &LayoutSize,
frame_kind: ScrollFrameKind,
external_scroll_offset: LayoutVector2D,
offset_generation: APZScrollGeneration,
has_scroll_linked_effect: HasScrollLinkedEffect,
is_root_coord_system: bool,
) -> Self {
let node_type = SpatialNodeType::ScrollFrame(ScrollFrameInfo::new(
(content_size.width - frame_rect.width()).max(0.0),
(content_size.height - frame_rect.height()).max(0.0)
pub fn new_sticky_frame(
parent_index: SpatialNodeIndex,
sticky_frame_info: StickyFrameInfo,
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
is_root_coord_system: bool,
) -> Self {
fn new(
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
parent_index: Option<SpatialNodeIndex>,
node_type: SpatialNodeType,
is_root_coord_system: bool,
) -> Self {
SceneSpatialNode {
parent: parent_index,
descriptor: SpatialNodeDescriptor {
snapping_transform: None,
/// Contains information common among all types of SpatialTree nodes.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub struct SpatialNode {
/// The scale/offset of the viewport for this spatial node, relative to the
/// coordinate system. Includes any accumulated scrolling offsets from nodes
/// between our reference frame and this node.
pub viewport_transform: ScaleOffset,
/// Content scale/offset relative to the coordinate system.
pub content_transform: ScaleOffset,
/// Snapping scale/offset relative to the coordinate system. If None, then
/// we should not snap entities bound to this spatial node.
pub snapping_transform: Option<ScaleOffset>,
/// The axis-aligned coordinate system id of this node.
pub coordinate_system_id: CoordinateSystemId,
/// The current transform kind of this node.
pub transform_kind: TransformedRectKind,
/// Pipeline that this layer belongs to
pub pipeline_id: PipelineId,
/// Parent layer. If this is None, we are the root node.
pub parent: Option<SpatialNodeIndex>,
/// Child layers
pub children: Vec<SpatialNodeIndex>,
/// The type of this node and any data associated with that node type.
pub node_type: SpatialNodeType,
/// True if this node is transformed by an invertible transform. If not, display items
/// transformed by this node will not be displayed and display items not transformed by this
/// node will not be clipped by clips that are transformed by this node.
pub invertible: bool,
/// Whether this specific node is currently being async zoomed.
/// Should be set when a SetIsTransformAsyncZooming FrameMsg is received.
pub is_async_zooming: bool,
/// Whether this node or any of its ancestors is being pinch zoomed.
/// This is calculated in update(). This will be used to decide whether
/// to override corresponding picture's raster space as an optimisation.
pub is_ancestor_or_self_zooming: bool,
/// Snap an offset to be incorporated into a transform, where the local space
/// may be considered the world space. We assume raster scale is 1.0, which
/// may not always be correct if there are intermediate surfaces used, however
/// those are either cases where snapping is not important (e.g. has perspective
/// or is not axis aligned), or an edge case (e.g. SVG filters) which we can accept
/// imperfection for now.
fn snap_offset<OffsetUnits, ScaleUnits>(
offset: Vector2D<f32, OffsetUnits>,
scale: Vector2D<f32, ScaleUnits>,
) -> Vector2D<f32, OffsetUnits> {
let world_offset = WorldPoint::new(offset.x * scale.x, offset.y * scale.y);
let snapped_world_offset = world_offset.snap();
if scale.x != 0.0 { snapped_world_offset.x / scale.x } else { offset.x },
if scale.y != 0.0 { snapped_world_offset.y / scale.y } else { offset.y },
impl SpatialNode {
pub fn add_child(&mut self, child: SpatialNodeIndex) {
pub fn set_scroll_offsets(&mut self, mut offsets: Vec<SampledScrollOffset>) -> bool {
debug_assert!(offsets.len() > 0);
let scrolling = match self.node_type {
SpatialNodeType::ScrollFrame(ref mut scrolling) => scrolling,
_ => {
warn!("Tried to scroll a non-scroll node.");
return false;
for element in offsets.iter_mut() {
element.offset = -element.offset - scrolling.external_scroll_offset;
if scrolling.offsets == offsets {
return false;
scrolling.offsets = offsets;
pub fn mark_uninvertible(
&mut self,
state: &TransformUpdateState,
) {
self.invertible = false;
self.viewport_transform = ScaleOffset::identity();
self.content_transform = ScaleOffset::identity();
self.coordinate_system_id = state.current_coordinate_system_id;
pub fn update(
&mut self,
state_stack: &[TransformUpdateState],
coord_systems: &mut Vec<CoordinateSystem>,
scene_properties: &SceneProperties,
) {
let state = state_stack.last().unwrap();
self.is_ancestor_or_self_zooming = self.is_async_zooming | state.is_ancestor_or_self_zooming;
// If any of our parents was not rendered, we are not rendered either and can just
// quit here.
