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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#include "ErrorList.h"
#include "MediaData.h"
#include "PlatformEncoderModule.h"
#include "js/TypeDecls.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/MozPromise.h"
#include "mozilla/Result.h"
#include "mozilla/TaskQueue.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/AudioDataBinding.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/BindingDeclarations.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Nullable.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/UnionTypes.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/VideoEncoderBinding.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/VideoFrameBinding.h"
namespace mozilla {
namespace gfx {
enum class ColorRange : uint8_t;
enum class ColorSpace2 : uint8_t;
enum class SurfaceFormat : int8_t;
enum class TransferFunction : uint8_t;
enum class YUVColorSpace : uint8_t;
} // namespace gfx
using WebCodecsId = size_t;
extern std::atomic<WebCodecsId> sNextId;
struct EncoderConfigurationChangeList;
namespace dom {
* The followings are helpers for WebCodecs methods.
nsTArray<nsCString> GuessContainers(const nsAString& aCodec);
Maybe<nsString> ParseCodecString(const nsAString& aCodec);
bool IsSameColorSpace(const VideoColorSpaceInit& aLhs,
const VideoColorSpaceInit& aRhs);
* Below are helpers for conversion among Maybe, Optional, and Nullable.
template <typename T>
Maybe<T> OptionalToMaybe(const Optional<T>& aOptional) {
if (aOptional.WasPassed()) {
return Some(aOptional.Value());
return Nothing();
template <typename T>
const T* OptionalToPointer(const Optional<T>& aOptional) {
return aOptional.WasPassed() ? &aOptional.Value() : nullptr;
template <typename T>
Maybe<T> NullableToMaybe(const Nullable<T>& aNullable) {
if (!aNullable.IsNull()) {
return Some(aNullable.Value());
return Nothing();
template <typename T>
Nullable<T> MaybeToNullable(const Maybe<T>& aOptional) {
if (aOptional.isSome()) {
return Nullable<T>(aOptional.value());
return Nullable<T>();
* Below are helpers to operate ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView.
Result<Ok, nsresult> CloneBuffer(
JSContext* aCx,
OwningMaybeSharedArrayBufferViewOrMaybeSharedArrayBuffer& aDest,
const OwningMaybeSharedArrayBufferViewOrMaybeSharedArrayBuffer& aSrc,
ErrorResult& aRv);
Result<RefPtr<MediaByteBuffer>, nsresult> GetExtraDataFromArrayBuffer(
const OwningMaybeSharedArrayBufferViewOrMaybeSharedArrayBuffer& aBuffer);
bool CopyExtradataToDescription(
JSContext* aCx, Span<const uint8_t>& aSrc,
OwningMaybeSharedArrayBufferViewOrMaybeSharedArrayBuffer& aDest);
* The following are utilities to convert between VideoColorSpace values to
* gfx's values.
enum class VideoColorPrimaries : uint8_t;
enum class VideoMatrixCoefficients : uint8_t;
enum class VideoTransferCharacteristics : uint8_t;
gfx::ColorRange ToColorRange(bool aIsFullRange);
gfx::YUVColorSpace ToColorSpace(VideoMatrixCoefficients aMatrix);
gfx::TransferFunction ToTransferFunction(
VideoTransferCharacteristics aTransfer);
gfx::ColorSpace2 ToPrimaries(VideoColorPrimaries aPrimaries);
bool ToFullRange(const gfx::ColorRange& aColorRange);
Maybe<VideoMatrixCoefficients> ToMatrixCoefficients(
const gfx::YUVColorSpace& aColorSpace);
Maybe<VideoTransferCharacteristics> ToTransferCharacteristics(
const gfx::TransferFunction& aTransferFunction);
Maybe<VideoColorPrimaries> ToPrimaries(const gfx::ColorSpace2& aColorSpace);
* The following are utilities to convert from gfx's formats to
* VideoPixelFormats.
enum class ImageBitmapFormat : uint8_t;
enum class VideoPixelFormat : uint8_t;
Maybe<VideoPixelFormat> SurfaceFormatToVideoPixelFormat(
gfx::SurfaceFormat aFormat);
Maybe<VideoPixelFormat> ImageBitmapFormatToVideoPixelFormat(
ImageBitmapFormat aFormat);
template <typename T>
class MessageRequestHolder {
MessageRequestHolder() = default;
~MessageRequestHolder() = default;
MozPromiseRequestHolder<T>& Request() { return mRequest; }
void Disconnect() { mRequest.DisconnectIfExists(); }
void Complete() { mRequest.Complete(); }
bool Exists() const { return mRequest.Exists(); }
MozPromiseRequestHolder<T> mRequest{};
enum class MessageProcessedResult { NotProcessed, Processed };
bool IsOnAndroid();
bool IsOnMacOS();
bool IsOnLinux();
// Wrap a type to make it unique. This allows using ergonomically in the Variant
// below. Simply aliasing with `using` isn't enough, because typedefs in C++
// don't produce strong types, so two integer variants result in
// the same type, making it ambiguous to the Variant code.
