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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#include "MediaControlKeySource.h"
#include "MediaEventSource.h"
#include "MediaPlaybackStatus.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/MediaMetadata.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/MediaSessionBinding.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "nsTHashMap.h"
#include "nsISupportsImpl.h"
namespace mozilla::dom {
class MediaSessionInfo {
MediaSessionInfo() = default;
explicit MediaSessionInfo(MediaMetadataBase& aMetadata) {
MediaSessionInfo(MediaMetadataBase& aMetadata,
MediaSessionPlaybackState& aState) {
mDeclaredPlaybackState = aState;
static MediaSessionInfo EmptyInfo() { return MediaSessionInfo(); }
static uint32_t GetActionBitMask(MediaSessionAction aAction) {
return 1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(aAction);
void EnableAction(MediaSessionAction aAction) {
mSupportedActions |= GetActionBitMask(aAction);
void DisableAction(MediaSessionAction aAction) {
mSupportedActions &= ~GetActionBitMask(aAction);
bool IsActionSupported(MediaSessionAction aAction) const {
return mSupportedActions & GetActionBitMask(aAction);
// These attributes are all propagated from the media session in the content
// process.
Maybe<MediaMetadataBase> mMetadata;
MediaSessionPlaybackState mDeclaredPlaybackState =
Maybe<PositionState> mPositionState;
// Use bitwise to store the supported actions.
uint32_t mSupportedActions = 0;
* IMediaInfoUpdater is an interface which provides methods to update the media
* related information that happens in the content process.
class IMediaInfoUpdater {
// Use this method to update controlled media's playback state and the
// browsing context where controlled media exists. When notifying the state
// change, we MUST follow the following rules.
// (1) `eStart` MUST be the first state and `eStop` MUST be the last state
// (2) Do not notify same state again
// (3) `ePaused` can only be notified after notifying `ePlayed`.
virtual void NotifyMediaPlaybackChanged(uint64_t aBrowsingContextId,
MediaPlaybackState aState) = 0;
// Use this method to update the audible state of controlled media, and MUST
// follow the following rules in which `audible` and `inaudible` should be a
// pair. `inaudible` should always be notified after `audible`. When audible
// media paused, `inaudible` should be notified
// Eg. (O) `audible` -> `inaudible` -> `audible` -> `inaudible`
// (X) `inaudible` -> `audible` [notify `inaudible` before `audible`]
// (X) `audible` -> `audible` [notify `audible` twice]
// (X) `audible` -> (media pauses) [forgot to notify `inaudible`]
virtual void NotifyMediaAudibleChanged(uint64_t aBrowsingContextId,
MediaAudibleState aState) = 0;
// Use this method to update media session's declared playback state for the
// specific media session.
virtual void SetDeclaredPlaybackState(uint64_t aBrowsingContextId,
MediaSessionPlaybackState aState) = 0;
// Use these methods to update controller's media session list. We'd use it
// when media session is created/destroyed in the content process.
virtual void NotifySessionCreated(uint64_t aBrowsingContextId) = 0;
virtual void NotifySessionDestroyed(uint64_t aBrowsingContextId) = 0;
// Use this method to update the metadata for the specific media session.
virtual void UpdateMetadata(uint64_t aBrowsingContextId,
const Maybe<MediaMetadataBase>& aMetadata) = 0;
// Use this method to update the picture in picture mode state of controlled
// media, and it's safe to notify same state again.
virtual void SetIsInPictureInPictureMode(uint64_t aBrowsingContextId,
bool aIsInPictureInPictureMode) = 0;
// Use these methods to update the supported media session action for the
// specific media session. For a media session from a given browsing context,
// do not re-enable the same action, or disable the action without enabling it
// before.
virtual void EnableAction(uint64_t aBrowsingContextId,
MediaSessionAction aAction) = 0;
virtual void DisableAction(uint64_t aBrowsingContextId,
MediaSessionAction aAction) = 0;
// Use this method when media enters or leaves the fullscreen.
virtual void NotifyMediaFullScreenState(uint64_t aBrowsingContextId,
bool aIsInFullScreen) = 0;
// Use this method when media session update its position state.
virtual void UpdatePositionState(uint64_t aBrowsingContextId,
const Maybe<PositionState>& aState) = 0;
// Use this method to update controlled media's position state and the
// browsing context where controlled media exists.
virtual void UpdateGuessedPositionState(
uint64_t aBrowsingContextId, const nsID& aMediaId,
const Maybe<PositionState>& aGuessedState) = 0;
* MediaStatusManager would decide the media related status which can represents
* the whole tab. The status includes the playback status, tab's metadata and
* the active media session ID if it exists.
* We would use `IMediaInfoUpdater` methods to update the media playback related
* information and then use `MediaPlaybackStatus` to determine the final
* playback state.
* The metadata would be the one from the active media session, or the default
* one. This class would determine which media session is an active media
* session [1] whithin a tab. It tracks all alive media sessions within a tab
* and store their metadata which could be used to show on the virtual media
* control interface. In addition, we can use it to get the current media
* metadata even if there is no media session existing. However, the meaning of
* active media session here is not equal to the definition from the spec [1].
