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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#include "CSSEditUtils.h"
#include "ChangeStyleTransaction.h"
#include "HTMLEditHelpers.h"
#include "HTMLEditor.h"
#include "HTMLEditUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/DeclarationBlock.h"
#include "mozilla/mozalloc.h"
#include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
#include "mozilla/ServoCSSParser.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_editor.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Document.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Element.h"
#include "nsAString.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsCSSProps.h"
#include "nsColor.h"
#include "nsComputedDOMStyle.h"
#include "nsDebug.h"
#include "nsDependentSubstring.h"
#include "nsError.h"
#include "nsGkAtoms.h"
#include "nsAtom.h"
#include "nsIContent.h"
#include "nsICSSDeclaration.h"
#include "nsINode.h"
#include "nsISupportsImpl.h"
#include "nsISupportsUtils.h"
#include "nsLiteralString.h"
#include "nsPIDOMWindow.h"
#include "nsReadableUtils.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsStringFwd.h"
#include "nsStringIterator.h"
#include "nsStyledElement.h"
#include "nsUnicharUtils.h"
namespace mozilla {
using namespace dom;
static void ProcessBValue(const nsAString* aInputString,
nsAString& aOutputString,
const char* aDefaultValueString,
const char* aPrependString,
const char* aAppendString) {
if (aInputString && aInputString->EqualsLiteral("-moz-editor-invert-value")) {
} else {
static void ProcessDefaultValue(const nsAString* aInputString,
nsAString& aOutputString,
const char* aDefaultValueString,
const char* aPrependString,
const char* aAppendString) {
CopyASCIItoUTF16(MakeStringSpan(aDefaultValueString), aOutputString);
static void ProcessSameValue(const nsAString* aInputString,
nsAString& aOutputString,
const char* aDefaultValueString,
const char* aPrependString,
const char* aAppendString) {
if (aInputString) {
} else
static void ProcessExtendedValue(const nsAString* aInputString,
nsAString& aOutputString,
const char* aDefaultValueString,
const char* aPrependString,
const char* aAppendString) {
if (aInputString) {
if (aPrependString) {
AppendASCIItoUTF16(MakeStringSpan(aPrependString), aOutputString);
if (aAppendString) {
AppendASCIItoUTF16(MakeStringSpan(aAppendString), aOutputString);
static void ProcessLengthValue(const nsAString* aInputString,
nsAString& aOutputString,
const char* aDefaultValueString,
const char* aPrependString,
const char* aAppendString) {
if (aInputString) {
if (-1 == aOutputString.FindChar(char16_t('%'))) {
static void ProcessListStyleTypeValue(const nsAString* aInputString,
nsAString& aOutputString,
const char* aDefaultValueString,
const char* aPrependString,
const char* aAppendString) {
if (aInputString) {
if (aInputString->EqualsLiteral("1")) {
} else if (aInputString->EqualsLiteral("a")) {
} else if (aInputString->EqualsLiteral("A")) {
} else if (aInputString->EqualsLiteral("i")) {
} else if (aInputString->EqualsLiteral("I")) {
} else if (aInputString->EqualsLiteral("square") ||
aInputString->EqualsLiteral("circle") ||
aInputString->EqualsLiteral("disc")) {
static void ProcessMarginLeftValue(const nsAString* aInputString,
nsAString& aOutputString,
const char* aDefaultValueString,
const char* aPrependString,
const char* aAppendString) {
if (aInputString) {
if (aInputString->EqualsLiteral("center") ||
aInputString->EqualsLiteral("-moz-center")) {
} else if (aInputString->EqualsLiteral("right") ||
aInputString->EqualsLiteral("-moz-right")) {
} else {
static void ProcessMarginRightValue(const nsAString* aInputString,
nsAString& aOutputString,
const char* aDefaultValueString,
const char* aPrependString,
const char* aAppendString) {
if (aInputString) {
if (aInputString->EqualsLiteral("center") ||
aInputString->EqualsLiteral("-moz-center")) {
} else if (aInputString->EqualsLiteral("left") ||
aInputString->EqualsLiteral("-moz-left")) {
} else {
#define CSS_EQUIV_TABLE_NONE {CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_NONE, 0}
const CSSEditUtils::CSSEquivTable boldEquivTable[] = {
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_font_weight, true, false, ProcessBValue,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
const CSSEditUtils::CSSEquivTable italicEquivTable[] = {
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_font_style, true, false,
ProcessDefaultValue, "italic", nullptr, nullptr},
const CSSEditUtils::CSSEquivTable underlineEquivTable[] = {
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_text_decoration, true, false,
ProcessDefaultValue, "underline", nullptr, nullptr},
const CSSEditUtils::CSSEquivTable strikeEquivTable[] = {
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_text_decoration, true, false,
ProcessDefaultValue, "line-through", nullptr, nullptr},
const CSSEditUtils::CSSEquivTable ttEquivTable[] = {
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_font_family, true, false,
ProcessDefaultValue, "monospace", nullptr, nullptr},
const CSSEditUtils::CSSEquivTable fontColorEquivTable[] = {
