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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include <dxgiformat.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <windows.h>
#include "Colorspaces.h"
#include "GLTypes.h"
#include "mozilla/HashFunctions.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/OverlayInfo.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "mozilla/webrender/WebRenderTypes.h"
struct ID3D11Device;
struct ID3D11DeviceContext;
struct ID3D11VideoDevice;
struct ID3D11VideoContext;
struct ID3D11VideoProcessor;
struct ID3D11VideoProcessorEnumerator;
struct ID3D11VideoProcessorOutputView;
struct IDCompositionColorMatrixEffect;
struct IDCompositionFilterEffect;
struct IDCompositionTableTransferEffect;
struct IDCompositionDevice2;
struct IDCompositionDevice3;
struct IDCompositionSurface;
struct IDCompositionTarget;
struct IDCompositionVisual2;
struct IDXGIDecodeSwapChain;
struct IDXGIResource;
struct IDXGISwapChain1;
struct IDCompositionVirtualSurface;
namespace mozilla {
namespace gfx {
color::ColorProfileDesc QueryOutputColorProfile();
namespace gl {
class GLContext;
namespace wr {
// The size of the virtual surface. This is large enough such that we
// will never render a surface larger than this.
#define VIRTUAL_SURFACE_SIZE (1024 * 1024)
class DCTile;
class DCSurface;
class DCSwapChain;
class DCSurfaceVideo;
class DCSurfaceHandle;
class RenderTextureHost;
class RenderTextureHostUsageInfo;
class RenderDcompSurfaceTextureHost;
struct GpuOverlayInfo {
bool mSupportsOverlays = false;
bool mSupportsHardwareOverlays = false;
DXGI_FORMAT mOverlayFormatUsedHdr = DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM;
UINT mNv12OverlaySupportFlags = 0;
UINT mYuy2OverlaySupportFlags = 0;
UINT mBgra8OverlaySupportFlags = 0;
UINT mRgb10a2OverlaySupportFlags = 0;
bool mSupportsVpSuperResolution = false;
bool mSupportsVpAutoHDR = false;
// -
struct ColorManagementChain {
RefPtr<IDCompositionColorMatrixEffect> srcRgbFromSrcYuv;
RefPtr<IDCompositionTableTransferEffect> srcLinearFromSrcTf;
RefPtr<IDCompositionColorMatrixEffect> dstLinearFromSrcLinear;
RefPtr<IDCompositionTableTransferEffect> dstTfFromDstLinear;
RefPtr<IDCompositionFilterEffect> last;
static ColorManagementChain From(IDCompositionDevice3& dcomp,
const color::ColorProfileConversionDesc&);
// -
enum class DCompOverlayTypes : uint8_t {
// -
* DCLayerTree manages direct composition layers.
* It does not manage gecko's layers::Layer.
class DCLayerTree {
static UniquePtr<DCLayerTree> Create(gl::GLContext* aGL, EGLConfig aEGLConfig,
ID3D11Device* aDevice,
ID3D11DeviceContext* aCtx, HWND aHwnd,
nsACString& aError);
static void Shutdown();
explicit DCLayerTree(gl::GLContext* aGL, EGLConfig aEGLConfig,
ID3D11Device* aDevice, ID3D11DeviceContext* aCtx,
HWND aHwnd, IDCompositionDevice2* aCompositionDevice);
void SetDefaultSwapChain(IDXGISwapChain1* aSwapChain);
void MaybeUpdateDebug();
void MaybeCommit();
void WaitForCommitCompletion();
void DisableNativeCompositor();
// Interface for wr::Compositor
void CompositorBeginFrame();
void CompositorEndFrame();
void Bind(wr::NativeTileId aId, wr::DeviceIntPoint* aOffset, uint32_t* aFboId,
wr::DeviceIntRect aDirtyRect, wr::DeviceIntRect aValidRect);
void Unbind();
void CreateSurface(wr::NativeSurfaceId aId, wr::DeviceIntPoint aVirtualOffset,
wr::DeviceIntSize aTileSize, bool aIsOpaque);
void CreateSwapChainSurface(wr::NativeSurfaceId aId, wr::DeviceIntSize aSize,
bool aIsOpaque);
void ResizeSwapChainSurface(wr::NativeSurfaceId aId, wr::DeviceIntSize aSize);
void CreateExternalSurface(wr::NativeSurfaceId aId, bool aIsOpaque);