if !state.invertible {
if !self.invertible {
pub fn update_transform(
&mut self,
state_stack: &[TransformUpdateState],
coord_systems: &mut Vec<CoordinateSystem>,
scene_properties: &SceneProperties,
) {
let state = state_stack.last().unwrap();
// Start by assuming we're invertible
self.invertible = true;
match self.node_type {
SpatialNodeType::ReferenceFrame(ref mut info) => {
let mut cs_scale_offset = ScaleOffset::identity();
let mut coordinate_system_id = state.current_coordinate_system_id;
// Resolve the transform against any property bindings.
let source_transform = {
let source_transform = scene_properties.resolve_layout_transform(&info.source_transform);
if let ReferenceFrameKind::Transform { is_2d_scale_translation: true, .. } = info.kind {
assert!(source_transform.is_2d_scale_translation(), "Reference frame was marked as only having 2d scale or translation");
// Do a change-basis operation on the perspective matrix using
// the scroll offset.
let source_transform = match info.kind {
ReferenceFrameKind::Perspective { scrolling_relative_to: Some(external_id) } => {
let mut scroll_offset = LayoutVector2D::zero();
for parent_state in state_stack.iter().rev() {
if let Some(parent_external_id) = parent_state.external_id {
if parent_external_id == external_id {
scroll_offset += parent_state.scroll_offset;
// Do a change-basis operation on the
// perspective matrix using the scroll offset.
ReferenceFrameKind::Perspective { scrolling_relative_to: None } |
ReferenceFrameKind::Transform { .. } => source_transform,
let resolved_transform =
// The transformation for this viewport in world coordinates is the transformation for
// our parent reference frame, plus any accumulated scrolling offsets from nodes
// between our reference frame and this node. Finally, we also include
// whatever local transformation this reference frame provides.
let relative_transform = resolved_transform
.then_translate(snap_offset(state.parent_accumulated_scroll_offset, state.coordinate_system_relative_scale_offset.scale))
let mut reset_cs_id = match info.transform_style {
TransformStyle::Preserve3D => !state.preserves_3d,
TransformStyle::Flat => state.preserves_3d,
// We reset the coordinate system upon either crossing the preserve-3d context boundary,
// or simply a 3D transformation.
if !reset_cs_id {
// Try to update our compatible coordinate system transform. If we cannot, start a new
// incompatible coordinate system.
match ScaleOffset::from_transform(&relative_transform) {
Some(ref scale_offset) => {
// We generally do not want to snap animated transforms as it causes jitter.
// However, we do want to snap the visual viewport offset when scrolling.
// This may still cause jitter when zooming, unfortunately.
let mut maybe_snapped = scale_offset.clone();
if let ReferenceFrameKind::Transform { should_snap: true, .. } = info.kind {
maybe_snapped.offset = snap_offset(
cs_scale_offset = maybe_snapped.then(&state.coordinate_system_relative_scale_offset);
None => reset_cs_id = true,
if reset_cs_id {
// If we break 2D axis alignment or have a perspective component, we need to start a
// new incompatible coordinate system with which we cannot share clips without masking.
let transform = relative_transform.then(
// Push that new coordinate system and record the new id.
let coord_system = {
let parent_system = &coord_systems[state.current_coordinate_system_id.0 as usize];
let mut cur_transform = transform;
if parent_system.should_flatten {
let world_transform = cur_transform.then(&parent_system.world_transform);
let determinant = world_transform.determinant();
self.invertible = determinant != 0.0 && !determinant.is_nan();
CoordinateSystem {
should_flatten: match (info.transform_style, info.kind) {
(TransformStyle::Flat, ReferenceFrameKind::Transform { .. }) => true,
(_, _) => false,
parent: Some(state.current_coordinate_system_id),
coordinate_system_id = CoordinateSystemId(coord_systems.len() as u32);
// Ensure that the current coordinate system ID is propagated to child
// nodes, even if we encounter a node that is not invertible. This ensures
// that the invariant in get_relative_transform is not violated.