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_color, true, false, ProcessSameValue,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
const CSSEditUtils::CSSEquivTable fontFaceEquivTable[] = {
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_font_family, true, false,
ProcessSameValue, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
const CSSEditUtils::CSSEquivTable fontSizeEquivTable[] = {
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_font_size, true, false,
ProcessSameValue, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
const CSSEditUtils::CSSEquivTable bgcolorEquivTable[] = {
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_background_color, true, false,
ProcessSameValue, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
const CSSEditUtils::CSSEquivTable backgroundImageEquivTable[] = {
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_background_image, true, true,
ProcessExtendedValue, nullptr, "url(", ")"},
const CSSEditUtils::CSSEquivTable textColorEquivTable[] = {
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_color, true, false, ProcessSameValue,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
const CSSEditUtils::CSSEquivTable borderEquivTable[] = {
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_border, true, false,
ProcessExtendedValue, nullptr, nullptr, "px solid"},
const CSSEditUtils::CSSEquivTable textAlignEquivTable[] = {
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_text_align, true, false,
ProcessSameValue, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
const CSSEditUtils::CSSEquivTable captionAlignEquivTable[] = {
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_caption_side, true, false,
ProcessSameValue, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
const CSSEditUtils::CSSEquivTable verticalAlignEquivTable[] = {
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_vertical_align, true, false,
ProcessSameValue, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
const CSSEditUtils::CSSEquivTable nowrapEquivTable[] = {
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_whitespace, true, false,
ProcessDefaultValue, "nowrap", nullptr, nullptr},
const CSSEditUtils::CSSEquivTable widthEquivTable[] = {
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_width, true, false, ProcessLengthValue,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
const CSSEditUtils::CSSEquivTable heightEquivTable[] = {
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_height, true, false, ProcessLengthValue,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
const CSSEditUtils::CSSEquivTable listStyleTypeEquivTable[] = {
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_list_style_type, true, true,
ProcessListStyleTypeValue, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
const CSSEditUtils::CSSEquivTable tableAlignEquivTable[] = {
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_text_align, false, false,
ProcessDefaultValue, "left", nullptr, nullptr},
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_margin_left, true, false,
ProcessMarginLeftValue, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_margin_right, true, false,
ProcessMarginRightValue, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
const CSSEditUtils::CSSEquivTable hrAlignEquivTable[] = {
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_margin_left, true, false,
ProcessMarginLeftValue, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
{CSSEditUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_margin_right, true, false,
ProcessMarginRightValue, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
// static
bool CSSEditUtils::IsCSSEditableStyle(const Element& aElement,
const EditorElementStyle& aStyle) {
return CSSEditUtils::IsCSSEditableStyle(*aElement.NodeInfo()->NameAtom(),
// static
bool CSSEditUtils::IsCSSEditableStyle(const nsAtom& aTagName,
const EditorElementStyle& aStyle) {
nsStaticAtom* const htmlProperty =
aStyle.IsInlineStyle() ? aStyle.AsInlineStyle().mHTMLProperty : nullptr;
nsAtom* const attributeOrStyle = aStyle.IsInlineStyle()
? aStyle.AsInlineStyle().mAttribute.get()
: aStyle.Style();
// HTML inline styles <b>, <i>, <tt> (chrome only), <u>, <strike>, <font
// color> and <font style>.
if (nsGkAtoms::b == htmlProperty || nsGkAtoms::i == htmlProperty ||
nsGkAtoms::tt == htmlProperty || nsGkAtoms::u == htmlProperty ||
nsGkAtoms::strike == htmlProperty ||
(nsGkAtoms::font == htmlProperty &&
(attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::color ||
attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::face))) {
return true;
// ALIGN attribute on elements supporting it
if (attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::align &&
(&aTagName == nsGkAtoms::div || &aTagName == nsGkAtoms::p ||
&aTagName == nsGkAtoms::h1 || &aTagName == nsGkAtoms::h2 ||
&aTagName == nsGkAtoms::h3 || &aTagName == nsGkAtoms::h4 ||
&aTagName == nsGkAtoms::h5 || &aTagName == nsGkAtoms::h6 ||
&aTagName == nsGkAtoms::td || &aTagName == nsGkAtoms::th ||
&aTagName == nsGkAtoms::table || &aTagName == nsGkAtoms::hr ||
// For the above, why not use
// HTMLEditUtils::SupportsAlignAttr?
// It also checks for tbody, tfoot, thead.
