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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#include "ImageComposite.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "mozilla/ProfilerMarkers.h"
#include "gfxPlatform.h"
#include "nsPrintfCString.h"
namespace mozilla {
using namespace gfx;
namespace layers {
/* static */ const float ImageComposite::BIAS_TIME_MS = 1.0f;
ImageComposite::ImageComposite() = default;
ImageComposite::~ImageComposite() = default;
TimeStamp ImageComposite::GetBiasedTime(const TimeStamp& aInput) const {
switch (mBias) {
case ImageComposite::BIAS_NEGATIVE:
return aInput - TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(BIAS_TIME_MS);
case ImageComposite::BIAS_POSITIVE:
return aInput + TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(BIAS_TIME_MS);
return aInput;
void ImageComposite::UpdateBias(size_t aImageIndex, bool aFrameChanged) {
MOZ_ASSERT(aImageIndex < ImagesCount());
TimeStamp compositionTime = GetCompositionTime();
TimeStamp compositedImageTime = mImages[aImageIndex].mTimeStamp;
TimeStamp nextImageTime = aImageIndex + 1 < ImagesCount()
? mImages[aImageIndex + 1].mTimeStamp
: TimeStamp();
if (profiler_thread_is_being_profiled_for_markers() && compositedImageTime &&
nextImageTime) {
TimeDuration offsetCurrent = compositedImageTime - compositionTime;
TimeDuration offsetNext = nextImageTime - compositionTime;
nsPrintfCString str("current %.2lfms, next %.2lfms",
PROFILER_MARKER_TEXT("Video frame offsets", GRAPHICS, {}, str);
if (compositedImageTime.IsNull()) {
mBias = ImageComposite::BIAS_NONE;
TimeDuration threshold = TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(1.5);
if (compositionTime - compositedImageTime < threshold &&
compositionTime - compositedImageTime > -threshold) {
// The chosen frame's time is very close to the composition time (probably
// just before the current composition time, but due to previously set
// negative bias, it could be just after the current composition time too).
// If the inter-frame time is almost exactly equal to (a multiple of)
// the inter-composition time, then we're in a dangerous situation because
// jitter might cause frames to fall one side or the other of the
// composition times, causing many frames to be skipped or duplicated.
// Try to prevent that by adding a negative bias to the frame times during
// the next composite; that should ensure the next frame's time is treated
// as falling just before a composite time.
mBias = ImageComposite::BIAS_NEGATIVE;
if (!nextImageTime.IsNull() && nextImageTime - compositionTime < threshold &&
nextImageTime - compositionTime > -threshold) {
// The next frame's time is very close to our composition time (probably
// just after the current composition time, but due to previously set
// positive bias, it could be just before the current composition time too).
// We're in a dangerous situation because jitter might cause frames to
// fall one side or the other of the composition times, causing many frames
// to be skipped or duplicated.
// Specifically, the next composite is at risk of picking the "next + 1"
// frame rather than the "next" frame, which would cause the "next" frame to
// be skipped. Try to prevent that by adding a positive bias to the frame
// times during the next composite; if the inter-frame time is almost
// exactly equal to the inter-composition time, that should ensure that the
// next + 1 frame falls just *after* the next composition time, and the next
// composite should then pick the next frame rather than the next + 1 frame.
mBias = ImageComposite::BIAS_POSITIVE;
if (aFrameChanged) {
// The current and next video frames are a sufficient distance from the
// composition time and we can reliably pick the right frame without bias.
// Reset the bias.
// We only do this when the frame changed. Otherwise, when playing a 30fps
// video on a 60fps display, we'd keep resetting the bias during the "middle
// frames".
mBias = ImageComposite::BIAS_NONE;
int ImageComposite::ChooseImageIndex() {
// ChooseImageIndex is called for all images in the layer when it is visible.
// Change to this behaviour would break dropped frames counting calculation:
// We rely on this assumption to determine if during successive runs an
// image is returned that isn't the one following immediately the previous one
if (mImages.IsEmpty()) {
return -1;
TimeStamp compositionTime = GetCompositionTime();
auto compositionOpportunityId = GetCompositionOpportunityId();
if (compositionTime &&
compositionOpportunityId != mLastChooseImageIndexComposition) {
// We are inside a composition, in the first call to ChooseImageIndex during
// this composition.
