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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "nsError.h"
#include "jsep/JsepTransport.h"
#include "sdp/Sdp.h"
#include "jsep/JsepTransceiver.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/PeerConnectionObserverEnumsBinding.h"
namespace mozilla {
// Forward declarations
class JsepCodecDescription;
enum JsepSignalingState {
enum JsepSdpType {
enum JsepDescriptionPendingOrCurrent {
struct JsepOAOptions {};
struct JsepOfferOptions : public JsepOAOptions {
Maybe<size_t> mOfferToReceiveAudio;
Maybe<size_t> mOfferToReceiveVideo;
Maybe<bool> mIceRestart; // currently ignored by JsepSession
struct JsepAnswerOptions : public JsepOAOptions {};
enum JsepBundlePolicy { kBundleBalanced, kBundleMaxCompat, kBundleMaxBundle };
enum JsepMediaType { kNone = 0, kAudio, kVideo, kAudioVideo };
struct JsepExtmapMediaType {
JsepMediaType mMediaType;
SdpExtmapAttributeList::Extmap mExtmap;
class JsepSession {
explicit JsepSession(const std::string& name)
: mName(name), mState(kJsepStateStable), mNegotiations(0) {}
virtual ~JsepSession() {}
virtual JsepSession* Clone() const = 0;
virtual nsresult Init() = 0;
// Accessors for basic properties.
virtual const std::string& GetName() const { return mName; }
virtual JsepSignalingState GetState() const { return mState; }
virtual uint32_t GetNegotiations() const { return mNegotiations; }
// Set up the ICE And DTLS data.
virtual nsresult SetBundlePolicy(JsepBundlePolicy policy) = 0;
virtual bool RemoteIsIceLite() const = 0;
virtual std::vector<std::string> GetIceOptions() const = 0;
virtual nsresult AddDtlsFingerprint(const nsACString& algorithm,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& value) = 0;
virtual nsresult AddRtpExtension(
JsepMediaType mediaType, const std::string& extensionName,
SdpDirectionAttribute::Direction direction) = 0;
virtual nsresult AddAudioRtpExtension(
const std::string& extensionName,
SdpDirectionAttribute::Direction direction) = 0;
virtual nsresult AddVideoRtpExtension(
const std::string& extensionName,
SdpDirectionAttribute::Direction direction) = 0;
virtual nsresult AddAudioVideoRtpExtension(
const std::string& extensionName,
SdpDirectionAttribute::Direction direction) = 0;
// Kinda gross to be locking down the data structure type like this, but
// returning by value is problematic due to the lack of stl move semantics in
// our build config, since we can't use UniquePtr in the container. The
// alternative is writing a raft of accessor functions that allow arbitrary
// manipulation (which will be unwieldy), or allowing functors to be injected
// that manipulate the data structure (still pretty unwieldy).
virtual std::vector<UniquePtr<JsepCodecDescription>>& Codecs() = 0;
template <class UnaryFunction>
void ForEachCodec(UnaryFunction& function) {
std::for_each(Codecs().begin(), Codecs().end(), function);
for (auto& transceiver : GetTransceivers()) {
template <class BinaryPredicate>
void SortCodecs(BinaryPredicate& sorter) {
std::stable_sort(Codecs().begin(), Codecs().end(), sorter);
for (auto& transceiver : GetTransceivers()) {
// Would be nice to have this return a Maybe containing the return of
// |aFunction|, but Maybe cannot contain a void.
