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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#ifndef mozilla_dom_LinkStyle_h
#define mozilla_dom_LinkStyle_h
#include "nsINode.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/StyleSheet.h"
#include "mozilla/Result.h"
#include "mozilla/Unused.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
class nsIContent;
class nsICSSLoaderObserver;
class nsIPrincipal;
class nsIURI;
namespace mozilla::dom {
class Document;
enum class FetchPriority : uint8_t;
class ShadowRoot;
class LinkStyle {
enum class ForceUpdate : uint8_t {
enum class Completed : uint8_t {
enum class HasAlternateRel : uint8_t {
enum class IsAlternate : uint8_t {
enum class IsInline : uint8_t {
enum class IsExplicitlyEnabled : uint8_t {
enum class MediaMatched : uint8_t {
struct Update {
bool mWillNotify;
bool mIsAlternate;
bool mMediaMatched;
Update() : mWillNotify(false), mIsAlternate(false), mMediaMatched(false) {}
Update(Completed aCompleted, IsAlternate aIsAlternate,
MediaMatched aMediaMatched)
: mWillNotify(aCompleted == Completed::No),
mIsAlternate(aIsAlternate == IsAlternate::Yes),
mMediaMatched(aMediaMatched == MediaMatched::Yes) {}
bool WillNotify() const { return mWillNotify; }
bool ShouldBlock() const {
if (!mWillNotify) {
return false;
return !mIsAlternate && mMediaMatched;
static LinkStyle* FromNode(nsINode& aNode) { return aNode.AsLinkStyle(); }
static const LinkStyle* FromNode(const nsINode& aNode) {
return aNode.AsLinkStyle();
static LinkStyle* FromNode(Element&);
static const LinkStyle* FromNode(const Element& aElement) {
return FromNode(const_cast<Element&>(aElement));
template <typename T>
static LinkStyle* FromNodeOrNull(T* aNode) {
return aNode ? FromNode(*aNode) : nullptr;
template <typename T>
static const LinkStyle* FromNodeOrNull(const T* aNode) {
return aNode ? FromNode(*aNode) : nullptr;
enum RelValue {
ePREFETCH = 0x00000001,
eDNS_PREFETCH = 0x00000002,
eSTYLESHEET = 0x00000004,
eNEXT = 0x00000008,
eALTERNATE = 0x00000010,
ePRECONNECT = 0x00000020,
// NOTE: 0x40 is unused
ePRELOAD = 0x00000080,
eMODULE_PRELOAD = 0x00000100
// The return value is a bitwise or of 0 or more RelValues.
static uint32_t ParseLinkTypes(const nsAString& aTypes);
void UpdateStyleSheetInternal() {
Unused << UpdateStyleSheetInternal(nullptr, nullptr);
struct MOZ_STACK_CLASS SheetInfo {
nsIContent* mContent;
// FIXME(emilio): do these really need to be strong refs?
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mURI;
// The principal of the scripted caller that initiated the load, if
// available. Otherwise null.
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> mTriggeringPrincipal;
nsCOMPtr<nsIReferrerInfo> mReferrerInfo;
mozilla::CORSMode mCORSMode;
nsString mTitle;
nsString mMedia;
nsString mIntegrity;
nsString mNonce;
const FetchPriority mFetchPriority;
bool mHasAlternateRel;
bool mIsInline;
IsExplicitlyEnabled mIsExplicitlyEnabled;
SheetInfo(const mozilla::dom::Document&, nsIContent*,
already_AddRefed<nsIURI> aURI,
already_AddRefed<nsIPrincipal> aTriggeringPrincipal,
already_AddRefed<nsIReferrerInfo> aReferrerInfo,
mozilla::CORSMode, const nsAString& aTitle,
const nsAString& aMedia, const nsAString& aIntegrity,
const nsAString& aNonce, HasAlternateRel, IsInline,
IsExplicitlyEnabled, FetchPriority aFetchPriority);
virtual nsIContent& AsContent() = 0;
virtual Maybe<SheetInfo> GetStyleSheetInfo() = 0;
* Used to make the association between a style sheet and
* the element that linked it to the document.
