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<title>MSE: Auto eviction for a new playback position not in the current buffered range</title>
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// This test is used to ensure that the auto eviction will kick in after seeking
// to a new position which is not in the current buffered range and the buffer
// is already near full. If we don't evict enough data for this case, we would
// not be able to append new data for the new range which contains the seek
// target.
// Set this to a low value in order to reproduce the issue quickly.
["", 200000],
runWithMSE(async (ms, el) => {
el.controls = true;
await once(ms, "sourceopen");
ok(true, "Receive a sourceopen event");
const videosb = ms.addSourceBuffer("video/mp4");
await fetchAndLoad(videosb, "bipbop/bipbop_video", ["init"], ".mp4");
// After appending those data, the buffered range will be (1.601667, 7.208333)
// and the buffer will be almost full (191kB/195kB)
for (let idx = 3; idx < 10; idx++) {
info(`Loading range [${idx}:${idx+1}]`);
await fetchAndLoad(videosb, "bipbop/bipbop_video", range(idx, idx +1), ".m4s");
// Seek to the position which is before the buffer's start time, and it should
// trigger the auto eviction in order to allow us to append more data later.
info(`Seek to the position which is earlier than the buffer's start`);
await seekAndFetchData(el, 0, videosb, range(1, 2));
info(`Seek to the position which is later than the buffer's end`);
await seekAndFetchData(el, 7.5, videosb, range(10, 11));
// Helper functions
async function seekAndFetchData(el, seekTime, sb, range) {
const promise = once(el, "seeked");
const start = sb.buffered.start(0);
const end = sb.buffered.end(sb.buffered.length - 1);
// We need to wait for the data eviction finish first after seeking.
el.currentTime = seekTime;
await monitorBufferedChange(sb);
const newStart = sb.buffered.start(0);
const newEnd = sb.buffered.end(sb.buffered.length - 1);
info(`Buffer range is changed from [${start}, ${end}] to [${newStart}, ${newEnd}]`);
// Check if we evict data from the correct side of the buffer.
if (seekTime > end) {
ok(newStart > start, "Evicted data from the head");
} else {
ok(newEnd < end, "Evicted data from the tail");
try {
info(`Append the data containing the seek target`);
await fetchAndLoad(sb, "bipbop/bipbop_video", range, ".m4s");
} catch (error) {
ok( == "QuotaExceededError", "We shouldn't get other error");
ok(false, "Should be able to append new data due to the auto eviction");
await promise;
info(`Succefully appended new data and seeked to the desired position`);
function monitorBufferedChange(sourceBuffer) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const lastBuffered = sourceBuffer.buffered;
const checkBufferedChange = () => {
if (sourceBuffer.buffered !== lastBuffered) {
ok(true, `Source buffered range has changed`);
const intervalId = setInterval(checkBufferedChange, 100);