void DestroySurface(NativeSurfaceId aId);
void CreateTile(wr::NativeSurfaceId aId, int32_t aX, int32_t aY);
void DestroyTile(wr::NativeSurfaceId aId, int32_t aX, int32_t aY);
void AttachExternalImage(wr::NativeSurfaceId aId,
wr::ExternalImageId aExternalImage);
void AddSurface(wr::NativeSurfaceId aId,
const wr::CompositorSurfaceTransform& aTransform,
wr::DeviceIntRect aClipRect,
wr::ImageRendering aImageRendering);
void BindSwapChain(wr::NativeSurfaceId aId);
void PresentSwapChain(wr::NativeSurfaceId aId);
gl::GLContext* GetGLContext() const { return mGL; }
EGLConfig GetEGLConfig() const { return mEGLConfig; }
ID3D11Device* GetDevice() const { return mDevice; }
ID3D11DeviceContext* GetDeviceContext() const { return mCtx; }
IDCompositionDevice2* GetCompositionDevice() const {
return mCompositionDevice;
ID3D11VideoDevice* GetVideoDevice() const { return mVideoDevice; }
ID3D11VideoContext* GetVideoContext() const { return mVideoContext; }
ID3D11VideoProcessor* GetVideoProcessor() const { return mVideoProcessor; }
ID3D11VideoProcessorEnumerator* GetVideoProcessorEnumerator() const {
return mVideoProcessorEnumerator;
bool EnsureVideoProcessor(const gfx::IntSize& aInputSize,
const gfx::IntSize& aOutputSize);
DCSurface* GetSurface(wr::NativeSurfaceId aId) const;
HWND GetHwnd() const { return mHwnd; }
// Get or create an FBO with depth buffer suitable for specified dimensions
GLuint GetOrCreateFbo(int aWidth, int aHeight);
bool SupportsHardwareOverlays();
DXGI_FORMAT GetOverlayFormatForSDR();
bool SupportsSwapChainTearing();
void SetUsedOverlayTypeInFrame(DCompOverlayTypes aTypes);
bool Initialize(HWND aHwnd, nsACString& aError);
bool InitializeVideoOverlaySupport();
bool MaybeUpdateDebugCounter();
bool MaybeUpdateDebugVisualRedrawRegions();
void DestroyEGLSurface();
GLuint CreateEGLSurfaceForCompositionSurface(
wr::DeviceIntRect aDirtyRect, wr::DeviceIntPoint* aOffset,
RefPtr<IDCompositionSurface> aCompositionSurface,
wr::DeviceIntPoint aSurfaceOffset);
void ReleaseNativeCompositorResources();
layers::OverlayInfo GetOverlayInfo();
RefPtr<gl::GLContext> mGL;
EGLConfig mEGLConfig;
RefPtr<ID3D11Device> mDevice;
RefPtr<ID3D11DeviceContext> mCtx;
HWND mHwnd;
RefPtr<IDCompositionDevice2> mCompositionDevice;
RefPtr<IDCompositionTarget> mCompositionTarget;
RefPtr<IDCompositionVisual2> mRootVisual;
RefPtr<IDCompositionVisual2> mDefaultSwapChainVisual;
RefPtr<ID3D11VideoDevice> mVideoDevice;
RefPtr<ID3D11VideoContext> mVideoContext;
RefPtr<ID3D11VideoProcessor> mVideoProcessor;
RefPtr<ID3D11VideoProcessorEnumerator> mVideoProcessorEnumerator;
gfx::IntSize mVideoInputSize;
gfx::IntSize mVideoOutputSize;
bool mDebugCounter;
bool mDebugVisualRedrawRegions;
Maybe<RefPtr<IDCompositionSurface>> mCurrentSurface;
// The EGL image that is bound to the D3D texture provided by
// DirectComposition.
EGLImage mEGLImage;
// The GL render buffer ID that maps the EGLImage to an RBO for attaching to
// an FBO.
GLuint mColorRBO;
struct SurfaceIdHashFn {
std::size_t operator()(const wr::NativeSurfaceId& aId) const {
return HashGeneric(wr::AsUint64(aId));
std::unordered_map<wr::NativeSurfaceId, UniquePtr<DCSurface>, SurfaceIdHashFn>
// A list of layer IDs as they are added to the visual tree this frame.
std::vector<wr::NativeSurfaceId> mCurrentLayers;
// The previous frame's list of layer IDs in visual order.
std::vector<wr::NativeSurfaceId> mPrevLayers;
// Information about a cached FBO that is retained between frames.
struct CachedFrameBuffer {
int width;
int height;
GLuint fboId;
GLuint depthRboId;
int lastFrameUsed;
// A cache of FBOs, containing a depth buffer allocated to a specific size.