* @param aStyleSheet the style sheet associated with this
* element.
void SetStyleSheet(StyleSheet* aStyleSheet);
* Tells this element whether to update the stylesheet when the element's
* properties change. This is used by the parser until it has all content etc,
* and to guarantee that the right observer is used.
void DisableUpdates() { mUpdatesEnabled = false; }
Result<Update, nsresult> EnableUpdatesAndUpdateStyleSheet(
nsICSSLoaderObserver* aObserver) {
mUpdatesEnabled = true;
return DoUpdateStyleSheet(nullptr, nullptr, aObserver, ForceUpdate::No);
* Gets the charset that the element claims the style sheet is in.
* Can return empty string to indicate that we have no charset
* information.
* @param aCharset the charset
virtual void GetCharset(nsAString& aCharset);
// This doesn't entirely belong here since they only make sense for
// some types of linking elements, but it's a better place than
// anywhere else.
void SetLineNumber(uint32_t aLineNumber) { mLineNumber = aLineNumber; }
* Get the line number, as previously set by SetLineNumber.
* @return the line number of this element; or 1 if no line number
* was set
uint32_t GetLineNumber() const { return mLineNumber; }
// This doesn't entirely belong here since they only make sense for
// some types of linking elements, but it's a better place than
// anywhere else.
void SetColumnNumber(uint32_t aColumnNumber) {
mColumnNumber = aColumnNumber;
* Get the column number, as previously set by SetColumnNumber.
* @return the column number of this element; or 1 if no column number
* was set
uint32_t GetColumnNumber() const { return mColumnNumber; }
StyleSheet* GetSheet() const { return mStyleSheet; }
/** JS can only observe the sheet once fully loaded */
StyleSheet* GetSheetForBindings() const;
virtual ~LinkStyle();
// Gets a suitable title and media for SheetInfo out of an element, which
// needs to be `this`.
// NOTE(emilio): Needs nsString instead of nsAString because of
// CompressWhitespace.
static void GetTitleAndMediaForElement(const mozilla::dom::Element&,
nsString& aTitle, nsString& aMedia);
// Returns whether the type attribute specifies the text/css type for style
// elements.
static bool IsCSSMimeTypeAttributeForStyleElement(const Element&);
// CC methods
void Unlink();
void Traverse(nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback& cb);
* @param aOldDocument should be non-null only if we're updating because we
* removed the node from the document.
* @param aOldShadowRoot should be non-null only if we're updating because we
* removed the node from a shadow tree.
* @param aForceUpdate true will force the update even if the URI has not
* changed. This should be used in cases when something
* about the content that affects the resulting sheet
* changed but the URI may not have changed.
* TODO(emilio): Should probably pass a single DocumentOrShadowRoot.
Result<Update, nsresult> UpdateStyleSheetInternal(
Document* aOldDocument, ShadowRoot* aOldShadowRoot,
ForceUpdate = ForceUpdate::No);
* @param aOldDocument should be non-null only if we're updating because we
* removed the node from the document.
* @param aOldShadowRoot The ShadowRoot that used to contain the style.
* Passed as a parameter because on an update, the node
* is removed from the tree before the sheet is removed
* from the ShadowRoot.
* @param aForceUpdate true will force the update even if the URI has not
* changed. This should be used in cases when something
* about the content that affects the resulting sheet
* changed but the URI may not have changed.
Result<Update, nsresult> DoUpdateStyleSheet(Document* aOldDocument,
ShadowRoot* aOldShadowRoot,
void BindToTree();
RefPtr<mozilla::StyleSheet> mStyleSheet;
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> mTriggeringPrincipal;
bool mUpdatesEnabled = true;
uint32_t mLineNumber = 1;
uint32_t mColumnNumber = 1;
} // namespace mozilla::dom
#endif // mozilla_dom_LinkStyle_h