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tags = "condprof"
prefs = [
support-files = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = ["xorigin"] # JavaScript error: http://mochi.test:8888/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js, line 76: DataCloneError: The object could not be cloned.
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = ["headless"] # Bug 1405867
skip-if = [
skip-if = ["headless"] # fails in clipboard mode
skip-if = ["headless"] # headless != clipboard
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
support-files = ["file_bug357450.js"]
skip-if = [
"xorigin", # Hangs, [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0xc1f30100 (NS_ERROR_FACTORY_EXISTS) [nsIComponentRegistrar.registerFactory]" nsresult: "0xc1f30100 (NS_ERROR_FACTORY_EXISTS)" location: "JS frame :: createChromeScript :: createChromeScript :: line 40" data: no]
support-files = ["test_bug380418.html^headers^"]
skip-if = [
support-files = ["test_bug402150.html^headers^"]
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
disabled = "Disabled for now. Mochitest is not reliable enough for these."
support-files = ["bug444546.sjs"]
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
support-files = ["test_bug493881.js"]
disabled = "Disabled due to making the harness time out"
support-files = ["file_bug503473-frame.sjs"]
skip-if = [
support-files = ["file_bug518104.js"]
skip-if = ["os == 'android'"]
skip-if = ["verify && os == 'win'"]
skip-if = [
"verify && !debug && os == 'linux'", #bug 687032
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
support-files = ["!/gfx/layers/apz/test/mochitest/apz_test_utils.js"]
support-files = ["!/gfx/layers/apz/test/mochitest/apz_test_utils.js"]
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
support-files = ["test_bug1037687_subframe.html"]
skip-if = [
support-files = ["file_bug1100912.html"]
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
"os == 'android'",
skip-if = ["os == 'android'"] # Timeouts on android due to page closing issues with embedded pdf
support-files = ["file_bug1639328.html"]
support-files = [
skip-if = [
support-files = ["bug1739957.sjs"]
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
"os == 'android'",
"headless", #bug 904183
skip-if = [
"os == 'android'",
"headless", #bug 904183
skip-if = ["headless"] #bug 904183
support-files = ["!/gfx/layers/apz/test/mochitest/apz_test_utils.js"]
skip-if = [
"os == 'android'",
"headless", #bug 904183
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
support-files = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = ["os == 'android'"] # Bug 1525959
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
support-files = ["file_focus_design_mode_inner.html"]
support-files = ["file_focus_display_none_xorigin_iframe_inner.html"]
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
support-files = ["file_location_href_unknown_protocol.html"]
skip-if = [
"os != 'android'", # Only run on Android.
skip-if = [
"os == 'mac' && os_version == '10.15' && processor == 'x86_64'",
"os == 'linux'",
"os == 'mac' && os_version == '14.70' && processor == 'x86_64'", # Bug 1929448
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
tags = "openwindow"
skip-if = ["headless"] # Bug 1669923.
skip-if = [
"os == 'android'", # We don't ship pdf.js on Android
"win11_2009 && condprof", # Bug 1843710
support-files = ["file_receiveMessage.html"]
skip-if = ["true"] # Uses mismatched OriginAttributes for iframe (bug 1616353)
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
skip-if = ["tsan"] # Bug 1621323
scheme = "https"
support-files = ["file_sandbox_and_document_uri.html"]
skip-if = ["verify"]
support-files = [
skip-if = ["verify"]
support-files = [
skip-if = ["verify"]
support-files = [
skip-if = ["verify"]
support-files = [
skip-if = ["debug == false"]
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
support-files = ["file_suppressed_events_and_scrolling.html"]
skip-if = [
"os == 'android'",
support-files = [
skip-if = [
"os == 'android'", # The test needs to run reasonably fast.
support-files = ["file_title.xhtml"]
support-files = ["file_toScreenRect.html"]
skip-if = ["os == 'android'"] # Bug 1791049
support-files = ["file_viewport_metrics_on_landscape_content.html"]
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
support-files = ["file_window_focus_by_close_and_open.html"]
skip-if = [
skip-if = [
"os == 'android' && debug",
"xorigin", # JavaScript error: http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/base/test/test_x-frame-options.html, line 48: TypeError: can't access property "textContent", this.content.document.getElementById(...) is null, JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/ProcessSelector.jsm, line 56: TypeError: can't access property "tabCount", process is null
skip-if = [
"os == 'linux' && debug" #Bug 1870499 and other bugs with crashes after this test start
# Please keep alphabetical order.