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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#include "mozilla/dom/XULResizerElement.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/XULResizerElementBinding.h"
#include "mozilla/EventDispatcher.h"
#include "mozilla/PresShell.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Document.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/DocumentInlines.h"
#include "mozilla/MouseEvents.h"
#include "nsContentUtils.h"
#include "nsICSSDeclaration.h"
#include "nsIFrame.h"
#include "nsLayoutUtils.h"
#include "nsPresContext.h"
#include "nsStyledElement.h"
namespace mozilla::dom {
nsXULElement* NS_NewXULResizerElement(
already_AddRefed<mozilla::dom::NodeInfo>&& aNodeInfo) {
RefPtr<mozilla::dom::NodeInfo> nodeInfo(aNodeInfo);
auto* nim = nodeInfo->NodeInfoManager();
return new (nim) XULResizerElement(nodeInfo.forget());
static bool GetEventPoint(const WidgetGUIEvent* aEvent,
LayoutDeviceIntPoint& aPoint) {
NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aEvent, false);
const WidgetTouchEvent* touchEvent = aEvent->AsTouchEvent();
if (touchEvent) {
// return false if there is more than one touch on the page, or if
// we can't find a touch point
if (touchEvent->mTouches.Length() != 1) {
return false;
const dom::Touch* touch = touchEvent->mTouches.SafeElementAt(0);
if (!touch) {
return false;
aPoint = touch->mRefPoint;
} else {
aPoint = aEvent->mRefPoint;
return true;
JSObject* XULResizerElement::WrapNode(JSContext* aCx,
JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) {
return XULResizerElement_Binding::Wrap(aCx, this, aGivenProto);
XULResizerElement::Direction XULResizerElement::GetDirection() {
static const mozilla::dom::Element::AttrValuesArray strings[] = {
// clang-format off
nsGkAtoms::topleft, nsGkAtoms::top, nsGkAtoms::topright,
nsGkAtoms::left, nsGkAtoms::right,
nsGkAtoms::bottomleft, nsGkAtoms::bottom, nsGkAtoms::bottomright,
nsGkAtoms::bottomstart, nsGkAtoms::bottomend,
// clang-format on
static const Direction directions[] = {
// clang-format off
{-1, -1}, {0, -1}, {1, -1},
{-1, 0}, {1, 0},
{-1, 1}, {0, 1}, {1, 1},
{-1, 1}, {1, 1}
// clang-format on
const auto* frame = GetPrimaryFrame();
if (!frame) {
return directions[0]; // default: topleft
int32_t index =
FindAttrValueIn(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::dir, strings, eCaseMatters);
if (index < 0) {
return directions[0]; // default: topleft
if (index >= 8) {
// Directions 8 and higher are RTL-aware directions and should reverse the
// horizontal component if RTL.
auto wm = frame->GetWritingMode();
if (wm.IsPhysicalRTL()) {
Direction direction = directions[index];
direction.mHorizontal *= -1;
return direction;
return directions[index];
nsresult XULResizerElement::PostHandleEvent(EventChainPostVisitor& aVisitor) {
if (aVisitor.mEventStatus != nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault) {
return nsXULElement::PostHandleEvent(aVisitor);
Maybe<nsSize> XULResizerElement::GetCurrentSize() const {
nsIContent* contentToResize = GetContentToResize();
if (!contentToResize) {
return Nothing();
nsIFrame* frame = contentToResize->GetPrimaryFrame();
if (!frame) {
return Nothing();
return Some(frame->StylePosition()->mBoxSizing == StyleBoxSizing::Content
? frame->GetContentRect().Size()
: frame->GetRect().Size());
void XULResizerElement::PostHandleEventInternal(
EventChainPostVisitor& aVisitor) {
bool doDefault = true;
const WidgetEvent& event = *aVisitor.mEvent;
switch (event.mMessage) {
case eTouchStart:
case eMouseDown: {
if (event.mClass == eTouchEventClass ||
(event.mClass == eMouseEventClass &&
event.AsMouseEvent()->mButton == MouseButton::ePrimary)) {
auto size = GetCurrentSize();
if (!size) {
break; // don't do anything if there's nothing to resize
// cache the content rectangle for the frame to resize
mMouseDownSize = *size;
// remember current mouse coordinates
auto* guiEvent = event.AsGUIEvent();
if (!GetEventPoint(guiEvent, mMouseDownPoint)) {
mTrackingMouseMove = true;
PresShell::SetCapturingContent(this, CaptureFlags::IgnoreAllowedState);
doDefault = false;
} break;
case eTouchMove:
case eMouseMove: {
if (mTrackingMouseMove) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> contentToResize = GetContentToResize();
if (!contentToResize) {
break; // don't do anything if there's nothing to resize
nsIFrame* frame = contentToResize->GetPrimaryFrame();
if (!frame) {
// both MouseMove and direction are negative when pointing to the
// top and left, and positive when pointing to the bottom and right
// retrieve the offset of the mousemove event relative to the mousedown.
// The difference is how much the resize needs to be
LayoutDeviceIntPoint refPoint;
auto* guiEvent = event.AsGUIEvent();
if (!GetEventPoint(guiEvent, refPoint)) {
const nsPoint oldPos = nsLayoutUtils::GetEventCoordinatesRelativeTo(
guiEvent->mWidget, mMouseDownPoint, RelativeTo{frame});
const nsPoint newPos = nsLayoutUtils::GetEventCoordinatesRelativeTo(
guiEvent->mWidget, refPoint, RelativeTo{frame});
nsPoint mouseMove(newPos - oldPos);
// Determine which direction to resize by checking the dir attribute.