self.coordinate_system_id = coordinate_system_id;
self.viewport_transform = cs_scale_offset;
self.content_transform = cs_scale_offset;
SpatialNodeType::StickyFrame(ref mut info) => {
let animated_offset = if let Some(transform_binding) = info.transform {
let transform = scene_properties.resolve_layout_transform(&transform_binding);
match ScaleOffset::from_transform(&transform) {
Some(ref scale_offset) => {
debug_assert!(scale_offset.scale == Vector2D::new(1.0, 1.0),
"Can only animate a translation on sticky elements");
None => {
debug_assert!(false, "Can only animate a translation on sticky elements");
} else {
let sticky_offset = Self::calculate_sticky_offset(
// The transformation for the bounds of our viewport is the parent reference frame
// transform, plus any accumulated scroll offset from our parents, plus any offset
// provided by our own sticky positioning.
let accumulated_offset = state.parent_accumulated_scroll_offset + sticky_offset + animated_offset;
self.viewport_transform = state.coordinate_system_relative_scale_offset
.pre_offset(snap_offset(accumulated_offset, state.coordinate_system_relative_scale_offset.scale).to_untyped());
self.content_transform = self.viewport_transform;
info.current_offset = sticky_offset + animated_offset;
self.coordinate_system_id = state.current_coordinate_system_id;
SpatialNodeType::ScrollFrame(_) => {
// The transformation for the bounds of our viewport is the parent reference frame
// transform, plus any accumulated scroll offset from our parents.
let accumulated_offset = state.parent_accumulated_scroll_offset;
self.viewport_transform = state.coordinate_system_relative_scale_offset
.pre_offset(snap_offset(accumulated_offset, state.coordinate_system_relative_scale_offset.scale).to_untyped());
// The transformation for any content inside of us is the viewport transformation, plus
// whatever scrolling offset we supply as well.
let added_offset = accumulated_offset + self.scroll_offset();
self.content_transform = state.coordinate_system_relative_scale_offset
.pre_offset(snap_offset(added_offset, state.coordinate_system_relative_scale_offset.scale).to_untyped());
self.coordinate_system_id = state.current_coordinate_system_id;
//TODO: remove the field entirely?
self.transform_kind = if self.coordinate_system_id.0 == 0 {
} else {
fn calculate_sticky_offset(
viewport_scroll_offset: &LayoutVector2D,
viewport_rect: &LayoutRect,
info: &StickyFrameInfo
) -> LayoutVector2D {
if && info.margins.bottom.is_none() &&
info.margins.left.is_none() && info.margins.right.is_none() {
return LayoutVector2D::zero();
// The viewport and margins of the item establishes the maximum amount that it can
// be offset in order to keep it on screen. Since we care about the relationship
// between the scrolled content and unscrolled viewport we adjust the viewport's
// position by the scroll offset in order to work with their relative positions on the
// page.
let mut sticky_rect = info.frame_rect.translate(*viewport_scroll_offset);
let mut sticky_offset = LayoutVector2D::zero();
if let Some(margin) = {
let top_viewport_edge = viewport_rect.min.y + margin;
if sticky_rect.min.y < top_viewport_edge {
// If the sticky rect is positioned above the top edge of the viewport (plus margin)
// we move it down so that it is fully inside the viewport.
sticky_offset.y = top_viewport_edge - sticky_rect.min.y;
} else if info.previously_applied_offset.y > 0.0 &&
sticky_rect.min.y > top_viewport_edge {
// However, if the sticky rect is positioned *below* the top edge of the viewport
// and there is already some offset applied to the sticky rect's position, then
// we need to move it up so that it remains at the correct position. This
// makes sticky_offset.y negative and effectively reduces the amount of the
// offset that was already applied. We limit the reduction so that it can, at most,
// cancel out the already-applied offset, but should never end up adjusting the
// position the other way.
sticky_offset.y = top_viewport_edge - sticky_rect.min.y;
sticky_offset.y = sticky_offset.y.max(-info.previously_applied_offset.y);
// If we don't have a sticky-top offset (sticky_offset.y + info.previously_applied_offset.y
// == 0), or if we have a previously-applied bottom offset (previously_applied_offset.y < 0)
// then we check for handling the bottom margin case. Note that the "don't have a sticky-top
// offset" case includes the case where we *had* a sticky-top offset but we reduced it to
// zero in the above block.
if sticky_offset.y + info.previously_applied_offset.y <= 0.0 {
if let Some(margin) = info.margins.bottom {
// If sticky_offset.y is nonzero that means we must have set it
// in the sticky-top handling code above, so this item must have
// both top and bottom sticky margins. We adjust the item's rect
// by the top-sticky offset, and then combine any offset from
// the bottom-sticky calculation into sticky_offset below.