// TODO(gw): Might be faster as a hashmap? The length is typically much less
// than 10.
nsTArray<CachedFrameBuffer> mFrameBuffers;
int mCurrentFrame = 0;
bool mPendingCommit;
mutable Maybe<color::ColorProfileDesc> mOutputColorProfile;
DCompOverlayTypes mUsedOverlayTypesInFrame = DCompOverlayTypes::NO_OVERLAY;
int mSlowCommitCount = 0;
const color::ColorProfileDesc& OutputColorProfile() const {
if (!mOutputColorProfile) {
mOutputColorProfile = Some(gfx::QueryOutputColorProfile());
return *mOutputColorProfile;
static StaticAutoPtr<GpuOverlayInfo> sGpuOverlayInfo;
Represents a single picture cache slice. Each surface contains some
number of tiles. An implementation may choose to allocate individual
tiles to render in to (as the current impl does), or allocate a large
single virtual surface to draw into (e.g. the DirectComposition virtual
surface API in future).
class DCSurface {
const bool mIsVirtualSurface;
explicit DCSurface(wr::DeviceIntSize aTileSize,
wr::DeviceIntPoint aVirtualOffset, bool aIsVirtualSurface,
bool aIsOpaque, DCLayerTree* aDCLayerTree);
virtual ~DCSurface();
virtual bool Initialize();
void CreateTile(int32_t aX, int32_t aY);
void DestroyTile(int32_t aX, int32_t aY);
IDCompositionVisual2* GetVisual() const { return mVisual; }
DCTile* GetTile(int32_t aX, int32_t aY) const;
struct TileKey {
TileKey(int32_t aX, int32_t aY) : mX(aX), mY(aY) {}
int32_t mX;
int32_t mY;
wr::DeviceIntSize GetTileSize() const { return mTileSize; }
wr::DeviceIntPoint GetVirtualOffset() const { return mVirtualOffset; }
IDCompositionVirtualSurface* GetCompositionSurface() const {
return mVirtualSurface;
void UpdateAllocatedRect();
void DirtyAllocatedRect();
// Implement these if the inherited surface supports attaching external image.
virtual void AttachExternalImage(wr::ExternalImageId aExternalImage) {
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(true, "Not support attaching external image");
virtual void PresentExternalSurface(gfx::Matrix& aTransform) {
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(true, "Not support presenting external surface");
virtual DCSurfaceVideo* AsDCSurfaceVideo() { return nullptr; }
virtual DCSurfaceHandle* AsDCSurfaceHandle() { return nullptr; }
virtual DCSwapChain* AsDCSwapChain() { return nullptr; }
DCLayerTree* mDCLayerTree;
struct TileKeyHashFn {
std::size_t operator()(const TileKey& aId) const {
return HashGeneric(aId.mX, aId.mY);
// The visual for this surface. No content is attached to here, but tiles
// that belong to this surface are added as children. In this way, we can
// set the clip and scroll offset once, on this visual, to affect all
// children.
// However when using a virtual surface, it is directly attached to this
// visual and the tiles do not own visuals.
// Whether mIsVirtualSurface is enabled is decided at DCSurface creation
// time based on the pref gfx.webrender.dcomp-use-virtual-surfaces
RefPtr<IDCompositionVisual2> mVisual;
wr::DeviceIntSize mTileSize;
bool mIsOpaque;
bool mAllocatedRectDirty;
std::unordered_map<TileKey, UniquePtr<DCTile>, TileKeyHashFn> mDCTiles;
wr::DeviceIntPoint mVirtualOffset;
RefPtr<IDCompositionVirtualSurface> mVirtualSurface;
class DCSwapChain : public DCSurface {
DCSwapChain(wr::DeviceIntSize aSize, bool aIsOpaque,
DCLayerTree* aDCLayerTree)
: DCSurface(wr::DeviceIntSize{}, wr::DeviceIntPoint{}, false, aIsOpaque,
bool Initialize() override;
void Bind();
void Resize(wr::DeviceIntSize aSize);
void Present();
DCSwapChain* AsDCSwapChain() override { return this; }
wr::DeviceIntSize mSize;
RefPtr<IDXGISwapChain1> mSwapChain;
EGLSurface mEGLSurface;
* A wrapper surface which can contain either a DCVideo or a DCSurfaceHandle.
