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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
#pragma once
#include "domstubs.h"
#include "mozilla/LinkedList.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/BindingDeclarations.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/RTCStatsReportBinding.h"
#include "nsDOMNavigationTiming.h"
#include "nsHashKeys.h"
namespace mozilla::dom {
class WebrtcGlobalStatisticsHistoryCallback;
struct RTCStatsReportInternal;
struct WebrtcGlobalStatsHistory {
// History preferences
struct Pref {
static auto Enabled() -> bool;
static auto PollIntervalMs() -> uint32_t;
static auto StorageWindowS() -> uint32_t;
static auto PruneAfterM() -> uint32_t;
static auto ClosedStatsToRetain() -> uint32_t;
Pref() = delete;
~Pref() = delete;
struct Entry {
// We need to wrap the report in an element
struct ReportElement : public LinkedListElement<ReportElement> {
UniquePtr<RTCStatsReportInternal> report;
auto Timestamp() const -> DOMHighResTimeStamp;
virtual ~ReportElement() = default;
// And likewise for the SDP history
struct SdpElement : public LinkedListElement<SdpElement> {
RTCSdpHistoryEntryInternal sdp;
auto Timestamp() const -> DOMHighResTimeStamp;
virtual ~SdpElement() = default;
explicit Entry(const nsString& aPcid, const bool aIsLongTermStatsDisabled)
: mPcid(aPcid), mIsLongTermStatsDisabled(aIsLongTermStatsDisabled) {}
nsString mPcid;
AutoCleanLinkedList<ReportElement> mReports;
AutoCleanLinkedList<SdpElement> mSdp;
bool mIsLongTermStatsDisabled;
bool mIsClosed = false;
auto Since(const Maybe<DOMHighResTimeStamp>& aAfter) const
-> nsTArray<RTCStatsReportInternal>;
auto SdpSince(const Maybe<DOMHighResTimeStamp>& aAfter) const
-> RTCSdpHistoryInternal;
static auto MakeReportElement(UniquePtr<RTCStatsReportInternal> aReport)
-> ReportElement*;
static auto MakeSdpElementsSince(
Sequence<RTCSdpHistoryEntryInternal>&& aSdpHistory,
const Maybe<DOMHighResTimeStamp>& aSdpAfter)
-> AutoCleanLinkedList<SdpElement>;
auto Prune(const DOMHighResTimeStamp aBefore) -> void;
virtual ~Entry() = default;
using StatsMap = nsTHashMap<nsStringHashKey, RefPtr<Entry> >;
static auto InitHistory(const nsAString& aPcId,
const bool aIsLongTermStatsDisabled) -> void;
static auto Record(UniquePtr<RTCStatsReportInternal> aReport) -> void;
static auto CloseHistory(const nsAString& aPcId) -> void;
static auto GetHistory(const nsAString& aPcId) -> Maybe<RefPtr<Entry> >;
static auto Clear() -> void;
static auto PcIds() -> dom::Sequence<nsString>;
WebrtcGlobalStatsHistory() = delete;
static auto Get() -> StatsMap&;
} // namespace mozilla::dom