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Test Info:
- Manifest: dom/system/tests/ioutils/chrome.toml
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<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Test the IOUtils file I/O API</title>
<script src="file_ioutils_test_fixtures.js"></script>
"use strict";
const { Assert } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
add_task(async function test_move_relative_path() {
const tmpFileName = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, "test_ioutils_move_relative_path.tmp");
const dest = "relative_to_cwd.tmp";
await createFile(tmpFileName, "source");
info("Test moving a file to a relative destination");
await Assert.rejects(
IOUtils.move(tmpFileName, dest),
/OperationError: Could not move `.*' to `.*': could not parse path \(NS_ERROR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED_PATH\)/,
"IOUtils::move only works with absolute paths"
await fileHasTextContents(tmpFileName, "source"),
"IOUtils::move doesn't change source file when move fails"
await cleanup(tmpFileName);
add_task(async function test_move_rename() {
// Set up.
const tmpFileName = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, "test_ioutils_move_src.tmp");
const destFileName = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, "test_ioutils_move_dest.tmp");
await createFile(tmpFileName, "dest");
// Test.
info("Test move to new file in same directory");
await IOUtils.move(tmpFileName, destFileName);
info(`Moved ${tmpFileName} to ${destFileName}`);
!await fileExists(tmpFileName)
&& await fileHasTextContents(destFileName, "dest"),
"IOUtils::move can move source to dest in same directory"
// Set up.
info("Test move to existing file with no overwrite");
await createFile(tmpFileName, "source");
// Test.
await Assert.rejects(
IOUtils.move(tmpFileName, destFileName, { noOverwrite: true }),
/Could not move `.*' to `.*': destination file exists and `noOverwrite' is true/,
"IOUtils::move will refuse to move a file if overwrites are disabled"
await fileExists(tmpFileName)
&& await fileHasTextContents(destFileName, "dest"),
"Failed IOUtils::move doesn't move the source file"
// Test.
info("Test move to existing file with overwrite");
await IOUtils.move(tmpFileName, destFileName, { noOverwrite: false });
ok(!await fileExists(tmpFileName), "IOUtils::move moved source");
await fileHasTextContents(destFileName, "source"),
"IOUtils::move overwrote the destination with the source"
// Clean up.
await cleanup(tmpFileName, destFileName);
add_task(async function test_move_to_dir() {
// Set up.
info("Test move and rename to non-existing directory");
const tmpFileName = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, "test_move_to_dir.tmp");
const destDir = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, "test_move_to_dir.tmp.d");
const dest = PathUtils.join(destDir, "dest.tmp");
await createFile(tmpFileName);
// Test.
ok(!await IOUtils.exists(destDir), "Expected path not to exist");
await IOUtils.move(tmpFileName, dest);
!await fileExists(tmpFileName) && await fileExists(dest),
"IOUtils::move creates non-existing parents if needed"
// Set up.
info("Test move and rename to existing directory.")
await createFile(tmpFileName);
// Test.
ok(await dirExists(destDir), `Expected ${destDir} to be a directory`);
await IOUtils.move(tmpFileName, dest);
!await fileExists(tmpFileName)
&& await fileExists(dest),
"IOUtils::move can move/rename a file into an existing dir"
// Set up.
info("Test move to existing directory without specifying leaf name.")
await createFile(tmpFileName);
// Test.
await IOUtils.move(tmpFileName, destDir);
ok(await dirExists(destDir), `Expected ${destDir} to be a directory`);
!await fileExists(tmpFileName)
&& await fileExists(PathUtils.join(destDir, PathUtils.filename(tmpFileName))),
"IOUtils::move can move a file into an existing dir"
// Clean up.
await cleanup(destDir);
add_task(async function test_move_dir() {
// Set up.
info("Test rename an empty directory");
const srcDir = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, "test_move_dir.tmp.d");
const destDir = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, "test_move_dir_dest.tmp.d");
await createDir(srcDir);
// Test.
