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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef WMF_H_
#define WMF_H_
#include <windows.h>
#include <mfapi.h>
#include <mfidl.h>
#include <mfreadwrite.h>
#include <mfobjects.h>
#include <ks.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mferror.h>
#include <propvarutil.h>
#include <wmcodecdsp.h>
#include <d3d9.h>
#include <dxva2api.h>
#include <wmcodecdsp.h>
#include <codecapi.h>
#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
#include "mozilla/AppShutdown.h"
#include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticMutex.h"
#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
// The Windows headers helpfully declare min and max macros, which don't
// compile in the presence of std::min and std::max and unified builds.
// So undef them here.
#ifdef min
# undef min
#ifdef max
# undef max
#ifndef MFAudioFormat_Opus
DEFINE_GUID(MFAudioFormat_Opus, WAVE_FORMAT_OPUS, 0x000, 0x0010, 0x80, 0x00,
0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x38, 0x9b, 0x71);
const inline GUID CLSID_CMSVPXDecMFT = {
{0x23, 0x4d, 0x5a, 0xda, 0x37, 0x4b, 0x00, 0x00}};
namespace mozilla::wmf {
// A helper class for automatically starting and shuting down the Media
// Foundation. Prior to using Media Foundation in a process, users should call
// MediaFoundationInitializer::HasInitialized() to ensure Media Foundation is
// initialized. Users should also check the result of this call, in case the
// internal call to MFStartup fails. The first check to HasInitialized will
// cause the helper to start up Media Foundation and set up a runnable to handle
// Media Foundation shutdown at XPCOM shutdown. Calls after the first will not
// cause any extra startups or shutdowns, so it's safe to check multiple times
// in the same process. Users do not need to do any manual shutdown, the helper
// will handle this internally.
class MediaFoundationInitializer final {
~MediaFoundationInitializer() {
if (mHasInitialized) {
if (FAILED(MFShutdown())) {
NS_WARNING("MFShutdown failed");
static bool HasInitialized() {
if (sIsShutdown) {
return false;
auto* rv = Get();
return rv ? rv->mHasInitialized : false;
static MediaFoundationInitializer* Get() {
StaticMutexAutoLock lock(sCreateMutex);
if (!sInitializer) {
// Already in shutdown.
if (AppShutdown::GetCurrentShutdownPhase() !=
ShutdownPhase::NotInShutdown) {
sIsShutdown = true;
return nullptr;
sInitializer.reset(new MediaFoundationInitializer());
auto shutdownCleanUp = [&] {
if (AppShutdown::GetCurrentShutdownPhase() !=
ShutdownPhase::NotInShutdown) {
sIsShutdown = true;
// As MFShutdown needs to run on the MTA thread that is destroyed
// on XPCOMShutdownThreads, so we need to run cleanup before that
// phase.
[&]() {
sIsShutdown = true;
if (NS_IsMainThread()) {
} else {
"MediaFoundationInitializer::Get", shutdownCleanUp));
return sInitializer.get();
MediaFoundationInitializer() : mHasInitialized(SUCCEEDED(MFStartup())) {
if (!mHasInitialized) {
NS_WARNING("MFStartup failed");
// If successful, loads all required WMF DLLs and calls the WMF MFStartup()
// function. This delegates the WMF MFStartup() call to the MTA thread if
// the current thread is not MTA. This is to ensure we always interact with
// WMF from threads with the same COM compartment model.
HRESULT MFStartup();
// Calls the WMF MFShutdown() function. Call this once for every time
// wmf::MFStartup() succeeds. Note: does not unload the WMF DLLs loaded by
// MFStartup(); leaves them in memory to save I/O at next MFStartup() call.
// This delegates the WMF MFShutdown() call to the MTA thread if the current
// thread is not MTA. This is to ensure we always interact with
// WMF from threads with the same COM compartment model.
HRESULT MFShutdown();
MOZ_RUNINIT static inline UniquePtr<MediaFoundationInitializer> sInitializer;
static inline StaticMutex sCreateMutex;
static inline Atomic<bool> sIsShutdown{false};
const bool mHasInitialized;
// All functions below are wrappers around the corresponding WMF function,
// and automatically locate and call the corresponding function in the WMF DLLs.
HRESULT MFCreateMediaType(IMFMediaType** aOutMFType);
HRESULT MFGetStrideForBitmapInfoHeader(DWORD aFormat, DWORD aWidth,
LONG* aOutStride);
HRESULT MFGetService(IUnknown* punkObject, REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid,
LPVOID* ppvObject);
HRESULT DXVA2CreateDirect3DDeviceManager9(
UINT* pResetToken, IDirect3DDeviceManager9** ppDXVAManager);
HRESULT MFCreateDXGIDeviceManager(UINT* pResetToken,
IMFDXGIDeviceManager** ppDXVAManager);
HRESULT MFCreateSample(IMFSample** ppIMFSample);
HRESULT MFCreateAlignedMemoryBuffer(DWORD cbMaxLength, DWORD fAlignmentFlags,
IMFMediaBuffer** ppBuffer);
HRESULT MFCreateDXGISurfaceBuffer(REFIID riid, IUnknown* punkSurface,
UINT uSubresourceIndex,
BOOL fButtomUpWhenLinear,
IMFMediaBuffer** ppBuffer);
HRESULT MFTEnumEx(GUID guidCategory, UINT32 Flags,
const MFT_REGISTER_TYPE_INFO* pOutputType,
IMFActivate*** pppMFTActivate, UINT32* pnumMFTActivate);
MFT_REGISTER_TYPE_INFO** ppInputTypes, UINT32* pcInputTypes,
UINT32* pcOutputTypes, IMFAttributes** ppAttributes);
HRESULT MFCreateAttributes(IMFAttributes** ppMFAttributes, UINT32 cInitialSize);
HRESULT MFCreateEventQueue(IMFMediaEventQueue** ppMediaEventQueue);
HRESULT MFCreateStreamDescriptor(DWORD dwStreamIdentifier, DWORD cMediaTypes,
IMFMediaType** apMediaTypes,
IMFStreamDescriptor** ppDescriptor);
HRESULT MFCreateAsyncResult(IUnknown* punkObject, IMFAsyncCallback* pCallback,
IUnknown* punkState,
IMFAsyncResult** ppAsyncResult);
HRESULT MFCreatePresentationDescriptor(
DWORD cStreamDescriptors, IMFStreamDescriptor** apStreamDescriptors,
IMFPresentationDescriptor** ppPresentationDescriptor);
HRESULT MFCreateMemoryBuffer(DWORD cbMaxLength, IMFMediaBuffer** ppBuffer);
HRESULT MFLockDXGIDeviceManager(UINT* pResetToken,
IMFDXGIDeviceManager** ppManager);
HRESULT MFUnlockDXGIDeviceManager();
HRESULT MFPutWorkItem(DWORD dwQueue, IMFAsyncCallback* pCallback,
IUnknown* pState);
HRESULT MFSerializeAttributesToStream(IMFAttributes* pAttr, DWORD dwOptions,
IStream* pStm);
HRESULT MFWrapMediaType(IMFMediaType* pOrig, REFGUID MajorType, REFGUID SubType,
IMFMediaType** ppWrap);
} // namespace mozilla::wmf