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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: sw=2 ts=8 et :
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
include LayersSurfaces;
include LayersMessages;
include PlatformWidgetTypes;
include PCompositorBridgeTypes;
include protocol PAPZ;
include protocol PAPZCTreeManager;
include protocol PBrowser;
include protocol PCompositorManager;
include protocol PCompositorWidget;
include protocol PTexture;
include protocol PWebRenderBridge;
include "mozilla/GfxMessageUtils.h";
include "mozilla/layers/LayersMessageUtils.h";
include "mozilla/layers/WebRenderMessageUtils.h";
include "mozilla/layers/CompositorBridgeParent.h";
using struct mozilla::null_t from "mozilla/ipc/IPCCore.h";
using struct mozilla::layers::LayersId from "mozilla/layers/LayersTypes.h";
using struct mozilla::layers::TextureFactoryIdentifier from "mozilla/layers/CompositorTypes.h";
using struct mozilla::layers::ScrollableLayerGuid from "mozilla/layers/ScrollableLayerGuid.h";
using mozilla::layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID from "mozilla/layers/ScrollableLayerGuid.h";
using mozilla::layers::WindowKind from "mozilla/layers/LayersTypes.h";
using mozilla::layers::LayersBackend from "mozilla/layers/LayersTypes.h";
using mozilla::CSSIntRegion from "Units.h";
using mozilla::LayoutDeviceIntPoint from "Units.h";
using mozilla::LayoutDeviceIntRegion from "Units.h";
using mozilla::LayoutDeviceIntSize from "Units.h";
using class mozilla::TimeStamp from "mozilla/TimeStamp.h";
using mozilla::layers::TextureFlags from "mozilla/layers/CompositorTypes.h";
using mozilla::layers::CompositorOptions from "mozilla/layers/CompositorOptions.h";
using mozilla::wr::PipelineId from "mozilla/webrender/WebRenderTypes.h";
using mozilla::wr::IdNamespace from "mozilla/webrender/WebRenderTypes.h";
using mozilla::wr::RenderReasons from "mozilla/webrender/webrender_ffi.h";
using base::ProcessId from "base/process.h";
using mozilla::wr::MaybeExternalImageId from "mozilla/webrender/WebRenderTypes.h";
using mozilla::layers::TransactionId from "mozilla/layers/LayersTypes.h";
namespace mozilla {
namespace layers {
struct FrameStats {
TransactionId id;
TimeStamp compositeStart;
TimeStamp renderStart;
TimeStamp compositeEnd;
int32_t contentFrameTime;
double resourceUploadTime;
double gpuCacheUploadTime;
TimeStamp transactionStart;
TimeStamp refreshStart;
TimeStamp fwdTime;
TimeStamp sceneBuiltTime;
uint32_t skippedComposites;
nsCString url;
* The PCompositorBridge protocol is a top-level protocol for the compositor.
* There is an instance of the protocol for each compositor, plus one for each
* content process. In other words:
* - There is a CompositorBridgeParent/CompositorBridgeChild pair created
* for each "top level browser window", which has its own compositor. The
* CompositorBridgeChild instance lives in the UI process, and the
* CompositorBridgeParent lives in the GPU process (if there is one) or the
* UI process otherwise.
* - There is also a ContentCompositorBridgeParent/CompositorBridgeChild
* pair created for each content process. The ContentCompositorBridgeParent
* lives in the GPU process (if there is one) or the UI process otherwise. The
* CompositorBridgeChild is a singleton in the content process. Note that
* a given content process may have multiple browser instances (represented
* by BrowserChild instances), that are attached to different windows, and therefore
* rendered by different compositors. This means that when a browser instance
* sends messages via its CompositorBridgeChild, the corresponding
* ContentCompositorBridgeParent has to use the layers id in the message
* to find the correct compositor or CompositorBridgeParent to pass the message
* on to.
