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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
// Original author:
#ifndef mediapipeline_h__
#define mediapipeline_h__
#include <map>
#include "transport/sigslot.h"
#include "transport/transportlayer.h" // For TransportLayer::State
#include "libwebrtcglue/MediaConduitControl.h"
#include "mozilla/ReentrantMonitor.h"
#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
#include "mozilla/StateMirroring.h"
#include "transport/mediapacket.h"
#include "transport/runnable_utils.h"
#include "AudioPacketizer.h"
#include "MediaEventSource.h"
#include "MediaPipelineFilter.h"
#include "MediaSegment.h"
#include "PrincipalChangeObserver.h"
#include "jsapi/PacketDumper.h"
#include "PerformanceRecorder.h"
// Should come from MediaEngine.h, but that's a pain to include here
// because of the MOZILLA_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE stuff.
class nsIPrincipal;
namespace webrtc {
struct RTPHeader;
class RtpHeaderExtensionMap;
class RtpPacketReceived;
} // namespace webrtc
namespace mozilla {
class AudioProxyThread;
class MediaInputPort;
class MediaPipelineFilter;
class MediaTransportHandler;
class PeerIdentity;
class ProcessedMediaTrack;
class SourceMediaTrack;
class VideoFrameConverter;
class MediaSessionConduit;
class AudioSessionConduit;
class VideoSessionConduit;
namespace dom {
class MediaStreamTrack;
struct RTCRTPContributingSourceStats;
class RTCStatsTimestampMaker;
} // namespace dom
struct MediaPipelineReceiveControlInterface {
virtual Canonical<bool>& CanonicalReceiving() = 0;
struct MediaPipelineTransmitControlInterface {
virtual Canonical<bool>& CanonicalTransmitting() = 0;
// A class that represents the pipeline of audio and video
// The dataflow looks like:
// CaptureDevice -> stream -> [us] -> conduit -> [us] -> transport -> network
// network -> transport -> [us] -> conduit -> [us] -> stream -> Playout
// The boxes labeled [us] are just bridge logic implemented in this class
// We have to deal with a number of threads:
// GSM:
// * Assembles the pipeline
// SocketTransportService
// * Receives notification that ICE and DTLS have completed
// * Processes incoming network data and passes it to the conduit
// * Processes outgoing RTP and RTCP
// MediaTrackGraph
// * Receives outgoing data from the MediaTrackGraph
// * Receives pull requests for more data from the
// MediaTrackGraph
// One or another GIPS threads
// * Receives RTCP messages to send to the other side
// * Processes video frames GIPS wants to render
// For a transmitting conduit, "output" is RTP and "input" is RTCP.
// For a receiving conduit, "input" is RTP and "output" is RTCP.
class MediaPipeline : public sigslot::has_slots<> {
enum class DirectionType { TRANSMIT, RECEIVE };
MediaPipeline(const std::string& aPc,
RefPtr<MediaTransportHandler> aTransportHandler,
DirectionType aDirection, RefPtr<AbstractThread> aCallThread,
RefPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> aStsThread,
RefPtr<MediaSessionConduit> aConduit);
void SetLevel(size_t aLevel) { mLevel = aLevel; }
// Main thread shutdown.
virtual void Shutdown();
void UpdateTransport_m(const std::string& aTransportId,
UniquePtr<MediaPipelineFilter>&& aFilter);
void UpdateTransport_s(const std::string& aTransportId,
UniquePtr<MediaPipelineFilter>&& aFilter);
virtual DirectionType Direction() const { return mDirection; }
size_t Level() const { return mLevel; }
virtual bool IsVideo() const = 0;
class RtpCSRCStats {
// Gets an expiration time for CRC info given a reference time,
// this reference time would normally be the time of calling.
// This value can then be used to check if a RtpCSRCStats
// has expired via Expired(...)
static DOMHighResTimeStamp GetExpiryFromTime(
const DOMHighResTimeStamp aTime);
RtpCSRCStats(const uint32_t aCsrc, const DOMHighResTimeStamp aTime);
~RtpCSRCStats() = default;
// Initialize a webidl representation suitable for adding to a report.
// This assumes that the webidl object is empty.
// @param aWebidlObj the webidl binding object to popluate
// @param aInboundRtpStreamId the associated
void GetWebidlInstance(dom::RTCRTPContributingSourceStats& aWebidlObj,
const nsString& aInboundRtpStreamId) const;
void SetTimestamp(const DOMHighResTimeStamp aTime) { mTimestamp = aTime; }
// Check if the RtpCSRCStats has expired, checks against a
// given expiration time.
bool Expired(const DOMHighResTimeStamp aExpiry) const {
return mTimestamp < aExpiry;
static const double constexpr EXPIRY_TIME_MILLISECONDS = 10 * 1000;
const uint32_t mCsrc;
DOMHighResTimeStamp mTimestamp;
// Gets the gathered contributing source stats for the last expiration period.