class DCExternalSurfaceWrapper : public DCSurface {
DCExternalSurfaceWrapper(bool aIsOpaque, DCLayerTree* aDCLayerTree)
: DCSurface(wr::DeviceIntSize{}, wr::DeviceIntPoint{},
false /* virtual surface */, false /* opaque */,
mIsOpaque(aIsOpaque) {}
~DCExternalSurfaceWrapper() = default;
void AttachExternalImage(wr::ExternalImageId aExternalImage) override;
void PresentExternalSurface(gfx::Matrix& aTransform) override;
DCSurfaceVideo* AsDCSurfaceVideo() override {
return mSurface ? mSurface->AsDCSurfaceVideo() : nullptr;
DCSurfaceHandle* AsDCSurfaceHandle() override {
return mSurface ? mSurface->AsDCSurfaceHandle() : nullptr;
DCSurface* EnsureSurfaceForExternalImage(wr::ExternalImageId aExternalImage);
UniquePtr<DCSurface> mSurface;
const bool mIsOpaque;
Maybe<ColorManagementChain> mCManageChain;
class DCSurfaceVideo : public DCSurface {
DCSurfaceVideo(bool aIsOpaque, DCLayerTree* aDCLayerTree);
void AttachExternalImage(wr::ExternalImageId aExternalImage) override;
bool CalculateSwapChainSize(gfx::Matrix& aTransform);
void PresentVideo();
DCSurfaceVideo* AsDCSurfaceVideo() override { return this; }
void DisableVideoOverlay();
virtual ~DCSurfaceVideo();
DXGI_FORMAT GetSwapChainFormat(bool aUseVpAutoHDR);
bool CreateVideoSwapChain(DXGI_FORMAT aFormat);
bool CallVideoProcessorBlt();
void ReleaseDecodeSwapChainResources();
RefPtr<ID3D11VideoProcessorOutputView> mOutputView;
RefPtr<IDXGIResource> mDecodeResource;
RefPtr<IDXGISwapChain1> mVideoSwapChain;
RefPtr<IDXGIDecodeSwapChain> mDecodeSwapChain;
HANDLE mSwapChainSurfaceHandle = 0;
gfx::IntSize mVideoSize;
gfx::IntSize mSwapChainSize;
bool mIsDRM = false;
bool mFailedYuvSwapChain = false;
RefPtr<RenderTextureHost> mRenderTextureHost;
RefPtr<RenderTextureHost> mPrevTexture;
RefPtr<RenderTextureHostUsageInfo> mRenderTextureHostUsageInfo;
int mSlowPresentCount = 0;
bool mFirstPresent = true;
const UINT mSwapChainBufferCount;
bool mUseVpAutoHDR = false;
bool mVpAutoHDRFailed = false;
bool mVpSuperResolutionFailed = false;
* A DC surface contains a IDCompositionSurface that is directly constructed by
* a handle. This is used by the Media Foundataion media engine, which would
* store the decoded video content in the surface.
class DCSurfaceHandle : public DCSurface {
DCSurfaceHandle(bool aIsOpaque, DCLayerTree* aDCLayerTree);
~DCSurfaceHandle() = default;
void AttachExternalImage(wr::ExternalImageId aExternalImage) override;
void PresentSurfaceHandle();
DCSurfaceHandle* AsDCSurfaceHandle() override { return this; }
HANDLE GetSurfaceHandle() const;
IDCompositionSurface* EnsureSurface();
RefPtr<RenderDcompSurfaceTextureHost> mDcompTextureHost;
class DCTile {
gfx::IntRect mValidRect;
DCLayerTree* mDCLayerTree;
// Indicates that when the first BeginDraw occurs on the surface it must be
// full size - required by dcomp on non-virtual surfaces.
bool mNeedsFullDraw;
explicit DCTile(DCLayerTree* aDCLayerTree);
bool Initialize(int aX, int aY, wr::DeviceIntSize aSize,
bool aIsVirtualSurface, bool aIsOpaque,
RefPtr<IDCompositionVisual2> mSurfaceVisual);
RefPtr<IDCompositionSurface> Bind(wr::DeviceIntRect aValidRect);
IDCompositionVisual2* GetVisual() { return mVisual; }
// Size in pixels of this tile, some may be unused. Set by Initialize.
wr::DeviceIntSize mSize;
// Whether the tile is composited as opaque (ignores alpha) or transparent.
// Set by Initialize.
bool mIsOpaque;
// Some code paths differ based on whether parent surface is virtual.
bool mIsVirtualSurface;
// Visual that displays the composition surface, or NULL if the tile belongs
// to a virtual surface.
RefPtr<IDCompositionVisual2> mVisual;
// Surface for the visual, or NULL if the tile has not had its first Bind or
// belongs to a virtual surface.
RefPtr<IDCompositionSurface> mCompositionSurface;
RefPtr<IDCompositionSurface> CreateCompositionSurface(wr::DeviceIntSize aSize,
bool aIsOpaque);
static inline bool operator==(const DCSurface::TileKey& a0,
const DCSurface::TileKey& a1) {
return a0.mX == a1.mX && a0.mY == a1.mY;
} // namespace wr
} // namespace mozilla