// Find the newest frame whose biased timestamp is at or before
// `compositionTime`.
uint32_t imageIndex = 0;
while (imageIndex + 1 < mImages.Length() &&
mImages[imageIndex + 1].mTextureHost->IsValid() &&
GetBiasedTime(mImages[imageIndex + 1].mTimeStamp) <=
compositionTime) {
if (!mImages[imageIndex].mTextureHost->IsValid()) {
// Still not ready to be shown.
return -1;
bool wasVisibleAtPreviousComposition =
compositionOpportunityId == mLastChooseImageIndexComposition.Next();
bool frameChanged =
UpdateCompositedFrame(imageIndex, wasVisibleAtPreviousComposition);
UpdateBias(imageIndex, frameChanged);
mLastChooseImageIndexComposition = compositionOpportunityId;
return imageIndex;
// We've been called before during this composition, or we're not in a
// composition. Just return the last image we picked (if it's one of the
// current images).
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mImages.Length(); ++i) {
if (mImages[i].mFrameID == mLastFrameID &&
mImages[i].mProducerID == mLastProducerID) {
return i;
return 0;
const ImageComposite::TimedImage* ImageComposite::ChooseImage() {
int index = ChooseImageIndex();
return index >= 0 ? &mImages[index] : nullptr;
void ImageComposite::RemoveImagesWithTextureHost(TextureHost* aTexture) {
for (int32_t i = mImages.Length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (mImages[i].mTextureHost == aTexture) {
void ImageComposite::ClearImages() { mImages.Clear(); }
void ImageComposite::SetImages(nsTArray<TimedImage>&& aNewImages) {
if (!aNewImages.IsEmpty()) {
// Frames older than the first frame in aNewImages that we haven't shown yet
// will never be shown.
if (profiler_thread_is_being_profiled_for_markers()) {
int len = aNewImages.Length();
const auto& first = aNewImages[0];
const auto& last = aNewImages.LastElement();
nsPrintfCString str("%d %s, frameID %" PRId32 " (prod %" PRId32
") to frameID %" PRId32 " (prod %" PRId32 ")",
len, len == 1 ? "image" : "images", first.mFrameID,
first.mProducerID, last.mFrameID, last.mProducerID);
PROFILER_MARKER_TEXT("ImageComposite::SetImages", GRAPHICS, {}, str);
mImages = std::move(aNewImages);
// Returns whether the frame changed.
bool ImageComposite::UpdateCompositedFrame(
int aImageIndex, bool aWasVisibleAtPreviousComposition) {
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aImageIndex >= 0);
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aImageIndex < static_cast<int>(mImages.Length()));
const TimedImage& image = mImages[aImageIndex];
auto compositionOpportunityId = GetCompositionOpportunityId();
TimeStamp compositionTime = GetCompositionTime();
"Should only be called during a composition");
nsCString descr;
if (profiler_thread_is_being_profiled_for_markers()) {
nsCString relativeTimeString;
if (image.mTimeStamp) {
" [relative timestamp %.1lfms]",
(image.mTimeStamp - compositionTime).ToMilliseconds());
int remainingImages = mImages.Length() - 1 - aImageIndex;
static const char* kBiasStrings[] = {"NONE", "NEGATIVE", "POSITIVE"};
"frameID %" PRId32 " (producerID %" PRId32 ") [composite %" PRIu64
"] [bias %s] [%d remaining %s]%s",
image.mFrameID, image.mProducerID, compositionOpportunityId.mId,
kBiasStrings[mBias], remainingImages,
remainingImages == 1 ? "image" : "images", relativeTimeString.get());
if (mLastProducerID != image.mProducerID) {
descr.AppendPrintf(", previous producerID: %" PRId32, mLastProducerID);
} else if (mLastFrameID != image.mFrameID) {
descr.AppendPrintf(", previous frameID: %" PRId32, mLastFrameID);
} else {
descr.AppendLiteral(", no change");
PROFILER_MARKER_TEXT("UpdateCompositedFrame", GRAPHICS, {}, descr);
if (mLastFrameID == image.mFrameID && mLastProducerID == image.mProducerID) {
// The frame didn't change.
return false;
int32_t dropped = mSkippedFramesSinceLastComposite;
mSkippedFramesSinceLastComposite = 0;
if (!aWasVisibleAtPreviousComposition) {
// This video was not part of the on-screen scene during the previous
// composition opportunity, for example it may have been scrolled off-screen
// or in a background tab, or compositing might have been paused.