// @param aId the stream id to use for populating inboundRtpStreamId field
// @param aArr the array to append the stats objects to
void GetContributingSourceStats(
const nsString& aInboundRtpStreamId,
FallibleTArray<dom::RTCRTPContributingSourceStats>& aArr) const;
int32_t RtpPacketsSent() const { return mRtpPacketsSent; }
int64_t RtpBytesSent() const { return mRtpBytesSent; }
int32_t RtcpPacketsSent() const { return mRtcpPacketsSent; }
int32_t RtpPacketsReceived() const { return mRtpPacketsReceived; }
int64_t RtpBytesReceived() const { return mRtpBytesReceived; }
const dom::RTCStatsTimestampMaker& GetTimestampMaker() const;
// Thread counting
virtual ~MediaPipeline();
// The transport is ready
virtual void TransportReady_s() {}
void IncrementRtpPacketsSent(const MediaPacket& aPacket);
void IncrementRtcpPacketsSent();
void IncrementRtpPacketsReceived(int aBytes);
virtual void SendPacket(MediaPacket&& packet);
// Process slots on transports
void RtpStateChange(const std::string& aTransportId, TransportLayer::State);
void RtcpStateChange(const std::string& aTransportId, TransportLayer::State);
virtual void CheckTransportStates();
void PacketReceived(const std::string& aTransportId,
const MediaPacket& packet);
void AlpnNegotiated(const std::string& aAlpn, bool aPrivacyRequested);
void EncryptedPacketSending(const std::string& aTransportId,
const MediaPacket& aPacket);
void SetDescription_s(const std::string& description);
const RefPtr<MediaSessionConduit> mConduit;
const DirectionType mDirection;
// Pointers to the threads we need. Initialized at creation
// and used all over the place.
const RefPtr<AbstractThread> mCallThread;
const RefPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> mStsThread;
// True if we should be actively transmitting or receiving data. Main thread
// only.
Mirror<bool> mActive;
Atomic<size_t> mLevel;
std::string mTransportId;
const RefPtr<MediaTransportHandler> mTransportHandler;
TransportLayer::State mRtpState = TransportLayer::TS_NONE;
TransportLayer::State mRtcpState = TransportLayer::TS_NONE;
bool mSignalsConnected = false;
// Only safe to access from STS thread.
int32_t mRtpPacketsSent;
int32_t mRtcpPacketsSent;
int32_t mRtpPacketsReceived;
int64_t mRtpBytesSent;
int64_t mRtpBytesReceived;
// Only safe to access from STS thread.
std::map<uint32_t, RtpCSRCStats> mCsrcStats;
// Written in c'tor. Read on STS and main thread.
const std::string mPc;
// String describing this MediaPipeline for logging purposes. Only safe to
// access from STS thread.
std::string mDescription;
// Written in c'tor, all following accesses are on the STS thread.
UniquePtr<MediaPipelineFilter> mFilter;
const UniquePtr<webrtc::RtpHeaderExtensionMap> mRtpHeaderExtensionMap;
RefPtr<PacketDumper> mPacketDumper;
MediaEventProducerExc<webrtc::RtpPacketReceived, webrtc::RTPHeader>
MediaEventListener mRtpSendEventListener;
MediaEventListener mSenderRtcpSendEventListener;
MediaEventListener mReceiverRtcpSendEventListener;
bool IsRtp(const unsigned char* aData, size_t aLen) const;
// Must be called on the STS thread. Must be called after Shutdown().
void DetachTransport_s();
// A specialization of pipeline for reading from an input device
// and transmitting to the network.
class MediaPipelineTransmit
: public MediaPipeline,
public dom::PrincipalChangeObserver<dom::MediaStreamTrack> {
// Set aRtcpTransport to nullptr to use rtcp-mux
MediaPipelineTransmit(const std::string& aPc,
RefPtr<MediaTransportHandler> aTransportHandler,
RefPtr<AbstractThread> aCallThread,
RefPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> aStsThread, bool aIsVideo,
RefPtr<MediaSessionConduit> aConduit);
void RegisterListener();
static already_AddRefed<MediaPipelineTransmit> Create(
const std::string& aPc, RefPtr<MediaTransportHandler> aTransportHandler,
RefPtr<AbstractThread> aCallThread,
RefPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> aStsThread, bool aIsVideo,
RefPtr<MediaSessionConduit> aConduit);
void InitControl(MediaPipelineTransmitControlInterface* aControl);
void Shutdown() override;
bool Transmitting() const;
// written and used from MainThread
bool IsVideo() const override;
// When the principal of the domtrack changes, it calls through to here
// so that we can determine whether to enable track transmission.