// Let's add the following elements here even
// if "align" has a different meaning for them
&aTagName == nsGkAtoms::legend || &aTagName == nsGkAtoms::caption)) {
return true;
if (attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::valign &&
(&aTagName == nsGkAtoms::col || &aTagName == nsGkAtoms::colgroup ||
&aTagName == nsGkAtoms::tbody || &aTagName == nsGkAtoms::td ||
&aTagName == nsGkAtoms::th || &aTagName == nsGkAtoms::tfoot ||
&aTagName == nsGkAtoms::thead || &aTagName == nsGkAtoms::tr)) {
return true;
// attributes TEXT, BACKGROUND and BGCOLOR on <body>
if (&aTagName == nsGkAtoms::body &&
(attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::text ||
attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::background ||
attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::bgcolor)) {
return true;
// attribute BGCOLOR on other elements
if (attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::bgcolor) {
return true;
// attributes HEIGHT, WIDTH and NOWRAP on <td> and <th>
if ((&aTagName == nsGkAtoms::td || &aTagName == nsGkAtoms::th) &&
(attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::height ||
attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::width ||
attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::nowrap)) {
return true;
// attributes HEIGHT and WIDTH on <table>
if (&aTagName == nsGkAtoms::table && (attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::height ||
attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::width)) {
return true;
// attributes SIZE and WIDTH on <hr>
if (&aTagName == nsGkAtoms::hr && (attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::size ||
attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::width)) {
return true;
// attribute TYPE on <ol>, <ul> and <li>
if (attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::type &&
(&aTagName == nsGkAtoms::ol || &aTagName == nsGkAtoms::ul ||
&aTagName == nsGkAtoms::li)) {
return true;
if (&aTagName == nsGkAtoms::img && (attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::border ||
attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::width ||
attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::height)) {
return true;
// other elements that we can align using CSS even if they
// can't carry the html ALIGN attribute
if (attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::align &&
(&aTagName == nsGkAtoms::ul || &aTagName == nsGkAtoms::ol ||
&aTagName == nsGkAtoms::dl || &aTagName == nsGkAtoms::li ||
&aTagName == nsGkAtoms::dd || &aTagName == nsGkAtoms::dt ||
&aTagName == nsGkAtoms::address || &aTagName == nsGkAtoms::pre)) {
return true;
return false;
// The lowest level above the transaction; adds the CSS declaration
// "aProperty : aValue" to the inline styles carried by aStyledElement
// static
nsresult CSSEditUtils::SetCSSPropertyInternal(HTMLEditor& aHTMLEditor,
nsStyledElement& aStyledElement,
nsAtom& aProperty,
const nsAString& aValue,
bool aSuppressTxn) {
RefPtr<ChangeStyleTransaction> transaction =
ChangeStyleTransaction::Create(aStyledElement, aProperty, aValue);
if (aSuppressTxn) {
nsresult rv = transaction->DoTransaction();
"ChangeStyleTransaction::DoTransaction() failed");
return rv;
nsresult rv = aHTMLEditor.DoTransactionInternal(transaction);
if (NS_WARN_IF(aHTMLEditor.Destroyed())) {
"EditorBase::DoTransactionInternal() failed");
return rv;
// static
nsresult CSSEditUtils::SetCSSPropertyPixelsWithTransaction(
HTMLEditor& aHTMLEditor, nsStyledElement& aStyledElement, nsAtom& aProperty,
int32_t aIntValue) {
nsAutoString s;
nsresult rv = SetCSSPropertyWithTransaction(aHTMLEditor, aStyledElement,
aProperty, s + u"px"_ns);
"CSSEditUtils::SetCSSPropertyWithTransaction() failed");
return rv;
// static
nsresult CSSEditUtils::SetCSSPropertyPixelsWithoutTransaction(
nsStyledElement& aStyledElement, const nsAtom& aProperty,
int32_t aIntValue) {
nsCOMPtr<nsICSSDeclaration> cssDecl = aStyledElement.Style();
nsAutoCString propertyNameString;
nsAutoCString s;
ErrorResult error;
cssDecl->SetProperty(propertyNameString, s, EmptyCString(), error);
if (error.Failed()) {
NS_WARNING("nsICSSDeclaration::SetProperty() failed");
return error.StealNSResult();
return NS_OK;
// The lowest level above the transaction; removes the value aValue from the
// list of values specified for the CSS property aProperty, or totally remove
// the declaration if this property accepts only one value
// static
nsresult CSSEditUtils::RemoveCSSPropertyInternal(
HTMLEditor& aHTMLEditor, nsStyledElement& aStyledElement, nsAtom& aProperty,
const nsAString& aValue, bool aSuppressTxn) {
RefPtr<ChangeStyleTransaction> transaction =
ChangeStyleTransaction::CreateToRemove(aStyledElement, aProperty, aValue);
if (aSuppressTxn) {
nsresult rv = transaction->DoTransaction();
"ChangeStyleTransaction::DoTransaction() failed");
return rv;
nsresult rv = aHTMLEditor.DoTransactionInternal(transaction);
if (NS_WARN_IF(aHTMLEditor.Destroyed())) {
"EditorBase::DoTransactionInternal() failed");
return rv;
// static
nsresult CSSEditUtils::GetSpecifiedProperty(nsIContent& aContent,
nsAtom& aCSSProperty,
nsAString& aValue) {
nsresult rv =
GetSpecifiedCSSInlinePropertyBase(aContent, aCSSProperty, aValue);
"CSSEditUtils::GeSpecifiedCSSInlinePropertyBase() failed");
return rv;
// static
nsresult CSSEditUtils::GetComputedProperty(nsIContent& aContent,
nsAtom& aCSSProperty,
nsAString& aValue) {
nsresult rv =
GetComputedCSSInlinePropertyBase(aContent, aCSSProperty, aValue);
"CSSEditUtils::GetComputedCSSInlinePropertyBase() failed");
return rv;
// static
nsresult CSSEditUtils::GetComputedCSSInlinePropertyBase(nsIContent& aContent,
nsAtom& aCSSProperty,
nsAString& aValue) {
RefPtr<Element> element = aContent.GetAsElementOrParentElement();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!element)) {
// Get the all the computed css styles attached to the element node
RefPtr<nsComputedDOMStyle> computedDOMStyle = GetComputedStyle(element);
if (NS_WARN_IF(!computedDOMStyle)) {
// from these declarations, get the one we want and that one only
// property id.