await IOUtils.move(srcDir, destDir);
!await IOUtils.exists(srcDir) && await dirExists(destDir),
"IOUtils::move can rename directories"
// Set up.
info("Test move directory and its content into another directory");
await createDir(srcDir);
await createFile(PathUtils.join(srcDir, "file.tmp"), "foo");
// Test.
await IOUtils.move(srcDir, destDir);
const destFile = PathUtils.join(destDir, PathUtils.filename(srcDir), "file.tmp");
!await IOUtils.exists(srcDir)
&& await dirExists(destDir)
&& await dirExists(PathUtils.join(destDir, PathUtils.filename(srcDir)))
&& await fileHasTextContents(destFile, "foo"),
"IOUtils::move can move a directory and its contents into another one"
// Clean up.
await cleanup(srcDir, destDir);
add_task(async function test_move_failures() {
// Set up.
info("Test attempt to rename a non-existent source file");
const notExistsSrc = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, "not_exists_src.tmp");
const notExistsDest = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, "not_exists_dest.tmp");
// Test.
await Assert.rejects(
IOUtils.move(notExistsSrc, notExistsDest),
/NotFoundError: Could not move `.*' to `.*': source file does not exist/,
"IOUtils::move throws if source file does not exist"
!await fileExists(notExistsSrc) && !await fileExists(notExistsDest),
"IOUtils::move fails if source file does not exist"
// Set up.
info("Test attempt to move a directory to a file");
const destFile = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, "test_move_failures_file_dest.tmp");
const srcDir = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, "test_move_failure_src.tmp.d");
await createFile(destFile);
await createDir(srcDir);
// Test.
await Assert.rejects(
IOUtils.move(srcDir, destFile),
/InvalidAccessError: Could not move directory `.*' to `.*': destination is not a directory/,
"IOUtils::move throws if try to move dir into an existing file"
// Clean up.
await cleanup(destFile, srcDir);
add_task(async function test_copy() {
// Set up.
const tmpFileName = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, "test_ioutils_orig.tmp");
const destFileName = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, "test_ioutils_copy.tmp");
await createFile(tmpFileName, "original");
// Test.
info("Test copy to new file in same directory");
await IOUtils.copy(tmpFileName, destFileName);
await fileExists(tmpFileName)
&& await fileHasTextContents(destFileName, "original"),
"IOUtils::copy can copy source to dest in same directory"
// Set up.
info("Test copy to existing file with no overwrite");
await createFile(tmpFileName, "new contents");
// Test.
await Assert.rejects(
IOUtils.copy(tmpFileName, destFileName, { noOverwrite: true }),
/NoModificationAllowedError: Could not copy `.*' to `.*': destination file exists and `noOverwrite' is true/,
"IOUtils::copy will refuse to copy to existing destination if overwrites are disabled"
await fileExists(tmpFileName)
&& await fileHasTextContents(destFileName, "original"),
"Failed IOUtils::move doesn't move the source file"
// Test.
info("Test copy to existing file with overwrite");
await IOUtils.copy(tmpFileName, destFileName, { noOverwrite: false });
ok(await fileExists(tmpFileName), "IOUtils::copy retains source");
await fileHasTextContents(destFileName, "new contents"),
"IOUtils::copy overwrote the destination with the source"
// Clean up.
await cleanup(tmpFileName, destFileName);
add_task(async function test_copy_file_to_dir() {
// Set up.
info("Test copy file to non-existing directory");
const tmpFileName = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, "test_copy_file_to_dir.tmp");
const destDir = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, "test_copy_file_to_dir.tmp.d");
const dest = PathUtils.join(destDir, "dest.tmp");
await createFile(tmpFileName);
// Test.
ok(!await IOUtils.exists(destDir), "Expected path not to exist");
await IOUtils.copy(tmpFileName, dest);
await fileExists(tmpFileName) && await fileExists(dest),
"IOUtils::copy creates non-existing parents if needed"
// Set up.