// In cases where the peer isn't yet identified, we disable the pipeline (not
// the stream, that would potentially affect others), so that it sends
// black/silence. Once the peer is identified, re-enable those streams.
virtual void UpdateSinkIdentity(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
const PeerIdentity* aSinkIdentity);
// for monitoring changes in track ownership
void PrincipalChanged(dom::MediaStreamTrack* aTrack) override;
// Override MediaPipeline::TransportReady_s.
void TransportReady_s() override;
// Replace a track with a different one.
nsresult SetTrack(const RefPtr<dom::MediaStreamTrack>& aDomTrack);
// Used to correlate stats
RefPtr<dom::MediaStreamTrack> GetTrack() const;
// For test use only. This allows a send track to be set without a
// corresponding dom track.
void SetSendTrackOverride(const RefPtr<ProcessedMediaTrack>& aSendTrack);
// Separate classes to allow ref counting
class PipelineListener;
class VideoFrameFeeder;
// Updates mDescription (async) with information about the track we are
// transmitting.
std::string GenerateDescription() const;
// Sets up mSendPort and mSendTrack to feed mConduit if we are transmitting
// and have a dom track but no send track. Main thread only.
void UpdateSendState();
WatchManager<MediaPipelineTransmit> mWatchManager;
const bool mIsVideo;
const RefPtr<PipelineListener> mListener;
RefPtr<AudioProxyThread> mAudioProcessing;
RefPtr<VideoFrameConverter> mConverter;
MediaEventListener mFrameListener;
Watchable<RefPtr<dom::MediaStreamTrack>> mDomTrack;
// Input port connecting mDomTrack's MediaTrack to mSendTrack.
RefPtr<MediaInputPort> mSendPort;
// The source track of the mSendTrack. Main thread only.
RefPtr<ProcessedMediaTrack> mSendPortSource;
// True if a parameter affecting mDescription has changed. To avoid updating
// the description unnecessarily. Main thread only.
bool mDescriptionInvalidated = true;
// Set true once we trigger the async removal of mSendTrack. Set false once
// the async removal is done. Main thread only.
bool mUnsettingSendTrack = false;
// MediaTrack that we send over the network. This allows changing mDomTrack.
// Because changing mSendTrack is async and can be racy (when changing from a
// track in one graph to a track in another graph), it is set very strictly.
// If mSendTrack is null it can be set by UpdateSendState().
// If it is non-null it can only be set to null, and only by the
// RemoveListener MozPromise handler, as seen in UpdateSendState.
RefPtr<ProcessedMediaTrack> mSendTrack;
// When this is set and we are active, this track will be used as mSendTrack.
// Allows unittests to insert a send track without requiring a dom track or a
// graph. Main thread only.
Watchable<RefPtr<ProcessedMediaTrack>> mSendTrackOverride;
// True when mSendTrack is set, not destroyed and mActive is true. mListener
// is attached to mSendTrack when this is true. Main thread only.
bool mTransmitting = false;
// A specialization of pipeline for reading from the network and
// rendering media.
class MediaPipelineReceive : public MediaPipeline {
// Set aRtcpTransport to nullptr to use rtcp-mux
MediaPipelineReceive(const std::string& aPc,
RefPtr<MediaTransportHandler> aTransportHandler,
RefPtr<AbstractThread> aCallThread,
RefPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> aStsThread,
RefPtr<MediaSessionConduit> aConduit);
void InitControl(MediaPipelineReceiveControlInterface* aControl);
// Called when ALPN is negotiated and is requesting privacy, so receive
// pipelines do not enter data into the graph under a content principal.
virtual void OnPrivacyRequested_s() = 0;
// Called after privacy has been requested, with the updated private
// principal.
virtual void SetPrivatePrincipal(PrincipalHandle aHandle) = 0;
void Shutdown() override;
virtual void UpdateListener() = 0;
WatchManager<MediaPipelineReceive> mWatchManager;
// A specialization of pipeline for reading from the network and
// rendering audio.
class MediaPipelineReceiveAudio : public MediaPipelineReceive {
MediaPipelineReceiveAudio(const std::string& aPc,
RefPtr<MediaTransportHandler> aTransportHandler,
RefPtr<AbstractThread> aCallThread,
RefPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> aStsThread,
RefPtr<AudioSessionConduit> aConduit,
RefPtr<SourceMediaTrack> aSource,
TrackingId aTrackingId,
PrincipalHandle aPrincipalHandle,
PrincipalPrivacy aPrivacy);
void Shutdown() override;
bool IsVideo() const override { return false; }
void OnPrivacyRequested_s() override;
void SetPrivatePrincipal(PrincipalHandle aHandle) override;
void UpdateListener() override;
// Separate class to allow ref counting
class PipelineListener;
const RefPtr<PipelineListener> mListener;
// A specialization of pipeline for reading from the network and
// rendering video.
class MediaPipelineReceiveVideo : public MediaPipelineReceive {
MediaPipelineReceiveVideo(const std::string& aPc,
RefPtr<MediaTransportHandler> aTransportHandler,
RefPtr<AbstractThread> aCallThread,
RefPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> aStsThread,
RefPtr<VideoSessionConduit> aConduit,
RefPtr<SourceMediaTrack> aSource,
TrackingId aTrackingId,
PrincipalHandle aPrincipalHandle,
PrincipalPrivacy aPrivacy);
void Shutdown() override;
bool IsVideo() const override { return true; }
void OnPrivacyRequested_s() override;
void SetPrivatePrincipal(PrincipalHandle aHandle) override;
void UpdateListener() override;
class PipelineRenderer;
friend class PipelineRenderer;
// Separate class to allow ref counting
class PipelineListener;
const RefPtr<PipelineRenderer> mRenderer;
const RefPtr<PipelineListener> mListener;
} // namespace mozilla