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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-*/
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
#ifndef MediaEncoder_h_
#define MediaEncoder_h_
#include "ContainerWriter.h"
#include "CubebUtils.h"
#include "MediaQueue.h"
#include "MediaTrackGraph.h"
#include "MediaTrackListener.h"
#include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h"
#include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h"
#include "mozilla/MozPromise.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "nsIMemoryReporter.h"
#include "TrackEncoder.h"
namespace mozilla {
class DriftCompensator;
class Muxer;
class Runnable;
class TaskQueue;
namespace dom {
class AudioNode;
class AudioStreamTrack;
class BlobImpl;
class MediaStreamTrack;
class MutableBlobStorage;
class VideoStreamTrack;
} // namespace dom
class DriftCompensator;
* MediaEncoder is the framework of encoding module, it controls and manages
* procedures between Muxer, ContainerWriter and TrackEncoder. ContainerWriter
* writes the encoded track data into a specific container (e.g. ogg, webm).
* AudioTrackEncoder and VideoTrackEncoder are subclasses of TrackEncoder, and
* are responsible for encoding raw data coming from MediaStreamTracks.
* MediaEncoder solves threading issues by doing message passing to a TaskQueue
* (the "encoder thread") as passed in to the constructor. Each
* MediaStreamTrack to be recorded is set up with a MediaTrackListener.
* Typically there are a non-direct track listeners for audio, direct listeners
* for video, and there is always a non-direct listener on each track for
* time-keeping. The listeners forward data to their corresponding TrackEncoders
* on the encoder thread.
* The MediaEncoder listens to events from all TrackEncoders, and in turn
* signals events to interested parties. Typically a MediaRecorder::Session.
* The MediaEncoder automatically encodes incoming data, muxes it, writes it
* into a container and stores the container data into a MutableBlobStorage.
* It is timeslice-aware so that it can notify listeners when it's time to
* expose a blob due to filling the timeslice.
* MediaEncoder is designed to be a passive component, neither does it own or is
* in charge of managing threads. Instead this is done by its owner.
* For example, usage from MediaRecorder of this component would be:
* 1) Create an encoder with a valid MIME type. Note that there are more
* configuration options, see the docs on MediaEncoder::CreateEncoder.
* => encoder = MediaEncoder::CreateEncoder(aMIMEType);
* It then creates track encoders and the appropriate ContainerWriter
* according to the MIME type
* 2) Connect handlers through MediaEventListeners to the MediaEncoder's
* MediaEventSources, StartedEvent(), DataAvailableEvent(), ErrorEvent() and
* ShutdownEvent().
* => listener = encoder->DataAvailableEvent().Connect(mainThread, &OnBlob);
* 3) Connect the sources to be recorded. Either through:
* => encoder->ConnectAudioNode(node);
* or
* => encoder->ConnectMediaStreamTrack(track);
* These should not be mixed. When connecting MediaStreamTracks there is
* support for at most one of each kind.
* 4) MediaEncoder automatically encodes data from the connected tracks, muxes
* them and writes it all into a blob, including metadata. When the blob
* contains at least `timeslice` worth of data it notifies the
* DataAvailableEvent that was connected in step 2.
* => void OnBlob(RefPtr<BlobImpl> aBlob) {
* => DispatchBlobEvent(Blob::Create(GetOwnerGlobal(), aBlob));
* => };
* 5) To stop encoding, there are multiple options:
* 5.1) Stop() for a graceful stop.
* => encoder->Stop();
* 5.2) Cancel() for an immediate stop, if you don't need the data currently
* buffered.
* => encoder->Cancel();
* 5.3) When all input tracks end, the MediaEncoder will automatically stop
* and shut down.
class MediaEncoder {
class AudioTrackListener;
class VideoTrackListener;
class EncoderListener;
using BlobPromise =
MozPromise<RefPtr<dom::BlobImpl>, nsresult, false /* IsExclusive */>;
using SizeOfPromise = MozPromise<size_t, size_t, true /* IsExclusive */>;
MediaEncoder(RefPtr<TaskQueue> aEncoderThread,
RefPtr<DriftCompensator> aDriftCompensator,
UniquePtr<ContainerWriter> aWriter,
UniquePtr<AudioTrackEncoder> aAudioEncoder,
UniquePtr<VideoTrackEncoder> aVideoEncoder,
UniquePtr<MediaQueue<EncodedFrame>> aEncodedAudioQueue,
UniquePtr<MediaQueue<EncodedFrame>> aEncodedVideoQueue,
TrackRate aTrackRate, const nsAString& aMIMEType,
uint64_t aMaxMemory, TimeDuration aTimeslice);
* Called on main thread from MediaRecorder::Pause.