* We just choose the session which is the active one inside the tab, the global
* active media session among different tabs would be the one inside the main
* controller which is determined by MediaControlService.
class MediaStatusManager : public IMediaInfoUpdater {
explicit MediaStatusManager(uint64_t aBrowsingContextId);
// IMediaInfoUpdater's methods
void NotifyMediaPlaybackChanged(uint64_t aBrowsingContextId,
MediaPlaybackState aState) override;
void NotifyMediaAudibleChanged(uint64_t aBrowsingContextId,
MediaAudibleState aState) override;
void SetDeclaredPlaybackState(uint64_t aSessionContextId,
MediaSessionPlaybackState aState) override;
void NotifySessionCreated(uint64_t aSessionContextId) override;
void NotifySessionDestroyed(uint64_t aSessionContextId) override;
void UpdateMetadata(uint64_t aSessionContextId,
const Maybe<MediaMetadataBase>& aMetadata) override;
void EnableAction(uint64_t aBrowsingContextId,
MediaSessionAction aAction) override;
void DisableAction(uint64_t aBrowsingContextId,
MediaSessionAction aAction) override;
void UpdatePositionState(uint64_t aBrowsingContextId,
const Maybe<PositionState>& aState) override;
void UpdateGuessedPositionState(
uint64_t aBrowsingContextId, const nsID& aMediaId,
const Maybe<PositionState>& aGuessedState) override;
// Return active media session's metadata if active media session exists and
// it has already set its metadata. Otherwise, return default media metadata
// which is based on website's title and favicon.
MediaMetadataBase GetCurrentMediaMetadata() const;
// Return the active media session's position state. If the active media
// session doesn't exist or doesn't have any state, Nothing is returned.
Maybe<PositionState> GetCurrentPositionState() const;
bool IsMediaAudible() const;
bool IsMediaPlaying() const;
bool IsAnyMediaBeingControlled() const;
// These events would be notified when the active media session's certain
// property changes.
MediaEventSource<MediaMetadataBase>& MetadataChangedEvent() {
return mMetadataChangedEvent;
MediaEventSource<Maybe<PositionState>>& PositionChangedEvent() {
return mPositionStateChangedEvent;
MediaEventSource<MediaSessionPlaybackState>& PlaybackChangedEvent() {
return mPlaybackStateChangedEvent;
// Return the actual playback state.
MediaSessionPlaybackState PlaybackState() const;
// When page title changes, we might need to update it on the default
// metadata as well.
void NotifyPageTitleChanged();
~MediaStatusManager() = default;
// This event would be notified when the active media session changes its
// supported actions.
SupportedActionsChangedEvent() {
return mSupportedActionsChangedEvent;
uint64_t mTopLevelBrowsingContextId;
// Within a tab, the Id of the browsing context which has already created a
// media session and owns the audio focus within a tab.
Maybe<uint64_t> mActiveMediaSessionContextId;
void ClearActiveMediaSessionContextIdIfNeeded();
nsString GetDefaultFaviconURL() const;
nsString GetDefaultTitle() const;
nsCString GetUrl() const;
MediaMetadataBase CreateDefaultMetadata() const;
bool IsInPrivateBrowsing() const;
void FillMissingTitleAndArtworkIfNeeded(MediaMetadataBase& aMetadata) const;
bool IsSessionOwningAudioFocus(uint64_t aBrowsingContextId) const;
void SetActiveMediaSessionContextId(uint64_t aBrowsingContextId);
void HandleAudioFocusOwnerChanged(Maybe<uint64_t>& aBrowsingContextId);
void NotifySupportedKeysChangedIfNeeded(uint64_t aBrowsingContextId);
// Return a copyable array filled with the supported media session actions.
// Use copyable array so that we can use the result as a parameter for the
// media event.
CopyableTArray<MediaSessionAction> GetSupportedActions() const;
void StoreMediaSessionContextIdOnWindowContext();
// When the amount of playing media changes, we would use this function to
// update the guessed playback state.
void SetGuessedPlayState(MediaSessionPlaybackState aState);
// Whenever the declared playback state or the guessed playback state changes,
// we should recompute actual playback state to know if we need to update the
// virtual control interface.
void UpdateActualPlaybackState();
// Return the active media session's declared playback state. If the active
// media session doesn't exist, return 'None' instead.
MediaSessionPlaybackState GetCurrentDeclaredPlaybackState() const;
// This state can match to the `guessed playback state` in the spec [1], it
// indicates if we have any media element playing within the tab which this
// controller belongs to. But currently we only take media elements into
// account, which is different from the way the spec recommends. In addition,
// We don't support web audio and plugin and not consider audible state of
// media.
MediaSessionPlaybackState mGuessedPlaybackState =
// This playback state would be the final playback which can be used to know
// if the controller is playing or not.
MediaSessionPlaybackState mActualPlaybackState =
nsTHashMap<nsUint64HashKey, MediaSessionInfo> mMediaSessionInfoMap;
MediaEventProducer<MediaMetadataBase> mMetadataChangedEvent;
MediaEventProducer<Maybe<PositionState>> mPositionStateChangedEvent;
MediaEventProducer<MediaSessionPlaybackState> mPlaybackStateChangedEvent;
MediaPlaybackStatus mPlaybackStatusDelegate;
} // namespace mozilla::dom