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Test Info: Errors

<title>MSE: basic functionality</title>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="mediasource.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<pre id="test">
<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
runWithMSE(async (ms, el) => {
el.controls = true;
await once(ms, "sourceopen");
ok(true, "Receive a sourceopen event");
const audiosb = ms.addSourceBuffer("audio/mp4");
const videosb = ms.addSourceBuffer("video/mp4");
el.addEventListener("error", e => {
ok(false, `should not fire ${e.type} event`);
is(el.readyState, el.HAVE_NOTHING, "readyState is HAVE_NOTHING");
must_not_throw(() => el.currentTime = 3, "setting currentTime is valid");
is(el.currentTime, 3, "currentTime is default playback start position");
is(el.seeking, false, "seek not started with HAVE_NOTHING");
await Promise.all([
fetchAndLoad(audiosb, "bipbop/bipbop_audio", ["init"], ".mp4"),
fetchAndLoad(videosb, "bipbop/bipbop_video", ["init"], ".mp4"),
once(el, "loadedmetadata"),
const p = once(el, "seeking");;
el.currentTime = 5;
is(el.readyState, el.HAVE_METADATA, "readyState is HAVE_METADATA");
is(el.seeking, true, "seek not started with HAVE_METADATA");
is(el.currentTime, 5, "currentTime is seek position");
await p;
ok(true, "Got seeking event");
await Promise.all([
once(el, "seeked"),
fetchAndLoad(audiosb, "bipbop/bipbop_audio", range(5, 9), ".m4s"),
fetchAndLoad(videosb, "bipbop/bipbop_video", range(6, 10), ".m4s"),
ok(true, "Got seeked event");
ok(el.currentTime >= 5, "Time >= 5");
await once(el, "ended");