// FIXME: Maybe we can avoid copying aValue too, though it's no worse than
// what we used to do.
nsAutoCString value;
computedDOMStyle->GetPropertyValue(nsAtomCString(&aCSSProperty), value);
CopyUTF8toUTF16(value, aValue);
return NS_OK;
// static
nsresult CSSEditUtils::GetSpecifiedCSSInlinePropertyBase(nsIContent& aContent,
nsAtom& aCSSProperty,
nsAString& aValue) {
RefPtr<Element> element = aContent.GetAsElementOrParentElement();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!element)) {
RefPtr<DeclarationBlock> decl = element->GetInlineStyleDeclaration();
if (!decl) {
return NS_OK;
// FIXME: Same comments as above.
nsCSSPropertyID prop =
MOZ_ASSERT(prop != eCSSProperty_UNKNOWN);
nsAutoCString value;
decl->GetPropertyValueByID(prop, value);
CopyUTF8toUTF16(value, aValue);
return NS_OK;
// static
already_AddRefed<nsComputedDOMStyle> CSSEditUtils::GetComputedStyle(
Element* aElement) {
Document* document = aElement->GetComposedDoc();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!document)) {
return nullptr;
RefPtr<nsComputedDOMStyle> computedDOMStyle = NS_NewComputedDOMStyle(
aElement, u""_ns, document, nsComputedDOMStyle::StyleType::All,
return computedDOMStyle.forget();
// remove the CSS style "aProperty : aPropertyValue" and possibly remove the
// whole node if it is a span and if its only attribute is _moz_dirty
// static
Result<EditorDOMPoint, nsresult>
HTMLEditor& aHTMLEditor, nsStyledElement& aStyledElement, nsAtom* aProperty,
const nsAString& aPropertyValue) {
// remove the property from the style attribute
nsresult rv = RemoveCSSPropertyWithTransaction(aHTMLEditor, aStyledElement,
*aProperty, aPropertyValue);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
NS_WARNING("CSSEditUtils::RemoveCSSPropertyWithTransaction() failed");
return Err(rv);
if (!aStyledElement.IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::span) ||
HTMLEditUtils::ElementHasAttribute(aStyledElement)) {
return EditorDOMPoint();
Result<EditorDOMPoint, nsresult> unwrapStyledElementResult =
"HTMLEditor::RemoveContainerWithTransaction() failed");
return unwrapStyledElementResult;
// Get the default browser background color if we need it for
// GetCSSBackgroundColorState
// static
void CSSEditUtils::GetDefaultBackgroundColor(nsAString& aColor) {
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(StaticPrefs::editor_use_custom_colors())) {
nsresult rv = Preferences::GetString("editor.background_color", aColor);
// XXX Why don't you validate the pref value?
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
NS_WARNING("failed to get editor.background_color");
aColor.AssignLiteral("#ffffff"); // Default to white
if (Preferences::GetBool("browser.display.use_system_colors", false)) {
nsresult rv =
Preferences::GetString("browser.display.background_color", aColor);
// XXX Why don't you validate the pref value?
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
NS_WARNING("failed to get browser.display.background_color");
aColor.AssignLiteral("#ffffff"); // Default to white
// static
void CSSEditUtils::ParseLength(const nsAString& aString, float* aValue,
nsAtom** aUnit) {
if (aString.IsEmpty()) {
*aValue = 0;
*aUnit = NS_Atomize(aString).take();
nsAString::const_iterator iter;
float a = 10.0f, b = 1.0f, value = 0;
int8_t sign = 1;
int32_t i = 0, j = aString.Length();
char16_t c;
bool floatingPointFound = false;
c = *iter;
if (char16_t('-') == c) {
sign = -1;
} else if (char16_t('+') == c) {
while (i < j) {
c = *iter;
if ((char16_t('0') == c) || (char16_t('1') == c) || (char16_t('2') == c) ||
(char16_t('3') == c) || (char16_t('4') == c) || (char16_t('5') == c) ||
(char16_t('6') == c) || (char16_t('7') == c) || (char16_t('8') == c) ||
(char16_t('9') == c)) {
value = (value * a) + (b * (c - char16_t('0')));
b = b / 10 * a;
} else if (!floatingPointFound && (char16_t('.') == c)) {
floatingPointFound = true;
a = 1.0f;
b = 0.1f;
} else
*aValue = value * sign;
*aUnit = NS_Atomize(StringTail(aString, j - i)).take();
// static
nsStaticAtom* CSSEditUtils::GetCSSPropertyAtom(
nsCSSEditableProperty aProperty) {
switch (aProperty) {
case eCSSEditableProperty_background_color:
return nsGkAtoms::backgroundColor;
case eCSSEditableProperty_background_image:
return nsGkAtoms::background_image;
case eCSSEditableProperty_border:
return nsGkAtoms::border;
case eCSSEditableProperty_caption_side:
return nsGkAtoms::caption_side;
case eCSSEditableProperty_color:
return nsGkAtoms::color;
case eCSSEditableProperty_float:
return nsGkAtoms::_float;
case eCSSEditableProperty_font_family:
return nsGkAtoms::font_family;
case eCSSEditableProperty_font_size:
return nsGkAtoms::font_size;
case eCSSEditableProperty_font_style:
return nsGkAtoms::font_style;
case eCSSEditableProperty_font_weight:
return nsGkAtoms::fontWeight;
case eCSSEditableProperty_height:
