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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
#ifndef MediaDrmCDMCallbackProxy_h_
#define MediaDrmCDMCallbackProxy_h_
#include "mozilla/CDMProxy.h"
#include "mozilla/DecryptorProxyCallback.h"
namespace mozilla {
class CDMProxy;
class ErrorResult;
class MediaDrmCDMProxy;
// Proxies call backs from the MediaDrmProxy -> MediaDrmProxySupport back to the
// MediaKeys object on the main thread. We used annotation calledFrom = "gecko"
// to ensure running on main thread.
class MediaDrmCDMCallbackProxy final : public DecryptorProxyCallback {
void SetSessionId(uint32_t aCreateSessionToken,
const nsCString& aSessionId) override;
void ResolveLoadSessionPromise(uint32_t aPromiseId, bool aSuccess) override;
void ResolvePromise(uint32_t aPromiseId) override;
void RejectPromise(uint32_t aPromiseId, ErrorResult&& aException,
const nsCString& aSessionId) override;
void SessionMessage(const nsCString& aSessionId,
dom::MediaKeyMessageType aMessageType,
const nsTArray<uint8_t>& aMessage) override;
void ExpirationChange(const nsCString& aSessionId,
UnixTime aExpiryTime) override;
void SessionClosed(const nsCString& aSessionId) override;
void SessionError(const nsCString& aSessionId, nsresult aException,
uint32_t aSystemCode, const nsCString& aMessage) override;
void Decrypted(uint32_t aId, DecryptStatus aResult,
const nsTArray<uint8_t>& aDecryptedData) override;
void BatchedKeyStatusChanged(const nsCString& aSessionId,
const nsTArray<CDMKeyInfo>& aKeyInfos) override;
friend class MediaDrmCDMProxy;
explicit MediaDrmCDMCallbackProxy(MediaDrmCDMProxy* aProxy);
void BatchedKeyStatusChangedInternal(const nsCString& aSessionId,
const nsTArray<CDMKeyInfo>& aKeyInfos);
const RefPtr<MediaDrmCDMProxy> mProxy;
} // namespace mozilla