ButtonInputTypes.h |
mozilla_dom_ButtonInputTypes_h__ |
2126 |
CheckableInputTypes.cpp |
input type=checkbox |
1151 |
CheckableInputTypes.h |
mozilla_dom_CheckableInputTypes_h__ |
1657 |
ColorInputType.h |
mozilla_dom_ColorInputType_h__ |
860 |
DateTimeInputTypes.cpp |
15248 |
DateTimeInputTypes.h |
This method converts aValue (milliseconds within a day) to hours, minutes,
seconds and milliseconds.
5443 |
FileInputType.cpp |
876 |
FileInputType.h |
mozilla_dom_FileInputType_h__ |
960 |
HiddenInputType.h |
mozilla_dom_HiddenInputType_h__ |
867 |
InputType.cpp |
static |
13250 |
InputType.h |
A common superclass for different types of a HTMLInputElement.
8320 |
moz.build |
899 |
NumericInputTypes.cpp |
input type=number |
5346 |
NumericInputTypes.h |
mozilla_dom_NumericInputTypes_h__ |
2441 |
SingleLineTextInputTypes.cpp |
input type=url |
8159 |
SingleLineTextInputTypes.h |
This helper method returns true if aValue is a valid email address.
This is following the HTML5 specification:
@param aValue the email address to check.
@result whether the given string is a valid email address.
5430 |