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<title>MSE: Append buffer with multiple init segments</title>
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runWithMSE(async (ms, v) => {
await once(ms, "sourceopen");
const sb = ms.addSourceBuffer("video/mp4");
const init = new Uint8Array(await fetchWithXHR("bipbop/bipbop_videoinit.mp4"));
const segment1 = new Uint8Array(await fetchWithXHR("bipbop/bipbop_video1.m4s"));
const segment2 = new Uint8Array(await fetchWithXHR("bipbop/bipbop_video2.m4s"));
const data = [init, segment1, init, segment2];
const length = => d.byteLength).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
const arrayBuffer = new Uint8Array(length);
let pos = 0;
for (const buffer of data) {
arrayBuffer.set(buffer, pos);
pos += buffer.byteLength;
await loadSegment(sb, arrayBuffer);
// Since we are passing multiple segments in one buffer,
// the first durationchange event from parsing the init
// segment will be fired before updateend.
const p = once(v, "durationchange");
await p;
ok(v.duration, 1.601666);