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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef GMPParent_h_
#define GMPParent_h_
#include "GMPNativeTypes.h"
#include "GMPProcessParent.h"
#include "GMPServiceParent.h"
#include "GMPVideoDecoderParent.h"
#include "GMPVideoEncoderParent.h"
#include "GMPTimerParent.h"
#include "GMPStorageParent.h"
#include "mozilla/gmp/PGMPParent.h"
#include "mozilla/ipc/CrashReporterHelper.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nscore.h"
#include "nsISupports.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "nsIFile.h"
#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
#include "mozilla/MozPromise.h"
namespace mozilla::gmp {
class GMPCapability {
explicit GMPCapability() = default;
GMPCapability(GMPCapability&& aOther)
: mAPIName(std::move(aOther.mAPIName)),
mAPITags(std::move(aOther.mAPITags)) {}
explicit GMPCapability(const nsACString& aAPIName) : mAPIName(aAPIName) {}
explicit GMPCapability(const GMPCapability& aOther) = default;
nsCString mAPIName;
CopyableTArray<nsCString> mAPITags;
static bool Supports(const nsTArray<GMPCapability>& aCapabilities,
const nsACString& aAPI,
const nsTArray<nsCString>& aTags);
static bool Supports(const nsTArray<GMPCapability>& aCapabilities,
const nsACString& aAPI, const nsCString& aTag);
enum class GMPState : uint32_t {
class GMPContentParent;
class GMPParent final
: public PGMPParent,
public ipc::CrashReporterHelper<GeckoProcessType_GMPlugin> {
friend class PGMPParent;
RefPtr<GenericPromise> Init(GeckoMediaPluginServiceParent* aService,
nsIFile* aPluginDir);
void CloneFrom(const GMPParent* aOther);
void Crash();
nsresult LoadProcess();
// Called internally to close this if we don't need it
void CloseIfUnused();
// Notify all active de/encoders that we are closing, either because of
// normal shutdown or unexpected shutdown/crash.
void CloseActive(bool aDieWhenUnloaded);
// Tell the plugin to die after shutdown.
void MarkForDeletion();
bool IsMarkedForDeletion();
// Called by the GMPService to forcibly close active de/encoders at shutdown
void Shutdown();
// This must not be called while we're in the middle of abnormal ActorDestroy
void DeleteProcess();
GMPState State() const;
nsCOMPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> GMPEventTarget();
void OnPreferenceChange(const mozilla::dom::Pref& aPref);
// A GMP can either be a single instance shared across all NodeIds (like
// in the OpenH264 case), or we can require a new plugin instance for every
// NodeIds running the plugin (as in the EME plugin case).
// A NodeId is a hash of the ($urlBarOrigin, $ownerDocOrigin) pair.
// Plugins are associated with an NodeIds by calling SetNodeId() before
// loading.
// If a plugin has no NodeId specified and it is loaded, it is assumed to
// be shared across NodeIds.
// Specifies that a GMP can only work with the specified NodeIds.
void SetNodeId(const nsACString& aNodeId);
const nsACString& GetNodeId() const { return mNodeId; }
const nsCString& GetDisplayName() const;
const nsCString& GetVersion() const;
uint32_t GetPluginId() const;
GMPPluginType GetPluginType() const { return mPluginType; }
nsString GetPluginBaseName() const;
// Returns true if a plugin can be or is being used across multiple NodeIds.
bool CanBeSharedCrossNodeIds() const;
// A GMP can be used from a NodeId if it's already been set to work with
// that NodeId, or if it's not been set to work with any NodeId and has
// not yet been loaded (i.e. it's not shared across NodeIds).
bool CanBeUsedFrom(const nsACString& aNodeId) const;
already_AddRefed<nsIFile> GetDirectory() {
return nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>(mDirectory).forget();
void AbortAsyncShutdown();
// Called when the child process has died.
