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<title>MSE: Don't get stuck buffering for too long when we have frames to show</title>
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runWithMSE(async (ms, v) => {
await once(ms, "sourceopen");
ok(true, "Receive a sourceopen event");
ms.addEventListener("sourceopen", () => ok(false, "No more sourceopen"));
const sb = ms.addSourceBuffer("video/mp4");
ok(sb, "Create a SourceBuffer");
sb.addEventListener("error", e => {
ok(false, "Got Error: " + e);
// Load just the beginning of the media, and the end. Verify
// that canplaythrough isn't fired, and waiting is fired.
await fetchAndLoad(sb, "bipbop/bipbop_video", ["init"], ".mp4");
await fetchAndLoad(sb, "bipbop/bipbop_video", ["1"], ".m4s");
await fetchAndLoad(sb, "bipbop/bipbop_video", ["9"], ".m4s");
// Slighly before the end of the first segment.
v.currentTime = v.buffered.end(0) - 0.1;
v.onseeked = function() {
is(v.readyState, HTMLMediaElement.HAVE_FUTURE_DATA,
"readyState is HAVE_FUTURE_DATA after seeking close to a large gap");
v.oncanplaythrough = function() {
ok(false, "Should not have received canplaythrough");