void Suspend();
* Called on main thread from MediaRecorder::Resume.
void Resume();
* Disconnects the input tracks, causing the encoding to stop.
void DisconnectTracks();
* Connects an AudioNode with the appropriate encoder.
void ConnectAudioNode(dom::AudioNode* aNode, uint32_t aOutput);
* Connects a MediaStreamTrack with the appropriate encoder.
void ConnectMediaStreamTrack(dom::MediaStreamTrack* aTrack);
* Removes a connected MediaStreamTrack.
void RemoveMediaStreamTrack(dom::MediaStreamTrack* aTrack);
* Creates an encoder with the given MIME type. This must be a valid MIME type
* or we will crash hard.
* Bitrates are given either explicit, or with 0 for defaults.
* aTrackRate is the rate in which data will be fed to the TrackEncoders.
* aMaxMemory is the maximum number of bytes of muxed data allowed in memory.
* Beyond that the blob is moved to a temporary file.
* aTimeslice is the minimum duration of muxed data we gather before
* automatically issuing a dataavailable event.
static already_AddRefed<MediaEncoder> CreateEncoder(
RefPtr<TaskQueue> aEncoderThread, const nsAString& aMimeType,
uint32_t aAudioBitrate, uint32_t aVideoBitrate, uint8_t aTrackTypes,
TrackRate aTrackRate, uint64_t aMaxMemory, TimeDuration aTimeslice);
* Encodes raw data for all tracks to aOutputBufs. The buffer of container
* data is allocated in ContainerWriter::GetContainerData().
* On its first call, metadata is also encoded. TrackEncoders must have been
* initialized before this is called.
nsresult GetEncodedData(nsTArray<nsTArray<uint8_t>>* aOutputBufs);
* Asserts that Shutdown() has been called. Reasons are encoding
* complete, encounter an error, or being canceled by its caller.
void AssertShutdownCalled() { MOZ_ASSERT(mShutdownPromise); }
* Stops (encoding any data currently buffered) the encoding and shuts down
* the encoder using Shutdown().
RefPtr<GenericNonExclusivePromise> Stop();
* Cancels (discarding any data currently buffered) the encoding and shuts
* down the encoder using Shutdown().
RefPtr<GenericNonExclusivePromise> Cancel();
bool HasError();
static bool IsWebMEncoderEnabled();
* Updates internal state when track encoders are all initialized.
void UpdateInitialized();
* Updates internal state when track encoders are all initialized, and
* notifies listeners that this MediaEncoder has been started.
void UpdateStarted();
* Measure the size of the buffer, and heap memory in bytes occupied by
* mAudioEncoder and mVideoEncoder.
RefPtr<SizeOfPromise> SizeOfExcludingThis(
mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf);
* Encode, mux and store into blob storage what has been buffered until now,
* then return the blob backed by that storage.
RefPtr<BlobPromise> RequestData();
// Event that gets notified when all track encoders have received data.
MediaEventSource<void>& StartedEvent() { return mStartedEvent; }
// Event that gets notified when there was an error preventing continued
// recording somewhere in the MediaEncoder stack.
MediaEventSource<void>& ErrorEvent() { return mErrorEvent; }
// Event that gets notified when the MediaEncoder stack has been shut down.
MediaEventSource<void>& ShutdownEvent() { return mShutdownEvent; }
// Event that gets notified after we have muxed at least mTimeslice worth of
// data into the current blob storage.
MediaEventSource<RefPtr<dom::BlobImpl>>& DataAvailableEvent() {
return mDataAvailableEvent;
* Registers listeners.
void RegisterListeners();
* Sets mGraphTrack if not already set, using a new stream from aTrack's
* graph.
void EnsureGraphTrackFrom(MediaTrack* aTrack);
* Shuts down gracefully if there is no remaining live track encoder.
void MaybeShutdown();
* Waits for TrackEncoders to shut down, then shuts down the MediaEncoder and
* cleans up track encoders.
RefPtr<GenericNonExclusivePromise> Shutdown();
* Sets mError to true, notifies listeners of the error if mError changed,
* and stops encoding.
void SetError();
* Creates a new MutableBlobStorage if one doesn't exist.
void MaybeCreateMutableBlobStorage();
* Called when an encoded audio frame has been pushed by the audio encoder.
void OnEncodedAudioPushed(const RefPtr<EncodedFrame>& aFrame);
* Called when an encoded video frame has been pushed by the video encoder.
void OnEncodedVideoPushed(const RefPtr<EncodedFrame>& aFrame);
* If enough data has been pushed to the muxer, extract it into the current
* blob storage. If more than mTimeslice data has been pushed to the muxer
* since the last DataAvailableEvent was notified, also gather the blob and
* notify MediaRecorder.
void MaybeExtractOrGatherBlob();
// Extracts encoded and muxed data into the current blob storage, creating one
// if it doesn't exist. The returned promise resolves when data has been
// stored into the blob.