// For windows and menus, ensure that it can be resized in that
// direction.
Direction direction = GetDirection();
const CSSIntSize newSize = [&] {
nsSize newAuSize = mMouseDownSize;
// Check if there are any size constraints on this window.
newAuSize.width += direction.mHorizontal * mouseMove.x;
newAuSize.height += direction.mVertical * mouseMove.y;
if (newAuSize.width < AppUnitsPerCSSPixel() && mouseMove.x != 0) {
newAuSize.width = AppUnitsPerCSSPixel();
if (newAuSize.height < AppUnitsPerCSSPixel() && mouseMove.y != 0) {
newAuSize.height = AppUnitsPerCSSPixel();
// When changing the size in a direction, don't allow the new size to
// be less that the resizer's size. This ensures that content isn't
// resized too small as to make the resizer invisible.
if (auto* resizerFrame = GetPrimaryFrame()) {
nsRect resizerRect = resizerFrame->GetRect();
if (newAuSize.width < resizerRect.width && mouseMove.x != 0) {
newAuSize.width = resizerRect.width;
if (newAuSize.height < resizerRect.height && mouseMove.y != 0) {
newAuSize.height = resizerRect.height;
// Convert the rectangle into css pixels.
return CSSIntSize::FromAppUnitsRounded(newAuSize);
// Only resize in a given direction if the new size doesn't match the
// current size.
if (auto currentSize = GetCurrentSize()) {
auto newAuSize = CSSIntSize::ToAppUnits(newSize);
if (newAuSize.width == currentSize->width) {
direction.mHorizontal = 0;
if (newAuSize.height == currentSize->height) {
direction.mVertical = 0;
SizeInfo sizeInfo, originalSizeInfo;
ResizeContent(contentToResize, direction, sizeInfo, &originalSizeInfo);
MaybePersistOriginalSize(contentToResize, originalSizeInfo);
doDefault = false;
} break;
case ePointerClick: {
auto* mouseEvent = event.AsMouseEvent();
if (mouseEvent->IsLeftClickEvent()) {
// Execute the oncommand event handler.
this, false, nullptr, nullptr, mouseEvent->IsControl(),
mouseEvent->IsAlt(), mouseEvent->IsShift(), mouseEvent->IsMeta(),
mouseEvent->mInputSource, mouseEvent->mButton);
} break;
case eTouchEnd:
case eMouseUp: {
if (event.mClass == eTouchEventClass ||
(event.mClass == eMouseEventClass &&
event.AsMouseEvent()->mButton == MouseButton::ePrimary)) {
mTrackingMouseMove = false;
doDefault = false;
} break;
case eMouseDoubleClick: {
if (event.AsMouseEvent()->mButton == MouseButton::ePrimary) {
if (nsIContent* contentToResize = GetContentToResize()) {
} break;
if (!doDefault) {
aVisitor.mEventStatus = nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault;
nsIContent* XULResizerElement::GetContentToResize() const {
if (!IsInComposedDoc()) {
return nullptr;
// Return the parent, but skip over native anonymous content
nsIContent* parent = GetParent();
return parent ? parent->FindFirstNonChromeOnlyAccessContent() : nullptr;
/* static */
void XULResizerElement::ResizeContent(nsIContent* aContent,
const Direction& aDirection,
const SizeInfo& aSizeInfo,
SizeInfo* aOriginalSizeInfo) {
RefPtr inlineStyleContent = nsStyledElement::FromNode(aContent);
if (!inlineStyleContent) {
nsCOMPtr<nsICSSDeclaration> decl = inlineStyleContent->Style();
if (aOriginalSizeInfo) {
decl->GetPropertyValue("width"_ns, aOriginalSizeInfo->width);
decl->GetPropertyValue("height"_ns, aOriginalSizeInfo->height);
// only set the property if the element could have changed in that
// direction
if (aDirection.mHorizontal) {
nsAutoCString widthstr(aSizeInfo.width);
if (!widthstr.IsEmpty() && !StringEndsWith(widthstr, "px"_ns)) {
decl->SetProperty("width"_ns, widthstr, ""_ns, IgnoreErrors());
if (aDirection.mVertical) {
nsAutoCString heightstr(aSizeInfo.height);
if (!heightstr.IsEmpty() && !StringEndsWith(heightstr, "px"_ns)) {
decl->SetProperty("height"_ns, heightstr, ""_ns, IgnoreErrors());
/* static */
void XULResizerElement::MaybePersistOriginalSize(nsIContent* aContent,
const SizeInfo& aSizeInfo) {
nsresult rv;
aContent->GetProperty(nsGkAtoms::_moz_original_size, &rv);
UniquePtr<SizeInfo> sizeInfo(new SizeInfo(aSizeInfo));
rv = aContent->SetProperty(
nsGkAtoms::_moz_original_size, sizeInfo.get(),
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
Unused << sizeInfo.release();
/* static */
void XULResizerElement::RestoreOriginalSize(nsIContent* aContent) {
nsresult rv;
SizeInfo* sizeInfo = static_cast<SizeInfo*>(
aContent->GetProperty(nsGkAtoms::_moz_original_size, &rv));
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
NS_ASSERTION(sizeInfo, "We set a null sizeInfo!?");
Direction direction = {1, 1};
ResizeContent(aContent, direction, *sizeInfo, nullptr);
} // namespace mozilla::dom