return nsGkAtoms::height;
case eCSSEditableProperty_list_style_type:
return nsGkAtoms::list_style_type;
case eCSSEditableProperty_margin_left:
return nsGkAtoms::marginLeft;
case eCSSEditableProperty_margin_right:
return nsGkAtoms::marginRight;
case eCSSEditableProperty_text_align:
return nsGkAtoms::textAlign;
case eCSSEditableProperty_text_decoration:
return nsGkAtoms::text_decoration;
case eCSSEditableProperty_vertical_align:
return nsGkAtoms::vertical_align;
case eCSSEditableProperty_whitespace:
return nsGkAtoms::white_space;
case eCSSEditableProperty_width:
return nsGkAtoms::width;
case eCSSEditableProperty_NONE:
// intentionally empty
return nullptr;
MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Got unknown property");
return nullptr;
// static
void CSSEditUtils::GetCSSDeclarations(
const CSSEquivTable* aEquivTable, const nsAString* aValue,
HandlingFor aHandlingFor, nsTArray<CSSDeclaration>& aOutCSSDeclarations) {
// clear arrays
// if we have an input value, let's use it
nsAutoString value, lowerCasedValue;
if (aValue) {
for (size_t index = 0;; index++) {
const nsCSSEditableProperty cssProperty = aEquivTable[index].cssProperty;
if (!cssProperty) {
if (aHandlingFor == HandlingFor::SettingStyle ||
aEquivTable[index].gettable) {
nsAutoString cssValue, cssPropertyString;
// find the equivalent css value for the index-th property in
// the equivalence table
(aHandlingFor == HandlingFor::SettingStyle ||
? &value
: &lowerCasedValue,
cssValue, aEquivTable[index].defaultValue,
aEquivTable[index].prependValue, aEquivTable[index].appendValue);
nsStaticAtom* const propertyAtom = GetCSSPropertyAtom(cssProperty);
if (MOZ_LIKELY(propertyAtom)) {
CSSDeclaration{*propertyAtom, cssValue});
// static
void CSSEditUtils::GetCSSDeclarations(
Element& aElement, const EditorElementStyle& aStyle,
const nsAString* aValue, HandlingFor aHandlingFor,
nsTArray<CSSDeclaration>& aOutCSSDeclarations) {
nsStaticAtom* const htmlProperty =
aStyle.IsInlineStyle() ? aStyle.AsInlineStyle().mHTMLProperty : nullptr;
const RefPtr<nsAtom> attributeOrStyle =
aStyle.IsInlineStyle() ? aStyle.AsInlineStyle().mAttribute
: aStyle.Style();
const auto* equivTable = [&]() -> const CSSEditUtils::CSSEquivTable* {
if (nsGkAtoms::b == htmlProperty) {
return boldEquivTable;
if (nsGkAtoms::i == htmlProperty) {
return italicEquivTable;
if (nsGkAtoms::u == htmlProperty) {
return underlineEquivTable;
if (nsGkAtoms::strike == htmlProperty) {
return strikeEquivTable;
if (nsGkAtoms::tt == htmlProperty) {
return ttEquivTable;
if (!attributeOrStyle) {
return nullptr;
if (nsGkAtoms::font == htmlProperty) {
if (attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::color) {
return fontColorEquivTable;
if (attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::face) {
return fontFaceEquivTable;
if (attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::size) {
return fontSizeEquivTable;
MOZ_ASSERT(attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::bgcolor);
if (attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::bgcolor) {
return bgcolorEquivTable;
if (attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::background) {
return backgroundImageEquivTable;
if (attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::text) {
return textColorEquivTable;
if (attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::border) {
return borderEquivTable;
if (attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::align) {
if (aElement.IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::table)) {
return tableAlignEquivTable;
if (aElement.IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::hr)) {
return hrAlignEquivTable;
if (aElement.IsAnyOfHTMLElements(nsGkAtoms::legend, nsGkAtoms::caption)) {
return captionAlignEquivTable;
return textAlignEquivTable;
if (attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::valign) {
return verticalAlignEquivTable;
if (attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::nowrap) {
return nowrapEquivTable;
if (attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::width) {
return widthEquivTable;
if (attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::height ||
(aElement.IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::hr) &&
attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::size)) {
return heightEquivTable;
if (attributeOrStyle == nsGkAtoms::type &&
aElement.IsAnyOfHTMLElements(nsGkAtoms::ol, nsGkAtoms::ul,
nsGkAtoms::li)) {
return listStyleTypeEquivTable;
return nullptr;
if (equivTable) {
GetCSSDeclarations(equivTable, aValue, aHandlingFor, aOutCSSDeclarations);
// Add to aNode the CSS inline style equivalent to HTMLProperty/aAttribute/
// aValue for the node, and return in aCount the number of CSS properties set
// by the call. The Element version returns aCount instead.