template <typename UnaryFunction>
bool ApplyToTransceiver(const std::string& aId, UnaryFunction&& aFunction) {
for (auto& transceiver : GetTransceivers()) {
if (transceiver.GetUuid() == aId) {
return true;
return false;
template <typename UnaryFunction>
void ForEachTransceiver(UnaryFunction&& aFunction) {
for (auto& transceiver : GetTransceivers()) {
template <typename UnaryFunction>
void ForEachTransceiver(UnaryFunction&& aFunction) const {
for (const auto& transceiver : GetTransceivers()) {
Maybe<const JsepTransceiver> GetTransceiver(const std::string& aId) const {
for (const auto& transceiver : GetTransceivers()) {
if (transceiver.GetUuid() == aId) {
return Some(transceiver);
return Nothing();
template <typename MatchFunction>
Maybe<const JsepTransceiver> FindTransceiver(MatchFunction&& aFunc) const {
for (const auto& transceiver : GetTransceivers()) {
if (std::forward<MatchFunction>(aFunc)(transceiver)) {
return Some(transceiver);
return Nothing();
bool SetTransceiver(const JsepTransceiver& aNew) {
return ApplyToTransceiver(aNew.GetUuid(),
[aNew](JsepTransceiver& aOld) { aOld = aNew; });
virtual void AddTransceiver(const JsepTransceiver& transceiver) = 0;
class Result {
Result() = default;
MOZ_IMPLICIT Result(dom::PCError aError) : mError(Some(aError)) {}
Maybe<dom::PCError> mError;
// Basic JSEP operations.
virtual Result CreateOffer(const JsepOfferOptions& options,
std::string* offer) = 0;
virtual Result CreateAnswer(const JsepAnswerOptions& options,
std::string* answer) = 0;
virtual std::string GetLocalDescription(
JsepDescriptionPendingOrCurrent type) const = 0;
virtual std::string GetRemoteDescription(
JsepDescriptionPendingOrCurrent type) const = 0;
virtual Result SetLocalDescription(JsepSdpType type,
const std::string& sdp) = 0;
virtual Result SetRemoteDescription(JsepSdpType type,
const std::string& sdp) = 0;
virtual Result AddRemoteIceCandidate(const std::string& candidate,
const std::string& mid,
const Maybe<uint16_t>& level,
const std::string& ufrag,
std::string* transportId) = 0;
virtual nsresult AddLocalIceCandidate(const std::string& candidate,
const std::string& transportId,
const std::string& ufrag,
uint16_t* level, std::string* mid,
bool* skipped) = 0;
virtual nsresult UpdateDefaultCandidate(
const std::string& defaultCandidateAddr, uint16_t defaultCandidatePort,
const std::string& defaultRtcpCandidateAddr,
uint16_t defaultRtcpCandidatePort, const std::string& transportId) = 0;
virtual nsresult Close() = 0;
// ICE controlling or controlled
virtual bool IsIceControlling() const = 0;
virtual Maybe<bool> IsPendingOfferer() const = 0;
virtual Maybe<bool> IsCurrentOfferer() const = 0;
virtual bool IsIceRestarting() const = 0;
virtual std::set<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> GetLocalIceCredentials()
const = 0;
virtual const std::string GetLastError() const { return "Error"; }
virtual const std::vector<std::pair<size_t, std::string>>&
GetLastSdpParsingErrors() const = 0;
static const char* GetStateStr(JsepSignalingState state) {
static const char* states[] = {"stable",
return states[state];
virtual bool CheckNegotiationNeeded() const = 0;
void CountTracksAndDatachannels(
uint16_t (&receiving)[SdpMediaSection::kMediaTypes],
uint16_t (&sending)[SdpMediaSection::kMediaTypes]) const {
memset(receiving, 0, sizeof(receiving));
memset(sending, 0, sizeof(sending));
for (const auto& transceiver : GetTransceivers()) {
if (transceiver.mRecvTrack.GetActive() ||
transceiver.GetMediaType() == SdpMediaSection::kApplication) {
if (transceiver.mSendTrack.GetActive() ||
transceiver.GetMediaType() == SdpMediaSection::kApplication) {
virtual void SetDefaultCodecs(
const std::vector<UniquePtr<JsepCodecDescription>>& aPreferredCodecs) = 0;
void SetRtxIsAllowed(bool aRtxIsAllowed) { mRtxIsAllowed = aRtxIsAllowed; }
friend class JsepSessionTest;
// Returns transceivers in the order they were added.
virtual std::vector<JsepTransceiver>& GetTransceivers() = 0;
virtual const std::vector<JsepTransceiver>& GetTransceivers() const = 0;
const std::string mName;
JsepSignalingState mState;
uint32_t mNegotiations;
bool mRtxIsAllowed = true;
} // namespace mozilla