void ChildTerminated();
bool OpenPGMPContent();
void GetGMPContentParent(
UniquePtr<MozPromiseHolder<GetGMPContentParentPromise>>&& aPromiseHolder);
already_AddRefed<GMPContentParent> ForgetGMPContentParent();
bool EnsureProcessLoaded(base::ProcessId* aID);
void IncrementGMPContentChildCount();
const nsTArray<GMPCapability>& GetCapabilities() const {
return mCapabilities;
void UpdatePluginType();
RefPtr<GeckoMediaPluginServiceParent> mService;
bool EnsureProcessLoaded();
RefPtr<GenericPromise> ReadGMPMetaData();
RefPtr<GenericPromise> ReadGMPInfoFile(nsIFile* aFile);
RefPtr<GenericPromise> ParseChromiumManifest(
const nsAString& aJSON); // Worker thread.
RefPtr<GenericPromise> ReadChromiumManifestFile(
nsIFile* aFile); // GMP thread.
void AddCrashAnnotations();
void GetCrashID(nsString& aResult);
void ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason aWhy) override;
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvPGMPStorageConstructor(
PGMPStorageParent* actor) override;
PGMPStorageParent* AllocPGMPStorageParent();
bool DeallocPGMPStorageParent(PGMPStorageParent* aActor);
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvPGMPTimerConstructor(
PGMPTimerParent* actor) override;
PGMPTimerParent* AllocPGMPTimerParent();
bool DeallocPGMPTimerParent(PGMPTimerParent* aActor);
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvPGMPContentChildDestroyed();
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvFOGData(ByteBuf&& aBuf);
#if defined(XP_WIN)
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvGetModulesTrust(
ModulePaths&& aModPaths, bool aRunAtNormalPriority,
GetModulesTrustResolver&& aResolver);
#endif // defined(XP_WIN)
bool IsUsed() {
return mGMPContentChildCount > 0 || !mGetContentParentPromises.IsEmpty();
void ResolveGetContentParentPromises();
void RejectGetContentParentPromises();
#if defined(XP_MACOSX) && defined(__aarch64__)
// We pre-translate XUL and our plugin file to avoid x64 child process
// startup delays caused by translation for instances when the child
// process binary translations have not already been cached. i.e., the
// first time we launch an x64 child process after installation or
// update. Measured by binary size of a recent XUL and Widevine plugin,
// this makes up 94% of the translation needed. Re-translating the
// same binary does not cause translation to occur again.
void PreTranslateBins();
void PreTranslateBinsWorker();
#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_MACOSX)
nsresult GetPluginFileArch(nsIFile* aPluginDir, const nsString& aBaseName,
uint32_t& aArchSet);
Atomic<GMPState> mState;
nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> mDirectory; // plugin directory on disk
nsString mName; // base name of plugin on disk, UTF-16 because used for paths
nsCString mDisplayName; // name of plugin displayed to users
nsCString mDescription; // description of plugin for display to users
nsCString mVersion;
#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_LINUX)
nsCString mLibs;
nsString mAdapter;
const uint32_t mPluginId;
GMPPluginType mPluginType = GMPPluginType::Unknown;
nsTArray<GMPCapability> mCapabilities;
GMPProcessParent* mProcess;
bool mDeleteProcessOnlyOnUnload;
bool mAbnormalShutdownInProgress;
bool mIsBlockingDeletion;
bool mCanDecrypt;
nsTArray<RefPtr<GMPTimerParent>> mTimers;
nsTArray<RefPtr<GMPStorageParent>> mStorage;
// NodeId the plugin is assigned to, or empty if the the plugin is not
// assigned to a NodeId.
nsCString mNodeId;
// This is used for GMP content in the parent, there may be more of these in
// the content processes.
RefPtr<GMPContentParent> mGMPContentParent;
uint32_t mGMPContentChildCount;
int mChildPid;
// The child process architecture to use.
uint32_t mChildLaunchArch;
#if defined(XP_MACOSX) && defined(__aarch64__)
nsCString mPluginFilePath;
const nsCOMPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> mMainThread;
} // namespace mozilla::gmp
#endif // GMPParent_h_