sticky_rect.min.y += sticky_offset.y;
sticky_rect.max.y += sticky_offset.y;
// Same as the above case, but inverted for bottom-sticky items. Here
// we adjust items upwards, resulting in a negative sticky_offset.y,
// or reduce the already-present upward adjustment, resulting in a positive
// sticky_offset.y.
let bottom_viewport_edge = viewport_rect.max.y - margin;
if sticky_rect.max.y > bottom_viewport_edge {
sticky_offset.y += bottom_viewport_edge - sticky_rect.max.y;
} else if info.previously_applied_offset.y < 0.0 &&
sticky_rect.max.y < bottom_viewport_edge {
sticky_offset.y += bottom_viewport_edge - sticky_rect.max.y;
sticky_offset.y = sticky_offset.y.min(-info.previously_applied_offset.y);
// Same as above, but for the x-axis.
if let Some(margin) = info.margins.left {
let left_viewport_edge = viewport_rect.min.x + margin;
if sticky_rect.min.x < left_viewport_edge {
sticky_offset.x = left_viewport_edge - sticky_rect.min.x;
} else if info.previously_applied_offset.x > 0.0 &&
sticky_rect.min.x > left_viewport_edge {
sticky_offset.x = left_viewport_edge - sticky_rect.min.x;
sticky_offset.x = sticky_offset.x.max(-info.previously_applied_offset.x);
if sticky_offset.x + info.previously_applied_offset.x <= 0.0 {
if let Some(margin) = info.margins.right {
sticky_rect.min.x += sticky_offset.x;
sticky_rect.max.x += sticky_offset.x;
let right_viewport_edge = viewport_rect.max.x - margin;
if sticky_rect.max.x > right_viewport_edge {
sticky_offset.x += right_viewport_edge - sticky_rect.max.x;
} else if info.previously_applied_offset.x < 0.0 &&
sticky_rect.max.x < right_viewport_edge {
sticky_offset.x += right_viewport_edge - sticky_rect.max.x;
sticky_offset.x = sticky_offset.x.min(-info.previously_applied_offset.x);
// The total "sticky offset" (which is the sum that was already applied by
// the calling code, stored in info.previously_applied_offset, and the extra amount we
// computed as a result of scrolling, stored in sticky_offset) needs to be
// clamped to the provided bounds.
let clamp_adjusted = |value: f32, adjust: f32, bounds: &StickyOffsetBounds| {
(value + adjust).max(bounds.min).min(bounds.max) - adjust
sticky_offset.y = clamp_adjusted(sticky_offset.y,
sticky_offset.x = clamp_adjusted(sticky_offset.x,
pub fn prepare_state_for_children(&self, state: &mut TransformUpdateState) {
state.current_coordinate_system_id = self.coordinate_system_id;
state.is_ancestor_or_self_zooming = self.is_ancestor_or_self_zooming;
state.invertible &= self.invertible;
// The transformation we are passing is the transformation of the parent
// reference frame and the offset is the accumulated offset of all the nodes
// between us and the parent reference frame. If we are a reference frame,
// we need to reset both these values.
match self.node_type {
SpatialNodeType::StickyFrame(ref info) => {
// We don't translate the combined rect by the sticky offset, because sticky
// offsets actually adjust the node position itself, whereas scroll offsets
// only apply to contents inside the node.
state.parent_accumulated_scroll_offset += info.current_offset;
// We want nested sticky items to take into account the shift
// we applied as well.
state.nearest_scrolling_ancestor_offset += info.current_offset;
state.preserves_3d = false;
state.external_id = None;
state.scroll_offset = info.current_offset;
SpatialNodeType::ScrollFrame(ref scrolling) => {
state.parent_accumulated_scroll_offset += scrolling.offset();
state.nearest_scrolling_ancestor_offset = scrolling.offset();
state.nearest_scrolling_ancestor_viewport = scrolling.viewport_rect;
state.preserves_3d = false;
state.external_id = Some(scrolling.external_id);
state.scroll_offset = scrolling.offset() + scrolling.external_scroll_offset;
SpatialNodeType::ReferenceFrame(ref info) => {
state.external_id = None;
state.scroll_offset = LayoutVector2D::zero();
state.preserves_3d = info.transform_style == TransformStyle::Preserve3D;
state.parent_accumulated_scroll_offset = LayoutVector2D::zero();
state.coordinate_system_relative_scale_offset = self.content_transform;
let translation = -info.origin_in_parent_reference_frame;
state.nearest_scrolling_ancestor_viewport =
pub fn scroll_offset(&self) -> LayoutVector2D {
match self.node_type {
SpatialNodeType::ScrollFrame(ref scrolling) => scrolling.offset(),
_ => LayoutVector2D::zero(),
pub fn matches_external_id(&self, external_id: ExternalScrollId) -> bool {
match self.node_type {
SpatialNodeType::ScrollFrame(ref info) if info.external_id == external_id => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true for ReferenceFrames whose source_transform is
/// bound to the property binding id.