// T is the type to be wrapped. Phantom is a type that is only used to
// disambiguate and should be unique in the program.
template <typename T, typename Phantom>
class StrongTypedef {
explicit StrongTypedef(T const& value) : mValue(value) {}
explicit StrongTypedef(T&& value) : mValue(std::move(value)) {}
T& get() { return mValue; }
T const& get() const { return mValue; }
T mValue;
using CodecChange = StrongTypedef<nsString, struct CodecChangeTypeWebCodecs>;
using DimensionsChange =
StrongTypedef<gfx::IntSize, struct DimensionsChangeTypeWebCodecs>;
using DisplayDimensionsChange =
struct DisplayDimensionsChangeTypeWebCodecs>;
using BitrateChange =
StrongTypedef<Maybe<uint32_t>, struct BitrateChangeTypeWebCodecs>;
using FramerateChange =
StrongTypedef<Maybe<double>, struct FramerateChangeTypeWebCodecs>;
using HardwareAccelerationChange =
struct HardwareAccelerationChangeTypeWebCodecs>;
using AlphaChange =
StrongTypedef<dom::AlphaOption, struct AlphaChangeTypeWebCodecs>;
using ScalabilityModeChange =
StrongTypedef<Maybe<nsString>, struct ScalabilityModeChangeTypeWebCodecs>;
using BitrateModeChange = StrongTypedef<dom::VideoEncoderBitrateMode,
struct BitrateModeChangeTypeWebCodecs>;
using LatencyModeChange =
StrongTypedef<dom::LatencyMode, struct LatencyModeTypeChangeTypeWebCodecs>;
using ContentHintChange =
StrongTypedef<Maybe<nsString>, struct ContentHintTypeTypeWebCodecs>;
using WebCodecsEncoderConfigurationItem =
Variant<CodecChange, DimensionsChange, DisplayDimensionsChange,
BitrateModeChange, BitrateChange, FramerateChange,
HardwareAccelerationChange, AlphaChange, ScalabilityModeChange,
LatencyModeChange, ContentHintChange>;
struct WebCodecsConfigurationChangeList {
bool Empty() const { return mChanges.IsEmpty(); }
template <typename T>
void Push(const T& aItem) {
// This returns true if it should be possible to attempt to reconfigure the
// encoder on the fly. It can fail, in which case the encoder will be flushed
// and a new one will be created with the new set of parameters.
bool CanAttemptReconfigure() const;
// Convert this to the format the underlying PEM can understand
RefPtr<EncoderConfigurationChangeList> ToPEMChangeList() const;
nsCString ToString() const;
nsTArray<WebCodecsEncoderConfigurationItem> mChanges;
~WebCodecsConfigurationChangeList() = default;
nsCString ColorSpaceInitToString(
const dom::VideoColorSpaceInit& aColorSpaceInit);
RefPtr<TaskQueue> GetWebCodecsEncoderTaskQueue();
VideoColorSpaceInit FallbackColorSpaceForVideoContent();
VideoColorSpaceInit FallbackColorSpaceForWebContent();
Maybe<CodecType> CodecStringToCodecType(const nsAString& aCodecString);
nsCString ConfigToString(const VideoDecoderConfig& aConfig);
// Returns true if a particular codec is supported by WebCodecs.
bool IsSupportedVideoCodec(const nsAString& aCodec);
bool IsSupportedAudioCodec(const nsAString& aCodec);
// Returns the codec string to use in Gecko for a particular container and
// codec name given by WebCodecs. This maps pcm description to the profile
// number, and simply returns the codec name for all other codecs.
nsCString ConvertCodecName(const nsCString& aContainer,
const nsCString& aCodec);
uint32_t BytesPerSamples(const mozilla::dom::AudioSampleFormat& aFormat);
} // namespace dom
} // namespace mozilla