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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "GLConsts.h"
#include "GLTypes.h"
#include "nsISupportsImpl.h"
#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/2D.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/LayersSurfaces.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/webrender/webrender_ffi.h"
#include "mozilla/webrender/WebRenderTypes.h"
namespace mozilla {
namespace gl {
class GLContext;
namespace layers {
class TextureSource;
class TextureSourceProvider;
} // namespace layers
namespace wr {
class RenderEGLImageTextureHost;
class RenderAndroidHardwareBufferTextureHost;
class RenderAndroidSurfaceTextureHost;
class RenderCompositor;
class RenderDXGITextureHost;
class RenderDXGIYCbCrTextureHost;
class RenderDcompSurfaceTextureHost;
class RenderMacIOSurfaceTextureHost;
class RenderBufferTextureHost;
class RenderTextureHostSWGL;
class RenderTextureHostWrapper;
void ActivateBindAndTexParameteri(gl::GLContext* aGL, GLenum aActiveTexture,
GLenum aBindTarget, GLuint aBindTexture);
// RenderTextureHostUsageInfo holds information about how the RenderTextureHost
// is used. It is used by AsyncImagePipelineManager to determine how to render
// TextureHost.
class RenderTextureHostUsageInfo final {
RenderTextureHostUsageInfo() : mCreationTimeStamp(TimeStamp::Now()) {}
bool VideoOverlayDisabled() { return mVideoOverlayDisabled; }
void DisableVideoOverlay() { mVideoOverlayDisabled = true; }
const TimeStamp mCreationTimeStamp;
~RenderTextureHostUsageInfo() = default;
// RenderTextureHost prefers to disable video overlay.
Atomic<bool> mVideoOverlayDisabled{false};
class RenderTextureHost {
virtual gfx::SurfaceFormat GetFormat() const {
return gfx::SurfaceFormat::UNKNOWN;
virtual gfx::YUVRangedColorSpace GetYUVColorSpace() const {
return gfx::YUVRangedColorSpace::Default;
virtual wr::WrExternalImage Lock(uint8_t aChannelIndex, gl::GLContext* aGL);
virtual void Unlock() {}
virtual wr::WrExternalImage LockSWGL(uint8_t aChannelIndex, void* aContext,
RenderCompositor* aCompositor);
virtual void UnlockSWGL() {}
virtual RefPtr<layers::TextureSource> CreateTextureSource(
layers::TextureSourceProvider* aProvider);
virtual void ClearCachedResources() {}
// Called asynchronouly when corresponding TextureHost's mCompositableCount
// becomes from 0 to 1. For now, it is used only for
// SurfaceTextureHost/RenderAndroidSurfaceTextureHost.
virtual void PrepareForUse() {}
// Called asynchronouly when corresponding TextureHost's is actually going to
// be used by WebRender. For now, it is used only for
// SurfaceTextureHost/RenderAndroidSurfaceTextureHost.
virtual void NotifyForUse() {}
// Called asynchronouly when corresponding TextureHost's mCompositableCount
// becomes 0. For now, it is used only for
// SurfaceTextureHost/RenderAndroidSurfaceTextureHost.
virtual void NotifyNotUsed() {}
// Returns true when RenderTextureHost needs SyncObjectHost::Synchronize()
// call, before its usage.
virtual bool SyncObjectNeeded() { return false; }
// Returns true when this texture was generated from a DRM-protected source.
bool IsFromDRMSource() { return mIsFromDRMSource; }
void SetIsFromDRMSource(bool aIsFromDRMSource) {
mIsFromDRMSource = aIsFromDRMSource;
virtual size_t Bytes() = 0;
virtual RenderDXGITextureHost* AsRenderDXGITextureHost() { return nullptr; }
virtual RenderDXGIYCbCrTextureHost* AsRenderDXGIYCbCrTextureHost() {
return nullptr;
virtual RenderMacIOSurfaceTextureHost* AsRenderMacIOSurfaceTextureHost() {
return nullptr;
virtual RenderEGLImageTextureHost* AsRenderEGLImageTextureHost() {
return nullptr;
virtual RenderAndroidHardwareBufferTextureHost*
AsRenderAndroidHardwareBufferTextureHost() {
return nullptr;
virtual RenderAndroidSurfaceTextureHost* AsRenderAndroidSurfaceTextureHost() {
return nullptr;
virtual RenderTextureHostSWGL* AsRenderTextureHostSWGL() { return nullptr; }
virtual RenderDcompSurfaceTextureHost* AsRenderDcompSurfaceTextureHost() {
return nullptr;
virtual void Destroy();
virtual void SetIsSoftwareDecodedVideo() {
MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("unexpected to be called");
virtual bool IsSoftwareDecodedVideo() {
MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("unexpected to be called");
return false;
// Get RenderTextureHostUsageInfo of the RenderTextureHost.
// If mRenderTextureHostUsageInfo and aUsageInfo are different, merge them to
// one RenderTextureHostUsageInfo.
virtual RefPtr<RenderTextureHostUsageInfo> GetOrMergeUsageInfo(
const MutexAutoLock& aProofOfMapLock,
RefPtr<RenderTextureHostUsageInfo> aUsageInfo);
virtual RefPtr<RenderTextureHostUsageInfo> GetTextureHostUsageInfo(
const MutexAutoLock& aProofOfMapLock);
virtual ~RenderTextureHost();
bool mIsFromDRMSource;
// protected by RenderThread::mRenderTextureMapLock
RefPtr<RenderTextureHostUsageInfo> mRenderTextureHostUsageInfo;
friend class RenderTextureHostWrapper;
} // namespace wr
} // namespace mozilla