pub fn is_transform_bound_to_property(&self, id: PropertyBindingId) -> bool {
if let SpatialNodeType::ReferenceFrame(ref info) = self.node_type {
if let PropertyBinding::Binding(key, _) = info.source_transform {
id ==
} else {
} else {
/// Defines whether we have an implicit scroll frame for a pipeline root,
/// or an explicitly defined scroll frame from the display list.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub enum ScrollFrameKind {
PipelineRoot {
is_root_pipeline: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub struct ScrollFrameInfo {
/// The rectangle of the viewport of this scroll frame. This is important for
/// positioning of items inside child StickyFrames.
pub viewport_rect: LayoutRect,
/// Amount that this ScrollFrame can scroll in both directions.
pub scrollable_size: LayoutSize,
/// An external id to identify this scroll frame to API clients. This
/// allows setting scroll positions via the API without relying on ClipsIds
/// which may change between frames.
pub external_id: ExternalScrollId,
/// Stores whether this is a scroll frame added implicitly by WR when adding
/// a pipeline (either the root or an iframe). We need to exclude these
/// when searching for scroll roots we care about for picture caching.
/// TODO(gw): I think we can actually completely remove the implicit
/// scroll frame being added by WR, and rely on the embedder
/// to define scroll frames. However, that involves API changes
/// so we will use this as a temporary hack!
pub frame_kind: ScrollFrameKind,
/// Amount that visual components attached to this scroll node have been
/// pre-scrolled in their local coordinates.
pub external_scroll_offset: LayoutVector2D,
/// A set of a pair of negated scroll offset and scroll generation of this
/// scroll node. The negated scroll offset is including the pre-scrolled
/// amount. If, for example, a scroll node was pre-scrolled to y=10 (10
/// pixels down from the initial unscrolled position), then
/// `external_scroll_offset` would be (0,10), and this `offset` field would
/// be (0,-10). If WebRender is then asked to change the scroll position by
/// an additional 10 pixels (without changing the pre-scroll amount in the
/// display list), `external_scroll_offset` would remain at (0,10) and
/// `offset` would change to (0,-20).
pub offsets: Vec<SampledScrollOffset>,
/// The generation of the external_scroll_offset.
/// This is used to pick up the most appropriate scroll offset sampled
/// off the main thread.
pub offset_generation: APZScrollGeneration,
/// Whether the document containing this scroll frame has any scroll-linked
/// effect or not.
pub has_scroll_linked_effect: HasScrollLinkedEffect,
/// Manages scrolling offset.
impl ScrollFrameInfo {
pub fn new(
viewport_rect: LayoutRect,
scrollable_size: LayoutSize,
external_id: ExternalScrollId,
frame_kind: ScrollFrameKind,
external_scroll_offset: LayoutVector2D,
offset_generation: APZScrollGeneration,
has_scroll_linked_effect: HasScrollLinkedEffect,
) -> ScrollFrameInfo {
ScrollFrameInfo {
offsets: vec![SampledScrollOffset{
// If this scroll frame is a newly created one, using
// `external_scroll_offset` and `offset_generation` is correct.
// If this scroll frame is a result of updating an existing
// scroll frame and if there have already been sampled async
// scroll offsets by APZ, then these offsets will be replaced in
// SpatialTree::set_scroll_offsets via a
// RenderBackend::update_document call.
offset: -external_scroll_offset,
generation: offset_generation.clone(),
pub fn offset(&self) -> LayoutVector2D {
debug_assert!(self.offsets.len() > 0, "There should be at least one sampled offset!");
if self.has_scroll_linked_effect == HasScrollLinkedEffect::No {
// If there's no scroll-linked effect, use the one-frame delay offset.
return self.offsets.first().map_or(LayoutVector2D::zero(), |sampled| sampled.offset);
match self.offsets.iter().find(|sampled| sampled.generation == self.offset_generation) {
// If we found an offset having the same generation, use it.