Result<size_t, nsresult> CSSEditUtils::SetCSSEquivalentToStyle(
WithTransaction aWithTransaction, HTMLEditor& aHTMLEditor,
nsStyledElement& aStyledElement, const EditorElementStyle& aStyleToSet,
const nsAString* aValue) {
// we can apply the styles only if the node is an element and if we have
// an equivalence for the requested HTML style in this implementation
// Find the CSS equivalence to the HTML style
AutoTArray<CSSDeclaration, 4> cssDeclarations;
GetCSSDeclarations(aStyledElement, aStyleToSet, aValue,
HandlingFor::SettingStyle, cssDeclarations);
// set the individual CSS inline styles
for (const CSSDeclaration& cssDeclaration : cssDeclarations) {
nsresult rv = SetCSSPropertyInternal(
aHTMLEditor, aStyledElement, MOZ_KnownLive(cssDeclaration.mProperty),
cssDeclaration.mValue, aWithTransaction == WithTransaction::No);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
NS_WARNING("CSSEditUtils::SetCSSPropertyInternal() failed");
return Err(rv);
return cssDeclarations.Length();
// static
nsresult CSSEditUtils::RemoveCSSEquivalentToStyle(
WithTransaction aWithTransaction, HTMLEditor& aHTMLEditor,
nsStyledElement& aStyledElement, const EditorElementStyle& aStyleToRemove,
const nsAString* aValue) {
// we can apply the styles only if the node is an element and if we have
// an equivalence for the requested HTML style in this implementation
// Find the CSS equivalence to the HTML style
AutoTArray<CSSDeclaration, 4> cssDeclarations;
GetCSSDeclarations(aStyledElement, aStyleToRemove, aValue,
HandlingFor::RemovingStyle, cssDeclarations);
// remove the individual CSS inline styles
for (const CSSDeclaration& cssDeclaration : cssDeclarations) {
nsresult rv = RemoveCSSPropertyInternal(
aHTMLEditor, aStyledElement, MOZ_KnownLive(cssDeclaration.mProperty),
cssDeclaration.mValue, aWithTransaction == WithTransaction::No);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
NS_WARNING("CSSEditUtils::RemoveCSSPropertyWithoutTransaction() failed");
return rv;
return NS_OK;
// static
nsresult CSSEditUtils::GetComputedCSSEquivalentTo(
Element& aElement, const EditorElementStyle& aStyle, nsAString& aOutValue) {
return GetCSSEquivalentTo(aElement, aStyle, aOutValue, StyleType::Computed);
// static
nsresult CSSEditUtils::GetCSSEquivalentTo(Element& aElement,
const EditorElementStyle& aStyle,
nsAString& aOutValue,
StyleType aStyleType) {
MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(aStyle.IsCSSSettable(aElement) ||
AutoTArray<CSSDeclaration, 4> cssDeclarations;
GetCSSDeclarations(aElement, aStyle, nullptr, HandlingFor::GettingStyle,
nsAutoString valueString;
for (const CSSDeclaration& cssDeclaration : cssDeclarations) {
// retrieve the specified/computed value of the property
if (aStyleType == StyleType::Computed) {
nsresult rv = GetComputedCSSInlinePropertyBase(
aElement, MOZ_KnownLive(cssDeclaration.mProperty), valueString);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
NS_WARNING("CSSEditUtils::GetComputedCSSInlinePropertyBase() failed");
return rv;
} else {
nsresult rv = GetSpecifiedCSSInlinePropertyBase(
aElement, cssDeclaration.mProperty, valueString);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
NS_WARNING("CSSEditUtils::GetSpecifiedCSSInlinePropertyBase() failed");
return rv;
// append the value to aOutValue (possibly with a leading white-space)
if (!aOutValue.IsEmpty()) {
return NS_OK;
// Does the node aContent (or its parent, if it's not an element node) have a
// CSS style equivalent to the HTML style
// aHTMLProperty/aAttribute/valueString? The value of aStyleType controls
// the styles we retrieve: specified or computed. The return value aIsSet is
// true if the CSS styles are set.
// The nsIContent variant returns aIsSet instead of using an out parameter, and
// does not modify aValue.