RefPtr<GenericPromise> Extract();
// Stops gathering data into the current blob and resolves when the current
// blob is available. Future data will be stored in a new blob.
// Should a previous async GatherBlob() operation still be in progress, we'll
// wait for it to finish before starting this one.
RefPtr<BlobPromise> GatherBlob();
RefPtr<BlobPromise> GatherBlobImpl();
const RefPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> mMainThread;
const RefPtr<TaskQueue> mEncoderThread;
const RefPtr<DriftCompensator> mDriftCompensator;
const UniquePtr<MediaQueue<EncodedFrame>> mEncodedAudioQueue;
const UniquePtr<MediaQueue<EncodedFrame>> mEncodedVideoQueue;
const UniquePtr<Muxer> mMuxer;
const UniquePtr<AudioTrackEncoder> mAudioEncoder;
const RefPtr<AudioTrackListener> mAudioListener;
const UniquePtr<VideoTrackEncoder> mVideoEncoder;
const RefPtr<VideoTrackListener> mVideoListener;
const RefPtr<EncoderListener> mEncoderListener;
const nsString mMimeType;
// Max memory to use for the MutableBlobStorage.
const uint64_t mMaxMemory;
// The interval of passing encoded data from MutableBlobStorage to
// onDataAvailable handler.
const TimeDuration mTimeslice;
MediaEventListener mAudioPushListener;
MediaEventListener mAudioFinishListener;
MediaEventListener mVideoPushListener;
MediaEventListener mVideoFinishListener;
MediaEventProducer<void> mStartedEvent;
MediaEventProducer<void> mErrorEvent;
MediaEventProducer<void> mShutdownEvent;
MediaEventProducer<RefPtr<dom::BlobImpl>> mDataAvailableEvent;
// The AudioNode we are encoding.
// Will be null when input is media stream or destination node.
RefPtr<dom::AudioNode> mAudioNode;
// Pipe-track for allowing a track listener on a non-destination AudioNode.
// Will be null when input is media stream or destination node.
RefPtr<AudioNodeTrack> mPipeTrack;
// Input port that connect mAudioNode to mPipeTrack.
// Will be null when input is media stream or destination node.
RefPtr<MediaInputPort> mInputPort;
// An audio track that we are encoding. Will be null if the input stream
// doesn't contain audio on start() or if the input is an AudioNode.
RefPtr<dom::AudioStreamTrack> mAudioTrack;
// A video track that we are encoding. Will be null if the input stream
// doesn't contain video on start() or if the input is an AudioNode.
RefPtr<dom::VideoStreamTrack> mVideoTrack;
// A stream to keep the MediaTrackGraph alive while we're recording.
RefPtr<SharedDummyTrack> mGraphTrack;
// A buffer to cache muxed encoded data.
RefPtr<dom::MutableBlobStorage> mMutableBlobStorage;
// If set, is a promise for the latest GatherBlob() operation. Allows
// GatherBlob() operations to be serialized in order to avoid races.
RefPtr<BlobPromise> mBlobPromise;
// The end time of the muxed data in the last gathered blob. If more than one
// track is present, this is the end time of the track that ends the earliest
// in the last blob. Encoder thread only.
media::TimeUnit mLastBlobTime;
// The end time of the muxed data in the current blob storage. If more than
// one track is present, this is the end time of the track that ends the
// earliest in the current blob storage. Encoder thread only.
media::TimeUnit mLastExtractTime;
// The end time of encoded audio data sent to the muxer. Positive infinity if
// there is no audio encoder. Encoder thread only.
media::TimeUnit mMuxedAudioEndTime;
// The end time of encoded video data sent to the muxer. Positive infinity if
// there is no video encoder. Encoder thread only.
media::TimeUnit mMuxedVideoEndTime;
TimeStamp mStartTime;
bool mInitialized;
bool mStarted;
bool mCompleted;
bool mError;
// Set when shutdown starts.
RefPtr<GenericNonExclusivePromise> mShutdownPromise;
// Get duration from create encoder, for logging purpose
double GetEncodeTimeStamp() {
TimeDuration decodeTime;
decodeTime = TimeStamp::Now() - mStartTime;
return decodeTime.ToMilliseconds();
} // namespace mozilla