// Ignore any skipped frames and don't count them as dropped.
dropped = 0;
if (dropped > 0) {
mDroppedFrames += dropped;
if (profiler_thread_is_being_profiled_for_markers()) {
const char* frameOrFrames = dropped == 1 ? "frame" : "frames";
nsPrintfCString text("%" PRId32 " %s dropped: %" PRId32 " -> %" PRId32
" (producer %" PRId32 ")",
dropped, frameOrFrames, mLastFrameID, image.mFrameID,
PROFILER_MARKER_TEXT("Video frames dropped", GRAPHICS, {}, text);
mLastFrameID = image.mFrameID;
mLastProducerID = image.mProducerID;
mLastFrameUpdateComposition = compositionOpportunityId;
return true;
void ImageComposite::OnFinishRendering(int aImageIndex,
const TimedImage* aImage,
base::ProcessId aProcessId,
const CompositableHandle& aHandle) {
if (mLastFrameUpdateComposition != GetCompositionOpportunityId()) {
// The frame did not change in this composition.
if (aHandle) {
ImageCompositeNotificationInfo info;
info.mImageBridgeProcessId = aProcessId;
info.mNotification = ImageCompositeNotification(
aHandle, aImage->mTimeStamp, GetCompositionTime(), mLastFrameID,
const ImageComposite::TimedImage* ImageComposite::GetImage(
size_t aIndex) const {
if (aIndex >= mImages.Length()) {
return nullptr;
return &mImages[aIndex];
void ImageComposite::CountSkippedFrames(const TimedImage* aImage) {
if (aImage->mProducerID != mLastProducerID) {
// Switched producers.
if (mImages.IsEmpty() || aImage->mFrameID <= mLastFrameID + 1) {
// No frames were skipped.
uint32_t targetFrameRate = gfxPlatform::TargetFrameRate();
if (targetFrameRate == 0) {
// Can't know whether we could have reasonably displayed all video frames.
double targetFrameDurationMS = 1000.0 / targetFrameRate;
// Count how many images in mImages were skipped between mLastFrameID and
// aImage.mFrameID. Only count frames for which we can estimate a duration by
// looking at the next frame's timestamp, and only if the video frame rate is
// no faster than the target frame rate.
int32_t skipped = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < mImages.Length(); i++) {
const auto& img = mImages[i];
if (img.mProducerID != aImage->mProducerID ||
img.mFrameID <= mLastFrameID || img.mFrameID >= aImage->mFrameID) {
// We skipped img! Estimate img's time duration.
const auto& next = mImages[i + 1];
if (next.mProducerID != aImage->mProducerID) {
MOZ_ASSERT(next.mFrameID > img.mFrameID);
TimeDuration duration = next.mTimeStamp - img.mTimeStamp;
if (floor(duration.ToMilliseconds()) >= floor(targetFrameDurationMS)) {
// Count the frame.
mSkippedFramesSinceLastComposite += skipped;
void ImageComposite::DetectTimeStampJitter(const TimedImage* aNewImage) {
if (!profiler_thread_is_being_profiled_for_markers() ||
aNewImage->mTimeStamp.IsNull()) {
// Find aNewImage in mImages and compute its timestamp delta, if found.
// Ideally, a given video frame should never change its timestamp (jitter
// should be zero). However, we re-adjust video frame timestamps based on the
// audio clock. If the audio clock drifts compared to the system clock, or if
// there are bugs or inaccuracies in the computation of these timestamps,
// jitter will be non-zero.
Maybe<TimeDuration> jitter;
for (const auto& img : mImages) {
if (img.mProducerID == aNewImage->mProducerID &&
img.mFrameID == aNewImage->mFrameID) {
if (!img.mTimeStamp.IsNull()) {
jitter = Some(aNewImage->mTimeStamp - img.mTimeStamp);
if (jitter) {
nsPrintfCString text("%.2lfms", jitter->ToMilliseconds());
PROFILER_MARKER_TEXT("VideoFrameTimeStampJitter", GRAPHICS, {}, text);
} // namespace layers
} // namespace mozilla