* One of the main goals of this protocol is to manage the PLayerTransaction sub-
* protocol, which is per-browser. A lot of the functions in the protocol are
* basically multiplexing/demultiplexing stuff in PLayerTransaction.
sync protocol PCompositorBridge
manager PCompositorManager;
manages PAPZ;
manages PAPZCTreeManager;
// A Compositor manages a single Layer Manager (PLayerTransaction)
manages PTexture;
manages PCompositorWidget;
manages PWebRenderBridge;
// The compositor completed a layers transaction. id is the layers id
// of the child layer tree that was composited (or 0 when notifying
// the root layer tree).
// transactionId is the id of the transaction before this composite, or 0
// if there was no transaction since the last composite.
[Priority=control] async DidComposite(LayersId id,
TransactionId[] transactionId,
TimeStamp compositeStart,
TimeStamp compositeEnd);
async NotifyFrameStats(FrameStats[] aFrameStats);
async ParentAsyncMessages(AsyncParentMessageData[] aMessages);
async ObserveLayersUpdate(LayersId aLayersId, bool aActive);
async CompositorOptionsChanged(LayersId id, CompositorOptions newOptions);
async NotifyJankedAnimations(LayersId id, uint64_t[] aJankedAnimations);
async __delete__();
// Must be called before Initialize().
async PCompositorWidget(CompositorWidgetInitData aInitData);
// When out-of-process, this must be called to finish initialization.
sync Initialize(LayersId rootLayerTreeId);
// Must be called after Initialize(), and only succeeds if AsyncPanZoomEnabled() is true.
async PAPZ(LayersId layersId);
async PAPZCTreeManager(LayersId layersId);
// The child is about to be destroyed, so perform any necessary cleanup.
sync WillClose();
// Pause/resume the compositor. These are intended to be used on mobile, when
// the compositor needs to pause/resume in lockstep with the application.
sync Pause();
sync Resume();
async ResumeAsync();
// See bug 1316632 comment #33 for why this has to be sync. Otherwise,
// there are ordering issues with SendPLayerTransactionConstructor.
sync NotifyChildCreated(LayersId id)
returns (CompositorOptions compositorOptions);
// This version of NotifyChildCreated also performs a layer tree mapping.
// See bug 1316632 comment #33 for why this has to be sync. Otherwise,
// there are ordering issues with SendPLayerTransactionConstructor.
sync MapAndNotifyChildCreated(LayersId id, ProcessId owner)
returns (CompositorOptions compositorOptions);
async AdoptChild(LayersId id);
// Same as NotifyChildCreated, but used when child processes need to
// reassociate layers. This must be synchronous to ensure that the
// association happens before PLayerTransactions are sent over the
// cross-process bridge.
sync NotifyChildRecreated(LayersId id)
returns (CompositorOptions compositorOptions);
async NotifyMemoryPressure();
// Make sure any pending composites are started immediately and
// block until they are completed.
sync FlushRendering(RenderReasons aReasons);
// Same as FlushRendering, but asynchronous, since not all platforms require
// synchronous repaints on resize.
async FlushRenderingAsync(RenderReasons aReasons);
// Make sure any pending composites have been received.
sync WaitOnTransactionProcessed();
// Force an additional frame presentation to be executed. This is used to
// work around a windows presentation bug (See Bug 1232042)
async ForcePresent(RenderReasons aReasons);
sync StartFrameTimeRecording(int32_t bufferSize)
returns (uint32_t startIndex);
sync StopFrameTimeRecording(uint32_t startIndex)
returns (float[] intervals);
async PTexture(SurfaceDescriptor aSharedData, ReadLockDescriptor aReadLock, LayersBackend aBackend, TextureFlags aTextureFlags, LayersId id, uint64_t aSerial, MaybeExternalImageId aExternalImageId);
sync SyncWithCompositor();
// The pipelineId is the same as the layersId
async PWebRenderBridge(PipelineId pipelineId, LayoutDeviceIntSize aSize, WindowKind aKind);
sync CheckContentOnlyTDR(uint32_t sequenceNum)
returns (bool isContentOnlyTDR);
async BeginRecording(TimeStamp aRecordingStart)
returns (bool success);
async EndRecording()
returns (FrameRecording? recording);
// To set up sharing the composited output to Firefox Reality on Desktop
async RequestFxrOutput();
} // layers
} // mozilla