// static
Result<bool, nsresult> CSSEditUtils::IsComputedCSSEquivalentTo(
const HTMLEditor& aHTMLEditor, nsIContent& aContent,
const EditorInlineStyle& aStyle, nsAString& aInOutValue) {
return IsCSSEquivalentTo(aHTMLEditor, aContent, aStyle, aInOutValue,
// static
Result<bool, nsresult> CSSEditUtils::IsSpecifiedCSSEquivalentTo(
const HTMLEditor& aHTMLEditor, nsIContent& aContent,
const EditorInlineStyle& aStyle, nsAString& aInOutValue) {
return IsCSSEquivalentTo(aHTMLEditor, aContent, aStyle, aInOutValue,
// static
Result<bool, nsresult> CSSEditUtils::IsCSSEquivalentTo(
const HTMLEditor& aHTMLEditor, nsIContent& aContent,
const EditorInlineStyle& aStyle, nsAString& aInOutValue,
StyleType aStyleType) {
nsAutoString htmlValueString(aInOutValue);
bool isSet = false;
// FYI: Cannot use InclusiveAncestorsOfType here because
// GetCSSEquivalentTo() may flush pending notifications.
for (RefPtr<Element> element = aContent.GetAsElementOrParentElement();
element; element = element->GetParentElement()) {
nsCOMPtr<nsINode> parentNode = element->GetParentNode();
// get the value of the CSS equivalent styles
nsresult rv = GetCSSEquivalentTo(*element, aStyle, aInOutValue, aStyleType);
if (NS_WARN_IF(aHTMLEditor.Destroyed())) {
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
"CSSEditUtils::GetCSSEquivalentToHTMLInlineStyleSetInternal() "
return Err(rv);
if (NS_WARN_IF(parentNode != element->GetParentNode())) {
// early way out if we can
if (aInOutValue.IsEmpty()) {
return isSet;
if (nsGkAtoms::b == aStyle.mHTMLProperty) {
if (aInOutValue.EqualsLiteral("bold")) {
isSet = true;
} else if (aInOutValue.EqualsLiteral("normal")) {
isSet = false;
} else if (aInOutValue.EqualsLiteral("bolder")) {
isSet = true;
} else {
int32_t weight = 0;
nsresult rvIgnored;
nsAutoString value(aInOutValue);
weight = value.ToInteger(&rvIgnored);
"nsAString::ToInteger() failed, but ignored");
if (400 < weight) {
isSet = true;
} else {
isSet = false;
} else if (nsGkAtoms::i == aStyle.mHTMLProperty) {
if (aInOutValue.EqualsLiteral(u"italic") ||
aInOutValue.EqualsLiteral(u"oblique")) {
isSet = true;
} else if (nsGkAtoms::u == aStyle.mHTMLProperty) {
isSet = ChangeStyleTransaction::ValueIncludes(
NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aInOutValue), "underline"_ns);
} else if (nsGkAtoms::strike == aStyle.mHTMLProperty) {
isSet = ChangeStyleTransaction::ValueIncludes(
NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aInOutValue), "line-through"_ns);
} else if ((nsGkAtoms::font == aStyle.mHTMLProperty &&
aStyle.mAttribute == nsGkAtoms::color) ||
aStyle.mAttribute == nsGkAtoms::bgcolor) {
isSet = htmlValueString.IsEmpty() ||
HTMLEditUtils::IsSameCSSColorValue(htmlValueString, aInOutValue);
} else if (nsGkAtoms::tt == aStyle.mHTMLProperty) {
isSet = StringBeginsWith(aInOutValue, u"monospace"_ns);
} else if (nsGkAtoms::font == aStyle.mHTMLProperty &&
aStyle.mAttribute == nsGkAtoms::face) {
if (!htmlValueString.IsEmpty()) {
const char16_t commaSpace[] = {char16_t(','), HTMLEditUtils::kSpace, 0};
const char16_t comma[] = {char16_t(','), 0};
htmlValueString.ReplaceSubstring(commaSpace, comma);
nsAutoString valueStringNorm(aInOutValue);
valueStringNorm.ReplaceSubstring(commaSpace, comma);
isSet = htmlValueString.Equals(valueStringNorm,
} else {
isSet = true;
return isSet;
} else if (aStyle.IsStyleOfFontSize()) {
if (htmlValueString.IsEmpty()) {
return true;
switch (nsContentUtils::ParseLegacyFontSize(htmlValueString)) {
case 1:
return aInOutValue.EqualsLiteral("x-small");
case 2:
return aInOutValue.EqualsLiteral("small");
case 3:
return aInOutValue.EqualsLiteral("medium");
case 4:
return aInOutValue.EqualsLiteral("large");
case 5:
return aInOutValue.EqualsLiteral("x-large");
case 6:
return aInOutValue.EqualsLiteral("xx-large");
case 7:
return aInOutValue.EqualsLiteral("xxx-large");
return false;
} else if (aStyle.mAttribute == nsGkAtoms::align) {
isSet = true;
} else {
return false;
if (!htmlValueString.IsEmpty() &&
nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator)) {
isSet = true;
if (htmlValueString.EqualsLiteral(u"-moz-editor-invert-value")) {
isSet = !isSet;
if (isSet) {
return true;
if (!aStyle.IsStyleOfTextDecoration(
EditorInlineStyle::IgnoreSElement::Yes)) {
return isSet;
// Unfortunately, the value of the text-decoration property is not
// inherited. that means that we have to look at ancestors of node to see
// if they are underlined.