Some(sampled) => sampled.offset,
// If we don't have any offset having the same generation, i.e.
// the generation of this scroll frame is behind sampled offsets,
// use the first queued sampled offset.
_ => self.offsets.first().map_or(LayoutVector2D::zero(), |sampled| sampled.offset),
/// Contains information about reference frames.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub struct ReferenceFrameInfo {
/// The source transform and perspective matrices provided by the stacking context
/// that forms this reference frame. We maintain the property binding information
/// here so that we can resolve the animated transform and update the tree each
/// frame.
pub source_transform: PropertyBinding<LayoutTransform>,
pub transform_style: TransformStyle,
pub kind: ReferenceFrameKind,
/// The original, not including the transform and relative to the parent reference frame,
/// origin of this reference frame. This is already rolled into the `transform' property, but
/// we also store it here to properly transform the viewport for sticky positioning.
pub origin_in_parent_reference_frame: LayoutVector2D,
/// True if this is the root reference frame for a given pipeline. This is only used
/// by the hit-test code, perhaps we can change the interface to not require this.
pub is_pipeline_root: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub struct StickyFrameInfo {
pub margins: SideOffsets2D<Option<f32>, LayoutPixel>,
pub frame_rect: LayoutRect,
pub vertical_offset_bounds: StickyOffsetBounds,
pub horizontal_offset_bounds: StickyOffsetBounds,
pub previously_applied_offset: LayoutVector2D,
pub current_offset: LayoutVector2D,
pub transform: Option<PropertyBinding<LayoutTransform>>,
impl StickyFrameInfo {
pub fn new(
frame_rect: LayoutRect,
margins: SideOffsets2D<Option<f32>, LayoutPixel>,
vertical_offset_bounds: StickyOffsetBounds,
horizontal_offset_bounds: StickyOffsetBounds,
previously_applied_offset: LayoutVector2D,
transform: Option<PropertyBinding<LayoutTransform>>,
) -> StickyFrameInfo {
StickyFrameInfo {
current_offset: LayoutVector2D::zero(),
fn test_cst_perspective_relative_scroll() {
// Verify that when computing the offset from a perspective transform
// to a relative scroll node that any external scroll offset is
// ignored. This is because external scroll offsets are not
// propagated across reference frame boundaries.
// It's not currently possible to verify this with a wrench reftest,
// since wrench doesn't understand external scroll ids. When wrench
// supports this, we could also verify with a reftest.
use crate::spatial_tree::{SceneSpatialTree, SpatialTree};
use euclid::Angle;
let mut cst = SceneSpatialTree::new();
let pipeline_id = PipelineId::dummy();
let ext_scroll_id = ExternalScrollId(1, pipeline_id);
let transform = LayoutTransform::rotation(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, Angle::degrees(45.0));
let pid = PipelineInstanceId::new(0);
let root = cst.add_reference_frame(
ReferenceFrameKind::Transform {
is_2d_scale_translation: false,
should_snap: false,
paired_with_perspective: false,
SpatialNodeUid::external(SpatialTreeItemKey::new(0, 0), PipelineId::dummy(), pid),
let scroll_frame_1 = cst.add_scroll_frame(
&LayoutRect::from_size(LayoutSize::new(100.0, 100.0)),
&LayoutSize::new(100.0, 500.0),
SpatialNodeUid::external(SpatialTreeItemKey::new(0, 1), PipelineId::dummy(), pid),
let scroll_frame_2 = cst.add_scroll_frame(
ExternalScrollId(2, pipeline_id),
&LayoutRect::from_size(LayoutSize::new(100.0, 100.0)),
&LayoutSize::new(100.0, 500.0),
LayoutVector2D::new(0.0, 50.0),
SpatialNodeUid::external(SpatialTreeItemKey::new(0, 3), PipelineId::dummy(), pid),
let ref_frame = cst.add_reference_frame(
ReferenceFrameKind::Perspective {
scrolling_relative_to: Some(ext_scroll_id),
SpatialNodeUid::external(SpatialTreeItemKey::new(0, 4), PipelineId::dummy(), pid),
let mut st = SpatialTree::new();
let world_transform = st.get_world_transform(ref_frame).into_transform().cast_unit();
let ref_transform = transform.then_translate(LayoutVector3D::new(0.0, -50.0, 0.0));