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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef ChromiumCDMParent_h_
#define ChromiumCDMParent_h_
#include "DecryptJob.h"
#include "GMPCrashHelper.h"
#include "GMPCrashHelperHolder.h"
#include "GMPMessageUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/gmp/PChromiumCDMParent.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "nsTHashMap.h"
#include "PlatformDecoderModule.h"
#include "ImageContainer.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/Span.h"
#include "ReorderQueue.h"
class ChromiumCDMCallback;
namespace mozilla {
class ErrorResult;
class MediaRawData;
class ChromiumCDMProxy;
namespace gmp {
class GMPContentParent;
* ChromiumCDMParent is the content process IPC actor used to communicate with a
* CDM in the GMP process (where ChromiumCDMChild lives). All non-static
* members of this class are GMP thread only.
class ChromiumCDMParent final : public PChromiumCDMParent,
public GMPCrashHelperHolder {
friend class PChromiumCDMParent;
typedef MozPromise<bool, MediaResult, /* IsExclusive = */ true> InitPromise;
// Mark AddRef and Release as `final`, as they overload pure virtual
// implementations in PChromiumCDMParent.
ChromiumCDMParent(GMPContentParent* aContentParent, uint32_t aPluginId);
uint32_t PluginId() const { return mPluginId; }
RefPtr<InitPromise> Init(ChromiumCDMCallback* aCDMCallback,
bool aAllowDistinctiveIdentifier,
bool aAllowPersistentState,
nsIEventTarget* aMainThread);
void CreateSession(uint32_t aCreateSessionToken, uint32_t aSessionType,
uint32_t aInitDataType, uint32_t aPromiseId,
const nsTArray<uint8_t>& aInitData);
void LoadSession(uint32_t aPromiseId, uint32_t aSessionType,
nsString aSessionId);
void SetServerCertificate(uint32_t aPromiseId,
const nsTArray<uint8_t>& aCert);
void UpdateSession(const nsCString& aSessionId, uint32_t aPromiseId,
const nsTArray<uint8_t>& aResponse);
void CloseSession(const nsCString& aSessionId, uint32_t aPromiseId);
void RemoveSession(const nsCString& aSessionId, uint32_t aPromiseId);
// Notifies this parent of the current output protection status. This will
// update cached status and resolve outstanding queries from the CDM if one
// exists.
void NotifyOutputProtectionStatus(bool aSuccess, uint32_t aLinkMask,
uint32_t aProtectionMask);
void GetStatusForPolicy(uint32_t aPromiseId,
const dom::HDCPVersion& aMinHdcpVersion);
RefPtr<DecryptPromise> Decrypt(MediaRawData* aSample);
// TODO: Add functions for clients to send data to CDM, and
// a Close() function.
RefPtr<MediaDataDecoder::InitPromise> InitializeVideoDecoder(
const gmp::CDMVideoDecoderConfig& aConfig, const VideoInfo& aInfo,
RefPtr<layers::ImageContainer> aImageContainer,
RefPtr<layers::KnowsCompositor> aKnowsCompositor);
RefPtr<MediaDataDecoder::DecodePromise> DecryptAndDecodeFrame(
MediaRawData* aSample);
RefPtr<MediaDataDecoder::FlushPromise> FlushVideoDecoder();
RefPtr<MediaDataDecoder::DecodePromise> Drain();
RefPtr<ShutdownPromise> ShutdownVideoDecoder();
void Shutdown();
~ChromiumCDMParent() = default;
ipc::IPCResult Recv__delete__() override;
ipc::IPCResult RecvOnResolvePromiseWithKeyStatus(const uint32_t& aPromiseId,
const uint32_t& aKeyStatus);
ipc::IPCResult RecvOnResolveNewSessionPromise(const uint32_t& aPromiseId,
const nsCString& aSessionId);
ipc::IPCResult RecvResolveLoadSessionPromise(const uint32_t& aPromiseId,
const bool& aSuccessful);
ipc::IPCResult RecvOnResolvePromise(const uint32_t& aPromiseId);
ipc::IPCResult RecvOnRejectPromise(const uint32_t& aPromiseId,
const uint32_t& aError,
const uint32_t& aSystemCode,
const nsCString& aErrorMessage);
ipc::IPCResult RecvOnSessionMessage(const nsCString& aSessionId,
const uint32_t& aMessageType,
nsTArray<uint8_t>&& aMessage);
ipc::IPCResult RecvOnSessionKeysChange(
const nsCString& aSessionId, nsTArray<CDMKeyInformation>&& aKeysInfo);
ipc::IPCResult RecvOnExpirationChange(const nsCString& aSessionId,
const double& aSecondsSinceEpoch);
ipc::IPCResult RecvOnSessionClosed(const nsCString& aSessionId);
ipc::IPCResult RecvOnQueryOutputProtectionStatus();
ipc::IPCResult RecvDecrypted(const uint32_t& aId, const uint32_t& aStatus,
ipc::Shmem&& aData);
ipc::IPCResult RecvDecryptFailed(const uint32_t& aId,
const uint32_t& aStatus);
ipc::IPCResult RecvOnDecoderInitDone(const uint32_t& aStatus);
ipc::IPCResult RecvDecodedShmem(const CDMVideoFrame& aFrame,
ipc::Shmem&& aShmem);
ipc::IPCResult RecvDecodedData(const CDMVideoFrame& aFrame,
nsTArray<uint8_t>&& aData);
ipc::IPCResult RecvDecodeFailed(const uint32_t& aStatus);
ipc::IPCResult RecvShutdown();
ipc::IPCResult RecvResetVideoDecoderComplete();
ipc::IPCResult RecvDrainComplete();
ipc::IPCResult RecvIncreaseShmemPoolSize();
void ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason aWhy) override;
bool SendBufferToCDM(uint32_t aSizeInBytes);
void ReorderAndReturnOutput(RefPtr<VideoData>&& aFrame);
void RejectPromise(uint32_t aPromiseId, ErrorResult&& aException,
const nsCString& aErrorMessage);
void ResolvePromise(uint32_t aPromiseId);
// Helpers to reject our promise if we are shut down.