return isSet;
// static
Result<bool, nsresult> CSSEditUtils::HaveComputedCSSEquivalentStyles(
const HTMLEditor& aHTMLEditor, nsIContent& aContent,
const EditorInlineStyle& aStyle) {
return HaveCSSEquivalentStyles(aHTMLEditor, aContent, aStyle,
// static
Result<bool, nsresult> CSSEditUtils::HaveSpecifiedCSSEquivalentStyles(
const HTMLEditor& aHTMLEditor, nsIContent& aContent,
const EditorInlineStyle& aStyle) {
return HaveCSSEquivalentStyles(aHTMLEditor, aContent, aStyle,
// static
Result<bool, nsresult> CSSEditUtils::HaveCSSEquivalentStyles(
const HTMLEditor& aHTMLEditor, nsIContent& aContent,
const EditorInlineStyle& aStyle, StyleType aStyleType) {
// FYI: Unfortunately, we cannot use InclusiveAncestorsOfType here
// because GetCSSEquivalentTo() may flush pending notifications.
nsAutoString valueString;
for (RefPtr<Element> element = aContent.GetAsElementOrParentElement();
element; element = element->GetParentElement()) {
nsCOMPtr<nsINode> parentNode = element->GetParentNode();
// get the value of the CSS equivalent styles
nsresult rv = GetCSSEquivalentTo(*element, aStyle, valueString, aStyleType);
if (NS_WARN_IF(aHTMLEditor.Destroyed())) {
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
"CSSEditUtils::GetCSSEquivalentToHTMLInlineStyleSetInternal() "
return Err(rv);
if (NS_WARN_IF(parentNode != element->GetParentNode())) {
if (!valueString.IsEmpty()) {
return true;
if (!aStyle.IsStyleOfTextDecoration(
EditorInlineStyle::IgnoreSElement::Yes)) {
return false;
// Unfortunately, the value of the text-decoration property is not
// inherited.
// that means that we have to look at ancestors of node to see if they
// are underlined.
return false;
// ElementsSameStyle compares two elements and checks if they have the same
// specified CSS declarations in the STYLE attribute
// The answer is always negative if at least one of them carries an ID or a
// class
// static
bool CSSEditUtils::DoStyledElementsHaveSameStyle(
nsStyledElement& aStyledElement, nsStyledElement& aOtherStyledElement) {
if (aStyledElement.HasAttr(nsGkAtoms::id) ||
aOtherStyledElement.HasAttr(nsGkAtoms::id)) {
// at least one of the spans carries an ID ; suspect a CSS rule applies to
// it and refuse to merge the nodes
return false;
nsAutoString firstClass, otherClass;
bool isElementClassSet =
aStyledElement.GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::_class, firstClass);
bool isOtherElementClassSet = aOtherStyledElement.GetAttr(
kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::_class, otherClass);
if (isElementClassSet && isOtherElementClassSet) {
// both spans carry a class, let's compare them
if (!firstClass.Equals(otherClass)) {
// WARNING : technically, the comparison just above is questionable :
// from a pure HTML/CSS point of view class="a b" is NOT the same than
// class="b a" because a CSS rule could test the exact value of the class
// attribute to be "a b" for instance ; from a user's point of view, a
// wysiwyg editor should probably NOT make any difference. CSS people
// need to discuss this issue before any modification.
return false;
} else if (isElementClassSet || isOtherElementClassSet) {
// one span only carries a class, early way out
return false;
// XXX If `GetPropertyValue()` won't run script, we can stop using
// nsCOMPtr here.
nsCOMPtr<nsICSSDeclaration> firstCSSDecl = aStyledElement.Style();
if (!firstCSSDecl) {
NS_WARNING("nsStyledElement::Style() failed");
return false;
nsCOMPtr<nsICSSDeclaration> otherCSSDecl = aOtherStyledElement.Style();
if (!otherCSSDecl) {
NS_WARNING("nsStyledElement::Style() failed");
return false;
const uint32_t firstLength = firstCSSDecl->Length();
const uint32_t otherLength = otherCSSDecl->Length();
if (firstLength != otherLength) {
// early way out if we can
return false;
if (!firstLength) {
// no inline style !
return true;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < firstLength; i++) {
nsAutoCString firstValue, otherValue;
nsAutoCString propertyNameString;
firstCSSDecl->Item(i, propertyNameString);
firstCSSDecl->GetPropertyValue(propertyNameString, firstValue);
otherCSSDecl->GetPropertyValue(propertyNameString, otherValue);
// FIXME: We need to handle all properties whose values are color.
// However, it's too expensive if we keep using string property names.
if (propertyNameString.EqualsLiteral("color") ||
propertyNameString.EqualsLiteral("background-color")) {
if (!HTMLEditUtils::IsSameCSSColorValue(firstValue, otherValue)) {
return false;
} else if (!firstValue.Equals(otherValue)) {
return false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < otherLength; i++) {
nsAutoCString firstValue, otherValue;
nsAutoCString propertyNameString;
otherCSSDecl->Item(i, propertyNameString);
otherCSSDecl->GetPropertyValue(propertyNameString, otherValue);
firstCSSDecl->GetPropertyValue(propertyNameString, firstValue);
// FIXME: We need to handle all properties whose values are color.
// However, it's too expensive if we keep using string property names.
if (propertyNameString.EqualsLiteral("color") ||
propertyNameString.EqualsLiteral("background-color")) {
if (!HTMLEditUtils::IsSameCSSColorValue(firstValue, otherValue)) {
return false;
} else if (!firstValue.Equals(otherValue)) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace mozilla