info("Test copy file to existing directory")
await createFile(tmpFileName);
// Test.
ok(await dirExists(destDir), `Expected ${destDir} to be a directory`);
await IOUtils.copy(tmpFileName, dest);
await fileExists(tmpFileName)
&& await fileExists(dest),
"IOUtils::copy can copy a file into an existing dir"
// Set up.
info("Test copy file to existing directory without specifying leaf name")
await createFile(tmpFileName);
// Test.
await IOUtils.copy(tmpFileName, destDir);
ok(await dirExists(destDir), `Expected ${destDir} to be a directory`);
await fileExists(tmpFileName)
&& await fileExists(PathUtils.join(destDir, PathUtils.filename(tmpFileName))),
"IOUtils::copy can copy a file into an existing dir"
// Clean up.
await cleanup(tmpFileName, destDir);
add_task(async function test_copy_dir_recursive() {
// Set up.
info("Test rename an empty directory");
const srcDir = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, "test_copy_dir.tmp.d");
const destDir = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, "test_copy_dir_dest.tmp.d");
await createDir(srcDir);
// Test.
await IOUtils.copy(srcDir, destDir, { recursive: true });
await dirExists(srcDir) && await dirExists(destDir),
"IOUtils::copy can recursively copy entire directories"
// Set up.
info("Test copy directory and its content into another directory");
await createDir(srcDir);
await createFile(PathUtils.join(srcDir, "file.tmp"), "foo");
// Test.
await IOUtils.copy(srcDir, destDir, { recursive: true });
const destFile = PathUtils.join(destDir, PathUtils.filename(srcDir), "file.tmp");
await dirExists(srcDir)
&& await dirExists(destDir)
&& await dirExists(PathUtils.join(destDir, PathUtils.filename(srcDir)))
&& await fileHasTextContents(destFile, "foo"),
"IOUtils::copy can move a directory and its contents into another one"
// Clean up.
await cleanup(srcDir, destDir);
add_task(async function test_copy_failures() {
// Set up.
info("Test attempt to copy a non-existent source file");
const notExistsSrc = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, "test_copy_not_exists_src.tmp");
const notExistsDest = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, "test_copy_not_exists_dest.tmp");
// Test.
await Assert.rejects(
IOUtils.copy(notExistsSrc, notExistsDest),
/NotFoundError: Could not copy `.*' to `.*': source file does not exist/,
"IOUtils::copy throws if source file does not exist"
!await fileExists(notExistsSrc) && !await fileExists(notExistsDest),
"IOUtils::copy failure due to missing source file does not affect destination"
// Set up.
info("Test attempt to copy a directory to a file");
const destFile = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, "test_copy_failures_file_dest.tmp");
const srcDir = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, "test_copy_failure_src.tmp.d");
await createFile(destFile);
await createDir(srcDir);
// Test.
await Assert.rejects(
IOUtils.copy(srcDir, destFile, { recursive: true }),
/InvalidAccessError: Could not copy directory `.*' to `.*': destination is not a directory/,
"IOUtils::copy throws when trying to move a directory into an existing file"
ok(await fileHasTextContents(destFile, ""), "IOUtils::copy failure does not affect destination");
// Set up.
info("Test copy directory without recursive option");
await createDir(srcDir);
// Test.
await Assert.rejects(
IOUtils.copy(srcDir, notExistsDest, { recursive: false }),
/OperationError: Refused to copy directory `.*' to `.*': `recursive' is false/,
"IOUtils::copy throws if try to copy a directory with { recursive: false }"
console.log(`${notExistsDest} exists?`, await IOUtils.exists(notExistsDest))
ok(!await IOUtils.exists(notExistsDest), "IOUtils::copy failure does not affect destination");
// Clean up.
await cleanup(destFile, srcDir);
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