void RejectPromiseShutdown(uint32_t aPromiseId);
// Helper to reject our promise with an InvalidStateError and the given
// message.
void RejectPromiseWithStateError(uint32_t aPromiseId,
const nsCString& aErrorMessage);
// Complete the CDMs request for us to check protection status by responding
// to the CDM child with the requested info.
void CompleteQueryOutputProtectionStatus(bool aSuccess, uint32_t aLinkMask,
uint32_t aProtectionMask);
bool InitCDMInputBuffer(gmp::CDMInputBuffer& aBuffer, MediaRawData* aSample);
bool PurgeShmems();
bool EnsureSufficientShmems(size_t aVideoFrameSize);
already_AddRefed<VideoData> CreateVideoFrame(const CDMVideoFrame& aFrame,
Span<uint8_t> aData);
const uint32_t mPluginId;
GMPContentParent* mContentParent;
// Note: this pointer is a weak reference as ChromiumCDMProxy has a strong
// reference to the ChromiumCDMCallback.
ChromiumCDMCallback* mCDMCallback = nullptr;
nsTHashMap<nsUint32HashKey, uint32_t> mPromiseToCreateSessionToken;
nsTArray<RefPtr<DecryptJob>> mDecrypts;
MozPromiseHolder<InitPromise> mInitPromise;
MozPromiseHolder<MediaDataDecoder::InitPromise> mInitVideoDecoderPromise;
MozPromiseHolder<MediaDataDecoder::DecodePromise> mDecodePromise;
RefPtr<layers::ImageContainer> mImageContainer;
RefPtr<layers::KnowsCompositor> mKnowsCompositor;
VideoInfo mVideoInfo;
int64_t mLastStreamOffset = 0;
MozPromiseHolder<MediaDataDecoder::FlushPromise> mFlushDecoderPromise;
size_t mVideoFrameBufferSize = 0;
// Count of the number of shmems in the set used to return decoded video
// frames from the CDM to Gecko.
uint32_t mVideoShmemsActive = 0;
// Maximum number of shmems to use to return decoded video frames.
uint32_t mVideoShmemLimit;
// Tracks if we have an outstanding request for output protection information.
// This will be set to true if the CDM requests the information and we haven't
// yet received it from up the stack and need to query up.
bool mAwaitingOutputProtectionInformation = false;
// The cached link mask for QueryOutputProtectionStatus related calls. If
// this isn't set we'll call up the stack to MediaKeys to request the
// information, otherwise we'll use the cached value and rely on MediaKeys
// to notify us if the mask changes.
Maybe<uint32_t> mOutputProtectionLinkMask;
bool mIsShutdown = false;
bool mVideoDecoderInitialized = false;
bool mActorDestroyed = false;
bool mAbnormalShutdown = false;
// The H.264 decoder in Widevine CDM versions 970 and later output in decode
// order rather than presentation order, so we reorder in presentation order
// before presenting. mMaxRefFrames is non-zero if we have an initialized
// decoder and we are decoding H.264. If so, it stores the maximum length of
// the reorder queue that we need. Note we may have multiple decoders for the
// life time of this object, but never more than one active at once.
uint32_t mMaxRefFrames = 0;
ReorderQueue mReorderQueue;
#ifdef DEBUG
// The GMP thread. Used to MOZ_ASSERT methods run on the GMP thread.
const nsCOMPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> mGMPThread;
} // namespace gmp
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // ChromiumCDMParent_h_